The Huron Signal, 1888-7-20, Page 4...4404-464 44 • 44.4e. 4;
7411 Me,
Hs came the mat day, bet Mingle
Was uot able to bee him -nor the meat
▪ r the wet. The pave girl's agrees
lied removed • shuck Iron. whack they
etold am easily recur. Bet sow the
• .resagth of her soustatutima rweesegted
Owl, and the mown her •ws bright
sell ewes more -how brig;ht, how stroug,
how lesoutdol ! She w a cotenant
Sinte• of adamant» to me, who had
wow man &ay we liki bee, so full abs
was .4 health, stow , 1f. gaiety. Why,
my quiet tattle house seerised tranel,rus-
ed as the ran attain mud duos that
stairs, outing% ib. pope seem hill of sun-
shine ! Aod how tattling sbe eras to go
fur loofa walla, to hunt ap pretty flowers
us anjthing ..nun kr.. to copy
for my ;sidling. to which she took the
deepest interest
I had nut been mistakes in my esti-
eipitions as to the behavior of Soul-
cheeter. Everybody did spook about
Minnie; ut, stiangely enough, nay
feeling wag, "I dare way they are all
jealous beams* they Itsemit a theca like
Mr Dents was • eoestant visitor;
scarcely • day passed without our swims
hem. And I did out wonder at it Who
could have restated Minnie I He often
come when she was out, and would sit
sad talk to nie while I painted ; b. ofteo
read to use too, and we had long enjoy-
able discussions on what be read until
MInnie's return ; sod then, as was natu-
ral, abs absorbed MI ha attention. I
saw it a11. locking cn with mingled (*el-
ms. He loved Stionie-I fek sure of
that; and I thought that, if over • gist
was to be envied, she was that girl. I
was of course lin 41.1d maid, and had DO
business with feelings such as theirs. I
do not say I felt the fire, hey, and pm -
Won of that earlier years of niy life, bet I
felt as if all life's brightness watered in
Mr Dene's visits; my first though, every
mornian; was, "Will he oome to -day r
-my last thought every evening, "Will
be come to -morrow r'
Thus the weeks rolled away till asten
were numbered with the past The
great order of the Doke of Lanaelands
was appreaching completito ; so alas was
Minute • visit -both of which the same
day bad heralded ! We expecting the
arrival of the laden mail, and Minnie
had gone down to the town, for she ens
too inpatient to wait fur the postman -
which rather surprised use, fur I had
never seen her so aoxicus about the poet
I est painting, thinkioy rather sadly
over things in general. Soon Minnie
would be •way, and in all likelihood I
should never see her swain. In another
year she would be wow to India, though
own I had boiled she might be settled
near me ; but Mr Deno had not spoken,
as I expected he w -Juld, and lately he
had not been suet • frequent visitor M
the wawa. I knew Minnie had not re-
fined him, because when I endeavored
to asttortain the state of her affections to
ward his, she had put me off with •
laugh and said that she would not ball
lie until he bed discheed his feelings to-
ward her. I had noticed however that
for the past few days she had seemed
resters sad ataioso, and, judging her
bout by say Don, I longed fur hun
wow sod declare he mind.
I was thinking about it even more
titan wool one fair September forenoon,
as I sat at the open window of my paint-
roomorying to omoentrate my thoughts
on sat exquisite Mars -chat Niel rose in a
glass before ale which I was °copying
upon one of the lest pieces to the Duke's
desert-serviee bot I fear, in spite of all
Jay *torte those thoughts were too often
straying op the oleo to whore in the dis-
tance I could see the trees of the garden
when thst rues bad first opened its
beauty to the sun ----the garden of Fern-
dale. Mr Den. had brought it the
monies before, and, after giving u to
me with ooe of his sow( smiles, telling
me that he had been watching its deve-
lopment with anxiety, as he bad chanced
to heir in• say I wanted a fine one we
hod strolled op and down the Pedito
paths together -Minnie was spending
the evening with a friend--talkitor of
many chinos 011 the twilight fell , end
still Minnie had not returned. I noticed
that he seemed • little &West at times,
se if there was something he wished to
esy, hot yet could not make up his mind
to say it. Then when tne earthen gate
opened lied Minnie entered, be sudden-
ly bade us both rood night and watt
Somehow 1 felt as if he would awe
and tel rne what he wanted to gay os
the previous night- - would ask ono if be
bad mg permission to pay his addresses
to Minns... Why should he ott ? Im-
patiently I asked myself the qwestion,
nein" to my feet the wbile and towline
my hand over my forehead. Titer* was
it mirror opposite, and iavolentarily 1
rimmed et the reflection In it -at tb•-I
west own it --almost pretty fame ermin-
ed culla its envy dark brown hair: and
I wished -oh, bow I wished that the
usiretw really "poke the truth as to years,
that 1 was really no oldie- than I looked!
Theo I told stylist? that I .as very week
and Wily, that et my wee I Ought to be
isthmoid of myself for wet weakness,
and=taly set myself to wn aiail
n y s
es sad eisergiee on reproduc-
ing Mee lovely base of the delicate rose
OD the Delia of Latvians's' porcelain.
