The Huron Signal, 1888-9-21, Page 64
STAOF MOSES. /t• T..Sh Mat Mae M aim a raa.Rlar
ARTER, Me Thing. LIMON X111, TH:P.D tAU
TEReiAT.ONAL SERIES, SEPT. 23. A beep may ales foot
b• it, as
to Pert ear
Sr her bwsll.e little toot In It, M the F'hrats goo
For inetanee, a youngster day as
Teas elf ens toomin Dent way. tett. lavitifriend on with to dinner
w hwh, ub. bad basspIsylat Y
CaseaaM Some' h9-CwW.s Test. Pretethe table bis Medea as=toc:JT lP4ulr'd:
iv, [s - 41-1a®aaa_Mr7 by glee. D. II. "'Charley. can ) uu cat your own nseetr
-Humph!" sol the youngster, wbo weesaw-
• in; away : "t nn't !' Lye cut 111)01111/10 r tough
Ipp.n$b sol lino 1.e S.
tffiena Ceeissill M t.,e:tt an tO sat boons." -Hose Journal
Oermt'ut0a � Q, g, Half• - ' 1'li:isdelpsa► _ _
pubtober 1 R� Tahlesg he Ctsaa•e•-
And Mears went spa' Many a time W
Mow rate up an a souutaln to , of veru small tn+ys were "Sarkis
talk with God, but never before had W gras Oders
up con Mather street 3etAsrdel. In u
ap not, to return. There /s .,making n evil mrnnswt • bottle lad m the rbatoer,
N.+terous about the going out tet a Fermin who was natant* the spud, Picked p
trout the tabernacle in which ase Las en ball as it rolled to arl hi andnoithrew
it Iib it
rearmed dill earth, either for few or nteny t., no nearest player.
years, tbat though one may baro wdsesse•1 deeded on his noes.
many such events it is ever a m It sole:n i •••Wot A' ye fink, Jimmy," he yelledat one
neat When the one called up'n t, cel art el the i.tlier players. "!hs kid hit me un de
eau cbesrfuliy gay, Ewen so, Father, I ant arae aid de bent" lei was Jimmy's
ready. earl quietly arronee all earthly r -at- t ••de r deno
t y' 'sasb
tem, then Joyfully await the call. it is wired unkind sugeeattn.
e g%orloaa alibi. Bawd be Cod that iia lute -Has he g.: • big brother
taught us in Hie word, and by the lines of -Nam !"
many of His saints. that It Le noesible, *NI -Den l will." said they, nueter tell uSou
our privilege, sn to walk w.ta Him here that the dtetuterested outsider and ,tuo4e Wm hip
we may lose all fear of death and daily fie and thigh. -Chicago Herald.
deme In she prospect of 'trine aieent
from the body and prem ut with the fie C.akle't 175 It.
ativs boy.
Lail enumeyur He *Lail a.•e 'het ct r w T,tuma 7,01/13y w s very .,ba him tan
herr Is finished Moses had lona; The other day hu mace Pruett
ago forsaken all the i.:ensarm and emu, if be would go' an boor wttliout speak -
vanities of this world, ctun•sing rather t'
,offer .tt!action t: it h the peon!, of ,n , perfectly ria from s
to enjoy the pleasures of sin far • s" I'-'1 • d' ar t out bravely t keep 1 T
yinreh T- the---rrfs'eaeh-ot Cant greats_ uclock until 6 ee.tock. tlrl•astty send
glebes than tho tre,umres to Enron sal tor He marten' tbo darn nail the
st kat eighty years be hid eneuted, as sus thug, however. By' end by
lag Rim who is invisible lidera 11, .a -'r! • pointed w hall Ina 5. nmint �locoed We1p
But nus his work in a mortal body esus Ln- snit ezcbai.n»1 et en, top of in
abed; it wee the e:• vertth month of the for- half the timr'e gone, any way."-I'biladel-
nctb y ear since they lett Egypt iDouL 1, 3). OA TM„
end Me had r hearses& w them alt -the t sy by . omel.•t. gyf.r•satbm
which they bad been Lel, nod all for cum- yet' bail bey! I've
maudxaerits of the Lured: he bad vets then' Snorted nether -Oh, T y,
you were fighting today with that
another song, seri had file tribes (aha just beard . ace: ,tarred with
uxu, ramie), bola .one and h'er.tne leach- boy n.•zt door.'t you q'
trig on to the time of their, to we et ll faun hie: again
glory; (:e hal appointed his .:t cierse rima sten ll tLd-1 ain't
'unlike to Its kin lick
Laid Ilii ltit'da upon hint, and given
charge in the .'get of ell iso
(Nora :evil, l') -^alt , and now be is to be -gath-
ered unto lite tinkle.
