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The Huron Signal, 1888-6-15, Page 3
THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 15. 1888. AMMON COUNTY C10UNC14 mgeolog settee base semilas -Grass& Me seereare' ttmset. June 7th, 1815d The soused met pursuant to adjourn- ment, the waggles W the cheer. Ail the e nsmiUum passel. PM minutes of yesterday were reed sad approved Letter from R. N. William., P. et., was read std referred to special cum- m,tte.. t '• Statement o cash in hand was read and referred to nuance committee. Report of wooly auditors was read and rderred W lusuce ou.mtttes. 1). and of the Weems oomenuatuonen of East Huron fur $1446, for the ea - forcemeat' of the Cauda Trwp.r•oce Act w.a read aud referred to the mesial committee. The report of the tivanoe =mummies was read mud adopted. Moved by De Renal., aeooaded by Mr Ewen, that the cuuseot uF the won - til be granted fur the e•tabliahaeut of a high school M Reefer under Me ordi- oary statutory proveiuta. Referred to the school oummtttee. Moved by Mr Sanders, amended by Mr Stroar, that the lockup keepre sale - nes to $10 per entrain instead ot $20 as hersiufore, to t.k. effect on and after the let of January, ld8'J. Referred to salaries oommIttee. Petition of Garrett B. Driakell, a deet and duuh person, requesting to be sent to hospital was reed and ordered to be hied Moved by Mr Kelly, seconded by Mr Jacques, that the December meeting of this ixeuocil be dispensed with this yemr. rredt-rd to be lard on that tete' until the altersoon mashing. Moved by Mr Milne, eeamded by Mr O;tver, teat this %mental do how ad - pens to meet again at 4 o'clock p. m. Carried. 4 o'clock p m. Council reset ted. the warden Is the chain -- Repel of Oa and Sad Wille a15- mKtee wee read sad adopted. Letter from Mr Smith, inspector of registry utbce•, regime lag the oouoeil to mists cerraro ■herstrorw in the re- gistry Mitm was reed and ordered to be pled. Moved by Mr Juba Terrance, second• by Dir Errant that a bylaw be passed by this council to anthem bylaw No 5, of the to.nsb,p of Stanley. pissed Nov. 12, 1667, to aloes uv and sell that p,r- ties of road allowance between lots 30 and 31 on the 5th co.ceasit.o of 114, township of Stanley. Cantel'. Mowed by Mr Beek, tsrn•nded by Mr McEwen, that this council adjourn tu meet 'gun totaorrow at 9 o'clock. Goderich, Julie lith.ended Mr. Besaum, that that 'ward*"The county council met pursuant to respect to the fees I shall have to sub- adj'uurnm•ot, t warden in the chair. and clerk memorialize the Duminiun mit tu the opiuiuu given by the Comity The minutes uT yesterday were road !Government to peon all order in council At racy. 7 Y authorize" the county treasurer t" pay There a mini a point with respect to and approved. over to the separate municipalities in clot the fees in the towns where I act under Moved by Mr Beek, seconded by Mr const from wbilr14 all Scutt Act Goes y separate commission ar.3 without palmy. sem% MWlelp aehptJ a the sassy of of He ram, seek esleatiou to be the taste for ne scion eattue ter *coat, rate 14.4 th. eseseeg hoe years. Leet cm • di.istun. Report of the committee was read and adopted. Repast of salaries wm.ttt•• was lead and adopted. Report of the gaol and overt hems wmmtttea area read and clotted. Letter from Mr Raneford was feed and ordered to b• hied. Repan of special committee Ifo 1 was read mud adopted Report t f rgwliratios immmittee was lead. 11: red by Mr N'ileuo, seconded by Mr %Lmuuueg, that the equaltas'wu c•,ot- mtttee's report be amended by adding 11 per sore to the ar.rmamt of Mc- Ktllup. Lost. Moved by bin McMutchy, sc.00ded by Mr Malloy, that the report beauteud- sd by raising the assessment of 1114th. Lata un • dictate., by a majority of Y3. The report was agate wbulitt.d to ib. etubneil and adop:ed. The supplementary revolt of the finance cuumadiee was read anti ao.