The Huron Signal, 1888-5-18, Page 4Ariel
Ott Istria 140
la analleinee
&T I1 01.011:111:
'lib • atirli=he
large Mt linmetalisgeel
year ; _lee • 0e-
moisthe. ma as
retevaindelle seer.
11111111=1111111111111AM I
1.4.0 owl wilier otos&
per Else for area tesertieri.=rel&ml.8.47erts.
tar a•ch egbeequeat lageriles.
io amearell state.
lama maims ia segmariel tsps se per
lama SOWN Iii erdiaary reading type Ir
'Deensese saris a alit limes sad seder
Advertisement* at last. ?owed. War
dilustisse Vacant. &imam Wisi
llosisses Chowies Wasted, sot 1310.0112C
•Mmihradel III as mesith.
vereeldiesi Cr. 11172
=ma. Limo UM IS
/Loy epeeist mottos. tbs elided ef which 1.
=1.1• tbe waders basset el eld
er rompers. to Do emeldened as
certimemeet ate clawed aceerasirly.
Thema terms will in 41 geese be Odell
lame se.
epeeist rotes for larger &dr
odvewillsresteut ler exteaded=1114
Aesam et tbepSus ed Publientina-
• fully equipped Jobblag OdIes
e s la oussectles with toe eedbory newspaper
bodasse. where lirst-eises work le varied est
at reassesble rate& Iverytblog is the print
lag bee ass be deee oe the premises tree ea
illemiseted poster to • visiting ord.
All Calllinun/cations nu* be addressed to
D. 144-4111,11.11116111111re
kAiter Ths ilsosat
Gederteh Ost.
Pltilbtlf, KAT 3/Ms, MIL
ff. J.* w. 1L17LIFAT
That the Gesinh Junction & (0.-
ath railroad, will be a fixed fact pre-
sently there can be little or no doebt,
bat the line of the proposed rcad haa
not yet been decided upoa.
Three routes are spoken of at the pre-
sent time, ad it is now in order far the
people of Goderich to met &beet and oe
which of the proposed lines would bast
sant the town for commercial and ether
A lino from Guelph r:a Seeforth and
Clinton to Guderich, Las Well bra* to
public view by the recent meeting at
China, but at the time of writiag we
fail to see that ouch • road would be
of material interest to Galerich, renni
am it would, ler ma twenty-five mil
side by aide with aa existing reed,
contravention of the expensed coedit
upon will& Goverownent subsidise
granted and serving no new °esteem
trade, or opeoirg up no new away
our town to da bane.. with.
The becood mute ia cleated to
74 yositiall,
mis a
Brussels aad Lietowel. commie& its.]
to our judgment as but. the beet, n
0'4 fur Godeinch, but for Guelpt• and
the company which would operate th
road. By din line direct commemiga
too with the northeart of the count)
would be opened op to Goderich, and
facilities would be annelid for legal and
commercial purposes that do not cow
exist and is that way Goderich would
be the gainer to • emetic extent thee
by sitar .I the eke Gammas.
To the interim of the company tb
hroad Wat ta141 be the beet payer(
(ming to the location of ae many towae
awl irlteges poasseed of occellealritikr
pri vileges and tine roller floilk
uring m
Twelve mites east of Goderish. at
A•born, is located Calks' moil:, of large
capacity ; six aides east id that point, at
Birth, 1. the namodiosis mill of P.
Kelly ek Son ; a few miles east of that
Me excellent trolls at Brussels and Ethel.
and hurteen miles east of Itreamile are
-other milling enterprises at Lietowel.
/II these of mills are ma by 'steepening
fines of intelligent bane= mien. and
alts daily maid from the plasm ENO-
tioned together. with the expert teed* of
merterge Harbor Mills, ewe bp, Ogilvie,
4Hataime, would be • reseemlas of •
easeinufal freight trade, la the IL. of
leer algae, to way railroad.
Bat the upset Made would set be the
i gels Medea by which the mills would•
basalt the railroad. As we Mated he !
ten, the roller prestos praline is seal
et the mills that we have
AWA Peed lit.-
- eastgwirs. Win' motes.
tor Wombs la DOW wearies see MI.