1-3. "And the Lord ,hrwd him all the
land." Ile i. now sone with Cod the people i boysr'
all left behind, his esrtbly work laid down: t :•'t'.. dose de tanager of de club," was tbe
but before ho departs (nem earth bo is per- haughty expiar.:atto ut-New York San.
spitted to see that good Lutd whirl), ott ac- r Cht',lret
milt tad reenter. Aa Reweave Teat's fo
rat ntr - lege word.
Cul there 'j, lac warted the dims van badly and
▪ a Want of Sleep
There's • certain wail known n seater whose
writing le w had that ewes bit beet frt,misdu een;l,mg tltousatsda saaually1 to the
ani attempt to read it Use atterwast he h
Maine aykam i sad th.,asb•-"• syr site
several sheets of his notes cm the droppeddarealele is alarustugly oma thf tar'eaa•-
aft r d the pie egaup ohne and they were The usual rerelW, while they may
afterkrards frlrtsJ up by one of the atiaetrs ! w ora
of he office, • ,iolutut- lie took them hoose 1 glee temporary rand, are Ukase
and played from them, but was surprised 1 nem harm than gornl. What is needed
wben hudney told bun they were news nota is as Alterative and jMet-per►a.r.
and not vitas tate+. He read not he • oil• j Arrk aseespartine 1, is somparabl7
vusod, however, that they were not intended 1 the beet. It eorreats there dieter beaces
for waste. --Buffalo ;dews in the cireulati.m which canes despiser
nese, gives increased Vitality, and re-
stores the •.rvuW system to s healthful
coedit ma,
Rev. T. G. A. Cord, agent of the Mass.
Home Mkaioaary Society, writes that
his stomach was out of order, hu sleep
very uftea disturbed. and wino I
purity of the blood 'manifest; hitt that
a perfe^t inn was obtained by the mus
of Ave'r's Sarsaparilla.
Frederick W. Pratt, t.' W aahinlftos
street, Beaton. writes: " My daughter
was prostrated with nervous debility.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla restored her to
ricinism F. llowker, Erie, Pa , was
cured of nervousness and deeplevneM
"Ton must give use time, George, to think by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for about
it over. (, is e11 to strange. eo unexpected two tuootha. during which titer his
'•1 will giro Ton • year's tong if )oo •'"a weight increased over twenty pound.
it. My love for you l great enough to dear
that strain." Ayer's Sarsap
"Ob, 1 dont want •year-plisro mo rice
A High Otlelsl.
"'Pte. boy," saki an old holy, "why are
con rot playing ball with Cot other bole
count erf sin, be eras not pe
He had besougtit the weer eat "Let was recently devastated ht thievish
and ere Can lend. bat the parr orchard the nett
11 sutfiee thee; speak no store t :e, me of this 'ton lore indignantly
declaredmatter; thew malt behold it with thine von. morning: "1 guess we'll tare to get is rhunarb
but tbMa shalt tett go over this Jordan. fence." -St. Albatu Mh.aens r-
(Deat. iii, "fel Wbrn Paul l.•stu;ht tbe
Lord thrice f'er the rrrno.vJ of the thorn in I An Unreasonable [ bi1.L
the g•:'h, tb► Lard's 515"5", wast "My Frans . ..Oh' aunty," cried little Any in the cur-
ie seure•icnt ler thee.' In aul's cue the 40- eery yesterday, "stake Freddy behave blm-
nial of the rerpteet and the (et:tt:nuanc•e o!
self ;every time 1 happen to hit fuse on the
Lord In lel Eo ever i A little High street girl, whose father's
• Iltememabie Ttrs••
Rees Prlce & Son
have removed to the mammoth store
formerly occupied by Wm. Kay,
next to Bank of Commerce,
where they will be happy
to meet their old p,
customers, and
as many new
the infirmity was kat ho should be exelte'i lad with the mallet he bursts out crying•
above measure, in tice.-aee of Moose, his re- I \ew with Wuric. i
quest was dented because of his sin (Neth
Zivil, iii, which. ■Ithough forgiven, still i A Trutt. Tell!".
lett a prompt unpleasant remit Fourteen j)[other {writing -Bobby, hew many tit ss.
hundred years larder Moses did stand in tint I did i tell you to stop that noise)
land, when with Eli jab ho tamed with I Rebell you to rely) -E noise) Time
Jews of His dense about to be accent- I
Pliabed. nub rivet Trip.
