The Huron Signal, 1888-8-17, Page 22
like Price di In Dreg.
JY Naomi Kraf &
themeat that .k. weak', es .seal, ha
dand of eseryb,dv to the neighborhood
with garden produce.
"Ad hoer heavilythey we bear r
1 said, aloud ; wy, these will be
besheis of doom ' Avid muthis .ares
Melbias oboes them. 1 dtoe't ham why
I lake all this stable toot old (melt
Mg hose press p.m before say one
Ma. 1 know wbat I'll do ! yes, 1 win
Between the pm sod the strswbstlus I
w The qed, swam Iwlved.t."
Mersa saw the way opening, at the end
of white hoot[ the pretty dress tee bad
e st bee heart on. Th. last u ge. aha W
been is the vilage .he bad knitted Mg -
Seely at a beautiful crg•0die,--• pal.
lareader ground with • porple sea os
it ; a dress which only one other girl in
Ha..rtoa could hole to wear with bo-
oming effect.
That very evening Marian walked int.,
the viUalte, and pricing the mualta.fuuod
that As cold buy it, together with two
or three yards of ribbon for bow., s11
witbin the triangle formed by the ssagic
V of the five dollar bill, of whose pm-
ae.aioa she already telt .ore ; for Briggs,
the gropes -groper, had promised her fifty
mote • peek for green pass, and twenty
.ruts • quart for early strawberries.
"How sons will your green para be
ready, Ma,iao r' asked Farmer Gook
. hoot • month later. "Aren't you be-
hind time the year r '
"About the Fourth of July next year,"
answered Marian, with • saucy tom of
the bed. "I have already mold this
"And where's my money T' exclaimed
tea riga farmer, glaring at her.
"I'm sure that would puzzle a
to tell that, Mr Gault," retorted Marisa,
"but I know when mint is, and I shell
take Rood care of it tui ;" and without
waiting for the threatening storm to fall
u pon her, Marian ••caped to her ora
"Don't scold the girl !" exclaimed
Kra Omit, with unexpected spirit.
"Both the peas and strawberries beluag
to Marian. She planted and tended
them without so mach as 'thank yon'
these four year* now, and it's times she
got something fur her trouble, Yoe
never spent a dollar on her beyond the
actual Dooesaitiss of life, sod she hasn't
beds new dress since—I can't remember,
it's so Iona ago."
"Dram—dress — dress exclaimed
Gault in a fury. "Dore. • women ever
tbmk of anything .lee, I wooder ! Not
one of you can feel of a dollar without
the wish to throw it away for a belt, •
bustle ora bonnet
Mrs Gault thought of many • well-de-
served retort, but she prudently said
N othing, and .Ven Silas Gauk couldn't
keep up a quarrel with uo one to quarrel
Marian walked over to the village is
the evening, intending to return with the
1, mA-wished for, hardly earned =actin
for the new dress.
Jast as she turned the cornier leading
into the main street she fogad herself
face to face with Mr Harwood, and he
stopped to speak with her, as ha always
did st all times whoa he met beg. And
in the course of their brief talk be men-
tioned • cam of groat suffering god age
row in the hotnes he had jost lett
"The poor woman Mose in a strange
country, without money sod without
friend., sad I fear her child will die be-
fore rttorniwg. Dr Forbes has done what
be could, but he fears that help ba nome
ton late—I feel positively guilty that
I had not sooner heard of the Mecum -
"I deal ask for mach," said Marines
Watkins, in a • ,doe that showed
ted feeling rather than sager, "bet tis
think 1 wipes bare • new dress,
I have worked like a hired sere=
ties wimter mid "prim, sad by the Malta
of theme rm masted to kosp N sq ler
d lb
the rest s year. I have reseed rite
prise td one may times over, sod I w
in treed u( taw It Mr Omit was poor
and amide's afford to pay for help I
wouldn't complain ; but yon kaow it 1.
fur you that I work and slave, mother,
sad I must say it again, I think films •
right to ask for • new dress."
"And w, you have, my dear ill, but
I never bare the handling of a dollar.
Marian, and its no ter tor see to ask
your father for it."