'*01. crews Meet
C.Witsheau pegariiikittizzi roil end upward& G.
, Wont* eleseen is sun taking orders lee ell
f Portrait& as wells. stlesailag to Ids regime
ricisespes imeas.
of 4 Copia:14Tb.* meet useful gift
7.ou apt ire a Wirt Pee. ill -
NT l* D. •o1 Goderke.
e het Tsditadmiso.-11. MietiCennast bag Mat
- Mir slut& fties Mbe
a and you WW
"OM aar4lf Olede fir lilliall sad ea-
Seale is3aFnd pries.
the tea smug merceata tented
The root peeves to everybody that
out by 7. a are a abeam. no
Miey. far anneirt as well as ter style.
Limon .,-Tbe renter that other bum
sees sere aeW deal ta liQwer ree In Inane-
Droilerie• Nhobell=8.441144 1141.-Qusranligi.LT" 6.
Call es
• medfor LineLverytb 164•41= liblea =Ili
..d tale( articles.
Lai stemma to proseripuem.
Albion Loeh-
r/Nudity et rhaedian en -
gamest war Weft.,
esim.4 Penile. prim& _A
thiany gets Water
,Ir.. filOod..
! will
jrZZ.4 tA47 ., a tgaileta
I M. ft DIMS.
ITug Woman's CONIMPTIAO ffnegrameece
*Wert. a 4;,,„0,0
01-74:T,eill meet revIcser the
-.owe enill
"Ma. Stereibed liteet weltiCalisemalZeos
Invited la ationg
0° los west to hpre treat aurae the
strawnht 6 less. Vol vow own
te be poet
sag a peculiarity of that ammo ea
that lame quaatities of Manitoba herd
wheat are meowed in th. samiefel
meaufaeter• d first -Wass &,sr. The
Northwest wheat meld be beiteght by
beat to Oederiek, and Woes shipped te
the pleas esaliessed, daring the sew
wee mouths, which add preys set
osly s boos le the willies, bid weld be
with smoders
umr.. toe a
scow berry
" med F-Ntrialf
20, plaat set.
planer). Me. per
It ha sthanza log tut ...,..k .1 au
sou ma sad a
Sim" to es my reghttere ie ()aerate
trades ta reser ge: Wither* are vs vele
esio pules the lane
=ii.dstit a., osidertrz Ain Viet°Iut .
16-br"e• thLser.. agelle al A. R. 41.,:s.
Tbe weather lime el weimilair up aed
otas tila s wan paper.
1=1. earnest.
W ired pales& a or ether frocessarlee
ter the wash est Domeier** nee
whit are ionise OlOill at riolsoorl
prices. The e now live sou.
Mies Sens 146 el dolmen, is the
gast 4 ICY KW* Tate&
Mamma Thgastal eureer11 Cow -
easy will 'two a gigitese Illaterday alt.,.
000u at eelosh.
w• rearm Mr that Mrs Gen.
ay with a sewer*
bad • bad feil
white tim of
Grant hes bees
admit 4
Mr Illoybas
dosing die yaw
ha die weirs
th, aim q• gacelaties of Ow
Ws bee buirowd Lad fear bf 109.
Om gaudier. hems 411111g, am 4:outpaced
VAR MO law 188/..
The 0. lase, win
aims the wag ewe et loweirisYty
teals 111. shoe& ssin Seedy *Wan
libilheagh will be in Gederieb but
inmenketket uusi Setarday, the lied01
Jew. sod afterwards es the Gel
Searithy al every maith.
Dr. M. llitheies. the Wegi else*
tisatist, maws the pesowtestist
e ntessl teeth a opeebity.
Wed best 11 a. wt. to 4 pea. kr the psis.
lase Wreettes et lima.
Ma so Peournagse -The Wiggliest
Taus bee quite • flattens' renegues te
the Meow, el Mr W. J. (!'am., ia
that tows. Mr Masan is a termer
resident 4 noilerick, sad his Meade
amen, plead to bad bis prosperity.
