The Huron Signal, 1888-6-15, Page 1rOitTo-OlIteT 2nett.
Unite! Kt:tient tua.
y 4°‘ • ;
44. 41'
Monday Evening's Public Meet-
ing Docile* the Route.
• nal Illsee..10• of llee semereas we
-Tat. etilestioa. tall) Iraoreived lest-
Tbe gerier•oltios 1. Sive II•oilver•
B S. • tortwora i.usaid.
The public meeting called by precis-
metion to damsel the railway question would recommend.
on Monday .venire was held in Victoria And we would further reeumageud the meeting hold on the 31.t ale, adopted
hall, sad the subject was discussed iti town council to ci. operate meth repre the report of the railway committee, as changed his mind on the question. lo,. OMR
all its bearings. 'tentative+ of the other municipalities in-; follows : °This committee recommend 'Hear hear When at Guelph receatly I Ur Campbell -Because we hare tkes Archibald Otaverio Gunter. author of
Mayor Seaw-er was called to the chair, interested to secure the adoption of that I that • delegation be sent to the railway he had made use ...f the statement I le, e on th• other side of us., "Mr Bata r:f New York " Pfolly'i
and presided during the evening. After route. 1 niestinft at Brussels tomorrow, and that that there was fluty a difference of one 34r McGilltcoddy-Just SO and tee Story, 0c,by Freak Merryeeld. from
expleming the object of the mesiina, be Mr G,irrow, Q. C., would hew* been I tbe ounacil do not corona itself to any guile or so between the nerthern and ' esove thine applies to Myth and lieuesele .
called upon better satisfied if *Inge one who hid I mote nueil the directors of the Guelph central routes, and had been laughed at -C.• bringing in ot the northem the same publisher. is a family history
Dr 11 Ames. chairman 4 the sits- given nIcre thought t t tee queatiith time ; Junction Railway Co. intimate their in• by the directors whom he met. erto. suit • wouid not change the locationrelated by a faithful servant, aud well of themes. worthy, ,,t i.
omit. coagulates. to address the en- he had been able to give had been cooled toistions in the matter This committee ed that the difference in length wee sot (Laughter. )
upon to maned the resolution. He further reloommends that the clerk do less than eight miles. N,411, if that were Mr Campbell -I know that as we:I ea
believed that we should have the
by all means, and thet when the rtmd , of the Catelph Junction Itailwey Co.,
was finally located we shuuld all join ia !and esettire when the directors of that
Wising In make the scheme a success. company can receive a delegation front
We had • right to say what route would this coached for the purpose of comics to
be in the best interests of the town, and an agreement se to what location would
mad we should pat forward oar best foot best suit tl • interests of Guelph and
ar..4 do it unitedly. In the present sea tptwierieh, as it appears to the isomisittee
that united action should be taken by
tut • matter of indifference which work
ia &deter° and without proposiog to of
ref .opposition 1) any wheats alternately
decided upon in our opinion that knows
as the northern route passing through
Blyth, Brussels and Lietowel, so it af-
fords practically an air lies and mimede
is the county town wish a lento sec -
tem the moiety artitch at presto
only reach us by roundabout means sod posed line. whereas by the central roa
with considerable delay, and which pas- there would be me such opposition te
see through established businees seaters h t trade. He closed a thirty-tive
is to he decidedly preferred o'er aril
more southerly route, and is the one
ltcHILLICTDPT. Preesesta.
contral mote to Goderich, and if tbe was glad he had *Ma 10 Gealph, if it !sod Woughern ited Clinton or Gioteris& soarke about natersItzation and marriage
osuniestion with the northeast of tee 1 • man could nut but receive wore ; Mr Campbell --It would never pay Ivomallbaalf tit" atter* 'l •"nanabT.
would give Goderich the desired COM. , broadened, f a at gatherings of that kind Deli i ear • .
