The Huron Signal, 1888-5-25, Page 8s
74;4 in t,
Meet iu Convention at Seaforth
1 to Discuss Matters.
stN..tea temyskl•se wow t. Mises.r'
r...efee. Rena$... tawr+ettes In
renne .er.w-.need 'mesons w
'feptwem Lft.-rasere ad W.
esti.. tome ear • Nrees
ismer ....*sees.
The regular amus] meeting .4 the
Iraet Huhu Towhees Association we*
held to the assembly ball of the Collo-
andra.• footnote, Swafurtb, on Thursday
Frtd.y, May 17th and 18th.
The following ou.mes re itt•weap-
pointed : tan rro..luti --Messrs Loth -
later, Olarkeon
n, Durran. and Dull.l)•
numMessrs ssrs 1/1.4,M illuoh and
Burchill. (lo reporting -Messrs Wit -
Sou. l
. oott, Dickson, Burchill and Mc
.. I In entertaeat-Me
Clarkson, McF.sul and Dorrnee. m
The Sueretary read a circular frothe
wa Teachers A.ciatu°, relative to
uakin k f th Ontario Teachers' As-
•ulII o e
aurtet inn wore repreeenta►ite in its
character. The matter was referr•to
the committee tau resolutions. The cir-
culation of the minutes of the annual
meeting of the Provtucial Association
was discussed by recent delegates, sod
Mies Peke and )lir J. W. King were ap-
pointed to canvass for this ob1ect.
Mr Duff introduced the subject "Meth•
oda of answering un paper." Fronthis
experience as an examiner, the speaker
was well •;ualified to .p3sk with author-
ity, many points he touched of were
new, and much profit will result to both
teachers and •...pili Some of the hints
is • valaabls ex
papal• to end,
dotes of good
the granter
literary .•dimity
parent. and. 70
perry eonc.eMd
►1111 and prod
Ur Macke,
wonting{ ou the
wale rocilt 111K teigt
. m,000 system
the weals are
uuluplsaty . t
u• taestatorw a
u Wee; mad•
en Pubili filch
w hat he and
teacher, be bell
In reply, Mr N
be seamed.
fulfil pre a vi
of thought was.
0siviag a sever
"aster "
Mr Cls rka,n
teems uos to el
iIa•teat.J t,t•
taking as a
I A muton was passed at the 1Vtogfiam
Frost. • The etracttire c,fWOMBse• we. ""4f` alap1• that ehren town council meeting( haat week, to the
H '
edam aid the amount of legislative ad was madlyI A K. Loberteou lett Brawls lest
st..,. It debated and finally loot an a division. Tuesday in charge of four ear -load• if
Mher* sod Ste tortoise gas soda that at the Betels for the 014 Owentry merket He
Miami repeat anec- ' nett regular meetly of this Jlgsees•tiou will be away for a eoeple of mouths.m
tllea. Dunne be would stove that tbeOe4eI Of bdJteg
might be • the meetings after that dote be CHntda,
Ike district, of Brussels, liiatoetb aid Wiagbam.
and if pro -
eery interest
i• eom-
theugbt that we
education ; the Paneilliags and Boisaorings from
white Exchanges.
(s the study of a
they are taught ---
, Views of this
to the text book
he • '"Drank au
Slowed bow it can
' ,i llatlwan of Sea -
of how a train
'•" is him, on re -
'ii llistion from the
$ .lam of teachers
the iysagivat ion,
poem, "Jack
literature. tie
Clem'. from all over Mores timely. rallied
flipped amid t'•md.meid-pSth ed
room - The Pieh •r tM CrIN
treys oar *sewage*.
The r.umber of drunken men on the
streets to Sestorth is nsit loosening epee
the repeal of the bontt Aut. Strange 1
The Wingham council decided at ate
Gootalt•n. Mia) 13. ISe.
Whoa'. IFa11 oil , ib ash a iso ee 1e toW t,es:. 1►all sous .. 0 W •• 0 (e
Wheal. trod wester) a bash .... • d 0 0 l0
Wheat. tYprin t V bush . ...... 0415 w o w
What, ig osel r bush 0 On @ 0 to
Flour. tfallr newt. ............1 i130 wN 12 !_P
Mur.Initeal O tel
Flour. 'strong bakers. lest
1 10 w 2 Fe
/Your. ipotesiI per. Oust 1 11 e 0 ue
/.t..0 bush ........ • se 0 J s)
Peas. Mbush ...........»0 56 4 0Am
NHaPa8hu.roaktoVere)r•fru*,. 0e0. ata.n1b*
.,..s.e........ri ...•...j.S.{
.:.:. ..•,,.. .*ac Ontb1l0sew0w1 0000e 47a1
earns. •a 11 0 0 11
I Ktonron a t ...,•
t chopped *Nutta est
icreesmtp. V o.t .....
I +1Hides.... in. ....................
Dre erd Hix+ 0 cWt:........
lien o is nu
le Ott
Iwo - 000
1101" ase
„ 101 '• 1 i
" !n les rlosr-Is odteri,h. on IbSat. at 'rest., the
• ,. 1M /
0 A6 " 0 75 wife of Iver. J. T. Leaser, Ethel. a a este.
0 ;S a 911 Mu. dock -ia Dasg.aaoe. es Mal Ilea. the
w'f. of Net Murdoch et s was.
S. M&COormac.
last meeting to allew nn tire erackers to'
be exploded un the streets. They also
took steps tv hare bon ire. disallowed w CHANGE OF BUSINESS,
could re.Juy led it,
teacher dree frees the alem many to
beauties of th ► -ad impression
found in the ).'alum. Tb
-r1lect that all bull -doge most be snuggled
t4gllowed to run on the streets, o° dare
bei ger of being destroyed.