A Coaserrsoe.- The Ram aura
romp*. win he 0.14 in the Palma
Rolm Reek, and Ili the mates of
Waiseeday the 234 teat, instead 4 ie
the town ball sed ea the tiud, as tee-
m* wowed.
Num °Loma. -At (0. 00501) inset -
ins so Friday evening the bylaw, fog
dosing the stores at T. p. it. sack mem
Mg moat Saturdays, ad day. mood -
k holidays, waa Sadly peased, so take
sleet ie as week.
Mawr Tau. -The Lamas
flab knead giving semen is the tows
hall. °lista, on die sesame of the 17th
Mat. A mod mcgramese will los offend
among the amen ben* Mem Fieher, 04
Kincardine, and Mias Wilkinson, el
S. 0. McGill, hareister, &a, of Wing -
hem, bas teksa with iiisa iota partner-
ship4L Vendome, a Kinadia, for-
merly of Goelendi, • yeses sad nein
Wrier ei Besse tar late Polies
Magistrate Ise that sway reader the
Benet Ad.
Lamas itsager. -The Galeria lu-
same el* have arranged with measurer
Baird to give a benefit in the Chad
=lithe "Hoop of Clokl" will be pro -
Home this (Friday) emaiine.
dined. Priem sad 25e, a good
Wad is expeeted.
To rus W..,, --Me 0, MoD. Auto
1.11 foe the Northwest sad Bristol' Col-
umbia se Thursday la week as western
oriatesideat of the Manefactursne
Like Assurance Company. Mr Allan is
an old ineerance rasa, aad will keep up
hie aid is tholes West.
Nanuragsra Frusreou flata-John
Kee: will mall on fiaterday, May 26th,
at the old unction mart, Crabb'. block,
Kingstoolit, the household furniture
belonipag et) Mr. T. D. Ryan. It is all
Best aisa, aad will be sold without m-
asa& 1.1. 01 1 o'clock sharp.
New Reormartoe. -The magistrates
fee on lams to the United Stet...which
was reduced to 2c. oa the 1st April, is
mow lie., air it fecateely was Al.. tbe
posters rate te the United States ea
transient papers, photographs, books,
e tc., is now la pee 2 ea.. instead of le
per 4 ca.
Moss Want.cur-The pageboy of
weddings in Ooderich aad vicinity will
likely be atagemoted daring the minim
boat, sad to be reedy to do our pan,
we Itaire secured the finest hems of
maks. statioary in America. Ovee
fifty different styles to choose frein.
Call and NMI the samples at Tex Sweet
rowitioa at fit. Georm's church last
Friday wining at the °emanation war -
ibex Who rector reed the prayers, Rev
Me. Haeoy, of St. Stephan'a, the limas,
and hie Lordship Bishop Baldwin,
Clachoontaation, thirty two ia number.
and addressed the eaudidatea
B eemore. -Two large aims of eta -
dainty sad envelopes jest aimed and
a Isegee lot them ever to arrive in • day
or two, ao if you wish earthing in ate
• sod leder papers, (plain or linen), m-
eant papers, envido, he., we have
the lined stook in tileseck to choose
from Cail and take a look at our sam-
ple beak of pinned statiooery.
Mr lames Sweat's, a New York
eity,lis in town visiting friseelead doing
amnia of bases& H. is engaged in
bedding o.• of his patent lifeboat
lavabos far the Oomiaien Occurnment,
to aniseed in me at Part Suialey. Mr
Straka is • first -Masa mechanical en-
ginesg, and ha bees eszstrod for some
years pest in the waterworks construc-
tive ageism of New York.
Patmommo. Lasts -An adjourned
emestieg of the Goderich Prohibition
League wee held in Ore lecture room of
North -el Methodist church on Thursday
ems* of last week, at which the
veneer committees fur tbe sawing es
111101111ill were struck. The regular meet-
ings will be held in the temperance hall
a the mooed Triseday of each month
hereafter, beaming at 8 o'clock. AU
tompenance "rockers ars Myna to co-
Nu St. R. Tina Testa -A number
d cheats* ia the interest of Godorich
hem bee. made 15 10. railway tints -table t
whisk alma id. fee'. a Manny nat.
