The Huron Signal, 1888-5-25, Page 5• , . • •.r► :rani r-ar... 41016,-,.• .r itw• find LATa AIKOISIONO. Lywcw,7 lam+ a& Me Les lPwes. »sir Onke% t Mt. Jelin is l. mil � I0sneen ct with tTweeter he .been cher. was bees In Me ei fame of tiooea,eemety 1Niagbss. be the !ser of Clogbae be- head. Amu his meant h. W Men Wended kr the pe oad. 1e . 1=I.eed a .dime et Qwmalite �b:e arm moths.Clumialkm, mime M spent twelve la MI h• enteral dt V1.sent''s collet lt# 10 Mlered the rvttiste of the B Ltt.ar., Parte where he pursued tie sleds of the- tslstl e- o� tbs vows afe the order. In 1841 be was otdelaed deacon and priest at Illaynootb cel- ebrbnp of the aa. Three years later 10 went se missionary to Teta.. wiet•e M spent several is Mb he was ap- pointed at of St. Mary's 'statuary. of ureas, In Perry *minty. kin For sev- eral years he was engaged on • mtatdoa L the western states. la 1114 Father Lytaeh west on a specie! mimeos to Rome, os witch occasion be bad a long oosterwce with the pope, and esselved from him many favors Bs re - tensed 1n 1866, .ad at the solicitation of tits bishop of ries* founded a house of tba torder of IR Lamm in his diocese. Ida bld the feedethm of • preparatory eembeery In Btsalo. but afterward re - aimed to Niagara. The Instil utk.n is knows by the name of the bsmiu•ry of Oar Lady of the Angela In 1811 he was appointed coadjutor of the bishop of Toronto. He was cons. embed bishop Nov t0 of that tear bur tag the folio wiag year. Archbishop Char boast having re+tlgned. Bishop Lynch aoe- ceeded Ism in the see of Toronto. la 1814 be celebrated bis jubilee Aali3laaOr LYNCH. Vas Seems see at. Alabama Thomas Sway has been renominated by the Damucr*ts for governor of Alabama. Mr. Keay is a native of the state ma which be fat to Rab. the gubernatorial rase. was born forty odd yearn ago. 11s had enteral upon his atndlee with a view to securing a tenet class edu cation. for winch be could hare dw rived amp!• setas from bis father, who was wea:tby,whcn the war broke k. out, at the LUDO time broke In on young 1cay's pur- suit ussuit of knowl. edge. He d: opped TlIO las DRAT. his books t, take up • musket to light for the Confederery. He fought through the war. after which be resumed his studies. and was grade. ated from the $outhees university, at the head of his tda.s, la 1817 After haring completed bis . coarse be stodsed Lw, and M emm apes thematic* ofopeoleseioa. In wbfeb he has been fly taeestdnL In 1876 be was elected stele senator, and hold that ofdce till brat nominated for geom./see. REINING FROM BUSINESS. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR STOCK or CgOICE STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS LT VKRZ LOW PRIOmB- Is seevelevuu of Mr. H W. B,.thour rowing from the D.7 Goods Department ..1 the busiues• on the 10th of Aug- ust, we have decided w ,.ger the enure stuck et $100.000 at very low priors, •u as to *rear* a very hired rdu.twdl of tt behove that data. The Intl* Mass character of the Roods is aeil t,oso. This ;t is • !rood opportasity for securing brr(au.s to BLACK AND COLORKI) DRESS GOODS. BLACK AND CY)LORED SILKS AND SATINS. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, Ilc. TABLE ANI) PIANO COVERS. SHEETINGS AND PILLOW COTTONS. All new choice Ruud', and marked at very low priaa. g FE. CENT. OFF ! In addition Ile the very low prices wbiob the geode ars marked at, we will stew ea all txsb pureisdrN of $2 00 a dt.0ueet at Ove (4) per cent, )t I LLIN ERY. MANTLES, DOLMANS. SILK AND KID GLOVES. HOSIERY. PARASOLS. H. W. BRETHOUR & CO. 2146 1 Aeolis'• New Oftedbal. I Here Is a est of the new state eapitcl of Texas, recant eo pI.1ed at the cal theal. The, ars richer m Lad in Texas than hey ars in geld. The state, la order to ascus 1)1.. agreed to remnersu the syndicate tt composed of the Farwell and others—wrtb 3.000,000 •errmi of land. The tom et t be building is eellionamit .1 06.000.000. which is equivalent To a trade of the land at $1.82 per sere BRANTFORD. APRIL, 