The Huron Signal, 1888-6-1, Page 8AP - a is Ore ss 8 W. HURON TEACHERS Rertalow Meeting of the Aneocia- tion at Rioter. Appdatasrot ot t•emmntee. 'aw.aalrSS SSA .bedew I. Ilse Tri. tor- • stir IN*- tSaigon et the estene remises* Ameetesies ItneetteaI till em b7 $asp ruler Tess sad Ur. t:mbery. id bolero. h. The regular meeting of this Aesoeis- tion was held in the public scho.ot. Eat ter, last Friday and Saturday, May 25th and tooth All the secti^ns '1 the In- spectorate were not represented, still, there was a good number of teachers present, and although the program was not strictly followed out, on account of the illnees of Mr Strang and Mr Brown, it was nevertheless, au interesting one in many respects. The following committees were ap- pointed :--t to business Messrs 01440ry and I)elgaty arid Mies Htlee. t)n mato lution" Meesrs Baird, Hagen, Tom and McKay. The ant subject was taken up by Mr Todd. In dealing with the subject, "How to teach history from the author- ized teat b•.ok," he showed that be had an extensive knowledge of history, even in iia details, and that he knew more than the average teacher about it, but he did root give many hints as G. the use he trade o1 our present book. In fact, be condemned it utterly, and had not at- tempted to um it. He thought Collier's hieti,ry a much better beak. Aa would have this subject made as life like as possible, by representing historical char- acters just as they were. and showing clearly to pupils their coneecticn with past generations, and thus getting a con- nected view of it A great deal of his- tory ittory shuu!d be taught through bio- graohy. in the discussion that followed this paper, many teeehen expressed their disapproval of nur present authorized Irak Mr Lelgaty gave a short "ketch of his plan of teaching the subject - which was approved by Mr Tom -and wished to know if Collier's history might not yet he used, MT 'Pura stated that it amid not, and expressed the opiuion that Creighton's was a history that touched on all points of importanoe in a very nice manner. "Sunshine and shadow in the teach- er's lite," was the subject if the Presi- dent's address, which was delivered in the afternoon. Discontentment was one of the great shadows. Another es- pecially with young and inexperienced teachers, was the difficulty of constantly controlling pupils. A th:rd shadow wag the ivatability of the teachers' positions. Still he thought the sunshine should al- wys chane away the shadows. Teachers had a good deal of leisure time, which they should use wisely. His surround- ings were such that he was not to much in the way of temptation as many young men. The conquest of evil natures in his pupils would repay him in unalloyed pleasure. His influence in moulding the character' of his pupils, and inapirtaq them with s.pirattoits after a n:bler life, would be a source of astisfacti,.n. The a.sclusion of this excellent address was, that the teachers sadness or hap nest rich township aide of the Maitland. at the St Eimn hotel, and up to two depends upon himself, and that the where the party aojeyed a pieaut time weeks ago are eep,rted s. laving be teacher who loves his work tecomes en- In treating, wbine and viewing the faithful servants Thursday night in thusiostic, and succeeds. rocky heights, cad walking over the company with Wm Shepard, living at Mr Burd complimented the Pre.idet,t mammothssepoosion bridge, erected 128 Michigan avenue, they were lodged upon his tine address, and moved a cote last summer tie fsoilitate the transit of ; in the Central Police Station. Sergi of