•pt- id Bylaw No 1, INS, egeelnnes the aa - easement rolls, wee read and pared Bylaw No 2, 1163, imposing aunty rates area read .114 and passed. Bytes Nu 3, 18158„ a.a..sing the re• 'poem. towushtp. for • .uiu equivalent tu the legislative school grant, was reed and pained. Bylaw No 4, 1888. warming Beta's bridge, , ti the Lake Shure Road, .tsh- tield, wee read and passed. Bylaw No 5, 1883, to confirm Bylaw No G, of 1887, Of the tlwnship wf Stanley was read and passed. Bylaw No 6, 1, to authorize the warden and treasurer to burrow money fog comity porpoises until the tames are collected was read and palmed. Moved by Mr. Kelly seconded by Me. F. W. Johnston, that this council in- .truct the warden and clerk to memoria- lize the l:uvernor-e:eneral-in-Council te poi an order empowering; this council to apply any surplus money that remains in the hands of the treasurer koala the hoes tmµ..od sod o..UMIMd Mem es liquor traffic during the time theltheeada Temperance Act was in tome in that county, for the purpose of a.sistit.g in the erection of . i house (4 mimeo is county. Upon the names being called fee, then roted for the motion : Messrs Kelly, Manning. Strong. Bock, }' W. Jobs.too, Cameron, Malley, Hays, Saunders, BnttoteRvlluts.aud thereat, - 12. AeatnM ; Messrs Muoney,iloEwan, Coos, Jactue., Keine, Hume, 8. John - and eetteg inset Turoee'e bridge, $7 5e , .1. blrFerleud, (-Immo; jam Musa Katie well's bride., $3 • C. Prouty. bateau' foe repatriuv Black Creek hedge end ap rosettes to liable bridge, $Y fin ; John)IoL.,I.ud, regain to Bayfield bridge, ; John Fermium, brsnglrna tele - drover Mem Ethel to Bayneid ami re- paireeR same, 817 22 ; Jobe' T. 1;.mb• le.t, mak tog approaches t•. bride. on Ur.y tiod ji'"s boundary, iluron'a une- hf, $30 50, W n 84.tkrre, per ord.' of J. MuLell►ud, for lumber tot galley brims, $49 ; Alms. Jordan, repunme apprentice to Omens bridge, P1 ; Arthur Cook, repairing, Ratbwell bridge, $10 ; Robert Small, clewing tum fru.n Wiugham grains bndge, $u ; Marl Ce - se's, repeiriog washout and fences at pprra.tri. bridge, $5 ; L. Hardy, repairctt bridge uu Ueburne and Hibu•rt buend- ary, Huron • vu. -half, $3. 6. Reoomtuend that the roof of the Court Hl/WINS be repaired to prevent looking. The estiiosied not of attach ins a sidewalk to Maitland brodu. at Gvdetich 1s as foaows 5 feet wide, $ti50 ; 4 feet wide, 860u. The coot td bridges and approaches. and repa es to motety bndJtrtts, will not likely waxed $12.000 to the year 11488. Jori AtrraLur, Cumn.trw,ue-. LET[ta rtos r. R. wituAlia. 1 have pleasure in mating the follow ieg short return for the udortustioa of the members of the County t'ouncil. I hair. uo doubt many will b. desirous of kuorinu what ha. been dons by the P, M.; though he hu made hos ret•ern t' the Crown -:tourney loud the Govern- ment, there are few permed' who see and read thaw. No. of canes ,'tat came bafure me.. 219 o, ., dismissed 23 .• Bast Aon Cuttvictiuw 187 u other eases 17 of committals to jail 3 There arta number of linea wet yet pard w, thoutl, in every cess nut paid I have issued distress warrants and sere ral oumm►ttuteots. Mau; distress war- rants have been for suveral weeks in the ds of constable, who hate sot yet returned them, in which eases 1 presume the c ottables are steered of the fines beide put. to some ares the constables 1. Recommend that the following have returned the distress warrants. areola be made : Prisut:eri Aid A.aoc'n. tltekrng nn r,turn, s, that >t leas barn 1IITi- - o'S13ttre and mea eT 3 i .powaible for me to prt.eeno. In set e- Ratt., who attend brigs Ie camp this year, rel parts of the county 1114 uawllui;seas 25c. per day ; Eur Huron Fernier+. In. on t'te part of the constables to execute stitute, $Y:, warrants and serve suwmunses has boo en 2. That the following accounts be a cause of a grist deal of delay ani paid (tont, I- lerte, *dyes tome, $3.- acnoyence to prosecuting inturnietiota. 