Wolohan' junction . • ,
county that was neeilsel Do much at pre- , infortuation, although on this point he ; them to sink mow wells and compete teak There are rosily tune,' bits iii Ike
sot. The norther.. route would toi in • could *ay that he received m. re infortna• !Godsend+. Drover elec, the sketchwe being especial-
jortime to the salt trade in that there! tem perhaps from what the Guelph Men I Mr' McGillicuddy- If there was eel ly sed, with clever 'verses iuterapersed.
would he competing salt block, at tie, ' didn't say than from what they slid. I money in the thing capitalists violent I A feature uf this number which will *t-
ints Myth and Brussels, iin the pro- flaeghter. Na was .1, -041y ill favor !soon go int.) it, but I believe, ..) far as I trart notice es Du 14.erser's fuli-page
4 the resolution before the meeting. ; Goderich is concerned, that our salt moo i social study a - :galore reroes .tet.
the far and of the hall, said that hither- !outsiders ; and if haying salt wells et
to he had been in favor . f the celitral
Mr M. G. Cauter.n, whn sp. ke from I are able to hold up their sod •ith Del
ogich osuntd oeuuarrkurtisee.• by We bare received foon W Rrvre tbe
rots" pu i• Ire. ili Cory u • . mon i
VM. aittolt Pt`Ilt.14111114-
1 • To hi' h f . •
eumflg (;:oujeker ?We (31k -,by Florence Warden, author of
. 11 It was 1 It it was ouly to have ha perte.eal views can, the sinking of a well, prooese will calesileted to keep the table a roar
aiml yet IIIMAIIPW4 rthy f. r wound seises mod
minute address by moving the fellowing
hereto the Miro council at •
scheme, but he had oonfess that the
presentation uf the case for the northern ! tacturers why hasn't Seaforth and che-
roots) made this evening had materiaily , tun, on our tally railway route, succeeded
• •
'•The House un the Marsh. Pence of
Dark neve,- and "At the World's Mercy,"
Iso 31r 1O.O.r,•f reff.25, (3k by
WW1 ty:AKIt 1011. JUNK.
rth • 11 cures cud with the preeideet so, how could it be expected that the C you do. Wolf, ,1 polo- for June has reached us
P. R , which, in the toe of Ingersoll, Mr Mc4;illicuoldy-Well, I thnught and is replete with racy reading suitable
would not take $15,000 and divert the you didn't from the way ie which you to the moos It contieues : Kurenta's
road one mile, could be induced talkie!. Renewed laughter. Now, Boy ; The one in the Middle (a peels) ;
to. take the longer 'Lute I If Mr I'd take op another point. Mr 'any- ; The Cruise f the Boata os ballad for little
Van/Lome was bent upon the central bell holds that if the Windham Ude- !tones); labels Flotidred Dollar Bill;
' rich road were built we would have all the ' The Absent Mtndsel Tailor Plucky
Smells, His Store ; A May Heuer Storm_
(e poem); A Monsoon ; At the Dream-
land Bate 'a poem) ; Rosine's Katie)
(ullom) A Story uf Boston Common ;
The Old Tinder Box; Bird in the Bosh
(a poem) ; Double Kowa (s aerial storm) ;
Butterflies ; Don ; Retreat ; Tangles ;
Wont:eine °The Goed,•-• To Ways of
Using a Birth -day Book; The Red, Rad
Copper; Ibri el Anttb-14001 a the
Evening Land ; Search questions in
Roman History. The ve-luine is beauti-
fully illustrated with artistic gems. D
Luthrep Company. Boston, Kam
domes in • twenty minutes sperm
doctor had not expected to open the
tuestine, but he wee willing to giro Isis
viewr upon the subject at any time, sad
(41 short notice. He believed the time
Lad come to sake a duided nand un the
"natter of route, and he advocated an-
antmity amongst the residots (.1
wo in the advocacy gray ante diet
would b• selected. ALI Mead y nes singular that the
era route came through ao amity inpor- the terminal potnts, and that until thus
d obetantial progress cannot be
the quest' in of route was not an •
