The Huron Signal, 1888-5-25, Page 2aese ear *
ette•Hellia -
A !ALI el 111161L1811
They had the
bay to heseselves. No "Nnt t't 0 repm
lied in the are
"I elt% r
one Mee vim out, thumb the little hoists driWee as befogs, mad
reeked in the water es Wild) IskISg
as Melia fled any me eke bees down I isto,tbe 4
is the ahem, they meld sot 1114110 102001- h•°
ed the melt imitation. It w... peace-
ful night -am a breath of ivied raided
the water -it was as smooth as gimes,
mei the toonaliebt same a load silver
trash whisk looked like • path of light
iodise to the open see. Ahem pointed
et um to beg companion saying-
" Row straight aims that light as far
as you can."
"That would be until the ewes sinks
and the light is gime," he said, almost
"How gloomy the bay would be thee.
and there would be nu light to mete
back by."
After that she said nothing. Rho
leaned back in her sem without niovieg,
only from Mem to time trailing her loess
white finitere through the water sad
watenieg the track lift by the boat as it
Sew aloe( the broad silver path.
Mr Dalrymple rowed well ; strong
even stroke sent the light boat swiftly
along, and as they went be wooderad to
himself what they had oume out for.
He had done his best to begin and sus-
tain an interesting conversation, bot Mn
Moore had answered only in monosylla-
bles, sod he had been toroed to see that
she did out wish to talk. H. was there-
fore eilent, but again he wondered what
they hal cGme tor. Mrs Moore did not , You
seem tired. libe did not think of wtwebbe ba*11 bid kI*075. wsatedwe kept lynoeu, w1 switoiwaidr;
tide, which had mimed, and they
floating out to the open sea. He had no Wive aome
idea how far they bad wine ; on a sioht "nano wderlarteteseelese," Moe replied,
like that distance could scarcely be rasa- i netelegillY sot tired, aad I cm
eared as in daylight. He wished to tura eel 'that I WOO be in a few minutes,"
back; this silent boating over the water ! "I ale et Pet amide," b. said, and
was not what be had pictured to himself , aim lirlt
when he had si...mested a rue by moon- ' Weever ether faults I may have, y
j think you ea glve sae eredit for always
Presently the church clock struck working *ben immad. I home that as
elsvec. Slowly and solenonly the strokes • rule 1 eallat•Illretlit first- that is
followed one another across the water, only naturist. we hew brought to de
and then ceases the wood of chimes. a). but at eger gage I ass sot • vulgar,
it wag scheming mum who strikes iu the
They were nut melodious chimes
"a strange, old tinkling tune" which (lark -
rang out from the ''grey tower,' and at PvIgitti 111111•isteet too surprised to
dreu bus pow al,,re Basely emend ber "1 bops peg will 1111,11 sae credit for
Hie sound of it Alice shivered a little, Week. but blelleid-
tott!'..!era. and said- hisellie sleep ewe yea jostles iu that
"I ries tired. and it is piffle* cold ; let eat.
se go beck." "Ideal *Sit 1 hare thought much of
Beck they went, still In silence. She bit 1 MORS logind you warning
seemedsunk in thought to which her cum- no••
pinion bad not the key; as they return- She Plead flgals and Presently west
ed along the private road from the shore
be thought there was a little repressed
exeiteeitot in her manner, bet she said
nothing. When they re-entered the
drawing room at Brentwood it was near-
ly midnight.
