The Huron Signal, 1888-3-2, Page 8r. • (X) Y OURRENCLI Peale/Hugs SO ScissorLugts "1,1. TiG'M, !e•1 ase biro' Mara emotes a 4116ppi ll sed a .s4 .. t/ -Iib W roma- Toe !Yi. .Oglse WOOS sago twoear uW of W. 'dom. gibed ea f1• .rday of Mph -Re parrots Rave the synfathe -sorbtx.: hated Georg* Demon has botaght Oa the Nibrth road which fur iaused to Hugh !!mese. Walton, lately owned by Mr heir, of R••bt. Darr, jr., has leased bis tam on the 0th coo Orey. 'Maker for • term of ire Barr willilpvwss kin' whole -ch..... faa;;rj. John. Cbeeeey and bis 4 Mira Anoie Straiton), hate fen late for Iasi JI ape tallor shop u 4Tbrs (bee r last week. 'Schad Mrs J Ii lb" issi visiting at )ir Gordon, of tit ,. tb• gutst f Minion, Dr Gasitt.o pian. X4 Maggio Yet t (..drru-h, 1s Ile, flesi,t of Mama hu pisco Gee ifarsbail ham on the sick list Is S the peat w . rven eod- mil t limiter, rola, u ruittos i his' tick brother .;,:kyr of this 1000 M' and Mims e, of Ged*rich h• • sawn of Jou down es the 0th c..n., Tsekerenstj. u' hate the morn teslitles of asserted Ila h' however, we wish Oily, not L. i:co.vad with bappineaa Few perp': hive 'any Wei ..a'etr>� of the wont, M green wend..' •j" ~"t 'd curiae&y, !'has, Peacock, Hulett. wombed a Toad of Inn{ wood a F"day. De had ah • i' I : ands stip,, it -.d "o4 wheats weigh5d $14o Ib.. The uuay friends daughter . t I holism' CI: be sorry to hear that flfcte4 wltb paralysis in which has completely laid irr °P' docent says situ is iuiprori.. bot t• slowly ;ts C'::.ttj. Hay. will been 51 - right The wife of Geo. Citron. of Mich , died .m Sonny Wt. after • illness She was a daughter r Worthington, of Clinton, her hi beiee the late Division Court CI Wroxeter. She :eaves • family o children. fax Saterdsy last west.-, wife h.yner, Clinton, b01 the wisfort break her leo. les going out house she stepped bole,. a bole ma aurae's (o•4, and fatties over, i•apl•• d Iike a p.pe Mem. Robert Hoary, who resided on toe., of Kellett, has caused an • is the pockets of • t., and Ssft.rth b iiineui sudden departure tor t' tee. Before doing be pr.. las 50 acre fart TM residence of Janus l::l Mtn., Grey, w destroyed Townley of last week, auppostir ro fr• a:he chimney. Tba ' e Ind was no: very tai ng about to erect • Mbar day r sea of Rev % j ' Clint•ei. pitying a n lis atoeimr feet, rae a keel : it Wcame ,. t Ito serviced • couple and the ream of the cloths wsMseessnry, 1 east W ,dict Truax -Robert atm Lvwrsea helper, 1 GO hone shoe in one o it strain Tay chane be Bounty of ,stun for tinning, tor many. Janes H. Gush., C binding the eater in his .on, dun ne hy any its a paradise, sad will to Ontario in the sneering froze hay • more sickness while eapenrseed is Huron The 1-oddii faro mituttd on tks 8th co put up by auction he was bid on at f4, subject to a tan -year avaditism, bas though it world be thint oar tAtabo Harry Dastard, sod ens and Wye R t hair hone u Da Mn Did .i goes who an !sees an t to They we t*I f: tong M have *i y dsrtn sity dark seek. tM throat, T driving Tontine • brush Mr J United Thom N Johnston horses r. liner, ot:Tockrr in; friends in this k. Meso