50 : James Kelly, clsanirg Brussels There bas heen id to one oat tines bridge. 12 ; Brussels Post, advertising, m.mioipalisw user past ran, the asesee15NM.14owing dial the valuations were based en the actual cash welter We 4m adopted in all eases the toilers! re. tete, of the acreage, leas ememptsoas for ehareh,'ohmsl mot .memory purlie'fw• Your nomaiii ee would recommend the value. set forth iia the wu.a.d schedule at the sgwlaed yslu Jusg Kama, fee real Veer. Cbauma•. (The following ere the only Assents med. in the equ.baed values from last tea; . Clines, 1111!51,830, an increase of $30,000 , I;esforth, $487,900. an in- crease of $20,000 ; and Wtogham, $3964, '00, an increase of $10 000, The tote, eguel.aed seemed value ie; iowu.bipa, tutees and voltages is now $x4,075,970.1 ariroar 01 arta'laL t'OLYITTte Nu. 1 Reeurnsiendwg that nu action betaken On the pet tion from Welland Cation', ink ono co-operation in securing an emeudswent to suh section 10, S.O. 486. chain. 1:5, oat 4'S : ictoris. a., sa um prevent blues. a barna .ot.4 to wsuufact Ines. Julie KAIX it, Cbaitamc. IMPACT Or JAIL AND e0t'RT Rot** .`u4xITt11. 1. Reporting "'wr)tbtng clean and in good urd_r iia the jail, and the bomber of per-aoaa oostiu.d Werein as stated by the jailer 2. That no action be :,ken regarding the purcla.e of a tire exurge.sher. 3. That a wet rl kettle tie purchased for the jet! fur the purpose of bu.img Suet). 4. Recommend that a sufficient quan- tity of .fetes be purchased and put on the roof of the Court Hoose to prevent it from l.aktug, and that the telephone company be forb,ddeb to go oats the roof of this Court Clouse, as they are cow p:arned of as duinci damage t , the slates uy walking oar the roof. W. H. McCKAe'sE\, Chatrwan. tZP,, T Or eeLantze costo TTt5. hecto* :ending the adoption of the mutton to reduce the salaries of the lock up kee ers to $10. instead of $20 as herekoftte*. J thea+ Hive, Chaireleth OtPORT i)1 mita •t & inareaa The toeed,ut .crit for protnotime M- soaal comeliness, i. de. to J. C. Xis, whose Hair Vigor s • untvenrl b*elitist ofthe hair. Har 111,1.•fGet'tie .ad .4raeabl.. 1t reeks &moue 414, teed!► pes.abls toilet articles. Loop mad sm•t1 *Wase.. As a $ouaab wtarater and Su E`11 100 Iwyosc WWI"riding 4tietbrr, mid tli. ei01Met tu boa friend, "lit. , d. Juu seas ambit niM.kw 1n your pleading i' ej do," says Me lawyer. •'Au •hat j ye du wa raratakes e' was the .lunacies. •Wby, sir, 1f large ones, I mead [boa ; preemie lialla reseifnas yck, simi!r, sdosyou"I Aelet vyer tsmhraekm e 1 go. sttae kesdAoadnein, ,era" '•Arad do yew du w, h your miatal.eal' "whatOh, I dupeuae soh 414.15 in the same manner as ye d•. y.•ureel'. I mentos the lama., au' let g., the ease .nee. No lam stem as 1 was prtvchie', 1 meant W Ob•erse that the dvc,, eras tbo father ei a' liars, but made • sob - take, ate said be was the father u' lawyers. Bat the mistake war s., saes' that I let it go." • severe Trial Femmes A. Smith, of Emetdsle. mos kola, writes- I was tr•.utled with vomition for two years and I ha.e r,;r• .ted as often u 8viCtimes a day 1)ti bottle of Burdock Blood B:ttarscorn leant- ly cared me." -. Relate Coax Mctrnla.-The mater- ials needed for two dome merlins, are Oue punt of ours meal, esti pint of flour, one scent quart of booting ever, two tablespoonfuls of butter, twu .