A lewd deal of curiosity was manifest-
ed ise to where she had been, and some
anxiety was septum& but she disposed
of everything very quietly, saying ir. a
perfectly clear sod composed yoke, which
every one heard-
OM eke west downstairs
mime upstairs later that
eight be wile, who had come w
her reign 0•100 tins beton, again mated
before the go, ago kaviai tsk.0 og her
The lle
with the
dress and
she w .re re
siege her
up wearing
few, and she mad..
aletise is the shadow
Playing on her rich
book fross the jewels
god wrist and band.
she has almost given
wed thie evening her
dress nee el seftest, deepest pansy -
our much
miy• been
lour ani
result theft
white drew haled several duplicates in
her draw* Deem that mooing, ahe
alone had WSW the perish,. It Well $
colour 011111b111. Iffhw gokieo hair and
dazzling feigglide le poyfeetioo, 0.0(1 she
had 1."4.,11.weewely beautiful that
evening. was folly alive to her
beset! " Wte forward in the half-
behted tIZellulde let his eyes rust upon
her for s withered speaking, then
he mid -
"Yrs anti. u, Aliso t"
1 roaming hems&
"I waited Wyss ; I wasted to speak to
It was mot • col-
lage. het Alice had al-
te fashion ie the 0-
01bur dries, with the
each black and
yoe say mum te bear leis maim,
tell me; lea% let willies I ham dem
Utt OW is ipaseranee rement yo.. If
yea meld Whew he did nut mem. he
Elbe leek a step beekwarie ; she had
n ese Wm bus' mat whee her hashead
mid he sew re need Se dismiss tie gees
• ferther„ and her Illiattnec sea al-
most &staid ae ehe replied -
have so ieweit al ad to ergs
noted bilis: OM Ile* Parfait
maddens. is been plebs& wish -
4".• Selfs• with s little
keels, "••• paefeet essitlesee
1° Sir ClItialettl. swat apologise fur
Medan detalsed pas ea Iosg over • mat-
ter ea Mao hopeetesee. ”Good
night,- Was/ est bee hand as she
"Good sighs," he sesames& whist it
for • monsest in his, and thea going is
*0 his drowsing mow
filie Mood where he had kit her, and
her face woes a eery eariocca icepreasion.
"Gone !" she mid at last "Weil,'
Minimise her shoslagra "It is not say
fault ; I have dose my best ; I have
given the last Mame, and be has
throve it away."
LOST IN Yea Yoe.
Helen sat alone in the Rectory draw-
ing room ; wee dim, misty antrum*,
and she bad not yet been out. lo the
morning it had rained, and lifr Long
worthy had no %kit aoc000t deulimid to
take bee with hint when he left home
after breakfast. He had not yet mese
back. Mrs Longwortby was busy with
some parish work, sad Helen was all
alone. film kid down tits book she bad
been reading, went to the window and
looked out. It was not late, isad though
the gloora of the day made it darker
than usual, there was light 'cough for
anyone to go for a walk who kad as little
dislike to, or Migrate of, lonely country
roads as Helms, so Mee went upstairs sad
dressed herself foe walkiag. Before go-
ine out she rang for the housemaid aad
bade bus, should Mraliongwortby eons
hem* best, say that 'Oi had Role. wets
but was not going tar, and shoela be
back before beg.
Elhe went oet of the garden and then
*toad still W &insider in whets direction
she should go. Ellse wee glad to be est;
fresh sir wee a notoriety to bee, and she
was food of walking Mous 81*e had
siud ooce to lir Lougwurtby, sad his
tips had twisted into a smile as be mid
that be quite agreed with bus; is more
seams than one WM was food uf walking
alone. She thosight of this now, and it
was with a smile upoo her face that Mk
at last set oet upon the road she had
amen, • high road leading over the hills
to a village that lay upon the other side.
Helm knew that when she got to a cer-
tain point, &be would be able to me the
lights of the village twinkling in the
valley below, while if she turned her
head she would see the lights of Miller's
Gate dotted all over the hill -side. She
000 fund of this walk, and though she
"Do foil Mew whew Sir Cuthbert hod sometimes encountered • tramp on
Imam, two r
"From Leg* I wispose.
o his way from ooe village to the other,
'Have you wig ea, dig-immorpoy she had 041•01' been in any way annoyed.
hear why twins% to India r As she walked on, her eyes wondered
quite lovingly over the country; in
"Nu, new," with an secant of sur- -.
spite of the fact that in Miller's Gate
Prig*. we. booms. i wooed to to she had known deep trouble, she could
know that ?I turned instinctively to the hills and
not help growing fond of it. Her heart
him. fie aid me twice ; did you
found comfort there. Ho now, though
..1 b•rer 101014 Of it."