Lail •oa the, during she past . et%st• sold In the Tan • are glad as hong that Mrs 1. IJl /gas, poeseeistrseril b4• remu vales.! hooka land illness doing son's fast wall his celebrated will give T McLean days- :s hone buyer. of the the gout of hie uncle, of this place. Mr „t h:a eye on nuns gond re U lSld. mpbell, trr., kin vented farm for ire years. e. tine in Blake a Hall lot grand suooasr. Icon and family are moving Bright estate which they par- tly. t An mina, for c rTanteathon eld in Zioa thodis: church udday erewieg next. A good is under p epsrstiiea, consist - owe, epesahse, etc. -. tuber of ratepayers. is the ern part of the township are dis ed at tis action of the cumin is ing $36 is • delegate to go to we to Interview the C. P. R. uritis, and have a good tine into bsrssin. They think a smaller sum ht bare done. Besides, what is the of a delegate going, as the C. P. R. jolt going to build where it suite it - f, and where it an soak* the most ,ney. We suppose before lung abs C. nodi will offer them a boas, to head t:, which will also dupl•sse a large Ann bur of the people. That little hole down at Port Albert is striving to get • breach of the C. P. IR., something which it does not weed. The branch should be built ria St- ' 1 melons, Dungannon, Nile, and Dunlop to Guder.chor dee via Auburn nal ftensitl- * Or to Godsvich. t Mt The Misses Fba.e. of Luokenw, me M the guests of Mrs eO swan, .d I iutaM. Mrs N. Austin, of G..derieh, said her !'babe, e.rjoye,t s plw*a.sst rmit to Mends kers lair week. A certain Noma gum sand lis t- heatt of this 1„e4Wy who we 1 doidnt lest Suede, evening. were oval taken by a kens y slt,twer of rates, whise washed *11 the pies•ure out of the re• meander of their drive. One of our posing teen, who owns • fires on the 7th am., is making prepare - tidos for butidittg a great house treat summer. A sorts in Nouse lady, who resides near KIfstail is Iw.king au frust •(sr, and veiy likely thinitiud of the day. whew she will be mistress of this house that is to be. Zsrst_ .ler to - Ass Assay et Prai se{ is sod !guest of rise MarthaitN•rk. t are un wo In neat * who is u with regard it to return • is neer has had be ea- yyw6 ave iuliett, sad Wednesday, e sale b'tesg ,e and other the holding, cheap et any - Thee llsnfnrd eft Brussels for am Wednesday o her husband est 1 r the past proepered nicely "very success. Colbrrne. has a rhs 9:.2 Ib. s Scotland's her colt 4 Ilse It was n iton a Baron Beers Beet Id wife, Thom /lorries's, 1•• ti ngge Vilibaxmon and sister left At Friday tO011ing to ro to Manitoba. 7b7 took the tiffs at (:nrrie, and had wilt them rat kglipea, a quantity of ferm- inplements.idtl • I.. of ether stet 1. ei,h them •s in the sew homes •set they in making for them- abss. They i • settling neat Brash 0. Friday, fiend Redo 1 section sale, edemas*, p .).kat• T.ae the hoot as 'eke prices. IN: .me Int' odd at f11: • ( espy hire oaf, A13year o *rd ,set we h Asst at t i 4/"It N bee W esay . 