The Huron Signal, 1888-8-17, Page 6iw
TIIE • H Ut:UN SIGNAL . FtUDA S'. AUG Ile :38,:.
•• story et daily iselered�,
T0cualt.wwet„• eddied's sd gees him the
two hands 44 •aloe& myth, :
TLRNATIONAL SEAIU, AUG. 19. •'I emit yet to la spade boa's
joie dose keep so me' bard' time for
6°) deo 611;
m wfa" f' asked the
Tess es Me reset► rte. min. a3-44.- "Rhere is the miotic
comma Team•• 411.ea•-••S s. Teat. r'..
.nut by hoe. O. M.
Pondered tree Imre natter Quarrel, ter
par ar,.•n• of It a banns a 1'.ti.t.jbts.
Ties clasper leer well bombed "The Chap.
car of the Feria of tae Lord" or "Th. Chap- And se saying he "relit ..11 to bud some
we d Moly Coevorattoo.." the Farmer ea- reasuwblS watch a" kor
preeelon brgennIDg and main' the chapter, Foolish u he was, his s. tion WOO very
like that of those who try to regulate
aid found also la •e the latter theirouudu't without bewg made *at found no lase ternen eleven
time. to MYuu the inside. They g,. wrong, bot re -
our fuse to believe that the trouble is with
Wes lenrxi today glue. ne aeeoount of cwt
one of the eierbt different convocations re their heart.. They ore sure that it is
cordal In th:s chapter or seven it we do riot cot the clock, but the hands that are out
ocean the Sabbath, whilcb was an lost titan of order. They km.. no more of the
gold as &des. used of a change in their spiritual ems -
"Alai the Lord Moho' Row mat es dilion than the p.••.r r.egr.• did of the
aro apt 30 tbbsk Gut the most weighty efatw Mesta el his stuck. They are uowillio;t
merit. It
"Out at ds hoses on l b j u n Creek."
"Didn't 1 tell yes dar s uulho de mat-
ter wid de clock 'orison de haus, and 1
dune brought 'em to you. You jam
out de eloek totiokvr wid it slid charge
me • bit* price. Gnome back dem hen's."
ought to caws m to give bead with to give themselves over into the bands of
all our power, as we remember that white use greetArtt•oer, who .111 eat their
other [hinge pans away "the word of our Ood wo: ks right, so that they rosy keep time
with the great clone of the universe, sod
no lot*er attempt to art themselves .c
cording to the incorrect time of the
world. And their moon for nut put-
.balt.tand forever
so •'tipeak WHO the children of Israel."
Homs was simply the Lord's [mouthpiece to
tW people sad had only to say what the Lord
11m Teems,--One-halfpsmsd
of Age.
well oltopped ; two asps el Ewe, dry
bread menthe ; three egos ; oss.W[ eep
et sugar ; on. -hall sap .bopped bee(
out ; *wall Mash of wok ; one bail tea-
epuosf al baiting powder, dtsaulved in but
water asd .tiered then tree sup u1
busk the ameba la the milk, add effete
and aue•er, well buten, then add salt,
suet, mud lest of all, the ties. Stns
three boors.
rout Sauna -One cep of sager,
tbid cep of butter. Stir together nil
very light. Stir in one teaopootllol ol
vanilla sabred. Fore minsse. before the
saint is seeded pour un lenity water
Mealy, 'tinier ootistastly. Use water
enough to make it • Out. This a not
only a Atheism sauce, bet • pretty
sauce, on seeoent of it. thick foam ; but
it amt he made exactly .so rding to
Cuss** $guts for Blanc Maoge.
Con etarob, Moble, eta -Os„ • j, •i.d
uweep of sepse, well beaten. bur one
lawpooefel of flavoring extract into this.
Just before +eros, add osi coffee cu;, of
silk, stirring ooaat•utly till the foam
Carcases PVDDtrn-Ow cop suet, one
asp ut Garrote ltrated,owosp el potatoes,
one cup cat currants, one cup raisins, nue
cup of B sugar, two cups of dour, one
twit tum.
deme aft .nth da of the seventh month.' tins themselves sato the hoed* cat t►. teaspoonful of soda, small pinch of wit.