"Yen need nog here won elerered, WO*UW Bake did not tell you of this lonely l"°r1111141 'MAE. wall
on the bey with Mr Dalrymple." second it was the day after you and she ' "rang" would Pmbabli ha.. aPPeartid
Helen felt her heart grow warm as she
thought of it.
As she went on. the road grew higher
and Wither. The mist seemed to have
,• lifted. 8he was in the humor fur walk-
kl"'"' and she thought she would exOend
Ina atoll until it was tune to return to
1"1"" tea. There was nut a sound to be heard;
the high hills ruse mound her and shut
her in from the world. She might spend
bee whole Ide in Miller's Gate and no
one would know of her existence. She
bad made no attempt to hide herself ;
everyone knew her as Mn Moore, and
she wee as safe as if she bad wrapped
herself in the mystery of half • dozen
*Holmes. 8he walked on steadily, thiok•
ing of one thing and another, when she
heard the emend of foctstepe coming be-
llied hue. It was evidently • man who
was walking ; that long,messured, awing -
is, step maid nut belong to • woman.
A moment later, as he gained upon her,
she recognized the footstep of Dr Holm*,
and she made a little gninaos, as Me
"He will give me s lecture for being out
so late.
She had seen the doctor once since he
had called at the Rectory and startled
her by his agitation, as on their second
interview he had appeared as usual, and
wide no mention uf that other time, she
bad comiluded tint he was disturbed
sheet something in no way concerning
herogif, sed had straightway forgotten
shoot it.
The minate after she had recognized
hie step ers was upon her, and saying in
a queetiosing tone-
waa quite oda. I have been for a row Ent time. moo mover heard of the looking by nu means attractive. and to a
• e a plates from which to dee in horror,
Here Percival spoke to a Woe of no- were married.
lite an unemotional remonstrance- Percival Old sothiag ; no remark oc-
.•100 dew mica, hoe weld pow be so curved to the unauitable WNW
imprudent ? Are you not wet ?" non --
'N,Cheek you. Mr Dalrymple
lifted me both in and oat of the boat.'
"Still you ren a great risk if you had
no wanner wrap than this," teaching the
scarf which she still wore. "How could
"Why Jid pea not socspt him
went Alled.
"I thou& you had better
straight (Iowa tapas her.
"Wilt 1" adted her husband,
you be so foolish? I wonder you had “1 thought /en might not carni to
sot more 110000, Dalrymple, than to take have him hies if pre knew that."
Mn Moore we the water 50 lightly "I thank yes for your candour; but I
alai." do not 9er that what you say is aoy ob-
Their was no anger in hie tone, and staele to his wolug. Yon refined him,
Dalrymple. who had a confused idea that which I take to mews that you did not
there was 100f0 in all this than "met the are fie lin. You are now lie, wife ;
eye... muttered something 0 hullo wilw,, yon will Wrennd suppose that I do mot
hermit. amewed to another pert of trust you im ty."
the roSh
om. Alice followed her busband's e easaorther handkerchief across
retreating tigers with rather • curious bar IIM before replying.
glance, and then with an almost iinper- "I know rig base every confldennes in
oeptible movement of her shoulders be- me,- isle) add in a 1111100 MI 0014 and
gm to talk to stone 0111 else. The sub. einoti.eless as 00 was possible for voles
pet dropped and was never mentioned to be ; "and you are richt ; but though
it is a limr thee ago, and I ani now mar -
A few days later, in the evening. just rled. People well sot have forgotten; he
before dieser, Alice was sitting by her will 04 haw. ..