1 Kash sag 17th of Fels , Kr near Basmiller, had his farm strrk and • M his leaving for was conducted by were sold at very sold at from $40 to ear -old stars were g l R and 20 per pair. of people were pee - y nailed LAO I. ro.ns and patefnt se - m on Thursday. by the eight of one ave lose t other. lie ',beetle with posi- t aimateh to it, when oily knoeked oat and eat his heeds t. The poor by's wore both blind. tiro goo passing by of the old residents liken sway hy the tial{ flan week we have Ms of another of the find r rat tinbeme, ho- of Thomas Consists. owned year. Mm treble .od wen kind enassten*nse Sy these who were t her. Hen rers*iee is inn leek resting place Isl, tai the 2,0n Deme the whole, in conformity with the ssh- I joet, sews well end •M, diseuem,4 the Mr Denote Finlayson nitwit 11200 for his Sampson mare last week. Messrs Jam Reid and Archie McKenzie arrived home from tbo MacStgan lusher woods 1•st week. Wits Massie McKernne, who has been living in Detroit is back atneue her 43 friends again. The temperance people here have greatly improved those beige by eddies e library, Paramount will never be be- hind the times Itaitutot 4.- Rev Moore Shaw and McKay have been holding • sealsli of meetings here for the past tan., months with great gooses. Preparations ere being made to for• ward the erection of the new cheers t•tory. Notion are oat for tenders. Mn Donald McIntyre who hail been very ill of late, we ire glad to report as !improving. A good sleuth lewd of hove aad girls from here and Havelock city enjoyed Saturday afternoon toe the lake at Kan - tail, herring fiebing. Tbey however took pity oo the poor fish and left them in the lake. The teamster treated his load to • grand upset un their return hose. The debating club bene contemplate holding their •onosrt in the school house here shortly. E W. Richard., n( Paramoent, will take ►ant, also Mr Tho. Nall the comedian has commented to be with as, and will exhibit in the renowned Indian war dance. A pro- gramme will b. prepared by the atom ben sad • Nosed tines alley be expected. D Mr Jelin Nevin left here on Tomalley moraine on a tour to Dakota, to wort Woods sad to see the ouatry. Joh. M. Roberto, of Dungannon. was imitated for Wellmo•h and Reeve Orlin, of Ashfield, ern three's to inter- view the Government and the ganger of the C P. R on the Railway rues tion. it is pistons( to be 'his to atm* that thretegb MOWN •f • hied provolone, good medical skill .01 good cern, that Mn Walter Stewart, of this villas*, whys bis receetty Ines very ill, is meed', re- seomess. Ws asaesu 117 hops that aka will very now bs *Ws to row:ne her household douse as forteeely. The W. Wawttess& tsetoil Wag waded sora M its last saunas by • =4":aapahriag * great to sestet ss 4rlg_ Ottawa oa railway mMMMs. IS MRii.Atell gars $3 with s happiensit of $7 fres the anon hese of this bowl sad others. Meows J. B. Oeserf ad st this village rad R Mum of 8t HAM ware the -idMNM The Nth J. filLialy, of the alai 4 Torsste..g.M et the K.bb. S.niety, ds - livered as fithweetiwg. Isetnedve end Ispreewes aileron se the lemm s of dietnbeti.g the liable, se Engine ehoreh on lap AAbgplt, askant es Ile teat, Tsai) lkh Shifter rad 4t1 'seas, leen whwh bo save o rimy sail -riser aa - mom rat ittypti•n Edgiest hmleey wile refers..