The Huron Signal, 1888-6-22, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE 22, 1888' 7 THIO FASHION& bcoteh gingham* in all the wrinw pretty Weide are nude up to • tenet, .4 wades tat bath small b..y• mid girls, the picks, Weal, am* grimes beim.. war. ty the latter, and the browns, yellow.' ..d deep b'.w by Intl. h1,ya SI.pie styles are pref.ere.t,and dreads Made all is owe Mime here usually the baby -waist with relied rued puff..l .tees e•, sod tall gathered skirt dubbed with plain heat and tacks. Twiemeeu 1. es.a for gig • id from three to .sight years are made with tell pleated or withered skirt. *umetimsea trieismed reel. t►tserti.w. alum* afoot with two or three tucks. and • plain pleated bes.fue moat .n full foliose with deep oullsr sod cults of embroidery. Drawee is be ecru uvut at,umerge .re made Very si.phr, ei1R•r with a bah, - waist with trek of it•»ttioa sad puffed sleeves, .r with PIM u, 1... ;at wa..t .uJ shoulder -straps Chumps waist u( lawn or cambric awl tucked solid, or m °lusters with ries of teNeer-etiteh Or keener -Niue, mad are 'idlt-4 with Rambttr= edgings at u.ck sed wrists. Tee sleeves are often ..ed. fu1', and box pleated ur tacked at the tap about one-third heir length, moth feather ur fancy atae►wig m shtte ur colors. 6uN)•e.mbing, .or sneaking, is oleo mach used, nod hes • very pretty effect when the dosmonds are caught together with a iodated thread. Wide -brimmed hrt.to sailor and Ta.- Il'Dhenter shapes, is both straw and yeah roods, are wort by bey* and aide. Leeberu awl straw hats, 1111.1.odsd with • wreath of flowers er buttrrdy tows of ti:.bun ate in fathom for girls The .stbr-.eft minnow,* popular for boys frcm tutee to soviets nicht fears of age The squaw back .4 the saUur- r..ilar intends half -way doen the length ..f the blouse, •ud chis .may tie striped bias and white, plain blest, pink. ur white for a navy -►lee suit. The striped p:astron repreeentisg the middy's shirt v worm without any touch on true t .;, is tf:• way .4 • staadisg collar Plaid gingham sailor-dr.,..•s aro trade p for small boys two or three years, the skirt being entirely I.I the gime ham and the bleu* io it*it. ow. -br , with deep sailor collar oaf the gingham ; the gi..ghs.n is also used fur a box pleat down the front of the h'„u.• and for turned up cuffs on tLs circus. White Brunel sailor salts are similarly made. F er boys when they leave off the blouse •ed Wt skirt, the firm gait is the shirt- waist or blooms with kickerhuck.r ar *timpani*. The "Mateo-wrr suits are made watt. blouse .amu, and trousers teaching to the f..et,of Davy blue drogue', trimmed on cellar. and Duffs, and dome the outside of the legs with two or three ; rows u( Darrow white, red. silver or 11,1.1 braid. These suite. as well a. Jersey suits, with blouse, or Jrreer, and knee- pants, are worn by buys ut frotu fur to eight years of age. Avoid the ter of calomel for bilines tornpl•inte. Ayer', reitbartic Pdh, •n- tu.l, vegetable, have been tested forty years, end are acknowledged to he the best remedy fur torpidity of the liver, t. et:venes*, and indigestion. h 51 meggelr• mssael I' A shah suck outside the great walla of the city of Jerusalem, near the s.