The Huron Signal, 1888-8-3, Page 6-- -- -- r ' a IELD AND GARDEN. PRACTICAL INTEREST TO AND GARDENERS. )Mw t wow mama sue. wafwue to rasa A u1111141ts JlortUtaa, •- wtl.tae wheat . Frws Letemet t"asi•tlaa. In;^ et Jour mentor patutl• •a out and to the in the ax! r. of 0 ever, tr In pots. writes a florist !titre. we should re- occupy • eery dil.'reat with those planted in a bonier The plant have what is contented we administer to it, to accept the whole lbws -it has to take up this is the redeem wp with Impunity. issue Over is M the bunterstrvtul whteh lltailarly applied destroy and kill *the same It1 bots. plwts at rat let them M ypots as small W the routs It you err ota the question of gas eft.* It be on the side of too inuoh :too little. The rnmpst tads up like this: Ilya part old gaol turf loath, half part of old . haeelg th part of leaf mold. thereval or seed. Tile e. - rile ld Mat be riddled, but well mixed The pots mast he well rammed sat thick roots should be reatov.d ft, k, but all fibrous roots should k 11enteved. Some of the plants I,ay es e es Muth growth and an many .note k ahoy be necessary to repot thein 10 .aZ�`t first season. In that .'nae lY•wap into pots the next size larger. sec eare Sot to break tate young rioti. AO oldie en's repotting a year should Le As to penning rosea, the more a And to tale wired WANTED, A BURGLAR. till. NORR13 SUCCEED S IPPFINDINO ONE. TAS IIIikuH SIGNAL, FRIDAY. 'A1:0 3, 188 ,4. h T � Cat Caolartuaasedy r 11111m.tM Mosar t Was True to •I MIs. Lanai -As E hareem - be tare- - tout All'. Wan Than gads Wool. (hese, the delay roam to Mr. t#ttbsrtaat's c.tudry home. Time. manage& anter Mr. J.4ua Norris, • mina at the home Ile earnest u emend in ape trued sad • Mahem towt:rer e.l Mt Norris (Hiving obs Woken • ta the tat.W► -This r such • peculiar otuatfoo that out of regard W my owe rel( revert I ata ".n- strain•1 to offer an •xplataati.m-t•) iu volt. U . Kole. Gabel Adorable creature that e . • i F t, tv' rnwcwr T't2 ow raft a tong. nay you are. youlilt,.• know odor* los hands, and In (loin!; ,o drafts the basket A lot of silver Ire tumble. aro the floor. Hastily recovering de, hina,elf) -('onfmita Lean -tut attentively.) t• „ After all. m, learns doneTo (-enthuse. I kis rot deep ratoly in love with Mi.:r of :;atha er'nd, avid sit, 1 am Linen to say, tc is Barrett, alae, Jarrett, lk:aa ww Oar` ett, e_. with me at Mr. MittherLatid'a ,•1111116rend it Mareehal A «l, this Until now nn oma d eii c�iri1 claim any do- er, era Gated advantage over the others. But day h'am • mill ata ram tree the finer the bbr. f14 1n the rase of Hybrid fieriestt e advice is that all the brandies* at mon, three eyes or bu await will be generally one tth A* f: oto each branch. r t wane act immense amount tCV thec waaR bending shouts &stem. e lite Ulna.a>La eo.rlte growing Teas ngust ,bean, system will not anew r laterals thrown o t eleirieetwood. must have some stroll Mie: Stllkerlat1 Monne on feeding tong, simply maw. the swans, and who,. ,' done or falls into the weak tope. But the pond. I, who would die for her anywhere ut lettere yesterday we all go oat for n sylvan f r t ens nourish on the hard and give ma((t.iftee; rteu dwarf Tens back on each shoot. on manures These a Cage when the plant is cap - state to absorb t hem. Po stimulants to a weak or simply poison to it. Nt'l:ere wing in such a compost as needs very little until the the pot. Then. it the are formed. weak liquid be administered, but give too awake to giving too much. do not or cannot repot our hay keep then strong and for long time by the use of and patent manures These rite ben" bone dist, dissolved bones and other ooaerntrated peparat ions. These Should be put on the aorta's. . r mixed with the soil we top dress with. 