• to the Jew* Ria Weems flettualt jl n C sptMcf Porter's ffili, is the guest of Mrs Jsppb II..•C•ua- key Mr James and Mise Wry Man, e have returned from mantis* frieods up North. Miss M. 8. Grost.will, who was visit- ing her omen, Mise Lucie Beattie, has returned to her horse at Prince Albert. Rev. Mr Anderson preached at the Cuu.n church last Sunday. Notwith- standing the indeaseneyof the weather. there wee.* good turnout, and bis *Ipso *ion was .ppreeiated by .11. RA•A Besoos bas lately p*rchased r Sae two year♦ld colt, but the prob- lem, wb•t. ere\ he jet it ? is yet wool v - d. Loeb rII CMcacrt tkx•tal. -'ate .nnirersary social in eunnection with Lenient church was held tin Wedoeadey evening. The tables were set in the lodgeroom of 1. 0. G. T. No. 213, and after the large_ eers{tany hod partaken of tie Shines, an adjournment was had to the the I1m church where a 1usery pnrram wits Jointer aad other •nide• toes w oeat/ua. rendered -11.1 t•• circumstances be- Bats To Conrtrtws•wa,! t t>fs.ocw main. gond the cost of the management. TRAMS -Hay mob :.t'&y oreer.rtielre of the full number of speakers did nut put nmol $iOand ureter, coitus ware test ...mans in ana and strangest of alt, n t s month.' eredtt will b• gives by furaj.l.iag PTa'aac• spprovrd Joint not•.. • p was present. In this mapee: E. R C. CLAM/ MN. Itbe�h social at L'oburn was f o wn Mr D. Climaxing/ waste ��IIqqFor particalarsrsppiy to sailed to the chair. and after n- C.A.HL]i!s>ilt- Dentlstrg. M. )I1C00L9VN, ,Op � E4.Del, •rr beetein �:Plots Oipu lEwa' Tv tionswtcr- I. WOOLYERTON L. D. B. VT . uses odd rollowaKona st.. (..dertcb. Clew. r.oderate. A work war- ranted. anranted. Oas or vtubaod Air alum flew extrectloa of teeth. LM Domestics mantel&. WAVD-A 0000 PLAIN COOK st March. A lastasdt*tel77 to MRN. .0. CAMERON. She People's totumn. WOOv WANTED -A FEW CORDS T V ▪ o▪ f dry wood wanted Ima.eNmtdy at !rain tr Eve BULL TOR BIR fret tae souse of ti, as we arm sorsa, known as the Aline ere tams Tenor. 81. to be pail at taw of Weitloe, wA privilege of rotundas if M aecMMrr AIse wanted to rent • few acres of lead r sans B. R. Mt.DOUO L SON. •t1` HOU$K W ANTED -T OWNER of • residence, eligibly ed. aa" oath wallop not Mss than !1 re or sires hers. sat wore a _. OOD)l1CH P.O. Matt AMTED -- CARIITABER !OR T t OedsrMt tgh then! Apptkwti«r wail be r by the asdania'sed wail Ratarday. the I. Match *.o*. Applicant t• Mate alar tegwlted. 11114"1" mires ADAMSON, 2111 data 11.5. Trsut..s RO11M-1OORD. -ON THI* *YEN bagel hie 5N • driving rubs was found by the tad The owes* man,. it by proving dement. Iieel tFJ tar silver., eardeka and. It - ESTATE JOS. KIDD ilk SON. Thom will �b..015 byprusticancon- . on Ye[aeR 1 Waste Col- es% ptimise t es Caret Hatwsea rises opening the weetint with prate:. • prostrate was r_a.l.•red, to whiel. Miss McAllister. 'Mss C•rnitsitsg and Mewls S. P. Williams and D. McGillicuddy pre readaous and recitation,, in re- d with recollect none by M IMsa'r. The meeting was also addresses' at some length by Mr M.Cilliceddy. Tin nu - mode netted in the neighborhood'if $60 Zitt11.1011.