Its for Clod to Clod appoint the day, and for us f Lied is very similar to the tbS Ruddthe Lives and Bowel. by the
to a obedient. 1t was tin
oa the t day of adored mea iave.-Tbey afraid jodicio.s 0se of National Pills, they are
Skis numb that they blew with the 3)0.0 -
pew, and on the tenth day was the great &D-
ouai atonement of last week's lemon The
sftaeth year or year of jubilee was ushered
to by the blowing of trumpets au the duo
mason axe, 9, 101. cot C."The feast off tabn 'o ernartseam asys unto _
the Lord." In Y=. xxnt, 16. zxxiv, 11t, it V Bo Soler. oar toed Feist.
railed the feast of In•-athertr., because they
had gathered 1r, all their fruits out of the to i1 - penal* is dreadful. Disordered
price wilt be tor. ttres6 They say : " We
only wish to avoid this eyes that bad
habit." But the great Clock -maker
says ; "I ansae regulate the hands un -
les. I have the clock. I must have the
sr,' t also Soot our leld I 1 erste 40 a Ilver s meed• Indigestion is • fie W
!� tell e. why n Is ailed the feast off the mond o inIe,
'Ia: they all toot toughs and
a of trees and mad. booths in watch The human digestive apparatus is one
emelt seven days. rejO ••Ing before tee of the met complicated and wouderful
es they remembered their forty days things in existence. It is easily pet act
*ben they bad no crypt to of order. food,sloppyfood,
Is, bre trey dwelt to tents and God Greasy food, tough
bat cookery. mental worry, tato hours,
irregular habits, and many other thinks
which ought not to be, have made the
American people a nation of dyspeptics.
But Green's August Flower has dune
`a wonderful pork is reforming this sad
bussed end staking the American
people so healthy that they can enjoy
heir meals and be happy.
1 Renumber :-No, happiness without
health. But Green's Aust Flower
brine_, health and bappittees to the
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seveuty-fire MMM 1101117
inn.' because It was
n the name of the
was their holiness,
apart from Him there
Ntnt times in this
rum of no work, or 00 mare
,r no servile wort tea 11, 7, 8,
Fi, >tti 10 connection with these
All true •ernee ought to be joyful
a glad thank offering to His who
trent off the mercy •et, wbo Rim
b ear mercy seat All slavish work, er
done because we ought todo it. or must
should rave no place in the service of
a Redeemer, "whose service V perfect (Alava, arbeti:ra.
'An offering made by Bre unto the It has been said that there are mon
Twice In this verse, and Eve times 1 books published in China, and more pet,.
in the chapter do we Sod this ex- pie able to read them, t han any other
ova a. 13. iS. In, 171. 11 was be- country is the world, and yet the Chi -
1 of this offering by Ere that nem language is such an eice.diogly
to be no servile work difficult one that it takes a boy the beet
joy in the lard, with deep part cat his school life to learn to read
soul. the famous "Sacred Boots,. which every
ytbtngnp(s Hlsday." dateiAces Chinese scholar is expected to know al-
most off by heart
•pp°ds� by l3od •ad "' Off Before Y7 man is slowed b talc*
da arigh athe nd and tl•e people had fie. +oder tie C►masse Government, be u
aright sad De obedient., words
and She obliged to certain examinations in
wee: "To cartes Sha words d the p•••
plainly' the Locks which are taught in the school
the Sabbaths. . . gifts, and in some other euLjec'a. If he does
Tows, . sad fres will offer- not succeed at one examination, he may
wtdob ye give onto the Lord." brad try again and spin, and its no uncom-
eegtiSed to glee unto the Lord for his mon sight to ate quite old men eomiog
•eedtip end for *drown great good, op for examination side by side with
tomelh day the whole year. besides boys and young men fresh from college.
gauss► "'am. d Ens ear to When the own has pasted the exemi
mare days, wben ever/thing anti- nations he has a right to wear a partieu-
to Maid stride; they bad aio to ler kind of button ea the top of him cep,
M off +Ii skelr Intvaase beardse and by this button he is known to be a
learned ton.
