The Huron Signal, 1888-8-17, Page 3le
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lone Ja''1"B CO1114211
w..wr'1. «.ett
e l evil r„ the any* u( bur
east h n.. %Le hived of
.v 1114.
Uw Ilio a1M[
,a. •ase bghi,
to; bnaaiaM.
;. 11 (blase ret.';
.0 le cbildrou,
ei ..•e.uae Mid.
g bur face..
tog Mu tss..d t bru+d-
rr .k r..l read. n,r.
IM Sae a( pe .) r. •
up the d lain,
flag lel L• tear.;
bre kl.e••a .•1.114rdr..
leg ear 1.e rb..,l.
. prayrr *Mt t..o..tag.
bees rear a fun.
in[ up tl:r dile..
roping uarpete clean.
t RJ 1.10 en t tatter- •era.
w caw ISO Mu blur,
1rin e.
ubbieg ditch. e)...
b.* loaves her ••• wins
. dog the lull.bte..
tang little pitmen's,
rlmauaw chi; tr.•,'s ears,
rising for the papr:v,
With c.Uer 0. am chat•:
yewg little fooirirpe
ltsaaiaju.roo41,.b. ball.
citta[.t•hou! I..nell.
.ta wsaiu'• !Muir they • ill-
s:kingr with the ehltate•
All about their * h.uL
An e b {lig 1lttle t ruubi,a.
Tracblas t.•rnmsr rule
r eriog about supper.
Lighting up .he room.
!taking burnt l.wek cbeerfu'.
t:spectias woe
Tien. with all her headache*
Keep{sa to be.aelf,
AIWA), Luskin¢ d eertul. I1.e• to Wt%
Putting to b>d :satires -
!learing ray their pta7••r'•
(iirise ali a goal nights lost.
before *be gees dowa.atatrA.
Oahe lessee In the parlour.
Sitting dean t.. rest.
Reading u the Bible
How His enemies are blest
Taktat all her aerrows
And every care to One,
With that trust i.g.bopeliI bean
Which none but mothers cawn
otos eddied, a Wall, Mercies nmmam f [play'°. some drape after Ihe tweedy,
mei data ab, gtawt tutt es.miag to ssW the cabin bid annum the pones, sod
twine from the shadow of the trees he Wine is found the old an !Ting dead na
the Mese, with the girl crouching beside
kin, When gsestauned she wusld answer
aothil.R. but that the crime .as here.
I killed hits Yea, I killed hist ; Solo•
you C' was all .14e enol whin they
-mike to her ; so she was takes to Sas
Frs-.*.os, tried acid eentes.ed—yes, Sea'
timed to a prison cell fur li(e, for the
cruel murder of her father ! Snob is the
usualsuttce of our lead. She never
faltered, sever wavered tbroulth all the
slow tortures tit those terrible days,
. hi.tding the man she lured at the paw
of her own soul, bowing her glorious
.tool euhwu* down t►e lung meta°,
bite the cry of • Inst soul. ♦I[slo as
Dame, as 1 mood there, for at first I heti-
tiled et getag toward It fearing a pia -
trio. Theo mote reeks tt reek
ekiveaise through the darkes�. ,
help, Help, for the pity of God.
'Pees 1 keels what it russet. No pan
then cries like that. Swinding
n Imam ledge to led! . I was soot' toe
the tittle el..rtag,theu 0u into the gl.e•.
.of the pine tree cluster, led by oho cries
that had ou• sunk tato pitiful sobs aril
Just beyond the edge of the woods, hid to the weaned blow, beano* the
throagb the trues, I naw a ray 01 light. iac
rnc.miny and deathless shame of crime.
and tracking it, sown came up to a meek
aide old aesuty ---a intoe'. hut. Within
this shanty were the sobs. se of • young
girl ; and every sob was accompanier! by
a curse and the dull swish of mime heavy " And she, dew abs still lir. T' I
lash as it flew through the air and fail gasped out, as the lawyer paused a mu-
up..d the quivering dish' flue moment meta to pour eat a glass of eine.
