The Huron Signal, 1888-5-25, Page 71 .11'7.011I
.4 -
A GREAT MARS 111101/11'.
�� elfttts taw ram
id wee Meld • tato aieeswwettarm Opme•
II flew sea Was Deal lav --Ie- Ia Its
011100 -Nassar. while Per rad roma
ptela. as bhe eyes.
wlfatkatl•t awe writes • Kew
Teck esereepodslet •fthis paper. 1a a
nibs atmoo cies*Adam d lest the pat cute erase�t� la the Matrepoditaa Opera
fa..e.lIew Rork sty• ea the attsrweo•
•[ Seedy, May e, ores all that the phew
,s'!ba Jt massa memed•settag Our
the eadltertus fares aawn uuidd s It,
the he Sire u was Lesley era/
ell the /e• Enloe were filed. eves a the
lefty Not Ms thea Llit
were prep Notred ,est the powertttl ..Asp
at BMA* Fowler. wrillenag from bearer
eroset he ass. was heard 4
eraser lamenee roea. Part of eta
weeeese et course. was dime to the splendid
.,.+estie properties of this b IW ug
tease se IU•eN'silla mfr sena ei • mer tree
truss w sertg.d•• N M••Iea&.pt Ole
wady •.001 lemee• aa
maseeset .•o a .inserts* W nws....tal
usage pee a arra wecream ase If men prepar►
Mea w eta. •at..raayleae•• tar r pea
swamp* us papa pr.rat0a.. 1.u• st tie
sag5s1 n.Mr radsaoe dims sr aerresf sad sad d
▪ :tereme weal w
She esti«. b00. r,..w. Moue% arm
hssesa ager aorwt 11.vw..seL ases,uat•suay.
week are weameinea. usseying
e ateenee .merest tea fare• ere ea widow pe• ,many a.d sad, uu r th
pas side tats.
Dorieg the�•a•wt ruler wrath.-• here 1
Ind three Swore fruee*. W. L. soave
tatyd's Yellow Oil 1. the hoer ..d
t ted it with fad results. Woo Mel -
bis, )iuotresl, P. Q. 2
Isemsteary TMMss.
Why is it that .i. many bass •nob s
Iv..Cal:1y to masa* lla*RlU•O
tar Y ,r to t heMN 1. ee ..
M ter rias• M tial 1s�ss"a �we7 pm,dus. I wn.ep *d aeeaeMr tnwhlea
maw :a ewe as the tewwsa•e or tr ser AIS eves" orae h.a wore ur ler. of ..
Ener P* .Surma O* or eeurist••ni pail+ croak wltimg dupue,u,•n mad s •t til.
,,sear woe oze• ate rr.r..p...f agar•• t lie at his work of bout
th••ssat spot sora •.laalsa mid u••su.s ,tatasy. • a ty ttscasc►u y
Oen tees csa toed sem • er.a...ul us. tug to hes heart • forge which have reale)
key T our .J+ y sash V• atarrh ..r tar' n.. sprit led ea cep' n. his own brains
sear ism os.• M ated au,. urss seg . H,•. nue are eta rla.iii• jly uu the us -
ewe.w r to r tad a t **bated sui •oe.• tis• prase .1 I
•r... wears. rad atter •ea 01 tae awesome/ It k ik sur slights ,ad seem to be all be.'
sj,Ineted if the bare M, wrui it it III
which to worry t smashes. tt-•lrttba•d'
has not barged. Somebody h.• tested to
mime their salutation. They have Mie,
mut do al, and wtatinidy wh.•ta they c•l!-
.d • fraud has said roma nasty thing a•
tl.eir sepals -vs. And so they go ea.
present' than hone hair skirts to their
i.earta cud oa:ltuu on Lasers oral earth
to witness how well they do to be angry
mid bow rrievuudy itioy hate hew'
wronged. 1'shaw ! Are ieu sons that
you have been meowed at all 1 Wb..
tuldf,?on that you really have [.nest cul 1
'lase the witnew tette heaven testified
that there was o• short-eightdd mat.
i.i the case, ur that care end sor-
rows of a personal ktud had nut dimmed
the eye, that did o*.t catch your sail'
sad gets uut the (mutual istimatton that
your selat+t1•n was either kauwu or ap-
preciated 1 How J. 3uu kuuw that pot
friend opoke hardly of i nu and soled
as your atoompltshwenta or character 1
Perhaps tattling busy -body raid be
J:'. Aro you sure that busy-t..dv did
•.•t 1ta ? or at least mierepreeetit ?
