The Huron Signal, 1888-5-25, Page 3r- ASE11141 DOCTORS. THEY RECENTLY MET AND TALKED MATTERS OVER AT CINCINNATI. treitermse end Ilboa-hes et De. A. T. r. tileswesis D. &mese illanalliihelk De. W. W. Dowd" S lbe. J. a. llesusews. The Tawny themes. Only the other day several hundnei Soo torn, composing the American Medical as sedation. met In Basle boil. Cinciontii organised for the coming year. divided thee numbers Into ten seetlooe and eti tered at ono* upon a emotion wh.Lth at trams the attention of the whole aogesey, mot slue for the seal and ability di* played. but tor the protnineace given by the older members tu the wonderful prog rens made in medical 'china" in the last third of a century A mato gratifyieg him to this program is that while the carnal joke represents doctors as wishing for goofs sickness "to stake buaineas active." they are everywhere tho mom ardent Investlgeturs of the revises of mum the most earuest satiitary rofonum and. as a rule. aistoutshing1). atierestna devising proven t • e niesourea The city in which this (atlas:tog fa held presents a gratifying proof of this fact, the percentage of pre ventilate dirmases having been re- diteed to a mini nri.ns In Oh to and geet tick y the average of priblic health has *eels greatly rat site. while In Indtana, once nofed for Its ma- laria and related the sanitary revolution bas bee:) su complete that In forty years tie avers -se duration of life has been bewailed nearly ten years, and I be pereentage of disease line sunk tos. low a point as in any of the oldest states Muria of this improvement Is dine. of rotusis. to the dra!n•ers of swamps aud alearino epee the lead. bet a very large put of- k to the cadent sit -,:e board of health. tided .ko the milkiest plislicsanalo e very In ail ths coastal western states the official machinery for public sanitatioa to as perfect as that of ar.y state depart• meat_ The physkian at the bead of each comity board. eit cad° the health officer of the county, Is vigilant In his weekend it is • face now rerognIsed by journalists that If one desires to learn the most prom' newt of the local peculiarities of s district In the shortest possible time the richt man for him to apply to le an interZeat physidan The doctor in the re gloms to the local scientist AU the newly discovered hngs and worms are submittel to him for an °plaint:. and the fartner, well diger or miner who discovers an in serest fossil hi de g over to or doctor." The family doctor. indeed. has tong stood next to the preacher in the estimation of the family. but he Dow equals if be does not out rank htm. An as seniblage of se, arol hundred sueli men, from city sad Allege, la ttere fore • not able put, he event. L Y. P. Gar- nettretinng pres- ident of the assn rim ion. Is the well known veteran of net w. w Dawson. washingtwo. who Peet became known to the public by his noreunt of life ea the eosst of California. whims be served as physician in the United 8tates navy daring the adta.station of Joke Tyler. la October. Ig4), he rem the they to take a prots..ur.hip In the National Medical college la Waali brim. having In 1948 married the eldest daughter of Hon. Henry A. Wow. afterward the noted governor of Virginia. In 11161 he "went with his state, was in charge of the hospital at dunond and family surgeon of Presi- dent Davis. whom he accomrrnied In his eight. &ma after he wa as n astabhshed at Washington. and a litt • Weir was in- voked is that envious and amusing ammo - verity which mune near sodrchino a vies _president of the United States and which will be saintly vocal - ed to midOe. aged readers by Oaths esanione w o r 4, •Oeusdu r • a go." Time has com- pletely vindicated the dome,. and the •-wesidsrful DR. a_ T. 1' o.1.1::-.11TT. cure 1hr eltwee tnet. J. IL ativersaws. hoe aken its place macros the standard jokes of the profes- sion. Dr. Garnett was bons Sept. 20. asso, i twisty. Fa. Dr. %V %V. Daseme. cheese to roomed Dr. Barnett Is also a native or Virgiala graduates et the Ottio bora in 181111. 