1 pee. 4, the next 1 had burst open to. " Ab, oo,' be said ; she fainted
tuuerable door, and .ta'd gating tie • 1 when toe .entree o
was proounc.d, acid
peonies tl..t has haunted me thruu*b all wan .:*ectad untea e atw. bua-
my life. Here, is the low, uubuisbed ptt.l, where she diedththernestttv Dight.thI
room, lit by an old lantana that hung went o'Ir to see her there, and, just as
swp.uded from a boar across the center the sun wont down she half now up, put
simply, that the toe ahs lured—sad who
deserted her—might 1140 on to honor and
t empo the stern ; for she ass me, saw
her lover, strike the fatal bbw.
id the roof, stood as old grayhatred,tray
bearded mss- Man, did i say i Nay,
th r devil fiend In deeh and blood '
out her hand, as it reaching toward some
one in the dark, murmured a name, and
then fell beck, ..deep'"
rs a I
Then he stood with •Ionil entity whip " A name ' What owns T' whispered
up'ifted for soother Mow, mid at hu feet t'w my voice hsd deserted m+, sod he
lay a young il. scarcely were thane wee watching ms, quizzically, if nut eas-
child, with her long, black hair all tan- Pietowly.
tried about her face and matted with "'%hat name? Why, strangely
blood upon her breast. Rioted was upo.0 eoou;th, it was your own,' he said. and
her (ace, her dress, her Leet and on the loco : Geed Ood, )roper, what's the
matter, non ! Here, drink this and
door. Ah, wort • sight 11 miss'
One glance, and 1 had caught tits old come out tote the air '"
fiend by the throat, and dung bile sense. 1 drank tie brandy he poured out fur
.5. ; followed him out into the sunshine surge...
lees ..n the door beyond. Thele I took
the poor little Iasie iu my arms, brushed that has .ver mar beim to my soul bot Zephyr gingham,, French muslin.,
back the matted erns from her white a .baduw ; ant among the jangling belie iuita lawns, chawberys, and dainty
hrk frim my of the songs and merry lau,thter of this cambric* abound on every side, eept 1-
Pale olive, taws, and wusbronm tints
o n at I,rweat so byre (lieut. They aro INFORMATION CONC.LRNINS EVE11711f
1‘46.44' eve: 140014041. sad 6418P1414/tt I DAY AFFAIRS IN COUNTRY UFE-
alnust ally oo..aioa. A stylish drew le
made til muebnwo-adored alk •1 p
Henrietta cloth. The drew oalled - , N.5pte M Mae resigt Thr
dais $ere was wet in reduIgote tuition,
with superb 'muds of gold and silver
pasasmeutene r.uruiug down each side
of the trout, covering the lartie DM" -
buns collar and funning the ware rest
over which the garment up..ed. Tile
skirt of pale wuahrvum colored watered
French nubair is a great use, this we -
aim, and any really elegant masa. are
made of it, for •►stung• trayeiling sod
the pruiueuad.. Moire silk is almost Mance the report of toe ♦egwtgtable took.
Doss ltaet tr)eM the e Atrewbeny
toast, sea rte Oct t#hMh cyar..-
n.. aa
horsy Loot maim a.
The fungi that doe.- ry tnjato the
strawberry plant la the one which causes
the disuses eart*ual known as straw-
berry leaf bllight. ata and strawberry
rust. The injury to strawberry culture
resulting from this disease has been on
the increase fur several years t0 the gen-
eral alarm of the growers of this fruit.
exclusively its trimming, mad dote then oglst on strawberry loaf btht to de -
is more of the latter (abase in the coeN moment of agrtcultnie at Waahln=toa
Is one of very general interest. ftollow-
ing are extracts from the nano°, presented
for the benefit of our readers
Very small. deep purple or red spots
appearing on the upper surface of the
learn are the first symptoms of this dis-
ease. These spots increase rapidly la else
and change color from purple to reddlab
brown. Eventually they y e gray In
the center. The leaves badly affected
soon turn brown. 1150..55 shrivelled and
dually die. &miler spots appear ca the
calyx and on the stems of the harries.
The attacks may occur any time during
the growing sewer under proper weather
conditions. Those coming early, if se -
ore, injure the imnaediate crop while
later attacks may destroy entirely the
prospects of a crop the year following.
It is the opinion of some that the !..vier
the crop the more likely are the plants to
be attacked by blight atter the fruit is
gathered. The death of the plants before
the dose of tlo .wleon .smstlmus results
from these late attacks.
