The Huron Signal, 1888-3-2, Page 7peranc* Heins, THE HURON SIGNAL, !BIWA, Idet,ItCH 2, 1888. .GET the BEST 1 1 Irsowas dowasswiesast•iip 1888 gglrut is nee .4,.S7S" 411 Easyper9S ILLCMATED. nitamee, h4.1mni tor shout forts. "ow Mesa of iseess Culled 611 es aid Emotes Judd, of eltiemete. "1 bore tho W. b04 hi. f tr thirty yeas $ad dm, flaidhor end Illatioat Pedigo," es tali hive, to Weal lived at Molberie Fidls, Mau fl ibtollitit,sfutoihoos,:omiher:',:actrigilar:r1Pri par osent ot life. B Atom. II have) laintly' Whore dated vt art ouiler: arI4ak. ....etslArnt.o.i.ruustre.. sadiMirosisieicatisoll. 1790 in slakh "Old Putnam" it re totted gagsei ; sr.:tgagiv.ttesteral to as a "pretty bird *Melt hath bees kb, W. loom.; some:Tort Wight to ply after one much 01 our New Illatkired :Labe?, rwltgruvras3. gt,staiad priwea sea certain id Dr Watts !asses. Lateadry Ara. titaitsinigatd no:r; hymns tor the yoeug.- I do nut tee rtuirie writers ;a:rdsa littlinstynort parea" that the barrel Pub* es •ver• IrsZturtosi • Departreata alsDrsobyr Re a very docile ad talks as oleo ugly as ligrEdWeriarkaVelti NI= IISW a slued et Um plumage is still bright, bid his sight hes failed him sonewha, The way to tell th• age ut • permit as to taunt the rings ou his clews. A mew rag (or wrielde) oases ery teeth yea. "Old Penman" has sine of these rings bed a starter lot the tenth." Ritheetlar al journal. to sr 111111444thers Jed& elle eernimpondettes froth the 1iIissettr of Edemas', whisk appears un peed ra el ibis loses, settles sethorimitiely the Vas of the above *abject* in the public program. Tb. dintsitist given of eourse, the o tly its • • out and 'ogicel vow The Legislators, beau; neetate, after fall e3naideirstioo, that the best in- termit of the pearls Omani! dna ed. - qua* thetteetun aped to • he asters end easel& eif akoholie stint. hum abee!d be gime ie the pada school., aid the meet haying authorised • text- = the subject, the day of tieitee boards sad tamiteas becomes plain. Tat ' airiest moot es desk edit as any ether ' shied uo the provost, ; and simear teem implied to escermiti the efficiency of the tacking. 11the teacher is suiriparrat mid prelate to beech without the me id • writ book, be is at liberty is regard to thtion an ether subjects, te du so. If not, 1Imi in,* the die book saboriesd, by the Depiltetent. The cad • iu either *am, is that the subject most be tough* t, all She children in the truant schouls, and tkot the teething mem be compre- henive and thorough um pre- literate! limits. Wows glad to believe, however, that whetevee difficelties was b., in seem MOON Mooed by whoa bards, tbo greet majority of bus s.esd no me - palsies to uoder,nie due good sod wstrassary wiwk. they recognise the obniptions or • ainew 1.• thaw even se set of tine Immisithere se regeistina of the Education Download. Whatever rooms there may be for diatomite* of ovinion on rentagpieta. or questiree degree, Mere anteing noes is mead to Ilhe seas hises ; thee are West to all sliservetise. Su one can lift up his oyes sad leak armed him se easy **a- menity withilut and tur: are ti rm. um • &Medan. end `herons a Only writ," of the paleness *Seca of alcoholic drisks. Os emery heed he will see dm ras the shrivelled, liaggeni features, the leak-tiO e. the half palsied fans. the esio, the the prey of afar rod aurnerwieive mon. absence el Iffillool sod INN , lem' Persimmons*, lie assesea is old gentleman' got him (rum a mita tit win funiev. daralr "THE WESTERN cY1R11 - 11.