The Huron Signal, 1888-5-25, Page 1a . .
W 141141UYBER
OUR SALT. ed other American ports. We venture
the prediction that two cr three years ,
after the introduction ail reciprocity In
(ODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY. NAY 2:1, is8&.
Leads the World for Cheese and
Butter Making.that article the out -put of our ()o.lerich Thing. That Are Happening
- --_ i arils • wW be du.bled if nut quadri'.
• ' Around U.
pled. and wealth would be circulating as
specie which is now lytug idle or nearly
Ito in the wells of this district.
Tut •'.T • HIVE ,ALT
Iu his valuable Fawphlet"Short Hints
oa Cheese Making," Prof. J. W. Rob.
cruors, of the O iutario Agricultural C:.I-
Tb. tales of uIarte'..sloe. ?vedret
s..d.rtrb Tedd. Fait, Nrf.rrib .f
Me Taal wetpet w bat t.rttw•rtty
ab.rtd 1. far •b. faaadtas watt
IrdrWy-- 4 w leer aarbes a
It is now twenty-three years sines the
late Platt 'track the first brew
in o /.nark, and the Heron tract bsio.mi
fam:aua among the salt producing regions
if the North American continent. The
result is • matter of bistcry-and et
dearly b•.0 ht experience, two, to tsasy
of our readers.
.Pica. LAT10W s\: alga,
Derricks, those obelisks which pre-
cede the buring *ad the gosh of the
mineral laid. stored is the bows of
patient Mother Earth, sprang up by the
doze, end salt companies, with their
damloyant prospectuses, Tadant with
promises of quick returns and sun pru- salt was ranked above that of the trans -
tits, were formed in but haste. Many Atlantic article :
Tx4T. or stir 1N 3'-TIt1: Y..tKttr).
That the influence of salt w the quid -
trio, today.iii„um„ce of ane obesity ity of the butter to which it is added is
Ube Ittsetw.l Moms 1. limbs la /roes of
Cederarb The Waterworbs •rearRe-
•toeb are wrens [ed Voreeswa -
f D. MrOI1.1.IC C D11T, eynnense,
( mos rsmarked to Souter Johnnie,au FROM THE C L, '"R"° t f thet I
somebody else, "the best lank schwes 1
of s.toe and warn gang att agley, ' and t
1 just when you thunk you're gently float- � is
Mg along the streams of pr.o•terity yam '
are deal sure 1•. run against a snag that
knocks tb• bottom out of your calculi- r
owns. if it J.w.n t c•.mpletr!y d.mufish I It
your Lirc't bark canoe. That's what i
Ali lis ` eI k a ma. a s mu -
t A jspaanor vuunhab'• by 12 w•onths nu_
=�'° meat and • fine. Sir J .tire Mac-
said the period .•f the era-r•.rt naw
test Politloal and General as late that they could tot consider this .
News from Ottdwa bill, and Mr Wallace sale he wool vera-
-_. -- tsodwe the bid usxt session.
y U nelli* or THE ..AILeK•..
I..Is,R 1 m efae erwlsr w■N•n iw oar
ars a.w II.eo.d.war rnpn.1 ggt - Premier Fieldlnx ,f Nowt Scotia was
✓ u is. a ..,M` malrbsas n.a- for a week in the nr.-.s .,r speakers
•sal sal lb. Cowl ttallenea et pry day. Ile u • slight built
what It r•..t 1• rr•tithe ieertrie happened t0 Ys, and it calor abut In i of rhe Wllery.
L/salt •l tear /e•1► .:swards
Law tear. this oafs. The �.,.+p■ores, as you d1' _ --
know, seat .'p their men end the d yna- ; trrom sur own t•orrasptwdrnt.
IN*, P• -After waiting and watching and �, the Royal representative being .Ottawa, May 22.