'He's .'•d my father !'" exclaimed the
girl, with &n outcry Rash of the satslly
•soft dark eyes, and I thank Heaven
fur it. but I'm going to bare a new
dress, mother, for the Sunday -school
picnic, and perhaps it will wait Mr
Gault more than of be gave me the
money for it."
Already sorry that she had vexed her
mother to no purpose, Marian caught au
her sun -bonnet and went out into the
garden, leu she might be led into rnyiog
something room than she would .coo re-
rot -
She knew that her Isotherm had mar-
ried Silas Gault merely to Ret a hums for
Lomeli and her chid, --hs object being
to get a housekeeper wittoat wages.
And so thoroughly was oho forosd to
keep her part of the bargain that she
was an old wcn&n before she had reach-
ed middle age.
But Marian was voting sad strong,
and devotedly attached to her mother.
and she bravely took her work on her
willing shoulders ; but when Mr Gault
thought to have two faithful workers in-
stead of one be was met by • few gest
words trona hi. step -daughter.
"No, Mr Gault ; I do my mother's
work that she may rest, but if you are
going to pile • double load on her you
may hire some one to take my place.
I have seen her slave herself to destb
long enough. Yesterday she fainted
from weeknen and overwork. From
this hour ! Jo her w k—at! of it, but
she dors nothing I[lbat doesn't suit
rue, gay so. I can hire out and have a0
icier sod pleasanter time, with wages
enough to support mother in comfort,
sod that's what I'm gong to do it you
deal like my terms."
In vain Farmer Gault raged and
stormed and declared be would be mas-
ter in his owe hour. Marian said ooth-
ing, kept steadily at work and looked
after ber mother's oumfort. But then
was • calm determinatton in her dark
eyes and • firm expressage about her
curved lips that wore not bar stepfather's
maim threats and anger.
Almost a year had passed, and Mar-
isai's petiolate sod pre.everance had
stood many a bard test But what girl
of twenty lees not now and then & do
re for • new dram i However add -
.rev: eke may be to outward appear-
& tome will coins when • new
Omer becomes all at oma n vital ne-
The new minister—the Reverend
er Harwood—had consulted her
ut the customary pic-mc for the Sun-
sob.ol children, and se one of the
teachers, Marian felt that she
present • becoming and astiefac-
ppwlrmoce. The new minister was
ea& handsome, and he had .ow -
td Marian tui her particular clam,
felt a sodden .Imbue, • glow
Mart, and • thrill of pleasure
she had never before expe-
nd as she walked borne repeat
herself the Reverend Mr
.meant words, and hearing
of his pleasant voice,
deny aware that her
sod oat of date, her bat
es tbreadbare, and her
A pane of
4 .whim
t of the walk pro
'rt to devise 1 b
tie grave and
same might be
"Leobbler in t
ife Marten h
1► ,. teen mended the
�'M ihaioked a good as
oe hews* a new paid at thaearer'e convenor bawd
wow la was ins.ufscto
here di fingers from an
Lgkor'traw hat that be
fro= M'Gaulti early
who* Mil • oro father
ase ►ls Pay wife becoming
and a Pair genuine French
pad by an sod months,
WI from a same almost ,
• �rss of hi mother's girth
Aare* s7 had been ton la
tomer wner. and now fit
'0 hoe ughtei m shapely
had needed in reoewiug
r otos* th the exception of
a (orwldile and oeoessery a
dit&nd this sh mutt have sew a
cs1 lite. That was positively no
other way—it ha to be bought, Wit
NIS at the •diel store and paid for
on perches" '
Tith re. the sabje on which Marian
had, hast, f.oro.d basal to speak with w.
send her sod site doling a it w but
only tae mon 10 than t
for that tam. tet girl had Mite
that mother miff; peewee there
.d in4g.e over the .ry.
to sakeleies allow his reshq
prix• t a sew gown Sporka
for all the gate: work aha *homed t
her writhe '1' behalf. She misers)
y vitiate fooadation we1L it
had be.o,.tad eh* fel sharp p=eg
es she hod itgver felt b.• in
rhos meat
t hot map hs ti a-b..oM
to the nn�W, E.itw. Y
dictation snoo•eded her
sensations, and the
e was • t in the
• means by which
)ming faults of
village, for whom
no essay • little
oken boots till
w, and insisted
to b. for
; a charming
by Marino's
ed days,
loved to
reeled ;
Mr the MAW girl he W ever twit,
.nd*ata looked at groin
orb iso Bean
k.a.ttfd new ergaedkt,
whish lead like a pair., .ed w.s the ad-
etintiea rt everybody at the pio•ei..