Heat and moisture favor the develop-
ment of this blight. Other things being
equal. plants. however vigorous and well
eared for, aro no less subject to baht
than are tease In feeble condition. 1•be
41* Is most severe when the land is
henry or wet and undrained.
The treatment must be preventive. By
itnneatly renewing the settings, and
planting only In deep, tbas,aO ly drained
soil, loss from blight will s0idom occur.
Bone have escaped the ravages of the dis-
ease by removing all the old leaves inane
diately after the fruit Is harvested, and
cultivating the ground. and at the same
time adding some quick fertilizer. The
easiest way to remove the leaves is to
mow the beds, rake the leaves together
sad barn them. A simpler line of treat-
ment is the application to the plants of
some fungieldo, which will destroy or pre-
vent the germination of the eon dia fall-
ing upon the leaves. it is advised to pre-
pare a solution of byposuipbite of soda by
dissolving one pound of the bypaulphite
in ten gallons of water. Apply with a
convenient force pump, having a spray
nozzle of fine aperture. The actioa of
this remedy is said to be immediate. hence
i! u necessary to apply it frequently dur-
ing the °°seen
tome than of the mohair. Black alpaca
lied black moire are also popular. Duve-
gray mohair, with a deeper shade of
watered -.ilk, formed a stylish travelling
dress fur a bride lest week, and soother,
for like wear, was made of hen -colored
mohair with skirt, vest, and mou.gte-
tedrs, cute of shite moire, these almost
covered with fawn -colored aim white silk
A pretty toilet worn by a lady artist at
• reowptlon recently w.e mode ct cream -
colored brocbe crape. The sleeves were
very becoming t, the wearer, who is
blessed with a eupernbondauce of flesh,
for they were made of a kind of network,
with Ines of gold running down it.
This is • very good idea for those to
whole nature km been overkled, for the
straight hoes running from shoulder to
waist take utf $ great deal of the ha,k
of two solid tleah without the aid of the
f d vs nee w 7 revived and great, hes world, ocly to hear ever, ally the seaside. This sounds vary
see, an ga
stood up before me. Drawing the tat-
tired frock across her bruised and bleed
ing breast, she looked at me with •cert coma In my own strangle way. to drag ant
ret dazed, ehildieb wonder, bot with no a 1ife, burdened with *hie deuiole curse "f
Men of fear. Ab, I can see her now. Cain, testa wt deewle/[ any other human
just u mood et°d there, tall r de lithe and heart within the awful shadew of my sin.
gr.+cstul as the Tooting fir tree. irowin[ And mi, to -night, as the gnat sus goes bttl of double and sometimes triple the
by the door, with her brag black hair, down behind the purple hell tops, I oust of the "simple cotton,' let the deer
black as a ahemof darkness and herduan the emcee of the ,eases
eyes, eyes with the changing mystery of stretch out my heads into the darkness, per it �emceethe ni it, !wenn, min 0t he atone tand, touching hen, made eleen by the, through the laundrw s hands, and it
• f my true confession, of any shads of gthoroughly uilt, wilt be thoughly proven that the
weird. in their 1'd1tba or shame. I turn m tir-d Lice tnwsrd inexpensive "areas" which, tree to for -
"Who u be 1" 1 naked her, pointing to thus waiting stare, and with her own mer trade trey the mind still associates
amidst it a11, the dying uioanicga of the touch hike economy, but the impression
woman that I bred. that fabncs that cost but little a yard
So bare I tired, doing what little I tend to reduce expense is • fallacy of
which we have all had convincing proofs.
Simple cotter dresses :oat but a trifle at
the stops, but get them to the modiste'e1g
leave her to '•arnish' them, pay blot
Me Mager.
"It &leave acted like Inagie I had
scarcely need to ore the e.c..od
dose of Dr Feeler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry for wormer complaints.
Mrs Walter Ouveatuck, Ethel, Ont "
the man who lay there, stimng faintly. site • washing • dices, u a delusion and
"Het Oh, he saes he u my father, sweet name spun my dying breath, I mo
to m.01 her in that " lana bey. red —B. a .mart
but be Is na ; he al.qs lies caw the N erde9, to Awertan Mag&xutw. A handsome gown worn et • reception
answer in hot, pianist° sobs, while this week woo made of amber and olive
her dark eyes glowed with the memory shot faults Francais.. with trimmings tit
1 of bate and pais,
1 "And Trot '.' I asked.