• • •..k Agent Yr Goode, druggith le tt lbw& fur Johnston's 'Toole Bidelie,=I:1 agent. but has the stems la ton heartily riseateresd ter Jog our plaint tar which • took seeilieWie sp- plicebte. This valuable seedieine has boo. with meet eigesietaivebt_ yea re- sults is rases et postal Oribility, leak - mos, inrageheass pariahs? le fe�ales. anomie pelenses, impovesiikeesit ot the bleed, eteersek end liver troubles, las appetite, sod fix that mousse& aim est feelers that searly every earn is tvertibled with se eases pert of the year. out &inept the useseliffinston's Topic Bitten bee. end gl. sir bottle at Gwoole's 4reg shire. Albino desk, Galeria, sole 112121.11fareo AU. ME HARPER'S PERIODICALS. i Utak „ R P RXR li I EiNii.h..... ....... . A es, HARP RX LY ......... .......414 SI Teleirembinut of Iii:r Sermon., dit ' IL'ASIPATED UMW. 1 PAVIA% SU I S 13! 12 PACI-SIEI. Tu TME OLDEST MB LEADING 0 MIMED PER OF CANADA NW" •Lign. se.romas Um • at " ill Welosh .. • .. a . WELT Kees, . . IteTVIMPAY t•ILY IDLOOlt, 196.00 pee essearra. .0111 81.00 fa 1.00 " it LOC/ el ee clerks of 1887 Free Ts all sow oultectIning or tb 'car teld st los o. Pell AN; um $1 Tao mute* sou.% .1 Tu. Glebe can threogliout '' " A CLOSE SPECIA III. TIAIII -" lieterees Terme* and looms. whoa, bee sepia' deny Mai* To Wt. will be teede804 tearrehest WU tub arrives at a.ai , makes( cessectiteva an du ,.iy goes thst piebit, eirrierirec. Ow The Glebe a donned, tuougboot wrote, .0.0 Mere is Ovaries et all Teresa ampere. " trees lien Dade. " H A HPItirl A ...t.14.• • I: KrbeAria Musical Selo tams ! Si A EWER'SPL1 fidernogiostol Semites bireanl "I'XiL311QV 14•11000 "es f..ll tosibeerthere t Ow use A _ mountui eaiaium ad Cettraite. er leatteee. _ teol number et a plovare is eared iialawribeta for we coats 'atm IV votaress sr Os 11141011111111 beldie2 5(001. Ceeensenleet SW - Enemy in mitionis a requisite Vi moderate suansate baskets. Boas WWI SOME to do Militaries with )itt say opiaes,a of their mu. They ob. eitellIbetaltebb vied the . usibineller airthe weesara iroopins-,r sad Iremoleast W so Shoe la lagres ger BOA& lab the outran at 1▪ 41.1111° 414"1•• f•T Irtirnitstuarin orwsaiseridu te.evre allitiokruse •• rr.F.rao,lr Gloui tem coati oomasmetest SO the sleet earotertn1 ea e• ofireeiS. 1(ekle•ereltlatter• JIM al oar risk. per war. for Par tree tanipte pa Ere. . ern r. to ussometr.. 4"*"°11-114res IlAne‘rounras.. sithess. AL"' 1111Taillit i OM. 1.0101D0 ONT. - • 11 ADVERTilati• • • Aw lb &avertible Itadiesi, The CI* elliteletha W." it lised of its Wasson a en oda Cansgoi s, be =,114 Zwt pmiatl" gie go equal le Canada. Ite camas daily, le tat is le es istestios er dee ems - patios as the LIAM md innesee. WIIE PR \CCO. ToRNTIP • he tite 1 -4. taleelve. SL41est tetEd1:1.1 Way ▪ Oriter er Dra. said P=; kilikl:ewerpapereesne 1 TUB '4114.111Zir eatassoec *nett. imier Me Weaves itetveesSeer sod I slat :r oar es.iii;,.., lolvaiillery..1„ ti mat he rope vino eigerttap Sae IsetatrOftst Siersologn. asopolsee walls ;WU feet eno otent without Vie expresso etnase Bay= wwerse rum* S. Crean aa ihneesees. Iola Of Slaosiirs 1/614 asse.t any th° Pitaki skweri " ellifildieg 4141"- ems is not lank up in a year. and elleat tires end gpliNinne. whisk teak the petit- ens in one or four leers. eareety. Whig more truthful lessons .nloo oidesere ilsoloraiesroiolotius: et - way el die dee:rover through modern am the Soaeboras Ito is aetioes te tic his 42.