This is an honor eery mach coveted in
Chin They tell of one poor buy who
bung his books to the horns of his buf-
falo that he might learn while following
the plough ; and another who, too poor
to afford himself lights at night, bored a
hole is the partttian and studied by help
of his neighbor's fight.
d'kblre to mew" 10o1 There is a third .tort of • young man
d' •tom b who found the work so hard that be was
tutiemehed bread or {oat going to give it op ie despair when
tuff out all the ase no chanced to see an old woman rubbing
ll Oar v, y, crowbar against a stone. Ho asked her
Christ Mesa fres why she was doing it, and she made an
is d them gas answer that she was just in want of a
gym this to the needle and tbcughr she would rub down
et therive the e,owb.r till she tot it small enough.(Driest fie Th. young wee (says the story) was stir -
rises trete red up by the sight of much perseverance
to try again ; hs went beck to his hooks
la and .t last reached the rank of the int
three in the empire
Hay fever is a type of starch having
peculiar symptoms. Itis attended by an
inflamed condition of the lining mem-
branes of the awhile, tsar -ducts and
throat, affecting the Inure. An acrid
mucous issecreted,the discharge mecum -
ponied with a burning sensation. Then
are seven spasms of enemies, frequent
attacks of headache, watery and inflame-
d cam. Ilya Cream Balm is a reme-
dy thin can be depended upon. 5Octe
at druggists ; by mail, registered, Meta
Sly Brothers , Druggists, Owego, New
York. ly
r 1e
in the
at the
w In Id
mama •plrft
at V. haat
days are •
d al, 17.1
Won seeitio.d
Veep the feast
sincerity and ,
seven of mal*oe
KA He also tells
the dead is the
rep. Q Cor. r,
•uoetasce d the
'ma; Chris the •
Live unleavened bread.
the dead the tree 6
fourth of the .even f
moth, called the feast
was jest rove° .sob or
het heat. called also the
or Orsi fruits ed wheat
points u. to that which
days after the resurrection
vis, the COOWIWNO0 or
Jews whew the spirts was
Peeteecrt But aA the eras t
yet, and the reaping at Pentecost
begtonts( In James 1, 18, -
twelve tribes of the di isrvto., be
tis believer se "a tied of arm f
In are. le. 4. the 144.000 or the
d the seventh chapter W emUsd
!tete. sato Ood and to the Limb! -
Bev. aft, 1/, we have dee great
seeping time. ate the tell et Bab
width *. opened up mon telly to Rev.
evW: then In Rev. xi;, tis, ebe marriage -
the Iamb. the jndereeed of the nations.
bindles of Batas, after which moms the
decreed years wham bead. as their owe
leo& shag from the lease to the greatest.
Watt the t. d, Har they alai es • nation
her e•bem rtrd by tet iprartqg of the
How of Mea le power and
owl by Hh mints tyweh. Ms,; thin
shall the tree teat of tabepsolee be kept.
wean 'Vie Lord shall be Kam over all tie
aid "those than slots Ids of
...foils ikon go up time Air la
to Jeruemisea es womb* Ow peg,
Led d Month,Serb.
sod s, i thesebeep the fleet.
im et
tach, ziv, s, St
Lord etre Jed* assess aid tarry •
OD tet wdtmpelM et Mast em is ea
rmemesiee of
(ley sod to ewe of
titian "when
4IU5a 1 *mom't em see 30 le • yams
OW of tar
itweb. dal'byday,
gifts and vows end tree will
new glanced at all as Tents
merest 10-43 were touched
with. vers W let us look
the lard In their referent to
as, and may the spirit that
them onto us. Tbs
decberes tad "boly days
new moot. and Sabbath
purely vegetable. 1m
Ai.ttoao PUDDING -Maks a large or
e mail sponge cake awarding to a.ze of
family. Blanch j or 1 pound of almonds,
as needed. Stated the almonds in the
top of the cake whim it is warm and pour
boiled frustis& over them. E.t with
custard sauce, Savored with bitter
almond and one-halI cup of chappeo,
Frsetmu a Wnrm Pow& es destroy aft
remove worms without 1nlory to adult
or infant. lm
Tesaimes-Cot Imp tome -
tom 1s two, eroeswue : put on a girdiron,
cot surfs.. down ; when well seared.
turn and pot butter, welt and pepper 044
and cook with skin ade down unto done
How ro Dttifta aonKD CABBAGE -
When well done put the abbare iota a
oulabder slid chop it with a knife, but
not fine. Pat a thin layer of cabbage
'teto a dish and season with batter, salt
and pepper ; then another layer of cab-
bies, and s) on. Sat the disk tato the
oven a few minutes and you will be sur-
prised to see how the Savor of the vege-
table is improved.
To Bon. Fist -Sew them in a cloth
and pot in mild water with plenty of salt
Moat Soh will boil in 30 minutes.