For isa er fifteen moods. I painted
diligently, thee a rani st the frost door
bell geode see Woos. with my pole* beat-
ing eiebetly. Of Owosso 1 104 homers
he wield .is; y iestiegi 104 tool M-
eet wad am. I knee he meted to speak
shoot Minnie lite Welt before, bet mead
net assiess up Indlleleet were,* to do
eo. Now he heti soma, so I meet nerve
torso', to plat my part, whit+ I did by
esetiog a &a� ap the glen towards the
words diet that shebered Oenollale, snd
thinkettt how waist:ma !should always be
.ben Minnie WOO 11•61L111110 there
Theo Orme= I wee able ito .2
throgols I ha
"la II" 11, 10 ha *keel Wee el leiss ewer and OM agate.
what' 1 had Never heard him ado* be- and -r-0
fore -My -
insele Wee Polismel-ii dusi'm
ittiessed ilist short by a olear
°Lord ! Loed trishaw
"Yes*" lir& Mi Mallatiest :I Vested me to go with these this wow
my heart beallies se see ; 10*10 is migh• dreadful drew.
that I foaled at peleaticiee might Sheet* De bileiwe bee lenteage,lthlige
he heard. "Ties le the deg 110 ladies her that dee eery homiest girl is Is
11511 arrives and simi wave le EMI the lewd seised be expemed to Wish
biler always given up bet ise. armee' end primes' "
eltheesth be will me ens glee doetiegj am se del," I esters -
theirs del be likes see ad lerewatly -"the mese teen so ebee
dose ; 1 sewer maw say eme SO anessish• sew yoe will be seabird quite ems ets
ibly ohartuieg M she is." ieed-
"You aro right.' lie paid fereeetly ; ''Yes yen meet some aed live with
and somehow, althiregli 1 should have lee akeker-I have easite 4044.4
bees diaappuisaimil bad it hew otherwies, epoo ties I think 1 bold yea that
his reedy eethasiestie =set • ehiU Otiarisy's emote is all his own ; and the
to say awl "She is irresistibly house is so tares that you ow have a
channiag, as yen my, end elte is lookiag but suite of apartment all t• 'women.
more than nasally bmietifel to -day. I mid Ion gee pewit tha w quite as well
n est her in the tows," he added, in as beer; toed, eli yam mem say you will
answer to ig kook et iaquiry : ewes ! I weld nut be happy if I had
had • sheet walk with her, and -end she to think of yen here all by youreisU,
bade Ube tell you the Weie was isle sled wackiest herd and lonely."
e lse matelot hove to wait hail est leper, or All thle had Wen peered forth with a
more fur low hut.,," ridebility that kw. so pease, her areas
"Ott, that is a pity gm* with- clapped tiesitly emend my neck the
mit much geese in it ; bet I Islit II must while ; but sow, as she loosened them
my weaselling, sad did sot ease* know them sod took a step batiliworde to read
w hat- words to use my embower is my "es, hies rested epos
"I do not count it so." he replied, Besse, whom up that inewarat she
with a peculiar shy glar_ce--Nedeed it had oca sew. It was rather embarrass-
es* because she told me she weld not ing ; bet Monis with a laugh and •
be ramming for some time that 1 at bright bloat dissipseed the awkward -
owe resolved to some here sod sea mt. nem at mos by sayiag, as she hold oat
I -there are some matters aucuesetal *sr hand -
with the -the wiadieg up of my toted 'IA, Kr Dyne, have Too bees here
e ms affairs which compel mp. departure all the lintel What a rattle-braie yoe
for Lundoe toonorrow mowing, aaditif mast Nick ine ! But I am glad now
cannel -I cannot lie until I have my that you are here, for I am sure toe mil
Wad sot at mt." lima .p io my scheme Met yea
He stopped, sad, ki totessal the thsok it would tbe bast thing posse-
trembliag of my Wad, I pretended, by ble 1 Imo smarm do, and I am cer-
robbing my brush mead and round on thin yo e wail pomade soothe to wow
W'7 wises. to be bandit/4g the tion to- aad live with tee"
Rather. I lowered my eyelids so that 'I How brightly he ensiled into the eager
weight not have to eadure the trial I
&cookie' at him, sad thus fortified, I said
"Yes-iistil yoar mind is set at rent,
'welt I weibmwed
him greeefe,ly, though 1..y It te,yes11
sad, as A* sesestel iigedgeW le the pro-
gram Mel the rese bed simile toast -de
Idug bessortalisel, I &AMA abase it
e s it life bed ott dieser blame for see
this the Duke of Largellevid shins
1. Of octets* this soeld Wet lir
and-tly we eat doere--I beside lip MIS
he ma, ehildow el 1 s 111111‘1011411111111eler
pr. 4(.4 I; 4 4,44.4f 4141.494.144.