-7)o ', FINE TA/LORI1 G ! BDMLOZ.1... On account of the lateness of the season, I have marked down all my Overeoatinge and Suiting. Buyers in wast of an Over- coat or Suit should not fail to inspect lay Large Stock before purchasing elsewhere. In comparing Goods, Quality, Trimmings, Work- manship and Style, you will unquestionably save 20 per cent on any quotations given you elsewhere- Remember we when you are in wart. (lOO� • j Dec. 9 9, , l8/47• • 5 is ., LOUR! FLOUR!;: The new fall Roller Mills at Port Albert using the LATEST & BEST MACHINERY DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP The partnership nererutere canted on ley the sodemig.rwres Booksellers scot *Sit .omen et the town at tiudericb, under the Kyle of Fewer. Porter i Cay. hen tkladay hop dl. - oared byMama; ooweent. The bas 1nnee will be tarried on by Freaer. ter Porter. and all aseouat• aad dolts des to the late arm mast M footled furthwlslL laced at Butterfat'. this arab day of /Vitrs- sry. moo. R. M. FTtA URO 5. POMMEL 10 :t A. M. KAY. R. D. Moms has son I>�ie•ea • visit to relation there. Mus L leer, of Deeganson, gs- csntly en Toyed a were piesunt visit ,ire Mn Tibia spent Iasi week 1a rich, the guest of Mia. Ansa Laity, of that town. Masa Kate Hawk:ta. of ?oft Albert, with her brother., Tum and John, gen our burg • visit recently. Our popular towustnan, Mr Williams, is visiting Toronto, and is the guest of Mr. John Haddanr, whs• formerly taught the high school in Godench. W. H. McQuarrw, a knight of the pestle and mortar, free St. Thotnas, re- cently visited the assess of his hoylro.d hare, the guest of hie cousin, J. Lawson. The Laird of Lansdowne has sold hie last colt t.. a Gtrd•rich merchant for m a delivery wagon. The moan t tors will hare to take a back seat wino that delivery warm comes around. John McAlliaer,foronrty of the arefei- tact's oteli bade farewell to hie friends nn this notion, and set out to meek his fortune is Uncle Ism . domains. Itis'* • good workman, and will auoa 1sd a place under the abetter .4 the big EMi The many friends of Mer A. Alleys - will rejoice to learn that that good dew is fast assuming her normal heslsby nue- dition. She had • Ind attack of inflasmo motion of the Ions., whish at one time Cave her medical attendants ;rare fere* The past seaat.n has hese a bard one ow the sick committee, an many of the neer bort having Imen rendered snit for rap - law service in the en0d MOM. will be running about the 28th of February. Verniers con &ally invited to give them a trial. CHOPPING- DONT EVER Sr DAY- ..40,41,00 JAMES MI 2AFFY, Proprietor. tis: ivt 'wee,* MIR '•- For Sale or to Let. l oars ana 3nsorsitee. J "*'` P L;lOR SALE-Ht)UI4Z AND W'f 4* UO*EY To IAAF ..PMJTA?S L' esee airs 1n the towss),Ip .4*sheetJ. Jai 1O\UB. The Wear i. is r first .Asan stale et repau,snd -LZ Phi@ ('Y1Dr. cop rot to shun!. rad wheal. Fur pp•�aery�tI-- btevest 1i)abis 1'esris. . v •e nian apply to JY.RL111AM GRIFFIN. 1t. \. •LF.wie. KInge bemire. P.u. Mit Orrc[s-- terser oppeeiu )tea i.'a hotel_ 7t11tt 'PWO FIRST -CLAMS FARMS FOR �r�.