The Huron Signal, 1888-3-2, Page 37411Ir a
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Iretiatrons moirnomeloo '04‘.0,7
letrielly tido:qnu
uads toneaare less
fashionable. Last (Fluter yos *midget
tell he h.q..' pit• in • theatre mat or •
chore\ pew ; and soling es • suiviceline
type a VOMI.Olt kept heir 4•1 Wader ala0
counter the clerk 1141.1-N.., sir,- ur
'•Yes, air.'' • ith • decree of cooll home
tonne mit br all that v., viola.. of the
customer. A lbl
ittle erreau dreamt-4er
was 1,041thassi1o$ ILsi it *no tiecessary 10AO I 401 12/ SO Oa tlid firer, tined
of her mit oviienment
said ii)m, "holies itol r
mad 'sin threes mode.( twos. 1 hod
to get s omit of a fallow, who all he
ktiew • . t.. the tape pass over their
shoui the wrote round, and cry
vu. 361 211, and then he must be close
1114.4••• toile IL larmilt
-a_ To_ woman theta VP. the tor -
maw I tow wretched taps measure
logo ...'rar) add posed at proprietor.
Tut. v••.. to. 1•11,4-ssarle •,,,c Is mut thisrvl.
Tule. .o.d mho may run her business in
her t''°- Talor Wale suit. ad-
mit of little variety to Orme* therms
of empoo. There oi a resemblauce
each to the other ; unplevoant to • W041.1
fall change. The sirup r ruin of
a:itching or hoods of brood.. -a tired
the lissurious fancy .1 dreaoy women,
and so ow tailor -mole femsle is mercer
tati .he Yoked Lu be.
A Pqraltied 1101rdd Woeld peewee
toads sod awetive, as well as catlmrtic
T.repe, taw This cominnttion .1
mews mm
ay he f.ed in. Arer's
They strengthen and siirnalete the bon -
Now Se wow
niewatis 1911040g,..who ream-
ed his wag* by more than fifty pounds
ia muur
ot you, fond that ser waa the
metal fatteaino %bind he could sat.
Hence. to 'acmes your weight, yet
cakes, puddings, eyrup, hooey, =body
and pastry, always taking care that it be
crisp and digestible, for indigestible food
• chief cause of lesnimse. New
'mid pia -must probably responsible for
the sopearame of the typical punt
Vanity... Other fattening articles of
food era tender Iamb, salami' and eek,
milk and cream, auto bread moi butter,
mad those vegetables which grow under-
ground and of which sugar ie made -
beets, ternips, .to. Boiled ur baked po-
tatoes. masked on the plats. and sessoe-
ed with salt and fresh batter, make a
delicious dish, rapidly tattoo/att. Eat
often, sol very slowly, for it is no a.
quantity that is eaten but the ainomet
that is Lb...ninthly Awaited that nour-
ishes the *Mem and emends the bodily
Prof Low's Salphur Soap is highly re-
commended fur the cure of Emption,
Chafes, Chapped bands, Pimples, Ten,
Sc. lua
A see Game Roo Tonna Ladle*.
ilea.. bog Forties are all the rt ZP in
..V..ieliso4ton and society bolter aioi In-
coming very expert et the new game.
A: one end of the parlor OF hall is plat-
ed an tr.clitird loth a Iciest* hole
en it. Standing at the other end -and
further away from the board ths more
tan there is in the game -the players
pitch ten bean bags toward the hole. A
regular *core is kept, and if the tee
hart fall in the hole it counts 100, or
ten f.r each bag. Auothor bag, doable
the usual Mze, is also provided, and if
this also is thrown into the square open -
int it adds twenty, making 120 the
highest possible soore. Should any of
the hoes remain on the board they count
five paints • piece, but for every bag
that is thrown upon or falls to the flour,
• point* . ars substracted. The big
beg. or Jumbo, count* double, or tan in
each case. Many young went, ladies
have become quite expert at pitching
the little bags and show excellent skill
in accurately gauging the distance
and the strength necessary to be
exercised. In most cases the bails
are made of gaily corded tactioe, Jumbo
being iudiridnalized by material of a
different pattern, but a few young
ladies hare taken pain& to have hand-
sotnely embroidered receptacles for the
beau& The board is geuerely of Vain
wood. polished, abut two feet wide and
-three feet long and nipe or ten inch*.