I ",le 1 Ob, I era Carina, and I have
5.i.5 bat the Truth.
Rim. I have found DrFowler's Extract
Wild Strawberry to he the best remedy
I ewer shed for dysentery an d allhummer
dark green velvet. The dress was but
alightly draped .t the beck. and the
- _ 1 always lived ben, only to be beaten and drapery so front was long mid clinging in
effect. The velvet (test was separate
from the corded silk bodice corning low
..ver the hips and fastening up doss at
the throat with 'small amber bottom.
The bonnet was s dower one made wbclty
cf Isabella vow wterteined with dark-
- gree. foliage and veiled with amber
Sdk jerwb-shaped bodices are made to
wear with skiru of Fren:h muslin, lace, naee�ry
and many ••f the eery sheer India !e:- use some substance which will affect it
tiles : and li,dices is moire are replacing I otherwts than through the digestive eye.
these of batiste, ..rgandte, and like tum, and ter this pnrpos. pyrethrum all
fabrl�. which so. n become .oiled and bnhech has been totted excellent.
fungi if ookinur, especially at the seaside. Whichever of these is used. it may be ap-
8iiyt corsages are also seen aver skirts of plied as a powder, and dusted on by mean.
nal French challis stud Iigurd .•r of bellows prepared for that purpo.e or
Geed veiling* and named'. -hair In a solution In water, which is most
sod complaint ls mad, trod,. Thea,, are sure especially by , eeonotnell is and fd inn thet. ebullk of the
Alta Odin g the 6iof• like the wart made of whit* give mid, � No stirring L sesausry, bat it d _be
?deities late Act ,,f large•tizur.d fabrics. These bodices as � ..111.41* • Telly fine.pray. 1414. doer the
most gracious good soil: • rule match the color of the line or de- mon etoonmieal Lib use acid the grwter
beaten by that mag—be will kill me complaints wont children, and I think
From Out tie Pres. � sometime, I ,&gips° abs said io . et i. reRe.oh, iwri n.,oe htnb olv
dr.sry little yu►c., .hen pitiful de.psir Able A. Rvmsh. V►ctwna Yale, Aonapu-
seemed giving way before the bops of 14. Co., N. S.
I .eyed there all that night. About
i • ere
The doctors have j.sst as d th t there
i daybreak the old man palled bimeelf Lo-
is II" bops f.r lee ; that 1 mal da to- norther, It ok.d at us for a momeet, and.
morrow ; perhaps, indeed, to night. n.tteriog Burse*, turned and went off
But they did not tell me that. Had down among the trees. But alma
1 400
they d to. so I aonld hare told them womid have left the poor child dung to
better ; bet they did not. They went mo,and begied and pined that I &honk
out softly to the other room, ,tanning
the door, lest I should hear them who
per it to Minnse—my niece Minnie—
who takes care of me, and .ho cried,
yes, absolutely cried. when they hes
.et leave her then alone Pro, a. the t0(luwing is •literal cop,
"He is may hiding down there till be oft ' Th.
loss ywu oto :them A5 will Dost+ back and To oke C .scald. of &d •yeti au f to
hill nos !" she whispered, tjamblan,g and retry of 114..
Whereas information
Jetts neem:s erred Warrant.
A moot interesting document has try
recently been dieser Bred in England :
'meek, the warrant by authority of
which "John Bunnyon, Tinker," was
sent to prison, where he wrote Pil trim's
ireful at the thought.
goes away. So I stayed, wee by the glorious beau -
They shot the door, i say, hat oh, I ty of those eyes.