in the railway agitatios so far as Clerk-
sish was concerned. pod !N1 ile
both Clinton and ListowelisiaThessi al -
tended by Got:ends delegates, end tbe
results of these meetings were the de-
putatioss which were sent to Ottawa to
interview the Government, and
Montreel to see Mr VanHorne. The poem. soutl.iern route, was our strongest
delegates had been imfonned by local eempetitor, and this rand would
Hon. Mr. Pope, that better tutor- he much more against that town and in
Ination ea to the route of the Pri4.06- favor of Goderich titan any other. The
ed scheme was required before the ap- for cf some business men that 6 rood
plication tor a subsidy oonld be received coming in from the north would do in -
by the Government, and it was that ex- Seery to the trade of the town he believed
prevision of opinion by the Minister of to he entirely unfounded, for no rood
Itailways that made the question of could possibly do leo injury in this re-
route • vital subject Co diecussion at gard than the on.prmed northern tootle
the present juncture. Mr Vim Horne se it did not silo at creating any business
had told the delegates from the northensicentres n o alrody in existence. It we
route that it was bus iotentiee to start in Godench had to depend entirety upon
the work this b4111411114Pr and finish it the support we got from the township of
1 a rtion of the other
Wit Centres. yet kept so aloe+ to a t
line between Goderich and Guelph. It, made.•• And in scoordanee with said
twine throe2ti enterptiwat tagri'AI au* melon A deputation had an interview
villages, whose markets woold no; cloth with the directera of the G. J. Railway '
with ours, and which yet would open up and members ot the city council of
good avenues for trade so far as Gods Guelph, and as the said depctatios re-
ach wits concerned. Canton, on the pro- port that they, tee Gbelph people, de-
cline to comma throlsolvie to the sup
part of any particular route et the pre*.
And whereas the Goderich citieess•
emesolittee, at their lest iseetiug, passed
the following resolution : "Moved by
W. Campbell, "wended by It. Pries,
that the meeting approves of the action
takers by the town ct.uncit at their two
meetina. in homiest an interview with the
Guelph Juoetion Railway Company, be-
fore committing ourselves to any route.
And whereas; Mr. VanHorne, Vies -
President of the C P.R., states in Isis
letter of the 3rd inst., I•That during the
would owns up and go over their line he- i townships ccntiguous. we had better! summer we will complete such survey am
next year. He also prono t
for* the work would be gone on with. emigrate at once. The town was • • wdl enable us to fide a satisfactory plan
To gm the scheme in proper workiaa thriving place twenty years ago. whee i well ahead at the next session of Pubs -
order • (, subsidy was needed, he first came to it, and had a 'food lakelinent-
aod to get a Government subsidy, it trode,which unfortunately had fallen on, I This meeting approves of the unmet
wee necessary that the line shou:o a lo- owing to the disonntinoance of reciprocal l taken by tLe town council in further*/
mead. Babb being the awe, it was time relations with the States Differsot linesiths railway interests of the town, and
Goderieh begat' to move in the matter of steamers did large trade in our harbor,' woold recommend that with the present
and took • decided course. Mr Vas in addition to the wailing vessels that ; isforniation before them no steps be tido
Horne did not propose an air line to leaded and unloaded at our wharves, and 1 en to ally ourselves with the preanotets
Godertch, as erenneously believed by he believed that • return of such ' of any particular routs, believing the C.