' -
111111Oldlo IIINstadtt Ills Illes•se seal lima Ilissalliss oll Slew
da th 4110101.
l'Oe ether y • awe Mt sows 1. 110."
a puor wad est of his sardou trona
moues the potato view, where he kiwi -
self wee buoy picking lady begs ull the
leaves. He had "lea pot seedy rid of
the imbille Hp," he mill, sad wow he
these spotted Wags went Wain
raPraiwbot they beilligh, He did pet
&wow that the body beige are Vurnintiell
demeans of the Isms id ether insect.
while heresies themselves ; or fiat the
teed a the Tory bele of Wiest deetruyeis.
esti slates be genially protective as all
wises. The beret these& iseemies we
hew are Owes that work the dark nem
of the Mitt et ot the sod, and it is
at these that the toad malice hie
meals - beiog eget as the watch,
Won the sum is eliesered and Ow air
damp, te wash weary we las took
eye sees ; mom misses( has aim. Raw
s hoemely cannot aseape the lightening -
like dart of his teettes. Tbere es no
hares ia the toed ; kis service is wholly
good. He is uut so neat and handsome
•• birds, and does not sisg, but there
are points of interest to his belhavior,ond
potato of beauty amid the inelegancies
of shape and color. Children should he
taugbt to see and know this. Toads do
mon of good than or the boboliek. and
with maim a their spoliation& Some
English gardenew buy toad', and take
pains to provide them with knowe caves
of retreat, safe from the steel of the boo
or the grass book. • few years ago •
Tribso.e conesposident oncost -aged dia-
dem% bring hi Wee -frogs by giving
thine owe pewees, and he says his trees
and vine" have boon exoeptionally clear
of iseects sioce, sted are vocal with thew
enatores' vaned galls and mowers when
1510 is aptirto:stliniy..41.....sabse._
"I bare aged Dr Fowler's Extract o
Wiid Strawberry for wormer coal t
• erres se balite both bon halide ol land have given it to toy friends. goes
his, he answered bit it ti... Omani relief when all tithe
remedies fail. I world not he w it hou
it in mmy house." Mn T Wand
moo, Out 2
"You meet have noticed," he woad on
aesperatoly-"You most have sotised
hew I -how I-"
"Yes," I said -how I mid it I do net
rfl ever hope
the somoine to look op eelily
meet his .yes -"I have nutised it.'
Lie glanced at Me swiftly, as tbeugb
lie was puzzled, I thought ; thee he
wait on -
"I am glad you have 'Piked it, bo-
otees it lashes my task leas difficult
Had I only thought so, I weld have
spokes 10 70* last night, bet so much
dive& op oar answer --all my life's
ha I -that I -But now,
Miss Weeder, your words encourage me
"No, no, Mr Dene" -hew nanateral
my voice sounded in tay owe
cannot 0000111SIte you to hope." His
fain fell, while 1 went on desperately,
"you see I sio.peculiarly situated as re-
g ards Minnie.
"As regards r b. interrupted.
"I thought--"
"Her parents are in Iodia," I west on,
not heeding his words ; "end, before I
can communicate with my sister sad re -
mire her letter in reply, Orreel weeks
will have to elapse; and I-"
"Bet -pardon me," he interrupted
e geio-I don't as why in this case
Minnie's persists wed to be consulted-
"Mr Dille -Rover before had I halt
so old, mem before bad I felt quite
thirty -ail. but I did thee as I rose
from my chair sod stood going him -
"Mr Dew, pardon am if my notions
seem old-fashioned bet weer while she
‚.under my care out I consent to allow
anyone to pay his addresses to my
niece without first eonsulting bee par -
To this hour I can see the anises be-
wildered expression at his face, the
bright look in his eyee as ha fixed them
"Pay his addresese to your oboe !" be
echoed slowly. "Miss Leisester--Olive
-haw you been eta blind then 1 Did
you think it was Mime., whom I came to
see r
I can hardly tell what followed. 1
bawd hien say that as the train steamed
into the station oo that torritle Jody
sight he had seen me wader the Loup,
and toy few bed attracted him, bet my
rapturous greeting of Minute hod gives
him • Manes thnIL 0• 100 was awn-
* as a stranger in a strange land -he
too had escaped from a fearful danger;
beano hewing rapturous words had wet-
eseted hiso-hod he perished, no one
oroeld liss• inotersed his loss in that
417:isa. my lutenist Mee excited," I
heard him go on, as I stood half in dream -
lend, half on earth, "every day yon
yew more and more dear to ree--iseery
day I learned more and more to esteem
the Nestle victims al year charm:ter-
ebeerfuleess, your veriest toil, your en
selfish love for your beautiful nieoe-ee-
til I felt that, unless I emelt, win you for
toy OWII, not all that the world had giv-
e n me weld have any value for me.
Now I have spokee-now I have told
the love 04 my heart that never really
loved before! Tail Me. Olive --tall
! '
I did oot say it ie werde-I suppose
my eyes spoke for me while I saw the
anewerieti light .1 10.. is Ids Bet. be-
fore w.10d time to04,...., had time
to speak, the deer epees& tied Miatoie
dashed into the mom with as open letter
in her hand, sad, ruehing up to Wie,
threw her arms wooed my seek.
seetle.1,A6elioteletist '00.orm' she eritnedie-to".
motleent W,
the honks* Mei fa England ! They" -
gravies the M4.,---"theY liee 1 may
esstry Charley Lightfoot ; &ad I -oh, 1
ate-oebewordadiveseuebtatit flootell lir(); heppyr
ravastacla a
darted, eseettaie manner.