thele. which was seconded by Mr of lumber and Goodwood from the C•.1- i Ben High states that the intervection borne side for shipment by rail by the of the police had rescued them on the Todd, and heartily Siren by the teacher present. enterprising firm of Beachler & Backer, ! brink of a ruinous life. *r Holman then addressed the teach of Besmi ler. I A young son of George King, Blyth, ors on the subject, "How to make the TKILI,rag Faso g.nwrWain) -On Mon- remarkaoly escaped being iatantly t ).tario Teachers' Association • repro- day of tau week the flea ram of J. O. ( killed by being thrown in a loop ditch mutative body." He said that tunics Stewart, which has gniaed many Prices at opposite Mrs Ann Madron's, Dinslsy was not dons to the teachers at the Pro- tbtfall shrews of this oounty,and been awn , street, under a load of lumber whtcb he cincial Association, and that because by many readers of Tan SIGNAL at them wee teaming along the street. A tug matters were managed by a few. who, did with a nrtght reed ticket, while •waiting becoming unhitched so frightened the not represent the large body of teachers, its turn to be shorn with the flock. to the young and spirited beast that it became son:Nhing should be done. He frit that, astonishment of the shearer, J. Oka, uomarazaable and caused the above re- te • great extent, the public school sec- sr., took a choice plug of chewing suits. Amistance coon arrived and na- tion of this A..ucistion was ignored,and, tobacco and swallowed it whole, without i leaned the lad who wee hsteccd benestk therefore there should be a..me regular leave, whisk we think did net IN" hint the lumber. A bruised arm a ao out the abbe alae, (it twin '"�� it r She el taw that each 00U 1 J t cls. pelted mewl should to eepplusd with a **TT of the Dohoui Lew and Revak- Pso� and from tb.s., saki espy to retas&s is the eche,! Rzonsness. roam toe retereuce by the teacher. The wawa/ meemo was rendered were p1Sniisa by two erzoslleat readsun. este is the Yurksair• dialect, and the dhow ielsotoh, by M, 11LSCallua, Inc which he was warn!! I Sated. ileturdey'a "won wee seed in the dis- mission et "Estrsnce Literature- which was takes p by 11t'Watery, io the ab - seed of Mr ;slang Mc Embury brought oat the IollowiSR points Io a very practioal ma' S,. 1. Carefully •.parate the object .rt INersture from a language lessou. 8. Literature should not be taught in sods a way s. to 'appear scientific sed rub of IMhaieahties. 3. Pupils should Jo the mart talking. 4. Enact structure of poetry ; cannot be loomed by junior pupils. 6 Du nut let MIMI teem ail over liwaw tees1, tidied Capped sad t'eNaaay- -FN$ sad Psut The rasa et Sb. Gras trees ear asetiisawea. The Ilea J S Cook, of Bl.evale, form- erly of Bayd.W, has been invited to the Ashfield cstsu:t for sett year, Ha bis accepted subject to the stationing com- mittee. Blu.val. Methodists have invited the Rev E A Shaw, of Ab.rfoyle, to become pante r fur coming year. Mr Shaw luta soo.pted the invitattuu subject to the 'tattunaug armmitteS. pupils a,rutautly ' iammurate as. Some twenty heed of prune cattle *old premiums. G. Teachers fail to bring out by Jaws. Fair, Clanton, last week to T somas, sad ieriod& eapressiona from Watson avrraited the rsusual weight of pepile. 7. Let Palel.leant a good deal 1,,47 11os., and two amoud the lot turned by comparisons bet word. and 51- the scales at 50-0 lou prolusions. Many other valuable hints At the May meeting of the Oficial were also given. its Rahery was tent- bard of the Loodesboro circuit, Mr doted a rote sit thanks for his ezoelleat Rogers was heartily invited, toed sou.pt- ssi�eestioss ed the invitation to return to the circuit The resolutions aide by the Rut for the ensuing c.