1:188. Druz SIR,— I take this medium for announcing that on the 10th of Augusta. is my intention to retire from the Dry Goods Department of the busi- ness so long carried on by me under the name and firm of H. W- BRITHOtmR & CO. Having had now a long and very close application to burioees of over Thirty Years, I feel entitled to at least partial rest and rule from the cares of a large business. In making this announcement, I extend to the thousands of cus- tomers and correspondents sincere thanks for their liberal patronage, and the universal confidence bestowed on me. While retiring from -the Dry Goods Department I will, however, continue the Clothing and Carpet establishment on a larger Scale than heretofore, and more directly under toy own supervision. Special attention will be paid to the Ordered Clothing Depart- ment , also to the Carpet and House Furnishing, so as to make thaw complete in every particular. Soliciting a continuance of your patronage, ,_1410, yours respeetfully, H. W. BBETHOUB There is so Ittistalke About It The pads �Ipdiet is that ALEX. MUNRO has the right youd1II, and in the right time. I waist to 'se the fact that I study the re- quirement, t,f my customers, and have made a special effort thi. *wpm t0 procure everything New, Useful and 1 as11io11abb; that is worth having- ! tnakt• nO ty of low lines of Goals. I aim at keeping 4NA les, and at price.~ commensurate with (lushly If !,Ditty ill the ,soul of wit, 1 will not exhaust patienet• 61. pett.deitlarising particulars, but will tuerely :say that iu all departments there will he found a choice asttiortii i rnt. ALL GOODS N IKO II PLAIN FIGURES. AND EiRICTLY ONE PRICE. ALFX- TY1 UNRO, ':°t04 - Draper and Haberdasher. - GREAT CASH SALE FOR THIRTY DAYS. Ten per cent. allowed on all purchases over one dollar... J. C. DETLOR tir CJd: VIZ STANDARD -BRED TROTTING STALLION. QOIIERICII CHIEF, Spring Goods GtIEAI!4 It he tamest star..on is the torr counties, will be at Whitely's Hotel,Gode- rich, from Tuesday noon, until Thursday morning of every week during the season. For particulars see Route Hills, Preterit, Terms. ere.. PARR & SMITH, 9).4t Prupr:eters. Ooder:eb. WWI RATS CAPITOL. - The strode:* 1• of red granite: tis architecture Dods The grand door smg smibim a Greek man. throe betas a intends eft dor et the 1•ssmsetion of itzik.errkdors. The Istssth Is 111 OW, 187 fest, sad the whole .s'voea acres of poised n T1s domes b •o:sranws ley a bream statue of Liberty. From the bass to a gismo star on the statue Is 811 feet Me rotunda Is NI fest to dht etee. and =mcireled byabsldsey. AtfaslfWs, are Lid In eaeaustle is this Wilding le future the repre- sentatives end emsatore of the Lone Star Mats will most and the governor wUl have Itis crams. Then there will be the state 'sari and rooms for the stat. courts. Tbs -ism C. itol was dedicated on the 14t1 gay. Otatinggnnlsbed people from all arse the Vnited Mates were to attendance., Seems taeteaw N R'tr• Ree•k',rre, Theligh RIM Parsers do not number Mole then 90,000 .sola. and halt of them ars to Bombay. they are wielding a dse sided iduesce In the modern dviliratlos of the least Long a p.rseeuted seen they were many drives from their native eoaatry. 1.100 years .go. by the Um - bine. lime. atad settled in Begat mad trout that poles have become scattered through Ind!. By their fruit. they are tmtb themselves known as s rthy astd . rteo members of society. The grooms of - bled has so more honereble end in England. They stet have a of that acirN blood of the ser !mit Persian coursing Wreath their velem. They own asd ooce y sine of the best re- sidences edsidences is bele ay.—biterlor. ANCHOR LINE —AND AT-- -AT T--- -AT THE— TORONTO CASH STORE. Atlaatie mExpress Service. via Qom. P O'DE,L- eteaehip" l'ITY OF RO New York straw spar, Janie 13. J )1. Aw.. & were. LMICIPCOL Selma Paes. largest ss , sue se seem Mee. ahem. GLASGOW SERUCS. $'ca=ws every sataiar from New fork is 2151- • GLAJNICw aMt Ilan. cable alt to4. sd isa.oedsrry. Lir- M 0 Dr.M rest ester. Fer la=bs er ypp�g �r ate D N :IIS. .4H. DIC[SON. Roderick. 