high at its grottest distance from the
ground Th. bole is shout fire inches
allure and the mulled bags a little
larger. Jambe contains a pint of beans
•and the other bags half the quantity.
In many houses where the game is play-
ed, handsome prises are awarded to
Micas making the highest scores. The
sport is full of interest and bean -hag
boards are now found in every house-
hold ahich expects to be considered up
to the wain.
When a dude lives Inland the means
of his mother hs 'oust marry or some to
asionser mem.
Mrs J Thrmesne, of Elam, Ont., writes
that she suffered from mineral weakneso
and nal so reduced that at tinges she
became eintost unconscioua Three
hottles of Burdock Blood Bitters com-
pletely cured her, and the now moons -
snoods B. /3 B. to her fnends and neigh-
bors. 2
Helpful as it is le ha. oasts Mame
" "6 eld. weilktk7iiraisS 110
doubted that the importance of this aid
to wood work is 'generally overestimated.
The Livelier doctrine that work which is
doom freely, and because the worker
likes to du it. is the beet work, rests on
nothing better than pot ular imagination,
and is directly contradicted by the facts
of utdinary jif.. The work which tells,
isatoned tbo work which one does not
like, but which is done with a will -
with set teeth, and hard breathing, and
determination to do, and to do well.
Work which is • pleasure, is likely to be
treated as a pleasure. and to be done ex-
actly or carelessly u the whim of the
moment goes; but work which costs,
and which is done io the name of duty,
his a hitcher claim upon the will and 11.
attention, and is likely to be wrought
out with a cerefuluess which is propor-
tionate to the selfoacrifios involved is
its undertaking. Work whieh is • pleas-
ure to do, is all very well in its way, and
needs doing as much as any ; but if the
task which It.. Wore you is tope which
aliaetted Ogee N.
Accidestniwill happen despite all care
and painful illjUriele swell as Sprains,
Bruises, Cats sod Bores result. Byery
family should therefor* keep Hagyard's
Yellow Oil oa hand, 11 1. the evardsat
faintly reseelly for all Pain, Coughs.
Celia end Sops Threat, Croup and
Whooping= yield Tacitly to this
"The Ira wealth is health," mid lim-
e rsim. W. lake palm to fulfil its ma -
dittoes is ear stock, as Mateo to food.
drink sad shekel' ; is eraothltoll helm*
sauatsoinia for benefit of out famolies e
are id --etrangely stupid. Nut se
boar that wit du nut have anceania 10
amply amine law of hypeos bearing di-
rectly Lilian physics! wellbeing. We all
liv• by theliviune meaus, auffering from
▪ cauatin Nu penalty inflicted
isioustly, mother radios, nehteonsowell
nor repentance can save front the legi-
timate result of transgression ; migrationi
lies ils obedience to Divine Law. Seise -
tugs differ, doctors divagree, hyeosne is
in comn
paitive iulsocy. Neverthe-
less, there is positive knowledge of must
of these subject* that may be accepted
with profit. There must be intelligent
enopperatton betweee husband minium*
and wile indoor.; natural watchfulness
to keep 11*. home in • healthy state.
