The Huron Signal, 1888-6-15, Page 6THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. .T 'NE MOW THEY ARI •SHOP. alto hien who Haire Itesrt■mI �. HI,birel H.em.dleeM ■awss• Ills J 11. Vincent. one o1 the lire rsgdby bishops elected by the iietkodist nesferroee, was burn in 1811. A. was ounverted to Methodism In early life and Dined the New Jcey muter, nee in 1" $ irt s Ib:D 1 he sta., transferred to the N. -w 1 ork ronferew•e, where lee L*. remained ever ot.,. Bishop Vincent has long anode a-iv,•hdt4 of Sunday ach•a,l work. and la. , rdcr to Inw.we better •r.luaii.t.d with Itihle incidents. be has traveled el- t.usively lee the Holy Land. lie has been general agent for the Sunday Saimaa tiepin and is •u (rrrnae edit.., of The Sun ?.lav School Jounial. In lard he wan eleei d editor of all Sta:.fay school bcoks, te.keens and tried*. and....ere/ganeding secretary .4 the Sunday s.•h..d 1'u.ou said Tnu•t sue etc 114,1,, i. t iu.vut ie a good *porker. Ub.bs.p Jae e. N Fitzgerald cnmmenrrd life.a a lawyer 114.‘ all burn at Newark. N. J., cud .ries :, d t., practice in 1'.-0.4. He wee o•.'.rrir.l during a revival in 1,41 at•d at i t.n• lw,'an,e a Met birdie* preorlier. Ili.s taunt, in this geld hats, always brnticht l.im suc'so.a. 11e has been pre stonily elder of the Newark con- ferrer., and recor.tieg monetary of 11)1 Missionary I.ar.1 nod society.. ile has also been rrrretary ..f the Newark con- ference and a•aetar:t secretary of the lier.eral eonfer'ures i 'f Ill.'i6, It<to) and i** Bi.L•op Isaac W. Joyce is a n.tivo• of Hamilton. 0. His parted* resooved t.. Indiana when be teas • eb''4 be wa- brought up on. farm. sad at 16 was r.,n verted t , Metbndisnu. From that 1::: until IVO he was ereopled In 1:11.14 in that year was admitted to trial t years later was nrd..ined deacon. road In two year; ti;.,re was ordained elder !' was presiding elder of the End la' 1 t • lad . district ter several years..tnl :• a doctor of divinity, the degree, h•ving been oonferred span httn by Diekiuwo:, r f!..g.. In 1t'etU ire was .e:oetary of t he rommittee of itinerancy •.f tire genera. cont n•:..• Bishop John 1'. Newteau Income ••:411 known several year+ lig" from hi • fri'•n.:. ship for lien limit and his at:etelaure npon the .reneral at the time of his dem tiro it. was horn in New York city in I`111. tad was graduated at the Cnaenov.a. N. Y., univetvi' y. In 11.t4:t Le Loraine a rain later of the W$hodist Episropai church In 1810 and lbdl he traveled abf• ad ir. the Holy Land. In idiot he wa..rut to New ,-o►beret ire-- #�i•r+at laboring in the aouth.A•n Phu:.1i. and established threw annual eonfen•iroi two colleges and a rbureh paper. lee iv.t lir woof to Washington. I1. C.. and tote limbed the Memorial Methodhsf .3,:.n The name year be was ed el:. {,un to the senate. He west ted h.-p•"t"r of United Stab ten. ni A^:s in 1914 and made a tour around the v-(•i1T in 11189 he became pastor of the Ma.:t•o,n .Menne ebureh in New York u•, I re- ed after t wo years' aerrice fE-hop man has written eonaiderahir un able subjoins. Jt N. pwougas t. D. J. W 10TEIL/ / JAMES W. TROD: ax. JOO:s R. rt/Wit?T. D. It CMt•rr /Bebop D A. Onndsell was born in 1.41 at N.whierg N. Y . and enteral the crit? istry ie Dein at New Haven. Conn. 11e has fnalnently been iw•retary of anneal eonferrneea. As editor of she 4 br-uitia:t Advocate and The Zion Iferahl he La* achieveed r..nellershle reputation n an a writer. Ho comes tr>' the ministry tic inherits/ire. his father having been • pop- ular preacher The minsionary bishop for Trolls and Malaysia. Jamas Ilf Thobur... was bor.. st Mt. C'lalrsvtlle, It., in leaf