Now the
the third
because 11
ye after the
d harvest
suit at
set is
klatto d
Who ems
l who let
la .Nagy dilate
NMI se elle dim
thenit oft
Tee or coffee attain ▪ will come out at
co if they are taken immediately and
Id over a pail while boiling water u
red upon them.
wsewerene tynaterlltta
nterfeito are always dangerous,
that they always closely tut
r 0Rlrilnat tt( V. AND
he remarkable emeses achieved
Balm es • positive cors for
4 Cold in the Heed has ir-
ncipled tartlet to imitate it.
are mistimed sot to be de-
tente imitatieg Nasal halm, harinn inch
I Cream Nasal Release
Nasal Balm and do net
dealers my ergo epos
ets or met
by If
The po
ie nate
names Y
eta. Aea
take ems
foe. lent
e.t-p.i+ an
by addressing
t•...wsomee beret Cored.
To Tee Zerron :-Please inform your
readers that I hats • positive remedy for
the above named disease. By its timely
eta tboesands of hopeless cases have
hese permanently cured. ] shall be glad
to send two bottles of my remedy free
to any of year readers who have ono-
somptioo, if they will send me their Ex-
press sod P. O. addres.
Respectfully, Da. T. A. Sto.•ra.
ly 37 Yos s St, Toronto, Ont.
This meets of
mat? tr�id
Bed Ise pewees
by . efa.t with
llelbur.'I Animates
distlastly appetites WAN s to
It is Absurd
For people to septet a care for ludlgso-
Poo, unless Nair 7efa'aia from eating
what is •awhel'soma ; bat It anything
w111.Mrpea the appease .sd give tone
to the dig ativs organa. It is Aysu . Sar.
. spsrUls. Thotra.da all ever the Iaad
testify se tet mutts of WS satdkiae.
Mr,. Sarah Bunoieg3.. of its NIghth
W ool. Soata Buttes, writhe : " My hus-
band leas taken Ayee'I Sanapat•illa. fur
Dyspepsia and torpLI liter, and has
been greatly beaded ."
A *mimed Dyspeptic.
C. Cautertwry, of 131 Franklin et..
Boston, )gear., writes, that, suffering
tor years from Indigestion, be was at
last induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla
and, by its use, was entirely cured. _ e
Yrs. Joseph Aubin, of High street,
Holyoke, Mass., entered tor over • year
from Dy.lw'psia, so that .he could not
eat substantial food, became very weak.
and was unable to care for her family.
Neither the medicine. prescribed by
p:tysicians, nor any of the remedies
advertised tor the cure of Dyspepsia,
helped her. until she commenced the
use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "Three
bottles of this mediciae," she writes,
•. cured me."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
raraeeD sv
Or. J. C. Ayer A Co.. Lowell, Masa
Pines al; eta rake, tee- Mersa at a Douai.
t Recotome'•.1de-
•r, iwadmr» ant
♦\D 'v '.L (Mai
t..1 r
ii.tiwr.A hl
.i Ray Apple Med
u✓ a rcr w. s.- ... ..d a .cn,r'lc.. sad,a-
vyturates the system.
For sale Ly J,Mtn )1,-ia" druzsis:. Date
gamma. P••ice -4 tilt sod St.
...e.. "ro.ersees."
The gives such admirable
suggestions fo malting piazzas places to
live is that a few of them are adapted for
the Tribwt•e's readers. Of course every
weU-regulated household kat at least one
pistlss now -a -days The nett essential is
a nig for it. Test and Love t f ease will
t ugvmt rockers, a table or two, a ham-
mock, a setter for too obtrusive
draogbte, awnings, vines outside and
plants inside. A stained-glass or Jeps-
on, lantern will be both useful and or-
. omentaL A hammock cushion that will
rest One simple to gate upon may be
made of turkey -red calico, and embroid-
ered with isopias in white raw silk or
linen Som is outline stitch. An Afghan
can be mode to mateb, and both will
emerge from a ands bath se bright Y
A pretty rope fancy basket is appro-
priate for this outdoor parlor. Take
quite small rope and wind it round and
rutted until a mrele of the WWI required
is obtained. fatiteb this firmly together.
Divide 12 etrauda of the rope into three
parts lied besid them into a plain brood ;
fasten this to the bottom of the basket
to;form at the sides and braid three
strands to form the handle Helm a
pltitty rope knot and fringe the ends to
cover the aide of the basket whirs the
ropes are joined.
sum he
: forty *5 rhes to
ee 51513.4 alike
a bath.