0. was =he early eoUege arid has a nalimeal repertation as a sur- geon and Whom as •Iltalail Surgery' is homdtala. Rim week as "Chloroform Deaths" is an autborfty bib to Europe sad Ant - erica Be has probably profanes - ,ed mare &Beate :operations es the urinary or than any surgeon west of the Athol - t1. Dr. .1. K. Mat- thews. of Louis- ville. Ky.. the rm. mow naneostorr OK" Ploothmet of Dir. Daemon's eppeasete for the presidemay. a wane friend ea/ supporter. howver. le a much youtegeriesa appssiethly. sad a thorough repeageettealmeof hIseakive ffeateaky. In the esoshies of the easesisalea be showed illimeelf a eery alsiespeaker and so reedy a OA este hollines to the asedied at be might to be woke are miseed iler & la of abiesneed. Dr. Jan* et andiassit mildewed tole a monies am dialemem 'be elemliatte et IleIlisimelleddy tepee Om Omura -— esdades. Weer Be 10= were Nam is wales sieney tbse timr."11=abw M lin • Owelateithe Theemntereeed fer then desk THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1888. SHAWN', MEN MEL MEET. The litatehere* Iloatoomal leineasnuee Roar stilettos a$ It IS expected that the procession ef butchers that. will march thro,.,.,.te sbe 'Comm of Phi:sidelphia an the SUL toot will somber 1.000 MLA& J. • IlitiltsoN TIOPL J it utast-- Think of it! Seven thousand hrxitnav, bright eyed. rosy checked_ deep eisestgel isutchere all marching together They will all he la attendanee on the annital contention of the Butcher:1' Na. timid Proteet i v. saisuciatiou. which • Meets on the 2&1 TEM assectatii.n Is tin Or T17.4' of nem/ butchers. whir are aeserooeS to grottier wtth the prinie object of Iwo:ring prime food for the people They have la two years spent tievers1 thousends .•)f dol- lar; in paying chemists and others 10 de met adulterations in food; they are op posed to monopolies. and claim thitt there should be speck! legislation for the pro- itection of the con:ioner with • view to meeting combuistions and insurtoo hoe competstion. It is erptated that the biers will not only tranimet plenty of bui- iuess tiering their convection. but that they will have lois of fun Weide'. We (rive port riots of Pre,. tent flight and Tresourer Builiatin. De. Thomas Armitage. Ms resignation of the Rev. Dr. Themes Arritag.0 at the eto.I of a forty rears' ma- turate of thre Fifti. Areaue Rapt: bt. church. New York. la a notable event in the I. istory nf tho Baptist denomination In America. !Jo!: rerentlo his church celebrated abe end of his fletieth year with tiora. and graved him tease of absenee to 'ravel In Europe till Ode. .•3 _km. and. ithortlY •fter. re:teens , circles in New lorts eity we re surprleed lo leers that he had ban ted In Lis res tonation. giving as a reason that ; his l'Oth year was s,„ nearly complete. . • awl he plably felt of At: etti,:ass powers. The re signs!: ft Is to take elect Jan- I. 1980. to give tip.) congregation ample time to poodle a suespeseor. The eareer of Dr. Arnit age has been rte. •hati.o as • Osvotmd Uothosust. .ad in that chareh be preached some years tr.fore &Sooting Baptist dce trioto Po was born in !Silt. in Yorkshire, Eaglon 1.. toil b.:longs t a very old and honored his amoestor. Sir John I Artn!tager of Baraely, hcving been =cloth baronet by ,*'oarles I in 1640. He o_nresched Ids first sermon at the age of ld• Hsi caw* to New York city In PAK and received deacon s orders bust Bishop Waugh ead those of an elOWIVeillfishop Morris. A few years later he examined the points in controversy and adcpted the Baptist faith, receivi.ng from the Methodists a letter of honored, doratseal, with the most nat- tering test:sandals to Els seal and ptuity. b 1444 he was made pastor of the Fifth Avenue Baptist churrh. in which his min- istry wet greatly bleat. His career in that pesitiaa is familiar to the religious A rmw tread ta Degirtras. A new fraud is being perpetrated in the dty. tuts Line by a woman A littl.nleseerj glytiying on CAN.. avenue eras &pp a strove womafl. poorly dressed. "What to came. my dear. sad your mother's same. and where does she liver Bring informed on thew points. the woman next inquired of the child the mune of the elurzli they attended. When ibm child h.4 returned to her play the woman went to the house and lagnired by name for the mothee. When the lady care she told her that sherecowee • . John. church, that she needed a sittiation and was told that Mrs. — give her one. This time the method did not work. The lady disbelieved her statement and told her in a few words that she did not need her services. Theo the woman revealed the true n masa of Ler czIL "I am In great need," she said. ••and d the 8t. Jilin pesple always gire me a quarter. for they know I deserve it." The lady d1,1 not give $ quarter, and j when she learned h ev the woman had te tamed her aMIS• she was confirtned in the belief that elm was an Impostor.