I The other day as a an of Mr John ;
formed one of tlgtlrast trels•We teat Leslie Canton was walking behind a!
of the program, to i is ..titled to am," horse he stumbled and fell, the hone I :.a..:;!iSli`[*I`r
extended walla glee goer bo gine, herr ', stepping ou his band, which was so cut
Mr to Ho: el Toronto ' that it had to be.tiehed up.these gto.chard the Livery sable. Dour
"Elocution. .ggg� and rnodwlll ew! Mr Jobe Knox. and intrad to
eseatpGBed the pre- Rev Jn, liontt, M.A., of Walkerton. a largely to the horses and vehicles. on as
sot mrtho.! amide 'renouncing different has been invited to become pastor of rhe' 1•,eieke the Sables inferior to neer to the
words : "'Mewed tie t (O'II R • sad SOBtNt t1,. p•tmnagr of all old
laleani.g of elusive, ! Wingham Methodist church for the nest . r.1.tomens •mid many new 0525.
et ulsite• wd
the voice and as applied to conference year. Ret D. C. JlcUuwall w limited number of hones will be boarded
•Oft bring) as the gra) ! a' .awes,). n:ei•.
to attain gaol goes to the Tutun:u conference.
For good rears and fair prices 'rive mea call.
is reading. Geo, Hyero.. tirnesela retie and son
(►a Frwisy s h.I:ID
be brought forward were: 1. Place the
name of •ul,jeet at top of sheet. 2. Pet I
the t:.t: w.
number of pate on the right hand eier- which st., renewt l that the receipts were
ner. 3. Placa the number of the gent --•-
ties is tie middle al the paper -t $141 11. etpeadihrvi'• $88 27,,
the treasurer read J
arrived how from Kstay on Sat omnis
of the post yea
r, haat. Mr Hayoruffe stay in California I "'u
during the winter was productive of
astir a s his health was eooeer•ed. 0111111 o}of Seafurth, ham a �A+
breeding mare twelve years old from
which he has sold oaks to the value of i
22,200, and hu one left yet for which MONDAY,
he was offered $100, although only a fee
Pace the number of thu para of the On hand stela*" of X32 87
question within the :starve line. 6. I The fe:; wing dicers were appointed
Lease the marggie clear. it. Leave blank ' I.
abs "'um( year : ,..., Meot. .1.
space between two answers. 7 Begin I U• C. Uurrsnad i Yied Ptw., Mim Hel-
t he answer at the left hand aide of the yar • See , Tree• • Mr A.M. Curohill ;
sheet. 8 Patin the answer to every Iglte. mit set., Nim Mcl,owan , D.le- day old.
of the .rotation at the left hand side gate' tar .t lis P:ummK ; Linkls ave ��-Y 2
th h i 'r Tabulate as much as ' committee - )teats Clarkson, Linklater, The fire: sitting of the court of rev'- i
Newgate mit.. eve. Colborne hotel.
" e • 52 ' Gruver, c 1 Taylor, and Mimes Foe. mon for the town of 'iVingham for 18d81
pseible. 10. l'oderhne every word t.. ton %cho dsos and Weir will be held in the council room on Tees -
day defined, eteni°g, 29th ink That for East
Wawa.osh was be held at Marnock on I )iXIiAOSYE�? OF TAR WORLD
the .'2d'rest., and will be Geld for Turn- RANOWNED
berry at Stumm'. on the .'8th.
A hone belonging to W. F. ketly
backed off the ¢.newsy to the lime kiln
last Saturday while hsuliog stone, and
hung raw 8 or 10 feet from the grottod.
After a good deal of work the animal
Iba t wrote aha yateatiun. 1 J. R me txafortn ad tllliatt] were present to was extricated from its awkward sod
to one side only. hear tete debate. a discussion was dangerous position out mach the worms.
begun by Mr Gros... giving a history of
Discussion of the subject followed byMr Wm. Cooper of the mill road,
Mien. Malluek, Lough, Lisklater and the moment is )fest Hurour w tar as Teckersmith, has sold, ba young tboro-
C'arruthrwa the desire for Ila introduction was con • bred bull "Huroo Prince" to Mr tem
Mr W. Doig dealt with •'Iteligiens leered. ale wall fdlowed by Mr Duff Brows, of Logan, for $1.2fi. This hall a
or write the e o The .chess of Uniform Promotion
turned down the line. 13. Fold the
n properly. 14 Make sts'emeut in
F.tsainot 'v ba been before the teach-
anPe in P• ere of the /set Reran; Inspectorate for
answering arithmetic, and (Isco the; marl ayear, and when it was decided
answer at bottom of work, and • little y
to the right, in large figures. 15. At- that the relenting or adoption of the
range answer sheets acourding to .lues- •cheats tkusid la determined b) vote on
mons, not to pages. 16 Simplify frac- Fnday tsoming Ulla interest was felt
tions is a [test and proper manner. 17. in the oeu.tus. sad •large womb)) of
Dont use a knife t.. serape out a w • ork,• teaehert, and friends of education from
inetruc'inns in mitotic schools." Me-J-1"-.Kral.mpmstit of ib. prone)- 15 months old sad was Aired by Mr J
entered into the history of our school ,ISI 41,1vsd. ••lura l a thorough D. Patitt, of Paris, and was purchased
system, ah•�wed the origin of the Bible discern was baps up, meg on the vote by )Ir Cooper when he was a telt- He
instruction in it, relaxed the story of the �0g �•• alt ••••1_,. lan=