He was grad gated from Alleghany college st Mead v1Ur, Pa.. and began prerhing in Ohio at the age of 21 He went to India t wnaty eine years ago as a missionary. sod. ih otiejunet ion with Bishop Taylor. didtnnr!t to bnUd up the chorrh among the nati-e tribes He built the largest r hurrh in India at Calcutta.. and preached for ivt year; at Simla, the mummer eapital. P. war, editor for a time of The India Wit nese. published at Calcutta, and 1. ik•' author of ••Mv lfiesionary Apprentire .Lip. a Hbitory of Tye stty tive 1 ears' haler, onee In fadia.' tied of a volume of ' ',Amory Sermons." Joie 111- Tablikier. John 111. Palmer, nnwlnrted for g••:er. nor of Minnie on the Democrat lc tick. , was born at Fogle Creek. Ky., wopt it. 181':. First a .xooper. then a tv Idler 1.-t anally determinsof to become a law'.•r. This decision be reached from • ertquainta cis which he farmed with Mi. - when Alas., Ho occupied himself in teaching .drool and study. and 1:i the epging of 19M he went to Alton. and thasoe to fit. leets. From terry he vent bask to U11nos sad studied law is an office at Omrlfnvllle. He drifted Into poll• ties and became a candidate for county clerk, butn was beaten the whiter of 18190 be walked to and was examined for the bar by John T. Memnon. of Zrntect. and 8th- - A. Douglas. Jona W. ' 'lir. t Bi - was admitted.} and that night strolling int•, a poiitieel meeting listened to • aprerh mad. by Abraham Llneoln. Shortly after Mr i'al- pier heroine deeply Inmereed in politica. le 1A49 he was eleeWf probate jndge of lleronpls county In le51 he ran fn, the asa•te as an independent Democratic emir dilate against Doogl.a and was elected. On the bwt.ktag not of the w Ilfr. Palmer entered the se[viee of the natal Mateo anemlenel of the Fourteenth 11iineia velnnteeirs. He sewed under Oen Hea- ter in Mlaaouri. in D'•eemher. 1`t71, he was made se. brigadier general. and ro tamnded a division of Rope's army at island Pe. 10. He f,oetght at the )atoll. of Farrington where he arbk•re.l grad d olinetinn At the battle of Stone rtw.t he wore he major gwteral's .horsier atm* In 1814 he wan made n.ilitary an'ear�r of R#nt.eky. in 1881 hem wee ei•[a�l Re'publlran gn•ernor of Minnie. Bib auplwortw) Norco ureeley In ley mad TM«..a 18't - we roars comas Cabe* WSW. Wham did Meet bar t Wise was her hes/her I 1IM she • camel Nal she a nether! Wieder pe•Adsnle bests Were insierr WW1 Identity ebsedal Is mystery Nail of Phsafola. Pabst. Arabia. Afilsb laths, Orsea-kiaead Iduab.a Who was her father Webb, a viking, nrUMMI abut dile le els akin*. Out of flea W hrnceoe Otter the water. 1811 the Where Bleb etre his daujl.:er' Welles of Norway. Primark, or Sweden 1;111lee the charms N. Orden of F .I. n ' fdlede er kranet ten : ilimeaded or Mende. : liar/ er fright I Uateght7 or tender Wk., ars her graces Unknown to fame Ahem did Cain meet her What was her mow.' K hleper it eerily - aV, oast k be The lay we mak Will 1t. Hags •' ;n e T. ata. ye ■spm, ated.ataof We. Ar'w erg• query ; Who oat Cain's w.fe I Sar T. (•a.ot•an. 1Ws ora ietr •a•11•16 Againet .adder Odds, irrihtieg cow• awl soreness of the Throat. K. it Mit- yard's Pectoral Beldam at heed for them prevalent trembles of Winer and : pr►►eg- lit is the bot s.teguerd. 