't -hen tbs plant is in growth, not when it is at rest. and en the alitiiitert not,.,', don't see iL But .t Derma does mei pully ler out. i pint uuL to te. tact that the p hid ie only two teat deny At that partieular place, let Verret:, rwv,•r to ti,olwr-e, IWO/1111,, a hero, and Jan, qt. lturr.,tt and myself go into the h•aekgrwu.i Then, yesterday wag,' on a picsto. Maas Sutherland, awake -has reuistnctorJ , according t•. Jarrett, who elispatehr. ,t and thereby waw hoar um dying gratitude. (Jarrett :ue1 myself go mit to look for the monster mei find a harmless little garter 'make. Neither of teem wtli.c- knowledge it, however, and Garrett and, 1 have to apologia•. This morning we try a little target shooting. Garnett govt blunder- ing arum cud gets shot in the 1.•g by 3(n. fintberlaad. I'd have shot hint myself with pleasure. Mite timberland is tenderly re- prusehful all day, and I am row a brute for saying it Nerved him right. I can't -tand this any longer. Not to be a her, argues that I cannot be one. 1 therefore proper' to Mike my owns opportunity. At great per- sonal discomfort I bare sa.w.led in keeping awake until every one els.. 2, a.k' p. I have secured the ha het of family prate and am now abut to materialises burglar. 'Gathers up the silvan an.1 ties it up in a tableekoth.t There Now far my pstaIa 'Cautiou*ly leaves tho room. The du•,r of the Lutk.P'a pantry opens and Mr. Willie Viler, twofer sional harglar, stew into the roost.) Mr. Viper (artistically hefting the huddle -Woo willan, this is. Oh! My eye*, N•,I- hiam, hut '«re's richness' tnhoul'1'•n the swag and s about to depart. The ,door opens and Mr. filter has just tame to react, the pantry again when Mr. Norris nnber in, fires both piston, and thrnwing up the win- dow with a bang that takes all the glass out off It, begins an indiserlminate fusillade. Tbs household in rani nu st>eea ..1 u:.fires. rush in end contemplate the sn.'oe of ear - nage. Mr. liutherlsod texeitedly)-t hat has hap- pened! I insist mien knowing. Mr. Norriataentsntioelyl-Burglars! (Ens eatbs .ted scream. and is simultaneously supported ly Barrett, Jarrett and Garrett Mr. Norris- Pae -t, i assure you. Heard n noise down WWI nal n'wlvd to investigate. Caught tho fellow doing up the plate and and woof for him- Ht broke away and jumped through the window. Must apolo- gise pokr gist for shooting j n the boom. Metre* you all awfully, I'm afraid. Shouldn't iave done it Mr. Muthnrland rrnefuily e•ontemplatin; the fragments of a aortae vaaefWaal, per- haps' net. Mr. 1('rria (obserfully)-Anyhow the silver is safe. Mita Sutherland -Yea, Inst *her1 is ill ([rooks around fearfully.) Mew Teems 01d slay .ad Grata. Aameag other things of general interest ?sport i upon by the chemist of the New Tea! nt station, are results of res made to rtein the nutri- tive of ha and grain t�t-.t have asss The result of the exam - nay tree di.: U per cent. of al. digested in new hay. and 8..1.10 year old. On finding that the value of hay to as mnsi.lcrably on long keening, similar pe- ns