4. "This is the land which i swore unto
Abraham." The promise had tern made 1 Private Secretary (to railroad efileiai)-An
nearly 500 years before (Gen. zii, :1, yet Abra- 1 cid gentlemen 14 outside, air, who says that
lam hail received no tnheritu„• • in it: no, bein hasleena railroad today for timers:. time
Lot so murb tow soot his foot on ( Ants wil, 5l. I
lits seed, which hes grown from one to mil:- Railroad (!ficial -Show him in. ern old
food, is now about to take possession of it, but 1 gentleman) -Sit down. or. I am told you
they did not pewees it fully, nor um it well I never saw • railroad before. What do you
when they got it, and now for mom than I think a Al
1,1100 years tbey have been out of it, and yet i Old ()enter an -It's the durnklet sight I
Au their land, and God will er oe goolly,1 to ever see. I've tweed of his but I never men one before, an , as I'm going
Abrobaln, Ininorris and Jathem.
God lives,
poreotsl promise to [hent God livee line I dawn to Hharkturk to visit rel darter, 1
persons live to whom the promise was made, thought I'd ask ye to gimme a pow -New
Jesus lives who died and rose again, all tbe I York bun.
promises of God in him are yea and in Him Where the Triable Lies
amen; one day is with rho Lord as a thousand ( Yrs . W iggtns (reading -At Tr -At the recent 0*-
rs, and a thousand years as one day; tie'
dent, be trustful, be steadfast, be fully tvual eougrem in India all the speeches and
of the glory I pen -endings were in English. Then were
persuaded, t err rejoins in hope head at Madraa '1O delegates from all
pt Clod, the resurrection tae will mate is all gat
sae that yon tats part in the Aust ons para of India. Afghanistan, 1Cepscil and
ybain, eicinde. They spoke nine different languages,
t o1goYaefo eedervantof ote pd, uv " l and the English was the only medium
Although .;h lwfon the and ee people lived in through which the proceedings could be sea -
ms tbcy Line "It hued years. 7�l l Wart„oily ouoducted, isn't that remark -
men QOM w die" (bleb. ix. 27), and yet there lira Willi -Why. nn. Ifs eon -7 eoaarh
is a common saying to this effect --one thing to talk English. It's the other languages
h i not
minutes." -Life raETAaro n,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Macs
Med by alt Draggles. Pries 11; set Weenie
The colored brother has a w omdcr't:l e'e-
&p-- -7rard to IIu eta ws
'•During the war, n
Ti. Watchword Was Di sorted.
parity ora g • said well known vee- ' STOBran, "ars otos hail tai'Ale to g.Ating u? a list of countersigns. I had the matter in
chargeand took et list of Eunpn batth•s. -
Itwasacolored regiment Th•' colntere0n
for kite niht was'Austeriitz' In the even-
iog I tried to get into the lnes aid was
halted. I gars tho cuntenigu, 'Ousterlits'
"Dat ain't rigbt, sat, said the darty,
and be calld the pr:ust. who vas also
colored'Wei' that Drer cane1 complained tbat the sentry didn't know the
is it,setawhel tis patrol elme.
'Austerlitz,' I answered.
You arre wroag. salt: sauf be- I was , ut
under arrest, and n took the colonel to gatmeout What do you uppose thedarktes
irinal countersi,Inl
bat maite at
'Oyster shells.' "-W ashiu gtoo Poet..
��tu:,H, 1 .' BOOTi-AND-SHO
ET wblY ttt�erc'•l far Nve cean will
flat ri i iitafft disease. elarrh. Her DOWNI-NG
kyr data eat of the aur tt at own in these
saes. !the tried all et Cie "roar L uv me-
41•,1evertae s' . c nine'• lit" they Iver, Thr O;•1 EnsilnIteed hart a t.1 Moo. Man
n.(14% the Ilom�mun, Mil4nthi'Xtreat with one .f the Iasv1
.If no nee. i fII"t b precut ' a ![orae It :Amnia, & PRICE.
