The Huron Signal, 1888-5-18, Page,1 .4•••••01.1111.1144.4.4- 44,41....41p11. .
• .
• • •. 4 - • •
AL 114.10.0GENCE
P'u D 0Y. l
Prat iths. one
„ 444 .4•••.**..
t POlitleal and General
NOW* from Ottawa.
Ms iisisessou Tale combines few
re Iuseeplellee -Ilesevearline Itz-
-Asieebrs rase et Tow
our owe Corremomeent.
Ottawa. May 1&
way the Commons is resaineg Masi -
mew makes it leeks self prorogation
ti be restedsed at the sad vthe
• . Fur the first time they sat on
Play from 1 to The ennemittees
•boist all through imespt the frauds
farmers eipenusittee. Tim evidence
it shaidd be pelstished in paispbe
form 'and dtstritaisted broadoest
farrien. amass gee wee -
Taw ties -meal lady of Rideau Hall is
sumetimes one potentiality, sonietimes
another and her isitheanne is Osmali'
and limited. It iv the mistress of Sarno.
frabionable society at this Cac ital. whom
steady reenneeent intimenes has trivets to I
her will iii the dra.r,eo room the sante
tome of absolute I ow es prosessed by her
TIONS *a sale saa P"se•h'T renegade /0
THE DEAD PRELATE. Barrens, and define his woent COMMUNICA •
its 'motet ion the sionsbership iescromed , with prom eo visit these into" tiog
_ frtnn e0 to 130. But the sitestem of w. os, nem eereweelor==the for tee &moo as 'POT •••Ii•4t eonventeoni,
the plac• was unhealthy, and, to the pro- 4.11110•11 ot our t . Contribn- y,.r or; woe no item to who they reaIly
Sudden Talcing Off of Arohisugh-
aille who is the social amoorat nt found regret a 1. he was °tented to tees thLs devartantwe mat 00•111°. 'haw are edam* pelts -ma inepection, Mr
. miasma 'nen the and at last Le series to pu,billemuseitees.__ sad be brief.
L.72021. was stricken by PO4t.r oe May of lo family wi 1 cheer..
himself was oaken . Ho was also at-
." Pahme4 Lirs, 6. "Inv"' 1"m". I reeked by paralysis a the 1.11 side mid
after • sheer smarm Last Sisee-
for a tium hie cendition was critical
IMO ow** air a s
$ouu after his recovery he was met as •
ersea Deed Mareses.
delegate from the congregation et the
iniesion the ailed States to as as-
senhly of the (oder held in Paris. In
1849 he visited Rouse on • special mis-
Win, and receive.' from the late Pope
Pins IX. =soy marks a favor.
Ou his mum front ROM* in 1850
Faber Lyaiih, at the urgent solicitation
of Bishop Tinton, of Buffalo, consented
to found • lieu's of his order in that
diocese. A.ocerdiugly in May, 1&16,
the institution known as the Seminary
4 Our Lady of Angels. at Niagara. and
for which be ever eherished a fondness,
which had to be attended to. a. Wed- wa.; eetablished. It is a fine building
needay night be wait to Merriton, where with 330 acres of land. Father Lynch
he &delimitated confirmation on There- had only a hundred dollars when he
day. On thiamine teeniest, after his re- sommenced its erection, but what the
tuna to Toronto, medical advice wee institution is now can best short how he
called in. Oa the train be had beat kbored tor it.
raised with shills. succeeded by attacks It was his connection with this moile-
d vomiting. He wee prostrated when he ray that first brought the deceased pre -
arrived at the Grove, and his condition late into connection with Canada. In
serious, Intim. NW be vim orm•ieted be letters epos-
iisettee of the Immo euperroned. Trough tithe, Bi hop of &Minas in Paribas Le-
ashing rapidly, he was in fall pas- tidelium and ooadjutor Bisbop Mun•
session of. his faculties until his lest seigneur, that Bishop of Ton:into. His
breath was drawe. At tire. o'eloek Tri eesescratiou Moir place in St Michael's
day abet -neon Btshop Mahoney sod Vic- Oralmdral en November 20. a tbat year.
sr -General Bowery were senunoned to
the beieiti• of the dying prelate. The
hist rites were alminissered, and it was
known that death would owns before
morning. With two priests and a 'Gapes
of divinity stedeets standing at his bed-
side, and watching his breathing tOrmligh
tbe sight, ha passed away qaietly.