—Detrott PM NOSS 1 (he Poet's tome. Meamietring. What though your feet arc often overweary. Oa tomoolees erraado mom : •ndpired shoulder's** tied wheat sorely heavy hartbiao beat ; Bi patient, lost tioe case whom you are miry - 5. sow beyond your Core: Loot little wayward foot that you are riddles Slip paot you imamate. Ah. teen. no Joy would seem so dear end bleeped. As speed Sax months and years la • reariem met leo for the vant.hel darlings AO vainly tassozneol with tears but vi bile you have your dear ones mill nruisod you: De um regret ) our care ; Far emotes. a,,LioR (cot arel era. Tben *citing bear • bear. And *till beyond }our duties roach - sot etroich forth a help:ax hotel So many stand tsr.ell of loving comfort All utter this wide land. Pert hake" some 114.31 IOU aid todsy .totoorrow Mai itn the Att;iehl sing dome mie may go straigh. Dom your earthly table To become with the IZiNE aud should - looking Recipes. CARROT literliSTICA•rs. woe. See gramme carrots su eater maid sander; peel and *rate, add super. kips of coma, spices if preferred, and juice from mooed 'reit ; simmer slowly together and put away iu jars. Tuu•ro Sour. - Take • pint of caimed tomatoes, ur lour lance raw usies, out up hue, add rine quart of boiling water arid let them boil, then add ma teaspoon of soda, when it will foam ; immediately add one pint of sweet milk, popper, salt and plenty of ',utter. When this boils add eieht smelt cracken, rolled hue, and move. fitA.Nolt FUMY. - ohie quart of 11111ler, Ma juice aied pulp of two Lemons, Ogle o.ffee cup .1 auger. When boiling trot add four tablespo.ms oorii starch. 1.0. bud fifteen suniutes, st.rring all the time. When cold pour it toter (oar or tire oranges that ha% born sliced auto a glass dish, turd over the top spread the beaten whites of dome ego, swerUtig and Savoring with emelt& Siswau ‘'xit.—Lay a knuckle instead in a saucepan with two blades of an oaten, a *mall whole pepper and souse salt, with two quarts of water ; omen it Glom and let it simmer fur two hours. MoLsoisics Ciac. --One cop molasses, LATEST FASHIONS ---cup brows "" cup "d . "'Ater. Boil together, then Add a cup of butter and set aside to esti dour as ar thick as • pound cake, ml.1 four well beaten eggs, one puuud each of rassius and curratits, one-half preund canto. Bake two hours. Whitt to Woaoand How to We it Properly. The Leteo4 Glesaleso from lb, FaellOona World Sri, flats nod eliadiags.it Old Styles Oast Connally la Woad Ina In the litare MoLasslizi CAKI —One cup mi.lasses, an one cup blown ouster, OHO cup of cold water. Boil together, then and a cup of hotter and sec aside to ; dour as thick as • mimed cake, add four well- %menet eggs, LAO poutid each of raisins ▪ currauts one 11..11 pLutai citron: Bake two hour.. Beer Lusa. —Two pounds of raw lean beef, one cop of roiled crackers, half tesepm.nful • f salt, two eggs ; chop all tozether, form into a long loaf, weer tbhaeLetru.Alp:ibothusrin. all pieces .4 Letter and TA filY spoonfuls of tapioca and soak it in milk for some hours laetura you intesol to use Rocking seems to have regaiaed its old -oasis popu.arny. Trimminza are Fut on the waist and a!reves in V shapes. Gilt aud silver braid plays an impor- tant pert in this season draws trim- mings Henrietta c:oth is the popular light weight dome good' this &plies. Prieto roue ;3 cent. te $1.25. Tim oreference still given to ba for children s stoeaings. Th.fte fusty watts are •ansuted out tu crock. • ton tf rspe made from the hair the worsen of Japes us used in build* the $:,11)0,01.0 