Fear pamenger trains will arrive daily
and throe win demure, and se freight Inn
be carried on the email a express trains. ah
Following is the new time table: Ar-
rive -man and express, 1.50 p. ; mail, to
9.56 p.m., mixed, 1030 at..; mixed, in
p.111417: P•.:arress,. D.Pal b4rt -tasiP• NIL; 7111%111444. Ellia4.03.1
Two Caers.-The Oh!.. of Friday last has
matained the following item from this' w
leedity ia ita crop report: The spring la
farm work in this maim is pretty will I wi,
throat).. sad • good aim liere beat placed po
end I ' •
Paggixerrios. -h emeadiels ef the
%: aperame troika of the sesety el
11 ikmedistuillabeershite,idoketia us irsedir.4‘
eu,is. MIN End, eamseemeieg ICS ii.
M. trade of the tram
ties ie the sweaty are *clay
Kr J. h. Natal and Mrs Leah ewe
Wass as Cloderite repesseifteives 01
the bet nestase of the Peseibitia
Lame el this Mera
Dream Omar Brocisrs. -Pew the
mart ot the limpness ot Divans
Oeerta, to, 1887, jags maid the
tag pmeisalare are gathered memsgailen
the Divines Overt buena, 4 the
eimaty et Hew :-The member el wits
e ntesed, exclusive of trearipie 4 j01.
00S.** ad jedgmeat eumetrieses, was
1771. The of claim 'stared
wee $112,386. The Raabe of ledger:ea
e nameame was 53. Tu. kW 114110141s
of miter& moose paid into tweet was
015,680. Noma of suits eatered
where the *swum clamed weeded
Loa Haas -Clet reedy for the ba'
fare azeureions to Dakota, lova, Nina -
sole, Nebraska, Kansas, Arkansas an
Tema, May 22d, Jen* and 1911i.
Read trip tickets et half fare, geed
30 daya. Norse before was each as op-
portunity presided to the public visit
Dakota and the Western States at •
tomparatively small cut F r th,osih
dilate ad all reformation write or we
II. &ramose, Grand Trunk Bailers,
tows ticket wet. Allan Line agent.
Tisketa to all pasts as lowest rash 0.
N. W. telegraph oaks, mar put elks,
Ger Elm Damara. - Francis Gem
well knows is this tows as
alleged prism, see senteaced to tea
years' penal servited. by Mr Judaea A.
L. Smith, in L01640111, liteelasd, ea May
1st, for soespiring with Charles Alfred
Berleigh Hart to wand act. u: We -
easy towards boys ie Christ's hospital
His fellow:compiratee was seeteaced to
penal waited. for life. During the
trial Detective Sergeant Mitchell, of the
city poker steal that in 1875 Waddoire
0.4 0... convicited in 'Toronto and sen-
tenced to five meathe' impriaminent
for iedecemey.
Hz's te Towx.-John McPberem, tbe
rizeitee.ionsl in town from
Hip wee referee in the
iseralieg match between Jack Weeny
ad Lewis in the Phoenix City, lied sap
the Englishman 0.4 00 skew with Lewis.
Juba is going to train in Goderich fee
GOMM of the outside gangs on the 244,
sad says there will be a big fled of
athletes is Oilikria on the 1st of July
at the Caledonia. twee. The are
which he broke in a wrestle daring the
whiter, is sow as mead seaa oak lima,
mad laclaime that he can um he as wai
Teo Dort or res Hots. -Mrs Su-
sinnah Evens Peck, the well-known
lecturer on temperate, will deliver her
eekbrausd address ee "The Duty of 10.
Hoer," in North -et Methodist cherch,
ou Monday. May 21st, ander the auspi-
ces 4 the W. C. T. U. Peck has
foe years moupied promisee place oe
the teaseerance lecture platform, and
taken rat among the leading speakers
and thiekere us tinapensce reform She
is brilliant, doused and entertain,
and her reasoning a the question wbret
the has made a life's study ia dear and
august Daus am at 7.30.