-uference year. Hsroo Teachers Aaeooiation, cis , it. Mrs Hear t'y Hunkine. sr., of the 13►h concession Wirtz, died somewhat un- expectedly un Friday last. She was sitting up an hour before her death. w e aiiotmlt,sod Rhe was one of the early settlers of the requires too musk explanation," was towoshtp. heartily concurred with, and passed as a The flax mill and its contents owned 'That the pubiio school Dowry is a dry abridgement. a doll oompsedium, which pupils oil: set read exam' as task ort (Y) Th laegwge ' IA large blank beer, weight.% almost 249 lbs., was shot by John M.Keanie rear the lake shute, west of Elated, ea Fndsy, Way 85th, abut 11 o'oluek A night. It was treed by some dap It was shut while up the stets atonal 40 feet from tLe gr, and and caste down with trenteuduus forms. It wee firer seen chasing sheep by R. McKenzie, and must have strayed down from MMe pen:cauls. resolution ..f tau A Inceation. by Lawrence Murphy, of SeaG.rth, was Th. futluwing .resolotios wan ala° totally destroyed by fire at midnight on passed, Resolved, 'That in the opinion Thursday of last week. The las by the of this Association the present method destruction of the mill is $6,000 ; i:twr- of distributing the public school grant ince, $3,000. does not satisfactorily remunerate the atanlioq of our ttehool., and that the We regret to hear of the serious UI - Minister o.1 EJtmati°s i�. reyyest d to nem of J. stream, barrister, of Belle authorise the d.stithutioa of the grants I M Stewart kit for Bellevillelat T vino, .on of Alex. Stewart, Brussels. nu the bus - f (1). Certilate o[ teach- r last ; f2,i. eondttion of eehool hoose and day 10 bring his son home, if he is able „mime : aeon.. attondance ; 14 I to stand the journey, K Millan, M. P., of Hullett, left on Mon- day Last for Scotland. He will oombipe busing." with pleasure,and besides seeing _ the sights of the oI1 world expects to brine back with him a number ..f Mr Itobt. Clark, of Ooderieb, WAS the CITdeadale hones. guest of James Iiaklater tit» week: _ --- Leat}week Basel Knuckle of this berg made his second vesture as a slave of Cupid. ter r. with ethers, wish Sam a suocessfol v gage on the ass of matri- mony, Rec. J. Anderson, of G.der:ch, the new pastor of Knox church and the charge herr. will preach hero on Sun lay. We hope t,. see a targe turnout to we' - come the new pastor. Our townsmen, who attended the court of revision at Carlow. on Saturday, got severs! hilar. struck off the acre, ex- emnsotiisg to 114.500. Mr Ronald went copilot J. 0. (Notion. 'fhs laird of to Forest ou Tuesday to test the fire Lansdowne farm, Dunlop, outshone all apparatus awl instruct the fire brigade local orators by his fervent appeal in of that town. This makes five engines their behalf, sed not forgetting that geld this spring and the out -look u most shat was god for gouge eau good for hopeful. The Would *tamer !rank the the gander, he had a dollar an acre struck of his own farm, in spite of the rigid valuation of the assessor n �tic.d several weeks ago. Many of our residents spent tha Queens Birth -day at the fa1:s on Goths- Thomasamount of salarypaid teach McMillan son of John Mc Mer. Samuel Curls k and daughter, of Tseter, started oil -s trip to the Old aoentry on Monday kit. They trailed en the Parisian on Wednesday. They an o n ib, same boot as Hon. O. Mowat, Lord Lansdowne and Bishop Baldwin. Mr and Miss Cornish intend stayi ,if in the Old Country