were made with wheat and bran. was Lound that the digestibility of 'Wheat and bran also diminished to a con- aAisrabls extent with long keeping. and then appeared reasons for believing that the fats at teem are less digestible in the old than in the. fresh grain*. iy if threw have been reduced »L The amounts of fats soluble is retharkably less in grains months old than In those a short time from harvesting and freshly groapd. The above appears to mignon the decreased raints of old hay Nod grain over that in the winter imme- oly following its harvesting. • fact recognized by farmers Rd■rfag la Horsra. It has been announced that Dr. nem - an English veterinary surgeon of Ike e, has made anroo*aful ezperinteuta in the murglra! treatment of 410000,. for that grave defect in respiration kn..wn as The treatment alluded to eo sista of an operatiant on t.be larynx for the removal of the obstruction. Under his direction Mr. Raymond halt reeentl operated upon two army horses which were to hare been east for "roaring." and lin ow eagle complete. and to the other almost complete, success seemed to have bosn attained. A great advantage of P%esiIng'a method is that the animal no pain. being chloroformed. nor does it experlemw an immedlste snbss- gnent ineonvenkne. do .eating, drfuking or betrothing. The homees operatiel upon w1re watered and fed In the usual way as moon as they peenvertd from the narcotic: so that et -en If the opsratip chanced to be unsaee'..ful. tho animal la no *onto than before The sear which remains h i very smell and not noticeable. It is pre - dieted that 1'leming'a method of laryn ,'Morey will take a postt1m among the motet useful in veterinary surgery. Mss a neennes etly Croy.. 1n p. n••.1 before the lata conven- t3a •,f Near Turk state millers. 8. T. K. 7'nc:e said No Crop has proved more rt. rollnerative with farmer and more certain h yield In bushel, for the lest four years than the oat (-rip- The average In rants ties season in Illinois Is larger than that of corn Ons mason of the Immengle se: ya<e of eats this season is this The aseiAty et money and the need of fend in ) vast i:2 all those districts where the cam crop proved a failure last newton. Them are no eieesetve stock% of old oats today. either in .heaters or in the bawds tie farmers. The only trou!de today the oat rrnp (and that 10 a borrowed is that they are very likely to at harvest; but If they only lodge in t1M half bushel we shall hare little to gg 0<. 0 .7o aradw binder heo hes worked a y deet ��oonn In the wt temp. Forty arms MAN sea be handled now with aa Munn SOW. sed ill feet mon so. than ten scree were sight or tee Times ago. Both ends of the oat eenp now are of :alert, and the screw to picked up with great cvidtty by sea tlndboard =Bid Br emery. whsle walking with errata, Is attaekrel�)y a Ibssz -10 Ms wars Nobs. white were you dews wire fur Milan hour ego, Mr. Numb teu■t dly►-It Irby, what SW you talking aboutl Barratt (pterions ly►-Yon were Sot b your room, anyhow, fur I went in for match. Jarrett (with an ur orf hesitation) -Pet'. haps I ought not to say anything about but I saw Mr.:iorre taming out id the but- ler's ow ler's nraii with a Mantle of sdatieUn si under hs arta 1 don't knew - Mr. HeUlertaad (gravely) -By all abeam This tneat he clean.l n;.. Mi Norris(dsperataly)-MimMutherlaed. dr. riutberlsnl, is ►t possible -- Mr Witherlatwl-1 abwldu't, lir. Kurt* have. belov.d- M2wM.211aerian1 (warmly) -What per•f•rt nonee s yea are talLIn•.;. Mr. Norris, you utas: take some b:araly: you really must Rohe nun to the butler'.larntry and thn)ws 0(0•0 tbu doer. Mr. Vtltar, watt the plate undo r bmf arum, mein, a.la.b, but 1.: cleverly Mopped by Norris. A terrific strup»fe en - ex., whle•h ends in the burilrr 00'341ing through tate wru.Mw, but having the Bihor In ole (0112. 