Oanttaev. -We regret to announce
ingtoe, second son of our tonneau,
Mr John Washingia, which occurred
at Boseeeas, Man., Friday the 11th
ism , deer a short dimes. Deceased
Wm • former rapidest of the
township of Wait Wairenosh, and
afterward hail lived en the Dark farm,
Cola's. for four years, but for the pa
an yeas. had readied to the Manitoba at
the place whale he died. He was w
team and hiehly respected in this
tion. The body which arrived in God"-
neh by the 3 p m train on Thursday will
Os interred in Colborne cemetery this
'Friday) afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Ter BAND -WO INV requested
state that the rater that has been p.
in circulation by certain interested par
ties that the tows bond was again dieor
gainza, is entirely without loundsti-se
The bend is today io a bettor purist
than ever before, Since the morons'
Mon 025 have been expended in t
purchase of new instruments, 140
which wee 000trieeted by the council
and the organization is cigar of debt,
and ha • surplus on band. This week
they haw. duo. outdoor playing every
maniac thus far, sad when the odd
weather moderate" somewhat plenty
goorl mac will he gime to the residents
of 10. nen. The hoys deserve amour-
this week the death of Hoary J. W
ifitION A COYPU/MIT. -Tho other da
bile a number of inembes mei*
meat wine standing temither talking in
he parliament beildiasikOsSai en.
Mr op*, Minister
Kr J a chillers, M. P. ter Bout
o ron, ad placing big heed upea hie
alder, said, "There have been • good
may sea am 1. 101. House apposed
represent the tamers awl farming
terest, but this amtlesean knowe mere
bout Liming tam all the rest put to
rube sad what is
m rake • aonemeiesi remark since he
bona ia the Hosea ' The remark
as not mad. a a Ma 4 "puff," but is
einitiemees, and is the mom mote-
rthy bemuse it ease from a strong
laical imposed.
Marna ar Crrizain' R. R.
emus -A maim of the eitiese's
railway committee was hold is the town
hall os Mayday tivesieg. Dr Holmes is
the Asir. 1e the Wow of Mr Mk -
shell, Mr MeOillieteddy wee appointed
seseetary leni. The ehaineem, may-
or &err ad Kr W. Campbell, nave
verbal reports of the regalia of the ult.
Radom a
to thws Iteetred Afar
the patios bed bees fatly theemesil,
the folkovirea resolutions were serried :-
Memel by J. Willi.., esseedsd by T.
Janke, that the sesestary et this eon -
Melee be lestreshid Se sowassisate
with the aid tee Maya
sues at and .0 impectaat LUtawul,Drorsois,
mit* &so 000perako with
se is as a dellodte resewhess
Orrelyk to awl taking step to
Mee the line ; and Weft pew
seletze thruasurecuesest due guseding eta
tor the We . Moos/ by,
Grey Cottons, from 3c. per
to 8c., Extra Heavy. yard up
Shirtings, - 8c. per yard, worth 10c.
6 g
- 10c. "
- 15c. " I8c.
Dress Goods, all woo1,15c. worth 20c.
20c. " 25c.
Halifax Tweed Suits made to order
for $9.50-iiiid $11.50.
Pants to order, - $2.25 to $2.50.
French Worsted Suits - $18.00.
Goods shown with pleasure.
Highest price for Butter and Eggs.
!Weer, that we, the citizens' committee
of Ooderich reconimend that tie tows
easel co-operate with the reeeemate
Sae of the villages of Myth ad Brus-
sels, apa the tom of Lineal, in pee.
parisg mafiosi's/try seems. la. , for the
eastraion of the propteed railway to
BAD Danit.-J. W. Paws, of tha
barber mill received a telegram freer
Brantford Friday last. conveyiat the
md awe of the death 4 his brother -M-
k., Will. Macaulay, one of the most
promising students attireiling the Brad-
ford Collegiate Institute. It ease he
and two of his school nudes were canoe-
ing on the Grand River, aad wove about
two miles from ta coy wiles the frail
craft "meet Macaulay and one of kis
mates who could swim endeavored
sae the canoe, together with the th
young team, who cculd nut swim.
aiteseeded in 'ennui edible died liftem
feet of the there when be took a cramp.