forashort time in hopes of improving the latter's health. .t new Ronald steam fire engine was shipped to Forest this week. They also got • hose real and two carriages end 1,000 feet of hoes, the whole thing is, and hs. no equal. Eight months ago Elizabeth and Jen- nie Quinlaod, asters, cored respectively 20 and 18, left their home in Seaforth, and went to Detroit v. enrage iu ser• vias. They secured situations as waiters Barry Walker, uf this has re- lented from visiting his brother Ccl- cdte, who lives at Culloden, in the comi- ty of Oxford. The municipal c,sncil of West Wawa- neah met pureuaut to notice, us Satur- day, 21ith ult., as a oosrt of revision, and for the trsnesction of other municipal busman. All the members were present but councillor Todd, who was attending the ft:u.ral of • relative. We had very heavy down -pour of rais here os Monday evening, which will benefit the crops and postures. It is pleasing to state that Mr Wm. Fowler, who has best, very ill during the greater part of the winter, is able to go about as usual. Mrs Jas. Nichol is gradually recover- ing, and we hope will soon be able to attend her ordinary duties. S ring crops sl tar are looking well. Fall wheat is somewhat improving) but at best will be very inferior compar- ed with last year. Rev. D. O. Cameron, pastor of Erskine church here, having boon delegated to attend the ensuing Assembly meeting which a to take place in June at Hali- fax, lett here on Monday for that point Hu wife and child accompany him u far w Montreal to visit relatives and friends thew. His pulpit will be supplied dur- ing his absence of five weeks by the presbytery. The Rev. R Leask, St. Helens, wiU oocupy the pu'pit in Erskine church here on Sabbath, June 3rd, at 6 30 o'clock, p. m M- OIL Terrance -in fioderjc tewnebta. an Toe* der. May nth. 11:e wife of John Torrance: R fa daigkter. m IR*TEIP. Kuakal-At Goderich. oa the 22nd of May. br he Iter. 1h Urn. Mr .&nisei Kau:al. of Colborne township. to Miss Teresa Fewer of the same place. m5S.. Robinaie -la Goderich tow -stat . on May Lard. Mature:% widow o/ the late John Rob- (neon. od (neon. toed MS years. Ilecemed was a native of Middleton. county of Armagh. Iretasd. Her end was peace Dearest mother. thou bast deft as : Tht low we deeply- feel - But the God that haat b.rf tt as Can all oar sorrow hest. CANADIAN PACIFIC B'T SPECIAL ;Colonist Exciirsiou ! -TO [WINNIPEG and RETURN From any station on tae Canadian Pacific aid Wand Trunk ktadways Turosto and Nest. ON JUNE 6, 7 AND $, 1$$$, Tickets guud till July Lila. iVO Seeing is behoving' FARMERS, Se gird SII For Yourselves That Wonderful Canadian North -Wed. Berths is Colonist Sleeping Can free. Special Rates for iaadr.ekere from Wiuni- peg wag ward. Tbie wit: be the Daly North-West P:acutnlee of the Season. For tun particulars apply to any agent et the t-oeIpaay. N. R. CALLAWAi 110 King Street Wed, 'reroute. LUCIUS TUTTLE, Paas. and Traffic Manager. D. M.;NIGOLL, Genera: 1laseeng.r Agent. R. RADCLIFF E, 341:. Agm', Ooderich. FINE TAILORING T NEW SPRING (JOODB. NEW FRENCH WORSTED& NNW SCOTCH TWEEDS. NEW ENGLISH TWEED& NSW CANADIAN TWEEDS. TAKE A LOOK AT THEM. B. MacCorma.o. I rauelling Eiuiaea ORANU TRUNK RAILWAY. Troths arrive mid depart at Oo.derkb is fet- luws : mimes Mail and Express .. id 0.m• Mali ... ..... L. p.m. Mined ......... t0ss a.ro. Mixed 7.31p.tii' ro ase, Nail t....................7lsa m. Mail and Exprees.... .. . LSM pea.. Mixed 4.eG p.tn. Domestics lllanteb. goosed ft SERVANTS. 10 MKN. ti HtPAe e. Nd. was.yy-21Ag'ply Dentistry. 