-f sugar, one teaspoonful of salt, three tables.. felt of yeast, half a t.aapooclu:.: soda, and one eat. Put the meal it • bowl and gradually poor the boiling ae',-r on it. Beat thoroughly ; then ado! Lie but- ter. salt, sugar and flour. Beat the mix- ture for ten minutes, and then let it stand until it becomes awl. When the better is cod, add tee yeast ; vner and set in • moderately warm place overnight. In the morning, dissolve the •-la in three tablespoonfuls of water. Add this water and the egg, well beaten t, o the batter, and beat well. Pour this mix- ture into well -buttered 'Rodin -pea, and bake fur half an hour in a m,..:ately hot eyes. stun, Hoppler, C. Eilber, T .rrsooe, since I was directed to pay over hors to Pollock,/ Johnston, Beacon, H. Etlba, County Treasurer. $3,800 ; io ices in Griffin, Errant, McPherson, Milne, Oli- o,anty cases, $173 ; iia t awn cues, $121; ver. Bryans, Rees, McIntosh, Scull, whtcb amount, you a ill see, Is sheet Sprtrt, and Kydd-25. The motion covered by amounts Loki t • the (7 0.11; was loft by s m.tjonLy of 13. Treasurer. Fines are stall facing pard Moved by Mr. F. W. Jobaston, w- and well be paid over u tecetywd. With Johnston, that ch• pet Garrett J Driskill be reconsidered, and in his baui., in the tame pr.portutn as' thus. cases I em entitled to raatn the bridge R v C Doctor & Cu., carpet were c,llecerd any surplus which may ire 1 The •;inion is he'd by sense that en $3.50: George' Tedford. care of county tools for hitt month,, $6, and that in future he furnish oat iuventury of the cols in his chane at ieeet ..nee a year ; Jetties Jenkins, pl.tering in jail, $36.- 3; : !6811 D.ckanu, tusking cluthioe for Prisoners. $9 ; John F. Beteg, repnrring wheellarruw at jar!. 31 ; John Walker, repairs t, et.Laity court clerk's (office, $12: Godench S• i4;, a•lvertisir.d, 81!.50 weuG,n N.,r►,-lig.,'mf, it ; Barrow it Proudfuot, services as county &elicttorr, $97.:a0 ; Blyth eneedard. advertising, x1.60 ; W.11iant Turner, work at Turners that clause 61 of the rules be suspended fax this porpoes. Carried. Moved by Dr Rollias, seconded by the same .0 collected from the muni leas 1 have submitted the ewe* 'ton to and wetting for Judge Doyle's Ohre, otpaltttes. the County Att •mey, and he has toren $33.3; : Clinton Nett Gra, wdvertisiug, Mr Kelleythat the arm of 6550 he grant Upon the names being called for, ; ed for the care ..f Barrett J Delated , a (kw"rated tom the www•e"r1 : Maw"( tion. I do not wish in anyway to stsud deaf and dumb invalid, said sum to be Britton, Molloy, Beacom, C. Eilb.r, H. in oppneitioo to the Council, and have expended by Mr Adamson to the best advantage for the benefit of said Dnskell. Curled un a dinston by a majority of 21. M••ved in amendment by Mr W.ison. secom.ied by Mr McKean, that the peti- tion's of Garrett J. Deists!! he tiled. Jaalues, Cum McEwau, Dluoney sod 1 sh'uld retain them or not ; 2. Theta Mutton fLast, on a isistiara Kelln. and J aegwes • Howe -20 The station was lost by a is a surplus to the creels of the funi ; y majority of 4. 3 Other counties, as Middlesex. have was again submitted to the council for dis- Moved by Mr Kelly, wounded by Mr ; dose w, or at lout the uaattistttte re - penning 1.7 with tkeDecember meetiogofthe Mooney, that the count! do eve d-' taints the fees when he aetr without an opinion in opposition to that conten- Ealber, F. V. Johnston, Beck, J. John- i consequently made a return of al' .ton, Happier, Strong, S. John.tcn, amountB collected. I wisdt to throw my Bissett, Mantling, Kant., Kelly and self entirely in the hands of the C'.uuctl I!: ellen.-16. &train." Movers Bryan., l and oak that I be .!:owed to retsia the Kydd, Saseders. !lay., Scun, Sproat, , fees collected where I am F M. without Molnte.h, t)barr, Mite. McPberso°, 1 salary. I ask it for the following reasons Errata, Grim°, l'"dh,ek, Ram. Torrance, 1. Thera u doubt as to whether throee voted for the mucio.,M.urs Kydd. cosset!. poo eke rata. beam called for, jot:rn (tamed. eatery ; 4. The County Council las made Scott, Anderson, Britton, Mouton, Tay no provision for .!ties rent, fuel and lot, 1).norr Moine, McPherson, Sanders,keener or ROAD AND si[aa rovtrtTTst. , light, as 1 uoderstautl by statute they Strong, McKean, Gelatin, Torrance, I- - Reoo.m.nd that Mr. Ataley'a sport I sbuuid d,• : 5. In view of Act hetng re Eno". Eileer. Mooney, Cox, J.rnlues, be adopted and printed to minutes. pealed; fur I would not hare tinder- s. nder S. Johnston, hi,Johl.Mow, Lookart, 1. Regarding the matters referred to , taken the duties of the o!lice for one Beck, Malloy, Pollock. Hpen pler, Howe, then, we retteumend - That nee"- i year, R. W. Wt Llar.R, P. M. Beacom. Kelly, Meaning, MoMerehy- easy repairs be carried out un H.II'• 'orals; that approaches at Holtaes•ille j RsrotT or artt•1AL ecoottresa No 2. 