some, and the Dora:aro route was not good times at our Lake front would be! P.R. authorities will select such route as
sty longer than eke central one, while iscressed in the not distant future by e they will consider moat advantageous in
it undoubtedly opened up a atter the aid of • competitive line. Recipro- i their interest&
chance for local and through traffic, and sty was otos again in the wind, and in 1 Mr Joseph Williams, toe returned
oar hands would be more strengthened by that event Gt. derich would speedily take i from the Guelph meeting, wee then called
the localities along it. He had suer Iter phiee with the thriving cities of On- ! upon, and stated that there was • good
beard a man say that it was not the beet hirto. .,Hear hoc BY getting lode a I representation of delegates therefrom all
lin* in ,..h. interest of Cil• town, and if western terminus such a result must ; slog the line, after which lie
there wu any man protest who could speedily be binught about. In Owen I explained some of the work that
advance siglid arguments against it. he • to the assistance obtained I had been done by the deputation.
hoped he would not heettafe to bring
them forward. It bad been said that
we were going to have • road anyway,
but that was no rearm why we should
not 'rock to here it brought in by the
route that would beet sea* the latticed&
of the town. Mr VanHortie at present
had $15,000,000 to invest in railway
building, and if we wished to derive any
benefit from the expenditure of • por-
tion of that sum, we must be prepared
to act promptly and energetically.
Apothem objection ruled was that we
Lad no purer to locate the route, on the
ground that any motive on our part
would be flistasteful to bit VanHorne.
On this point he might say that Kr Van -
Horse courted inforfeatit.n that would
amble him to best locate the lime. Ilea- in cleat tronnection with every count -
forth sad Clinton believed he had not &palter At the present tins* the want
yet mai* up ha sited on the question of animation in this regard was felt to
of route, and were moving to ioduence , be • hardship, which effected legal
ions In thetr favor ; so were the villages ; suitors, jurors. dc., mere particularly,
sod towns along the northern route; land was • grievance that should be Te-
tt so oeght we, (Hear, hear. ) That medied. What was necessary to do now
bine nothing that en- ,
would divine him firm it. If a through connection with the northeastern pert of
traffic route were wonted, it could not the county we required, but I question
be questicned that the shortest road the policy of waiting for Ufal-reed tote
would be adopted. M. was not in favor built, which cannot occur Mail after the
of the central route, because it would main line comes through from Guelph.
not give as good connection with this Erma if it were built, and the main load
nettle eastern wettest of the county ea 1.414._RWt..rOrne by !,11"6•1 and preemie,
the more northern szheme, and the ex- ;it would not serve -Mi. -fit rpfiii-OT the
isting inconvenience of communications I people living on the W. G. & B. line
for county and other purposes with 4 ;Ode. any better than they are now served at
rich would not be obviated by it. His I Clinton. There would have to be change
soIe objection to the agitation in favor lei cars and lying over at Woutheign. in -
of the northern line was that tt was not ' stead of Clinton as at present, became
in accord with the known intentions of !one line would be run by the C. P, R.
bit. VenHorne, end it was not wise for I and the other by the G. T. R.
the town to join with the other points I Mr Catripbell-We'd have a good con -
in endeavoring to thwart the scheme at nectioll.
the present juncture. .
Mr McEwen thong/it tee northern bell, what's the use of wasting time loth
mute would be injurious to the salt in- • interruptious at this bee hour. Y.;u've
tercets, as Birth sod Brussels would he ; been interrupting right straight along -
I Mr Campbell -I haven't date any in -
located on that line.
Mr F. W. Johnston deprecated the ; tertuptiog tonight -
idea of members of the railway c.outinittes Mr McGillicuddy --Perhaps you are
of the council being also weathers of the , not aware of it, and tislk in your sleep.
mimosa' railway committee, t, went , Laughter) Certainly feint the manner
back two years, and gave • h!otory of ! in w h:ch you act one would thick cuts
deputations from the council upon the ; were troubled with oightmare. 'Re.
railway question, and said we were no . netted laughter
wearer a consumiestioe than we were Mr Compheil then undettook to
when we started. Ho thou gave his harangue the audience.
opinion upon the two routes, strongly i Mayor Seager -Mr Ca bell, I must
favoring the central, me the ground that i object to this way of
it was the more direct. He did not ; matins. Every gentle
think it was right for the town to cone. I to he hosed,
SIL itaelf to any OCI14412141. ter it would not 1 Mr MoGillienddy-t/h !
