The Huron Signal, 1888-6-1, Page 6111.11.1.
Anal -AK _ow
Mas se.77.
IHE IIURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, a p_r_s 1, 181p.
the lettier shwa- • Owe Ogee Se ea Tear Gear&
urge that have lat lv
yerd's hgteicet sudden Colds. metal's; Collette
hut" oonr 1.6„,___Trituu• building. Yell t''. " 101` eget ed %.,t1 erre...s• of the Theatt. keep Her-
ta.* Potter bloc& %to "'"e" Leen PuenAne. les .1.d b fet"da %I 13 f1.11. .• t srJ * PW‘ el SAWA% 1%t bAltd for %Awe
YORK TIMES. Kr' °wire "--4231.-fr,*(_.11**„ motive. Nie-• "Pm. S•we 'Fittest wee ad; It ia the beet safeguard. g
inemat et Myna Orr DAM
Ian cesium- IhIseveivee the 1%tli-
les la rawetwl es Ilse utter or tam =hire meat
, Oa* sort of *ell cured meatiew Iseg
old 11.41141Ing iiittsest 14isterbine leafs ander The Tbuttli goof of the *III still keep a o tire ur months
York eGoios of meet out et town tournala „, A Sweat tibiae ter Om% , Inciter ; she •el require. en wettest*,
Teseneattee °Alm ur tb• Iraprr- -How .• oeth 04 Ike feet ; ev„),,f terse germ of pasture fur her •aat
k Is is zee.. network el neweeePoo wirea-ne 11".4 111'11; It' '!";•:'" '‘• Lir !eon ; mer *14,44 It. One acre Ise the nelisse
that have • Inetrepeltlemseresentation. • roe. 1.1.t: 11410 1014
Alt•Other old landmark bo...tug rah oinolitive ne. in abnrt- " " 1.7 VC" 1"41,.t system trill stppert tier all the yet.;
But he vrasn t Ms' familia snout lt when atie‘t t lie ntestity t et etre gees!.
hasty torn away in the metropolis. A sur 00,,,,aperoott the other day, it is gs:ft ilia in vt Os.), to irrtilet•
building which has greeted tha eyes of old sad tia drr me, are BM tally arranged as his facalts r dime t• t Asia, Deal asorcataile.
pulled apart. rafter by rafter, brick try Run no rex its hoym4 medicirm, bu.
Keittey end Liver reinle
New Yorkers ler over thirt y years being , rot c t 11.1.4t bar", fel
leriek. and the old. worn out woodwork
being packed pway oat the shoulders of
ragged eenvengent of many complealorse
and great ramose y.
Tina b, the Jet...nixie aeon* ortikle lammed
upon by the thou•autts of busy people who
hurry by the renter of Perk aud
Nassau street three cheerless spring morn-
ings, and 1,0 the older ones It lorie,no re-
membrances of mane historic occurrences
which have takcu place there during the
peat three decades
yet probsbly
wit. Is Asa,* ...seleassed Air the rms.
t, the morreeneste.
Mug for the s 'tad time for the preei
gem". of ti„,. 'ad SWAM* Os IOW ticket
tbe ene stet-. baiting been bora in
Niagara come 1880.
At 14 yeas, ads she undertook the
care of a villa,: ezbool-• tender a;,-• for
„As married XI- Gnat a. McNeil Be
died leering a widow of 23. Inuring
booktsb 1..1, t. Liao as t.:. (maw t„r, ,r,fde by tir. eine*, eu•lor ol
omits. tut, tu at . f se, it if 0 l't futi• Ches.'s roe-elem. Try Ceese's Liver
tho $4441!"4" "1411 ten. It. eletwitill hint 1 Cent CT all &seises ot tile Live` . V id.