laughedat that ' Little do thee. doctor And that day. and the next, and yet
tins.. how keen ¢rows the eye, the Lent went by sad found me then,
bow sharp the ear, how eager the mind patent. Coma euoo forgot her terror, J• :vagi___
and clear the brain, u one draw° sect 1� laughed in b&ppy glen as she sat
the shore and feels the breeze frim beside me under the stilly trees. And I
.•11 the Lake of Death fanning the sank• 4urgut my comrades up the lung ravine, e "
en cheek.. 80metunes, while lying here, sod au my gjld, drama faded from my
i have heard the setgbbora in the roes .meed ; for ah, 1 loved the wildwutd
beyond talkssg .bout my chimers 1n the duwet I had found beneath the pines,
battle with the "shadow give," nerd 1 and �-0h, the memory of her lows for
bbe told me of herself in those sweet
days, how she had always lived there
with that fiend, .rein, no other fare but
wonderia1 and planning what had best
be doom after all was orer with me ; and
I have been tempted to call out that
I heard them, end tell them to he gone,
W. Beecher
but then, why should I T They are rood hi% herring an .nand but tisa ebnt cry
neighbors, es neighbors go, and they of the panther throogh the dark. 8he
have bees very kind t„ Minnie ; ao.1 let wore a little Iuoket in her breast, with
them skew, nor dad i speak to them at the face of & womas in it—a fees beauti- O. Blundell
all, only 14 mid to 50rry me a 151110— cul as the aagds, with eyes like Canna
but that is over now. owe. Her father, she said, had told
Bet so 1 hard the dxtor, as they told her ono. it was the taw of hall mother.
IItisaw this s.oraiog ; and afterwards, who had died at Carma'a birth. "As/
thee be &truck me, and went off, and
stayed many days," she said, *tonne
with memory of his boatel blows. I
ooesforted her as best I could, and lin-
gered on.
One teeming our stook of venison get-
ting low, I started off again to search of
gams. Carne stood in the doorway and
watched me out of eight. I had
lock that daj, and went hurrying home-
ward is the twilight, listening to retch
the drat notes of greeting song, taut all
was still—tou still, I thought. !'hen,
suddenly. there was oat long, wild, oat gosh as Balled me to her sede
before, and 1 twee that tit' fiend had
mins beet. Ruabiag sadly forward, I
remelted the door is time to see the wil-
led. seise my darling by the threat and
plunge & lout( dirk knife into boar breast ;
Mme her totter, fall heavily, and them
—thee my seems left sae, sad I knew
winking of what I wee dodos for some
When I °.intend I eas kM.ling be-
fore the deed bodyof the *rt I loved,
while dem to us y her bsiderer, with
the twig kWh to his bonn—
ier I, Mon, bore the mark of Cain.
Somehow—I knew not how—I sift -
gored 10 my feet, and seising my gee,
west out. leaving the dead together in
the.asnnsd but.
The asst few weeks were a blank to
use, bit mist oid (need. Totten, told me
Shut owe I was found by some hast-
en not* ima than alive, in a gen, fur
or hen the bloody seems. They said i
hod lost my way, nod W fainted (rum
atervetion. when they foued me. 1
sever told thew otherwise.
whew she same into my room. I pretend-
ed not to sea the pretty eyes all red and
weighed with tears, or hear the tremor
in the sweet. young v, ioe- 1 merely
asked for pee and paper. and to be .lane
a while. She britght me thew, drew
up the Gttto table within reach, and west
out. 1 w left alone -yet not alone, for
the spirit of the deed woman is here be-
sidt we Dew, Rivtn,t vee feeeriabstemerth
to write the words that toy at leek bring
p&w b her soul and maw
I am an old man sow, yet, how °leer
st swam before my eyes—darer tbsn
this memory of yesterday --that bright,
...shiny morning lone years ago, ashes
I joined beads and fortune with three
other mem (a11 now are dead bet N. amid
1 am dyisi). Bet thea, .4 thee, we
were se young .ad brave and shoe" sad
full of Polish dreams of wealth and love,
ad seasbeod'. happiness !