Bat, she ! IGnin had dressed fur the
seism pttpptase of ebor.iog tb. eye of
Mr Harwood, ..d the admaatba d all
the real el w world este bet vain and
vexation of spirit. Wham she monied
Mate i• the moeelight Mariam wee a
ham gisL Rept Harmed was \old-
ie./ leer aaelgieved heed ia his, and he
had already taken the mason GI bar
nes �" afraid of is that poor .tamer
will miss tore e see►," faltered Mari..,
.s he .erred her to mums a very early dor
tier die widdies, 'aged I really doe t
keow how rhe will get on without me."
"Sha writ be ..ked to my denims !
I s= sot goieg to take bee desolater tees
Iwo—so, uo 1 I @tall give bee a sue as
well as a daughter. Your moth.( shall
be my mother, dearest, and if that un-
kind sea.ttempls te belly or ill-treat
hoe is may way, ter tome is always
ready for her to our house as in our
"4), Rodger, dear, bow good you are!"
.red Marian lifted • sweet, happy face,
over which another bout is a gaud• sight
And Silas limit soon realized that be
had lost more than the Frio. of • new
"Oh, Mr Harwood, indeed you can
bave nothing to roach youndf with
—no one has ever done eo mooch for our
poor people as you have done ever since
you case among es. And disk mot one
of our pour for loo say she is an Eng-
lishwoman who has managed to get over
here. Probably one ed the '.seated
emigrants' they complain of a gang
without permission to Canada. It is
really shameful, when we have so many
wretched, ..happy ones of nor owe--"
"She u nae d God's peer, wherever
she comes from, my dear Mies Watkins,"
lir Harwood interrupted, gently ; and
Marian stopped abruptly and ashamed.
"I'm euro I beg your pardoe, Mr
Harwood,' she said. "Toe are always
right, but don't let me detain pea
Good -night ;" and she turned from his
Marian went directly towards the miser-
able -looking home whets°. she had aero
Mr Harwood ism a sew minutes Wore,
and over and over again the text of last
Sunday's sermon kept repeating itself is
her mind :
"Inasmuch as you have have dose it
u nto tee of the least of these my breth-
ren, ye have done it unto mo,"
The poor wumaa'i child was ill, in-
deed, and its mother worn out. Mariam
felt that the el octor had done whatever
he mould do, sod Mr Harwood bad pro-
vided both food and medicine, but her
quick, feminine yes had detorted a
want taut neither of them had .sets. In
tact, where all was want it was diHoslt
to choose what seemed meet needed ; bet
first Marian took possesioe d the child,
and while the weary mother rested her
aching head, the strong young girl w..b-
ed the child, changed its garments, hod
it, and hashed it to Jeep in her arms.
Khe then hastened on to the village, but
she didn't paw even to look at the
pretty nrnodie ; her swift footsteps
visited the grocer, the druari.t and •
rile Wore devoted to ready-made .loth -
ter children, and &sally she dispatch-
* mesmerise to tell her mother sot to
reed 11 she failed to Mare home
"ening, with the request that obs
back by the messenger milk,
end Aga
• next day the little child was
the dolor told Marian that
sow fair tihames fur its re.uw-
cheeriog words elated the
sad she presently met lanai
s. that she had just ra-
ven organdie media, with
of nhbus to moth,
to duty that w i k she,
for • moment, bet
se e..maiag to yes,
I have the saes com-
ma that dress ter
ter ,..
arise bad .o sew
el piwk, Hsk
eo hemellag
hod dsraed
sondem set1
her W.M.;
Yours. old, and middle aged, all ex -
penmen the wonderfully beneficial effects
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You. children,
wlleritg from ern eyes, sore ears, amid
head, or with any scrofulous taint, be-
emm. healthy and strung by the use of
this mediate*. Six bottle, W.