Might.% you have beau better employee,
had yue kicked the tell-tale. rather than
credited him 1 In .bust, the world is
tiro tail of real miaanes to allow much
pines fur tayt:nary ones. Fifty chances
to uta, yea sets nut cut 'or slighted of
'tt,iytiyiteiet-t1a Lind. Fifty ateliers to
.wee, your tyle -bearer lied, and your
trieud arm 4tlie. At kart, be •1111. .4
Gent twoni •new tlmiew arta (110.1 oar:. on Nail
Jan Mar torr M.w•.L PLre.eruo,n woo,
etre 5500.• move •eve. le Most. maw •IU..e,•sa
'Iwt everybody %ear neva An thou a Malmo
ppMherr r' as tar anima or lay 0.0 rewsu•uyp
IM., ler Par Mar • teat Gaal has Get
lima 5a Woo r • program/sow forger rad. u mob
la o•r.+wws teat r it w taw IS dam sad .steer
w*•iwwe •6•11 es r*M w m n lin take a doss
•at .Norma 0604 err M Lula Art lino a wer*Yt.
aaarive tete u.• weeded W near
me noel" tar *GO ora a lice its it 410 tc
1.• sir..*. - 1e5ri5•r- /w a a 101 wlrd0m .1
/rot arm tare • alaem msnse•i0 with tigi
roma aedeun 1. reedy et base *0 hems }m with
a maareallem...4.aird r hese newt woo tr ea-
rs. wane dater ssi of ed4• • lir w
Taw meths.' 5.m to dee seems three sae Oral
to sue. rias mums (arta W rimramewor...aed rd
..drat..w for the rvsitaeoe d .m iSat are poet.
' Term lea way of amara Tom ir ••tra.g0 and
' sena. ear ea se .fat .1.00.1 ate Fur by tits
jawas.5eet tis* rar gs M 'said pa
MIL aid
Was .aaeo•wr r May M. ssweear deeply serge
..onu.uo• •ad tole le ee Wei, teal lma•r.ta
1. Joetaa art Mo. • bnaa.r. wallop web
1 .eantAisa stet asamoa oleo. tractor ova neo.
I rtam.wobi prove too greet 10 to Woe? Rear
•r as tar toms lase sas,,a a Supe for d11
1 wain Let me -massy mar eta Tia r tM
Med aims nor au MOIL es• tram tends .a mto••
mem ow an m5• t0rua5* rand r Om tOood or
.,_ws May tit oelp ail to hear amt Muse end
' be 1.110
! 'nor Rev John E Kob:r*sm. of India.
Sread the dosing hyena. 'AU flail the
1 ' Neat of Jesus' Name. sed Bev IIs R.
111 that. of trin patOAteced the both
t d
!Bishop Fowler wan_ -.`-Feria b Caned* b
R. but was neared In Illinois and •du
' rated for the taw Whom converted he
studied for the ministry. and was lleeo.sdi the feet. bei•'re yea mettle steadily down
ss in e Bock River conference in 1661 Be l.. minute a grudge and your
hoe reset eteedily and rapidly. sad In IBM 1 heart with all u.auaer ..f evil herbage
' was ordained blubop ELM home la In Sea J which sorwest and injure nu un• but
manor' roaaAst ! Nitschke. out aa bishop hie travels are lit uncle
-Te • veteran actor wen heal 1er.hvd out .11."3x'
bete that .*age os the ta•issosl.l• and) I
ewes which there trait dangler hole
staadsnd opera and Mamie drama the
view from the Mme piece that Sunday Their 1I..•ter (.selaws t. 5. Mehr he
afternoon would haws (terse • esertlttlic , ci.•tamial 1. Jams. h Lake Jersey.