1 per„..oweeetotaabition.u• ert..tolv...41.!•:.0141 44.4:1 .1.:, i.....?;:, 11.10.0 Eptoirl:t11:00..71t11,11.**ttyture.64.UearEitreiTpatkol•e11111:117.T.:11•Ii-f:Itt:Theli 111111:13-.
info eo a. the •teirkii./1118 NI .tell. tt•00,1113141 corpuipeleg in
! then her Is ee.ter tiavelteer, red you bate ' T„tiic lettere Pre,* 341 etntill. •P41 $1
tete %end inf the beet heir iin
the care of tick and w soldiers. In
sred Dr. Z. Lockwood. Kr,
11•1101f load &bang (mom years' esperten•••• ia writing mowers and reaper* there arr •
tea ogportww1 1;4•44.4 11 at leave awes. et., •1 , regard tu tee neer is :non Iltudtx, witich to 11/1)
3. • h. me h,,,, ri , ,- eh :i.e.t. Isomers... static smant ea..oust rely of *Neel. awl Ut there •
Fr.tino" - ,•atcoor tt.or ‘‘,.... op,. the wool ,ortty . dadipre. tie. nowt dediahle. tio- most
beeweee iseoer. and having been f used p. -iv fez e. of are mew
LOCkgrODdi having made up her mind to
tidier thet out .1.. eel'. xio.d you, .
admittance t. the 1 it no hot plettilts thy board *hitt loss rhy me on sealloity• tha *
C•4111mbitca L a w essence ..t other hey* •Lo :In no loin- y ..ireveet or %thirties
ton, entered the ; I ats leek d ovti tilegi him whets they see:
National univor- 4 iti•ow wed he t a:. p! are, 110 wight g., . mere ntasailmaie mill. Imo 0.. , oi...
env -
lb° bu.-111 d Ills i'm1113% t't. It° to a" ; h!..s been I. ogiog for tiles.. tuat-y year.
cuy. 44 the ille sl treble I then up..
sitv cif thst city,
et Ming ech•-•I to learn to
ICeltic:les St • ',it'll bet lately it:: rreluced , 111/443 i.•11
netted to practice
years Inter • 41"11 (....o-4 tbr't 11,11211: taive t" ''.t "tet j itreif a tepulatten second to none. the
wottlerf a! cures impure or iin•
w.iis admitted
01 the supreme
court of •
lease Data tbelliddged leer retemiall end leeturlog uPola -13"7°- triltriortmeee, incincestimeostear4 ohon ameltbess, eve . won disappear *lore
erected as mon sa the erumbling ruins of os insersgraph twgeeseentugdeseTtbells younfrwilso. i!;*--CY 14Ittir-41-1;-117.1117;71.4* J:scne hien block, Guam' :all meal.
the old building arcs csrted away. While man with her heir arranged In the Puffs ; hnf. for suffcr;itg hoina.ot y Pills
laborers. The Times beint issued reTi- I•Erk4 of tothwidnality that have since [1,1 ly met eneely ran int.. Catarrh: whet,
Utiited :Metes. Sere that time Mrs. ether rid on the Mile t.v1
111 tbl ogles of The Row Yesit-ThIlites. man • Rights."
tion in 1884 of girl combined woh .1alinston.*Tonic Ritter), trestod hy them excellent tonic meal -
Tits remit:Mr TIMM etrannellet. Lockwood haa heell engaged In erlieli"Ing the best eatilfectiou 6 r sock headache, wch 1,,sr cesfigstut, languor,
eine,. Fee Sale butter:el, rock ▪ ,
which is beinftzidly demolished to make A newspaper men
and fArlii
IR 114.11.0.
„,,,, tnialiini• .1 Inlet ''---1111km=1W=1.11011 to the heat Willi One Olt UN Lamest
all this notes' errecklrir is grilng on -while about her hies that were eswincusej„) any do cent* per bottle, .cente AN IM!.1r:Ne-g :MOCK OF
°Ales time G-oods
the rotten old frame by the industrious plun.p. at of correct rend. and witL Druegiet. Alnion tkderele sole DA% colo ie. the heed to slew- "1-1 •
he ea ‘ear.assed.
-eenehed from serf o The fare ta attractively and et per hottle Sold by strode.
the heavy pitinks are being e Y. et
.years. and the editors. reporters and other ramie, hes been described thus, thy. if 14 Derr- CV Ale • Catanh Cure. A few applies in it! toests. menorah.. ••• Me.e. Oxford :now Sitars .titterrt.t goy hr. of SUppers
employes are working away with as ranch ••iier 1tair la rolled back from her high •ho travel on reilroati traitor understand ! cures ord,oary catarrh t tn 6 home is
"Not nee Ilt • litestited of the pots* tione vire incieiert cattrrit : I ro 2 Norse i ore ep te en- roe *au unto. lfsp, rtaaai, itetai. prune ix. t araet.
