The Huron Signal, 1887-12-2, Page 2,".11101.014COR
.1 • .1* IP
Barnum & Bailey's Great 15b0111
Burned Out.
1111101011anall mad Mew Animals eit entellt-
Wes" Enellanearma.
Dal Coon., Nov. 21. --At 12
**slack MOM of the elephants had Woe
touralled. The whim:wave we gut out
• Ib. beading, her was horned anti cut
both by getting out of the cage and by
the crowd, who seemed possessed to kill
all the anissele which came out of the
haildiag. °sly the
The esualteys and others were is other
bollilinito Many of the idols which are
exhibited with the show were also de
arroyo& The cosies of the horning sei-
sm& were heartrendiug. Through LW
tames could be moo the tigers, leopards
and other oat animals dashing frantically
about their oases and lioaly succumbing
to the smoke and flames. The elephant'
mad madly about the streets lashing
their burped and torn sides with their
tweaks sad faltering the crowds in all
directions. The birds were all in New
York at Central Park. In the paint -
shop Were learIT of deo liaadsorce char-
iots undergoing repairs. these were
wheeled out as fate as peesible, but out
without injury. At 12 o'clock what two
hews before:had ban the home of some
of the
lay • beep of mouldering ruins. The
iron of the cages twisted in all shapes,
and still incandescent, stood out pro -
=Meetly among the ruins against the
dark bath ground of the night. The
white polar bear was in • building 'meet
from the other animals, and was on-
berseed. Al 250 ase, bet case
elephant ra• missing..
soarrom moo autmete toes.
BILIDOLTOST, Conti , Nos. 21 -By the
fire at Ilarnum's last night four ele-
phants, five lions, seven leopard., six
panthers, four kangaroos, six horses and
a large number ot smaller animals per-
ished. Ooe of the large elephants swip-
ed, and this morning was found drown-
ed in the sound near the lighthouse.
Mr Bailey mid $100,000 will probably
cover the las.
&Maven Is ebe Oseise-Met.
What inside you ever leave old Jere-
miah Bottom, Tom 1 1 asked To
Bates one day. Tom had long been in
old Jorry's employment in a sort of
general last factotum on the fano.
"Weil, I tell yer', be replied. "Ole
Jerry's last wife didn't have enough re.
bees to snit me.
I was surprised at etch a unique rm.
.on, given ly such a worldly-miuded in-
dividuals. 1 knew Tom to lie ; and also
because I heard that Mrs Bottom was •
worthy member of the Methodist church.
Bo I asked Mr Bates to explain himself.
"Well, I ttll Ter, 1 didn't have a
special objection to the old lady's re-
heat, for I like the Method.' as well as
soy; but what I wanted lo... is a lath
enure religton in the caffeepot Yes
know I love good ex ffee as well as I do
poke greens, an' better too, fur I drink
coffee all the year roue', an' only eat
poke in the spring. But ole Mie Bot-
tom, she didu't drink coffee herself ate
it did look like she didn't keer what
kind of • deicuration she put off on me
au' tile Jerry. The old man had got
wed to it, I reckon, or he knew it WM
no Me to kick, an' eo said nothin.''
"The fact is, the old 'omen would let
/he same °le grime's stay in the pot day
in anday oat, sr melba' an' about -bin'
uv • tin taste, an' beanie unfit for the
human stuannik. Ooes er twice in a
wale she would add • kale fresh
groun's until the ole pot, was • third
full. It was most always burnt, too, in
the rarebits' an' you meths tan sorter
imagine whin; sort 01 & berenwie the oh
Lady'. .o-ealled coffee was.
Oos Morons' whoa she was a hummin'
oolo / a toddler 01 0*. cross r' I op
sum•••••• Twee.
This is & sort of knew lure, weeld.
No one seam be be eatielled. Ose ma.
is struggling 10 1.1 justices and another is
/sing frees it.
Ow Nies issaviuit op to be, • house,
aad another Is tryine to sell his dwellieg
Gm lees then it ousts, to aitt nd 4 a.
One man is 'poodles all the money he
eau in taking a girl to the domino and
seeding bee Maus, in the hope that he
may eventually make tier his wife, and
his neighbor la speeding all the gold be
has saved to get • divorce.