� TO IA/AN. RIPPLY TO L ..15..10..116, ci CAe tugs►:: est Ashneld. CA]I0 IA/AN RIPUI5. 0.4e ueatWw•err► : sad one it lust Waver iii• 1.mit. onp4 baso 100 saes- For particulars t rib. _ :sty w ..asoma. Brits It cros...n. Gerni`r eefeeal. Mart lk[eNsT TO LEND. -A LAROI'" 1TS •wsotett of Private Rads fee isvestMMtt L1i11IILE FAItII YON 8ALR-- stfewetJ ames"rdc1s. I0rtevee Alper -Jimene',d.'GodertrbTv made. lib ears 'NOARitllW t PItOt'U! W'1 lob erre& as.od oret..rd eau had! i .4a -. • _.-.-- _ -- - -- Rh con.. ,t; acres -cwes1 ulssbbalm Lad stable. Terms of pm-ment easy. A t'ply to U tRRO W r i`ttbt' UFOOT. 5s.va.wrr rte.. Mats eledsmala. TENDERS WANTED. For tbe erectte• dl• mita brick two•etorey Mee ��emeryDa A sume▪ nrirsi eget so @v. H. IrvtsMtoLt M and eta Mopened ol Tao Iowa ser any tender est neoeeserIy accepted. 3r - IMMIGRATION i MAFITODA. )R 8.shi. R I:ADCLIFFE, 011 FERAL INSURANCE, KBAL =STATE AND M.ONET LOANINr. AGENT. Oa•'r lird..0ew tvw)..rate. R.•irrsrwfed sir Messer N•t.e•d as .night lame. at the lowest rate of isteest going. to arty way to West halt of lot 1112. Arfbes titres. with sue !t. serail hrick menage tl.ereen- f/•7RYlCR-.!•ws.d dear tras• 8esate. •rtLut NO Lois. -let. lent 1M, Zara MEM wrnt •!welt. dsdetMb. loaf Street. nit. Andrews Ward. 131. ea wee of tierce and Ilritaani• Rea&. - A (tf ` TO LOAN AT 6 PER Frame li glory tone ea les* Asset, IK v5vr;l /t Ike riENT. aid belt aC TRF. '72fRONM Gh7:KRAL TRCtard CO'Y *tend vetwl hulks steed's 5er►ey• eppesMe sew Show Oroon.1a, I'm : anis metered t• leen money at b per coat. pay Nes tit 251 1t. 10. 6t Si. it. it at.. TEIro sly. lint. All the obeys at Lo u*Tatr. f:bi:4 Tt) eitIT BORROWERS, Itarkl to 0241 firm -elate tare accent,. 01-11 DAMSON t. UJt$VsiON• 1ppy to CAIt2En0h. HOLT t CAMBAOR. Itarrt5ere ae4arteh. Aiwa', for t5sToronto oeserat fraises Cary. Mewa t as UsoN. Nom. a Cassa bare aw • large amnia or !moue foam to Ina ea ere ones tarsi .•scent,. O•d.trb.001.4 um 1ee{at C. MATS, 6GLiCfsOit, site. $INItr10 PRIVATE FUNDS R. mew, menet of S.o.se R sn 75 tows . In tarn mod *own property,_at Iew Mawgan Oederfeb, over tolegrapb•ttis•- Prt set beeves Morsptgee parrbesed. dio cos - sass I)stde m ht•i at 49 Oar rest. 111 tmseatps t e sae,! s a•c to tan the Trust sed L as r , r Cenafa a» Canada L•sd*d C.dRPJ>W R PROL'DF(If , EA 14 las'tvotlit..,„.41..iritio:"..elp .rosy• theI slogLess Casp•ay Tbasw•m nusadmustdesiramoT1C..?od:siterwrteintenvt_bsNa•d7pares.RHoMIMTIto� raise .rest of Ube Mese- (Sods J. T.'Onrrrw. Rv• Preedfoos. r' .- ttroovrrts�tcoan obtain miser le treat ante R' lead columnvi rtfOli` JOH'i$10N. ............L.7, eve the Manitoba r= /"�](Blytl $ALT A C n.ery d - tf,J Iw*n !c. OetleN.J. with These hands mars p•rldike. v dsrr►7te4 jrgdeore t■ Ct.4e*�y •• Moe r.f ptaarlr. good wood sad iedergeb. ]e. R Wme*w. 4.0.: y. Hila >� _ _.- rhe svwrwws.dlyt 0". - Th s Ces.p.*y . is r•cne 11. TISHE . Klabr•w, Aad ideb every tnIoersegwt to panto, to besenead ergine emoo ., •.