2 FARM AND GARDEN. Tag C1/sltalrt WORM -The best l.nowk emeedy for the currant worm, which infanta both currant and goose- berry busks., is elute huieb•.re. Now white tetebure is an altogether different drug fines black hellebore. ai remember a id use the former. The chestxvt and 001114 aide of application is to max the hellebore in water. Place a heaping tablispeinf.l of the powder in a dish : add grada•l►, a quart of h.,iioY Yater. Burned ell the while to make certain that the hellebore is thoroughly saturat- e!. ?um this mixture into a pailful of c>)d wader stir well and appy with a garde, friar or ordinary ascot mg pot. The object to wet every leaf ; n:ake two applitltions, a few days apart. While white hellebore is poisonous there is little or no danger fn.tu its nee, as above directed The chances are that edam the fruit is npe enough to eat the mine will have washed off all tracer of tba hellebore, ark should any remain on the eluuten the fruit will have a soiled appnataat,sod be rejected in conae- 1 uwaw A ateatittti of the Kiecutive Com- mittee of the Irish National Lawn* is America has been called for Jane 12 at elevelaed, Ohio. The object is un- doubtedly is regard to the action seces- wry to he takes oa Ike Y •pei te•sq•?. las es ie.erit earl. Don't allow • ado its the head to slow- ly and surely run into C'•tarth, • hen roe can he cured for 25c by using Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure. A few applica ti. 1a cure i.cipie.tt catarrh ; 1 102 le,xa cures ordicay catarrh ; 2 to 5 h, xes i, guaranteed to cure chronic atarrh. Try :1. Only 23c and sure cure. Soli by all druggists. ly A REWARD -Of one d..aeu "Tanana ar'• to any one sending the best four lin- rhyme on •-raassttat.•• the reworkal,le little gem for the Teeth anti Cat:.. Ask y .ur drug>(cat or address Mare temarltaMe Four.d at :net, what the true polilie has been looking for these many year, arid that is • maedicine which although hut lately introduced, has made fin itself a reputation second to Inc.othe A y e is Pills, medicine a J,.hnaon's Tone Bitte + What a Time People formerly had, trying to swallow the 4O•/aMleaed pill with its lis of regaaab vainly diagabttag Its Wier - sees ; sad what $ coattail to Ayers PUM, that have bees well called " med- icated swam -plums"- the only fear be- lly Wes patients may be tempest into tubing too essay et a dose. But the dietetic' are plain and should be strictly toUowed. J. T. Teller, 11. D., of Cbittenango. N. Y., exposures exactly what hundreds have writtaa at greater length. He says: " Ayer's Cathartic Pills ere highly appreciated. They are perfect in lotto and co.UUug, and their effects are all that the most careful physician .•ild desire. They have supplanted all the Pills formerly popular here, and 1 thiol: it must be long befure any other can be made that will at all compare with them. Those who buy your p::.s get full value fur their money." "date, pleasant, and certain in their action," U the concise t, i' ,u'ny of Dr. George Z. Walker, of Martins- ville, Virginia. "• Ayer's Pills outsell all similar prep- arations. The public having .once used them, wiU have no other." - Berry, Venable & Calliet, Atlanta. Ga. which in conjunction with Joh.nsou'. runic Liver Pile has performed sum.• least wonderful cures impure er lin pnrerished blood soon beconies purified and enriched. Billiousneas, indige.tien, sick headache, liver complaint, languor, weakness. err , soon disappear when mated by these excellent tabic medi- cines. For Sale by Good, dru_Kist, Al- biuu block, C:oderich, sole intent. [d Jones (who catches his pastor o'.t fishing` : "flood morning, D.ictor : Ai• you studying theology 1' Minister : •' Yeatchth'okay.' To lb. M.dI.at Pr.M..h.n. aae. ON weeO It may maces. Phoephatine, or Nerve roan. a Pher- p]tate $twstertt bered- upon ecieretitie- Facta, For.nulAted by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Mass.. euros Pulmon- ary Consumption. Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Phosphatiue is not a Medecine, but a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable ..r Mineral Poisons, Opiates Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but simp! ly the Phosphatic and tiartric Elements found in one daily food. A single bottle is cutficiont to convince. All Dnagttists sell it. $1.00 per bottle. [omen & Co., sole agents for the Dominion, 55 Front Street East Toronto Thr SA RRIS STEEL BINDER,. Nsvhagtoe ate'$' ^.'?cert yeariorltrce.enre in heirei ing room ell a..d natwe. there arm s trot roporrl''I t. -S'. that I etre d.tea.. ■r;.l r ',card to 11.5 barrio .steel Bonn r w bbh to in) b aJ p. -arc,. tO, suprr.oritf seer all ..Pee:. : i. �.eal••aw be f■lu4$b vt ....�.'l. r•.i, .• f lea,. i.y- any other ....e any. .- e. 4.a, bap p,e a•, n. -u,.. ten ase i .1..4111 ,� treat ' t+r mssula.ilury. This t• tan n:ew' leassuurw•.t n .M to ha.. ••••vii cel Jo. loo. M'1 .intuativinn&&• thee. of sinal sad is then 3 f 1* sa. tun•,. tt..Dttpn Isom. i s whit fuer :oleicabk P• :suit work.oc wet ebt...�m�sf at tore wnrn4 i. l ata n..' . + a, 011,1o 1:r r on, ray. ea..!} al+rwtt M h•ue4 re so' aLoP .'trrdlntr to !,thew•. 1 tourer wat.•c•A,ne orae ow. ':we. the�� e 1 ns,a tly .nd:, .l. . l • 1,..•.1 din .reel. tl•e a"•+. .MatI) eY-awl•,+'.'. .• i•.. pe.! env h ,• . •: ,.ir evrso'rteS in" tkup• 1 Lac ler ll Actin stork of .e• Mau fee rario('•`isoiloassofan• - ••,t:atie tr.i..n. .D_ "T_ E 1_R'ACA_1\T, Prepared ay Dr. J.C.A erlkCo.,L s.. Yea. ernr7t:01 l,ta.l kne:re A,:flier ear' Cenral is of the e' as kiod'.'t' toof nieete te ax Ayer r .cede es r ..+ '-..rt rwblag )Na;mtm • .h•. Armpits •tithe b et Aird., a -t name sonde air he.sn•. ha:. ...... ,.:i.I ens req'nrre,: gni •pt until .sem tem enrpitet. Lrat•r 1nar under. a.Y by all Dusk" V)t.a/d.a. • under. -141- 1s case- t notate -et.. Qudeneh TRU Kxnror Tits Cnu. - About Tee -.birds et the amount of a generous ratios Sue a cow, legs the /t,«nuoun, gnat to keep the oow alive and in health and vigor. All the money there is, or can be made. by fowling her is made out of the other third. To put it in another form, the first two-thirds is lust, --the lain third is sold for three prices ta the e ow. This everlasting truth ought to be painted plain on every diaryman's big harm doors, where he can read it every time h* gues to the baro to feed hie stock. tee, Masa steal money fen in their own sad throw it ■way, by rating teaquery, "will it pay 1" aad wile he food. A man ought as welled' i1 is will pay to teed oath to a horse that is doing the ploughing. There is no special skill needed to grew small fruit successfully. ,Pur raspberries, blackberries, currents and gooseberries, there should be a small piece of land mei apart, but the strawberries may be grown in the track patch. One requisite for wreceofel strawberry growing is good variety ; .ad it is difficult to advise in thie matter, as wb.t doe. well 1n ons lom/1y often fails in anotber. It is .traded advice, however, to say, do not �high -prised novelties, 'but go to e eneessefal grower neer home and tike hie advise as to what to plant. )it i• Igoe *economy in hatching with h*teMest more than one at the same age. god with the same variety of eggs. The chicks of pure bred fowls Dome mostly uniform in Dolor, and when • hen is .ogeminted with the extremes of the mood dist covers alt in between, the wash d[ docks becomes then a very stt.r. A good hen will take gig*.1�e m ciettlitof sisteas or eighteen chicks. w .f two hatchings may, if not two iseastees, be given to one soother, or three Soaks gives to the Care of till, hens. teyiey hews a larger ole in my