Re naturally looks attar the water sup-
ply, drainage, sewerage, etc ; she would
add to her other cares s strict guordisn-
ship against accumulation of dela in the
'carpets, hangiugs and draperies
sanitation is sometimes permed upon
afternoon by sudden illness and deoth,
caused it is presumed, by bad enviroa-
t. There may be stagant
noir. cesspools, defective plonabiny,
damp collar, with refuse and decaying
vegetables. Soine use of the these, or
othor cau••• of similar kind, works•roin
with great celerity. The home is dark.
easel, life saddened and the causes re-
main in obscurity. Perhaps the parents
never even iuquira, "What causes diph-
theria 1' "Whence eomes typhoid
fever r' wrap themeekres in the
comfortable assurance that lied dueth
all Casts d tarn ioubtless with
•barry peselif worldly
We have WWI WON. generali1g s(
ventilation, open a dour ur •iudow souse -
times for that purpose, or leave a slizht
crock in the chamber window at nirlit.
Suppose the whole house is supplied
with fresh air, which is uuly supposing
a cue, where ars the all-importont ven-
tilating flues for the escape of impure air/
air loaded with carbonic acid perhaps
and others impurities, to say nothing of
germs of disease. It is estimated that
one kerosene lamp co..umso as much
kiouseho Hiatt*. Dr Levee
tape wo fro..
*um Oaotinerres. Sweet sad chi p "I" "votroVed a.,
Gas WO bard part of the °pima leaviug
she ober pace rad Input her seep ; avid
as equal weight et meshed potatoes ; to
004 pootati et this aid a lump of better
too Mae of as sot, a sesap000ful 44 ask,
WA a teaspooefel 4 pepper-, sad iveseter
ea a keels, of esessea. Wake is smell
eskers, dip in ego, amid thins ise bread
.sobs and fry like doeglimets.
Mance two bowie of
=Capples, one of chopped tweet.
I:eh pound chopped suet, the
snated rintemod 'jute, of owe !mune, two
Sameilly• 1401144...s, oat, lease tempos,*
seah ..1 einuitinun sad OlOire, 0110 DUI-
01110111aled tt44, WOO pornid sunned 3r
aredloas monis, half pourd curranta,
orso-lourth pound Garen out Coe, one
(port cider, and sugar mid salt to VIM...
LEMON Pr DOING -Take the yolks of
siz urge well beaten, with • quarter of a
pound of sugar ; take a quarter a a
pound of butter melted in as little water
es piosiblo ; keep stirring it till odd,
then mix Al teuether with the funs a
two le is mid the grated peel. Cover
tbe dish with • thM puff peek, p.ur i.s
the 'mature, .ad: Imitei fur kali au
Boost, Moons. -Pare tens douse
cooking limbic cut in half sad reason.
the awe, lay its • buttered baking di.b,
weer witluesgar ; tate our half cup nu
butter ; Fah 000 tablespoonfal of dour
into ft and add .one pint of bulling
water, pour over the apples and bake
outil the apples are Maier.
1C1STAIION CACI. -Whit* 04 040 oges,
ono cup of sugar, owe cep ot nilk. oaf .
half cep 4 butter, one and one-half
cups of floor, two teaspoons of baking
powder. When baked spread the WI
sad sides with icing mods the yolks
1/I two ewe, three-fourths of a cup of
ground cinnamon.
flazAmrser Churs. -One cup of sweet
intik oe grater, vane vex, one tablespoon-
ful of sugar, ono heaping teaspoonful of
hales powder and a pitch of salt
beaten well together. Add about one
and one half cups el dour, stir thorough -
le, and bake in hot gem pens in a
ovai ih fifteen minutes.
air as four people. To be abut up in a
little kitchen -9 xoI2-Meet of the dee,
working over as 'nil -stove with four
burners, is anything but exhilaration
and healthful If there is no iutelligeot
supervision in combining food mate-
rials, in adopting the dietary to the ma-
soo, oc in making such dishes as health
requires, you need pot wonder that the
children are fretful, the mother nor vous,
and the father in furbi Idea paths. Wu
there ever so gest an absurdity as to
will cost you both labor and pain. you
enter upon the duties of householders,
should accept that as a sign of you.