1021 o1 Norris. Tiber', are a,fow momenta of umrtt'0al stupefaction I !air. Sutherland 01 arm): embracriugbim)- Yy t,o.•:u tallow! What e121 I ray/ Mr. N arts tbret41tng very barrio-(lh, N- nothtrz -nothing. I emirs run I of ten- d" Vito- kr•d 2•( thing. ;Lemke unutLer.42 e things at kite tiuthorlsndl. ' Barrett r't.hk• to 1Lerettl-Tse often. ern `tut4erlaad (witli hv.Iy war-int/0- And W think that be actually 1-.1220 track again afta.r that terrible .tru,•-gk. Why m the world doubt he went tot Mr. iCorr.s- I m our! I d•,u't know, and he isn't here to tell. Garrett (gloceni:y to Jurre•t:'-Yrf: and I Norris mit likely to. MimhHWreriend ltintidlyl-tl'hy, he might etou take it into his head to try a again. Mr. &Pres missing over to her ssde►� Do:i t you think that in riots of the possibility of 14101 *12 event, that tea ou;b1 1.2 lu•ovid. -oarxlf with an efilciout burglar alma? Miss Sutherland Ibushiny,,-Well, yes. (Mr. $uthcrlsi.d 80424•) scam;nantly, picks p the plate beaks and a ear the aignel for p nn•eral departure.) Barratt Iliugcnug behind. and sotto voce to Garrett nal Jarrett; bombe seam -That wanted tremendously otr s.o Jarrett tseateutiously)•-Not t as mush Norris wanted a li-atjTerJ (Caut/rS.) - T2mo. a u as There_ is • •senwaes. Ai the Chub the ochre eight a grow; e( woolen' men were telling aneniote, .4 fron- tier life. Her• is one which struck me as be- `' n 4 • To Save Life Pregueatly requires prompt setles. AM bar's dela: wattles ger the iodise may be attested with serious aesrgasnalM espeeiellsad otMry et comm Croup, Pawasoala. Mg troubles. Ream, ao family should be *about a bottle of Hymns Cherry Pectorals which has proved itself, to thousands of cases, tbm beet Ihnergeacy Medidr ever dim/eversd. It gips prompt rens[ sad prepares the way for a thorough cure, which is certain to be effected by ►u 000tlaued use. 8. 11. Latimer, M. D., Mt. Vernon. (la., says: " 1 have fuaad Ayer's Cherry Pectoral • perfect cure for Croup in all cases. I Imre known the wont cases relieved In a very short time byits use: and I advisee all families to use it is sud- den emergencies, for coughs. croup, Ac." A J. Wilson. M. D., Middletown. Tran.. eats : " I have need Ayer'. Cherry Pectoral wok thet beet eget* in any procure. This wnnde ul re ra- tion once saved my life. 1 Aad in- stant cough. u2Rht sweats, was greatly reduced in flesh and given up by my physician. One bottle sold • half of the Pectoral cured me." 1 cannot say enough la praise of Aver's Cherry Pectoral," write* E. Brandon. of Palestine, Texas. " believ- ing at 1 .lu that. but for t:s use, I should long since have diad." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masa. Bead by a:: Druggists. l'rtce $1; ea he tissrii. The HARRIS STEEL BINDER. ti ./. 1 . 1 If..vfee bed alms. Ilhren years'emerlewee in remitter bowrr- and reaper's.1L•'r' are (ere .. • ,'2:.nt 1'em• That 1 1 nee flown 0. eel nn etea-u 10 tae tion.. rtr.4 "'kr' abic4 to am mind prove* supernw;ty • rr .i. uI .•i'. 