•.,t'i west angle, disclosed ■u ancient p.ore- ment 23 feet beneath the present surface, and 20 feet below that a second pars- :uent. There, amid Irakiueute of pot- tery and ease, a trentldman's eget was 1. and. It is about the size worn today .n gentlemen's nog.. and is a fir sly - grained black atone, inent.dd "Hagtrai. the son of Shebnaish-" The tetters re- semble thee..g, employed during the age of the captivity in Babylon. The proph- et Haggis was one of the exiles who re- turned with %erubbabel "He is," rays Mr King, "the only toe of the minor prophets who footstool's • signet, and one ran imagine hies bolding the ring upon hie finger before his leader's eyes to em- phasise the words which close the bw.k .1 the prophesy which baa cone down to rue under hie name : Z will take thee, t) Zerubb.brl, my servant, the son of Shesltiel, aside the Lord, and will make thee se a signet : for I hare chosen thee, saitb the Lord of fluent 4 -el The .ret 1)r Fowler's Extrsct.of Wild Straw - deny n the hat, moot prompt and safest core for Cholera M•ehu., Deaen- tery. Sick Stomach, Cramps, Colic, Dereto:1i and Choler. Inf.ntum. that basyet been Ji•oovered. Its popularity increases each year. All medicine deal- ers sell it. 2. .lmtt�mms. Souse of the little gingham dreams are almost ea handso.e as silk. Many of this are made without linings, even though they are tight fitting and are worn with raimpes, A fell rest look. well with revere elope the same width all the way d0wa. The draperies are lung and miners, with opening on each or • ate aide or the apron is round and drawn op by short string. me molt side. Cons and ,oiler .m of embroidery or of the *tapes or plaid out bias. This is suitable for Scotch glnrhame in p*un, fries *r open stripes, 0r the man sharks that are direr neat reed stylish ti epparsnes. Kean figured sateen, are semi 'mostly toe Wong girl., and are trimmed with i•rnMntd•ry, or • white rest with cuffs sod teener of white pique. A dressy ht - ho toilet is of grease 4105) a sadism, the skirt gathered, • deep bees feather Miele - ed with silk/ Thu fell weber has a straight yoke of brown velvet The meek est mend and kepi fail pen femme the short dream A vamps waist of white e.bletdared men is worn with this -Brooklyn Thule ttelaa.te /seevery. P. P. Tenser. of Neebias, 0.1., my* he has net may 1 ..d B. B. B. a ter core few D,prn*lia. bat he his Moo fowled it bo he the bed .sdisioo for re- gulation amd Meliorating the gem tW'he his *est bass tattooing. B. B B. n th gibe. systems regnie$.. 2. WORDS OB WI$DOM. • iced" ae+ear.e. _ The,..aloe of C►•.lers Isitent.m,Cim• ieee M.rb, Drib w, Orate., •.d saes eemmwr errespl.tats au o .x child - NMI dries die hot weather, cute ht 1.• slmset tctelty Mereested by toasty., re- eweres to asters • sovereign moody toe an bowel eempla.wt, Dr. Fr 1 i testa of Wild &►..henry. 2. Kindle/as is nut M. such shown is the that ..1 preeaute, but me the *ay et prea- eataue them. Surn.es ere like thunder -clouds- -lu the dwtese* linty look black, over WAS beads hardly gray. He who dues not help ua at ths need fel ....sent, never help.; he who does 1104 ir.unaeo at 4110.serifof mo.«R, [Wet ansa 101. In .atripating w .1., the ereaa.•t 0111, tint loot tit. seine ie. not thin we get rid of the 'seeds thesrs+lve., but ghat •e teak , at ober per. for dowers. The Imam a .man follows tuners a.d is ubsdieut to bar I.s.. the Imager be will ice; the further he deviates from these the antrum will b. his .gist.... To be betray is .o s.li.l. indulgence, .o favored euoditiso, .4 t•etuu.; it is a duty we u.• to others mud to ..tleel lir, • .tat • ul .nihd emelt we should all strove tommpusre Our..iihbors mar think .t se erectly what obey Ick. Half the string of po.- erty Is {tone •hen one keeps bootee for was's own s•owt•rt, sad net for the cons tm...0 of rte,. nvigbbnr. 801111. ut Ih. 1.141 po oesosu base • Vsedyk. panel (.Ilia lu.om at the left Them are messy im itmetiens od w.em•. 11114 Ur L.. s Worm Syrup twee them in every es.. aueeessfelly. 