°°"°6° isteeitise for kismet by 'ha. 41617, syt belt" las "Pile ; "at 3.14: a) streams hts bettor esti width. better servants/inex to the erne; what I° melee wink do la God sod keemeity ; The preinyt regegnitiob of reeves then to imposes deeply opus the young who have adore tread with min. and nisei eseerbie tremseng. the nein, de- the ramp( reseillesties of thaw elethosi sionstearble fecte with rob:ram to the see ot greet impeellease to the IOW- baloloil Week of alcohol opal lady and theta. kne•. end so upon personal (manhood and nstiusieleharecter I --- - A STORY ABOUT ISTIMPLIIIE5. The Wee feileedies teem elien Welk ISSOors MOO Sho 1110101e, While airwere carped en the eclat of • little Nebraska town • sae come over and sat doses is the we tongue nod belies to pima* up the plum. meetioniag imam ether isapeovesienta• me steeple that Ike gang op on a chetah ear at hand. • Isnt that Mamie junt a hide high for the sins of the diem& r sug- gested Briar. "Them Mask it the tirst wheal 14044 that's the way it would go ! tell yee.liti went es fideottaily, 'bout thatoteepia Is • 'Pampa church; they pat it ep 'bout • yew ego with jes' erlinery steeple stickle' epos it. nen whet did tbe &mans do bet up an' Mild a church over hereon' ear up a steeple en theirs 10 feet blither ! Tins mei'valtypild the Piscopels some, se' this sprieg up they ell their steeple 16 fest higher 'Os.. emir sem& Duskallcur • ask in the beed•bs slow- ly mid mrely nee into Onterth, when yoe Gen be awed foe 2fic. Miming Dr. t - Rees Price God-artch0w In returning thanks to -111A-11,Z11 BItOTINERS. New Tart Tie . won at . - 18sa. Sures Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. linuinateireralwar:thas 0,40160110a rises se die lisx Almeria& Ths Mame ad he :="' 10 modems eterese ednise bee mad meat eideserefemiree .11 peeose-... the 3, 4 ma 6 per tad. /aerie A Ilaresi ern Mt the mest meeker arias. It ter wrii tau left frPlreeim the Maltese weber of 1101tACK HORTON, ce. Canned Goods and Godietisk Asa. iltb • SW - HURON APD BRUCE generally for the vire age tendered then urin 100 MO ItiVEETNENT IONPA ibeg to call attentionko ano consignment ot fresh Blac This (-•••••••"wwn ia Leariniq Moore ow Fara UORTCIAG13:3 ibiljAcV ASED. :! and Japan Teas, eXCtt led by iie tu. ilikV=011 BANK AS meld nod otir atron- past, large reen ther Lend • vrtibtst ntellleef vow 7,...4=1'.• **Pod" ' Doeo.“., ro,-oroliseo to ratiwand mats ale awl so ea eremite sligessegor epee thettbasseattaa of sad hareem 111Ic et Market aquae sad Perth PM* le house in the ominn. o Clfe-e- is alsoa-n-ettablis our stock of Fruit, Nince M Or- ange, Lemon and Citron Peel. en- ral Groceries are complete, to wh heeprertgetieuseseren H talreata 'Wpm. ',Tr A adlinlrality le be emblems street. the gems hi every Masautiral 'HARPEILNE PERIODICALa via haat: ' RS 111111111(LT KAP/CRY 111o_OAZINIt . _ 4, II &ARTERY. '1,:ti FICOPLM. 1104 Popar...tee. eta alt rairearttere to th Cheese lOstarrIVICere. A few optima teems sere incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 sOif boxes is glimanteed to ewe chronic caterek. Ti it. Italy 11641 wad sere woe. Sold by all Aral0Ciala ly --- Masseemilidthlffifhlloweelar• IMAGAZINIC. ail 'The Peole'sL invite special attention ivery REES PRICE & chri Stare on the &ust% Between E. Dotting's seeeka Oelebite, krii h. Doe. IS, amimeemees 11116- Ced Venisete, a Abeam Tba Tobolaratte the Weeratir begin with lb. Number rewaseary wean Frio.. When ;no time ==ed. tt eritt lie understood 4 -that the edelweiss oomenee with idle Nember ettresat at tititione of the men% vt order. Ilksand V01,111P011 et RAI= Vf WILY for taree yeers=li. is neat binding. wilt !tree of aressuesprov mesas •appeers abet Keiser Mftllisia is • JOH11 Propetors "Ise sent bg pot= or by expreeL TOS absorber levees -.A to 'arab& the pub etZeoest me Mara oer ustemn, or it ellen haribly frugal ad momenta on to the see (Nb C41100W kr each solowsel. bl fee A id overcoats end pommel litanies of boons& "Ill' be vest WI lattleet 'CALLAN., eas u a---satt the caber ;• The Finest. 