Rise ls
other es sa
FF$'S C005A
art �y
"tries •.
• ' 1
a "tit
• j'tA•w:.
.[pert••".-' 1" lir kine mwwrrea.d
Ida$111 had about a 1 rets' ,.4I , ;,.e Ileum. rio.1 ghee:.: .Owe to m
f.••..mta'•''r.. the tyres Jwcur.,.d m •lilt
.ulad ph.. e. iu snte'rn.rti! ••v•• alt .r:w''
5.Rrrp�ato .ear M r•rrnMh. '•r al.' e' nazi. r then h. mar W her tvwrit••nv. Tt+4 b :he
X ael000 left .leo moot ea.hrs� tee' :lin d b',.• ,, i,. r`-P+I l mnarefa.-tutY-
Writ ta.wts it roll/ t.. Ire umandn.eefl o. -t' -r the .k..
3. 11,e nuke'. • n..u,•h 11.4.1. l•••n1we'Ii built. almost reviews -tot of steel. and 'ether
i,rr 'ha.. any el •be Weer..
len syltr'*ONO ao/t•• ere. ark ,..•1 •.'Mean cele.." tr tui• •1 ni owl shop. ateedleu ea Oversew.
i, lent LN. sea b nw two,or tl.e en•••4+a•.•. ..,.Ara. *la' 0..0 dumb!.. •M slug"
w, .•tttf...t eehreee 1wp. I La. a 11.e b ewe•' rtu.'k et r.
pa/r. tut' t atte'3e r. •chime .foie Now w H a r • ••• n
...pen, there esv 7
Po oto -at 4a. isisnr. i • r• e deuce's .r•1 4..., •
...hav+s_ •. I..rr-li,int la:ble.•'•.•e• l-
etallr hest•!..•!'.:•i,irt'.gttll].l,vr..r.• ..
Y.^[ FAST.
"'By a ih..:,nitlrb knoed.•.14e of 'e. natural
i.w. wi.t.n toren, the tweralinn. of digestion
and nvtrittrio. and by • caret el cera:icatiea of
the One pr..perike eN wNt-se4-tiet Cora. Mr
Kam has !icor 'led one M,•sktoei table with a
delicately Sacral ia•reraee whi•:h Wray neve
as mirqy heavy doctors' Eels It fa les
the jedielee• ase of ancb armies of
diet that a constitution may rte gredaa;ly
built up until .truotr enouitol ro resist every
tendcn.-y to di.rn•e Hun,•re,i. of subtle
weirdo.* are around .:e ready to at-
tack wherever there is a weak print. We
may escape men) a f.'.i abaft ne tenpins
ourselves well for :•{ed rrtL p•. rt hood end •
properly no .risbert !come.- --Ord 8a -rev
Made simply wirb bol:inr "rotor or milk.
Sold only !d pa.kris by tm. eve. I.trlled thus
JAM ill 'PPS r C.... llumaoratbic Chem-
ise. London. F.i:arta n d. 3133.
• rewMabaa Idle.
Few men have eceospf:bed the ease
amount of work and good is this world
se the oalebrnled Dr Chem. Over
600,000 of his works have bean told io
Canada aloes. We want every penes.
troubled with liver Complaint, Dys-
pepsia,Heade. 11:id.ey or Urioy
Tenable., to buy a bottle of Dr Cheese
Liver Cute, it will care you. Medicine
and Reouip. Book $1. Sold by all
A11 advice to the erstr.ry, the beet
bran to nee la tu ase that .crita roar
teeth ; mashy too ferias brash m eboees
and the cornea d.tbs mouth ars bort
ala em sae!+.
Don't allow a mile gets Het heed to slow-
ly and tartly no tato Catarrh, when
you oat be sorsa fir Ilia by using Dr.