About fifty demand envelopes front
shout 80e. per theimmed up will be in
stack at Tug Beam ia a day or two.
Deal forget it, pima&
cedar mediae of Presbytery is to be
held i. tit Aadreir's dame, Kippen, o.
tke.minied Teeeday of July, at half peet
tea in the foresees.
Liemmarm, Alden's new illasteated
weekly lemma, ia cortaiely ono el the
brightest and most readable a the lite-
rary papers -of atm it the shespeat,
for Alden publishes it ; 11 a year ; speci-
men copy how Eapogially intersetiag
papers in 10. 1.01 imam ere : Lew Van-
derpool. os Romance Fiction ; Fred-
erick Hating. on Jolts Rethia's Forge,
sod Edmund Geese oa Henna Dan,
the Scandinavian poet, which is soca-
to panted by a nee portrait It is • good
int paper for every home library. Jan B
and Alga, Pettish'', 393 Pearl-st., Nu
York ; 218 Clerk -at.. Chioago.
10. 010., two reached the shore,
were so exhausted that they mak dews
and were unable to give any assieteace
to him. His relatives ie Brantford were
soon notified, and march for the body
was initiated, bat it was 11 o'clock
Saturday before it was recovered. Mr
1. Macaulay, father of the young man
arrived at the .cene of dimmer from
Brampton, and had the body taken
thither the same day. Will spent his
vaeatioo in Goderich net eemener, sad
was • universal favorite wide su whom
be came in contact. Much sympathy is
*sprigged for Mri Pares, sister of the
deceased, who was ill at the lime the sad
ns came, and was usable to leave
Galeria. hr Pam' swued home
from Brampton on Made,.
Ncsorraer or H. as -This Pres-
bytery held • regular toasting is Clinton
on the 8th met Menge Dada and
Jamieson, being present, were invited to
sit as ocrreapondiug member& The
imenciat committee was instructed to
prepare 6 tabulated &Waist, showing
the eases oontributiem, of emigrate -
tions per family, aad est it printed for
distnbution among the yen*. Rev Mr
McCoy was appointed evevenor et the
Home Mission Commitiee. A commit-
tee warp appointed to snag" for the ea-
* if Chatham after the let shammy
next till which time it is te be applied
by Mr Martin. af Exeter. The ragas-
! tion <if Mr McGillivray, of the alio•011
station in floderich, was esseptels
statism to be liencebetk tater the eme
ot the asperieteedwat of Kea aura,
Goderich. The Rev Mr Dualist briefly
addressed the Presbytery regeninet
proposed addition to be made to the
school buildings of Pointe Aus Trembles.
The Presbytery thanked Mr Doodle fur
hie address, and eramsendird hie missiote n
all our oongregatione. Rev J. A. Me -
Coastal having aseepeed the rives
by ibeeourreurations of Hayfield Road
and Beene, hie indeetien wee appointed
to lake place on Mgodity. Mgt inst., at
M Berne. Mr McCoy to preside,
Mr Mdlltillan to preach. My Delman' to
madras the minister, Mr Napa the
people. Mr Anderson having assented
the mil te Cloderich, his iadeetion is to
take plass Wed
on era damage
was done to the fall wheat wed is many , caym
places the /maid was ploughed over
and eprtog mope planted. The wheat
that was allowed to stand. however, km
plinked ep weederfelly ender the repeat
nano spell and frequent raise, and will
be ep 10 10. even,. 1.