The ameesalled weddennem of Areh-
bishop Lyme'', death, which removes
front the province a familiar sod well-
kaown Agee', 0•1110 as a shook to all
elesses of people ireesarally. It was hard-
ly known at WI that he was ilL lie was
sot known to be in better health than
ma &today last, when Ise presebed at St.
Michael's owbedral. The will be had
*seceded four years ego, daring a sio""
and dangerous Blame. steads smakered.
He hies no reletives is Canada.
• Sltrirell 0? MK LITE.
John Joseph Lynch was born near
the market barn 4 Clones, Comity of
blionaglian, Diocese of Clogher, Irelasd,
on Feb. 6, 1816. Re removed with his
pareets when two years old to • village
• few miles from Deblin, and he grew up
to manhood. the future Archbishop of
Toronto. His parents hod always in-
tended hien for the priesthood, and feel-
ing that he had a vocation be 00f0MIRC-
ed his classical stedies under the private
tuition of a B A.., of Trinity College-
satioseass TIT V0111411:02211D.
Before the House preirogwet th°. 111.1.
Sitwell( abettors have to to disposes et :
Amendment to the Franchise Act giving
Priem Edward !Wend newhood ..Erse,
the overloading of ships bill, acceptance
td the Berne copyright treaty, re-antrati-
meant of Judicial salami, the Northwest
hilt and the matter uf the boundaries of
UALLIGIL1 ,•0111111.•
Cardwell Tones have selested Mr R
Evans to seed to the House is Mem 01
the tete Hon Thee What. la the etre-
woo tine he rot 74 votes and young "Rh"
how fanners shrewd aeon& in other
White of Mostreal 51. Th. 1..e thea-
ters allow themselves to be gelled by
servative majority was 400.
ust nen" ha/ fnrk send eke" Th. (imam Legislature opens today.
ndler who lies • mile* scheme.
y, one Weetweetb paid 916 a
fur wheat the swindles bought at
ty meta. They invertehly take
but the fanner should renumber
some messes sag samerelly And
way into the bends of mom shavers
rase mem get their potted 4 limb.
TOl 0011111121114 COSIVITTILC.
ef this enaumittee will be
47wien the Moose in a few days.
has Mem • stack et evidence taken
most iateresting sad Metrective
re lite °haulms told me muter -
that he thought the combines in *of -
"about the wend delete im atria,"
a put it. Thfry bees it in their
parer to eutede emapetisioe jest where -
Mr Mercier lis• a decided majority in
both House*.
Senator McInnes will wive to depriaii
aril servants of the right to vote or can-
vass Mame ions.
btr McDonald, of Tomato, is bun
He wia amisespany the Hon. 0. Knout
to England iu the ease before the Privy
Council as to the timber and ntimerals
in the once disputed territory. The At-
torney General sails ue the 23ed in the
same vessel with the Comprise/ Gemmel
and the Bishop of Ontario.
Mew else Tory of Illsialeebe
ayearanateratly saole.
air thee 400••• restir Pie" are ninsf WINITIPt... May 13 -In the Legisle-
merbitisat For a basswood covered tare yesterday the late Government
with broodeloth thee .barge *10010 the .
nib relative*. They tate sumo a a releuccianY nonistaY. got • terrible
ruesting hoot Premier Orseaway, who
lennen1 and hie eeeeitfiftli eke". said he had decumeuts io
L pewter a
01A00. I think %helmet injurious cosi-
Ilse is the Ire insurance sesociation as In Pnwe that 114‘44aY alla a Pnetnne
with Mann and Holt in the coattail ter
awe are very small profit& made. It is . . .