1. mimes aieesWM- Run no reek In buytmg e.edieiw, ►.et try the `rat Kidney and Liver regula- thir, made hs Dr Chase, author ofChase's ,seei.w•. Try Cbeee'• Lover Cute for a 1 J,.teses .,1 the Liver. Kidiseys. Stomach sod Bowel•. Sold by Jane W:4• u, amain. e we, ..ding to a hand%.mle beaded pen- _ - --- dmut. astber.d h.hw ue wronged on ,par with sleeves w match,111lace SALES MEN tnssreot materiels, and 1.•.ml) Ince •rrsM r.lelt us the other. Ther. •re Blau "V" shaped pieces let in, which, in ►arlly erwiag dam, reach almost to the belt frost and back. Three meows •ie made of lass, het or crepe nese. no beat regulator. tor the et,-aacli and bowels. the beat our, fur bili.,usneer, Melt iesdaabe, indgte•tioo, and all slice- ' tied arising from • diuord. red liver. are without exception John...a s Tonic Liver Pill.. Ruasll in six-. sugar coated, mild, , yet effective. 26 eta, per bottle sole by j druggist, Albion block, G..d, e rich, ode agent ial Tka .1.1.0. .4 tkol.gb, of truth, of - -- work, and of .ell-dttag will tett descend up.... es like the dew upon the dower mahout effort of owe own. Ltb.r` 'per- ms error*, selk+.•usl, fortitude, watch- bands. ere the ele.nents out of a titch this kind .4 joy la t.wt.ed. When a miens oo41•Ci.ute begins to get hard it does so fester then anytbsi.g u1 feature 1, se Tike the boiling of an egg. It is very elver et'6rst, but se auue Y it gets cloudy it hardens rapidly. Du out grow old tau fait. Try to keep your sy.apsties fresh' •ad your interests an little things active. Gray hairs and wrinkles Tem oanaot escape, but you need n•d grow old to feeling online you *orae. He who complains that the world is hollow and heartless uaounociouely oun- 1..ae hie .awn lack of eyupathy,wbtle be who b• ommathat people u • while are kindly lied humane is certain to have the milk id batman kiobnees in he own N ature. Be rreh the Stand by tete use of Mil born'• hoof, lion and WIMP, which sup- plies the necessary blood building nue tort s- t.ri el, l m Al:n.,.t all of us live mon in the future than D. the pnesent. Those who live Woolly in the peat are nn the high road to worse sorrow them they know. Te the heathy flooded the future has always the treasure to which the present holds the keys. *wile COMM. I base used Dr Fowler's Extract .d wild strawberry and found it the beet reaeuy I ever used for Dyspepsia and all Summer Complaints among children, and I there uo household should be without it. Mrs A. Baker, Ingoldsby, Ont. '2. There is no such thing as utter failure to one who has dom. his hest. Were *is truth more often emphasized, there would b* more courage and energy in- f.sed intr. sad and deep siding hearts The c.ngwuatio0 way seem shadowy and afar off, lost .t is nut so. It attends every one who is c.utscieot.ioue, painatak- ieg and resolute, and will never desert him, whatever nosy be the fate of hie ex ,mince to other respects. liise Totem A Cltamee. That is to ear, your lungs. Also all r, ur breathing in.chinery. Very won - :laded rtaeh.nery it is. Not only the larger.tr passages, but the thouseod• of little tubes ea cavities leading from them. When :hese are clogged and chocked with matter which ought not to be then, your lungs punct half do there work. And •has they du, they cannot do well. Caa it r .1d, cough, croup, pneumoDi•, catarrh. c .n.umption or any of the faintly of throat and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is just one sere way to get rid of them. that is take !towhee's German Syrup, which any druggist .ill sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Ev.n