11. NICHOLBON, L.D.S. DENTAL ROOMS. Eighth dour W5 v the Popp (NEae. W�-d., LIDWARD N. LSWI BARRISTER. Solicitor a Bepreme ('ours. Praetor In Marsh* Court. (ltaee twat dour to Martin's Hotel. O derk'h. Money to Ion. 11. Q AGER A HA RFT, BARRISTERS. A7 ac., Oederich and Clinton. Oederlch of See oppeette Marilee Hotel 110 (1 Q BAYS, HOLICIrOR, Rc. 1-110. OMles, earner of Near. and :Pest dide. 9q/rwioh. over teleernph Dace. tet Taw Made to teed at a per cent. =►a ..ARROW s PROUDFOOT, BAR T RISTICRS Attarwem 1ldienes. etc Ooderkh J. T. Gamest. W. Pr sdtoet. Iri CAl1ERON, JILT & CAMERON, Barrister,, Solicitor. in Chancery. ke .4erich. M. C. Cameros. Q.C.; P. holt. 11. Y. Camerw. C' C. Rees. I751 - loans ant Insurance. Qsu00,000 TO WAN. APPLY TO t urea J 'D CAMERON MOLT $CAMERON. (tale W T L WOOL V ER PON, L D. B. rich. ►73e V. owe -odd Yellows Hall. North St.. \CONEY TO LEND. -A LA RO E Ou erich. Chatty s moderate. All work ver j amount of Private ruses Por iareatmsat mated. tins or Vitalised Air Oren for Pato• at lowest rata oe *rata W_mMortgages Apply vas raraction of teeth, i.UARROW a PROUD 01'I� 1'O CREDI7'ORS. She Peoples Column. All notes sad other arc -oust, deeds* tete Samuel Potluck, mad be settled before tee IA .tJ .1ima&rur which time they will be lean.' hattd.ei Me Hot,v i. ' �'• �enw Holt a ('am•-ron. for collection. And all a. -.w rota due airsinst the late Sam- uel Pollock mum be sent in at Gen. ;t.tf MIti. 14 POLL4 CK. VOTICE. The t•.usrll of the Corporation of the Coun- ty of Huron oUut meet In the court House In Town of Ooderlch. as Tuesday. the Sth day or June next. PETKR A1,AXiI( i. May rl.t., lir. 5321 t`711C• ARADCLIFFE, intRAL INSURANCE, -*$AL ESTATE alis MONEY WANINO AGEISM Ooh Fir. doss (tirpeinfes Represented Ir Nosey to Lend ea straight Iotas. at the Sewer rete ot-imerem galas. la cat nay to suit til. oeerower. (WFlt'x - Sews& door from BVwar'e. West Street. Gotlanteb. 11t5 -u $900,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To lost. w farm and tows property. a low est feterert. Mortsags purchased. No cost miasma charged egesta for the Trust and Lour Comipaay or Canada, the Cathode Leaded Credit Company. the soden Lissa Company redo. Interest. R 1 cad 7 per cast. Borrowers can obtain mosey a .11 Hue sat isfact ori DAMSON k JOHNMTON. For r Sale or -to --Let. - I sow Sarneser.. kc., Oederieh HOUSE FOBSALL-I HAVE Ri- ll lsmtraetlou from Mr A. Gonda. Hamilton. to MU by Dublin au- tion. on Satur- day . atur•day. June lStb at 1 o'da k, p.m.. the pew pent' on Hench -St., opposite Mr Abraaam smith'. madam*, kaolin: a. lots aidand 3C. upon which u situated • rnmfortable frame housr Tanon-Osnhalf paptwwt .-'arh : bat. once oa time 10 Arlt Ipw-.-b sMrI. u ti . cent. per $$SUm. JOH\ KNO[. stoner. ' BRICK HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE Ill ON ST. PATRICK STREET. Maio beildl:,g. MOO: rear addition. 2!a! Main building contains 4 rooms. rear add* tion. kncbea. pantry, wane room sad tete room. upstairs. There Is i ,d u:. acre of land attached. and ten feet of the &booing let. As my family will be about all (one by the let of July. I do not seed so large a honer. M 1 am open for oiler. for the rune po.eresi.a could be given any time after the 1st of July. Aopppticanon to the unclersigsed. 13AN15. (4)11004. !rt, -3t. HIN.TBE AND LOT FOR SALE. - The �eiseu =I Mr U. Holmes Yaat 0t. Ai..�r a L. AIN.MI<4 diratfuni or JA Min RW- MINOOK oedeAeh. 