Susith is drinking imperted ale to put
both On, while Juhinion is hem( on
crackers and walking ten Ludes • day to
rodeos his &vat -depots_
The laborer with ten children keeps
oat of debt on ten dollar.. week, while
many an unmarried bank official with a
hundred dollars • week sant get along
without helping himself to the bank's
Robinson takes theory to give hies an
appetite, while Brown, who has a wine
cellar, can't touch • drop of it on ac-
count of his apoplectic tendencies. The
doctor tells Morrill that if he dant
atop work and take • rest he will eo into
a decline, and then tells Blakely that if
ke dose not abandon his sedentary posi-
tion and go oft somewhere and work on
& farm he will die of torpidity of the
Ono man is ordered to .at eggs because
are so nutritious, and another is
cautioned to leave them alcne because
tSey produce bile.
One man keeps a pistol to protect hino
self against burolars, while his neighbor
doesn't keep one for fear of shootir.g
same member of the family by mistake.
You wdl sometimes see a nun plant-
ing trees about his place for the shads;
arid, at the same time, you will
other cutting down all the trees about
ths Louse beaus they proluce too attach
moist ure.
One rich man wears poor clothes be-
cause he is rich and can do anything,
while • poor man wears fine clothes be-
cause he is poor and wants to create the
impreesion that he is not.
One man ia killed by accident, atd an-
other tries to commit suicide and kits.
One man escapes all the diseases that
flesh ia heir to and L. killed on a rail-
road ; another man goes through hall -a
dozen wars without a scratch mil theo
dies of whooping cough.
The prize-fighter reforms and becomes
a preacher, while the theological student
leaves his university to become • proles
sional base ball pitcher.
The Mall who can make twenty thou-
sand dollars a year a. general thing can't
save a cent, while the man who is thrifty
and wise is seldom so gifted that he can
earn anything at all.
We know a wealthy merchant who
keeps half-edczen horses, who recently
stated that his store was closed on ac-
count of • "holiday ;" and we also know
• proof-reader who can spell every word
in the English language correctly, and
only time he experiences any horse is
when he eats horse -radish.
Good people die and bad people lire.
The man who is fat with health can't
get employment, and the man who is
making money hand-orerbst has to Rive
o p business on account of ill -health.
Linguists are keeping peanut stands,
and tot okeys are writing fur newepapero
In • railroad collision the Wining
master generally loses his feet, and the
an' remarked to !!'"' ih" gt ih• mathematician his head.
-ras • ioldier she shorely never done Tho ougillist breaks his wrist, and the
much compile out in bad weather.
"Why I" she says surprised like. operesinger contrete throat trouble.
"Because," says I, "ef ye had 1 think The man with a colossal fortune is •
ye shorely woeld or Yarned bow to brew usually obliged to adopt an heir, while
allsalle no Mods.
Stay year thiM with referee** set*
to kerma, her owa capabilities, her wee
powers, Lad 'radian regard to your wish-
es said eashitioes. If she has a lute for
sisene-said it is may wows* to dearer
whether the has or aut-thera do your
utmost to have her Mara it thomegidy.
Besides &amines an asoomplishiseat
that if iseceseary will bring her bread,
bad.. possessing a power thee wdl
draw the pleasant tbo.b1 01 those
around to her by the delight she is thee
able to give, she will have what will be
t I herself • perennial spring of happiness.
No matter it she sometimes grows weary
with the dredgery of acquirement-aad
young girls with bright eta in this dir-
srition sometimes des-hokl her to bar
t isk& /oho wiU thank you by and 17.
lf, on the other band, else cares noth-
ing for this glorious art ; it at all times
the sees only the labor sad never the re-
ward ; if she has neither tiles nor thee ;
it she has little or DO conosotioa of the
meaning of twee, thee your time, your
efforts, and your money are foolishly be-
stowed. Better by far teach her how to
make good bread, for that is something
which will be of use so Ione as the lives
Yet then• may be some other taste tt a'
cultivated sill brag you pride and satis-
faction. Though she cannot be a good
musician, she may be able to draw or
paint well. Perhaps she can writs so
tbot the public will rejoice tu what ribs
ma, give them. If she have eons if
the gifts, then be content to inake her a
caltirsted, intelligent woman, who will
do her part well in life, whatever that
may be If not so brilliant as to win
sciid distioetton, or the world's ap-
o'ause, she may satisfy the heart ten
thousand titnes more, and bring to your
lowing heart far greater happiness.