of housewives, of parents, while Imo*
higher coning to which you dare not nig nett to nothing 44 hygiene hie, of
prove tintruo.-8. 8. Thmes.
sanitary conditions Nu man is his
senses would trust his animals in the
bands of such ignorance. There are
now plenty of books on the subjecta. I
Imre last moseyed a new one -"Home
Sanitatior."-published by Ticknor
Co., of Boston, and edited by a (dub of
too/Ugh/to alumni. These ton young
ladies have given themselves to much
stud. and research, practically tasting
in their own home. the varioss ques-
tions ptipaimIej When young women
of bigh tailor* take ap work of this
kind, tending to improve the health and
happiness sof the people, it is • moet en-
couraging sign of sanitary progress --
J. 1, J., Venom, N. Y.
Not long ago • Pennsylvania awe had
his dog ---id end afterwards paid a
las am him. The dog gal moot his
meters' akeep one night meetly aad
killed sums of them. The man reason-
• t.a himself thug 1 paid tax oa that
dog and I had aright to keep him. If
he had killed wale edam 111111111.• sheep
the county woold have pail doe them.
fie killed mine, why elknefolaI the
*entity Tay tee So (ire*.el. the
ismer *eat oat and Aug BIM *a wed
• thee peensted the MK I reseis-
niormrs. A compreallea 1111b4idei
55...i. Illapoeiteee.
Books are Engel to add to our know.
ledge, but eractioil experience teaches
us that the bee: remedy for all diseases
of the Stomach, Liver ant Blood is
easily to be bed sad is celled B.B B. 2
A eemilaal reg.
Calling at a farmhouse and asking the
lady if her husband was at home, she
said : I don't know ; I will see, Sir."
Opening a door into the woodshed, 1
saw her e' a moment at something as
the wall ; thee ehe returned and replied,
pointing in the direction: -He is down
its that woods." Finding the gentleman.
he walked to the home with me, *Sim I
@eked to have the mystery explained.
He has twenty-three fielis and all are
membered on the entrance gab:moats.
• board in ths woodshed has nombers
to oorrespond. Opposite each number
is a gimlet hole to insert a peg in, and at
the bottom are the wordsolithlhisate" and
"ablest." A peg id BA bole at
"17," sod that is of his
woodlot. Thee the was made
elnr to my grapordiggilegt '"At home"
mesas Omit OM IS en barns, and
"absent" of from the farm. He Se,kally
keeps two hired man. Mach haii a
board, and h. requires them to see it,
to at a gleam it may be known- where
MI are without inking. He ;rally N "a
knowledge board."-(Arbas.
ea WOK sere to ais Vele&
lieer is when. Iredgglialeillitillitntli
Dyspepsia is ettedlIbt
good asters
Tin hems digeriseleriggee is one
of the most complicallion ssd
things in existeent. It It illiffirlyet.41
of seder.
"r"/ 6". Wilk f9e4i gifirffatild‘
bad «many, rode& Irony. tan ItemitI.
irregular Wirt, and ~el Ober tht
which oight het tri k. heti 111111411.
Antal/AMA penile • erotism 44
Bet Gene* heeled Titorit tis d0
• wooderfed leoet is minimise this mit
herons ~1 imskiee the Amerker
peon.. so healtbibatass
that they sea eajoy
their Innis ami ripe
Remember wiliest
health. Bet Omerab mpg Mew
brie, Ueda mei happirata Oa the
Anpoptie. Ark yew 1111.11.811 fit
herd* Boreetyike nag Art*
Satires! Pille sets promptly upon it.
Liver, regulate the Bowels and sea
olive are mill and thorotigh.
Kr•ntorao Courtin -Ilii
two teemps of meshed potatoes, one
Ow half teainipa of cold boiled
two and me half teacups Of
half egg, and °es -quarter ei •
better, bake • light brows.
name den.