� I SSO LU TIM% OF PART IZRSIg T Legal. S14AGHARTT, BAPRISTZRB. & fie..eedertob and Ottlatim tiodwsoh ef- Bes eppe•Re 16rsts'e Rena- MOM_ MO, ice._ . A NCH NT ORDER OF U N tTlii D -at -- -_ t MH8 C3IKN. _ DR. W. K. ROOS, LICEt4TAaTY.U; MAPF E LEAF LODGE. Na 27, Royal it wikareet Phy.ioiar.ARliede gi-; A. We. aam o Tete, sed Amine T. Aches's_, OM ...As 9..ak ebbs of Ham aimed•. 16tAisio i s : n their U. I - 1t'.. the NSSbersot*be Son canning «. !saps floes ever Tr[ gieat rsba�5 nem mswtl,sate. at the town Dpi bbAnK ti, PHYSIC i , .,,..sir j 'f OILY. uederteh, p the Oodetlek the comity of !boron. under 1� OEON,Cew.mr Rn' OMcesad retsitme I ACU\ AND POtiRTH MONDAYS OF atilt at rales t A.clrwon.' do herebtr i hum Strom die[ were et victoria LACK MONTH. ity Mat Ube said part nersbip was on the Mt5 day d Ja.eary. loin, die..uivesi. Jobe T. ; terse`"' r(SITi`a4 . *sheens' retailing. The busies.", will hnt.etorth be rendncerd 11RS. �ANNOil' a 3HA�i w, L p- Iz,,d- lay Jatses-Tatee at noon wad. tt whots•ait jai p*yMc1 Rargeews. Aoee•ebeel, t.. t g�gll.debts c+std Y Yhrr..�_� .Mse *t- De 5hau*on a rrsfdease sear the Y. i:s- iit11111 r- A4 .nonan,. tete► O. C. S J. tt. t:sb PKN ARE ALWAYC $LA:uM e. A. RELS PRICE. !Asunder O. W. THOMPSON. MM -Mt Iteereder. magi* HEADING WANTED_ ;tel Notices. Luctioneenng. y ted to seise ear ssaatfty oe PTOTIC=. T - -• gooud'aRessleet. )iewwwod. 41:10.444.11: rak sad P'LtefwP J�� RS THEIR JOHN KNoX, ()ENBRA/. AVC- sa s> ssfl•W unser t a �T ep►tW- I�sw� THEIR [R sod Land Volute. 9ederieb bW. dd t..4 for w►ioh oriel puny ktg sit iag chem. sinew the matte at Yehnrt the scab., mots mule. he Is tio a position Take noun that ui creditors and .taeant. Hata at had experience at twerkot Wi••• Bahia. of the Townsip of lodrrah tan Ceche/ram a ich chamomiles eateferr atre.K d li L.TQ renmity of Munn. 7eomee, 0100001111. w5. onion. *ntroatN N luso. Order's left at I as wlhw ptsearell to •M env tsrwtlt� N died es er about the Uth day el neptssober. Mart n'511.451. or sent by nail to my oddvees, e•Mew wleg pruetltly ewdestLt6etotiw►M• tib. *m mattra+d to trod by Peet enmeed a t. 6odrr•cb P.1) ..orefolly ettMdN to. JOHN &ever to GLswea. Holt t cameos. of the KNOX Csmt Auctioneer. 11pr i se� issglrt stasis t. eosin's �.. Teens et OoderMk Solicitors w Jetts sober, r 'ss+► pwatfes0art wOnly tan et the Twtsaebio or Ooderich *$w.esid. ed - - -- ----- ---__ Porter's 113/5 o JOI �R D..TIt sbeletrwter of the estate of *Rs ha pone* eiilentS Min Limbs Lawmen bas gone to rile ANNUL MEIIUNl3 OF THE Aw- ay of Losdesboro to reside. On Satardy over blacksmith mod* Mt:1061 AM? pimps Z LOIN AND teacher took a drive e. the "bob" is a iNT T CO. boggy, the first of the rs.sitw. No we The *-assn� tseetier of the share - in trying to coax spring around, brrya.be *Mem ,f tN """awe4 rwec r ▪ T Oe. vrlll ban bad r tM for, ita tine. v none Tows of Oodortob pan T We ,tnderata•d sur hk+abmith, D W Oh. morn..eeet the boor or of alatakaa two ie Roberts, is booming Wags is the car mtt4, its t1b..wM.t e[Mesw oat r.r .rather nap line, as he hos leesa itt. ooatsr.t tn••rrss p••s••s•• SWUM H TtTOX. Gat iroaiag • ..'