• pot ay decal ffse that or feller
oouid reboil these cold !"
This remark, raised the ole lady's den-
aer thaseuh&t, and else set iu a !one of
voles oweral degrees above a whisper.
"What do you know about good toffee
yuu low-down biretta'? Do you thisk
you ea make a beverage fit fur yer lord-
ship to abate I"
'I saw the uld lady was er faille' inter
e aresam, an' as I was pats desperit like
anyway, on meant of Hie many head-
aches her so-ealled coffee had enabled me
to mei, 1 thoseht I would drop into
that vela a lesele mesa!, jest to mos bus
it weld work ; so I replies, dignified
like :
'Why Medan; I could tie • grain of
ges er June bugs tail an'
thiradato ewies Red River at Fulton, so'
in tasty four hours the Shreveport
people amid dip op better coffee oaten
that stream than you ever .ads''l
"Of worse. I was only speakin' in a
Seger, as the preachers eay, but the ole
'ciasan's her fairly viz .en her head, an'
the 101. s. ter gather up my dads an'
light oat, an' I lit.
"That's jest tbe whole truth in • net
shell, as the Rcriptur' says. Thar wasn't
enough religion thmwed ieto oh) Lady
Botta/see coffee pot - -that's all."
Tim Cop's limed UM.
"A poliosemon's life is not • healthy
oine," said mie ..1 the lyez-eyed, sadly,
"ad the sound men on the form, ore
few, very few. When I first west on
wee se heathy as. am could be, bet I
eau% raw two bleats sow without being
leaded. The cause are many-espos-
ere to all kinds of weather.overezertion
and irreguler beers. I berm* missy of
the Ems who would "Fisk they had kepi
off the foreetliot 'atm a maa 11 0055 set-
tled it is bard work to do anythins else.
H. is Ube • soldier, • "sere inschme, sod .
malpli to obey enters. I know there
ere isle of few made (A the peeler, ad
them meet Ire deem on every fores„bet
th• makes* ere owed owe sad try to do
their 4. Bet it is a hard Ufa, sad
a ass Vile loos est Inset Sera meet bs
mob el IbIls."
the man without • cent generally has •
sufficient naniber of heti to satiety half-
iionie capitalists.
Ooe man won't touch beau for fear of
reties trithiniasis, and another swears
by flacon because some people think he
wrote Shakspeare.
deems* Dream.
Jenks had a queer dream the other
e ight. He thought be saw a prizefight-
ers' ring, and in the middle of it stood a
doughty little champion who met and
deliberately knocked over, one by one, •
w ore or more of big, burly -looking, fel-
lows, as they advanced to the attack.
Giants ma they were in We, the valiant
pitiey proved more than a match for
them. It was all so funny that Jenks
woke ep laughing. He soments for the
dreams by the fact that he had just come
to the conclusion after trying nearly
every hist, drastic pill on the market,
that Pierces tiny Purgative Pellets easi-
ly "knock out" and best all the rest
A fool can ask more euestions than •
wise man can answer • but • wise man
ammo, asie more questions than he wi'l
find • fool mealy to answer.
mover Treed 5I.
What ! Never tried Johnstoe's Tonic
Bitters ! 'Then do on at onca. it's posi-
tively thie best general tonic on the
15. often heard of It bet thought that
it was to be placed ne the list of the
; many trashy preparation's that flood our
market, but eines you recommend at an
I highly 111 give it • trial. Do so it's
1 good for any ooreplaint ia which • tonic
I ow, benefit, and oan be take, by we,
woman, or child. 50s. and el per leek.
at Goode'. Drag them Alumni block,
likederiateas most •
The world estimate' worth at so mesh
Pc? aeons ; Ood, by istrineie values,
witness it by panes deeds sad huge)
• telnime ternied.