Besides thea quick growth. thee mewl
appearawe in market, sod the abutted -
11,144,0 of 'holt loges, Hoodoo hays quah-
ogs worth ellimad.rt.g Alen, bright
eyed, awl ifs persteseetly °heedsl as
blue birds, they file regard whereyee
they go. It se out likely that the Ifreateit
fowls haos beam bred with • view to
saakieg thous troatable, but ib. tomtit of
Utility Intent( been for Many gleterstions
lauded mud petted by Freugh people, it
that Omit hay. geode sod attractive
w ays. lkor Ube araddst *wows with
poultry te gained by Ow tairutees to
Frew., sod what they do &ii breedinat is
well dome. Hoodoo are not rebellims.
A twee dues met alw.ys mean tu these
something 'bet wog be dolma OT11111
beokeu through, as u dues to oust hew
And in auto plea:tug time it to of leo
portaucie that they ono Int trained to
Oen, stinky from the 4ardou rod the fur
bidden held*, if • little tone is kith's to
their education. When to • while
they yield to iessimatiou, stud go when
they well loom the ought not Lo, tb.y
WO BO WOOD on the lookout fur &wry
human beteg that they do out give
themselves up to anisette( as much as du
the more stubborn and stolid breeds.
Ohms -vote potpie have notteod the re -
..seance between highly bred animals
"Yes, I do think your scheme • good
• 5. said ; "bet I sen afraid I can-
n ot help yoe. The truth is that just be-
fore you wen in I bed managed to per-
suade auntie to awe and live with sate: -
le he my owa dear wife 1"
bit. moment Minnie stood speech-
- looking from Mr Deno to roe : thee
the erbote truth seemed to dawn upon
Inr. She threw bit arms mound me
again aad clasped me in an embrace that
almost strangled sae.
"011. I was so glad.- Ill" eirt"-:',.° L.
sad are divided into two great classes
verTi very ,lad! igaliaatimaa 1, nau of workers --diurnal and meeturnal.
itnit"--- But th."--1 a/11a"/ t i" The nocturnal breed begin to ply their
°lig- Me 1 us' is' Ill'PpTi! A feir week at about 11 o'eloak. limo way lee
minutes I said I was t • happiest
WAS-wieshisree• a raves
There are itt Paris UM* than 30.000
people mho maks their living ouit of m-
o thering and borrowing in the ash -bias
of the city, and mosey aeon, who are de-
peedent &reale oo the rag industry.
They rs °manhood sod keit together
like say co-operative or imlustrisl stone -
girl in ; but DOW feel I am the
heepiest girl in all the whole world!"
"And I am the happiest woman," I
whispered softly to myself.
Oar marriame- George Deoe's and
mina -was shortly afterwerds celebrated
quietly in the chant at ilinailebeseee; I
was dressed in • gray travelling Mouse
and had Mieoie for my own bridesmaid.
Sow after that isly husband and I were
h000red guests at • weddian of a daim-
on description- one celebrated with the
riming ol bells, with flower -strewn paths
-the wedding of flir John Lightfoct's
eldest son with way Mew, Masa Minnie
Posamoy. How radiantly hostile' *be
eb• looked OR bit costly rubes of silk and
lees ! What happiness beamed in her
lovely eyeo Yet she is mot happier,
thought I, than the beide who wore only
her travelling -dress at the altar; and
with the thought came the swami wish
that her happiness inId d a every
day, eves as mine has
Then other thoughts carme-thoughts
of that July day when Jane had brought
see the low envelope, and when I had
looked forward to Minaie's visit as the
greatest trial that could befall me,
whereas it had brought with it my great-
est blessing. Well, well, it just proved
what short sighted mortals we are, after
all, and that- But hese the tri-
umphal strains of Moodelesohe's "Wed-
ding -March" broke is upon any musing,
sod pet my thoughts to fiaght, as I
watched Minoie coming down the aisle,
leaning tome law handsome yogag hus-
band's atm. Dear Misnie-ssay her
life be all senehimi and joy and music !
I am sure there are few who better de-
serve it.
The Meggleet Weeeelt.
Somebody asked me the other day who
were the happiest women, and Ive been
thiekine it ova- ever since. The coo -
claim I have come to is that she is the
happiest wows° who is not too handsome
I deal mean that she shall be diathermia -
hie looking, and alto newt have • owthie
charm of manner ; het by her leek Of
beaoty she can keep the loveliest of
women friends and an jealously arises,
while she is always • pleasant compan-
ion. The woman WISH in not • great
beauty does nut need to anticipate grow -
Ing aid with that horror that must come
to her who knows that it means the Wee
of her greatest attraction. I have always
sewn • thanksgiving every Diehl that
rrovidenos armored that that I should
be born south of Mown's and Dizon's
line, but, hot I now add to my thanks
the feet that nature did Dot make me
beautiful. One ean only feel this way
after one hae beboine--bow old ? The
woman of beauty is going to try to be
eeine something etas, for in the heart of
every woman tigers withis Roman lines
ited • calliope voles there is • desire to
4055 ormaiderad the Mesa in the world
by somebody And if the woman is
worth a peony, she pesters that tome -
body to be • sew. 1 wouldn't trust •
Woman who told ins she didn't are for
ONO'S society Thee* is something
new, with her. She is absolutely &b-
e eriest. and certain to wee to • wrong
sod. Eves bestial will not take from
• right-ininded lieleati her inborn liking
for mankind in gweesti and man in epe-
eist There has never been one of
these wow/ who eared old, for the se -
tiros ; be asked j" limas" 1 ! amity id women VISO wase't fretful tire -
hers bee drolso 1 "014al 'Mr .88 eabealthy in mead mad hod; sod
15.4 'abed peps sod ; .sr altogether • burden to abs earth. 'We-
mailf ~ma I evold .1"1010t mar° seen Afield like worse*, ei wens. bet
Illeiflethee " they should like sees better. - Wow York
the O..els.Mi it I mime en yea. Don't Bier.