. .1 k 4.. dun >N _ (Nati Heiman, of Ohstbrs ♦ t)tal-starry AI SO s the tae of spur I Hera hfovosr IrvA, A H(paws. - e� a r ~n�sp. Dns TM arm - 4n1ta •aJttsayrblo es dM Ci the pony. One rsf Mr gnat bans dealfis pee - MN K .a.rr.. .basad the case day a bee gsllits.a of Nr�.w pan4.a+•tMillMI11T'itt• va�ga�f', �C j horse bash. Tis asiseal is shed by aid d �Ibs. Mack lbs propriety of isk' glia �T BAF Special Arranoen�ent. hw,of ONbosss. Wo wederstoad ie is a. 4-‘1 (1eiOa. `� /r Aww Clfsf- ` - - in* one Ise the d.wbt, r15. 14oPmt_ far til• rostrum. User I11f.1.1.1w11T, 1 will with tae nsial" slab•' t eMrMl". TM Motet LI fO 1[A( MiItL6T. ef Nies, .why. the ,twit.., as 1 ,,.t tired rt M x•*ae. em f4 A COLONIST TRAIN e.eiar'�t�i'ltadtR.ed l ewsA�ie . „,� of the P•skya- Ms 11 Cesphsel) .nal Irgkrs N. ~ e5 time. o �4aa with FRkK . HO°" �etiey kr use Ha am Byeteas. ♦ �peepaich oe wand bead >tns 'bv,vr •rtesb.A Ar wen, of Aadsrroh. Mw been visMet WI ismos � ' llawBtea R« 17eter own Rq.s tbatm LIttM sleet Oen (ba M than iN tea , 1e Oban gsmk ■ sed other wears Wk.oir. �tswkwttl !• two a welts. They boom gives it u kii t "'w r b'� Rio eft b �RITOQA. elewet• Mitt kl,rkloery. *aeon that lite is sad ar.ead over Milt R01N1.t.. TM IIORTfl�fST, h►w PLANS AND 81"RQiRCATiiMffi. anew tssih abort lash bellow this I VALCATIONS MA,DR amour tewa. We deal warier ftddepee.'Mae.g1.irs. Rr va �ITISR �06UIRIA, Ela►a' irttltRT' app�fff( Of eetsese. Nen wive sew that ,� __ - DOOR Tele leave -- �tle► n etblsR weed,* hile►- k •^1 - - ,e.ga .. a. " TUESDAY, MARCH 13th. 1888. Sew T. for Ow bisW we sive IRS stege tan . Rmtwtot�r pht•asg M aka cis 5Mi>+agt i rwsd,wyrent h. f l_ u t 101. h5iar My of thl etw Mesa h whiepss� finds LM.btoi M i-loisi is Nis tlMi'>dt Mini teal ynwasr er t•.eta,s.. ends, ars. a•st•t as.d is ysf � .mq*e 74.7 y sac hssk twr��tbb wb►'t1�' Tt..es•t 'f a .efe]iw"' to.lra'at'■+Zta k... the o410Mw ss M yTf to segs et the fid►ttew.. wade 1o'M IT hiss see lake *es . g errawcilialsrovarE Atrial's:Litz mi. i..0lra M,IntollilL' tilt liken, ors w beton the 1tv! tray at Marsh Al _ . !!lags • rsaswoaeist of their .•Mrs •and ad- sses•at�stnd*be hall purileni•s d 15,1, c .55 adet h•....dtles nH any, Iadd by N.a,.a.. G° A. Y ANT) 11 01110 gbet 6Tyr the sold dat• the •tour of Ihr pV ART R E A DTI• e ltebwt istw. deceased. ani/ tr 45*15-odROOM, 001 at bier shoot and Sgs•m 1.0 a 55 ..1 its. pslrtler entitle4 thereto_ he rtsg ttivis i .. hath. colmg of whin, again bM Open from 1 to 6 Rtn-, • et fres 7 to is p.m. DatedenSitst ABOUT 2000 TOL S IN LIBRARY K HULT .t t:.t MT,..RO\- Id�ed ty D,y, We. , deed.r., WWI selklio... r..{efhaha X 1'wr,r, ..r,Iointa, der., ea vii•. MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLY MAO. TgZ •greatte/ tree one K Library sad B.adtag • 210051. Appliratf,is tor membership n..1,5 k7 iafl PiI1c R'1 mus,Crta.OI r fl't 8. lIA1.('OMSOY, CEU. STTTEtfl. Oederleb. March a. Mt C i eIhi15f CiTY gp MUNI& ♦KOti OR KRe'KR Aemd uw�w[tsue is aissn lest e[ti' o!d Ags•a wM aMsed eses'5Y s M * 1►m tea I swot r 1 serer. .�s�, tarsi Ian •tseporw sa .... t YOR usdss.OM. obis R. RADCLIFFE, nirglarell !11.4 ( r r Sees( Oaderteb. M• .1 , v A `'t 1 . • re as, 1 shit 4 OE Jur