1. Great Britain the queetioe of ,dfm
Bele h ceenassidiag titivation. Tie the
MOP Oda a mid la the head or AIM On
eay he vow* Hove Reis
=1110 eliiitosoisdr
ti heed • brittle 4 Dr.
iwaipate • eg Moos.
Illgerged Time Gem rrar sale at
s Pies As
feted kw.
Attegail meli bottle of DIP Ohm's
Liver Oen is • medial guide sled rase*
bosh eatalefehre reaalliari. weer
reasierm. sled yhtememeed by destine
mad dreareins a earth Ma lime the
omit of the teadadae. gad
Welt Sold by ell druggists.
Freeman's Worm Powders require no
other Purgative. They are safe and sum
to remove all varieties of Worms. les
has rem°
t leutth.
...on. I ut
it is Atis rd
ffele reef" afirr'‘` gee lounger
skim unless they ro,,, Wa saw,g
what le tutWiallocast.
wid sharpen the ap"
to tbe digestive oggsac
emporttla. Thoueasoisk ,,,_ land
testify to the =Wits of pi;;;as
lira. harsh Sturm* 244 hth
sweet. South Boston. l•
bead has takes Aesell sis.for
Dyspepsia and torpid
Aeon greatly beweated."
A Confirmed 0
C. Canterbury, ei .11111 fru,
Boston. Moss., write% the
to years from 1adip, k,
last indoond tet tip
and. br 19B. IS% vim ._
Mrs. "mph Aubbi. 4 -Rist
Holyoke, liaous., sneered bro...
from Dyspepsia, .0 115* eke es1/4.
eat substantial food, boalearne veriode.
and was unable to care kw bar t
Neither the medicines pnempribe
physicians, nee may of tie novo.,
advertised for tho rare of
helped her, mall she commoner
use et Ayer's Sarsaparilla. " "Dr
beetles of this medicine," she wrt,
-cured me."
*Canadian Pacific B,ailway
oiis Foram- . It wit,
rump' LArIT U WET.
germ rases. Twin*
'`'"••• Ilf.treee Tr arrafil
toeFel itv le.k.
3,11.. Pe; Mk,
no need wenn
Alt /911trara
weree tree.
se elm.*
eau mid
1011 70 All.
ea wawa, L
Itualeolio to elL
zee muss -.I.
E4' ‚10,.,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
'muralists. sr
Or. J. C. Ayer 1 Co.. Lowell. Mast Obill• VI
rotoo$1; an Worth ito s I..
Zrauelling tbuitot.
tzporeas. Mittel. MIxed.
Qadotiob I i.v. 1 eiD LaiItIt woe Wm.
atratterd Ar. I LMom I $;U1.*1 few
Ilised. Mixed.
titrathwd I Le. 1 I 1:13 .in ; yrs ya
dorarisla 1 Alt 1 01441.0 I al& ram I tiara
Hay fever is a fy efikerli barrel
peculinr symptoms. It ieWNIMed by en
inflamed condition of the lining -mom
britaes of the nostrils, tear -duct* gad
throat, affecting the lungs. An aiad
muctt,a secreted , he disci:sego is3
resided with a burning sensation. Ti
are sever. spasms of guesting, (request
attacks of headache, watery and iodate-
rti eyes. Ely's Cream Balm is • reme-
dy that main depended upon. bOcts.
at druggists; by 'nail, regioterrd. GOcti.
Kly Brother/ Druggists, Owego, New
York. ly
Colts flionew Coin --Too cope of
pulverised outer, thrue-fourths ot • cup
of better ; stir te • cream ; one cop id
milk, the whites of seven WI %Naga to
• Mif froth, two maps of lour, one of
ownstareh and two Mammon of balder'
t powder. Timor .kb homes or orange.