( a, an expert both is making sad bay-
llid .O:uaDtr I brat on the ground. It was thea found ' prorotstiou is timed Eor 'i• d.y mid
cheese for the lead ullf y gmetoeely belong- •n4 yarntngly 1ytw1 Zbat a gauntry of 000du^tiuj wire would t lrord Laueduwne for tote frac clime• die•
markets, says
"The results of the tests made last
season 1886) for the Western Ontario
Datrymell s Aeaoeiation. indicate that
O:rwo.h.o. aril i. 1.1•,r hn rl er.• rnakiuy
p.rF,toa•, tlt,n ha�ll..tit MOP
in wait for many, many years It almost
looks as tt Goderieh is likely to once
more more is the procesaiuu of teal live.
snappy, energetic, puahiug, gushed
towns. and carve out for itself • history
Thus teat, be it reirembered, was ar- bye with promise and fulfilment an the
ranged by men who were wanting the sear future. Yes, sines ; there's music
best eheeae to be told in this le•dioR in the air, and fire in the heather, and
British markets. no more bugs on the putato•rines w far
The same pamphlet contains the fol- as our town is concerned financially,
lotting interesting rep ort of an official commercially and railroad -ally, if I may
test of Canadian and Eogliah salt, in be allowed the term. The march of the average merit ..f the Canadian events, the progress of Old Father Ttme,
and the necessities of the Dasa call fur
more railroad competttiw°, and a.
cb•irmaa of the citizen.' railroad coot -
his return from the
Montreal that the
is a fureilnne con -
the day of the Big
t.f these darted derricks sad dismantl-
ed salt blocks are to be sew in this do -
„r but oun6ned to the imparting of a salt
r fully. Push of greed, plat as oke read- laver, nu lung bean admitted. A few
teats were undertaken during the whorl
of 1ll4Oli, at the Agricultural College
Creamery, from which it was expected
that oonclonone useful for the guidan .
At present the anneal pr,da.t of th. of butter -makers could be drawn ; but
er acquainted with that stirring period
in the towns history may regard
salt wells of Ontario is valued at about
a quarter of a million of dollen. It is
computed that the entire output of the
wells of the tbreecouatl« embraced in the
saline resin -Huron, Bruce and 1Larab-
ton-ansunts to nearly 460,000 barrels,
or woes 120,000,000 lbs. yearly. Over
ole -fourth of this yield, say 31,000,000
lbs., is made in this town, s.pssaesiag
an ananed value to nor trade of about
$70,000. About 280 perms were go-
gadod is the manufasture of Ontario salt
in 1886, of whom fully 100 were employ-
ed in Qaderieh. Boars and girls working
in the dairy salt mils are of course in-
cluded is tie tummies estimate. Kis-
cardiee ranks nest to Gederich as a salt
little steady light is thrown by them on
the disputed point as to when salt is the
beat for preserving butter. Many de-
fects in quality, recognised after the
lapse of time and which haws been at-
tributed to the um of ur,satiable..It,will
have to be lard at the dour of some other
condition or cause.
On A agust 1'2 several 1 As of butter
were weighed from one chemists sod
salted with salt of as many different
breeds, at the rate of one ounce pee
pesod of butter.
On Anent 31 the mise was done with
the batter from another rhernitae.
Os August 15 and :1 two teats were
prepared for, in a like wiener, with the
one of three-quarters cf an ounce per
peered of tetter.
On August 26 sad September 3 a rate
of half an ounce of salt per pound of
mitres told me, on
recut deputation to
owning of the road
elusion Gaotlelien
be r.geirwl, and reprseentatiou was mimes the national lel;ulature. sit the
made to the mayor t., that effect. same time the address .f fang.; from
bulk Hosues of Parlament wee present'
Orden were given to procure the deair- ed to him by mewban of 11. Pnry
ed quantity, but an emaminatioa of the Council His Emcelleucy leers • rimers
hardware store* and tinahops, and even tomorrow en route to England. Lewd
nu of the store
y, of Preston, will leennglaad
in inventory of tins earst
s for Ottawa abuutthe time hu predecessor
rel Csuxsts Crabb tailed to dtselona the arrives, un May 31. du FoLoheo,y the
presence in town of any electric light saw will bring bluer bl.r,d, more , f the
conduct wire. It was suggested by some mete of Vete de Vere, bet he hu not
of the neighbors to use stone pipe wire, the inherited ,,ualities of statesmanship
but the r.l.r•eentetire of the Royal was p° ed by Lansdowne, thooYh .e will
hope that he has as keen an s;;..recia-
loaded f••r business and he pooh-pooh- poo of the dunes of the head oi a us-
ed the idea, and ensiled at our backwoods tem of responsible democratic town -
opinions. The mayor then instructed went. The cnse will nue be • t7ood
him, I'm tutd,to order the wire required, bye'Lsnedowne, tt'elcros to `1..