We were out looming/ alining OWN
emesg the Rocky m..untaies, and for
two wild weeks we worked on aide by
side, scanning anr,owly the sands teat
,a0 beneath our fete for signs d the
dinning ,diens des. Bet, so far, all
Owe day it same my torn to hent the
e>ae for camp, and in the Mbar, bright
.ncumo I started off, whistling tight
haled anstehea ss t wee( ; far, s►, ern
meld I see, with my duller weir, the
owes, small cloud- them entiming is the
west t
The tame was bard to trate, and lei
we heeler mad farther up hills end
deem Owe, so that when i horsed IV
my gar $award temp the night was lafi-
hR a.5wd me, sad with it e•MO the uset-
tristis• that I h.4 lost way way. Bet
whit el that 1 i was yolseff wad harleee,
.mid a might np.nt in that hr omsyee
with tis who. ran for my *Mlew and
the wind metier/ thing% the &eh rest
pious shore m., would be Sltmd with
pMwegmt drams, net idle hes So I
steed rd511, and kinked shout me for the
mIM 1901 on ',kWh es est
M OW • 1ia1e before ma Is
hies. s mall tdeeripg, sed bsysu
sloop i tree. 1 red° my mind to
gar to this elsen'tgt ae/ test started,
firee yore after that i was in Eton,,, living with a lased, a great
sriotdesl lawyer then. i4e told see of
soy thief. end is his seemssatioe
spine of • ens he ltd tried t.. yews
West e1 a ,sting sM ef mar-
dssittk tta.IwWaa This the isle ere
My Longing was est deed, as ( Win
�t�i, else i left her, bet rather Is
Nat awful awoem whisk is tush sister le
death. A party of mitten, pasta doom go me wore as,
The awash Slag.
The common squash bug does not eon -
same the surface of the leaf, but forces
Its tubular month down through the epi_
dermis, and draws its food from the in-
side of the leaf, and h not affeetedsby
poisons on the snare. say some of our
scientists. It is , therefore, to
unto us that o0twith "woo tendered 10 .to.10.5, who du nut 1 pow ell ♦ water. w
t od it at once imparts Its lo•setieids peiaelpla
and free modal too all his I otos in the skirt material.
subjects for the peat nos- Dainty French drew* hay
demesnon :hat by his ' the skirts taced with silk and w
said cls atontic and indul-
gent guard led favor
they might beau mtuved
and induced for the tins
to come mon (argon to unwed
estatement about grafted races sad
binding, and, unwed of the lewd'
0. chances of its reachingn
all the bisects.
of 1 It mast be used whoa inkmined. for 11
t • I allowed to stand it gradually loess its
and power.,
lacebalryeuss, the modiste now pots a 1
pinked fall of the silk like the skirt in-
side the facing, which gives a full and
tasteful finish at the loot of the skirt
when seen by accident. Many of t4s
stately evening toilets ars decorated
with embroelery or beery silk passe -
lemmas around the hers, in the fashion
so popular in the plan skirts of t.ihr-
Bgooyun of ye said made visiting and walking 'costumer- The finest dowers of William Francis
Towne Tynker bath die- The enormous tournuro hes tuta!ly Beams I hare seen were from plants
urs times wither one disappeared in the most fashionable grafted on some tr0tis grower, such as
month last past in (tm-
tem of his Moja* good
Ls otwohed or teach -
ed • Conventicle Meat-
Hum : yfonoat ing or Assembly under
color or pretence of exec-
' cies of Religwan in °thee
=toner tn:.n according
to the Liturgic or prec-
Vessklia tin of the Church of
Ragland. These are
therefore in his Majtise
nue to command you
forthwith to spor*hesd
and lasing the Body of
ow mid John Bunnyios
before es or any of us
tit other his Majtiea
Jostles of Pesos within
the said Comity to ans-
wer the premisses mid
farther to doo and 're-
ceive as to La. and Jus-
tice shall appertains sod
John Ventres hereof you are not to
fails. Given eider oar
Modes sad swiss this
foattk day of March is
the ewes .ad twest ieth
year* et the .sign t t
oar inion grasious 8ovar-
•etre Lord King Charles
the fleeced A' flee Dae
joie& ere 1474.
Will Rpesear
Will Gerry St Jo(b.rooke
Wm Daniels T Browne
W Fusser
Chive Noire
The el.xam.nt is so little thumbed rt
soiled that it snook have been Iwag in a
eo..tablis horny pales The wafers,
•as sot far to meek. Ho may even bare
done sow as be did ca bis tint envoi aeswtiesN cls .°lee• ler a'11 parpvas :—
tome tw the assums- .st&ble's home to .us- litd .ick • yM eMh erarageti yal-
dee. W"him it was bit simpl• duty. __ wiry vi•let. bleak w1h .arm tars..,
A. Item d nese Cattier°.
A writer in American Garden make.
observe Itis Highnesslaw-
toe sod �Stt�attutw and to
confine* in thein lupin
and dos °Willows to his
)(ajtie) Tett one Jobe
these on their own roots:
„Fns, professionals many agree on the
question es to the advantages of grstted
roses and those 0n their own roots. Of
tours* there are .any, especially among
teas, which must be grafted to foto, well.
circles, and the deft modiste is tow fin-
ing her hand at skilfully draping a moire
so that it shall stand out stylishly and
gwcatutly, without the aid of either wire
or buckram. This is done by simply
making tie drapery at the back of sutfi-
eteat width. Luke pouffe are in very
had saute. The art appears to he is
alightly raisin[ the soft folds in the way
they most naturally fall. taking care that
as a whole the drapery does wit give the
impression of ton great width. These
folds dispose tbeensdves differently on
almost every figure.