1R,igs T LEASONABL: PHICV-rt Hese teadersh. thess. His vela hes sedate never to rleegoloinoisocom,"1 ..7.1(fuk...ii bemoan, be temaosio, brew • attain for scat mail the thee- Moo' order -4v Dish. Iv everd chests 4( ""se".b. "" "Pr minierter falai depose virsioe era. "pzrteie d,„emee_ - amous breeglit oat, ths&sirier remaria AA801)='• ! GOOD INN IS DONE AT SIGNAL is year, likes the geneeet in gees- Will hoed Au ql Wafer= lit Illajeety, it is really aesomary that Ton Feetleite Free te en sabossibers in the (left - I GET UDR PRINTING AT SIGNAL ed that a eranted neisierg. "Yew DIMMER .f• Bitf1TIFKRA New Test ishoeld Mai m new wee oltogether; ea 8ts.e." Clinsgt." mo41 saintosted the irekt, "the oat ' .1110111 oat." "Oh, au; It a ill do wee .osk It ran dorm till July, bit' all the taa. asoseit withaleuther hall: waintsmed the Baptists was ado,' hotter n hotter, the [Emperor. "I bare node inquiry. an' one day job after the Forth whet end .11 hare sot had it polus king atm should they do but put semis carpenters dahlia. s assegai should lest: '- bootee to work on their steeple snd *hove her ladders finsiety. up 'nodule ton feet ! Then they wont round town stappin' kW', an' the Pampas haven to sweat again It ran along tin day before yestesday, what they seen the Baptiste, an' are goin' 'eat 10 better ! An', do pas know, 111 be snaked 44Edent believe the IBigitisto '11 raise 'oes 'far sister ! Oh. we're game in this town a'ry time r "nr-well, which ene do yoe belong te T Briar in- quired. "neither i rm. a Kethodist thst's yoar church over there on the hil" '''Well youre getting left entire- ' "8 -h ! eree't yoe--eo sleepier That's ell eiight--we know eer play ! Ws let on we don't klieg* in atone, s' ye 'rotted blown,' 'bout our bit hell as' the scolloped shingles ow the 'tde of the Main'. 'Bout neat tone you'll see these Baptists' as' l'iscopals' steeples blow aver, en' then jes' watch is MothAists shack to front We ear a hog slim steeple sp ..to the air, so h that the 'II be too ask to ever enorientenme. Goktom bFewerfirw hes ot tendea; to damp e, bpeal. Awing hut weether. To-eliviete dm owe must he eseellul iu wearing net te wet the fol. aga-apecallytthe heeet ef Abby's,' t. hog build .fain! Idetlitliste easy be laggin' • little jos' at preseet, bet you welt till the proper time canies, ate we'll make some o' theme light weight keseue- mations think briek court home Me fell on 'ewe Therasre ewes 1i300 Named varieties of asysseibeinems as the Coked States, Insides many sew assalimes waiting tir b.seseed. oluryeastbeeem is • etive4 Chiemeed Jesse/fres( she& verietise ere eireesi intro NEW GOODS, FRESH GOODS, CHEAP GOODS emitheles sem Assad, There ere Gowen es .axhibitiee iodise in diame- te1. toweling ithe sunflower in aim.; others, manor Shan the English daisy weak hey rues resinable. 