1. 1,._.."1.114r111 e eat. 1`e f,.rwt.41ed .•e .h .'O r mei. • dean he oat other rode hear. ten w:th n`: u s a.ti..' •• o, ta..ili d bi i r. et. from r!:r u1raui sclete7. This u the roost 011041t*M1 novit 4. sr eanebb•red drwa,.r the fumy barye• • rate•. 1. ; be macad4.4, eremite 1ithi, h uo-,,T.ett' hilt. alemet r t• tam •el. of rter'. ant 's tb0, fore nee ' er seer to rand work ...e1 wit hear than onto[ the Mneme. 1. 1 urn nor n rr*relf!ne u,s n. na.t ••:.,i eluate rrw fouu.t a• .21 Wank re:reoi.R.; to),ualpa•a,. I .irtnette wattling IIM 4*.: LaauIN•.. •. t II•e•I ••aailr :.cul:.+!. 21t• u•.Yi lure air. Ili.• meet e,aa.ly r•'1••rlr•ed, •r► invitee 4. ipr-'i...,- •.r•: res et m) awe I !tate the t.R1r •t eocit et rc- ta.r. tar 412110.11 am.hlneeo( sea, Moot 81111410 row 4)05. D- K_ ST L'HA.N, - .� Prrcti'•at )fachIale. ) n.ie. P•dk'.-r .,.i a;«eerfl l:er.direr ••*'I k.11 !s of Marhine• - eery. •4."h a. N • wtei:b. Ter.ehaai >1a a.ii,r'..e.. �u*t.!rs -. !: 1.S' (23'.;.i.' 0I ,e mate are `k.M on hand, mold farmers r+quinn,; any qtr 22, eau be N••1.':rel. piaye )a.urorae.. '2110-l2 •roc • 4 .4i4 r-•2.. 1St .Ayr:rt. HZ- s.DQLT1').3ia-Ri VOIR !,«Won.*',. Lir-i BOOTS AND-SHOES. E. DOWNING. sins 1Ne.�rvae. 5.40 a0. r! .• f, 1 F.a122'-L.bed Boot pt .al.e Man •4 tlo'i"i^.b. min NO the front with ts. of ' • --ere IMMstty. i :•Irh•ite in ?he 1+rw.tneee. cos.t•n•i••,c need i .tar 1nt1•EYERY �T�.-� ��TY,-&-PR ICE Yn(Vr*coal th! a) stem, � For . r .):os. Meloy Lra:g:.•. £Ata .%N 1:WIENSY. STOCK OF a1,uan.-.n,..•!) -.- Gk.t taiCf_-a Q't1rOY.TIXti. Ladies' Fine Goods 3 ing partieulurlc good. T:), ..e. who bate been m net "Far Wort" and Savo laved among frontier men will $p reetatc- it, 1 dare say. 1u the "our* of the Indian war of Teel, it ',Ie Hlt:ie■ Rtoals. Italtnurelw. t •arm -t•.., I)Yt..rl T4.. 0(2.,. •+R«re qq le. of K:d 2'c: per- setnns, (ten Sharman poet a vitt to Camp fre►a `.ic. ate rn any 421 .• t,.0 itis. Felt. 11.41. i:rh,. ITwavla. (arpr . Apache, in Ansonia. W!,tic there • huge ! 11 i,t`,t,n are! Ilerroao �.soi*r,. is )n,.'..w . n. . r1� 0 redskin, who. was captain of the aaauts, fel- • • lowed iba general wherever be went, and frequently bagged as a present one of the small cameos Mending ..n the µirads ground. YbsaI!y the !: "2.• -al impatiently turned to t:2e Indian• ox; latming "What do you want with the cannon, any- way/ Do yea. want W kiU my soldiers with it!" "No," replied the Indian in his guttural yore: "w.u,t to hall cowboys with it Ka11 ',Wier.. with a club." -stew York Tribuaa OVERSHOES_ Alia-RUBBERS rllp.l �Ps�T. A Boston Iotrodnrtlos Mus. Ruth ( hun•h Ito Mom Bsaeon Hilll- My deer, It nue [.resent Mr- terolop.x, !'rag - .t .•1 the') ale 1lost Club. Th.. free-nted -Beg portico -eh, Mice 1mm� L, lint Illy nano• Is Snipe 11onSouth Chun.), -1 know, sir: Met rag rill i'at•'do:a Me if 1 thiol- the Latin prefer- able -Lite. A C.twltmne4 M.rderer's Jake. A young lawyer called ,x2 Ikaeomi one,tay with a bevy of young Im1.tw, and, peerutg between the honied the o•ll door, he gid: "Ali. 1la60.11., if i had had 7001- case six ;months ago, y ou would not be where you are now --behind the bars of n eriion cell" "Yea, Mr. -, I helm., that. If I bed yet few a Iasryer I'd I, ..,t hw sg*d six months •V Deacons etmek)etl for a few minutea over the diu'wtiture and hasty retreat of th• legal gentleman and the ill concealed mirth of the iodine, a:rl then went to talktug to the reporter.