B. EL B. claims to cure all curable
diaries of the Mauch, bowls, liver,
kidneys and blood. That it actually
performs all it claims, is pecven by tes-
timonials from:parties which no one can
dispute. Send for teetienowile of re-
markeble cures. 2
Seamy Temper.
%Moe a Milo Weir Ott Worm
Prolomor Brows, a the °Masi° Agri-
culteral Outliers, at Goeiph. Canada re
mode soweed up the asefolues of bran ,
to fanners, after hsv&g carefelly wt. ;
entered its chemical oomposition.
1. Bran is • coweentrated food, 'hick),
though variable ia euespositions, posessies
heat nutritive valise.
2. Roller proems bran is, on the aver•
age, richer than old process bran.
3. Its excess of ash or mineral matters
e minently fits is for bone budding in
grimiest soigne*, and for supplenteuting
the lack of mineral smatters in rata.
4. Its chemical composition points to
the onsolustosi that it is somewhat tater
odaptod to the formulas of tot and piu-
ductioe of hest than to the forum:ion of
muscle or of
5. Both its chemical oureposition and
its physical form adept it admirably as a
supplementary food to be used in con -
section with poor and bulky toddler, mob
as straw and roots.
What • Limning to a household is "-
merry, cheerful womao-one whose spi-
rits are not affected by wet days, or
little disappointments, or whose milk of
human kindness does not sour in the
sunshine of prosperity. Such • women
in the darkest hour brightens the house
like a littl3 piece of sunshiny weather.
The magnetism of her smiles, the elec
trical affects every one. The children
go to school with • sense of something
great to be achieved; her husband goes
I into the world with • conqueror's spirit.
No matter how people annoy and worry
him all day; fax off her presence shines,
and he whispers to himself, "Al home I
shall find rest." So day by day she lit -
wally renews his strength and energy;
and if you know • man with • beaming
face, • kind heart and • prosperous bete
nese in nine cues out of ten you will find
he has a wife of his kind.
• Posimuseseros *Mabee.
have great pleasure In certifying to
the usefulness of flagyard's Yellow Oil,
writes D Kavanagh, postniuter, of Um -
(ravine, Ont., "having used it for sore -
:nes of the thrust, burns, colds, ect.,. I
find nothiug equal to a." 2
seteestleg Caterriz
A gentleman front Montred writee :-
For years I have been greatly annoyed
by Catarrh. It caused severe pain in
the head, continual discharge into ley
throat, and very unpleasant breath. By
a thorough use of Nasal Balm I was
aompletely cured.
t -
New le Meg a Paper.
The following front one of our ex -
chafes so fully sod clearly expresses
our views of '.the subject that we copy
it without minutia "You have an un-
doubted right to stop a newspaper when
you feel dispoud, upon payment of ar-
rearage.. Do not hesitate to do so on
acoount of tenderness of feelings for the
editor. Don't you suppose he would
stop buying sugar of you or meat, cloth-
ing, dry goods, *to, if he thought h.
was not getting his money's worth, or
desired to patronize soma other moo
morn1 And why should yon not exer-
cise the urns privil.g. with regard to
him 7 And when you discontinue a
paper do so manfully. Dial be so
spiteful as en throw it back to the post-
master with • contemptuous "I don't
want it any longer 1- and have "refus-
ed" written on the margin, and have the
Paper returned to the editor. No gen-
tleman ever stopsed it in that way -no
matter if his hes is covered with gray
hair that should be h000roble. If you
do not wish to longer receive • newspa-
per, write • not. to the editor like •
man, saying so-- and be sure that the
arrearages are paid This is the way to
Stop • newspaper.''
A feeble a Remiemsy.
As • matter of economy B. R. B. is
the cheapest medicine in use for it takes
kens to core chronic diseases of the stom-
ach, liver, kidneys and blood, and of any
cater known remedy. B. B. B is only
Ose Dollar a bottle,2
- _ _
With books. as with companions, it is
of more consequenos to know which to
avoid than which to ehonee ; for mend
books are seam as good commeniess.
Woress often ellestroy shades., bet
Freeman • %ores Cowden destroy
Wanes, and expel them hem the sys-
tem. lin
Nowa w•Il of your friend of your
musty say eollass.