32. Asmoset - Meoi.rs Ross, Hays and 18 utile bridges, be attended to at ! 1. Your committee having carefully Smoot. McIntosh, Birven, Repine, Wil- Mr- Mr- Andel baying reported I compared the books of the P. M. with tae, F. W. Johnston,MI Strohm., Mc- Bain's bridge, in Ashfield,o as own..- the returns made to the Co*tty Gluten, .Rdhns and Latae -13, paw. width, we reaommSo ..d that it be I Treasurer by him, and also with the re - Carried by majoo ritiey of 19. Report of the shoo) onmmittee was reed and ordered to !e'en the table astil next seeming. Moved by Mr Hays, seconded by Mr Morton, that the clerk and warden petition the Lieut. -Governor in council on behalf of thio council to .o amend the School Alt that tewttsbip councils have the choosing of all school sites, snit limiting the bounds of .11 schools, sepa- rate or public. Carried. Moved by Mr Jas Johnston, seconded by bit Kelly. that this council do now adjourn to 4 u'elock p.m. Carried. $G ; Hueh McGrattut, drawing woeti from jail to court hotter, $13 ; Fraser .8 Putter, stationery, $9.24 ; W!nglam Adria..-,, advertassg, $4.00 ; 1".'inghaa advertisin4, $2.60 ; H. Hale, cleaning regt,try ..ihce yerd. $l 50 ; Exeter .4dr..e.ate, advertia►sg, $1 ; Mary A. Morgan, for six months keep of Ann Selina Morgan, a destitute insane par- son, for t-rm ending J.rne 5, $30 ; John Ainsley, teietraphtne and muerte to rod coutmiestoner, $4 50 ; bin. Hugh Campbell, 19 weeks' care of Eliza Smith, an insane indigent, at $2 per week, $38 ; Mrs Barker, 19 weeks' care of David Kinsman I. TIM% "I was troubled with Liver C.•mplaint for number of years, fading no core I tried B B B. I book four-bnl6e+ mud am now perfectly cured, strung and hearty." Mr. Maria Askett, Alma, Ont. 2. It is a happy thio; for that this is really all we have to concern . urselyee about, what to do nest. . Morey smelled 1151•'. No "hardly ever" *bout it. He had an attack of what people cell "btli,we- nes,"arid tc wile was impossible. Vet s men may -tamale and smile. an.l ea a villain eti11, still he was no villain. tout • plain, blunt, honest man, that necled a remedy such as Dr Pierce a "Pleasant PurgatitS Fettles," whioh rever fail to cure bihounoels and diseased or torpid iver, dyspepsia and citron* c' ' stipa. tion. 01 dreggiate. Stomarb. Kidney a and ♦ern wit T. r:'R5 theasorse rear i'amplslws seek lerNasbea WSW. Mq Apple Blood )rug ester wreaene, uutstreu'gtbens and in- vigorate the system. For sae ty James McRay druraist. Dun Kilts:nate an insane indigent, at $2.00 gaaoow. Price sects and St. per week. $47 60 ; Puttee Magistrate, record book, $5.36 ; James Saunders .t Sion, sundries for jail and court house. $10 ; /I gree. .'tuner, printing as per con- tract. $68.20 ; L. Handy. repairing bridge on London ,road, $4 ; R. W. McKenzie. tail'. its., $3.518 ; Easter Tones, adver- tising $3.50. 3. That the fou owing be not paid: John McCann, raising and trrseelhng approaches to Holmwvtlle bridge, $32, he h ant beim certified•+correct ; Henry assumed and kept up as a oouuty bridge; I turns of conrictww to the Clerk of t •Otw• k.ervll)Q. at HBrace-,vtlleseal Brace -, that Godericb bridge be repainted and Peace. find U at of the coavoctteta cued° field bridge." $.i not certified to rod+ tightened ; that the question of re by him since his appointment the follow- 4.That the following lockup keepers' to court hour be referred to jail , tug Boma here been pard to. the par.'s Hamad : semens be paid, but that in future such be paid onto at January meeting ; Gunge Petrypiece, Winghani, $20. --- b. That the Warten and Tres/tot-or be ,author zed to hornier $20,000 for county purposes until the reosipt of lazes. 