atrect1104 et Lbe neatens Bey
essential ts the Made of the ocentey dist . she
w.asiway. He farther stated rasa
aserates" rates should be ma • sound
Goverriemo had ander oxesiderstion
1 les. The total premiums from 1809 the ,v. . .
aa seanuity oi iratitatiog ratiminal
proceedings ageism Netting old 1
Rivieni in cotteretielt with Iflat and
other seaters. Sebsemesetly, when re-
ellnees Yea Will saa that the ing to other telimmencies, the
3rait la °man' A. °Init.*. 0' Premier intimated that the Government
telePenfee eke. their 7gar .4h a hod decided to proceed criminally
to 1886 were 863.732.000, god the losses
mid were 847,230.000 cr 74 per oast
Newt add 43 pee meat. for working ex-
astainst these two indivienals. Poietins
Numeay, the Premier referred to
Th.. e°1°?isi18.11,marnitt**,._ _„..111° It". hien as a "dishonoratOe gentleman," and
rer Lome, the head rit that MIMICS, Int. mid that today enote.i. "era 926,000
migration, before them and he declared bed dirdepee.
'kr! ualY "Ve“ Per suit id c'e'r 1411161- keterring to Acton Burrows the Pre-
'In"t° 14 • 1'4 and "lila*" °Alla., wits said he was the 'masa disgrace
AA Beta last feet *GA etenPlai" or th• Hat ever fed at the pahlic crib.
chwacter of our juvenile haseignints was gosh words as "thief, • "ribber" "ad
nude and a cable despatch informs a• "embezzler" were freely usee making
that the new local government bill of &ates.
op y ease. Al Iia
At 1 o'r!rek a.m. Saturday, at his resi-
doom on Sherborne street, died John
Joseph Lynch, Archbishop of Turrets)
for 18 years, in the 72od year of bis life.
His illness was brief, and the news
a hie death MOM as • great rasock
to all classes of the community. On
Tuesday eveineg be left Tomato for St.
°Wieners to preside over • coaferesee
a priests A cold Mash he esuebt on
the journey soused hiss ***gaiety, and
was dieregerded in his seal lor the work
folly ioew eau where to go, end I am
T. wooer memensr.
. 1 Me return well satisfied with
To tbe Editor el the MOW.
DZAIL Sill, -When I remember which Ylt '411140/-1 w."1.4 al" m "le es"
I careen' todp doing) that thtewimfresouesitireardho ats:15:,teltewswit eed
thiety-fi ire years ago ietrodueed isba to hied the fat
ofstriall"reltie twhittinlik ab,Gatioilkildlithea remark, Oat ZePPt:: •netwyhettee.votriarells•Y
hear,: igotild he yours aunually at •
nomad ram. wit sh 'ILI the prcperty
pees out of Mr Porter s hands, You may
emer hare the choice satin, and the
der May pie. *lion future generation&
mar emorate the nieniory of their fore-
fathers for the loss of it.
whenever we went saything dome ere
jest start him at it," but let • short time
ago refused me his name towards calla%
• P•11r0114 ineetiog, aod boated from my
. id... if bad been blasted with lime.
sy ; se also the obloquy to which lb
Woodcock and I were subjected three
years ago ; and tvikee, the throw of the
mayor to put • stop to all critscoma ee
the sots of himself end tureeml. as beteg
offensive, troublesome aod obetructive
touot pubibliesurppruedrogresatheettne Itlyi,soateyouwwhailil sw. *bees r.tdiession.
That Ilse e Coate to Maud.
diffident in meddling with the water sup-
ply question; yet emit la say love for --
Goderich, and lay anxioes desire for her "alumni Joss)," - W. have re-
futers welfare, that I cannot longer re- estres fro., shepp,A
wain silent to see the council croriine , Co., of Toronto, 8, o.t,p "widower
aimlessly in the dirk, sad wasting the Jams, ' E. E. seepp„,.. egad „jaw
public 'weds in useless expertemets. tioe. The story ts racy and mew -
when I think 1 can show you that a Mod ortion and we have met some of the
Providems has plated miter et witirdowt chosimrs on the farm, down at dm
in unlimited quantity aod of the veil Wine tavern, or the mooting house
beet quaky. it commas meme Isesscres It to newel and wen told, end
were only adopted to bring ti into town. •earthy ef perusal. "Widower Jame"
For many months pest, sir, I have been hos been running in Toronto Seta -day
ia the toihortair you, Bishop Cherhos_ impressed with the feeling that' *t soasitiNiett, and win be enereeoed sec:.