• terase that la V.mmMr to 1aar.
mese meow
w bee the der ars tong sed Mt, whoa
the moots are Ant sad a peters le net
Goof s.uogb u si•ap umea late, there is
Ismer that sta. hews.kesper will out
sus to it that eves has ..reg\ sleep for
the keapi.g op of her st,.ugtb.
It is id mem, mesh the wiser pian to
get up early, s.d de the heavy part ut
the day's work ia the mei time u[ the
mseatag, eves though ase be au sleepy
itessms very hard le get to work. How-
*rer, this aleepi -i-s som wears off, and
the work goes eosin sad well et iter
time of day.
The farmer sad bis mss are at their
work as early as the boaaskesper, and so
ere ready for the early hearty diarist,
which ..est be prepared over the hot
stove. After the dieser is eaten the
meso folks always give themselves $ hali-
buts or more of rest, bet the moms of
the hum stst,or they Alai' they mist,
immediately clear as table, and it is
seldom muck less but in the dish -water
than over the stow. Whoa the diem(
work is dune, if no extra homework
Galin, there is always the m.odiog beast,
or 1( nothing bio pressing the &V.rato
woman begins to sew carpet rags or
pesos a quilt.
We ser much in the moors nowadays
about the fad that insanity is very pee -
indent a.osg rotten of farmers home..
T\is is amounted fit in man? ways—
"overwork," ".monotones existence,"
and some wise 51511 say,
"too lisle sleep
If mama who have to work for faro
hands, if women who carry heavy house-
work year in sad year out, would delib-
erately make up their minds to take $
.id -lay nap, they would do More and
better work, and ems tat of hard work
better served, than if they tried to work
every minute of the day. The few
Mamas of daylight sleep will sores back
laden with manifold riches of strength.
It is oesl.ssfu r • woman to ate oa5-
not sleep i.iS.ytia. 1f one will
lie down quietly sod dee the eyes for
one-balf hoer per day, at the same tuns
every day for two weeks, there will be
era trouble •bt.ot not being able to sloop
is the daytime. For may people the
hem -hour per day is .uflioisnt rest to help
keep good strength all day. The Jeep
at night will be all the better fur 11, be -
ears the nerves will not be so worn end
tired as to make one restless.
No ons east stake a role that will ap-
ply to every one as to the proper amount
of sleep oeoss any ; bot one throe is sure
—nay mese had better err on the side
of too mach sleep than nos any risk as
to wearing out her penes, whim work
oe too little sleep is sere to do.
Children. toe, are sometimes abused
by thus• who love them best by being
obliged to get op to bn&kfat whether
their sleep is "owl" or sot. They wiU
wake up of their own mend when they
have dept .suarb.
We women do too much work i. many
direetions. Ws sew too rout*, we (some
of es) scrub too mhch, and many a ase
cleans ter bard boors at a time when •
very few minutes et rare -taking world
have prevented the necessity fur tea
If we world take a nap in the midst of
the day, sad by fueethohgbt sem the
time from unaeoamary work, we might
live lager to do work. O.s frail, deli-
mits woman, who hes been able all her
life to keep her ,home plesaaat and her
five children happy, thinks her messes
all doe to the fast that she slops lis eon
minute every afternoon ; her nerves are
rested, her body sed mind refreshed, sed
Mr strength renewed, so that she does
n ot become overtired before uieht She
beim the habit whoa she first began to
keep hose, sod learned to always take
the time for it because it wee economy 10
the end.
We hear mach about ro.aras rights,
bot oo woman ems ail the rights that are
accorded her unless she makes of herself
physically the strong woman she has a
right to be, than inoses her mental
strength to what d shook' s.i mss he-
rcoma. When the "majority of women do
this then will be no question as to the
status she will have is the home, the
n eighborhood .ad the nation.
If more home mothers will sleep more
they will be stronger women for all
duties that coma Then don't let any
one feel that the person who takes as
every -day nap is westing time, but rather
let it become "tate proper Wag to da"
Int every woman ted it is as mush her
dsty to gin herself • full wosot of
J ap toe .very day that .u=ser [rings,
as it is bee duty to 611 her days with
earnest labor.
Many of es ono " blas the mw who
Ent invested Jeep," bot we do aot take
our full blessing, sod while we gain • lit-
tle fleas we wade strength, (orwettisg
that our time will go on •n..whan foe -
ever. while our strength will some day
give our.