bedroom fire alone and apparently lost in "Why do =se 1"
thought. Percival was away, but was ,"Serause 01 0*. bed forgotten or grown
expected home to dinner, and she her- indifferent he woisid not emus Imre. H.
self had come home feria in expo -4164o ra Dot quite We other men. I don't
which had lasted nearly all day. shy , think he ever meld bosoms indiffereat
migbt bars remenahly laid claim to hi. 1 to • woman wheels he had once loved ;
but if he road, he would never go BOK
Nom, bat her attitude and expremion 1
indicated rather theughtfulness. lihe I bac Mon."
sat in • low,sieshioned chair which mem- ' -That sounds like a paradox."
ed fashweed expressly for resting in,hut 1 ul know, he is rather paradoxical.
she was not resting. (the sat 'tended H. Con t asegit it an unpardonable
((aimed, her elbow supported on her breach ,a good breeding to behave to •
knee, arid her chin resting on her jewel- ""nno whom be lied once loved as if
led right head : her deep blue Ile* 11** h4d DO Unger any attractiou for
I .
wait fee me, *ad swept lay seisysiay wet us before the fug becomes very thisk;
beek Se littler's r IN, 1 •••• •• 1(..iat 10 got ofir
'I ea speak as Hemet you were aak• wititutt * regular fog. Should 106 0k0'
see to eappuse I should refuse. OJ the "Diet at MI, it seam to he
keg asiesethiag 'bleb yoe had every metre le plume across tie moor t'
senteary, I shall b. wary glao , only , beid, the sumer we get home the bet,
ahall mks be very Wm 1"
I de aot sapless se. Vk by i
"I MOM get busk to the Rectory by
telt thew I left woad I shield be lime
by thew asd d I an set they •111 be
thee"Illa.“ hey nealiwiece....sadyee go .04
momenwed met
if I asp riod,,ti
bownEveessatsaistehtmliza niabwaneenitmeact,h, emy "hadb
will not keep 700 beyond your: thicker. nes th. Dustur leh
time." !side We telly very dimly sew Ina figure
"There le another Wise -where am I i movies eignikiesir end ebirly forward.
to wail t The people here so dislike lu a Cser usioseate he mem bask tcr burr,
eteltelleg1 ibu:ketigninetaww, thwwwintopowtheirow atualusisec usting, before be reached bee bide- -
Ian uot al"llist LaTeryall erighohrts ;eat pathu70.4 ttur7i; magic!
for the longer aud easier way by the read
"1 should be fano.olul iudetel if I c"ulti Mly so; bat if you wilt trust yeomen
ebjest to time kit/Ibises bete, with heir WO, hews ten years' knowledge 00doges
slated doors that look like gree noirble, foists, and promise to take you safely
and their huge eine which are redo:tett I loom. Will you have faith in me
from • whole wailful of brilliant metal Helm bad of course no ilea what feel -
pareily ant almost sadly watching the us "Kra Moore ?
G "
1 "ood evening. Doctor,she replied,
dancing, defaming flames. ,, "Then yea •onaider that his ternmg round and holding out her hand.
accept -
As she sat there l'ertneal came in,atirl, :nit on' Invitation In a Proof that h• et', i "It is late it you to be out alone, ' be
after greeting her with the usual ouur- 1 Ht's I''',I 1"
Way asked --
of (hoe.
"I Ili w that it is so, He iv not ;_one.
I came ia r'
te them '
the corp. of gar.' who has been dear
people who can bear to 14100 SS 1 Said"1"dohn.4t,rthkinit 11 1. much after half -
peat.. four. ,.
"VTbat were you thinking about when
"I wee thinking of all the people we Half -past foor is late for ladies at
have ben, and wishing they were as Penoval testate to remark that he 01" Yegsaidr•eni" 'beg, -I helieee
(11,1 not ves where the corpse came in.
tired ,4 me a• lf am of down." I vow would °mem es altogether to the
"Then they would go," he said and_1 H. •se admit tree a moment, and then Loses if yrs omit 1 my. toot you 50
said -
all hours of the day, end you generally
heal an objeetion of acme hied to seeks.'