du t," says a well known: druggist, "than soy aaher pill on the market, and giro th>fbentsatisfaction for sick headache, Whjeiwe••, indigestion, eta., and when osselabilheff with Johnston's Tonic Bitten, JehMella,'s Tonic Liver Pills will per Neel what no other medicine has drone Wee, for suffering humanity • Palls IS wets per bottle. Hitters TiO cents aMd SI per bottle. S..ld by (;wide, Druggist, Albion block, Ooderich, sole Mesh [e] Let it lowborn' in mind that the cords of hors, which bind hearts so closely to- gether that neither life nor d.•t'h nor time nor eternity can severe thee., ere worsen of threads no bigger than a spider's web, Low's Sulphur Soup is an elegant toi- let artiste, and cleanses and and pur'8w the akin mad effectually. lm Small knit, indulged see little thieves That let in greater. Tre.bt may be La,ret.d. Ig poi de net heed the warnings ref nem pars and ei owes pay attention to the essiNmiesees of your health. How often WO MI a wane pet off hum day to day Yes pgehw of • medtei.e whish if pro - Owed et Ugh tendert of • disease would have remedied 11 alio* ilstedistely. Sew II Jamming'', Tonic Liver rills had hers takes whim the hat .eemsieaei see& by sewsarene• the illness .wosW have hese "-Ripped it the lied." Jobo- s.n s Teals Bitters .ad Liver Pllhs ere lad' p the hest assdisine no the sear- kee psa.rel cowls, sod invigwe.tiss .....111111 Pills 161. per bottle. Bitters 80 emote nail fit Mills, sold by DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECWMSBESTiRIEtl One air • of well curdane.'. will keep a -row tie, r six m•.o'ie winter : ehr will irolu're. , ao. avrr:wte. nab sur 'hoer were* e1 pnehtt•• f.'' her a.tw- m»r •apfs•rt. One aero • n t..• u•Iti ee II Teen) wilt atrp,•rt her all tli. ;ear round. Vogl ap-e.loee. Mien on risk 'n buying ,u�iiullr__- but try the afloat Kidney sod L•ver rel;ub , he Ot.� Established Were sad Mere `far torr !i. wifl tem rbc Hent faille one of the Largos for. mad[ by Dr. Chaar, adfi. r Week, is ehr 1a,rt, "' Try eJ'''Y' EVERY STYLE, QUALITY, & PRICE. i..•s.es.a t':- L'y.•r• Kai Sc_4 L)QU A:P. F^.8 BOR BOOTS AND SHOES. E. DOWNING Chou', rreeiLive, Cure for nit d ifet's.1lrontaelr.iod Dow, t.. ts..., try a 9 dr uttgiste. The distre.ii ni; palehees •.• ••ft •n ob- served to yeatsg girls and ;+.•men. n slue na a treat u.•;asor° to a !ace o1 ehr red cerposic.es in t:ta Woo,. o,. To reasely this requires a ir.nds ins ah.eh pn•d,tcrs these n.•eeserr-y tittle id- est .ur.etiti.rtite. and ehr beat y et desacs. rd is J'.hn«,n's Tonic Bitter,. Price 51' •-eats• , rd •1 per kettle at Cl• eels • dna • .tone, A14, esu: block. Ooderich. $.•ta .tent. -(!tf - THE KtY TO HEALTH. AN A ME1111T STOCK or Lades Fine Goods in Dutton Door.. Itt'u•,•rIle. a•.,r,wrees. e.ttord 'rte.. fifteen 1ilb-eot soylew of Kid Slipper - Tom .;... p'"rar orice you like. Yoh. Pima, Rem. Pronelia. Carpet. Wigwama'ui ierrutaa rd' otter • .0 p:.da■sun. OVERSHOES AND RUBBERS1 t.)1 every dee. r.00:,on .with of eloadw ,nd American m,L�i. i would alien calf the anemia. of .'r3►HitEItdtu :hitt pan er lrf-itoea eapecat!; euttabta for them, such as Long Boots in Cali, Sip and Cowhide, FELT BOOTS AND 3[OCCASL'I S. 1 hare • Into of !hit Bente. ,ny •awn mak.. n^knawtedae•i to he tin hest Felt Bost made in t'seada. Ihvu.pt a„d caret JI attention even to ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING. /i Please bear three facts lamina -1 hate h, far the laoryrrst stark of Bents and Shoe, in tows • They are of the eery bee' Qsastity preeur..fdr. sang amide la • ie !test manufacturer .o r'armada: And 1 will veil at tinea ana low ur lea rt. thea al.) of. eatkitine a seatisu acr efrose valued c..