4 -t t. L'AIIM FOR SALK-THAT HIGH - 1 ty de.irabh farm known as lot M. ton. t, E. D. Colborne. containing 1M acres. Net which are cleared. and the riot good timber. it is situated on the gravel road. sod the brick schoolhouse is cm the corsair of the ler. K • particular* sad tense aepppplly�_to CHAS. TOL NG or O(OROR SWA SON. of Gods - method of representation. A■ a result a tarn to heave, but a greater love for ortest of Dia tt,lunea. - I 1 gal. Orr In the rowa.nioof AattMld of the discussion that f ,flowed, the fol- the weed, as later is the day, the shear ! oyl pertaining ISeacres . and use in Ram Wawa - lowing resolution was adopted : - Re era astonishment wee great at seeing I'flebicat. DR. W. al CK ROSS, LICXNTIATTS OFk Otlt ne es Smith aide ollege et H n IlPfiu claao DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR OE05. Coroner Ro. Ogee and redden Bruce Stead..s.ed doer writ .t Virteri Street 17M. i IR& SHANNON t SHANNON. 1J P.ysclane Serpens. Ae ..sa.n te. eros at Dr. ttlheas eels residwes sear the gaol Ydsrs,t 0. C. 4m*agew. J. R. 911Ast User. 17M Illitlwri!ght, Uatuator, &c. C. A. H U M BER .RILLWRIOHT. MACRINSST. `VALI'ATOR. AJENT ottt. Estlssstes Made and Castes to Takes far Hour Hest4.g by the Hot Wooer 8y.ssm. Hot Water and Stoma S.Umw, Little Gaut cad other Wore Wangle. At1'aat(stal lm - paresis. mai Machinery. , PLANS AND SI CIFICATIONS. ♦ALt:ATIONS MADE. EMIT STREET. - OODES.ICR Feb. & IdlI tnKer * asments. WO FIR/3T•CLASti FARMS FOR �ODi RIOH! 11111011A NICE IN»YI- TUTE LiBRARY AND 5111D1MG assn, oesiainiag n acro.. For psrtleoisn RoOld. ger. of Seat saes' a.d Saatsre Isp apply to Cameron. Holt a omicron. Gale- stats. fact Open from 1 to v.'s...sad trout 7 to 10 p.m. robed, that it is the opinion of this As• the nm with his pipe In tie mouth. ....ichors, that the present constitution instead of tendering a match to I •.f the Public School Section of ()Mario fight It with, after, a big tumble Teachers' Association is not a properly and socia tall dodging of bunts, the ram representative one, and would recom was nomad and the pipe was pulled mend that such section be composed of from its teeth rather crushed, but with a public school teachers only, each teepee. tittle repairistl will be tit for um again. torste being allowed one delegate for Doubting ,tea tIM see the pip, but not every hundred teachers. the lost pew of tobacco. Mr Holman was appointed delegate for West Huron. -� The inspector, Mr Tom, then took nr Z011311011. the subject of "Temperance in our -- schools.' The chief points in tam p- As Ota FAog.--John Fraser, formerly pee law. as t leeches were "!gaged to have lihe foreman ntlarn farm, and a pope p lar roman* was asaeegst es this week. privilege of teaching the subject. 2. J.bn i•a emddem' of the Queen City, and Everyone knows that our drirhtng ase ndl upholds Hinters blessedness. tome and habit" are prodoctive of evil. wan Ms Bur Tem i- Ms Dean, 3. A teacher, who does not help km of Kinsab figs. who u upwards of 80 papier to restst evil, neglects an import- Ices 1 yolked down to Dunlop on ant part of his duty. 4. A drunken t. y 611116 w..t • d»scam of 12 teacher should not be tolerated.6 Indra. Character and manliness are far more Oat k enjoyed a imp)rtant than book knowledge. t; r little folk Temperance should be taught with an . PIestie cmant gad t>s Der bay at the earesetow that will impress. 7. Tree l lake is a reg boat recently presented by asasliaess oossists is twisting tempts- Capt. A. Lawson, of Ooderieh, to his ties. 8 Asyos• gho drinks doge not I •.pis John iaweos. Oer architect tare to bare he .hildren easier the in. 'sad D. Limos being the mimeo os fluence of a teacher who drinks. 