Let the women of the lead have mon
d eep and we shall bear hos complaint of
the miseries of hot weather.
Tam the Toreet. wand.
How mach have we not read and
beard of the wrongs and righte of labor,
of the bloated mosupolist, the grinding
capitalist ! But who ever pot ins wad
for the poor "boss r By the boss we
mean the peculiar product of over be -
Inanity, the mea who gets it into his
bead that he matt tern his fellows by
indiog wages far a portion of them, .ad
that the happiest kind of work he can be
eattaged in is "shinning &resod" for
business and money to pay wages, who
bas & pessobant for beige "kicked out"
by bankers of whom he has asked ac-
oou.udatioo, who loves to pay "shav-
en" thew per oast a month for mosey
to give his men, she often goes hose on
Saturday night without • Dant in his
pocket, having given up bit kat dollar to
his employes. who fee. enaecouots-
ble reasons aromas to be regarded by his
me as their biggest meaty and who
Boats itte d• Anda thejumping o0
him with all the m weight sod force that a
trade orgrouatioo cam otmmead, who,
if be ma••gles to own bis own "bona"
has it covered with • big sad beautiful
mortgage, who often cannot sleep at
mights for tbiakiag and sell=ing bow be
is to get through the nett day, who has
to take to the lases to avoid creditors,
who, becomes an expert liar byskreaking
promises that be eo never carry out,
whose wife is constantly upbraidiog him
with giving every dollar to the moo or
some eke teed nut • cwt to her to run
the home, who is duly, elmost hourly,
importuned to bestow ani othiog on this
or that project, who, in short, is we wor-
riod by cirasmtee&aos that he does not
know hail W time whether he is stand-
ing on kis head ne heels, but who, never-
tbeles, lives in tbe glorious hope that
"some day .eon" he may be able to wale
the earth is a straight lino sod with level
foot, plucking the treks as he gee 1st a
ked and in a day when the sun will
shim, the gram be green and the little
bawd go ragtag to the sea—bat, oh !
and alas ! the day never mom••, and some
May atomism the sheriff or the under-
taker, .,..!.ally the latter, has bim,aad
he torsos the tree indisp.sssble to a
[moral po.esJoS, &ad goes rumbling
along to the graveyard .mmisdf.l .1 the
import.misg workman, the pureeing
crwdltor cr the band -robbing mossy
leader. H. tbiaks not of his wife or
child, ser of lis chimney at home with
the op -eosin smoke, bet the hefted
rest in him and he has sensed it, and
though he knew it rot it esus for the fell
.sjoymeat thereof that Provident* was
preparing him by immense him with the
ambition to he A Bees.
And of all the ..a an this earth who
are booms, whether great or smell, seek
is the lot of Pi out of *wary hawked ;
three sox dewsiop into "ospitsbftte" or
but all the rest are
d to b. the Slav of Others sad
the Child of Untoward Oaseusst sass.
Motet —Duel b. & Boa
• ireall eel Orw.bter
is generally a become of smarmed dys-
pepsia or it digistion, Gamed by sating
too rapidly, Whim food without elow-
iag it .ellclently, overloading the stom-
ach, eta Burdock Blood Bitten cures
dyspepsia .ad ell k isdr d diseases. 2
Tea W4 ar .wised i Mae.
John Waasmsket. the groat elothing
merchant prince of Philadelphia, ore of
the mast.uoe.sfel end prosperous beta -
nem men ie the world, who hes .poet
hundreds of thoashle of dollars in d-
.ertitieg. says :—'To di.00etisne as
dvertisu.ent is like taking dews yoer
sign. If log meat to d0 besieges. you
matt 1.t the people mow it. needing
dvertiumws. whew .hanged frege et -
1y, are better and simper than reading
mikes They look more enhataatkl
sad bmi..s She, and mite maw me -
dilemma I w.dd se smss thunk of do-
me bedews without dike as whitest
advertising: Omblsr Hamel. d Sam
Aatosio, Tawas, one thew of hank-
ies the b.miM el dvwrtiimg.
les Sever fihmtlel Aemila r
"hardy ware" ChM M He MI
am ttaek of what pm*M eal "dildoe.