11411.4 114411111410M•
FOUr.CI at hat, whet the tree peer
has been lookese for theme nasty years
siod that is • iniAigine shish although
t lately ietrodosed, hos made for
841 a reiterating sewed ises... the
reedien as Ji.b000rle Teen Bitten
which in emelemettom with Johmemeii
Torre Liver Nils hae perfoinmed me*
moat weederfol game impure or kr
oseeriebecl blood soon beempease yerfeed
and eariathed. hriggeties,
Disk burdock*, ling coomptaisit, imenter,
trestmeas. eta , goon iltempen when
resod by then samerlagr reels mmedi.
fees. For Bale by Goad; drafted, Al -
Meek, Cioderish. Nair sem. M
Sardon, the Trench dramatist, is
huildiog • magnifieent yak at Nice [(r
the special bentfit oL ars Bernhardt,
the actress, whom power over the
French theatre :toes was the real means
by which the poet achieved los golden
harvest. The three largest and most
magnifi aparteseuts of tbs villa hare
been domiciled and furnished and set
apart for her, and the villa with its
donkeys is to be at all gimes open to her
when she requires a period of luxurious
reit sod retirement.
heel apeimmth
se .11 10 ballad melleled. ki
'he igen Eieliti7 and Lleer 1149104-
11dMi by Dr Obese, ilythor of Oloree'd
'nay Chase's Biter Core for
essalli of the Leer, tides"
end !loutish. OH by James =1(0111i*
aositeroas leteirrfeit
C•MnterfOlte are always dangerous.
more an that they always closely
TATE vint oaintivat 14 APTEARAIW4 AND
NAME The remarkable success achieved
by Wesel Balm as a positive cure for
Catarrh sad Cold in the Head 1... ir •
duced unprincipled Perlin to imitate it.
The public We motioned not to he de-
ceived by nostrums imitating Natal Balm
in name and appearance, blaring sock
names as Nasal Cream, Nasal Relearn.
etc. Ass foe Nasal Bolo and do not
take imitation dealers may urge spew
rm. **or mile by all dr.ggists or emit
post-paid on receipt of price (50eand $1)
by addreming Vulfe.d alt Co . , tiretekvilla,
Ont. It
'1%.1 bey. 1 wear soh id
Met' dais •PON
mar ether pig 011 iiinitve:414,41
the best mohlibetiout
eregisei 1110. - asPanStiltstitas,
Jaissens'• Towle lower Pills will per-
form what me other indigene him doe*
Idbefore for otiering hiEty." Pills
gene p.. bottle. IS nem
sod $1 per bottle. by o..,
Zepht, Abbe Mob. 9.684114-
. ,
Ih actual business the poweni of the
memory should be exerted to remem-
ber the prices of the goods, the amounts
nI the special outstanding accounts a3d
their maturity.
A Prellttaliter
Few meg harsoccompliehed the sante
amount of work and good in this world
as the selebestei Dr Chase. Over
100,000 of liis works have been sold to
Creeds ahem. We want every perms
troubled with Liver Onamlaint, Dye.
repels. Headache. Kidney or rriny
Troubles, to bur bruie cf Dr Chewer
Liver Cure. it will cure you. Medicine
bad Receipt Book $L Bold by all'
*RAWAAD-Ot ens doses "iso.
ar" to any one sendios the beat fuer live
rhyme MI TSAIIIITZT," itt. remairkalihr
little gem for the Teeth and BAL. Ai
y ow dragnet or address
11., Mb. INC
my nee suginal air *0*10.' 451
illotrarolar diosore, eatatelt.
asso was mos a/ Om went bosom 10 550*
seer. Mho WWI len a taw notreb risme-
am I ever saw advestio4. imam war.
as now I Saidkr 4,11110114111 6 10115. 44
Iteisi **ha. 914 hos mad ser ewe beg
ei soll mew heti Moo wow gases.
fled it jnity to Ors Neer Osten
~mot la TOO 011atiLY oentommi
Apartgurrh ageless. sad am gleam& te
mrOgysot mat,* memos rebel omit .