The variety if the saon'a drew ma -
Metals is endless..nd on also is the
variety of cokes, only regardieg colors
there is • limit, for. although then are
mere bewildering bus. ..d tease is the
shop windows thea 000 use possibly give
a same t., on!y a portion of these are
elected for by the people who show the
best taste for dress. There are some
very he•otiful new same, shades is
g reen, of the olive tints, and a 8doti
brown, .h•owin[ tants of copper and dark
breeze. Grays •t home and abroad aro
extremely faahionwbk—gra; in all dyes.
smoke, noses, dove, silver. mast», ague
toy, with a creamy east : Russian gray,
mach like the "winter -sky" list worn
lest yssr, and gide_► •Ice lead color min
the Marmots. But according to oar ex -
perigees, worked hybrid yemtmtents never
stand the winter *Waldo as well as thous
on their own roots; they ere very apt to
be winter killed. When rapid growth Is
required for Inside use. the worked plants
certainly have the advantage. But it Is
an unnatural cosdltlon, and really them
seems no reason for it in most cases."
A complete test an be made by putting
the egg in one end of a tube of any kind
just large enough for dm egg to eater,
when.looking through the tube to-
ward •light, the condition of the egg will
be shown. If it presents • uniform!
transparent aplw•e•'ane. N 1s goad. but If
opaque. cloudy e.r dant It is apof ed. A
tester, however, to not asessssty, for the,
seine result esti be atbetad by
the egg in the hand. Report handl,
will sit a derkeesd room aid
and taking three such
hold them ap a moment between rq
sad Om light crud determine their cj',t
ter abont u fast as they Gan coon
by half downs
Seeend eeewe
A sewed of be
raised atter d the early t'ro'p
�Th4. 1. fwgdlals anOW emanate d southll M
'gloomy/ the an
often .red a sttsngow shown n ly by lobed Inc seed o apd for
for •• tnvilint geown, particularly by southern planage tweeh17 "a-
te.mod t►san n°rtiler♦ seed. The
small potatoes are Wet ad "U
to the sir, but not Ie is n, est
dark -complexioned mow, who never
aboald goo near the eller The head.
asoest and most delicate Wades tithes*
statnl colon are fogad only in eaves -
at re fabrics
liesesseimeg teals.
Remember that the following onion
will 4armnsie5 wiles valentine wall din
He did int dream of the nob. s. re
.61.14 Los was to toga his captivity, sof
(boat he himself mold div. to tee shine of
the pis to ,demi.., sad literature to M-
aes hem it.
Look opined and morsel. We leer. te
°limb W keeping our wyea.eet oe the vel
lays that 11e he,isd,t so es the mos.swies
violet with mala grow., We* *tilt light
rise, Hoe Wee wish stem brown, she
ealste with light bias, deep rad with
our. ..n.u. with warm peen, deep
lies, with peak. eheeel to with pa
green, manes with deep hies, claim
with buff, Meet with warm grew.
Oremust buoy .bete.• he Tott;d
slim b, before he ata R ii. 1.4111t.
bseaoe dry and grew
sg* started to span'
wow kr
he byell � Loins time
potatoes. 1
Of the
.,rt Twellv
booed lath
e -owl ti
au& Wilt es red and wee WNW
feed t 101 ems tae` year. tidy tis ass
giro ssey than belt Owe mug 110,0. S1
d r seen se
they may bs
te in the tall they
the matt sesame
fully metered
.1414aikggles, " 1 Me. •, 8
deal es vapid °ole Piet toe '
ue• , I
pereetre,' replied foes ; **NAY don't
you try a decile soap sad .eter 1"
Tie is a eurpies %tomitro in tler-
amer, toe. Wilt the ,hitt,/ oven vino
hs• jest bosom° Empestar room. the sum -
phis mresmferunw tot hes bead 1
Aspin ■-a who are deserves of Meg the
short. at ,tastier, of the list host, of
reprse.ntatives might be .aid W be part -
tat to oeugrres gaiters.