"and to mai wee is bye. Tot
my 'eros ted teamo esid be a
Haim stMt a
ep, beatill st wee l •
7 snob se Dr PiN'a "Neasent
ellee Pop, C
ali=hyd dal m& -t+lea
a were to o.w..
At this Um of year .early .eery one
"gas visitiwt{ toe a or shorter
ppeeel1 ad S. mach bas b..n said me the
imides d hats that it is time to say •
1.w words to roma It is to be hoped
you do net Whoa to that eland id geode
ho o
bootees lake pane
likes eamereto ~whim
do, whoa at home, have hot
.odor is bed in the moraiser, . 44 foot
bath u eight aid iced is. betwMn
meal•. You Amid be wilding rather
to forego them laming* lhao nia the
risk of pet her to the *lightest tu
eoaeeuienee. She wants to make you
tool at home ; but the wrest, ,juacleet,
uaaim& and heat way for you to ed en to
for you to asks yourself to the nutria
of her loise4Jd, not try to make her
whole household .dept themselves to
your routaoe babitw One as.esti•1 is for
the geest to asoerWs the regular dour.
of the family • ed then keep than as
nearly es possible. Have we not ail
known the early bird which iasistsd on
rising at 6 a. en. when the breakfast hour
was not till 8 o'clock, sod which thus
made the .Duro family feel as if they
were keepi0,r erect waitieg 1 Or the guest
who ".ever ban • panicle of appetite
before 9 o'clock," and so kept a polite
group waiting an twur to break now
Th. hours before breakfast should S.-
oemeed from the guest's introsion. That
is the tom when mistress and servant
pot Wiage straight. told dowers are to
be reptao.d by fresh ones, scattered
music arranged, roots swept, mirrors
wiped, furniture mad bric-a-brac duetted.
With how nisch more satisfaction can
a bootees receives guest, when she feels
that her rooms are in order, than when
they are.odergoing their morning
tales, rte at were.
Then is one habit ocemion•lly prac-
ticed by the gnat whisk should oertaie -
ly cose under the bead of sins against
the dummies of etiquette. What shall
be said d guests who makes convenience
of their host and hostage, using their
home u • mere bees tet oOeratauna,
from which to carry on a species of
social warfare ? They name calls
there ; they sally forth to make calls ;
they demand as their right nes of horses
and carriages ; they want "light lunch
pet op for • little picnic," bot they
never bay. any time to visit in them
home, for when there they are always
"clear tired out." Socb guests certainly
will always be speeded at parting, bat
one may doubt if they are aver welcom-
ed .t cussing.
mem mime se raetakee,
Natoni own remedy for bowel am -
planate, cholera sorbs, roll.? cramps,
vomiting, sea -.asks.., choles infamies,
diarrhoea, sad all dims•.s of a like oa-
ten beloagiag to the summer soon, is
Dr Fowler's llztrat of Wild Stawberry,
which can be obtained frown ell dealers
is medicos. Price, 35 .gots. 2
It snootiness meta Iess to have a bad-
ly .oiled room repainted after moderate
w of the mop and brush, than it dos
to halm it webbed and ..meted.
moo's ttweeatelo•
R.. so rear in baying ased4itas,bet
try Ike great Kidmry_ and Liver te-
tar, .sole by Dr. Obese, wisher of
Chase's reseeiips . Try Chas'. Liver
et the Liver, Rid -
Cute for all maw, Stunusb gad Revak by all
The diiL _Iueg pawns ee atm ole
seemed le reale Rimm sed maws... is he
is a pea .menu b a lest of the red
esrpsseks M the Hoed. T. reedy
this regains & modish* obi* padres
these mos— ry ads bleed one lMmewb.
and the bei yet disemored is Jebmeee's
Towle Bias Pelee M .sots, sed M
per bolts. se A.eders dreg stars, Albite
idea, Oed.rii tela sleet. (1]
A Igwsu--Of ems dem "TRAM iiNe•
aT'" t. ami — emedi.� ihe bed
Me .home .e 'veasaanv, e ,..lebble
Hmiyke the Teeth .sol 1etL. eek
y our Jreggest et dares
What a Time 'I
People Mae* bade VYING 211 riallame
she elbiWe.18 gel grave ftm alma old
tam Mi..
a-iadiad W • ..minim t.arse.