from by te!egnsph, and the ley., 05 THE uur+z
adopt at once placed the order. Th. A great deal of business and some
lights were lit, and the garish display lively scenes marked the Isis Berk of
was made, and a gond time generally the session. Several government bills
had and 1 and tote taeichbors shook were dropped including all clauses ..f the
Boom ia at hand, and all that is waisted Francbt.. bell except the one stapesdtag
bands with wreslvs, and contrstulated the revision of the voter's Ivb snotbew
s. abet my old friend lion. Julio Car- each other that we had a mayor who year. Th:a leaves the lista of W, stili
Gag would say, •'a lung pall, a $troig could do a good stroke of businees for in force. By • majora] of 21 the Oo►-
pull, and a pull an together the town. And the curtain dropped un erumetit rejected Mr Laurie's 'mud-
white biglicks are ahead of us mg to twnduct controverted deau.ns on
lite beat act, W abs sate, • vivid the latest lists, which was the smallest
in the saattet 01 sew ra,lroada lee pyreteehnic display, the dazzling bright- Government majority of the ,.moan, the
mustn't forget that we are buying out- nest of electric light. and a grand haluci largest going above e•0.
selves nch in the matter of waterworks. nation ail around. Friday night in committee of supply
M the last meeting of the town council, -Act II occurred •short time after, O° the public works estimates Mr u -
lock endeavored to read mond 'M o -
I re told, we let °outracts for over $39,- and was of a sombre mere. The bill vita with the view of 'horns( that two
000 worth of work in the ezavation, for the wire furntahed by the Royal Co. men employed un the Lachine sisal lied
pipe -laying, boiler making, dc. We was east 10 the mayor for Iega'did
ioo, been dn. 01. P d at the iblu ones d Kr
Peter Mcgwan $726 tee other day, Currss, M. P., against wham 1►.h voted.
paid end it was then f.oasd that instead al Chairwae Colby pswidd sed whea Bir
se res to told, for sinking the well os the gcantity that it was thought wesld Rector Langston took the p.'i•t of
the harbor AM Benue that we had have *a tiaod-say about a quarter o: s der that this did not belong to the ilal
expended $1050 in the purch•es of the mile -arae two mile. of wit., outing under dsacusrinn he ruled the point w.0
lot and getting it registered. Before about $2•;,.1 had been supplied. A mini_
prep.msesantt l•n.kior swung man whose
quiet demeanor betrsrs awe force of
.harecter behind it.
Mr Mitchell's motion t.• take the de
ties ott breaJ.tuffs and coal was lust by
43 to
Blr YY x•tirR7 mctf.n to *Pow the
Nurthwe.t to elect it. new Legislation
by bsltot was Defeated by lid to 52, two
Comsat retires from the Territories vot-
ing sgatust the Goverument.
The Senate committee has declared
sawdust deposits in the Ottawa an ob-
struetwa to navigation and prejudicial
te the pub'ic health.
W. H. Middleton did not after all get
bis divorce this session, but hu counsel
says he will again apply next session for
The supplementary estimates for
1888 9 briug the total eatoested expen-
0diture for next year a little user
Bir Charles Tupper will leave at the
god of this month for Englar.d, perhaps
os the same vessel as the U.nernur Gen-
The committee investigating frauds on
farmers have made • brief report aid
asked to be allowed to complete their
work sod devise legislation next ssamob.
that we had punched holes in the mini- pips) election was on the trtpi.-if I may
cipsl treanary by sinking a well on Kest be allowed to air my Frinah-and that
street when Wallace Bell had the woo- little bill might have proved a bonanza
More .fMet Ibe Reterweet•.
To the Editor of the Saws tl.