-'om. w Luerwllr accorded sr during the past len aloe Efnlnekn e'lthe r:ht•^x'. of the -fourteen 7va=s...rear . Tour'. y Bowels. ?;Print': and Lint.,, carry - system, all the impurities end fad .'rahb's Mock. C..r. Exit st. ash :=sear•. bion ens of the ossetons ; st the st tires Correcting Ability Stomach, curing Bi:ii7aanetis. Dy3- ppe�ppee:�:a, Heliaeht Dtrzlyara, _ Hiartbetrae Co st.patieTt, Dryness .tWf :h3 Skin, Dropsy, r:mn:'� at Jaunt:hes, Eai, polls, Scrofula, Tlt.tterng of the Heart, Nervotua'sai ane. Gen- teel Debility ; ail these end many other similar similar Ccenplainth a:1 to the BL'OODinflt L f O tliE BITIMMI'g. IBM= 1 Cf.. PrssYane, !tis•rly r ing off ti'rod•n:Iv wat}:c.t aeaken: gtae E. DOWYING GEO. EVERY one should call tin him before purchasing Fr.-RN[TURE elsewhere. ONE and all can save mnr.ey by buying from GEO. BAi I2Y. B tRRY sells cheap for cash ; be will not Le ur.drrsuld. BARRY makes a specialty of UNDERTAKING and i'ictLre Framing. ALL kinds of FURNITC' RE kept on hand. ('all and see kis Stock of ROCKING Chairs, Tables, Parlor Setts, 1l.,tt:esees, Bedsteads, Easy Chairs. he. REMEMBER that GEO. BARRY keeps the best Stock of F("RN ITI-REin town. you should call rad est his PRICES before buying elsewhere. GE=O_ RA�:R=, Hamilton -St., Oodetich ABRAHAM SMITH 15 OYPLRI%G SPECIAI. BAI.OAiNte IN CLOTHING. ( want you all to read and profit thereby. Now the holidays sort electieas •ren over. we come down to business. i as catering to the public the largest stock and THE BEST STOCK OF CLOTHING IN WKSTKRN CANADA. AT THE LOWseBT PitIC1CB_ The stock nee and will he sold oat to rake roma far spring goods. I rake the euvere lut et thanking the public is both tows aad esrrwsadfeet eeea- en fee past slavers, and ieHclt . eestNsstkrs A. SMITH. Goderick, a fila =1 NEW SPRING MILLINERY MRS. SALKELD'S. The latest Novelties of the seems eoa he Masai ea tem North aide of the flseare. MOUNTS, SHAPS, RIBBONS. GAUZES sed every'thluar 1. be fses4 te • first -elm mllllaery establishment. A new hoe .f PURE PARISGREEN, HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER RHYNAS' T23T RR�� 3- -IST. AND NVN's r I.X ten* run sail minima rhe stook and set prtaa. Aamt stir PesWs ale.m p>N Teets. .root•. MAC- 1114.1...11E11111.3°. �, Man In Buainel�. should � Geode the 'dr.ggi t, per Meek, ole his Ono. Stationery P meat TTAVINO Rb.- FCItNI3t1LD my slop la the atm style. put In ehrre slew atarberralrw two of them themes - bursted Rochester Tilting l • h • ire, an. hired a journeyman Barber. we an in a position to do heater Werk than hereto- fore. Lady's R Children' • Haircutting made • .T is ty oa,all Aye " alitasirtgison proud. "771\.2_ KWIC- T g„t Wal Street. two dear. eset of P.O-, Sedstieh NEW ANNOUNCEMENT I The unde'rsigaeog, while thssking tee._ blie r their liberal paresage tte■tewe upon bills place oestmenring b ait� te,UaleMr'tne. ileal heleas paY_ lows his prices to OCR *0.17(01 FICCIES, on,* as 'Lebo ps,tleslarty to can atteattae so fab SPLENDID LiNES OF TEAS from 10 cts to T6 cts per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest case Prunes., pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef, Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best American fine cut chewing Tobacco, fresh salt and canned Fish, best quality. 12 Bars of Soap for 25c. 3 Scrubbing Brushes for 25c. Leiner. Or+anaa. Mixed Omar. A Ns 1 Cher -Mato peep, de.. vet. Y..eral GrocoriesiCrodery, tllassure. Flat, JOHN ROBERTSON 1/11VO011Cli l07s TO O. L. W1rVISTOSZ, Blake's Sleek ire fire, get ab. tat.► 11104110111. Me* tido oda