Ch * o • it doese't
Mr McGillicuddy -Now, Mr Camp- The following are the names of the
beet pupils in each class in S. S. No. 2. *
Ashfield. fur Mar. The nasals are ID
th. order merrit, 5:h class, Magee
O'Keefe, Acnie Dalton, Mary Noble, •
Lizzie Hussey, Huy Hussey ; Sen 4th,
Iamb. 0,Nei!, Mary, Fay, Hannah Dean,
John O'Connor Jun. 44,Jerry Daltoa,
Thos Hussery,Thos. Sullivan ; Sen. 3rd,
Katie Martin, James Fiorillo, Hannah
Daltan, Maggie Latebertos, Maggie
O'Connor, Patrick Dineee.
Siocerley yours,
P. J. Navas, Teacher.
toeing tie --•'• Z•111$11nneA.
has a right 2:- --
Mr Flanitme, the former tenant of
tnra al"n• Mr Blacks hotel, has gone Kititaii.
Mrs Jas. Nichol is rapidly reesepeine
an will soon be able to aeon bar
household duties.
Our medico, Dr Case eed hie Wis.
ar• expected to returned hue" emir
wedding tour this week.
do to kick *trainee Mr VanHurne in this worry use,
matter. If the central line was built, it ; only it takes up time ons) 20 -minute
would be a great boom to the tewn, and !speech. Continuing, he gentrasted the
a large trade would be built up by the two routee-the northern end the con -
through shipment* front the overflowing teal. The northern, had a number of
granaries of the great Northwest. He ; thriving incorporated villages and towns
waxed eloquent on this point, and !alone it, and went through section of
dilated at loom. length on the future ; country where there were many roller
prospects of Guderich if the C. P. R i flouring mills which would give freights
came this way, end believed that the i to the C.P.R. in Manitoba what one
from the C. P. R line and dot of seem- Amongst other thing, be mated t at r town should take no action in the matter way and the output of the mantifact red
ere. the population and land valuesBay, ef Listowel, had asked Maror for fear of lessening its chances -for at a ic e h The wheat o ry
doubled within • ixtmparatively abort Ilhodonald, of Oselph, to give some In- wsen't ltiee to Itith *Pie" Mr Van ' to supply the mills at Auburn, BI h,
Ume, an sim
Oodtrich were the C. P. R brought in. lOodericia, and the reply was that if the
The preservatiou tbe county bannder- • places along the rest of the road were as
ins would undoubtedly be enhanced by liberal as Guelph had been, he had no
the promotion of the northern route, doubt the line would be soon built.
which would more closely connect us Mayor Macdonald afterwards gave him,
with the people of the township' in the (Mr Williams) to understand that bonus-
sorthern section of the county fur legal es would be required in coustrutiust
and other purpose. and in that coo in- the proposed road. Ile &1.o learned
significant and selfish little towns like that Mr VasHorne was not wedded to
Clinton would be compelled to stop their any roste,and if better inducements were
absurd efforts to obtain the county build- offered by another way be could be led
jogs. (Lacehter The road by Listowel to adopt that line. The speaker paid
and Brussels would give us direct Com- a high tribute to the manner in which
inuniostion with the north, and bring us Reeve Kelly. of Blyth, had presented
the ease for the northern route to the
Guelph directors, and. said Jai even ff
he had been opposed to that lies pre-
viously the argunimate 6dt-snood by that
gentleman would have converted him.