Chase a Oaterrb ata A fewtew-
tiens owre insipient catarrh ; 1 to 1 zoo
cares ordinary satstvh ; 1 to 5 boxes is
guaranteed to sem ohne. catarrh. Try
It Only Ism aha ewe. sem. Sold by
all ar.fttists F
To toe debase/ l._naas•s. baa ea Irwin
IS moo omega.
pLst ee !terve fuss, . nal-
'b .-
or, D. a Sell"atptl* Masa, lasemileskim Ner-
sad all wattle( dissesso of
lad a 1 tr um*, hsehes r Ml
lad . 14 atrium*, btntlwars N tee
Vegetable lie 1MadHtt �
Naiveties, and ate
*10 a
klieg in ear &say MIsstdl Msfcg, ma
i. seeable* M ..sabres. V s
Owe. it$1.g ter but Lows. t
agwfee the •
OA Freak Street Beet elWestlake.
it Masi
IH Neal,
Need psssagar
EASY TO USE. tato the throw.
and SZCaedve expectoration caused by Ca-
tarrh. Sad by Druggists. or sent peeled on
receipt of peke, Esc. and gL Address
IMMO& & Os., Ur..kt11134 Oat.
•EXT: OF •
;•WILD •�
oLtleraICMo'a b-
AND rims co THE 11110VVIEL.*
.:•'raker a all kinds of
416. haft hindme•twiae tees
.npMled l..•ave yews seders-
* vale -1 .o:iOI M et.. 0.4' nth.
Phee-Illemaf.aeideciaLeMI In t.kt'tie.t with 4.tl1 Of Its Le.:
r is the Doraintuu. • •.mprtmlwg
A!t IMSEN'4E ±Tt't L: OF
Ladies' Fine Goods
Ie Cu::os Mate. Nanor•als. Concrete, Oxford Tiro. fwteen .tltAn'et stole. of Bid Elim'. -
fro sae uSto W twin. •u•J ik heresies 51ipw t ' f:` pP ►le- t -'+epee.
Of every dea•ripp tea !both of . and American .mak -'. 1 wonld also call the attest. •r
or FA*t)I81ta to tba: p... -t of mf stock ateev.a.14 ...,table ter them, such as
Long Boats in Calf, Zip and Cowhide,
1 hate a Inc of Fe.t Bums. my own make. sekae.:.-14^' to be the Best Felt Boot maJ'
(Asada Precept and emend aIteatiw etyma to
ILICHLIY *35 Ilea ers them
dstyle and
theta met; they will lot
mpg that wilt arri not to
boom rod familtre.
leers sod
ens are go lifer �MMlrr vd
d4Mtie wed II ......goer to it 1 hundred
craw to
le w t and ot,rwmrd*es. per �q. r ; emotai
a week. oroddod : *. �. ran-�erre.�i: empnal
/N _ability rsyulr��waL _
hglt Is ton W ere. **soRWO wear. wrrrsrs*sok mmr�sudrse gamed ad
dr 0.0m11R t G_
tri. ihet
slPlease bear three tame In sited -1 haus ery far '1..trrest stock of Boors sad r::•r • ,11
town: Piney are of the very beat quality procurable beans made by the hart msaufactear. .n
Camels: Aed 1 will sell at prices as low or tower thaw wore etre.
Uoliciting • eontinuarw.r of your Yawed custom w liberal!, a -corded sae during the past
fosrteos years. 1 rasa!_. yours ta:tbtutly%
s "rsNmaM�rrQr/rg
gal •
Crohn'. Muck. nee. Bast et. and [tonere.
Pr= rDRv ra ISze_
1: . ', ____A.r., It 311;.-- -,
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my shop 1m the hates
Mlle. put la Ther
few aavberMales.
twit of tiles tet cols
braved Roobe•ter
Tittles C ha 1 ra, and
h ind a journeyman
B arber- we are 1.. a
mattes to de amen
111 e r k then hereto-
Lady's t t'hilresn"
Haircutting made a
specialty on all days
rd�ooraRemora �
geN Kest Ittreet, tee leen east et P.O., tiedeete8
The madereignsa. waffle thaakteg the piddle ter their I.'vral pstruaoge he.tewd
epee him loeomM
rasoalag rlaoese
a top se m•e
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plloo• to
SOCK 'le array FritiuZS,
as adobes particularly to can atten,tm, ro his
from 10 cts to 76 cts per Ib, Maple Svrup, finest case Prunes
pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef,
Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best
American fine cut chewing Tobacco, fresh
salt and canned Fish, best quality.
12 Bars of Soap for 25c.
3 Scrubbing Brushes for 25c•
Losees. argues Minted Cowl y. A lest 1 Obec.lase Deep. ere. e1e.. 00,,,m t
Groats, C!'ocery, GIassVare. F1ou, Fid
ripinitueps.. Om tor tamely
ask*. Block the Square, Oodettelk
edlorke. aim* OWL VOL