novelty Olruetly beeper hes Is the pea ! T. fifteenth biennial eo.etave of the) Donee for hard wteter s 1$il, when
ba emu Nes sora a wont •r paws wee,
Pythias• `
^s *e Knights of trill dusty t*oasa*d enempluyod wurkrnee
sod Y sae deiegatss, back of Owls the be. held !a (. ditI Ott. begtnntns m Jew
whole Sane e'1%* 1lat I0dUt pnaeb 1 12 next Accommodations hay* been haunted thea ere. cf Nee t oak, drives,
and eaiaret laymen presiding elders : e to betgary, or too often theft, a man
P.010. ru l't dr ., •...di y take DI
L .'e N iota h rep. It plasma the
and deettuya the wurne. let.
The Red Cour ,f the blood is pined
by the Iron it costumes. Supply the iron
when lacking by u*iug M,Iburu'a Void,
huts and Wine. 1:n.
awed Meow•i of bvtaKy ltoiieg* prvteeaure j.nga ri M 20- P°111°°° 810 thoaaaud `wig at the door of a house iu ono ut our
1 that moa 73AU0 perigees will tloek to W t, He told a [lib star of bis die -
dense la 0,400 10 attend the maeting'aarae trout a factory, and said he had s
sad the eoe.teokm. wife starving not tar away.
Howard Douglass. the supreme chancel•
lot of the world. 1* • native Of Cinele
natal where be was born Jan 21. IBA
j LW mar educated Is the public sod ides
. schools of bis native city. bat wee
to forego a eon's -late entree oa aexatn of
shiner Be was admitted to the bur as
1 t w early age of :1 and few atter
neve In tie west of is ears and expert -
I e+s. mew time a Lager tag* or more low, bat there were c'**r marks of dime-
! hurttteve practice lie was several times platoon .•u hie face Suddenly be drupp-
�*1orted member of the aeltod board. the ed bis knife raid fork and sat marine at
board of education and the workhouse the do..r. "Who's that ;' he cried.
board but has always refused nomination "J•ittcnv ! Johnny !
for any politica! ode's B. was PevIdeo* The lady's little girl, a child o1 three.
1 of tllr edu*tb0a during the un- � followed her irons the nursery, and
trod profeesamal revivalists sten e•tuent Wei* will toe repre••ntod It to eottasatod largest cities, mod asked for sotasthuce t•.
in the pulpits of mase mise ant scattered ' I ea
among them • 1.. p•set aro of the Mrs i
Pater Cartwright titamp wk► here sod 1 s p'sesrsl, *1 50eertt0r preeminent
jomvttallat or well known politicise All
around theta the beam and lower Melee
were glued *till ahem • very Mw
gentlemen among them while as the
top of the boom wore tact and toys of
that ekes which 1s a••setemed se Ifo Ott
between the seta Yet as one west out
after E4*►op Peeler had spokes the finit
sentsno• Oa the Awns d the stage were
Oen Mama Piga the peg cbsr of tie
day. two or thew Weeps sod the pro
neater, baited the the dr serrata
The view bordered a she subarea and
than wee eo amid of saseacy so tmtg►u•s
Om eller& Beek wee the scree has the
stage heat.
• Yrom the •oethweet e.reer o knoom
the view was really grrsad the
��� figure was speaddag Pram than pout
well out
to the hoot. sad btehind a app.arud_ ter
hoses sod sudor ea the. earth �sIdd.-sIII to
1.M relief time floor to skylight. The
audience. meet* is the circles above the
boxes. eeatiised wbatsattelly the sante
elements es attend the daily .*raw of
tbeemoremw. sed the fervent Mime
'lord t ter amid other reepo0a* to
pity dory a•ntsaase.
The wistre•s of the house male it •
rale to Kira nn alta* that winter. e*eept
after a parwaal eleminatiun of tb. ease
..f each app'iou.t. So abs want tato the
keeben and ordered a substantial meal
to be sat before the man, who ate raves-
He was a young, h.nrest.!00kie fel-
A famous Doctor
Once said that the seers* of good health
cuttaieted 15 keeping the bead cool, the
feet warm, sad the bowels tepee Had
this ennueut physician lived in Our day,
and known the menu d Ayers Mlle
Y an aperient, he would certunly have
recumarended Ulem, as so many of his
distinguished surceases are doing.