Charbon -
041 mar up the See and returned to
Fraece. and hishsp Lynch soccesdeel
him. In 1872 he again visited Rome,
and was emoted Assistant Prelate at the
Ptseti6eal Throne. In 1860-70 he at -
tweeted the femora Vatican Council sod
made a Wrong speech in favor of Papal
bitallibility. Upon this occasion be was
made ate of the tanseltors 4 foreign
mink ea anet Oriental rights.
In 1870 Toronto was made the %metro-
politan Si. of Oetano, and Bishop
Lynch was crested its first Archbishop,
reesiving the palliate daring the Vatican
Oesseeil, Morph 25, 1870. He visited
Rom* sisal then, and was again honored
with personal favors. In Noveesber,
1884, os his return from the Council at
Baltimore, he celebrated his silver jubi-
lee, the twenty fifth anniversary ot Pi*
ormeseratiou as bishop. The splendor
of that celebration is still fresh in the
minds ul the pablic.
During hie rule Archbishop Lyoeh
established in this diorama the Seminary
of St Mary and St Jobe, ratrodueed the
Redemptorist Fathers and the Simon of
the Most Precious Wood ; sad establish-
ed • number of charitable inetitutioes,
arch as the Orphans' HOMO, at Sunny-
side, the Si Nicholas Home and Notre
Demo, a home for young WOIllift.
irather Wailers' Tribwee.
At the close of else sermon at St. Pet-
esattlY " In *peaking of $256,000 (4 Hudson t Be was socn, for las years, so excellent choral, Glideriehi on Sandal' Met.
271"Prims 1 uttda for the nzP"ta`nm„04 Bay bonds, the Premier said that the .choler. Later he entered the Collets Rev. Father Waters referred in feeling
It bebooyes the Goireregneot a Canada
meteor children and aloe Pauper salute- money was divided ernonc a
Imodlers of which the late Government kin h h 14
Peril elf of the Carmelite Fathers near Cicada!-
, w ere • spent a year. e next terms to the death of the late Arishrash-
op Lynch, and recommouded hint to the
was a partner. entered Si. Vincent Collsee, Castle- prayers a4 itt. fathful. The deed pre -
Mr Ls Riviere explained his eonnee- knock, where he continued his classical
Lion with the Lovell prntinc, claimin* studies, making marked proems in
lie was not acting as Minister of Aerial- natural philosophy, rhetoric and mete -
therefore no prescribe such regemtions as
*II compel all steamship ociapantes
boozing over them degraded toupees to
14te them back to theeuentry of ungia.
SCEMARial LIPLOSI01131. MI. io subletting, but is • !Ines.* at- 1 phyrics.
the Semite eireemistee which divideal. He admitted that irvegoilari- when 23 years of am he entered the *tend in soy lankier creed or principle
investigating the deposits of saw- tine had been enrotnitted, but held that novitiate of the dI,eEStation ot the mis- iu which he anirn'irnd lin ales" °semi °ff
from the lumber mills In the Oita. them also harpsned in batiks and other 1 eiotrof St. Lasare, Paris, sod here he victorious. II* died working for the
'dredging, made the osmium were_ dr affairs if h. had remained in office. neits„f n t.6 izious ,ducati,m. 00, nus. Hay his soul rest in pesos. Amen.
late was a *able, faithful churchmen, a
thorough Irishman. and one who wee
not dread to fight for bis faith and for
his country. He was a tree Home Rue
time or other I had read or hoard some- her tif another ei„ry irons Mr
thine of the relative orat af raising wa- pints pen, "A Bel Men's Sweetheart"
ter by water raid a raising water by ; -this time a story of city Ids. For
steam. but could never think of when or sabot the bookstores.