be mg" fusel. 1 I as. so glad 1.5.5
he yes ; I have hese eery happy,
"FM you hare seldom spoken el the
Liiikeroote ." 1 returned, is the saws
dosed eeemeriale seamier. "If I had
toogokat it was sey of yam area of ate-
geatetasess. T Avid tortalely bare mad
▪ we UM MOW% for Tau bilw.
- LF
„ k
k •
• o 4 r
Bodily health and tripe may he main-
tained as easily 1. the hest of seammor,
as the wieder wreaths if the Wind is
pooled and vitalised with Ly..'. Sae.
eaparille greet peruse who lime used
this ems* bee boon wird, heiewli.e.l.
Tabs it this mesids
seen going from street to street carrying
• huge basket on their Welt sad with •
lantern in one hated sad an iroa hook
gelled • entehet in the other. They
walk emartly along the getter, kokiag
tweedy about their feet, end now aod
Lbw pick op something with the crochet
aad pitch it into the Atte or basket.
The, stop at every dest-irex, and, after
ransacking it to their heart's oontent,
proosted on to dissent. The weaker sod
reinter members of the fraternity work
at home. The ram gatherers have regu-
lar beats on the Mewls,
When a chiffonier wishes to retire be
sells the good -will 01 10. business to his
newseate before he gives up his medal.
Every waster ehiffoeier has • number of
picker attached to him. He pays them
by pieee-work. The tally earnings of
the craft vary from 25 to 40 cent& -
Youth's Companion.
Whether from swampy load or seag-
oing pool, or from the deadly gases of
city sewers, malarial poisons are the
mune. Ayer's Agee Care, tate° accord-
ing to directions, is a warranted specific
fey malarial deaordera.
Soria asd sort Waiter is costa as.
All cooks do uot understood the dif-
ferent effects produced by hard and soft
water in cooking meet sod vegetables.
Peas and beans ooked is haid water,
containing hone or gypsum, will not boil
touder, because these substances harden
vegetable, easeine. Matey vegetables. as
onion+, boil nearly tasteless in soft water,
became, all the flavor is boiled net. Tbs
addition of salt often checks this, as in
tbe mum of unites, (-Amain; the vegetables
to retain the peculiar !layering principles,
Wades such nutritous matter as aright
he lest in soft water. For extracting the
jines of meat to make • broth or soup,
soft water, unsalted and told at first, is
best, fur it much inure readily penetrates
the tissue: but for Wilms where the
jells thoold be retained, herd water or
soft water salted is preferable, and the
meat should be put in while the water is
boiling, to ae to seal up the pores at one&
Cassano as lisproodes.
Many cores made by B. B. B. have
been those of ehrooic sufferers Icemen
throughout the district through the very
fest of their having bona .Mated bit
years This patently creates a StrAbil
tetpreesisa in favor of this valuable
family asdscans. 2
rear sod Anent weaves.
A Friona martial@ divided Wooten in-
to two clam..: Women who listen sad
wines who do not, and when
advise on mintrinemy always mid, *Mar-
ry • handsome woman if yoe will, a rich
ow if you can, bet in any gess marry a
quatifintion in a woman, bet °17•1
woman who listoiss." This im
aniesed in my work among ezehaoses.
to note On divers gad numerates seem.
plishments and eadownsenis we an Fe-
quired to possess. We most ride, walk,
and swim; sing, and perform cos snaps
easseisal insinuate:it ; meet sook, and
mend ; susi talk, and be silage, and elm
Plitianoes writer says, "Be Dere the
mass who esanot is • bore"
wows yes ObU laugh, for • wo-
lo regard to the listening woman, let
.5 14.. you .104. If she attempts to
do anythiog swept listen while:roe taro
talking, doe't take say sleek ie her se
a satisfeetrary listemer. Beware of her if
she ie crocheting, or bang, se me
broiteriag crimson washes es old -gold
plush, for .55 will thiok far mere &host
the tate you we eisfolitim. As a wife
she will perhaps las able to dors 110
family hose sod listen with des Mem-
Hee, bet she ma's do Hie "heft as,
Celaatesten video one bunisemi-Lliss
Ilaissisl Few eel tibiae see
broke. up arid preeseted embed
bores Aelematie Quiets* Wilk
Mil -
'I t,
• ' • • 4". )1•4',4 •
zee nweiontoor oteestti-
rz, u.„*._ •
To brig -Men a BMW*. or Ilef Meg*
thee is hided, spouts la • was tie • el iss
part uzgad to tiu parts Water. Ifkil
TO wit both (bow who like bedlikaah
rare and well Jou., at is well to uat
iuo, and ben otos liall partly rooked oa,
fore the other t. put oa.