"Yoe are imprudent also ie yonr
obsess of made. This is probably the
only me is the ssighborhood on whieb
Foe run a risk of meeting beware or
tramps ; it is really net safe. Omagh. I
hope, you have beim fortenate maim\
••Thes they would go, sad 1 should be "I thank yo• for telling tee this ; I
in riled." esteem your eseildenee as. • compliment.
She rem ss she spoke, and sigbed • At tin' same time I don't see bow I .an
warmly *edible sigh. Percival said Pot Ifaiiiand elL I bare no name te
"In that ems I ma amid I have made gm* The weather is sot had, oer
'Mbar s mistake." Irtemi• oro ow soddenly leaving us,
"Row Have you been inviting some smidlpot hop brakes out in the
nesehhoomed, And even if any or all set te mom ow:.
Intrists:tosss was tor, quiet ; 11 too nni. il of them ol,o. had haePened, am mow; Os disappolni 7"•• I
of the old imperiousness or lartienceii'. "111 h••• toot° bills II' Alt.riuti" ; have met several • sot today. bet I sel-
1 believe, mute a rend deal to • nod whit% bas. Petiole ertld- 10,,,w 0" shiwwwthwd
She looked s little aseemehed 11164 1 do wed *kik there es any seed
OSP 1.
to dimem the peeeskse farther. -
"I remember Itim very well. Whet ed Toe see ••• samis =log hap- whiik bov, gin sot be gjesirees•••
rwit remwmint e maw w 0 at mi. itAndlif he w to emse, he will 0011141 " anai, ep har;* ...ting at
Itill6Thweite, /Ur Cothbert Maitland." 1 dare,* in pest gad Maitland is a wow. H. was silent For s ismossit, the. he
" "I am "Meg to make • mereetton
hiss 0
*eked hoe down beta gr4ited oneleg
"I met him ist Leedom ay. and
the day after itieseeener."
She mid wethieg, arid be west ea -
rho* r she embed, with • pseu• Fos ••
tar Nash.
rather inipu
ueigavV_M lank thou he said.
'I do me ainahl astletwesd yes. If
'Let we Isesr *1.'
"I hew to call at the boom ow the top
.lo0*. bill, jaw where the road bogies to
dip. Will pes some se tar with siee,
dishes aud chshoovers. '
They were onset after this. The
shares of Helen's solitary walk was utot•
50; even though she did not dislike the
Demean preemies her thoughts were
tamed fureably frusta their former
▪ and began to rest us Miller's Gate
and the she koew there. Dr
s eimleber.larwpi
yhwiej-w-ords, and her tuna
es.ealmost iudidereat in its extreme
“I have all possible faith in you, and
would very much prefer the sh..irt cut."
'*Tbis way then, we mon. not delay, or
we shall gam nothing by chthiong ibis
Oath, Gore me your howl : we Mete to
Bohm on ' side was perfectly cntent. coos thie bo of moor, and you might
He was watkiog with the only woman stumble over the knots ol heather."
fur whose society he had ever telt more Site gen hum her hand, which was an-
them • passing wish, and he was sure 01 olored ; she has taken off her glove,
having ner with him for wine time. He when atm was ie the farm, mid sanie at
promised himself • holiday in the emu. the 60100 owe,
• toliday which he would speud all 'lo future, I think, we hsa better
the Rectory, again in her society. Hi each take care of ourselves. If the poth
felt quite happy .ad youthful at the is ACIVIS the moor all the way. I shall
thought. He did uot care particularly often be in danger of stumblieg, rod 11
to telk. ; he WY quite willow to be you step to help me each time we shall
silent, and to think his own thoughts. never get home."