9. It the pIMj1O °f rho Qtssea'a Birthday. requires more manliates to abstain than No owe Mi red sea-.ickoess, and in the to drink moderately. In conclusion, he event .11 enjoyed a pleasant time at hoped the teaches would use full moral l,' is raises sad chatting over tn• aNegsees sail Lea{ week net townsman R. Quaid was sated away to Ooderieh township to attend re funeral of his brother -le law. J. Whitley, who died sear Clisina after an moos et soma tiara, sad on Saturday A. *Allem and Mtn. McAlister wets called Se Odierish township to be pres- ent et the fmasesl of Mrs. Robiw.oe, nos of the eldest settlers is that township, *he peened away is her 85'h year. .uaeion. as it was not noee.mry to drive the subject. A very hearty vote of thanks was tasderd Mr Toga, for hie frank state- ments shout this .ehleet. At the evening .."sign, tb. "Changes in the school law ad r gwletsoes," wan taken up by Mr Tom. R.wse of the nhangea referred to the following : 1. Teaching of agriculture end tent Townes 2. St -hoot age of ehildr.. 3 Election of .ehonl trwtoew 4 1)iasnl.tion of I)eenwd was smother of Kra McAlister. seal i.ta 6. Duties of teach.vs respect. , Ins *jot O.rdsse. of Pee4.r'e Hillt inn a rt, dies .. •. 6 (Jena spud the Qwese's Birthday here said withheld. i .aautherlsed teat hunks are I joilpei lea wish egged at our hils tike is used. 7 Arbatrsslun. 8 lielsool pre- j tM tlpsb .1 the 8. 8. piesis of No 8, mise. and fnrnis►i..g. A. a result of sem es oho beights abet. 8.Mloed the ,l.eruwNM o,n than10 ehanyes, the f..l- lown•e r.. dor inns .ere •Aopted Its. soli -.A. ( ) -Tessa .t u the (Tonkin of this Aa.eseta'ion diet .soh pahlss *shed tea. ' .-r .h..eh1 h n• •.d -d nt alt new reg.., Mee . .B. t ,.s Pwhl.e and High village. Sheep Adrift staNed Mae last eseit The see of sold Omar soak with lanes laid is worsted le wires the skis sad Soh '• a hoe th' -*eh the to peet,o' ..r eaves N N beeves flabby and wrinkled. A SUCCESSFUL CARMIR. A Short UW«y .f • rtewrMMau Ftasartal tarot arca. The Huron and Brace Loan Company is now entering upon the fourth year of its existence, and its general success since its inoa,rporation has been such as to warrant iia perfect safety to al! with sur- plus moneys who have n' ready facili- ties for investing (At moans otherwise, cad who require their interest promptly at regular periods. To an much the fol. - lowing short recital of Loan Companies now doing business in Ontario. may prow. interesting : -- Loan Companies have now boon in existence for 3.i yeas, and their useful - ages and success proven beyond all quell - There her been nn faiinn •.f any Loan Company formed under the General Loan Company Act. Thole are now 65 loan companies in Ontario having a enhecrib.d capital of 571,178,0 7, of which $30,173,470, is paid up. The total amonnt of the subscribed espital of the Renk" of Ontario is S17,- 768,300, being I.es than one-quarter of that of the loan oompniea The paid up eapital of the Ontaruo Banks is $17,580,- 1175. 1 ,.080,- 875. being about one-half that of l...n companies. The Ins. companies of On- tario hove ns deposit os all or short notice, $15,640,100; on debentures in Dotson. 511,254,9313; oe debentures in England. 541,526,294. Total. 883,420,- 332. The Beaks of Ostesio have l.• posits on salt, 519,812,*. Deposits on soden, $22,736,174. Total, 549,382. - Nil. Showing Lose Companies over Seeks, 511.0813,201. The Huron and Braes Loon and in- vestment Company removes deposits ft'ota traded. par.ntm or children is setts of from one dollar to three theo- rised dollar., and allow eospos.d is- tereataddetd�,,.very cis months, at rates e T agreed „_. 