(Hear, hear) The matter was discussed
by Mr Kelly frost the broad standpoint
of benefit to the C. P. R., and the small
idea of individual Woes to places and
industries was left est altogether. The
melt hadestry bad hos mentioned to-
night by a previonstasimaker, and
doubt it was a geed , bet eam
• It would follow in formation in regard to the extension to j---- ; Brussels, Ethel and Listowel would be
d 'we eut-
speaker then desoribed how the W. Cl &
B. R. and the I.. 11 et B. R. were
diverted ff01111 the inal schemes, mid
showed that Oallec was movie, in
the right way in endeavoring to indu-
sees the loation in the present Lotuses,
• so that its interests would be best serv-
ed It was also said that unless Ode -
nob kept quiet the building of the pro-
posed fine would be retarded. but there tor auto what woo
was en artesian that weld be advanced tenet of the town. This meeting was
•o beak ep soh emulation. He had 0611.4 foe the purr*s of disetimiag the
reason to believe that the road by flea- qesetion, and the result would he an i. -
forth was the original istestioe. and if diestion to the council of what the pub -
that was Mr VasHoese's project, would lie wanted. For the reasons stated he
it be of es meek service to Gederich as
the neethern rote! Is this stetter of
the cestral note. them wee pet Owe
of tote hawses Geduriali sad Kilverton,
tied Milos*s wee aet of mink nepot-
ism**. So far es Imseinens interests wen
eneceesed we would weer adoptient
*et road, as seopered with the worth.
ens so. Besides. we would heir. the
estio opposition of tbe towns aloe
beth the anothent sad sostItern robin,
Which wade be Mal to its mosso
• Am tho rend was sot beilt by the
epsek, it weed tberefoo woe by the
. oesAand soh a nobs weiAd set he fay-
4embis W Gicherialt. After meteor es-
amokoto eel teyelpyl_eMee toes, he dee
e 44 by ssewhin the Mewls* resolution
Ressived that Is the ("Woe of the
Mims of lite boo of Gederish prows.
, Oak 01111011i 'snowed le audio tbe
15.01 the ermese4 men by whist
• *o Otniph Siselikon Railway 15 10 oath
We. its nesters teromieen, while OW
ISI shessitimeld be se oleo the so-
unds* ese MIRO tip OW meets is is
eras tO decide what would be beet in the
intermit of the town, and
would be none the worse for having a
little backbone. The moment the C. P.
R. &zed upoe a note then all oostention
should be dropped by Goderich, and we
should ell 1•11 in with the scheme, boll that Union was a paltry di ie sees- that the mad did not mem within the
while the question was an open one we parieon with the great lake trade which meaning of the Oteremesent Bailers,
had a perfect rtght to Empress or sae- would be daubers& hoe the west in goosed, Att. Well, Hos Mr P.,p•,
th best in- the *vent of the R. online , when the scheme was submitted to hie,
te oar town The bomber trade ; stated that it was not outside of the Aet
was the mooed, if not the Ind imbibers I and did net ustagenies the provisione
of th• town of of floderseh, for the i taw down.
handling of the 12,000,000 feet annealif Mr Campbell -Mr Pope mower said ea.
placed some $24,000 is wages in areal* ?dr McGilliceddy-Thees only your
Mr D. McGilhouddy replied to the I trataht • • ,
argunsents of the opposition advocates. 1 Ployment to our laborers, and pot mo-
lar Cameron was the only speaker who I siderable money in circulation. On the
had advanced anything eke an ides that , central route there was not an incorpor-
mold be mid en be favorable to the con- !land town or 'Allele between Gederich
tial routs, and even he had admitted and Elmira, and it mut only a line from
that the presentation of the ease made 00flerieh to Guelph ria Nowhara Prow
by the earlier speakers had given neer the point a commercial benefit the
light to him and made a change in his northern was undoubtedly the Peeler -
views. With regard to the utterances of able route. In the interne of preserv-
Memo Campbell and Johnston, they ing county boundaries the building of
lied been mealy engaged in threshing ; that route would be en lunette" factor.