where it was mail few &Ye 140. when ' Is the May numeer of Wane*
-to, of lofaliDee.inkeirla8ttokb.18786e4.11ifeliik1 faAtementr; Into Helens I.C; :het 17 on kthat'le. reesh%All-
hui4s upsiPsilk.dlYs fn.". which 1 ei.raliticu the.wor.kine classedwof Loa -
•river, the superintendent of govern- illetitceictik Iiii had intended to ramie. reed the stud( of theology and other glory of God -in a word, he died in ber-
thas from the gas generated under He explideed his conn:cti"o w,_ith_the of his best-loyed companions was the
rwlilr's Zill.
river in this sawdust, se ezplatinit the transfer of Reduce Bay 6°6" with' vicar -apostolic of Persia. It was in 1841
y occur and wreck *amnion Of other out the oecurity of a land grant, and that Mr Lynch took the vows of the
Miss Lizzie Lswraeon. hal returned to
/eras tha may be in the viciaity. That gleamed that he had been deceived at Italy orders. The following year he re -
tete is no mere theory is shown by the Wawa. He also elaimed that the banks caved the tonsure, and at 1 he next the Parental ma.
feet that • few yeers ago. ieh an in*. boycotted the Graenintent respecting Trinity tire, in the church of St. Sal- Mr Peter Stuart, iracher -of Letdown
ion dis; racer opposite Niel in wooer the 1040 of tummy spent cn the Red pice, he era nrd deed at the bands of wfill visiting le Mr Wm. BMWs on Sun -
sod broke Op the sotid me fra an sere River Val:4,y railroad. Monseigneur Atfre, "the nortyr of the day fart- „. _
waled. Thee this hostas& giver eale. After Sir Martin bad referred to the berrifte„." He .as now filled with a Mrs 1). TIL ft 'bort% was • few dam
trawl in *one by the post Memo ie dho delioquencies of the late Government. longing for missionary work in heathen ender the parental roof, last week.
toned by the *swami eitiiiiihre gig imposing the calpahly loom meaner in land* and &oaken to be sent to China. I De" sodi the Istudier ea7 !het bachelor's
wogs dangerous to navigate. The ea. which the Provincial Anaitor had at- but it was otherwise ordered for the I nail le iter " lilt kweesenie whoa PHI
have los of company. Which of you
'Lome is reedering greet service in tee. tended to his duties, Mr Lescock moved . learn& brilliant, and enthusiastic
imp the matter .p. adjournment of the debate, to giro Nor- yew% loam washed the dill's*, boy.?
Mr A. Irwin was visiting friends bore
AMMO= ceilt Or eon -infer %gay and Lativirae on Mondry an 0E- Ilie relented to Ireland. took op his
. . lest week, and theterak heft re. Study-
-As to the cost of work dam. it ilialteste I interest, mid will portray the seiterme 4
; doe. This aerie* Wi'l be one of great
that la Phlladelpula is UNIT the cost of rairinit .,...
W ises ; tee ore
by power was ia tear . Poland It ime. The illusiveness W
water power was may 2f ends par Lee.3,40 on lieterey-stricken Workers of Bettis.
• $ 2 10. II 110, IT 140 sad III LW, with . Hach E.ston and Edgar J. Taylor, are el
"1110ete,"ratingPertiouriof this practical woe. 'the highest class if pictorial art. Olive
station, sir, at which even Youog Canada Mgt" "liter keili" in the rniaikee
himself will scarcely venture • sneer, I fee an4es no Renreekg°n"we W°.••••
resolved to see pintoes creek, CIsile. the &roses and Meridian Chiba of
Ns. York being the subjects of the Gent
for myself -but to speak of i1.55 creek i prise 22 75 a yew. wawa.
is • misnomer and misleading for the 1 pr'HiwIshins c... -k. Y.