BUSilial temple at Elio Sprays and clusters of faded rose wind :ATLI till sometimes but three pets chug to the stems, are the latest "re tette effect in bonnet flowers. "Small bonnets, bio hats,- is Da Fastuou's sprtad decree—to which t pronocnced puke and the inounspanto ck when you are going to snake your or , pudding put the tapioca into • quart of milk, phore It on the fire and aa s.sin as cf it mile, sweeten it to your taste and let lig at simmer for a quarter of an hour. u• Pinar it tutu a Wain and stir in $ little - s. fresh Lunar and three eget' well beaten. Is Bake tonotield hour. al- A Leek, Recape. Mrs Cyrus Koiborne, Beanisriiii, nte Ont., had what. was tinnight to be a can - he cee on ber nom, and was about to imb- ue mit to a cancer doctor's operation when tar n are toe exceptious prrivitig t rule Womet: • go One Sr• much bettered the matter ..1 weight •ow that desieuers have bethought tome to make drape( simply by Mightly looping a lengthen .tri. The very latest idea for aprine au half mown weeps, is to cut towns wt fronts kmg and eumbrous that t !sultans wearer perforos holds them u when walking. imthesreas ceeseogalgs, Ominterfeits ate alea)a aeon ID that they always un - TAT' ram osutits•t. ARD Lusa. The remarlialii• wino eilliwyed Ito Meal Balm as a iseitive giegto for Diasorb and Cold ill the asedi bee is - desert unprincipled 1.01411,8 IOW* k. The public are eatitioned hag he Iss d* - golliwog by imetrusie imoao„, $aw Malta in name anti Appetit...eat, sock n ames as Nasal Cream, Soot • eta. Ask for Naas! HAN, ad Ile eel take imitation dialers le" ow epos row liar sal* by all &sin.. OT MP. poss.paot cui receipt of pro., (11111$104.111) by &thin:smug lifulforday, , Out. ti 3 Tee evemienerai sietsmenea. He not a man of ballisot glishei••1 Out he is • num of solid woo also can only be sporeciated at les sews worth 711"us dhilowsT.nolitpl,ru:yhiant. some sdlywielmese:ornysoirkilit ainosest.niofaiiiiirr:,3d.nhvipe doss; but hs you knew how to am hit eatiliel• 7" may rely upon him thoroalooy. no la lb man who pays prompt rash, hat widi have the value of his tIVOIWW: 11 ever you travel with • ticotchnian frost Ulu - burgh to London, you imy „berms he does 001 take toe oyes oil the comet* the train goes through. He io.:. rett the window all the time, u to IMO $ yfo:whilisanpdlacest.rolichetnvaorultrstOlif.l:tdamilisierus Ayer's Sarsaparilla, pennyworth of the nt..ney Le bee paid Iona, tireennie jotuney, tied he wil 1811- bebly easlaiin ; "Long indeed, hag ! 1 should think so, sir; mobs to bilif'kreorirr of14La•iciSc...t, idol, other then — 4 Pal? the lull of a bridge Asetiolia, I Run het takes off his coat, which he rolls and try the great Kidney and Liver regula- straps un his hack, in outer to Swim tor, Made Dr Chase, author of Chase's across the stream. He is not S raceines. Try Chase's Liver Cute for skonloawh: in ohi ins oeys.uhnugeightbonerzl fauwesiiiii I all Cliseases of the boor, Kidneys, Stomach and B..wels. by James aseielPtirihyanh.c"gto shoturileriSe;.:1; iuol:.'eroseinglic48 not Wit's&mt, druist. "Did a/ Know 't was Loaded " May do fine $ Mapid boy's excuse hat what cam he said foe the parent wiso sees kis child languishing sad fails so resegetse the woos of a iono sad Mood-put/art Formerly a remote of Igtessesor sulphur eel too/asses. was the rale la well-eagulated Nit new all ithelltgent househ•Ods Aintes pareopossillso whir 1...i et r pleasant to the taste, sad the mot mu Is az earl effective Mood mediriati ever Nathan ft Cleveland, 27 Cana Samoa, writes : '• daeglter, abiw years old, wee in perfect bes!'h -tatil a Vs. ago when eh" began NJ conspOes 4 itielfunestion. and lies of appetite. I cote heads. -h.. lanitiess. eluded that all Ler crenplaftits mated is hurts- blood. ar,1 her 4.14e Ayer a hiereaperilia. Thi. Toole ins 'iron restored her bli.04-:iios.lt; man, to besittbv action. lit:A iu ale te,cali. l!she.1 her former 1 eu:•h. god Sarsaparilla ISOM' valnalfe remedy 'or the laaaittole and debility lat:IeLt to spring tune." J. Ceetright, Brooklyn Power cool Brooklyn. N. Y . otos . • Al • :spring Medicine. I dad a splentl olio -note Oir the oidstime ..or peon is la A yer'it osomparilia, with a f -w doses el as Pine. Aftor their use. 1 feel fresher and stronger to go th ',Duel -the summer Title \ULU bY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Ch.. Lowe" Mass. rm. 11; ma ts.tt.eiskt Jo..3 a haulm river that he can does for estiling. Malarial poisons contsin ttr oenna of cl'AfEITI.