Before they reached the house at the "1 should not have suggested nor
top of the bill it was quite dock. and out coming the way if I had not been pre -
of the darkness rose up • man's Nor., pared to help you.
sad a voice ball surly and half whining Toe, wets un for some little way ia
"Thank heaven, I am with ;ow," silence ; it wee not easy it, *510*. Dr.
asked if they had "a copper to spe s
Huhn* went first and Helen followedRs1m.s.
Helen as they wailed on. o kis closely, with perfect contidence.
"Do you really think I shou:d bate '1 cauuot 'ell you bow annoyed I aas
run any risk if I had met him alone i" et having Waugh% p.m into this fog, ' he
she mated with Minna curiosity. Mid presently.
"rdoballilyy. yes would hew hese "Do not be scnoyed, . she answered
amt. mid very mai eseallir it—tair st cs silly. '"? rather inrsorn : rt se s
than himself, two very good reasons for novelty. I only hope we 'hall not be
being attacked. If you bad give] him very late it getting home, bemuse the
auythiog he would have wrested your Lougworthys would be anzioga."
Pune fries you ; had you refused, hal "I do not think you need fear stay,"
'mild have forcibly paranoid himself of , turning round, "let me help yoe over
67valuable you had about you.' this bit of nearsh. It is rather an welt-
bare noes se it happens, I left , wan! place , I know it ot old. Rut it is
everythisg, puree, watch and tongs, at encturseing as prormg that we an ea
the right way.'
"Then he would have left you by the i "And how far from MiNer's Gate ? '
wayside half dead, in revenge for haviog 1 "Alien% • mile and a half.
cheated hi...pectatium." 1 Ile turned to help her. and they were
"I did not think you bed it in you to , aeltyed, because .he stone 05 which
talk so much noosenae," she mid mai- ! Helee place her foot proved to be nu
poieedly. "I fancied all your utterances steady, and he er.uld not be hie Mind
were marked by the strictest adhesion to 1 spots it until he bad made it safer. All
truth and common sense." 1 this took some 1:tt:ii time : he stooped
"You should always he prepared to 0 down and groped about for something to
have your preounesived ideas un any 1 put cuderneath, and then intuited epos
subject overthrown." ' proving lit himself. tielen, who was
"Quite true ; frorn which 1 scopes', I rather impaticut fu oe at hAne. arid
yon acknowledge that what you bare, finely -
just said was not common sense." 1 -Do not trouble any more abont ft,
"You are too quick,- was his only re- please : the fog A genie.; worm.
"Teel this 1g.. to which you ycu alt. nu 00d11106 ; it LS
PlY Though yea are Mos se me I cannot see
were coming r • • wall."
"It is. Now, will you come in? The Dr. Holes' raiseti his head with an ex
household consists only of the man sod :enaction of *arouse. Whin he had
his wife, who is my patient. You Deed 1 been busy smo:hivg path, a
not fear any annoyance ; they hese w, frmh volutes of fog had come rolling
down over the 01 nag out every -
Mae followed him into the Jerre, clean, thine, even the dim , his coos -
comfortable kitetteu of the cuuntry. patina's figure, wi..:ch heti before been
where they tumid a man smoking, wk..' '
stood up at their entrance. The doe*, "This is very ha:. 'ne saol,"it has not
exehanged a few words with him and , been se bad as *ha f.o. years. W. had
then went upstairs, leaving Helen alone ! ',Atter tn*ILII all the hasfe we can. Take
with her host. ' band again.