.IitTllttts. girl' ha„tr-i .eislt ewe ha21 EVERY E R Y STY -LE -QUALITY
of i•, sari now feels like a weer person. I
feel it my duty to sae that easel Malan I N i�1)IE\-tfs eTG('=: OF
1 caned he TOO HIGHLY reememen:ea 5
for catarrh t^oab:re, and are pleteed ie .! T allies• ) FineL
r..- ,hey w:11 ,....hY mutest eche.( sea
t 11 ill"; CHAS. !..CGILLFarmer
l''be Was "Strictly Iiusiaee."
Philadeketia Aunt ls•serely)-As I gleam&_- -
into tha parlor last evening I saw you with a
young darn a arm around you_
Chicago Niece (calmlyl-Yea, auntie, 1 was
waiting for yon w pose the door and see us.
Young tem are eery slippery nowadays, and
one can't have too Jimmy wuuomes.-PhiL-
delpbis Record.
is t, euro, we mist all die -who s n coo { that 1.tUrr • body-Phlladelphiw Record
net, far the Spirit nays through Paul !o
Not Tatt.•feg.
1 ('or. XV, 51, 52 that we shall not all
sleep for diet, but In the twinkling
et an eye be (-banged at the sound-
ing of the trumpet So mays tbe Spirit
also to 1 Them iv, 1li-lA. All true believers
who aro rite. when Christ ratan' obeli
His sake be venue' from keep obe
g aP
pnlnttnent. and being Instantly changed,
stall be caught co to greet Ctrid in the air.
& ''Aral lie buried him." Most unique
death an.l burial ever accorded to mortal:
God and angels welcome him to the spirit
word anti the Lord buries his body. What
we bury the bodies of our loved oman Omagh
we fay away the form we have looked upon,
our (meads with lore anti fe•trtres just
as tell have pseud beyond our reach;
the e durst of the corrupt.
ibody s1a11 come at tbe resurrection
an immortal, incorruptible body with the
Name form and features. gioridrd, In which
the spirit shell again Lake up it/ resid•oce,
be rewarded for service done In the mortal
body, be at the marriage of the Iamb, and
Lei with Christ reign over the earth Row
Bang the body of Moan reenalited buried we
are not told ; but that be had the rutin body
as the Motet of ltattlgaratlon seem evi-
dent from Jule eep only doss, Ha
*evil hate to ail upa svelte Mile& but be
alio hates to bare to give up the body of s
saint from tie grave. And if the Man Child
d 51Av. zf1, 5, includes the risco theins of
Isssk we can understand something of the
etttaame of **war is Waren there referred to
hetw.t the same two partla
g "The cbildrea of Israel wept for Yogis
dares" if departed friends hare
gabbed by their deport/are we rennet unsure
See trona. "If ye lowed me -.kid Jeno as
w night of Isis bdnrl-TS wind.' have re-
joiced becenes I go unto this Fatter' (Jobs ,
g*. If we b.Wve that aur loved ones
ere • 'wig Christ in (walla. we cannot lent be
>tvr thea We sorrow became t'f our
and hosarsm of this ineetu7 death, whit*
harmer of .In nottinttea Ib fearful work with
Ow bodies of mets Ret tet um look up, for
Hee&,telf dealt be destroyed
S. "Jabot was fell d the 'spirit of wb .
akmo Joseph is @pokes et em one In Mena
r•-dk„a Mos*let of OM 00A A*5, bbl ; when
r / wee sppalated se eat Monk God
bub sf the Nplrit that was repos holm and plot
�t than (Sum. zL 17); Seabird was
Lorin' the Rptrtt anima the Irak tar
Om Tabby • 1I rim; the Spiriths
spoke and
•11 that Jerre Ramat ..kid sled dads
risem 1t1i w Modemof Jerusalem
icetom ; anmail
we ,,ley sr rd with aim "'
of nod imolai be beers atld eater&
ft fie melee,
latrodaeed Gingerly.
J•uir rUello, Smith. Congratulations. 1
bear that you are engaged. But between
friends, old fellow, I don't exactly sea how
you picked up courage to do it.
Snaith -Well, you see, we got to talking
politates, tt'ueta, rings, etc., std drifted right
on to the matter beton we knew it -Bur
lin=ton Free Press
n raw: irM.t um . w r'ti Tare tear.