New [bas lege beim well embed "weal
leased suateplems"—the ells /met be-
ing that plasma may 1e telniaMd les
Ming is many at a dem drat the
/trochees are pada sad geoid be
strictly gsflMud• aro
J. T. =limo, M. D.. of Chianti's,'
1N Y.. -pre.. enamtly what Mabee.
hien velem at pester Waw fl
lays: " Ayes'• Oathartds 711b ns wow
appraisal'. ?beg are parfait M imam
and ceasin& and their elects are alt
that the met carotin p1yslclea c..14
desire. They lave .mpplaated all the
Pills tonseriy popular bare, sad I thiak
it .rest be long before way other can
be nude that will M all om rare w/W
thea- Those who bey your pals get
full value for their mosey." e
"tint., pke.eaat. mad artisan ;in
their action," ie the .carie test1aeq
of Dr. Owego ]t. Walker, of Martin♦
utile, Vlrgtala.
Ayer'. Pills outsell all Mailer prep.
arstiowa. The public loving o•o-o sued
them, .111 have .o others." — Berry.
Venable A Colter, Athlete, Oa.
Dant 611 the vegan with quinine, to
prevent or cure Fever and Ague. Ayer's
Ague Cure is the specific for this disease,
and leaves nc poisons to produce duxt-
nese, deafness, be dacha, or other ds -
mamas amt..
Some people never have rood jelly ;
some people always do. Why / The
fruit may have boss too bed when pecked,
or it my have been too sweet, or the
jelly may have bees boiled too lour.
Currants, especially, amid be fresh and
not over -rips. Du not sten them, and
anima sandy it is better not to wash
them. Put a small quantity in • jar or
large bowl, and use a "voodoo masher ;
then Noma them through • .nonee bag,
after which let them drip through •
flannel bag, but do nut press. Tb.
Otos will then be beautifullyclear.
Measure it into • porcekin kett. Let
tt boil briskly for 20 minute. Add one
Armed of sog•r for every posed of joie.
The sugar is bettor if plead in anthem
dishes and heated in the Oreo beton pot
into the joioa Stir the mixture only
until the sager is dissolved. Let it
Dome gwiekty to a boil. If it jells yea
have .aee..ded freely ; if sot don't be
dioeo raged, bat let it 1011 a few minutes
longer, trying it often to find out. Pet
the jelly foto glomes dipped into hot
water. If Dot aweigh jelti.d atter
' toadies a day in adry, cool spot, put
glass over the tumblers and leave them
is the sun for • day or so. Extra join
fruits require an extra ounce or so of
Ayer's Pills,
Amar!. b Dr. J. C. Are. At Oa.. Lowe 1, It.a.
Mrd b moll Matsu r Inoemales.
Therm is nu such thing as • c^e.aal
olb.-e when you I at r rrur wan 1t.
A mrooa! .,Blue1 a +n "thee ail h . ,noon
mei, 1,, ,t ; .10'tit n."w'. u.. dirt:ream
w hether .t is a tau{'s o 111 re .•r • era. ang-
An n,e.rd dignity ' 1 cb.racter.plock,
,.nn ar on -ed aged rillsorouely m.n.rai•-
eel, nothing—Do, not the hardest drudg-
ery sir the direst poverty—an tangui.b.
Let the motive be ir. the deed mud not
in the runt. Be Dot .."e whoom motive
for action is the h '.1 reward. —
Nothing seta w wide a mark between
• velgar sod a sob'..o•tl .. respect fur
and uual love of womankind.
The create/et trials ail the early Church
oma fn's withriut, while those of the
modern church mem from within.
When friends are present, d.. t• thews
ger'.! deeds : when they are atoasut,.peak
of them good words. is the neat ellisieotsid albs
world to'ireogtl to • good mane or to
&apply the want& d am.
Be charitable Were wealth makes thee
meek us.
Threes" The Rats.
A youog as. had made himself a
bow. on • new farm, stusted in the
wood; he had cot a little opening, viable
frum the house, that hie wife and baby
might sae him, on hie way, before he
quit. [meshed their_ This elM&riog era
called by them "tee open place." TM
little one often nn to the door, daring
papa's absence to see "if papa was terri-
ne by de copes p'aes."