0. We find the Treasurer's bunds cor- rect, and recommend dist the property held in mortgages 1424 and 4090, as security to 11u county, be insured to the extent of $6,000. That in hours the Warden and Clerk insure the county buildings and orntente in stook reopen - tee to tie best advantage, to about two- thirds their actual MA vela,. 7. Ia reference to the motion of Meme. Manning and Milne,ina.much as un chante hu been evade by the munici- palities in which the P. M. was appoint- ed without salary, for fire and light, we recommend that no action be taken is the matter, withost p.ejedics tt$he P. M's. claim (If any), and that your Treau ere, teaks a demand on the P. M. for all finer and fees due to the eodr1y. The estimated ezpend,thn for the current year amounts to $51,113.96 ex - elusive of the equivalent of Iegudative aohool grant, requiring a rate of one and one half mill. ..n the dollar. acid w• reammmeod that by-laws he pts -Sad im- posing and nieisg that rate, and also the and court home committee ; that no action be taken at present on matter of attacbine a sidewalk to (itd.rich bridge. We recommend .leo that Mr. Johnston's motion, r. Manchester bridge, be adopt ed. Josses Bare, Chairman. 4 o'olo.k p.m The council renamed, the wa d.a in the chair. Coemuniestiee from amity Perth, in reference to a proposed saw brides a the Gch con., townships of Grey an/ Elam, was referred to road •ed bridge committee. Report of 414e special committee was goad and adopted. Moved by Mr Manning, .aosaded by Mr Milne, that, in consideration of aro pro•is,••a having been made by this ooencil forofoe r.nt,aad light and dm GI the pollee magistrate for them amain - polities in which he has acted without salary, and farther, became ..f the debt Sxistiag as to the richt of this mooed to ,metro: the fess imposed by him whilst *sting, Dr Williams, the polios maae's- trate be allowed to retais the foes eon imp.msd. Beferrsd to 4saae co..it- thee. The report of the sg.aliestioa stew mita* was read. Moved by Mr golly. asensdd by Dr nnias, that rale ILL M emtpeded, and the equaliestlea report be referred bask too enatemittas,..d that 011 nes d.ss1 to the report be a saiad.4. Carried. Kneel sad aseerded that this mem ed adjewru to meet magma a 7 e'cleek p.m. Clanked 111. tAh assg 15g y ■r Wallas, agloid ice, i te1111116 for the wpm* ety 1rh j sad easing the sesembh0 t.Qtw$ i• steal' OF ROAD tionviaaiOiaa Reponse" : 1. Teat work on all the contracts let at last nmesttn / of council wss progressing. and he hoped to be able to regent at December session that all were completed in proper time. 2. Sundry emissary repairs bad been carried out, details of which are hem - with given .and an examination of otter .A Ae P. M. for the County Dr Wil bridges shows the usual amount of small Ilam, hie awe•leeti ie tow ih. nm of f.pwlTs necessary, (of which he recom- $173, mad as P. M. without eatery for mead* the follori.g A new (.ends- the towns e.f (lnderioh, Clinton, $eafnrtb We undse Hbridge, aw tAold nee one teammate $121. making in all $G9l- Iavery troch decaalle yed , •portions o1 the Of this all bet $8 has bees paid in .nal !*lames will be at .nee adjoined. 3 We reeommeed that the complete list of teta.ietinse ea herewith submitted. the P. M's Islam sad Tres/woes mars - meat be priated in the salaams. 4. Werare1515eod that the Teamster ppaay over to the cads. of tine District ii,ese.. reads the following snma, being oeultriarth of the secants. tiled for One peer, ria : Limnos di.tnetof Swath Heron . .$424.44 s, " West .• . 871.16 ,. " Esse t• .. 361.45 gad that nen farther mhos be paid eat ..w seeewt of mid este:natea ',Ahead the feather anise et this .now ed 6. Year est15.dtes are usable to saes zee: t°eeeteadation regard to the owris tba of the bateau, of she hal on Led to the cradle of the Lineage Heed esenmet. ani refer the same book to the Ocoee& A. $.jm,sttuw, W. J. Paisley, Inspector, Wee Riding $1,550 D. Sprague. Inspector, r .utb Riding .... 