if ersrythng else has failed you. you may depend upon this for certain. euwly Elder Jo.es : •`Wd1. Brother Smith. how isany have you in your new church T' 114.r Suitt : i)h, two hundred aced . Oma odd. How how tae) hare you T' Elder Jones ; "Two hundred and all odd 5•41 • Seek agent Mr Goode, drurgist, is not a book &gest. but has the agency in Goderick for Johnston's Tones Bitten, which he can heartily recommend for any com- plaint to which • tooio medicine is ap- plicable. This valuable 'medicine ham been with most astonishingly good re- sults in cases of general debility, weak- ness, irregularities pec•har to females, extreme* paleness, impoverishment of the blood, stomach sod liver troubles, lose of appetite, and for that general wore out feeling that Dearly *very one ie troubled with at some part of the yyee•arr. Don't forget the name Joobnutoe's Tonic Bitters bee. and $1 per bottle at Goodes dreg stere, Albiaa block, Goderieb, sob tege.t • one day wwhhs. s R tsn5a 1e.m•.#ems to .sv. nit bad • psrtietirly mdartointe time of it, for, desert bon . ,..fires, Ito sued is the meat msnjer, "nide, e, the walking wee slim that I tell four twee Wesel w able to Ret ep once." 111011 .111101 C*atNel is . Counterfeits are always dsngerour. more an that they .)ways elstely err' Tara Tall wetIOti►L Ir. •rrt•.ASC1 Aw41 waaa The rsmerb.Me ammo tri N Bohm of • positive earl fox Olklrlk ruff III . tie Med hos it - T ed� ttleliee b imitate it. The d DM do h. der *Mesa b taoat Nasal Balm is teams aid mach mime at Waal Balsam, Ma. Ask Moi )elm aid do mot lake i'm4Mis► Sera may lege epos OM Lane. err.let . of r. . NY item ,. mg pogo go rift .N* m.. . it boohoos Ire 1� Kld (10. wad ) abasis at er .1igb4* bostd teeter iii ad4,44. � Benet vine, Meek oereelees. Ont. if elerine's mYpid lretS "femme" Prestrttier, Narrow.. ae>K Neuralgia, Nervous Waaknma, Stomach tad Lirar Drusen. kSsusauas, Dyspepa.t, .ad all atteatioss N the Kidneys. WEAK NERVES valises Cruet COSQot7D Y • tilrre Tonle whkh nemplbet to-ttlwiis cider) al.d des, tam seelmbi stk.miees, a .peed- sesesdtamam, RNRUM*TISM rAilTige cMigav COoocllo 1,4121Trib. P.rtuaueat e•.Itloes guaraa.sd wit..ALAai' A1w eitrimsta. r..s. Any 4st.r.rasa sa can serv.s.d with ea. P..ullar ndcssieee lu b•tte•era Ilt.ek colloilleilkikagseeallug many fast-elUng special- ties. Oat. Address at osoc. Otiose Oda papyri BROWN BROTIl1PJt8. Xt trek.::‘ ticx, SO 1tr.CIItOTSO, N. Y. NOTICE_ iS t.5Dxit TO MAIL 410045 TOR NEW GOODS M-Iti. 11 MI5 ARRIVING, 1 w11L FOR TUL -NEXT THIRTY DAYS- - MILL - (;ROCKERY I mW SPRING MILLINERY MRS. SALKELD'S. The latest Roselike of the season rat e,-. await Oa tore Nora 614. W the Ilgtsara' MOUNTS, SHAPES, RIBBONS. GAUZES, sad everything to be found is • Ont ORAPE AND W been added. tall and txtmdy the Bye Works Tora.te. 111.13m GEO. u.., 4*44Wrf ewtsl Mehemet, A mew 14.. ed NITN''S VI3ILI1sTCI' wwk ass ipt prism Amen Iry Porten *steam AIC7ts_ 1.14 RSV sells cheap for cash , be will not he modemold. EVERY one should call un Lena t.etor, purchasing FURNITURE elsewhere. ONE and all can save .ur.ey by bu} ern;; from 010. BARRY. BARRYmakes a specialty of t_ \ pLItTLKINO mod Picture Framing. ALL kinds of FI'1tNITURE kept on hand. Call and as hie Stock of ROCKING. Chairs, Table*, Parlor grits, Matte -ease, Bedet""de, guy Cbairs, Ac. REMEMBER that GEO. BARi:Y .i , the beet Stuck of FURNITURE to town. You should call and get his PltLES'•ef, te b.yissg elsewhere. Hamilton -St.. Clodericli. CosT_ , CHICAGO HOUSE All New Designs and Pat- . terns ---Come and See. Always • fresh stock of GROCERIES Alp, I have just returned from the cities receiving the'latesi fines in SPRING MIL My dressmaking d;;partmeent is also ing order. A cis respectfully solicited. A. J. WILKINSON. Beed. It -diva em tis lactic avid, while gran,helm`, end temene the tend. Whig *mew le a beihy ecedrtlan. The true rsm.dy the Rheumatism. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS P511111 .assay Comet 0D quickly resume the Wer and kidneys to perfect bean!.. This emirs power combined with its ..rd tusks. Was It the het remedy teem kaawy map/Maw DYSPEPSIA Tatars Cant/ Cowp.wxn stteeethens the eloa.rh, tad waists the Derr 46 of the Sims- live igs -lire orpns. This le why it owes ere, the wont vas. of Dyspepsia. CONSTIPATION Palc1•s Crts•r Corrom n L we • Cather - t11. it 41.laxative. giving easy and natural anion te the bowels. tdguiarny Neely bi- lows Wer. iao.aanded by pre•s.iaaal and l,oetness man- land for hook- Flies ootRtes et.ee. /old by Omelets. WELLS, RICHARDSON & Ct), Prop% Montreal, P. Q. on PALM at lowest price. N.B. Best 'Brands 'of Clamed Tomatoes. 10 Cent. mer Call. G.H.OLD 7141 PATENTS CAVEATS. TRADE MARLS AND COPTRICNTS Ob.tatned. and all beldame in the U.S. Patent Ofllee at tended to at Jt1ODRR.d TR FRES. Onr aloe 1. opposite the C. 8. 1'etent Of- fice, and we cat obtain Patents f. Hes lime than there, remote from WASHINGTON. Semi li01EL OR iiRAWINO. We td- iise as topatentabilityfree of oh.and we make \I) f-H4RO.-� UNLESS WE OB- TAIN I'ATENT. We refer. here. to the Po.talaster•the S0 e MoseyOrder Div.. and to oMei.M of the U. 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice. teras and refereeose to actual clients is your owe State or County. write to l' A. SNOW t /».. Oboosite Patent Omre. Washiawton. D. C. `t CAN USE ANY WRITING INK. W 1- s e.2 7 3. 4 •. 3 • `1 = ye. a it 5 : o 3 o .d 7 .e p G 11 ` - a �_ S 6 t e t 5 et, Y$ 0 6 �a II▪ • z • ar C# 1-1 a J ca _ 3 C y C -c 47 g7 i• c q at 'e >•9 a D�• L .? a .11; L_. C • :a3 w .i :ti • .. .G f ° 2 .:115. r y seec JE >, 3 III � r ill it, X ILkit i e A 8 ..ii a O i 7 e U o J_°Q I -J JAXES MAHAFFY ,Proprietor. w . and am now LINER Y. in full work - NEW GOODS, FRESH GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, lT NIXON STURDY -7i People's Grocery. TFROM 15o. UP_ No old Stock to work off, but all Fresh and New at Prices to suit. tWmtgbe.t tame rife. fee natter ane Leg.. Reme.ber the Staked- On the 1.ivar- next t•Rfaekam'1 Restaurant. nss FLOUR! FLOUR! The new full Roller Mills at Port Albert t_-ing the LATEST & BEST MACHINERY will be runningg about the 28th of February. ,'armers cor dully invited to give tiit'In a trial. 9 OPPINt DONE M7.7 -Pu -"Z" DA -42'. gLEX_ MUTON, GOIDERIO11, MANUFACTURER OF FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGES. w08, Opposite Colborne Rotel, Goderioh. Man ha littaslytees siactild get hhiie Office StafitatlertY IIIIIIS, PEIIFIIIERY AN11 FANCY GIJODS Jus: Received at the *,*heal yet! b /. JORDAIt, sad WIB be dela el Priem: Hard TI•a.,. Ca*I sad ids 15.. bdf ti eaaklmit roar pw.dwtag.,. F. JORDAN, Medical Haul, Goderich. 0.A..1113 (2,E 'TIMM 7'I7l3t 071 YATM S c .A.C=r"7S01•Tr having been dissolved by mutual eminent, I beg leave to thank the customers of the late firm for pant favors at their hands, and to inkimat, that the business will hereafter he carried en by tae at the old stared. I intend to carry FULL. SECELMICS OF HARDWARE sad in ever, Hesia whkh i deal i will make K my aim to have a full assotlasek New goae eon.tattdy arriving, and geode not in dock massed ati .bort notice Thepnblie'n obedient servant, TATES, ease...«• Yates & Aebus•.,