- COMFOlaiNfi. 1 *detour:ate in tire systiercTr;:lidlid; Bit dam/mous diseases If the, poisons I ps s COCOA iuua, Intermittent or Chill ibert is sere e to follow. Ayer's Ague Cure is a war- rr,liAlit'..T. ranted %mettle for risorts. "lot • t horrourti io.orili der el' Ili.' natural law • e inch gotet n thr opera? hlitIl or 4 iimot top "This is a sad and hitter world," re- --- -- 1 and nutrition. sad by a esreNI sid.li,at ion of the fine properties of wellorlected ensue. Mr walked a gent 'man of Irish rxtreetion. Epps bit pro, ie.r.1 otfr oreitiasst table with a "We never strew fl..vrers 4.11 a delicately flavored hiverage it hick may save g rave until be is detel.', seee's u., massy heavy doctors bi is, It is by the Judicious el/. Or DMA artteles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until 'tree' enough to react every tendency to disease. Hundres:s of subtle, maladies are floating around us ri,ady to at- tack wherever there Is a weak t7int. We may escape nsanf a total shaft keeping ourselves se!! tor! ited w dh purr h nod and • trorczrtly, nourtsbe3 transe.---Cisil tierviee Made simply with boiling water or milk. SOW mild in pin hem by faucets, hthelled time; JAM P4 'PPS dr CO . ili.m.roosthic Chem- ists. hoodoo. Kauland. 21.31. She Speaks trees Laperiesee. Mies Edith Fux, of Asherstburo, Ont., had a severe cue of Q She writes : tried the ductus medicine, but got no relief. 1 wee t..ld to try Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. After tak- es two doses I got relief, and when bad taken three ions of eke botee, was completely cured. 2 he she tried Burdock Blood Bitters, which i effected • radical cure. This modicum in cares all blood dimems. 2 &ammo. Bice PUPPING. —Two euarts y milk, half toecap of rice, a little lees tel than • teacup of sugar, the same quan- tity of nusitm, • teaspoonful of Magpie° or cinnamon ; wash the rice sud put it th with the rest of the ingredimits into the h. milk, sad let hake rather Stir d p WO or three tunes the first loom of bak- ing. •.w a Dade tangle (*Id. A slim young man in the height of fashion was violently sneecinit in a street car, when a companion remarked. "Aw, Chawles, desh boy, how d'ys fatzh that weedful ould." "Aw, deals fdlah, heft my cane io the lower hall usher day, and in sucking the ivory handle. so weadful arid, it chilled me almost to esth." If Charles had toed Dr. Har- vey's Red Pine Guns his c iId could set trouble him very much. For sale at J Vi ikon's prescription drug store. tf la Brief. wee at the Pettit. Dyspepsia is dresdfol. Dondered liver is misery. Indigestion is foe to "dThenahtuumreae digestive apparatus is one of the must comphestec: and wonderful hinge in existence. It Is easily put out f order. Greasy trod, tough food. al, pi,y food, bed cookery, mental worry, late hours, rreguIsr habits, and many Ohm thieve Bich ought not to be, bare made the merieso people a nation of dyspeptic*. But Green's August Flitter his done wonderful work is reforming this mid For women's underclothing we fin Lonsdale noisline first choice and the Anchor brand second. The first is nine cents the yard while the latter is half a cent more. The newest style of doing the hair is to make a bit of it stand straight ap on the head, sod pin an sierette it. It suite very young and pretty faces, but nu .,ther. slays high auth ,rity cot:corniest lo bonnets : "They toast be spiky till th hair is lowered. A fiat buou.t on hist hair is like a post &slump on the peak Mout Blanc. We are um ed eat Jerseys arm gai:d in women • estimation. They are show in all coluro braided and plata. Those good quality, siik and worsted, are from IM.2.7i to $3. • , d B1LOILID CURACY. —Cut t:.e chickendw open on the back, lay on the meat hoard and pound mad it will lie dat, lay it on a