41111,199A----- • THE PUBLIC GENERALLY! errelkaidasis mak- or 11fOg steedien, the imemess may P le's Grocery NIXON STITADTS cop FIR.016 15e. UP_ So old Stardk to -work .off, but all Fresh and New at Prises to suit. erstasea c.a. ammo air leneser anellseu iteinember thalland-Os the Bauslaa. nest to Bingham's Restaurant- TO FARMERS FARMERS ion V1VAT REGIM 1887 The subscriber wither in leforat all lead *averse of Her ffiest 'admen likiesstf. V reorts. than em doing my stelae te tap sty Meek replete With Iwithhis sow ma 1.4 1. all departtaents NNW GOODS AllarSIZTG DAILY RUMBLE FOR WINTER WMR. The Correct Thing in Drees Goods, Buttons and "Aseenings to Mach, Ribbons, Frillings and Fine Lois, Newthadee in Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, wit Bnibroidenes to Match. barn not adrertlaitor Roods at root -tr under. thanks to ver nagassroos c ygo.e no torserrtort of any ear Bee. and that 18 11110•1/ • 000t deal whoa we basis elbeet busirese depreesioa. hard times, Ike. AU 60005 NARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES 11110 STRICTLOR 1111. ..e.... avrt.TINTITec;* limper sad tha‘didit. Gedoritb. Aw. lOth. lea- us lig be neared by seeking then is the kl- As I have coma tosieer Take mime weed ashes midied W buy HOGfor ith atter • let it stand der 150 01 owing in the faietcy, 1 will pay thearliests ; strain off the venter aid plocts Ohl km in it. The soreiress 5111 direeppeer almost immediate... Igeshodogtonsowlag A novel teethed of removing grease troy. cloth. wocien or silk goals, and especially spilliseble to goo& of a deli- cate tater* obese the mkt ts.in jure& is the one al potato water..trate the potatoes to s pe sad add ardor to the masesit of • pint to s pound. Let it dated, sod wham dear pour el ell but the potato sedismet at the heritage This is vesratemeitag esizure, to be ap- plied with /tame linen rg, and foliat ed by the use of • email immeet of **ice of wise. 1 Wied it on • very delicate shade al Wee silk, asmoviem every treat of VINOD Without injerie the color is the lead. A Coo Stairellibil ColgOsOW • Je TISEYLI TO HEALTH, The Highest Prices lt bee bees osesseed dist the dein- . leg 'welly tit a height car et tus true re : Wbeat, IMO beam,.. appier, heshals • ism NO bushels ; hasher, 4,0•11 iest; bedsit, 20,000 121==rtia="1•01Z beat Arabia, eritbowd system; •11 ere art feel bemire et Ihe Tit= Osiseeelelt area. Mtn= =Ma I/01V /wits obtainable for Lroirr $, bad also II SD - not. Keay ymt/it are set is 410 de- mand, bwi I will buy thaw for what they ire 'Forth, and teke 2 0"")1161. lba per heedred et How away right through 10. 1.001 ad sot sleeker stea. hare always ea head ha esease • sheet el Balt Mutton. Lmb, Pork R&M -Mtge.! cured and smoked, 11,11111d1114 Baco, Spiced Roll, Oorned Beef, Poultry, Game hSeason, Tenderloin, Spare Ribs, IPinkIsid Tongue, Pigs Head and FOOL, Batleitge. 810. 23.04=ast, 7361.co:r, Wihafall ALS AND IMAM it • he 1 Ithrlarlig rer abet motor. aretoutrizrair taimesisomal.111. inn eenettnin estreesee. 1 rami. rens all bowed ass eleaser dee rheas Were BOBT. 11111G5, PERF11 Oil FANCY GOODS diet laselved at the Medical Hall by T. JORDA, anti will he sold at Prloes to Hard MIMI. Call awl see theta before snaking( year pareheare 7. JOILIILIT Meical. Hall, Goorich: so 0 heed ; VatIOD deer 10 berme oltdoll°1* 110"Pedste 00.1111Ide :°111 11", 10 - a Os gad* 1•Sb. .41 ' TRY IT TNT IT Big Mill Patent Flour, . SELECTED MANITOBA HARD WHEA14,,,t,/• The cheapaitt and best article for faniily use sold. WI., give more bread to quantity baked, and best value for yogi money than any offered. SE Z THAT YOU GZT Tillt RIGHT ARTIOLZ. sirrf-...tv-i(gee went teet oar bog deer le all delpotte teroillietheresiarei111 IW*4 bit ree.-10104 1r.� ieriamit reteders eon tea direct Mon the ill. "" OGILVIES & HUTCHIS ttedierieb. Do. LOW 40., assubpposiegeemeap•••.411eaur MO. , Noss "tri ' 1./ le • owe • ,/, ' . , t 1.4 eet