Creek bas eo commotion whatever with
tin „ dew. Is in „ accumulation of Tits Norsusr, Aldee's new weekly
apriuiri, „or„ is „mb„, bunting oot Maipsum, which is devoted entirely to
Action, is •
of the bank perhaps for the space of ; Allettrait remarkably ensue -
half • mile. 1 was only able 10 it five i tin', "61 P0Palet staterFriee• lleer1
or six of them, there is a large nos close' rimier inieresmd in pholbglaishaleran "iall
fora free
as the south side ot the rued, bet eel, sh"lid,Innd s° ill'
The first completed
spread over the beak that I ooeld sot .10•°""`"
14.„Now, 1055tewo is „aims, story it Robert Timed's, A Pennell,
about fifteen inches across the surface, i in pear for 13 cents', or in cloth, 36
bright, readable et07_.
about • stozeohrow distant rushing out swilik6inmeali
of • pure gravel bed in a compact form ! msking •bout 2°° "P.M 'kick in
„d sc,i„ resd„ 01 Moos foot ob.,„ I mete poet paid. It would not be amp
t„ kmot of th„ronk ; thin win* tc seas a novel in which the *nevem-
alone 1 feel certain wiU do more than ; ties has so much wit, humor and clever
fin „ sight mai pipe, Ltd Wm, . badinage, sustained throughoet with
springs, sir, have sever been n..,to . "'II InUtte°11 vireritY• There it list
which they all flow been known to freeze "at' it hsa -*hat wu $° mush "aid-
., partimin„ oe 'low point, / raw The hero is thoronghl/ cured of
page in the book. Mem-
be frozen, bather has the creek into .s **In 4.11
between diem sod the lake. For lurch- "dal bl Charles Dawin-a good end -
you to oer friend the Ociscumacea who 1510450• John B. At en' Pub -
drove me oat; I shall, however,Publisher,New York and Chicago.
do , imPr•
driver myself es or moo trip• bet b. Tis ettitedion :4pol-tunas's Annual for
saw more of the uprises them 1414, be MI tattle just Massed. In contains close ou
loaded to the samule and reedy to "go 11111 puree. and is • complete record of
eir,- birth -pressure at a momesets notice. i lefffewhate sPort104 eventiicoo-
1 can imagine no engineering difficalty, j Is tim trotting and running rule';
sir, in collecting these waters into one the Rama of e'ery hem itt ihr United
stream towards the lane, and at soita-18estei thst has trotted in 2 30 or better;
ble spot build a Mak or reservoir to the names of Canedian trotters that have
pump from and of enfleient height to " narks of 2.43 or better: the Gan Cllab
dries $ terbine or overshot wheel, with , fru ; Fieeteg and Genie Lars of 3e -
oath wearing as is required to throw the rano and Q mbar. All the records in
water upwards; and than, to complete ' coonecties with the turf - Athletics,
areaway mapplety tbaionea,ainttiorboompetild $hinglargesimtriark bewitaltIbnag.u, tottibunriyeg,wejiguhmtpipengrf, onnalserneeence;:
ibaT to hare been built at ! wieners of the greet English races ; wra-
th" y well, wItiob was to bare men of Qmien's Plass in Cowie, and
been 100 feet high, and I du not thiekl a thowsuld ether cilecellensost recprds-
theta gageree boor wows, be required .lio Wok frit pphla•hoi is so relosibla
Jo "la oliatii bet I ian*ut pretend for referases. The book is pobTisheil -
enter intu the details of moth $ matter, at the (lemedieii .,:porrinw, office. Toros -
het I do contend Mist snob $ same as ,i.. Prima flee piper covers, cloth covers
Ibis is practicable, and that in the event ; 30e. "4 .111 he mailed free "lids"
of banning of pipes or breakages of any se nieliFt• er Prieto
kind happening the repeir would motLimiter.v 31 - Arno,*
mat • tithe of what they would do if to , tlf• notallie mimes in T., Meg -
When Mr RUM the member for Si.
.1.40 N. H., and editor of the St. John
crag reignite home he is ender bond to
arra before the Semmes Court of
New Brunswick for setitento for con-
tempt of that moot, and be is in danger
f being sent to keep Mr Hawke otos-
F say in Fredesicktoa geol. Mr Ellie ie
portanity to ir.eet the charges fully.