gridiron, plass over • bed cf coats, and broil until a nese beown. It will cook better to corer with a pie tin held down • ith • weight so that all parts of the chicken may la dive to the gridiron. While the chicken is broiliug, put the liver, gizzard and heart into a steepen sad boil in a pint of water until render, chop tine, and add butter, salt, popper, asd stir in • cup of sweet create ; when h the chichen is done, dip it in the gravy cd while hut, lay it back ros the gridiron a few secoods, put it in the gravy and let no it boil kr a half mina!,; send it to the i n table hot, Ronsict..4 CAKE —One cnp of butter, A two maps of sager three el flour, four eggs, one -kelt cup of milk, three tea- • spoons of baking powder ; bake in jelly tins. Elaine tot shove cake : Stir to - °.s grated letnon, • large grated tart apple, one egg, and oue cup of eager ; boil four minutes. P5 hr hes • Meet Age -et • Mr Geode dim Mt is not hook bu - agent. but hes the agency in Goderich for Johnston's Tonic Bitters, which he , a can heartily rectommeod for any mon- . plaint to whieh a tonic medicine is ap. , Plicable. Thia value's,* medicine has , been with must astrombingly d re- sults in cases of general debility, weak- ness, irresiulanties peculiar to females, extreme paleness, impoverishment of the ' stomach and liver tnniblea, loos • of appetite, and for that general worn nut feeling that nearly every one is • troebled with et seine part of the year. Ain't foreet the name Johnston's Tonic Bitters 50e. end SI per bottle at Goode's drug store, Albers block, (ioderich, Dole n on L a Iu y (mins, lines and long soft curves have decidedly the call ; iu cooseouetios. customers now study the Greek statuary in the Loam quite as sedulrusly as du the artists. Front Paris comes the ornament, mo oval than pleasing, of a fresh pale green sprout of any forest growth, with hal oxen very real looking cockelhafers ap pane to, nothing a meal of it. A Paris fancy for forlorn' sod tricot • tr naske them of rough fancy braid in terwoven wish !told thread alternately with embroidered binds of silk or surae asatchinr the ribberes in color. In size and dap, perseele are the same as those of lest year with Ws differ eoce—longer sticks and more elahorat *diet Those of plain Meek, black d white p'aids, or black and whit tapes, the stripes passion aroand are home by women of quiet tame. business and Nahum the Americas people so healthy that they can enjoy hem m mals and be happy. Remember :—No happiness without health. But Green's August rower Ingo heath and happiness h. the yapeptic. Aik your druggist for a tile. Seventy -fire cents. rowdy esetsamme Giros Grant Chicago will doubtless be the first elty to erect a handsome monument to Oen. ao, Grant. It stands in Lincoln park, width ts sitmated in the north part of Chicago. all and Is on the margin of Lake Wig= It has beet pushed rapidly within the • few weeks. and the base le wow finished. The pyramid will soon be reedy for the A surmounting 'ratite The pronild is ever any feet high. and will be reised • about ton feet higher. The stairs that lend up to tbo monument are not yet aone. pieta& bus the work on them le already ,‘ vull advanced. It will require but &abort A time lia round out the pyramid, sad if the statue be reedy It can be placed la poetic" t cad the entire structure be completed within a month. As en aid to internal remedies for skin Mesas, Dr Low's Sulphur &sip proves sty valeobia The English walking hat with varies:la modifications and the dose nitre gems he one lawling stgle is ladies' hats, ppesnotoe iutdieete at the present that he widest hinted* will be suffer- able in broil hats and bonnets, sad case wear almost as; eon of head mover- s end still be se that state re dear the fmniaioe heart—in the fashion. emcees% asowissinerr re eat. snore. andMIM lbe • IP OD 11163 lb* sli= MSS the perups ems. with owl that ;ENID ilea teeteel took 111the istifeede wet* sobasittbed. mom In order Ile must Si oboe • Green in every etude, bet espaitI•117 the olives, seem* destined to play the part of feeding odor this spriest. While we cannot boos to stern this grime wave, wi earnestly beg oar Meads to tosuider their oars and to cram their mirrors as to the freshman of their wiesplesioe before wane deep Into tbie venal erase "Many Mew. Maley Mitch," bet all men and all minds afro as to tilll merit Burdock Pills, lona and segrar-oeet- ed. ibe. Tem sod gray are the popular colors ie kW *levee The droned hid le to the Nee ared.the fourehotteasol is the meal street length. Whits the preforoose is fp•ela tO heavy stashing of the mime sheds as the me, alseset as many ors amsorIaL. tomes.'" , gloves estutatsd ta flowsokitilift. 