He seemed a little uneertaia what t "I cannot see :0 v n will stand a ,
do, but at last took his pipe loon , little en cue side 1 ell aping from the
temp his lips and put it on the !ugh stone.
mantel shelf. ! "Very web, or.'y tato care. -
"Why do you put away yoar pipe ; She .prang, bt a•.0ted • little to
asked Helen ; "nut ou my account, I one side. He 4.4 .ove her LUMP to
hope. 1 like it. ;oin him, hut atevou to her.sayIng- ,
He took i1 down .min and put it in 1 "Are you all 1 hope you have
his mouth, after which he smoked fur not hart yotuself at a.
mime time in silence. The strong tobac- 1 "How could I r..yse:f. Let atm
co was • little overpowering, hat Helen on.
bore it brave, and at last, after one or They went on f,,r s- n.e Cum, and ibis
two vain attempts, suaceeded in draw-
ing her boat into conversation. He was
MI 11041:Nein man, a small tardier by
calling, so that Helen found plenty cf
questions to ask him, and he answered
her very clearly and comprehensively,
though he seemed surprised that a Ming
of her sex, size, and appearaoce should
know or can anything shout slat
things They were soon on eery friend-
ly terms. and Helen did net notice how
the time had slipped by until Dr Honte
came in again and said he was sorry to
have kept her so lone, but he had been
upside to leave his patient before.
''Cuult1 I hire biota OU-aii OTT"
she asked.
"I thar.k you. but • neighbor ie sit-
ting with her who is able tu du every-
thing I wanted."
Hahn shook hands with her hoid, and
they departed and began their walk
home. The mixt hal corne down swain,
but was not thicker than when Holes
lint set eut, sled they walked along
briskly talking chiefly of the people they
had iust kft.
"You made frieade with Tyson, " said
the Doctor.
'•Ine he is very intelligent. sea sp.
pears to have mem enlightened ideas. I
should have liked—
She Mopped short. She was poing to
have said --
"I should have liked Percival to talk
to hien." but checked herself in titne.
"You would bare liked what 7 ' asked
her companion, as she did nct r en
"Nothing," she replied indifferontlt,
e nd he had perform to be content.
though he knew she had beim Iroise to
say something more, mad bed Mopped
because she would not say it to him.
"I think the mist is getting thicker, -
she said alter • paw, hoP• ***
shall be able to find tier way home."
"We have a loos walk yet," said the
Mutat, stesidiew still mid leekbve vomit'
him. Mob I had not porweeded roe
to ma om"
"Uo set be lomat* &boat me, 1 shall
met take may harm."
• seat aisowe•aa•er.
Bella, Peoples. Slott:tem yid Skin
1301110•4111 4111•1140110 Liao C0181'4.4.0000. re-
rtfy 0*e 8iti0t1 t mug Hurl Mt Blood
ist remover Om' isepore swatter
whisk loads it, earl the melt will Proms
win b. • steer slida, good suseprias
wad poloist health.
Wats Wet reopored.
The fulhowisei will 0010 • synspathetie
revetment the haen of 'may • orwry
howekeeper dariag this bo..-elvaates
seams :
'Ar. you prepared for death 1' the
clergyman with • tremor ass -
two in Ws voice, as lie took the skit
WIASSaill.• hood in hie $.016. A shade .1
patio's' thought nomad the 'eyelid's
and by mud lay idle mid •he didn't
hardly believe she was ; there win the
boitromis carpet t» ho tattoo up pm,
and the paint up -stair, had hardly been
tosieloid, wed eh. slid wane to peat up new
enflame m the awing -neon ; but she
thought if .be didu.t die till wilt Mau -
day. she wocld about as near ready
as a woman wish a big toms y and 00
ifi•i •Viit expectbd 10 be. Tem aroma&
gut well.
roar Ikirar. of ..Sus...
Mrs Torrence McNiati. of Sutith's
F9119, Ohl., after four years' mitenee
ilifINT With Scrofula, from which her
head became 11.1.1, was cured by Bur -
dose H10.1 Soiree, after the beet medi-
ae' aid had failed. 2
tulle. Old .
The munplezion m only mattered un-
sightly by Piusplee, Liver Spots and
Yellowness. Throe it is well known are
mused fools au oactive Liver and had
Wood. Dv Chan'. Lever Cilf• purifies
the blood mid whole system. See Re-
cipe Book for toilet recipes. hints and
suggestions on how to preserve eke mom-
pluxion. Sold by all druggist.