We veie d e e n -l: iia ape
p-eortti.•► t', arch 1. 01 -.a.
serer, yet .de c -,.k -"•• , tZ.
WEIR: .1.1. wilt try :. • 1
Milleffriles SONS Slant
Cit the nd c!-''- nem t'.e
ls'wt .a d ern; it in a niter
Kerbs hove ' e!'o .'" rte.
fair trete( 1. i1 ..? a h, 3,0 •w 1M
ewer eine will swo-re the Kit.
Any aroma air st•reht,rnee
kor.w s w here tnrrt it it aaiud
for t.y pet.- 4
CLTICWIL & C1:•.Tellon0
Easily Managed.
lira. Crhan-Ob, 1 do end % I could be
somebody. flow 1 would like to be the oh -
served of all oinervern the cynosure of W
Mr. Cuban -Do you think you would Oder
being talked about!
"Indene! 1 would." •
Weil, we'll move into some rural village
-Philadelphia Record.
Can't Be Dep►lested.
Yr. Had) Hameln Rani Mien Boatload
FJ Vesari, Persian minister to this country,
started for the Untied States early 1* July,
and has not been beard of .ince It is a ;
great pity about his nate. That may be
east too, and we don't suppose there 1. an- ;
other like It is the oountry.-Norrlatown
Ills Life Work-
ileems to to
you .peal a good .hare of your time sitting
Mathis fence.
Hired Man -Tae; I bsve done something in
the literary Una, and am i-oUsating material
fir • book to be entitled "life on the Rail."
-Burlington Free Pres
Mr. A. -Atter Browning, widen of. Me
lteoglith poste do you most admire;
Mae dL Nt Banton, tbntgbttolir-The
fake srbod and Scott; Mit for enduring
mend food, etteh gently nourishes, but
does not excite, 1 prefer Crsbbe's T•ka
Mr. 1'. (frveo Chicago, wbo bas bland the
Yet dense Yvo'n1 (Nati 1 what • diet! No
else's kiln - Lila
"By a thorough knowledee of the na'trel
Isws which govern the opera' ions of digestion
and nutrition. and by a careful application
the be properties 1.1 wellsr:xtrd Coca.
Epps 6a provided our breakfast table wlitb a
delicately del -oral beverage which may save
es Dial bcuvy dnt.t'rs bills. it is be
tttr .1ndt010n, line of rah art fetes of
netltutien may he rradnaily
upcntii !neoa-.cao'tlth to resist every
tnViimis •.sr'tloattnga-annd ud ready to at
tack wherever then os a eak pant. We
may escape many a i.t.1 wens* err ke.$sS
oilmelnes wrIt roehied wltk pate n aig s,
popertl aoarislyd frame" -"C i rf'kreser
17j f e ' 1 with boiler wiper se_eselk.
d• simply labelled thus:
Atdd nate In markets Co..b(tracers. _
•JAMKei RI•I"t in C., Hunoeopathei Chem-
ins. Landon. England.
Ia Bettor pants. nennor►I', ('ongress. netted Tees. Mown di(rren' strias of laid Slipper -
from sire. up to 'L.- pn. e , cu like. Felt, lend,. Rept,. to -outing. Carpet.
Wig, ani duet Gernstea Shover. in pentiums,.
Of *veer o l. aitM4:lte to • leu:spoil a1 tuj sox t tope. oaay euit.b:r f.r 11~tn10 .suchsas tteatiur
Long Boots in Calf, ltip and Cowhide,
I have a Ilse of Felt Beets.
Bl nada Oen make.
and careful die to to en wthe � Felt Boot media is
tip:cane bear three facto in moat : f have by far the darken meek of Boors and Shoes la
town ; 'fbey sr* of the very ben' vitality procurable. beteg mote bt the best tnaoufacturan w
Canada; And 1 «111 sell at pr` es as now or lower than say one .dr.
Sol:citing a cootinwnce of your valued custom, w liberally a.'corded me Sorbet the past
fourteen years, f retrain. yours faithfully.
Farmer (to new ped mato- diet that a co
re ' to dereem. I undreds of .abthe
lire Valor latteea
Penman an (at tbe front desert -Madera, there
b certainly • bre in your taker. Smoke is
pouring through the grating.
Madam ((rtrbtenetd) -1)1. doer Fire: Find
De, what .11.11 1 dot Have you any letters
for mot - Teter Siftlaga
Wars Weather l-gieyseent.