out old straw, and. as is usual in such I At present you could no go tit Blueirale,
sow, the yield was not a profitable one. I Brussels or Ethel. and retorts to Bodo-
ni, meeting didn't care what Mr Van- I rich, or rev neves, inside of two days,
h eaa ou could go to Toreeto, do
Route or woos else thoeght a couple
of years ago, what they wanted to deal hadosopintession, aonfdtrehotanornathheorniallIroftudtely.mosTeiv *hat, has eisaistineed bout k.eptali in
with was the living present -today, d i oirt A. Biack's old stand He to deter
Mr Campbell -The letters I reed were let- `r° ba mined to keep • respectable hones, and
last year's. 'remedy all that, and he bol erl
got ' ht to slow preference for to accomodete the trees:hoe cumutunity
Mr McGillicuddy - Well, that's too
far back. Besides, Mr Johnston quot-
ed bock two years, and yon and he are
in the earn* boat. Continuing, be mid ;
Nees of the statements against the
northern route wade by Mr Coombe',
would beer eternisation. He stated
R. H. Tp. Clerk W. Wswelneilt,
was here on Tuesday famishing path-
niastere, w it h their road lists.
Rev A McMillan, of Manchester, is
to preach in Erskine church oat Sabbath
June 24th, at'i o'cicck p.m.
There wilt not be any service in
&skis* church on seta Sabbath (June
17th, but or that day. Sabbath school
will cosmetic. at 2 o'clock so, in the
If *Herds us great pleasure to be able
to state that ble Walter Stewart* soma,
John and William, are recovering rapid •
lr from their recent severe attack of is-
daepoint ioa.
Mrs Bali Crawford and her little boy
left here on Tuesday ti visit her brother,
who resides in the vicinity of Syracure.
State ef New York. Wo bops they will
have a pleasant runt.
ilr deo. Zarin, formerly of Port
had nisch pleasure in sapportieg the re- tem ; but even that large amoiret 01 statement. and now
111 P4'0
booth to the town could be ineremed did. Dr Holmes and Reeve Kelly, of
Me Wm. Campbell wMsot speaker, by additional railway heiltiee, and the Myth, woes present at Cotee" whu° the
and gave a fruit hlestelidrolint. opening up of ow svenoes of trade- I esteemed was made. Grahams, did
a the historyalwOrtts agitation in God. as present they were handicapped by Mr Pope sey that the hue same Opus
the Act, or did he sot I
Dr Holmes -He eertidely
Reeve Kelly- He did ; sad he did it
le a straight sad her wily, without west -
Wag words.
Mr MeGilliegehly -Mr Campbell mid
be didn't, and he thinks he knows it a.
(Laughter.) That h AN point disposed
or, and sow ill take toe another. Mr
Campbell aisles the salt industries ef
Ociderieh would he iefreardenbil by ths
earthen§ rose, lames, Myth sell
liessols were sorer the Miskilesim the
rite. Ile also read astroins foul letters
remeired last year frost Kr Ven Neese.
sod from Messes tothrie sad Watt ef
Gesiph. Hi did not Mak we Amid
obruwis our weight is laver ef the soseth-
en rote, and believed the eestmol lime
woad be most favorable to Gederish.
if we wanted the direct esninerefeellen
deseiral the sorthesetera part of
the amity we *old est it when the
Gedierish and Wisehain Roe woe MAL
/he MAIO, ef the mortheni vote te
oomph viola militate embeet the malt
of Clekrish, as Awn Todd be
1.s_petAlore points. Rlytli end Bow
eel% usense the militate Hon Goodwill
en tbitl1. BoblemAhe peegeseil seeth-
ere reed AA WI MOO *s the Ow-
eresseet vatethihr eihreee. eel (mkt es
ee Oeveresiest mem. Se believed
bit UAW* 11110064 *DOI it O.
eitO -- • -
roam between Goderieh and other parte
.4 15. oreseey, and akbeergh reemutly 1.