1ng, just m it hes for the peet thirty lire Lo. I:wood's more recent personal ap-
nonchalance as though the work of de- and her clear cut features are k 11,m, 18* „i 41,0 uge4 ppply aggrantvea te cure enesnic catarrh. Try
and the pressure used to force the brakes 1READMAKER'S YEAST 1.4c114
the gitie;: movements of her
Min. Beira Loclewood looks the emi;orii- "'a" the "tt"-
ment of practical feminine common seme, e:t11 turned into the cylinder under each •
InetY "4,17 morninge.:70 t e tun d maturei into deenlines a intellectuality 1 yeo tan he cured for :Ilk. hy ;wing Dr.
stenetion going CHI shout them were the usually sesta tapseesef repose. except
-or the heti.* to a trate.' reel a railroad it. Only Vic and mos cure- Sold by .), ,if 4.4 Amens.. wss„.4 tsu
statue of Benjamin tklin which stand* iy 10.111:311Eitti ita.s. ts.-• of 141 • ',We orirem.sity svitsb r for csona. fa,
tto the corner. though covered with an ae •
en/richt ion of plaster and dust, has a most
unconcerned appearance. anti the signs
''No Laborers Wanted." whic.h are tacked
on the scaffoldings all over the buildiree,
do not prevent the gathering of a large
ember of idle notiscripte of all degreett
of alcoholism and low -downiem to stretch
themselees on the park benches across the
way. P1DOke short clay.. pipes end talk
gloomily of "hard times.
The etork of demolition of the ol-1 build-
ing is very systematic and weU areanged.
tom aw,-y rite -
and she elao looks ten years younger thou ear *hen *80 trilIr. wee l'• 86 ""Pled,
The walls ere complete y .
eloeing to view temporary wane of wood,
coven...Shy building felt, and the roisterous
doors are bested and held in positien by
heavy scaffoldings under each. which a ill
be ually taken away as the new walls
e them utune-essary. en
walls are finished the new floor, will be ear,,
put tn. startill Icor the tot en4 toting 1 a In. -vele ram ahe would have • very good I
siownwarde .., naming .:„,e race to , cnal,..,ene seTwIsleari ago Mrs. Lockwood '200 rem:4;es. end pronocnced hy doctors caw*. on. n
. outinue Oe business without interrnp . fury)... ter14101 rottld tlot be a ran- 1 ana drUggiatn OA mirth ten them the Cut rhts on- lied return to tre and we win send
Mrs. loschwood le devoted to the tire I up agaiint the wheels. oday
cycle. She rides that queer vehicle well. ' orate. are held against the wheels by
end it .. said that she intreduced its use wrings, anti the air e4 used to keep the
into V..1.ahington. Fou: years ago when 1 brake away from the wheels while the
ta.e v ..., yowling for president she was I train III to motion. TO stop the treia '
spoken ad . le "sailing urcoind Washing- 1 the air is let Gut •nd then the serinea
1 ton oe her tricycle. showing her red .........istock ' apply the brake& In an aczieent the ..
in it i.niwin del ...out,. which ,...cii7h1;." . pipes are ruptured sold that steps the
ing+ ,,t, every turn of the wheels. d
in th • back sed pucker% et the sleeves. I. trate. A small child could step the
traltin4 speeder now and then. and bow. ! train 'ay pullitot • rope projecting front
lug to sio erowde who hese irmairilly ! the tenet room of every car. That C•11 -
greeted leir with cheers and the waving .
nada with the pine under t •
of Mits."
tel mete it f,144„.4•.4014
by thee.
Ifetwei. rot.% ▪ bans and
ttabeis to neer v every two- is
• Fret Of world dicing tt.e Laing 11.10f centatir. Nat
24r.s Leekerood being one of the first
preeidenthd candidates nominated for the
tainprite Of MIL shined in the race Ar°und esc t
liest eetene tee weeders of tretatire pre.
• ecadd decide the contest in Liver Care is a medical guid• and remit) aerarateat the acr 0.*:4
hew their 14eate.