Whoa sow sheets are made, iry a
broad hem u. esah end- Tee •11i
volt sot woo ao loot to tiort ortaelsokaa
iniotaug the OVA( MINA 11101ll •Vd“.
Vett you boll • cabbage, tie • het
dry bread in • bag met put 11 15 the kgo.
tie. Freush 00055 $47C that tin untie&
smut u.lur when makes Ossi houtet emso
like an drsau • Ili be atawroot by the
la • recently Fublsalied history a Cos.
oectient tho .tor 7 iimosiiss• • gong
widow to the Lost e clays. °04
the day Moo the witrrsitdo.- 54 mys,
"ninety-two adios awl 4tent4osou poo
aided to dation ma usty-tero litioup,
weirs dome*, oty too utinetes, eao
set stomata hornpipe&
It memos that Coe doeseatie probles•
moan so Zeeland Ow. Sieve the Pali
Mall tiaente • Li • wel -rotolsoat
Ithoss.ssegholdo,o. is.to4tel000ltotbreswzoosteb.„*.tootiota
sod the people of the cooping' fon , _
from which the, Ovine )0. es, ow so:, eithLnot tint Sold nitwit without to,els•
it ti that •he ireliee•
eti tool to hot mem ammo toe, hew
Over, had omitted to enquire for Alb
kind 1 pickle* she litd • perfersuss;
biome the weessaty for a
In the Pasyloosian
French breeds ant pleasantly like the
Freatt folltie is as san
gerees for amiss&
twat or light work. Two vices spriug
from tbis tendency. and the energy
which snakes the beets pull out the leach
ere from the crest* td the unresisting
woks oueht to he tamed to chimini uto111 of Eomomy every inhabitant is
bone -meal sod grain trona loader hoar 1 0"oiee'ird lo 6611111 outdone 1,4- e -ret -
1 meeting rules. Elroy one is req.irJ t.
attend church time wary Buuds, sad
5.51 too «moos from Heinle. Any use
fogad out of bed after nose o'clock os
soy night is immediately banished from
the thou awl all we required to ries at
that poetic and lyric hour, "hire Ocoee
in the stoning." In additive to three
of the equarest possible square Mink
daily, a free lunchom ia served to the
whole community at nine o'clock every
it will look keenly about entil it find its moraine sod et three mere alterweetts
bomeward way, out stand, like a cadet and at mob 01 15... hours • pet else
01 .45. tif skwe woe plileginatie teesilies, 004 40 Merl MM. ettemits Ind
dolefulty sadist for wine human being
to (.51 .04 to pity. It would be • good
plan to try sod ratio the standard of
intelligence of cocks and hew, which
among all the highly bred animals are
ooly equalled by &hoop in beteg stupid.
If everitestreser would brood sot *sell
from the s
bens sod the best layers
but hos those that have the finest dis-
positions and yield readily to discipline,
perhaps we would have intim* chickens
as easy to train as dugs sad looses. -
Miss 1 K Winans.
As taid Thee- Cavorts,.
The season of green fruits and seta -
wee drinks IS the time when the worst
forme of cholera morbus and bowel com-
plained prevail. As • safeguard, Dr
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry
should be kept at head. Fur 90 yeses
it has been the must reliable remedy.
inches of earth, and then they .111 he
good and gay. Really line Hoodato
have grandly polite manners. The woke
will aot eat until their own especial
hens law had all they want. Their
*pettiness and pluck toll in raising the
yuuug chickens. Tby sever droop or
mope, but if they nowt die, they die
cheerfully, and thus says much wear and
tear of one's feeling& If a half-growu
Hondo is lust to the ions or low grass
Ram Mem Cis 5. 1.1.,.
They go to Owl at Mott and fall into
a sort of stupor ; Mir sot? Is there one
breath of trash air W*iity sleepingtom
Do they ever, newt is the hest of sum-
mer, hove so much as a crack of the win-
dow open I If there is a finplaos in thew
mom or. stovepipe bole don't they clues
it up as tightly as they can? No weeder
it is so hard to wake up in the morning.
I can bear them 'non &mimeo sod yawn
and scold now, at the Imperative sum-
mons to get up. And what do they tied
on the breakfast table 1 Sweet fried cakes
something in the shape of meat„ genet -
.Hy fried, potatoes either fried or stewed,
hot coffee, and probably "griddle cakes,"
fried of course. Now, I am going on a
cresade against the frying pea, for it bas
it uses, but when I aria girl sit at the
breakfast table with �.fl "yea, a mllow
faits • helloes moaner aud proceed to
make that early meal of strong coffee,
sweetened cake", fned pork, potatoes
with • sequeow of griddle cakes liberally
buttered and drowned in molasses, I feel
hke shutting her up for • week's star-
vation on bread and water.