The celeluated Lr. Farnsworth, of
Norwich, Conn , recommends Ayer's
Pills ea the brat of ail remedies foe
•• Intermittent fever.."
Dr. 1. E. Fowler, of Bridgeport.
Coss., say*: '• Ayer's Pills are highly
sad usiveraally spoken of by the people
about here. 1 tasks dally use ort theta
in my practice." •
Dr. Mayhew, of New Bedford, Dlaw.,
says : " Haring prescribed many thou-
sands of Ayer'a Pills, to •y practice. I
csuf unhesitatingly pronounce them the
beet cathartic in arse."
The Maseachusetta State Assayer, Dr.
A.c* Aof Hay• certifies Ayer * Pills. They
cordal analysis ctive principles a well-
k owDntain the isolated from inert mat-
w chemically speaking.
ter, which is, y fu'• R•
of great importance to their usefulness.
It insure* activity, certainty, and uni-
formity d elle*. Ayer's Pills contain
no metallic or mineral substance. but
the virtues of vegetable remedies is
skillful combination."
Ayer's Pills,
rrepned by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co.. Lowell. '*sem
Sees b ail Dealers 1. Sreateine.
showed the
body to be thoroughly Methodist1e. The
singing wee ootgregsttotral. led by a pro
motor and scooapanted by the great or
gen sad it mead Y If almost every one
to the room joined intim great *edam* of
harmony President Spank, of the chant
Memoby**. lit
'1 tutor reed wo to
Sac', � fDr. S� Leroy
Vey �d
aapprayer. sad them rates a rat elleettes
rsa�st�` •1 that a.Mtaa ebept•r b Isaiah
da lhia. the massless of Chalet. by
lrreordeuted etude of tea and 1 au the al..ud to ,ler .bite Irma by the door-
Ohio river Yu nudelyd n eanl] utmost his way ler emits tamhi nt over her taee
flay? lough! and prompt meths that thou -
The train; recovered himself with • ;t.rue'aetorer. of all kinds of
I have just owed from the cities. and am now
receiving the latest /fires in SPRING MILLINERY.
My dressmaking department is also in full work-
ing order.
A c�►l1 is resp.rcrfally solicited.
)4, , ,mad nut bvr :steer ►moa of
and es ptep•r`rd 10 g c. +., n ;tetter value tun rater b4:1‘.11 et a cert drpart:Dent.
Feathers, Tips and Mounts,
Ribbons, Fancy Trimmings,
trod a1: rnsisrest style. of stogies avid snakes.
Remember the rtal.d-Ua tL. *wire. arra dour u. Acheson .! l'os'e. TIN
has no,. received a full stack of of spring millinery. consisting of the
z�.z sfr r�eQ V I.dzIIS
Arrangements herr ewe matte for getting in new roods weekly, and all orders
tett u 4,, teen will receive prompt attention.
CARD O ' TI3.s.1"-T
; sloe to testier my fliodersce sod desalt,- tor the
sr. which ebry 4*., havered tae the waceies o1 commenced b0Nww last fa1L
Hamilton street. teat rite Square.
�aloeke rasa)the eloggbd aveaoi• d the
Bore* Kidneys and Ltvtfr,
ingot gradually grittiest weakening the
system, all tis• fa gs feed
heunces el the serettsna at .
tin* Conecting 1.41, at du,
Stomach, caring Bili011attells, Dye-
HNtdaObee. Di7,ti11eess
dad Mint
the Malfaq/osps Wil gem.
▪ • aler ladee and to many
happy Dint )�
NILSMI a ce_ Ptomictas, head ►
Chrystal 8G Black,
err, main erre and
perwi sad da br tbs hwarse laugh. '•I beg frau pardon,' he STI I01ERT. MAMIE. UPRIIRT AND TUBULAR
weltered sad peovkd•d for !a the
puwle• whose buildings of Cladmate *aid. ht's your child ut ct.oree.