-Rer•lu•tter 1'.et-M.aprem, Jarrv.tt I( (With great nnanimity)-That's - ()nrre tt 1 so, Mott np. A Prewller ?tltapeeame. Mr. Norris (slightly rattle) -Olt, the- First Belk- MIAs Knuth mat with n peete why-er-1 put it them -that to to my, lbs burglar. (Breaks off abruptly and hegim to polisblis brow with • haeulkerchkf.2 Barrett lartt p teHumps l ria 1. afe made stopped ler .Norris Mr. He.h.rlaad (grsv.lyt-Thr dlve•r M artaialy gets. i looked for the plate the fret thing. lar Nnrrts (s►il,llyl All swear It was en the tams whet) 1 jumped for him. MINN i 1Il.-5land - hewer tb. hereto Akt hake I1 1 •souk think, he remold, sines that is whits M mneme for >•seevst Ms • hail aids that everyhedy liarly unfortunate ae•rad»n1 this morning. USI you hear ate",t It I l'tc',2,nd i.4k--N'. What was it! Pirat Hello-• Why, rim wits down at the bonen lathing, when dm inadvertently slipped off a r• -;c enol toil into the water. htern■cl gene -tees at deep, Dial she take. oold 1 Fire yeas --O5, no; I pees not Ilan Jrrsml.le.l oat smelly laotgi Baa No bulk- ing dreac is irretrievably .t -Elie, •"'o r therm.aL .,n*wdewt e. • h• nat.; a: lit rt •r, .1i...ilia,inn toroth o1 ('anerhaa and Amerloes twaket. I aor* .:em mil the act alto" I,wf *limb novena •,remere ice, ..f ,.lira:..• w-11INIER5 to the paten et my stock aepatmlb' w!tr:ar tot hem. matt. M *nd nutrition. red b7. eare1114 IirPhr.',on of the tine prop•toiesw•t h. -veneer :e rd. „a 1f- • Boots I�1 Calf, rt, Zip, and CoW , 1•ppeo tut, provide,: our tweet/ere rob:- w.i•h t Lf1,,Yrlii♦ deL. ar«iy 7:evoh i hear acne rel h MAY .r) us many hewyy do,'.ws' Mita at es `,. IL*,nei,r;".i. rile .aero: anvlee ,.t die n atFELT SOOTS AN MOCCASINS. dart the: a • unet•tutua: .r a; red us::7 Willi up ura,i: .: ome came:, to resp ernej teudeaey to dlses,e. Mut.dred• el subtly matad05 are Abadan aretmel we reedy to ter - tack tole . - Aare 11 n Werk pun'. t►'e tam e•.•ape mese a Wad shah tar ke,•p. nor uvnarl..$ well teel'1ed ait4 ism eleud.n.: pnperly. ■ourulted tame." -•'Chemo Sr,•r, (i.srrrfe " Made *lonely sesh,ni::+c "rater ne milk. I+nid only in eacitaaa iey,rrr:wr. bslielied thaw: J AM ky FM'S ! ('o . Hoaaewop•w.e (Omni- , iota. L)5401,. England. 1111 1 Save a .as. of Felt 24.,..'..,y own mak.. s. kntrrl+dtte t ra he the Vis: Fe:: P.a! map Us ! -.. u22 •'e. l'ru..pt a11.1 ear.' d *menta, u.. • n : ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING. bear tbtee taetei.r send .- 1 hove by •yr the iareres .to,:. ): k4.'. anal Alessi is tow n : They area the very hes quality pew -arable. Irving at*.! • to t..'.- net 11..1* .:aa•t,u•» ,n cootie: Ant I will sen in enemas low or lower than aa.yss.« else. vomiting m osntia.,•a.w• aster veined custom we liberally ac•ronie•t me der.ng :he pmt testiness years. I remain.) Ver. 2 )ithful:) . E. DOWNING-, it : . ' w two efi and iaaaw I N*sAiItiPURE , v.u.. Ont. May Itis• 1446:. • PARISGREEN HELLEBORE INSECT POWDER 9 My wife enftered (to ave years with 1 tliat dstrw,ng disease, catarrh. Her e •ware ream ase of t4 40(4.1. known is the'•e e pats. She :reed ai; of the +talafrb revue. - ' - t .tae I ever mew ad•:-.Tti•..'. Mt they t. ere ell no cue. 1 Anall; predrill a bn•tle of Now halm. Size has used only one half tt iot. and now feel/allot a are person. 