Tea can't estimate the rest of
wutuat • draw by the arse t.f her bu.ue
any more than you eon ted Mi. mush .
hotel clerk knows by toe of his
Young Lady (to deal.•)—I want to
look at ham.eocks. Molar— Tyr, *bum.
You want nae kr yt•ur nes Orr I '1 ouug
Lady - Y. es, partly ; but Is meet be
It is said that one pound of bantam
ntnblt.a more auttiW.rnt than teo..
pouuda of meet. At.d yet * will
ought a mon ,in while a .mill piece of
bat ams will btlag a man down.
In L ,don, tautly, a school examinee
asked the class before hint the meenung
of '• eternity.' titeaigb•way the smallest
of the pupils held up • little white hand.
and exclaimed : "Please, sir, God's
When Landover, the gra* animal
ppsinlir, was introduced to the king of
Portugal, toe latter, lobes* knowledge L1
Euglish wan •tritely limited, welcomed
him with, " I am delighted to make your
acquaintance. Mr. Laadee.r,—I eat so
fund of beasts.'.
Then is a famous brand of oat (heal
called the "Tbr..saioute." because it
takes that kngth of time to prepare it.
But &her awhile the massfeeturer wilt
be wild when • rival oat ..slater breaks
the record and ems out a 2:431 brand,
" Can you give me • little breakfast
ma an 1" pleaded the tramp ; "
h ungry and cold, I slept outdoors late
might, and the rain tame d.wn i!t
sheets." "You should have got in be-
tween the sheets," said the woman kind-
ly, as she motioned him to the gg.taMe..
Young Lady—I beard .omobody kiss
you in t4e dark hall last night, MAW—
You i
ou kissed, too. Young lady—Yes,
but that's the young man to whom i ass
engaged to b. married. Then is no
barna ha that. Maid—I am glad to hew
it. He was the same young man you
heard kissing me lathe hall last night.
"It can't be puesirie,`Opbby," said Ada.
slither, •'(bat you hate bump wished
swank to est that whole resbeel i
the closet T' " Yea, ma_ ; the
told you, you know, that my erste
n eeded rhubarb, an' I thought I'd
get a good dor of it down me before
got any wows."
Vowed (tsapet"m1.
He wanted a position in a beak.
President was mitiefied with his cref
this, but before engaging him put'
through little civil *ervioe crass es
"Suppose; now. a mat was to cot
here and deposit W0 in $1 b'
would you event them t'
"1'd wet my tote°s orad lit
bill ootid I got to the last owe'
Wby would you sot 1
one 7'
"Became there might
more bill under it, and 1 t
was to use it he would went
if the twentieth bill ie sot 1
there should be another bel
the hook makes its dost
• Yoe will do," said
dent. " You have been
before, bet I didn't as
that trick."—Detroit Free
A piper whose tel
been bed
*it is a tone on the
ekes a minister
61ho0as. He tis
in and admooigll tt
'• What was the mise
�. ayfi wd be
•• Bmt do yJ know
O 1' wed no I know it
„masmbo,$he Ft. art.
„ N eaama 'heat Z sic
est if weusl't I tory Wilk
News ` 'W.
it to
ye - et,.
narrow -coaled people
ked bottles—thalesath
the more neiee tbgy Oda
k out.
10000 PRESENT'
To mer Arrtytsv.trmtlit*w
wt. vent send Mem,
vile. w.edr °Pert
• 14;41y — wise w'1
�..� • WA_
cit stn tri stet
istei arta• ertlg
=ILaoar•r M` , t }
east rt&. Miff here x ,•-''.,
kr •
o rogue Any
fir ty , .50 '
Cadet Cry far Piicrl
dehernlag els
and Pans
they ores tout wags
abwted their 4sPes 1.
Ho eat of the tlgrtt
Got have not we net
tometbitr'ds their imfineW
Veto 111101, weir. w 14 Neal ►
Wire die wso4W. i►iittei Mr
Wheedle haemes thte (fib time ei
•bre ahah.deldeetieti