DEAR Sia,- Will you kindly allow ase
space for the following supplement 1.1
my letter of last west, and the import -
woe of the subject to every man, woman
and child in the community plead my
arseson for thus troubling you. 4t ap-
pear, sir, that io the tint week of bray
the ocoocil sent a sample of the harbor
well water ,to Ottawa fur aslalysis, to
which, as 1 am told, no reply hie yet
bass received ; but another sample was
off last Thursday morning to Prof.
of Toronto, and if the reply is fat -
citable as to its purity, three other wt11hi
ors to be immediately sant some sixteen
taken. Mr Mulock wanted to argue the feet apart from each other. and it is eos-
potut but the chairman told his to it Silently aspected that the united supply
doom. Mr Meiotic, however, kept his of the lour wells will be sufficient for
feet amid loud cries of "otter,” (too the elle hoasebold neoeesities of the town.
Miniaterialiete when Nto Llater got lip NB.. they will then go into the Inke for
the supply for fire protection, but 'ori
what way the two systems ars to be
worked -whether separately or in some
way united-Ihave been unable to Ind,
oot. Bet in the event of the mint seat to Toronto being declared mfit tag�r
domestic purposes, it it prt,posed. as I
am told, to go about thr .-nightbs of If
mile Into the lake for the supply of el:
OUT wants Now, air, I am well aware
that I shall be accused of groes presump-
tion, bat I nevertheless venters to pre -
diet that the money expended upon
going *van half a mile into the lake will
be just as sorely threwf away as wag_
that wasted upon the foundry wen r
Will any of the town fathers or any of
deur supporters assert, air, that such a
storms as that whish two mimme s *go
raised the take w high as to carry oil the
tramway which Capt. Babb had erected
for launching his pleasure boats from
the side of bis boathouse, will not rea-
der the water unit fur dumestiepurposse
Ask say of our intelligent fishermen, war,
and they will tell you that water drawn
from the lske at night at two or even
two cad a half mules from the shore will
leave a b.wey 'pediment in the pail nett
Moab,o ; cad further, that it is always
worse the summer Sod fall when
Rood water is most appreeisted than r
the winter, and spring bemuse of it*
boner in hug kus-bused that all impure
enboteseen have settled to the bottom.
But, sir, have the cooped any knew
ledge of the toast of this contemplated
anemias into the lake I or anything
like a consist, that the work. ,f mitered
apes at all will be completed this felt,
that they, other hwinee. ber-
ried into centrum of over 1130,000 atter
the hour of 9 o'clock p tn. the other
means 1 I am tory glad, however, to
sen that eosseillors Cameron and Proud •
fent recorded their dissent from the pre
eipitasey of this enpreernted prueeed-
en. I may .nprvoed•etd, Or, be-
ams d its lying up of public money.
whish might have been bearing intoreet,
is the tatter part of an extensive work
bolero they really loose where they
arts Vise M begin it : 1 have drnedv
hues esee..d, sir, of underrating the aa•
seal east of working the cosncits peo-
9ea.d eahetee ; I really know sot Mow
ditto may lis*, bat $8,000 will tacks a
wasid rabic ii.ta is the oollsetor'e roll
every fall. to whish than may coos be
added tie oast of .tdisary tearead
wear se et eves a pintos or
as is the saes of the big fire et
iyham eiehtees or firmlymosthe
wags. ?he may objesties that I have
Imre Mary proposition, .M, le that on
ill the ermeatry.these sprig's
P*s�tse'�*-migb dies=
bet os that it I as Sr_ly ij.*sd
awe is no danger whatever, 1.r, as
Ibisk saypanes who will take Ike
(sable veal sea they all very eviles*
hum from the river, three mils dilsmt
he the sesame ort, then es hating tbsg-
emhgh IlNasaies mid the *setalmfp Asa
.Mil the ell Menus want dries up .t
ee-11. ten
w, efi* New "rims m X14
producing town, and is closely followed better wsa applied in the safes way. tract. And the inn of the thing is that I for the opposition candidate, it nn• turn
and said : "I mom tltnl the pommittee
by From four to six lot. of butter were
rise. tee Oan't bulldosa us like than"