1 A ^_ 1 twit it my duty to say that Natal Halm menet he 104) I1i08LY recommended 1 ter catarrh teenier., and as pleased to have all such sufferers know through its RHYNA'S are they win in•aaat relief and 1 Celt I ; t:I1An. M(Yt!LL Farmer DR. FOWLERS •EXT: OF • •WILD•' TR)kWBERRY CURES HOLERA olera Moxbus CPU iC's. '' RAMPS IARRIKEA YSEHTERY' AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOS. CHILDREN OR ADULTS. N• brawn to ,... RICHLY ft. -warded are table who read tail sad (leek ion emI'lnyerl-MT Inwbe thea mot; obey w111 Anel Aaworable em+lsy- �. 1 meat that will not not •oke them trona tete wouhl like to be ea Irani fern work this home% ind fattsUles. The proem are is*0054 afternoon. sate, for every 'Mum rta.a perms. Maser bat. to a eek. Either se . . er • aeons! 0424 neeele•1 : oar 0122," . "n. rerytl.ag new. 'What's the matter now/' dollar. a moral.. It 2s Hay ler a• os.. Is make in end apwanla r 4 made and are now making several bmadr.0 ".t lelot•.v1 aunt a lined sad 1 woali 61u De y, weal wMtf■g at tend the funeral" t w old .*Let's rte--yew'vs Iota Rear beloved aunts i thin year. Have you t.ay metre of thea)' No apsclal abellr rwi•utr•d J 7.0. reader. ea■ *.No, rir, tot I have five dolt •s well w. 111)7 aero Write toss •t uses lotruaL ts■lelsa"-Iiacoln (•rfu!1 partiate.n. whim Wem 11 bow Ad- dress 51 tisane k co.. Pert/and. Mai . dw Row Ile Aek/swd Woolen. "i nmlerwtand that Col. Weir is very wealthy '• "Y e., he's wart). shout 4100,000." "How del be make iti' "He made ittot o<�.Irsi.w BAKINO "Indeed*" "Yves. his info lit th • firs with kwr mere, and he got all her mo■ey.•"-i.&asel■ Jeer - sal DUNN'S t'rstwpt Amps I.sees•a. Yyawl.mni.mtl'afe-Henry, 1 want to ask a favor wt Y*g Rnahtnd_AII right; go ahead. "[1'mpnt tppnkmg tial 1 • "('ertiinly. 11*nu1 ne the mbar Ina Henan Pre. Prem. seaMly OW Tress la fleleN.p ; AI-I'hs►tN says he le beading his through life. What deet be men/ 1W -146ti 'Up haeb 71P% POWDER THECOOK'SBni FRIEND DigEP TP•aaere ex etathee =Rv�- sslr_ •1 • Ilummaingi HAVI1rG Wi- IUIL� 1»IgEU g city shop la the !mom .171... put la Three erer Barber Theme a tweeot them *meek, a heated Rochester Tilde/ C \ • i ra. sad hired a Jourasrmaa el Marbrr. see are in a a pant ion to debater(' 11 IN • r k than hereto- fore. Lady's t Chtlerea' • Haircutting made m 11 spwcisay 'in all days r ereeet tender. Emote and demean ground. e, b V V ■m'wbkam s =C3-' fed Were Attest. two More east ef P.O.. uederiett ie NEW ANNOUNCEMENT ! \ M The uederstoted. while !hankies the ',ebbe for their 41era) pa* !aware bene mois n *am twat•meuein$ business. beans to •npo'.:ace that be hu out data ►y a 42 a h flee Sorrow FIQIIRzs0 an wishes particularly to rail attention to bis tr u C from 10 cts to 76 cts per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest case Prunes pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef, h Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best American fine cut chewing Tobacco, fresh d h n d SPLENDID LINES OF TEAS salt and canned Fish, best quality. 12 Bars of Soap for 25c. 3 Scrubbing L eetne.Ossyts, Mini Ca5f. A No. I Atomise* Feo Floor, Brushes fat 26c. floor, d. Grocees, Crocory, G1assro.R3"Htilibeet PAW enM ler Farmers wader* azrewh1ri.�lendeoed l•f ec ~o■ea~�IIs home ead OH ROI3ERTSON :veal •r. Iry •Mes; erMos astroo mmit aro a. L. 1E•TEITTOdsi, nor def and 1111110/._0118160 wherever ibp live. Tsa~mal��eea etl�..i:;I.'~'w Blake's Plc.^k, the prow-, Oudellah. kIt wrtek swsas� Boorish. Marta ITA. 1M. 4 h s