156401 these shades are sleeked is white told armee are ilaiehel at the tep with prints **au& DIFsells Sleselvemek. 01111 el the hardest things in the world le to ciondele with anybody in $ noisier tees cm • bereavement If it were out that the smatter is ernerelly serious, a greet many fanny stories could he print- ed about the emsdrilenses people off. -14 to the berestresi. But op at Sacramento seam time ors • hard- voiraient Irishman fell out of • four story window and broke Ike neck. His wife was, of coarse. in great distress. After the funerals Neigh- bor galled to offer her sympathy Rad eor- dolessee. "h was a eery ..d them, in. deed."'Iseteed 4 vita. To die like that—to fall out of a fourth -glory • 'Aa' wee tam bad as ibst 1" ask- ed visitor. "Sere, anI Anatol it was only a thief -story window." Bay fever is • type of catarrh hawing pecalier symptoms. It. st heeded by an t -ed eimailtion of the !Mien tame - brumes of the nostrils, tow debate sad throat amen, the lessee ha amid e e ogees m swiveled.. he iiiseliaree 111MetioNt- NNW with a homing seeembes. There e re seven spasms of enessinw. frepeolii Masks el headhisibe, watery end inflam- e d eyes. 1i. Ocoee liaise ss • reser bly thetas* be riapeolied epee. Meta, at amorists ; by mail, regimen -41 Moto Sly Fizatbsee , Owego, New 11elk ly elery Impound IS Nervous Preetratioa. Nemmis dubs, 14.-orsigsa. Nervo.l• W aaa Stomach • -.I Loser Diseases. Rheumatism, Prosy/sm. sod ail affections of the X.Sesys. WEAK NERVES raises convoy.. Nerve Tole *Rid novel talk engisioing celery ant rem, these weivideree otlintilanta. 0 mood- ily mires all aervous disorders. RHEUMATISM Pones ClUAST MIYINIVoll males,. dm =ft drives ad the leetlr seri, ef.i. is 111teesaistbas, nod remorse the tiliest- Daft somas le a webby seeditios The teas relaady brillbromatheo. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Panora Cason cossitemni quickly ree,rss the Hirer roe Wheys re part hee:•b That eteratIve prover remiteed with ma nom trotes, loam ft Ste teal remedy ger all kidney eartplailda DYSPEPSIA ram,* Cy OsuTeetrootienstlient 'he Illosseli, gad (ebb Nos (torment the diem itys eTIPNI• flite is Irby a curse even that welt01 4j. CONSTIPATION TAMS'S OMR, CiallIROSIM Yost • rather. ID. 110a ImISIleta _-, easy awe mimes 1S 10 the hestola Segelissfes wadi la - limes Oboe keessmaindal preareine jhealoost mask 1.4 151.55. Peer *Lea field b Dmilights. WILLS. RICHARDSON & CO. Pry Ifoctreal, P. Q. SHINGLES ! SHINGLES ! SHINGLES-! A Inner quantity of drat -class rieorgiaa Day Osier Shingle., extra Ugh:know are un baa at our mill. at reammable rates: Call and examine before purchafsiast where. • Buchanall,Lawsorillob1113. on RN- Cloldrei en for Piicier's Catoria. Whoa baby Irma sick, we owe ire Carona Vera she was $ CU& 'Menet lee Caster* Whet she Sesame Was, shed:am 10Cs.01s, Who elm had Chibiten. she pve then Cesseek ASAL BALM °tissue [Lions tO. oat- tlay lith.1187. lily wife suffered for eve years with that diseemilere disease. catarrh. Her case was owe of the word known to thee. parts. She tried all of the catarrh reme- dies lever saw &dyer:Wee. brit they were of no use. 1 ins:4 procured • bMtie of Nasal Balm. Ole has us -I only one half of it. and now fee!. 'Ake a new person. /eel it my duty to say that Naas! Reim ammo be TIM) HIOHI.If reconizeu•e4 tar mauve weeibies, isa4 am ifteseed is have all meets sufferers kerne thr111110 $1/1 me they will receive iretant relief and Ctilfg C H AS. SILlisilLti v..vito SAUNDERS . 8O1 1.4. Agate' for tn. Gudrun lanfactuini STEEL WHEEL 'BABY CARERS ! Chrst1=U±.1til