had shipped limber to Blyth te be
aftsrwards teemed to Ilditual6t11eir, be
direst hese the Oesurint
tdylittiZli rather One pay the addi-
tional en a ear freiebt widish bringing
ellelember 10 Blyth by way of OM. -
rich week% have 'stalled. it we. ear
rated et Guelph dist a deputation' from
iM points aloe the soothers reams
would semis interview bit Ves1R55t5,
and be believed if sob a depoistise
woe sent, it woad be is ea interest of
the tore be seed regoosedetio benisons
11.s,V, were able te bolt up *or
mos bp eressteens, end Ate woad be
ptseend 1e anew. soy question tbst
might be stoked cif their lry itt Vol
Remo ropirdiei the boolatems bowinnts
et the flies in Aiello Om Ike& Hs
the line which would neat benefit us.
bit Johnston had advised us not to kick
against the C. P R. We had no inten-
tion of dotes en, but we wanted to work
for a line ie the interests ei both the
with every possible attention to their
Quite a member of homes in this vici-
nity is affected with distemper. Our
railway sod the town. For these sn "terlaari wirlfoon. bit Cooh, is ening •
44ber mason. tast times woed twt good business in his line, and secures'
usit going ado 1.117, he would aupprt seams in the treat be odometers sa
the reeolutios. ; slasore every disease mecum by to his skill
I mode of treatment.
The amendment was then solimitted ;
to the ntesting, with the result that ooly lee West Walesa:eh M tuts! Fire Is
six of theme snout could be found to "ranee 0" . held 6 meeting here an
hien? it. Tuesday 12th inst. Preendent Cbes.
The motion was than put, and earned the chalr-41 new sPvitc-Al
luau" were acceueed and other importast
• business was transacted. There visa
quite a large number posseut.
by a Isom majority.
The meeting closed with a vote 4,f
*sena to the ',Reiman.
. -
'4 -
• realleeell•••
That Moore OiNo• Mud.
casaphell llo they would.
bit Illtlitbeeddy-Wellmif that is a
lot. oil lir Canehtil says it is, .11
is,. binder ask wells from beim oak
et Loonier? or Leadesberogh, for it e
,1 ha eas that doe Heron tract,
Detente livitocie aed Seaforth
Mr Donald McDonald. of St. Belem,
bating bee* afflicted with cancer, died
lest Tuesday, June 315, aged &boot 76
trarii.. Hie meanie were interred in
Ditultheiton eneeetery on Thursday ot
Mel week, heieg followed by • lent' °°°'
11•111.11111)a al•Cl•italt testa of triode and atehbors.
The deperteseers Harper'. Mioreol1o, Rev J A Asilereon, of Goderich. o'
10? July are ewes more is touch este 1115
topics of the fin, Chas meet Me °"V'
William OM* 1. 10. Keay (*ego Per
heart, seasplioarmais to the oneepany
""" (1190116117 JAM Oilier) .80
Meg Wallasit's Theater% 1st see be-
headed. geese erltisismi af the display
at the iteadeoterteDeeists "1""d•11.41 of the se places of ro-
red is seunmer is d • In th.
Kr W. it Harells digresses
elated here as Sabbath last at half pas
ins &clock. sod gave • good Plait"
ea the sob** as emitioned to
CISZIMit 17. Owing to Ilagiommbi•
weather the sonersomiso was emmalL It
im be ha hoped the sent One he tavola
se with kis premesee that. the weather
MR los Roe se that • geed nose will be
At Albany. N. Y.; Ihienlay wee*"
liatt ribald's meet intentions of \ iseeph leheee. mead 12 yore,
Ammoniate things„ wad doss ant entirely ammo tossimorest waiter, shot sea
woe with him: bet my OM Vivien eons k U54.IlreCarthy, aged 21, thee
se mesh who knows Mr Hoin4I's seal elltekhiniself, avid tied aloe1 es hirer
sa demioarsey and kkidroe Moist In z. The girt luid refuted to merry
On Drewry, litir WOW litekea seehe
' • 1