weighed from the sagse churn, on each rep to prs•°bt I haven't been able o Shit i ed opt to t) •t dunning leiter way Mr Moloch proceeded to read the a1Bla-
reaa MD ntrs� of theae biz uocasiona ! a member of the waterworks committee reLagatcd kz oblivion,yin, 11, Premier appealing to kin to
During the past few yeas there hes The better was packed in tin Hoeg who can tell ow when the water supply 1 -Act Ili oast enacted is the cosuthl ',left the motet tip later, but )lis Ka -
• great depressleos is the mrd• tubs and kept in a Gallas .hen the tem- is to come from or whet* they are likely 1 chamber at the last .seting of th• town look ouatingly said, "You'd better let sae
Prices got away down, often selling,
pent um was purposely mads to fluctuate go on now," and the chairman "wide{
from 40 to 55 Fehr, to try its keeping to get it. Wben I was nn the farm and (others. That littla bill, like Bainquu's hard, "go on," sod Mulock went nn.-�v
barrel and all, below 50c. The .vile of qualities a oast*r corer.. had to be diverted or I gloat wifuld "sot down," but bobbed up On Saturday the facetious seaber
$ restricted market, with keen comooti• The Canadian makes of salt treed were some We draining bed to be dune or a serenely, and this time found its way from Grey, Dr Lauderkin took aims-
t powerful English maker have ton from
Culesan's :rich th.. Kidd'o , Bruisch -, let of-c'.itchi was wanted down at the from the hand of kis ererehi into that we of the items of the gresehuuw os
crippled the salt indastrT to an extent
Siei• ,fSuderich and Bog•r's •Brows': basic at the end of the lot, I ala P tbm -man of Parliament square w my
PP the English makes end were Ashton's 1" of the town clerk ; and it didn't Dome that he had dropped in and asked tbo
lido dreamed of by thus not brought sad Higgins'. knew what end of the job should he I bion., the bell for $259 was there, all gardener for a dower, but was told that
directly in contact with the question. ]►t the convention of the Ontario taken in band at tint ; bat things are I serene, and an item of 19 93 for interest the flowers were only for the tables of
Canadian salt manufacturers have been C Association bold in Toronto different with the bit -bugs in town. due rn the account readrred was also the Ministers. He was anxious there-
in the contest for 1n M! s, 1887, 1'. W. Fest:nen, Esq , 1 fore to know how much they root the
terribly handicapped Bamilt , James Park, Erq., and Teo; They are willing to tackle • waterworks then. Nu man on the oounetl board country. Bit John said be bad to noir
oommereial auweeet altboogh the ,hump Johnet„as, F -sq., Toronto, Were appoint- scheme that has no b.ginning„ is a go- took ezaption to the biU or the ie•- plain art his colleagues for he add My
.f export approbation has been oSbimlly as y p none of the tiuwen found their wtay t.
planed apps the product of our Hares bis tabs and he did not tberetorsget his
wells. Goderich dairy salt has no The different kte wen kmsows share. "You take our share out is
cab hire,” Galled out Mr Mills. "Well,"
superior, if laded it has a basad, being ha Is. h d d st t I m replied the Premier, "I'm a. old nam
among the rival breeds of the Halted and my house is a good piece away, and
Stet.. a (hast Britain. jest t,f the d iog was to thro I'm afraid so long as I remain m o�ss
tha older art their sent the different two ml.ea at wily •re Orth more oto the taxpayers wU1 have to pay my .ah
sp orad tTr III SALT wAtrteD, to let spa tag en keuw tkat dncR. pay
b. h lel from the h taxpayers the when they were buaght -owing to hely .. All this 000aaiend 'food n•tgF
Th. prospect al reciprocity with the R P ed latlgktec from bulb sides of the
United Boat.. in natural products, i0- sat g Hume
eluding malt, is hailed with joy by the e. lot Some g y y TIM covsurom oswuAf'e yrs0•w.
d • Committee of Examination. The ou. lea.. concern and is warranted
jedging was deferred till 22nd and 28th to haul moo*y out of the rat•payon
to the judges by numbers only, then after a fashion that will make them stare
no indication on t to as to the its a not dim as distant future. •
kind or quantity of salt sled. The oh- glad my old friend 'Phomas Kydd has
judging smogs in ton himself into the broach with me ' w w
N in sae ore a arming.