'Ile highest e.rr.st aeras ars &Hewed os deposits, a000rding to the amtwnt ad uses left For farther partieslan tall at the Company's Neem, seems! of Cesrth. se Noire and North fit., O.deriee. Rosana Honnitw, Manager. Oedsrieh. 44th P►eb. 11113 t( 1YiEfioiX SAZI�_ SAUNDERS 4z BOW e Iilgemdedilel ted* gig War aMeesbeeR et NOTIONS JEWELLERY ! FANCY GOODS ! PLATED WARE I A1111/ WILL Ultra Special Bargains T is those lines until all is meld. Call ad nes u• at Tic CIeapest Herne Ilia tk sot. IIPORTAIT TO FABIEB3. Ire set ."std your sowing tnmehia. Into the Said without one of ear Ibriery mrwow emarpener. THE MOWER'S FRIEND, a ma tog bow. (Yeah it yea ea. repair &s- gaest s` teem the hIs.. korai crab rr 1 wI� save yid say hours hard work the n(tad.t.es ,.MSS. vsleaw time. la foot, It y WOOS Se wetoht i■ to weer lows. tit a �sr • set br rna Sews. �y� 55 y wb•dlastAgeaa• OLS Ok 00., ill` u WellEsetwiL, item Tweets LTOIBLE FARM FOR SALE- "JaneBeld.-Ooderich Te'reaMp. lith con. acres. ped orchard and handtyta. Mb con.. 751 acres- comfortable boogie and stable. Tema"( payment easy- A v to ARROW t CDFOOT. rte.. ns -au GM.eick- FOR SALE _ - We.t halt of Int flit. Ardor Street. with small brick cottage thereon. By t tetra (erre. 1M. Isle, 1st, est. Elea Street. Bt. Attdswe Ward. 131. demo of Hot., andflan Rim Trump 11 story hers • Ideraw lied halt band. Several let. la Seeds Saww'O. Npwte new S hewNee�I1, ri. v11.. st. MI. ii 84 N. it All the above at LOW RATiCS. A1541 �y to DAVISON & JORP(lTON. o. p. R. BOO]!,: TOWN PROPBRTID FOR %ALL *100 AND UPWARDS 1 leave a 1s1 a of Breed Lea and genas Innda In Me peva et tM Tows-Nt •Sil1LR Now a the tiroere > Wire the Wer Ranh.Tbt0� 1L M wow!" 5•s and l •Mort tins will bars ths mob n aso.d °alun Lir anigissa des horcb•- awt aspou Oars rost-8t, I- b- RTlekr and Reel Meats CHARLIE or Bt BBS. 1 r Je►a r7 and I.ttis (1 so to "` igen af�r iw"w"A.r aM t ee1111a sod EEL wit be bemoans thee dead glee r• sari algid de 81e OP.Ostheill el ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Leading Daily, Wedgy .tai IRGtalr.,bd Paper,, M..,aeinee, elr., os Ptili. MEMBERSHIP T1CIIET. ONLY +��eS� gra■ting free ase of Library cad f8e•il Application for toootsberWp received b► utwrrt... In rooms. 8. ItAU•OM8ON. 010. Sd. TIVSli8. O.derieh. M� h~2111. 111. fa0retr7 Executors' Notice. NOTIcs TO Ci IDITORS of OMITER TER MONTGOMERY. de Tb csdttem K Ois Peter Mwiwamery, late et the Tees .f lsh,li the meaty et Oeier How. gentlemen dettemed.ho dioUsr aboutthe doe wAsoedregaNtd a wait. reeds1 .t the ,hole .Q Drsalbe, a County et Oalerd. physician. Ez.eator .t Meade .f the said Geoid liter a dooeased. ow or Wore the IM5 dy waA 11M their ('brlsif!aaa sad sad ho - with ostia. acrd Mat.arwt OM sese�tms sad realty /If aryl bra kpIsent And males Is hereby etve. tint after the said 13th et Jima 1111111, the olid will greetedaae..ens t hs 51 th.1 peteles hewn& reword oily is the dolaN et wadable. whe11 ease had ..gas. •d ths said eaoegtor will set be liable ter the asra, er 77= thne• to any Metes se pmooe� shimer.Mtis heetba0 est bats etll.. et the thee of .ash datxflutis. IIIA RRO W to PROD DrOOr. ettststa Deh ed at Gedetteh this RI deny et Ivy. Is.. An parties Isar ilksPeter meespewerys*11e1mati lids 0.s'Wwot in bteed k5Mwts rM sato est .t Jemmies. etheretes grem.liage t. �w.inwhetM.pa, s *saddle die of the orate most DsMd Istt day lea Ct. MIL OARMOwr & PROUD/00T. IMM • dottw tar Eneoir.r. 1uctioneering. • JOHN ENO o1�I**AL AGO. lei �.wiee�w h 15. su.t1. tants he ,1 s d�rlarc�.t.s I,l�wt�(tsaMsitsseaa tmar �O�ao4 's at Asslleemr. GM Win 1* NU AT SGML