1 ha, e baser V! it It.ees. re ,1•,, .1 •allt•.., nekorortetcrot the Beet Vet Beet Medi la
I .4 0•1441 l'reloyA •44.1 eatret,..1 attennwo boa en 10
gy f{e,„... beer i (pet, 4”..ritan4 nave hi sr :be 'enrest *tot L of lorofs sod "bee* Ill
town.; ilk,' we et the very be" .turlity procurable- beteg mote by the best manufacturers in
k tainitte useful in!orrnation. wise I Pay 1:hernl . an- one enn an Thf. Nowt ; cutter
ova. young or e. 1: no enteeal sailor required. i
tiOn. I didiee• bUt eV y knows what a ' coat .,f the medicine Med..cios wed 7" tv*". "11° ete'rt of r val"'";
1 I ern. whieh wet bee; yee in mon :=141.
and Potter buildings and hounded by i it hag alreedy beam acnouticed that • righ: aim,. thee -on :niter else in the .
The block now on-nine/1 by The Tittles I vermin's *Ins" WOOL book 1 1. b.i141 by ell unignista.
Park rt tw on the weft. Printing houste i sifiva a Lam of Phu...lett.. tiousea . Growl ouer free. ,Addresa 'Dice & Ce.
square on the north, Nmsau street on the 1 f"r vies ; ,.. A -
east and Beekman street on the senth wss ticket, not ran.
fle occupied by the Old Brick church and GoVIERNOR OF TENNESSEE. thetas cloth saturated with eztrict 0.
from 1803 until neariy two graeratione \
Ka cemetery. but long before 1R57 It be- ------- .
in their proper element amid ewe. mare- 1 Sae Sees lawassealasited. I Frequent spelication 0! alc.ied ni-,
poseful and rushing eurroemEnge. it I Goveripwr ••apbe Taylor, we„, has ease I streets the water of the atte, oldies it
was a matter of some difficult/. however, reuominsted by the Dimmerata of Teams- ! dry and brittle sad Impairs its re; intien,
to pereuade every member n tbe Brick tit tee old, num who fiddled birneelf This is ads° true of glycerine.
church congregation that this wee the int; mairt :goo:
ease. and the consent of emery pt`W owner I info inIshist Tv SI* limiters{ irretes•ten. atm all whom
was necessary in order tent -nein the trans- 1 toren of any 11. may roarelt• I
fer of the property The transfer tem :4,tata. Be is the i Phoaphatine, or Nerve e,,,,,i, a pees.
finally made. however. and the reund for ! „or mae om Ms, ! phate Element based !upon reuientitie
broken with more than the usiia! mire, for ,,,„r owl a Sidle M. D. of Boston, Male., cures Pulnem- Vey e.„,rete Meest
the hunt -lino now being tern driven lens , 014 who has 1 i acts, Formulated by Professor A:Win, t
benesth the snrface were noun caul's. f,,r seetaleemerleig ary Consumption,. Sick Resda.,:t.e, Ner- vispratesthe system.
;rue tees er wanness. 0474trenttturn• • Mt In
or more of New York's twig deed per- toe7r-u-riweed that roue Attack', Vertigo mei Neuralgia Fee alla ty James Mel:sr drumeet. Dan
and in each yeah were the remains 0( one ,,,,,,wwisa, sad be
Many In the rad retools which rontin. ' used ertematim system. Phoephatine a not a tiedecine.
wale stream peat the present run will „my. ese, be mei but a Nutriment, because, it contains no , 'essa 'Sentare eater Is thee.
?Wan /tome of the est -Attie prenem whieh nits& with good
tbsy have wit named and in which it ;gam for Warm- a0v. a h. ent rum. Narcotics, and no Stimulants. but awn witc ere ,c ate./ fiype,titable aalit that caa aa
fordhei a prominent factor. The menti. name Two raze . Vegetable or &Unreal Polsor.s. Opiates
Ph tit hatir and Gartrtc Elenlentle 1 dose while tons* at haute sliactd at mow
, pewee by the ware*!rn of inveation. Them
metes or roma bet ere see
4 their Mmes. te it %4!..(T t co.. I breed
sorry to seethe rasing away of iv, old a air at ble skate. he and We brother who and ellen..r• free. ful: interned ens hair
smotaliets among them will nn doubt feel 1 -aa. tenon Governor Taykw ran for gov•
Mend. To suck tlie 117irti, eddire Crab ria agiboit ilia en the Itepubliewn ticket. .4 all
will be reared in place of Ole old building , milk hie tether was • candidate on
1 inn ht the chief intereet tes ! pregithition ticket, Warne well known
try Be was • pension
lit IRON
irk Writs dlr.