There was the widest difference of i and drakes are being made of their' the tact that airs has gone o to the
opinion in some cues among the jadgse duets. If we cal, had c tis,it8SI, ket-but that r no excuse fur et-
as to the relative merits of the be
er ret 1 frissd. El went. W.wd,lock back from , tingsuch a quantity kat year whets it
its the es... Isett•r
Mut, and it was moved and seconded
that the account be paid -which I and
many of the neighbors duo's think
should ban bees dune.
-Of course, I've been told that the
eek soca el Osten*. It mesas to then i did with every one of the different
bsaesth the canopy of the Star 3p.ngld ,was not needed. But admitting that so
-116istith • trrilimg addittas to their pre- , brands of ash was awarded he melt the Banner, we three would bold the budge low win acerw from the holding of the
seat ressing espouse, the sleet Gas i /rat place is at least os• of the several
eusp•riaona leo owe kind showed each
sap•riority neer the others, oa the
average of the tests, as to deserve spe-
cial mention. The avers,' merit of the
OLrsudinn wilt trod di'l1try Alen.► titin
ihof of the hi'ngt'Ji. but the aeeesg• lees
of weight by the addition of salt and
working was alightly in favor of the
be dosbld or trebled basally, tied diet
at lest s enuhetsr." will get what they
have nut had fee ssasy y*ari--pelts toe
the large .apital Wrested and a raters
ter the labor mad atone pmaoaal enmities
rescind to res the bwisesm nos
trade in telt mesa to Ontario 'sakes
the cutting a of a small poetics el the
Comedies goad. (that of the einem ports
of lake OMarb, ptlllbmps,) sad the eras -
leg up of hos almost Uli_ttebh market in
the north -seaters states fer was Hewes
ami Breen brise poduta It is so small
weeder, them, that uur salt dealers an
@booties themselves hoarse for »teem-
eity, mad we joie in the shores meat
0U* 001tilra batt ■asttw.
There me M me dealt that a great
market swabs ammiitt salt In that Po-
gbs in weld mod Moroi Aimags.
Seery year Thr Dightiagrer. the Matlieg
eek wise et Eimteadimq ids 41,110
barrels from bis works to Olbmgrs, shill.
ly to AMOUR • On, the rest meet
palms d hes repair* doing
libel iritb tees beh is sok he wild
easily deal& nth toed& bis *spurt M the
United lila, ttl*b hit s sit iMMO,
is hie aakleg .sews t r only .a -
moble MI e11Aw fist w*b telly e.My
i• emit lien holm mai gilt' ba.'.
$ roofed d S>•Mt, Ma womb earrykag
oedesilb hal! w Ablmpw, ir*wtiw
like the brave Horatio. of old, see his i win ,,,,, e eurperation cachet, what are
coo -laborers in 6Rhting back the cohorts 1 ch. people to think of the SO 90 interest
of Lin Pore na-or, 1 should uy, the' that hadto be paid through the re-
Goderieh waterworks committee. `loom... or eosoivan.n r1 somebody 1 ca
- But aside from the waterworks' That was the oonuednm I pat to some
Menus our municipal funds are being I of the wegbbors at the regular meeting
frittered sway In great shape on other On the back stoop the other evening_
Modish article. Unes,and to give yoe its idea cf how the .od the m. --
t between now aid next
Is • oomparisnn as the qualities of the oracle is worked. I trill relate bask mol
party asked
better from astng "'grant gasntitiss d last year. When the- Orest North-
Western Fair sad Qee.n'e Johne. Et• at120.
position was arranged to be held at
Ooderiah lest fall, it was determined to N J. T.bis spent hot west with
have the• huddler sad grounds illesainat- Isl.ods °oar Iteemilkr-
d by the element light At that tits A traveling/ wvaleade of eypnies gave
lea -the Royal, of Dtoateyal, ace berg a net last wadi, aampioe
two cos o.