Then there is dinner; tough meet,
baked vegetables, pie, any Riad of • pie
with a crust either tough or seedy ; test-
ing strongly of lard and filled with things
most couvensent. A tenant,* pm in
country houses is constructed of *hoed
lemon, fiour, and toolason, baked in •
mass as uoCt fur the human stomach as
• stowed rubber overshoe.
Tea-tirse brings cakes of various soda,
probably more pm, cheese, (riot preserv-
ed, and eta ill done it is fermented, or
canned fruit which is comparative!,
harmless, strong tee and hot biscuit.
• loess; Wisi
to try Burdock Blood Bitters ie (him
expressed by somil sufferer epos whom
all other treat's -eat has failed. Marvel -
ow results have often been obtained by
the wee of this grand restorative and
purifying tonic under thew circus -
mamma. 2
It ie possible that the proper six, of
the beetle will have to be regulated by •
tweet of law. A Mootreal lady refined
to pay for. cloak that she ordered from
a tailor claiming that it did not fit her.
The tailor brought wit to recover the
pries of the cloak, his plea being 15.1 115.
Intranet fitted perfeetedly until the lady
hewn to weer • bustle that was too
les Newt. sea to ow route
%speeds is dreadful. Disordered
liver is Misery. Indigestion is a foe to
gorwl nature.
The bosom digestive apparatus is one
of the meta ensepticatod sad wooderfel
thigh. is esiateece. It is easily put out
el artier.
afood, Went food, sloppy food,
batlir=erp, mental irony, late hours
*melee babies, and many other
ebb* imagist arit to be, have made the
AllberiCOn plumb • nation' 44 d
Bet Green's Admire Flower avado:teL
• weederfal work ie referming 1511 .4
beeteem and making the American
. baailarimathat th.ey eau mijoy
gmoggebeg happiliess willies'
health Bee cheese' Averse Flewer
beiegs health sad tropisms to the
Auk your Irigt for a
Severetula feat ant
Sisal Sooesiste.
Ran no net in buying medicine, t,
try 1101'..t Kidney and Liver regula-
tor, mede by Dr. Chase, &When
Chase's rewires. Try Chase's Litre
Care fur all disesies al the Liver, Kid-
neys, Stomach and Bowls. Sold by all
The distressing palenese so often o!, -
served to young girls and woolen. ‚.de.
in • great measure to a lace 01 the rei
cerpoecies iu the blood. To reassOt
tbis requires • medicine which prodecra
these necessary little blood eonstitoonts.
and the beat yet dmeovered 5Jot:woo a
Tonic Bitters. Pries 5t1 cents, and el
per itettle at Goode drug store, Albion
block, Goderich. Sole agent, rial
eateries et lenge Tema Casks
The salaries of leading chefs to private
families already in New York maw from
$150 to $300 a toonth. They, too, re-
tains cessotesions, and sea Woe places
employ their own anistants, &mooting
oi • mast sad pastry cook and • kttches
girl to peel vegetables and do other work
oil a mauler ehoracter. And it is not an
unusual thing for tbe chief to get • per-
centage out of the wages which are paid
to thew sebordisiates. The obis. cook
at Delmonio.'s receives 06,000 • year and
a share of the profits of the establishment
after they hare paused 1200,000. 1.
shares these supplementary profits with
the acting manager of the establishment,
and they &resod u, be very oonsiderable.
Ms income is supposed to he woesewhore
between $12,000 and 1L.000 annually.
Like all enthusiastic chats he is devot-
ed to those patrons of the intabsshment
.10 ,4.. good dinners and wbo under-
stand thesis. And he caters to them in
a way that so presents of money could
possibly Wheo such patron*
woe along the waiter receives • cord
with 1.0 1.41.'. ineenbod on it. "8. A. -
waning special attention, and this .ie
done not only to favor the patron but
to ..tial; the cook, who instate on favor-
ite dishes properly served, just as • poet
desires to have his poems recited with •
croper emphaso and appreciation. -New
York World.
Hey fever is s type of catarrh having
peculiar symptoms. It is attended by au
inflamed 000dition of the lining amen -
brawn of the nostrils, tear -duets and
throat, affecting the lunge. An acrid
noncoms is secreted , the discharge is sow no,
ponied with • burning sensation. Them
are severe spasms of sneezing, frame*
attacks of headache, watery and What
.4 .7... Ely's Creams Balm ta • ramie
dy that ean be depended upon. 50ets,
at druggist : by mail, registered, GOMA
Ely Brothers , Dramatis, Owego. Nee
York. ly
Forty-seven larre cheese and three
small ogee ware made in the Blowsier
hest ery one day Iasi week. This is the
largest make the history ever erode in
rine day, Mr Messer, the salsennesold
the last hall of Jew wile, 640 cheese,
at Listowel fair. at foi wet., it Wing the
only factory that got that pries.
A Itswano Of ono down "Tatman
SY" to any one *cadet, the beat four lin-
rhyme nn • ' the remarkable
little gem for the Teeth and Bath. Ask
y oir iireggest et deem
ciiu BALI
Maumee the
Zia& Alars
bale the lora.