PM* DIAW11130.- We would Call at.
the great prise dialogic he
aid of Bt. Peter's ehereh, to 0. 0.14 in
Gederiele oe Jam 110th, 1888. Tiara
her hems sent .01 .7 the pastor to the
esembers .1 010 sungregatioe, who
are homed to help their own He hem
dee sem t1rbmas le some Oof those ea-
st& of hie ewe 01111/1111, falai aseared
that shanty Mas014 prevail mass all
weak. Roti Father Waiters 451455 01.
resides** ia Goderish has p1054 10.
goodwill .1 .8 imp awl weeds, aad
Wire is rows 1. 051... that in bin SW
engem to wipe of the isulebtelesse at
She okra et whisk he le pater, he .in
rendes 14m& libssents.
at 3 Mr McLean Se MGM* M;
to preach, fir Messireve to
madam the seine:Mt. ad Kir Kean
the people. Rev Me NieDeeekt was
seedeated se Moderator a east k-
847. Mr Jobs Oasipbell, alder, Melee
resigned as Oesswiasioser 55*0. Wow
Mr Geroge Babbitt Irma sleeted ie
ha phase. With regard to the WWI on
seseeimee dowsed wille's eta,
it wee wad 10. 10. p0ew 5. issetien
be set exposited frees the
bet that o be wedeseiseil le ear ash!
Motion thereto, the valise& meteor el
the remit be as ow irmillies The
eireshur es Ilyelowsks Besolloonse sea
retoned ho the lessee aosewItSee le
=1:u. dellivereses DUIPM1 1111 gest
Rowe whim ea sdlies wee
selitett sea stItetei es ego mat-
ed. Mr Ism settreass
et • Os
Meelbse618. aswittled bp aura 011Mide. gist lifir
Ai above mesa era Illowsleblog Floaaelsil
The Huron 01 Bram Lean Company
is now entering upon the fourth year of
it. existence, and its gamed mamas since
its incorporation has been atieb as to
warrant ifs perfect safety to all with gar -
plea ir.00eys who have go ready facili-
ties far investing their means otherwise,
aid .ho require their interest proelPOY
at regular periods. 30 011 seat the fol-
lowing short reside! of Lose Companies
now done heehaw in Ontarte, may
prove interesting :-
Loan Cowponies baste now ham in
' tisanes for 35 years, and their useful -
n ese end swear proven beyond all ques-
There ha been no failure 44 any Loan
Company formed under the General
Loan Cumpaity Act
Thai are now 66 loan companies in
Ontario having a anbeeribed capital of
K1.178,007, of which $30,175,470, is
paid op.
The total amionnt of the subscribed
capital of the Banks of Ontario le 017,-
756,300,, being las than onwrinarter of
that a the loan tronipaniee. The psid up '‘\.
capital of the Ontario Batiks 1. 117,680,-
Iff5, being about one-half that of loan
companies. The loan companies of On-
tario have on deposit at cell or abort
coins, 015,600,100; en debentures in
Oaten% 06,254.938; on debentures in
England. 1141,526,2n4. Total, 069,420.-
332. The Haan of Ontario have de- -
posits on *all. 1119,41111,897. Deposita on.
Notice 022.736,174. Total, 042,362,-
071. Skewing Loan Cuepanies over -
Banks, 021,0N,961.
Tire Herm and Brum Loan and tap
vestment Company receive' dada"
frees trustees, parents or children
sum 4 from one dollar to three thee*
wed dollars, and allows etimpound in-
terest added every six months, at rates
as agreed ans. The highest ~rent
rens are allowed o. deposits. meordiwg
to the unease and tins. left. For
forth., partials,. eall at the Giamany's
offier career of Cogitheues Suess. .54North St, Oederia.
Hance Harm, Massuger.
Gederich, 24th Feb. 111101. tt
mew It is Sem.
"Not... is bemires of the people tithe
.s mama Seine uedeestead
the preseare el the air is used to supply
brakes to • Weis," said a raikeed sues
the other day. "Teruserly the air
was termed ises the sender soder sash
rev whes the keis w 5.1. stepped,
load the rower. wed is fares the Webs.
Wiest the wheats. Talley the
Webs. ere WM opted the wheel. by
whip, sod the air it wed to Wisp the
brake wry fres the whisk white the
lute is is swim seep the tads
the sir 10 0. sot awl them the
apply dm holm ss sesimisestiPet
pipes we raptured eel that sews the
trete. A swell shild well step the
wet& by palms s Nos preheat* fawn
lbe Mist teas of away ow That 'kw
eiss vie Ike pipe limier the emie."
Aw.. to, raw AM.- -.Air