"Where d., you dine now, Brown, that
your family is ewey 1"
At home; the nnk is there."
"Don't you find it rather unplowed* with.
out Era Brown r
"Nat • bit; I dins in my shirt sleores
The Epoch_
11kt f'esgh. en.
Yr Wish -May I have the boor of your
company to 11a TI.rtw.r cnaewtt
Moo eat Blas- Qstaisly. 1 deb oa Vag -
w. What Ie it1
Mr. W inks- Voenday.-Philadelphia itac-
As t000p•rwbd Weetoot.
Dense Oa patent) -Nava you any nhjP'
Hon to my ceiling le • emendate physesasl
Patient -('all In as reaa7 ime.neeptioo r
gen need ,n complete the santmiaatioa. -
Fosa. Niftier.
ts..wrer biases.
Fialith•al Rater- 1 w oar .tg*esest tee
tldtaeted es eaao'swee�*1m a�e�set 1s e
bet..(W. W1111=1.4=1:40
shad i de i set kf
Itxperiswetl N.Mr-Oyu N .opkalryy
Chimes Tribune R. b..... a .. /.
Deena'/ Always Work.
A Rt Louis lady urges, in the columns 0f
an esteemed contemporary, the use of water-
melon juice for improving the eosipleahlR
.lodging tr,tn the liberal cnnanrmptios rig
that kind of jam by our African cinema, dM
effect on the rumple:iota is not .ppiNkt-
PtWbsrg BulMtin.
An electric girl in iowa rase hoed e Ile
paned reran in • chair with all rasa Almost
any pretty girl can bold • roan of say else in a
chair, or even no a piano stool, wbetber she's
electric or oat. and .he needn't teen thine*
as yet bar bands on bet-Port/and Ore.
•EXT: OF y
1 O:81Pa
. j.i >I c
Sage .f No Nerves.
A Berrien eorr+pandent says that the
adman have net nsrwa. A Cllaatnen,'
therefore, own write In a room where a stnaiM
boy is drumming a tattoo or • window pans
with his Sneers witio°t ataetgi5sr'Ing tat
youth with • club.-llottialowa Harald.
Tb. laatla.ts et lfrad..
Wenn! -If y err coast, don't you Wilt
paps Is adorable, w
Italian (bunt --Well, er--sh--a
"Tell an. truly what Jou Using of Mks."
Count idre•ttily)-I think be needs a bale
cut ori a .tampoo.-Dee o t Fra Prem.
(7/ebb's ul„<k. (Or. East st. and Hatter
Il AVI N G R K -
ser shop in tbe latae
stole, put la Three
leer Barber Chairs.
t we a them the oele
bested Rooboe ter
Tilting C b• Ira end
hired a Journeyman
Barber. we are la a
mattes to do IMteer
Reek thee hereto -
lady's k Children' •
liaircutttag ssade •
.pei•k7 as all days
except Naturda
wrier and tide
West Street, twit doAssast of P.O., Ood,rlch
7h. gadersianad, while tbaaking the public for tbelr liberal morasses bestowed
cps ba. shear comaeselag•bas(nsas. beg• to ssaenaes that he has put doves ►te
aloes to
AND ALL MUMMER COMPLAINTS as within patlaslatty to call *Rennes to his
AtriJln. Ill/ 10 as. to 75 cts per lb, Maple Syrup, finest case Prunes Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef,
Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best
b, uv- American fine cut chewing TsbacCo,' ash
idea*aud , ,,; salt and canned Fish, best quality.
Tasatby iPride.
Ib Vaa RsreSad �1tJlsif
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Idle-amvt.-TIma ,3i
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12 Bars of Soap for 25c. 3 Scrubbing Brushes for 25c.
Lewes. O01 15. Miral essay. A No. 1 Cleselete Drops. etre, tea, Oeansl
t j� uu wt a, Mertes, Crott'_',Illassuro.Flour, Fees
rsr Merr � �"7
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itrl: 1daa1 ammeiM. Das g?tflgbare price paid
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Sir, Fes fie et. ttehnalafril
"I me by OM Sok Pea ••• a
me.• -la aim Jun/4
45 Printing •[o,/Quipefliippepicm To O. L. Ij'IIRTOSH.
e Signal. • . Block, the Square. (3ed.r ►oh.
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