&ahem the
lima et Taste
sal Saadi
TRY Mt cue
ossLasireareierabeespperesaisleto sash selivii ewe:
• ,"
P. • •
?al Mire Q0111Ulli
-- •
/wok Illga are idoissilos.
Vie wow talt.• • 13040 ez.
•sit glees • tem et ems.
Am mom ID.-, es Woos a Ass ,
?moor with other fess&
la swan 54: lets Ws hued rum
Maks wait • lot of man
*Sweet 5500 *Me/ *0 • Dee
Abe Law( a yea.
When woe lovas St steps los hod.
Whoa yokes mar sties las fest.
He Yams this cool tato thrvuah • bes
AM wears • oak or hot.
Us top be *flee est* goose
're raw- • Suck M geese,
Awl when be lease' 10tie • noose
sostes • kite( owles.
He. ger, Delre as aching tooth
It he pegtootho his tomb,
Arab. with bethrde the build • booth
As rod as other :meth.
Vloosevr he sees • link mouse,
tis • iraP fur aka;
Me wet. poet his house
As as other blue.
A member* vibes • child
Ile 4.t with other children
• het Nia (slow dear • wild
Atu,si ..rub• either wlklewa.
4,1*father kill • wolf
A ne • to wiled acmes the gulf!
A las a oack of wolves.
To woe tither salves.
lie* sa itherry adored cal RI
W lias• tot ot kinsiss.
And IOW caught • mensireus nit
W 4,5.4 1.14 • lot of dittos.
He amuse his Used wtto.
W "Forks like other saes.
lir mg Immo tia • Ste
Tao. studs like oiler Oyes.
Shears sedans edoetet.
An nugget° young lady, on b,
trodecoon to my mother, excel
"Oh ! 1 ..w delighted to know
1 hare beard about you for years
lady who is always telling such wo
fol stories to etuldren. hod they n
ably tura out to be Bible stones.
do you ilk it !'"*VIIry easily," n
iso,tbse ; "tbe Bib,* storm, an
masa soederfel stories in tit* world
I never thought the Bible any
bet outerestine, and 40 tho day
my m 'thin a stones bettor than all
Ulm 1 beano telling Harry the
stories younger than many mu
thank worth while, and I used to pa
shubhy hande together and say his
prayers smooths before be could hei
woods after nth
r oreotiee has always WWI in 1
, with hiss at sight, 0,00130 the um
keg the, after 5. 41 tacked the "tor
haphazard, old from ane:ent and
reimullsotiuns. I tarried the boy
.enconseitiuslyi throogh • regulate pi
; sad I wed to spi
little time cry morning in getto
Salm at Tim more knowledge
las, the more dramatic the
be made.
I must my (it I speak frankly)
think the Metes why int nosy chi
find the tithe dolt is bowsaw they
ked it taught to thee by • laze int
Dulness O • crime sonsettmes.
induleat and heavy mind can in
sled entertain • brightoodoossreAte
I think.also, that the meat tone to
this Moreno and testing :repressi,
the cawu of the thole is before the
is seven. The chows told then ta
wonderful hues. Wm nioestiog o
day ever give us eiders like the
dawn 1
I like the Bible story book very
I him, read that Mood three times
boy: There is nothing to all the
&her the Bible lite Pilgries Pt
I feel sorry for the mother
never rested Mewl( and her eh
with the wonderful melody of Be
Many mothers don't believe in I
mortise to chedren after they see
I tio Half the children go to bet
an bow earlier if necessary for th
The trochle so easy times, is
nitre*. We make stedying the
duty sad keepiog Senday • bent
ink Sunday afternoon ought to
,re privileges than any ether
e week, mud I thick tb• tins. 01
the Bible ought to be • hide
• any other hour.
.10 ignorant young mother tat
ones, in root dismay, tout
o .445. refused to ..yh..w
• emelt would be pitched ban
see the two, sad a eonpulsory
of has prayers. '':Dttit't eve
again," I entreated. "If 3
battle Welling, foeits it on •
of A good general chimes@ h
tlefield if possible. Then lime
g specially Moment about
e. Tell him $ story. give him
sod, in his happiest mood,
to time come." h. peonage
o the
wo months afterward that Ix
over by engine and instantly
with Ina mother in s few
lather first words We
ely trouble about his
that a., et 1°°' bt'ess'
best regulators for ti;• ei
bowels, the best cure for bilio
eh* heartache, indigestion, and at
Eons arising from • disordered lit
without exception Johnson's Toots
Pill. Small in sir., sugar costal
yet effective. 25 Ws. per bottle s
ffioode, druggist, Albite Moe,
deb. solo meet
the Meer of gm erterreer.
It is said that the primrose I
Lord Beeconsflekl's favorite does
MoI that the dewy *5.1 41 'arises fri
bet that the geese .04 40 his ge
*Ain • wreath of those flowers
eard beano, the leseripelea. hd b
hand '•Bis humble
Sat she meant the favorite of li,
beetand, Primps Albert, net of B
T. limas et,NI an the
• anntrolliem petterrillerfeleell
lied' is the lives tespid we i
the shot' vise heresies
Dr. Mae Lbw Ouse le mai •
foe Liver sod, KAN, easese.
1111,16 listob;
RAW, NM 111