Pen 1 l sad hariag a raw goals
and the Ball Eleetri. light Ca, of in trading sags with some of the apart-
Toronto -were each ac. to have the I tog world about hem
eM Was eaved 1113.41"11113.41"1for pheiag the us.systw to Gede-+ C.LLan A w a v. - Martis /inked was
imam data of mom and discomfort, sol sidld to iia home seer Kiseabridn to
the salt is several lots from ase thus -
wag at the end of sit soothe, the nom,
salted tine gasrten of se oases to the
pound wee placed first ; case ounce to the
pound second ; OD. half ounce to the
primed third ; one •d • quarter messes
to oho posed fourth . one-quarter of as
oases to the ported last, sad v.ry ie.
mtlelatpal eleaesoms to *oassdK it. AJAL
b grime ist•rpoeit* ons, but by the w
el the rely .ore -prep corn euro--Put-
emm's Pocula Dean Estimator. ?wader,
painful elves are removed by ite see la •
few dem without the slightest dismal -
lad. limy substitutes in the mash.t
make it m•e eery that Only 'Putnam's"
east& he asked fee sad takes. gat.,
sok heroism
The S.v lir gi.wsst, .t Melee,
pushed hero lest Sunday.
Ma Leeds Hillier, .t Gderieh, le
.MIN friends h.e this week.
Ws D. i1i.G1iUlesay visited
eInn we el Itle es i nsds,1
nab' •ed it was oagto.t.d that they attend the femoral of hs father, who
should tarnish the ligtti.g of the Ex'
hlbitioa grwasde and hall at a sort of
eoespetitive edema. The mayor work•
ed hard to get the .smpsier is rivalry
es Nim lige, rm teld, and we ware all i. -
famed that* Seal esragemest was ems
te whereby the two .._-mite watsY
seed se a case ad a dyw* in foretell
the .esemeay light se eoediiies that as
era ees get bp the aphdtusal mo-
iety t►'lmsvide the power. Aad every-
thing eam• lovely, sad naw them.* w.
had Mist ie geseroUy brews as "a .ell
diel es Tesad•] sight of lest week.
Plumiswao-test week the sbeerfel
w.enteasses of John Betetl sad Eli
$ymeade, frim the .ellee berg et halt -
loaf dirthted up ear tees. Hath viewed
the hisdwi l aid milted aver the maw
wheel grimed mad maw the home of the
Desferallsellteesa, giving tie stmeitisis
Meads e
of Meets Mes1NMme of the mow
baked buil .a.wty pat tip is $alMerd.
Thy also interviewed eeei•vial eegiseer
es tllm madam of mammary, toad demi-
ad ell heal whom he am, daises, ewer
the m nits ' et eeesgarenM mks. Om
their seat visit tore ere Wawa these
will be s dehwe, es the Irish gessoes,
eg h me well Meted ..►j►ete
Immo." IAM re the late R 'nett Bern
619,-. • • i w t -- . •a - wwa..,i-- —
'ilhgot• j....+. • . s' . .
a . — -- -i-
I deal suppose I will be immeshed
ter betraying a .tete secret il I tell bots
His Exeelkney prepares his puha.
smeoehes. He delivered • notable wale
at the Russell Hosie handiest the other
day. It filled tour long column' of the
Mand was delivered off haul
by the Governor Omen' in reply a the
toast of his health. Bet in the cocoon of
his study at Retests Hall, He Stoellewsy
had spout many hours over that .peach,
carefully composed it and then wr,Oi it
out wooed for word and line for hos
Bet be didn't speak from ma uocript,yee
say, lin for he had carefully caned
every line end learned w/ every ""d'
and If you compare the delivered soma
with the manuaaript handed to the re
Wore it war delivered you will
ad that he did not forget a single word.
This has brie+ the preeti•s of former (Mo.
errors, and seems to have become • pre.
..dent for each moping of Ride's
NATeRtwa nee.
It mese elle in • discussion V
the Hoses no Saturday that ohm
breeding of MINIM was • moose is
Maeda op te the time the little bb owes
Wowed to swim away is the °pee waters.
That to the lest that i• heard of tunas.,
Some Utak that they are gobbled up by
the bi gereAl all sweets there
s doubt they ase fah to do for these -
selves too Fosse ad ought to be haps
is plaids and fed ler ss th.r year ten Ila
The remit of the tmee.tigstien by a
apses/ sena ties has b..s the ietrrdse-
Ibe of a bill by We Welleea it makes
bMu.. be hvs say
.4*t -. fee enreae.sehly *showing the
pries of hey wide, for lemma( we
pwieethos se .o_p.titiss. V
w- • s
—at* Liir • Air