' Altbu. Sa ..f a slight ball&, and velgh- haven't seen • child for • lung acre
, Ins trot urea hut! pomade. M is amply 44.11 his feral seethed to choke brats . aim,
rage start V a i_ and all kinds of Sheet lana work.• Son and said
[brollies worker at "I ant rot a workman ' 1 tum Jim *Tette AND WATSM lets 111111,140
!anything he stn + Floyd and I wait dis charged yesterday a.astantly on hand.
front Moyan.eusiug prison, when I have
1 bees a member of Os laza, ready for delivery
the Xrighee of . *erred out a seinteime fur barshry. I ' 1 as M.R New Sleet Seller.
Pythias since
ores a decent man ono*. I left ay wife t s •.r. Sew Miteer. `
1, 160. and filename L� end my old +nether up in Pottsville, and 1 complete 2nd_b*ai Tbrtsbi Oetlt
f household • T�S -ray fishy.-
supplied with w PANS, SUCK STACKS
Ina few enunents he started op in agits-
dertakes He has
trno.t oar. 01 11710 tanttaa
Rev Or J R Duly, of Newburg. i< T
Rev Dr. J C W Com. of low*. foci the
�Ty,e.�, 'whom i the Woodrow
bines;' and after the dr �
0. 0 wlreir d" Nam Maanl bee, the rw.d
hie net, thea IgM aside W (Masse and
asks se bear Ned 5 grafter with,* aat-
ua.e to a sammerlpt. Mikes the gape
attestl.s et the vast wauaeaas M the 1*.
word Me test wear
-enema owe ern ase Agri se be • peels nlas
Meuse Asa b W erect. se Mere .as tear
ember tar Me lw.iebe et ales ales w
memo rhe Aa.eles n1 .P .•
llon ger.
ss ma mss.+ tib zeriam4 moow arta .Arch ere.e.le o
=re ahe
.m ea_ s man ab11•w thralls.
eta .001 s 1St AM* 116,1100
011Di lb Pewee mmentes.t ass Aesop
urea 0
y a 10o, ler. Entine. Separator. ac.. all n good
word amnia the L While he spoke his eyes were sled of 1 waning order. Will he sold cheap.
*,mbar• of that the child with a terrible hunger in them. ,ids:! ceder. will receive prompt attendee.
order The DtatiR- , �- **Little one,'. he said holding out his . Weeks: male*u
. L. T. R. *'sues.
1. bands with a pitiful entreaty, "•list• I P.O. BOX 361
hands with me, won't you i L wouldn't 1 Oodertch May Mb. 100*.
bort • hair of your hold." i
The mother's heart gave a greet throb.
Thea was just out of prison. Bet
Moe liieo
bed sad whichbars kis alba ti.
og*s� In tea state M *
Ohio In ea -
p, WInewoa end wealth. He has
►Old amend high owe* is the order pre-
view to UM, when he woo elected
supreme chancellor, at the se roe of the
rep sae belga which met is Jae. in that
year at 'Mango. Oat. It is seedless to
Mese he 1s beading every energy t• make
Memel fifteenth Meel conclave a meows
l every ptfholas. 11ir. le also
an sewn .isobar of several her leading �, nia:e • °°°°a tore of 811.• by esid
benvol.ot red sewer oeganh atlana. Lay. t° 1 4)0.0011(:,, pelting on hi* old top,
13athbone, a rialtos et Nin.,mit rescued the thirty-eeeond deems' b• went uvt
Soottlah rite la Ih'e•mssonat Fix months later eh. lady received an
Assns R
Ono baby -surely liod sant it -ran for-
ward smiling. with troth halide tot.
Jia kneeled down beside it, the tears
roiling down down his cheeks, "It is es
like Johnny '"l
"Yowgo lutit to Jnhttny and your
wife and mother C. mid the lady.
14e would not promise. "It.:oo late
Gehl Ooetda county. X. Y. was the dispelled letter from Pottsville I ass
Munster of the order et the 'Knights ni at work here, is said. 'That day I hes
Pythias 11 was wbile engaged la teeth- pleased t.. the burglars ayl*un. Inst
1ctg iretinol at Fsgle Barber. Lake Superior, year little girl raved one. I carne house
)ffelt 8, In the winter of trier) and 1861, that tetstead. 1 wash t too late."-Eteltctd.