MI ob ostfororlo kn. inn. 14
1114, COAL WOW. tenon
Irma otaglatat
/Wit Bled
VW e41•418,Ne. by , ay Les %a
Ijairatpda. a ea the 1414wilA ' MAIL!
KaieltiTtnberk:Ilual::"Twediwidiell":7600. i gaarliate."Forfool"301wlecteilacedrli. Dm
titan imweass. ' tigrineNivi ionr
and .ol
ImpLrilas of th” the. ‘ukin.! :dog :,.. last Mg
Blood tram ober- tow., arftle she ...Orris at
gees. s •
be perlOI tate
.eparsIlma 't
er estsr &riming
treadle w ese-
names awe Cesar
user 11.'warlere
l'ay lawral
younx :alb
oltOR/ Vtiettblel Capital at ...i - y am
Highly nested. nessent. effectual tee. Cut ;hie try he o, to to a
11•021 you free. *ma Mot
Parlaa0e 1.111 shot "root
DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. 1 nor. wbieh bring you in
Take me at=lleall illerVI•A•re• rm.".'Ns. A
1-10r,r0141:t79 tal maga. "law ,
13DP rinses POW
Waigaim. else a
Sold everywhere. Prim. 1/3 cis. and 50 its
per bottle. Proprietors and nnfmturstes.
2111- Tomato. Oat.
Ilarpor's 33azar,
H•aridee RAZINC is • home joatlial. It
comb!nes choice Monitore and tine art illus-
trations with the latest Intetigenor v•41=
he fa shims. Hach number hake *lever
and short stories. et actien I arb4 timely
wrifikl eosins. humorous sketches, etc. Ile
patters Hoot .ad Wham -plate atmetemeata
will alone help ladles to mire may WOO/ the
rust of the subscription. and paper* on Nonial
etiquette. deectratiee am, house-u-epleir In all
,tibrivachev. "(fakery. etc.. make it woeful
every household. sail a true promoter er
easaisifiy. Its editmisee are marked by mood
seem aad not • Hee to admitted to its
calluses that could *Teed the most fatitidloas
=4.4 v.;12lutia' PrIgroovita
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HARPERS mum:Hems,
POI ?gnat
U.ARPHIVIS MAO SHINN • '''''''' re
MIER'S YOUNI1 PEOPLI1 '' ''''' t
ottasstrivre. te wit sueserdenes
1' Ike
Canada. or Motto
The 'Cannata of the Dimas begin with the
findlifeitHie_r of January of each year. When
.5 100*. m000dooteL asbor:rtattone will
with tbe Number wrest at Mae OF firer;
of order.
Hound ..lames Of Hannms 0 t7J,R„ for
three MIN beak. 10 meat Mob biodhor, will
tato 44 the freight does not
be sent lee . or he express.
elaa ear voltam.... for $ per
lath is. *of 'soh voipaa. suitable for
Volndlill beiliz, WMAY man. Poot-Pold• "
eitalttaaces okotaill be evade by_ Peol-0111kot
Order or Dratt,, to avoid chalice e
awelperi are off 1. 4545 tt.ia arteertiee-
without fde empeerse ruder of Hattean
L11inilkWROTHCHH. New York -
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If there Is no spot a70*
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pay the *MAD. apes roods* a the
AGENTS even to
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Ariebreakts isM Imo
51. Imerieer Zero. sever
mere tents
Armbrecht. Nelsen & CO.
Doge glialereseareinta
91- IT. JORDLN, Godiarich.
& Sok,
eaea: rir MO Ay lovelier
eiroUlloihra. 41132 tier emu. wig ino Slaresisboss
anomie seam 01 551 Maloof •
sad all kiwis of ahem 1.0. sot.
Mai eiii-Ctuallrarti geniis*
eseeteetty oo„asad. ,
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A gamphirtra• Petit
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verbtag order. 511*1v
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Re robe, ktor*,4 tbo Poet=
4 Weer Dakar Me.. sail 4
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Vara Mate Or Meat v. wells isa
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