1,330 J. R. Miller. Inspect or. East Ittding 510 Police Magistrate Williams 3,800 Total ...-el' $7,230 The inspectors have patd over the sums obargeehle to them in fill, and the Police Mag.Nra:e, on account of the seats chargeable to him, has paid over $3,700, leaving $100 to 1m aoeeented ter. approach to Holmasvolle bridge has washed away, should tm repaired at once; the 1$ -sails river bndtr', lake shoe* road is in same condition. 3. The Clerk of Virbnrne, nn May Mb, Gelled attention to .n accident wheel bed occurred at Kirktein bridge, on the boundary between (-shorn* and Rlanahard, by which • lady had her let broken. An examination of the bridge was made ors Jars 1st with the arm m of this costal aril the antraarisiortett et Perth sad the Willie Nowa to b is fest-else. repair sod tie tayprosehee is say fleOd m aditioe. Frost what mobil be IearrA the .eeideut w15 dee rammer the tnteseabiempea of the bore say &feet le the badge oe ire 4°1 tva.allig.d that the leen bridge at Aederitb'I$ a paired and the braem lied es es de Tent them suiting to- gether. "a„ $It,, bans lowed me the f rMewtmar'tlltMMla ter the aware tamed New DinM eyes d thio rapist, We haw. made a earefd .xaeaisatiote 1111' W. P , *gra *'a WP ~ elf ale rote .nal 6rd a eery warted ire ad 1i. ' MR Mee. e. Idf+r15ds ptt.ovewaeat i• the rolls of tie tewsehi7te teeniest. beidg., R 1f W . 1'1gl.at 111!18( 1*'* *T On Tag IeprtLiz*?t011 e'Otriartes. 1READMAKER'S YEAST. BREAD made of the- 1 rapt took ip Fant Petrie at that -tie Fall Shoos is. Over mgos0 lath.. hare mitten to my that it surpasses any )east el' used by them 11 makes the IigMert ,ehit^a sweetest broad. Pars, bum eon fliikers beckwheat ea M ..cath monis are tulle' it. PRICE FIVE CENTS. AI©HLY Rewarded are arose who read th:a and then act : they will fled honorable enrolee- meet n m their osot eareme* .54 families. The sore for every industrious person. Macy have made and are wow seeking several hundred dollars a month. It la coal tar sal owe to make 43 and upwards per day. who is wiiliog to wee. hither sex, yoga or old : capital tem needed : woman you. irerythong ease. No special ab1Ut ' mutest; you. reader, eau de It as well u any one. Write to at at once ter fall Ad- dress el lir neeleins w 0. whist. PPtiond, we Mvee. ]tAd- "Did n't Know 't was Loaded" May do tor a ewpld hay's esctw ; bee what nor be sold for the purest whoa •ells kis c►MMt l.agutabirag daily rad taste te reeogLae tee wast d e Cumin sad ►bed-portAer? Formerly, • wises, et Misers, et sulphas and mei0smea, was the rile la welt-e.g.lsited famines ; bat seer .11 'stemming kosaebolds keep Ater'* Sarsaparilla, which a at ones pleasea% so the taste, anal the most s•asrcbl.g soot elective blood medklse everdlSoeveted. Netball S. Cleveland, 27 R. Cannel st.. Dolton. writes : " 31y daugLeer, Now 21 years old, was in perfect health mall a veer eau when she lemma to complain a fatigttue, headache, ebility. diazines+, Indfaestws, and lues o1 appetite. 1 eon- rlw e.1 that all her caeapLmote originated is impure blood, andtn.1Ia•ed bar to take Ayers Sarsaparilla. This medtetnssoon 'metered her blood-tuskln'g orgasm to healthy •sten, .ad la due time reestat.- Ilehed tier former health. .1 dad Ayer's 4arsepertlla s woes valuable remedy for the laaeitude end debility lam idle% W spring time." J. Cs•tritbt, Brooklyn Power Co , Weekly,, N Y., says : “As a Spirt Medicine. i find a aplesai,l substitute kw the old-time compounds In Ayer's Sarsaparilla, with a few doses of Ayer s Pills. After their use, I feel fresher and stronger to go th bomb the summer." Ayer's Sarsaparilla f raEPAKZD IT Dr. J. O. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mut. nese 51; an settee. IP. Werth lila bsttia o u 1 r k t r I. 1'OMyORTINU. PS'S COCOA HRLAKFAA. "By a thorou,rb know of the natural Isom wb it h imports the uproot of digestion and nutrition, sod by. carets application of the tine propersire of weli-se !.tied ,'oma. Mr a ppppss baa prom tiled our bre-aktaet tabs, with a delk•aleln: havered bei enure when may save as meall heavy auc•nr*' Mil*. It 1s b, the judic.ou• eve or such articles of diet that a •+oast!. w ion 'trey be 'gradually bath up moo *trona «sough to resist every tendency t. dleea+e. Hundreds of subtle maladies are flowing around us ready to at- tack where,er there w a week pint. We may escape many a fatal shah by keeping; ~selves well fortified with petgMood art • .rope ty seariehetll teens.'- • S. -wire Made damply wltk banter water or milk. Sold only in packets h) grocers. labelled than: JAMIss1liPPSt C4, ilomuopathlo Chem- ists, London. Etwdaod. t13t- r 0.Cna"«tee. net erose• $UD ANNUAL MI ISS weg id FIs; TO flea eel =leis tome Pew poem lewd EE DS" r ii0a.wlndow,ont, equivalent for school grunt 2Q 3M W HENRY Smits. Cheirw.. F•ie ehrosis a tmrA1. isdoeed by eurefelese mist. AFer'e Sarespenlla the true remedy. it stops marvels"! dim ebeepaS. eessOWM the *tokenismatlas. sled Reset fall. M thufe g cry tram traof th. dime. ( ma r,. the Luted. Reid by all dealers is ne•dimise. oa TWO Mb* f CM15eters,taowtahesreeds, esestielee oldadores pnsfit., ••- lases •d ,r jelffl1Mataa!terms. unnb testes ateeaea me am by day ant by might, la jotlewmplag tine tar re - i ASAL BALM oat a to:,lOL OMNI, i•.O., Oa 31ay 1111. Nt7. My wife suftsred for See year' with that distrree:ng tiaeaee. catarrh. Her ease was est of the worm known Is three part!- she teed all of the oatarrb reme- dies I. ever saw advertiser, but they were of no nae. I finally procured • bottle of, Nasal Halm. She hi Uwe only One half of it, and now tach like a sew person. 1 Mel as my duty to say neat Nagai Halm cannot ba TUO (HIGHLY recommended for catarrh troubles. sad am pleased to bare all such sufferers know through tie wee they will receive instant relief sad CURL; CHAS. MCGILL Fanner SHINGLES ! SHINGLES ! SHINGLES ! A I$tge quentiti et 5rst-cls+. 6.0051• Cedar Shingles. exits thickness, are oa at our mil. et reasonable rates. Call atld examine before purebadag else- where. Buchanan, Lawson a Robinson Um - CURES rel'pi C o m,e.p ia.iat. s. flick Headache. any Trowktm. It Imnent. Shia Dmaw& and Impurities of tale Blood tree what - ver cause arb. remise Wvab- asd Year rel esoraNtAt7 i'urety Vegse•ak- SPR,IINC1 GOODS ! DA41.Y AA;ltl V INO. t$ iMXL 1* TICE! T.A11..03//it., has . Woe .asa•ttwrwt .t Met deer for Hilly aeapSmr•tee. pleasaai, efilootaal..al. ALS= WOR 1. 5 ; )IA' UND. stomp N NMr. rteid 5.erywbere. Renee. Weser. ler Male. DR_ HODDER'S COUBH AND LUEU CUBE. Odd everywhere- prier. I% cal sad s et VW bottle. Proprietors aid ..saufivturetw. • '8- 2115 UR!x MtORDICIN 11 CO.. 11111. %roams est. INVENTION I"u0* Ow stele dulls' the I.c half crater!, Na IeaiK atone the wmuders of Incentive pro rss fe a metha4 amid system of work that can pertormed all over the .mein without feeeeMaeg she wafters thew Weir Acer Pay liberal :.a ono eon de tie I' ark ; saner ant. young se say • saw leachl ability required Capital net Needed; yen are .tatted free Cut this out anti nears to to and we will red Yon two. s.maetsag of great valise sed 1.F pert.soe to yrie. that will +fart los in nein nes•, *kir% Will *leg yea le mute rwaae7 right •war, 'hem Mytilmtc slip le tete ererM• (tam& outfit fro.. Addtuse TIME t n.. Averw.s•. Maims. - >t Cry far Phc er i Cera. 11Jlg 11jIimril111UULlU sue need. *1 H* e14 and rdlen'e sts•d, drest- M-. seat der Omsk of Ysagred. rte =V .lit X3V'* A!- 11145511•by uus dela w pm her gsM.n e. Whom dle was a taf1S. she seed iedB$.Ms. Wass chs here *miss tike ales$ r Oeye4 ehelistOhlIgneb elleatiettbeet OIdn4 4. _ ,.•..•w:. .__ _i ak l'o't f nk