Mr .tbbow the ritual which
accepted and used to
tans ng K:nlgbta of Pythias. The
ant was organised t the it
enc the 0., as the 10th tit 1
Ory i811. by Mr Rathboe. sad emend
other fellow clerked tbadifhran1.= d�ct-
a growth of tb. order )se. Lees
,w,keb►5 stem that dime.
w the entrlse far the
e•apeaf, drill that wm be a
festers ofrojk,416.. octestOs: Ledayett. SA-
**. No. 1, Lafayettee, lads ls1ls0.905*
dlvnbu. No. 2. lndiuspofle, Ind Loehr•!
division, No. It. Mee. Dai
•visile. No. 4. Hastb> N.11 ; Csar
Lena division, No 1 ^ W. 7a;
l,ealavflle division. leh.s5*g
No. 1 L m�s.'.
Cour De Leos Betaken Ile. 1
o. 110*1 denim. Ne M► bold+ 64
Stardevrdss. ffw, U renal., 3 `
e ,, ER Leslie •Mat (�i:
eve dlwwes. Deo. S. (libteti100.1
S No. 11, L
l,�l ; O. )
.15 5J0.. reei
R•• 1A
:L Dmitioss Bahian* 1. 514
*wawa loa Paw
Berea lab beimeme - - -
g„deed sad foMom rth ~ 1 7
Proollers"s yr loos will w• got le
b shone se bomeb order•
A Peentimet.
Around sack bottle of Dr Chase's
Liver Curs is a medical guide nod rwseip
book contenting useful tnfarmauon, Over
200 receipt., and prewoeseed by doctors
and druggists as worth tee times the
east of the ta•dsine. Medicine and
honk $1. Bold by ell drearier).
=ON STQRDY'S People's Grocery.
TFROM 15o. UF_
No old Stock to work off, but all Fresh and New
at Prices to suit.
aratilehe*a emir Frere for Uelter salt hese.
htesaa•6er tbs 8104 -Oa the amaze, sect to 8ingham's Restaurant. 210
Obtained. and .1l bi ise*, in the U.A. Palest
O.i r +dib opposite,
e 1.3.A 4 R'a Pn Of-
fice. anti we rat wish detests In bee time
tVo slier remota from WARNLYOrow.
weem ke A O CHARGE RUE G NLRBti rt -R Oe
TAI IN PATRer. ea�
vo 41 rater. here, osey Order
M t. 5 owfficials of the
U. R. Patent Office. For elrrafer, agates.
terms and references to actual curate is year
Own [tate or f unary. write to
a' A. slow d C•.,
(!,•sits Palest OS... W..h4*g ., P.C.'
The new full Ro1I.•r Mills at Port Albert using the
will be running about the 28th of February. Farmer.:,coe
dually invited to give them a trial.
PERFUMERY 413 i 1; (11
Jot R•0Nvd at the eeriest R1 ht' I. gtm,b lt• • abp ices. o
Hard Times. lieu sod NO Msa tan. 0110110 yeti
7. JORDAN, Medical 11.11, Goderichtl
o P D 9 f Tl3A. f S
Txa1 �'x>l)<k or
auZimel•P=S d& .f 6A.0 OMNI
Th. awe await* at the tare.s tele be kW es tea sera edea of tae Maes having been diesolteal by mutual consent, 1 beg leave to
MOUNTS, 4APES, RIBBONS, -GAUZE 8, thank the customeof the hetet firm for pant favors at their
bands, alai to intimate 'bat the business will hereafter be
mid err 1*blag to be tea Mad. •la
lea slery eehakti.h•eat.. *Dcustomer of
?kr etcarried stn 11, me ed the' e1i(1 fit** I '.^.tatlal to carry
S Vaalr' or BiIUMARla
and in every line in which 1 deal I will 'make it my aim to
have a fu l sweau''- Naw cm vtantly arriving. and
goods 111 is gboek'ra�d at notion.
The public's OiNr+I��!M
Tel.r a A_0Mri
ORAPE A14411:1 NT WS
ha•per 1arasp Seg shatter tete sleek rn pe
d elma. Apar ter ek.kaf a slaters
f1e m,a stale_ BA.zacSTa 1.
�s�ert Prtati.e.