OmbWellMek. Car. Stelret. me Mown
found in our daily focal. A sonne bottle •
Oc., sole agents for the Dominion,
35 Front ?.1.4..reet East Turanto
4wal earn
anwe wherever II/Pe
It=wastsVilit it sought dal at
work. 30.
e meed for there by the latter They re-
member it ea tt stood in the stormy
et the civil war, when it wax many thorn
threatened by the adherenet of rint; nf 'he
great contending (settees During the
aagrat bears Ihe bemuse governor.
asa ae lime nominated the antheritles at
Weighligton would 'sot let him 'attend the
saimegitsa. Lemma it woadd interfere
wtth We Imithae. Governor Taylor Seel
Mese litleeilltoo. tly before the people On
mg, ahem he ran fee emigres. arinat
FettibIlhe, sad lwee It 1,416 that hew. hived
blizog gnomes with Um fiddle.
sod them Taylor weald follow him with
Mee addle. remarking to his hearers that
bed probably beard aornigh talk,
lai entertain them with
mom moons It le not stated whether the
C77:11 year or Dot. but ln his speeds
=s1:2the amaination be said he was
et eietery. yOU shoold call snd get his PRICES Wert buying elsewhere
The ow et howl twigs or entrant. terial
my Movie the Was
style wie is Tamer
ewer nevem caws.
two ef these she cote
Eared Reebeeter
Timber k • ire, see
tired • pewee/man
leareer. we bre in •
Wert thee hereto
asectalty os all days
except freinginort.
GEO. BARRY sells cheap f•it clash Ite not be underseld.
EVERY oils should cali na him before purelnaine RFTTURE eleewhere.
wit and ad can save re wey by buying from (Me. BARRY.
ROCKING Chairs, Tables, Perlor Setts. Maoremes, Bedetwels, Easy Chairs, itc ROCS tiOTIWN FICFANS,
Want Street. tore doors raw et P.0.. Go• derlea
Th. endereleami. while thimbles flat Wolk tar their Monet potromse broarood
seat bun lied dineselrOacitig besmear. bripli linateUrra that be boo pet how• bat
ALL kinds of FURNITURE kept on tend. Cell end see ha Stock of
GEO BARRY kmpe the beet Stock of Fi RNITURE in town, ail wisher aartiaelody (tail atteatton to tits
11111 Thus nerimsen 401 IT ttAil
esistested ben Ante The Times bnitets.
tree me of the 'Met Alerts ef eveeeattow
wad stteek. sad MI* day In partteui„
soh whirl% esanted to be animated ends
something of the spirit of the emu&
tear down the imilding
shrew time then It. oft to enee ft. al
wee Mead ereemelery te guard thei ems
ipsaatity of the istedietne nett
mobs. Theme land the foernelahle
of the rico,. 0.77e
**boo amid with a rim ter nrenleeqp
led Or dashed 4k/ea and do terecolekty ChtesilLtiood apt et the red Is timalper.
!ilinitatarte fli.T•4•1110 WWI an lemming feselarli WAS beet word the pereenithe
ma es romperet whip Its Iwilthhoes. whs. In°11.11.111211.411 *tem 1111116
pet en but It Mae mipeareti small foe NOV- tilt*
goesswee wither is still in general pretties
=rot_ amid OS some parte of this roo-
m le me eibleen that profemore
at the set An Abe *MA in thisi errantry.
01 lode eeveral lhoglish notables have been
esperinesotVitaigirtik the rod, and la some
Mess MAW ~ate tollewoL it
MOMS te Wore sever aoserred to theta
Meters et opologe that oars large tomes
"mooed with uslisrgreeed vette
gel yea toe eateedy dig aeyortaroo witti-
est Ussekb14 iiite la dam them Me
.5tes ea trisenteg guide to
is the posibie reams for Ns being
Intl tate a until was •
from 10 cts to 76 cts per lb, Maple Syrup, finest cas
pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef,
Gut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best
American fine cut chewing Tobacco, fresh
salt and canned Fish, best quality.
12 ligrs of Soap for 25c. 3 Scrubbing Brushes for 25c.
• trocaries, Crociery Glassiiarallor, Food.
tie" Ill" tow "mot VOSS&
*Mb ilk WM
1012.001DISSIOIR 410 To.. iba'1,111"rogivi,
likok, taw) Perna" Cioderleb.
ti Immo, CANADA. AT Vie TADviricerr