Mums the
Sat& Alia
Nab ths
Seams of
sat 61411
"Lh• see ess," he wait rm, pentium
asset "If I resesbee riebtlYi tbere
be jest bens a pub seem the more, by
Whim which. we Amid get bowie is
half Ste ton. er, •lt•oild east if we foi-
ifOrdd 40 rest Is that orivy
Z., •7"Arit
.• •
At •
• /
- 11111,.w•• AL _ ----2.0r111.41.1011111191'
the Doctor emir. -
"I too y uwb.r.rytiredb7
"Iati.rea, but tIC*001•111131
That :medicine Ica Rase me bee lamed**
snow! nim wouderfully.
•*1 ma glad t,. hear .f.. 1 hot)* Yoe
are not alarmed mOirr.
uierts7ily :s there any cause
; but msoy ladies would b•
ntietir:nots at being caught m.a NS lib°
am not riz.tura':y nervosa.'
They went on ai 11 ',about appar-
e7rimecwo:niiiirf inovear:r to Milet's (at.: was %Mita, tbrough tins impute-
,irtee-Se.rhe.lyt .nnr:shi.d Helen at last, "we
loom walked more than a mile elicit • hell
there, certainly. 04* ymm
ue must reeber
we"Ill'tSeem.a,etnan_rTro'layiwe were
"I tit.01 1 lues obit toes it is; I sap -
pike it 111 an; "foible to filed oat r
fisi tint° 1
will t w. e Ilia.: et kril:Poentahe
findinethisnzclahot, sae 'ban h. h
'Thera is one match, Mils }1°°r°
shall I strike it ,'
wou"Imf yh,sarapilneasdite by. Isasdiwo nis91upsee. what,hendalld'd'.umitooldliiateetereekwesgegostehtiegaatillasltubit.t11:01
tiny (twits of u!och dickered and thee
blared un. Pooh bent their Made over
jeeterehtomelatoel, $seltiteeth!Y relent
we left the feria. Ins peas bv the
"s41.7i1tho.*.ltg:"1 •tadyb:
Itsero:Ilisrakagthile""lideet.".111WI7IMAIW.."11.11 bus.....
that wars!, instead althelliett "**. 1***
albaese:eseassee been" etiwill'onvn."; ppdoemalliats:read"si:lebeenthsItwreegeas:
away frees. 'emend pi taterards Miller's
Gate sem &mei."
to ea ottWeIWC111-
A earnele mp,h. late sash siestril are Is
agreeable. Price de teats m Dreecoses: by
matt. registered. 5 sesta MT MIME. Dyer
Oak tiresswichegoliew York. Mie-ty
Via S. S. "OREM"
2 5 -
Primo to Slit IsTerybody.
C1-1.A.S_ A._ •
elpetI U. MG.
',ALLY •itft1VING.
tr. PCXklitTE TA.XLCR,
• large asimment of beet mewls for
; on l &fel at filo obi and reitante stand. West-
in.. sow the Barak ut Illootrakt.
18t1- Et T.7 Citun-Lop.
,1 RicErior Itewunie01 aro teens
+I. ...tio road tli.s and
nseut fast stip not net takt
e hetr
m im
then to t 'hey will f Net honorable. wr=
1 home* and families. The proM• are iarge and
are for ewers somonfrious person, deny have
Image angers now leaking meow beisered
dellme • inerrh. It 19 easy Iss me gm te
mow Iti arel oweauele per day. whale valet
10work Either set. yo uag 0, old; capital
am Deeded : woman you. Rverritaing mew.
No special ablilty required - rm, materwin
telparticulars. whict, we mall Ape., Ad-
o it as well many one. write toor f •• Es ewe
dress in tome k Co., Perihelia. Malay. WI.