Mr Nonmay, replying to I'reinier
Greenway, mad be courted the fullest
investigatien of his ciondoet, either se
leader of the Governmrat, megaber of
the losiislature or /dein John I's -enemy, at maysooth "ewe sy the st,,st
gasmen at t.
semieg his theological stadia) and dis- tat seems to agree with him, or else it is
the refreshing invigorating and herilth
'barging the duties of dean and moder-
ator of diseipline. During Trinity term
of 1843 he was ordained desmon and
giving breeze that wafts across the mai
dello Heron that doth build him op. AP he mad* in the lake or artesian sells- . ems, foe May, are the tollowieg .
pearances speak tor thenessivec neither wound the anneal expenses of Erato gosethen in the United States,
before an, *pert, enninineeen °r stherv. Dr Morray, Archbishop of Dublin flu Arbor day our jeveiiile friends pf
constituted body Thi" /Ult./Dant 614- He celebrated his firm min on Corpus run publte settool. .at energetioally
Christi in the Chapel of St. Vincent's work to fix tip thing* in and summed -
Collet*. Daring the three following ing the school. They worked like
yaws he was sent nn miessions to various I heroes and heroines all forenoon and
parts 4 Ireland. were allowed the anemone to there -
In 18443 he embarked at Liverpool foe *elem.
New Orleans. haying been sent to do We have at last rt • new rope co rese
missionary work in the Soth. town bell. and its pleasant ding dong is
Pother Lead' span • period of two again hoard four times • day.
menthe at New Orleans, and during this tilltn.Ment was dispensed in Babel tended by an intelligent stmety hoofer onto. lo use of the most ion)oyah •
time made a omelet study of the thane- and Bethany chotettee on Sabbath last. -A emsimua amine might be te ropers leemni in bit month's Esithsh
1OT of the cozple omens whom leo bed Evening earvime moseisima a week from cloned in ems seeklente to the wheel I tasesintre :Celdissal hermitic's PIN tor
sem Suaday la Bethany olsoreb, sed --Another very important past in tarot the W is very timely, and worth
of the Gamow 1 1599555 ish, that the total anivermA : the entities upon Kr
e re t0 a dollar ***id aseeetained be- Froodere Telletenindtes is mond aid ap-
fere Ione tont would be spent on the
work -had it never emerged to the
Mayor or reseed wee, SU, that it was
their duty to visit this reeves el reemeng
waters Whim ilippiag their lowers wimp-
thri peMie penee-I well remember.
str, and au will likely the Sheriff sad lir
florttot, then Were perabasing the
aelletery Viten& Owe rained' of that
stay viaited it ia a body tied made • per
meal homeliness col the swotted -I irieit
ed the harbor oe &Magda, anemone,
iied really meld not help laeglisag--efter
what I had MAI three dem before, to
lied the Sow hoes the POO well 1i44 bl-
ebs* ! ! as gameered liy a emptimee *be
lees there with hie mom mil. Asa sow ea
is eeseissirra, fir, 1 L--1 ra esti se rttis
rot e .„ bet he bas cited cheers from the galleries, who one -
hair 'ery ioni heard eseteh, '"wilz mot bat admire hie pluck in reastiog
almost singlehanded the serious chant
againet his administration.
The 996.000 steal referred to hy Pre-
mier Greene& is supposed to be in eww-
gives him • rattier venerable appointee,.
He is a Mien moid„vigilant liggemir ia de-
bate sad a comise sad pointed speaker.
Whoa the coital! 1 gain °timid rafilnii48 mertion with t Selkirk Asyline•
reherr Dann to &posse before Mtn fur .a Ii-Attorney•thiners1 Hamilton deities
ree°"et tie keikits cast in rho Q.". in St Paul that he retained hill weer -
election Jodi" Tuck of the Semmes &non shims he paid it beak
Coert aa iejeaction restraial ond T Jona. receipt for et.
the ream**. lir EU mill in km paper night by Mr Mania.
that Ass hes else failed Jags
Tea was ta,, or immetbiag to dist
*Mist sad it wee foe this he wati held
guilty 4 ountempt. He appealed to the
May sere of the Sepreeme Coen Clem -
ado, iMihkeheeleillere Wile set bdd.
the county jades from promedieg wit This „vs wowed to „neer big
A Meny grabled wrap deem lame.
eteediad Mese es - Alf megligetring the
Ottawa river, 1#1••• • fir loavisaakt
ammo Was everaeled
A reined, for freer, for even' ache iod
pain, eact mimes Avowal 0111501". "'
drity and experiment is momently
irmeramt die manta of her domain. A
newoh:seilarderf &ems? has recent.
ly heel by maws et shish tom
'4 will le !real from pent.