1'r.espwtlse Arwr ltyst=resolee. admen RIs1AInpMs see the ?..Wr a- W fiasvetat ream wades the eantimee w. ad f�tsdss derie theer silt M EirSilisjamipottedssa is srbe rrrma homes by rsllread. wbb other ewet rr their .serf rt thee a u a' lu.' ea *sir wire sagas. ther* veisers sus � 1�c w]Ye the milud , ass wee i�wtiails► the Wei 11.. pepI 'l. ,rah°' G. b further * $.j1ewtY NOTICE_ INOa1t1R Tt1 Ma[g ROOM FOR NEW GOODS WHICH ARC ARRIVING, 1 WU 1. 1OR TUB NEXT THIRTY DAYS - CROCKERY ALT OOBT- All New Designs and Pat- terns—Come and Bee. Always a freak creek e1 GROCERIES LANAGNB. NASAL CREAM - —FOR— COLD IN THE HEAD, . `711111 ff1 1eRIaZ. — 25 OTB. J. WILSON '•Prescription Drug Store. PAINTING AI*D DECORATING. to THE PRINCIPAL COLD MEDICATED. HEAD Or,'ieL. Hi'tuNoE-eT.. TOnocro N. WASHINGTON, N.D. L.G.P.S.O. APO POV113ZaN2 et Mead .t MMM a a. . , . iwoo rbs .tiiRM..M *llis�6+• Eminent Throat and Laud Surgeon. WILL MIT GODERICH, ALBION HOTEL, OH 14TH, 1888, And Otos • Month Thereafter. Dora.aas TazATao.—Catarrh of the Read and Tbroat.Catarrb.l Deatnese.Chronic Bron- ch:tls, Asthma and Cooaurnptien. Also 14,. d Votes. Save Throat, Enlarged Tonsils, Poly- pus of Hee Nose removed CUYr. EARLY. CONSULTATION FREE CATARRH THROAT CURED. Theme are a few of the many wbo bare been ppern,aneatly cured by Dr. N. mashingtoo'' Met hod • M. d. Dean, Rid,renorth. Ont., catarrh, bead and throat, Mrs Jos. Kyrie. Kimhalls. Ont.. removing growth' num nose. Mr Stevenson boiler foundryt, Petrulla. Ont., catarrh. Mise M. Cornish. %Vplacehurg, Ont-. asthma and conruarbt1os. Mrs]IcLendress, Iona ern:., catarrh of the throat. Mrs J. Leaning and son. Kingston. catarrh and catarrhal deafness. Yrs Ralph Chamber, Aylmer. Ont., catarrh throat. Mn Jas. Embeneon, Napenee.Ont.,broeehttle. long standing. John A. Little. Dundalk. Ont.. catarrh. Jeb. IL Kersey. Bageroem P.O.. 0st., catarrh. tad form. A. D. Criin's son. Wall•cetown, Oat., catarrh head and throat. Robe. Mea: ser.Warebam. Oat. Mrs r'. Scott, dtlritag. Ont.. catarrh, threat. hong standing. Edith Pleree, Strath Out„ enlarged toe - W. Lindss . Petrone. Oat.. catarrh. Mrs Join Talt, Vyerr. Out.. catarrh bead and t Meet. R, Noble, jeweller and watchmaker. Petrone, catarrh throat. It. McColl. P. M.. 8trethroy, Ont.. broncho coo'emptloe. W. H. Storey.1Cao-. of Starry i Sem Acton. More M•nsetnrero. mired of catarrh. Write and ask kitty for particular*. els se�these' esm ta Ina ��•.tsenrttsas`r�p w1R M�jse�>wy• {. MOM nab? y1 SEEDS. THE LATEST AND BEST OP T3E11D B313A1302gr_ REMOVED! Rees Prlce ed. Son have removed to the mammoth store formerly occupied by Wm. Kay,_ next to Bank of Commerce, where they will be happy to meet their old customers, and as many new ones. Red C1o,er, Make. Mammoth. Peaches.t asd White Dutch. rnwtlly Seeds. Orchard (Tram. Blue Orates. Red Top. Italian Rye. Miller and Hmnt arlaa. Ceresal l Rye. White and Rleet 7lsraw Reed thee. White aedmBlack Harleyand /UM(M (Mole Pood Ip !lend of ell kinds. Wi sw� Okahm M. Loss Rad. laterited. Carrots 13rggewhite. Belfries. Scarlet. Al- t MLew m. Bead of an klada by the eetee or Oates Peel of .11 k,ab--Dsesh netts. Tei, sad Pinata and all uses d O.rd.e Pees and 1 HATS TRE TOWS PRIMO AT SINS LABBET IJD B ST STOCK FIBLDAID Bi&UBI SD is lbs srdtit (tau ars/ Ss. ttrsy east tdesw maklsg soy dher ar1Y. tam hoed te..t r, .r. SLOANE, T7e dsesrm... BILIO'IIIAli [ACES REA$OINIKE AT MK I,, r REES PRICE & SON. • 13 0 •t e i JPO �•o' a i s, _c ,a12:1 =aa. a y i c� 1 e g "" s1 1 IN o6ec 0 S 1 g 3 I oia d �- v_ i tt. ..! 1. oro t s • 1 `d OF! •. a 2 t= or. .t.- ; • 3 ca d%i $1 3 w R 2 8 Si ees. 4v '31 - e l'a Sif E. g �- a:e 4-='; := ig C `r o.9 -3t u ? tc,1-11. 4 f 1 z �1 o a ill -2 .1▪ 5 Ai to $ Q11 �>, -a s3 ' € M f 'I 98 is Ai ALES MORTON, 4ODICRICH; MANUFACTURER OF FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGES. WAP s, • Opt cane Colbotse Hotel„ Go UAW