One day the husband and father was
striae, down with fever. The little
one was carried to auntie's house, out of
danger's way, and did not rotor until
after the dear, brave paps was earned to
the "Rest that remainet\ for the people
of God." Wh.m the child misread to
the sorrowing mother, he was told that
papa had gone to Heaven, bet world
some for hes little boy soma day. He
often looked and loomed for iia Esther
TM fatal fever Masked the boy. Just
as the saltier/ con tinged all the sky, d e&
darling, who had ler for days omen -
Mims, soddenly opened his eyes and
said : 'Mamma papa, is hernia' by rho
open p'aea He embed his area op
towards the bright apparition, wbieh un-
quit/kneed eyes meld set ash sod sank
book lifeless.
• renes eay.u.
''l was suffering for throe months with
• pain is m7 hack, .red we ad.ieed to
see E. RIO I had sot used two bottles
beton I 11..... as w.l] a. IVIT. I ad-
vise all who weir from pate in the Met
tow RR B." Mn Paul Bromism,
L..nexrille, P.Q. 2
H. who takes the child by the heed
takes themes, by floe Merl
OM a mets gases. ChM.
A slimy moa u the b.igM of
fashionwent dog is • argot
car, when a remarked, "Air,
Cheeks, desk bey, hew try. eMett that
dereadt.! told." 'Age, dealt fdlob, left
h tns in the lower hall totter day,
emd h maim the ivory basil., e
dttaeid soldfi rhinal me almost t0
death" If Ohar ie had weed Dr. Her-
vsyi Red PM.Oom Wm raid meld est
trouble him very weir For sale et J
ndeet.'. ptstwiotrp. drag ion. tf
ever Vim__ —
"I take mesh pleasure in saline that
since 'wog Burdock Bb.d Batten, i
Ifave entirely recovered. I'o.ffered from
impure Wood and bad over 500 boils. I
can c..nedently resionmesd Bit B. to
any sufferer from Me ammo complaint.'
David F. Mott, Syne Valley, Out. 2
The heat roe/slaters toe the it mach
end Motets, the heat euro for biliousness,
sick headache, indigeetioa, sod a!1 affec-
tions arising from • J.sordered liver, are
without exception Juiesoo's Tonic Liner
Piths Small in size. sorest coated. mild,
yet effective. 25 et., per bottle vole by
Goode, druggist. Albwa block, Gude
rich. sole agent [•]
Judge no one by his relations, what-
ever criticisms you pee upon his compan-
ies. Relations, like tstut.s tee thrust
upon n.: companioae, like clothes, are
more or less our own *election --Kate
Ulla Thom • Maher.
That a to say, your Immo. Also ail
your breathing machinery. Very won-
,derfal machinery it is. hot only the
Imo?' ter -passages, bat the thousands of
little tubes and cavities leading from
When them are skirted and chocked
with mutter which might not to be then,
your lungs cannot half do there work.
And what they do, they cannot do
Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia,
catarrh, consumption or any of the
family of throat and noes and head and
lung obstruction. all ere bad. All
ought to bei got rid of. There is just
one sore way to get rid of them. that
is take Roschee's German Syrnp, which
any druggist will sell you at 75 .esu a
bottle. Even if everythng else has
failed you. you racy depend spun this
for certain. solely
The joys of parents are secret, and
are their griefs sad fear..
mere ttm eareable M111
Fogad •t ;••t, what the true p.blis
has been kwkmmgg int the many years
mad that is a =.diem. whisk although
but lately introdesed, hes made for
itself • reputation mooted to nom, the
medicine is Johasem's Tonic Bittern
which in eoo'ondlou with Johnson's
Tusks Liver Pills has performed some
most wonderful mires impure or ter
p.variabed blood moos 1..omot psri6mi
and enriched. Billio.mum., iadigastl°e'
wick headache, liver. eo.pMist, ls.goer•
w.frm.., etc , woos ddissppsr .M5
treated ley them moonset marc nedo
{•ems )rot Sale by Good, harped. Al-
lies bkoek. Godsri.b..ale Mone. (d
wen wan save
ad gem eon
ity (Jing
0111 BALI
A pilose
•oris.. ,•1„••t trtrisrt