Iferriliew, • worre pate woe, represents
working Ise • tithe of eh et it will be •4 by "5110 W Celd• : the omelettes,
the harhur when the water he. lo - paper ire the Ceeoittstioa of the United
reeled 230 odd feet by pump then thrown . States, 14 801, z part!". U. e.
200 fwet uptight 10 say nothing of the leer to Grant. ; the fourth of a
lateral dieauces requiring/ tn. met sense 4 ealliuMely Wailes lin Per -Tel -
powerful of engines and trained emit- Literature, by Dr Row.
weer.- Phew. heard this annual 'looney hard Pith t the snick on Hoes daebr„
estimated front *6,00010 $8,000 -when the 00)MM-roe of /tercel -ors, from the
as the water wheel would emit • rampant- , &wood% is very caries ;
ire trifle and issioht be ordinarily superue Snowed tap hi Arcady, by Rio Dr Jos-
enine to He speed the ant throe
years is Term, end Invited over the
weaker parties el the Stale. Whet kis
labor ami duties were is that Feats at
teat time esti be readily setisested from
the feet dist them were wily loer priests
la 11 Tabbies that severed Ow attire
ektilta illegima life wee held is Math
eateem wanes the favrise advesteran
that *sleeted the aseky. While
teavellies through • Paid* refits ed
UM State be erm etitset Sows with
dews e- •-the la we, feta the fever, Nee Ad& it Ino8 It a
meaty e. petszit Ividtales been
titre te remover. While teLeillet
le es twee bi tiff kr WOW Otiesete, twat
eit et - o
of tre mg Mihaly rill* that to vegeta ilia health Ime mart
,- AM- Paw. Serritise la seek a mortikere stigmata Atemediattly
ot owl* eilitele. Med plasma! west be in Leen, Ke., where be
edi einstineed daring else eneseser
Our vinare blacksmith has seemed the
mervntes of Mr W T Viral f Londesboro,
formats of Toronto. Mt Veal, wis ea-
denten& is a good mirk wan. Me woo
Ilse a eery Gee voles, and will prove a
valuable oequieitinti to the Bethel their,
if they ma mesh hies.
We are Very seen to hear that our
bisitseeith, D. W. Roberta, boa divots,'
of hie plass Die pleasant sof amiable
dispeentoe has amok weeny Mew& for
bit who will wise hi. mostly from
thole medal stroke nova" we r.pvuS hie
Separtene wish btre ..._: urtweir
he oar en Ile foes ow leave however
101 Swrembee, whoa lir Potte. el
is isOlII and opealei-odNIe, hebilert ordileahre io ia 111411 thst trot appiestaa Weesaperato, the miniboom, will take
disk We
Seratin vt Miry. twitwy Ott :u
---•eilleiver. te is the
promallwr; the Earl of bleeds Mewl
tents' titewist 4 "A Model new=
gneiss& 191. 1, Power
aorowes the "Itiseatros of the lbw -
Iwo'," NW siteso so a esprostive tisk
n1 Sa ale dose the toper ma
' floeutee 1D4 Deuteersge°
The sibeelleity, entitle& "Owe.
10 useseaky lulawl
The Mee 411otils• ASV
type int eatemeedlemirr
whim list a.19s
attsai al mar, or 10 matt a ewe
Jitin Asuber, WIS lesse141.6
Nei" elf Obeli wt., Obiesis.,
of OWN MO I him*
219 OM^
a .
• ,144 _
4 •
• -
Ng. .•••