• A Mamie -01 cote doses "Taasse
se" to any eue seiseloor the heat four lie.
athyme ' numeasiv, ' the reowteltablo
Maazrne4.".6 lho the Teeth and Eat:, Ask
or address
isilleettee Maosande le all taritne Sif Paw
inimaii• thenet &as movement la mem Se-
rteat ed ftP.. Hendee other atinentiam, It
will costal.. during the oolong Feat
set articles, imperbly lthistrata. us dm
Wont; minks un Auseeicas and
desire; beautifully illiestrand
Scotland. Norway. Switseriaad.
the Wen Indies . new meets by lam
lessee am ter D Howells; sevelens., oath
complete in • slagle number. by Henry
James, Lafoadlo Acorn, and Amelia Hive.;
short woes by Mies Woolem .ad ether
peoputer writers; and illmerated papers of
fraelal artistic and titers* Mums,- /ft
Editorial Departmeate ere conduct
George William Curtis, William DeaseiROM
ells. sad Charles Dudley Warner.
exmlit 14 " ARUN BILM
gas Befelf et
sow mei moor
11111 TSAI :
0. Rs manurial or fertilizing value HARPERS MAGAZIN!.
itiono repays its oust.
7. By retaining and feeding the bran
upon the farm the objections to selling
ate grain is partly overmans, viz , the
exhaustless of the soil, Bina the bran re -
tams most of the mussed matters which
cannot be derived from the air.- Now
York gVorid.
National Pills are feivorit• purgative
and mai-Whoa. medicine ; they are mild
and thorough.
-Mere TrealiM,Ilay be taperer&
If you do not heed the warnings of na-
ture and at once pay attention to the
maintaiatioce of your health. How often
we see • person put off from day to day
the purchase of • medicine which if pro-
cured at the outstare of • disease would
have remedied d almost immediately.
Now it Johneton's Tonic Liver Pills had
beset taken when the first uneasiness
made its appeanince the illness would
have been "uipped ia the bud." John-
son's Tonic Bitters and Liver Pills are
decidedly the best medicine on the niar-
het for general tonic and invigorating
propertuis. Ms 25o per bottle;
50 cents Dud $1 per bottle,
Goode the druggist, Albion bleak, eels
ageot fbj
1.1 1. Remember Mime.
Let us make flannel shirts for the Hot-
tentots, interest ourselves in migbty
charities, or become, in • word, modela
of publM opirit But let us not quite
forget home. In Oar hOMMI are Rya
that often and often will yearn for cups
of oold water, and sad, weary hearts will
!bidden and grow fresh again when the
cup is given, unasked, by • thoughtful,
loving hand. The small °thermos cost
so little ! There is nothing in the world
that costa so little and Is yet so priceless.
The fire burning brightly upon the
hearth. the favorite dish upon the table,
the cold water to the humble laborer
wan evening calls him home, anti the
baby lifted from the mother's tired snits,
• strong hand at the heavy kettle, an ap-
preciative word for the capital bread
and tbe nice tes-thiel is the cup, re-
turned fall and overflowing, that half
banishes the the cares of the day, and
briogs nes light into loving eyes. lhe
old long played and sling for the silver
haired father, the ready fingers that
thread the needle for grandma's fading
eyes, the word of tender cheer for the
grieved child - these are such little
cups, and yet they are so blessed !
To Remove Dam:more. -Cleanse the
scalp with Prcf Low's Magic: Salokur
Soap. A delightful medicated wap for
the toilet. lm
Resit Openstate.
Ron no nal in buying medicine, but
try the great Kidney and Liver regula-
tor, made by Dr. Chase, &Who:. of
Chase's receipee. Try Chase's Liver
Core for till diastases ut the Liver, Kid-
neys, Stomach and Bowel. So'd by all
The distressing paleness to erten ob-
served in young girls and women. is due
in a great measure to • !sea of the red
corpuscles in the Wool. To remedy
this requires a atedione which produces
these necessary little blood ooestituents,
and the best yet discovered is Johnson's
Tonic Bitters. Pries 50 oents, and $1
per bottle at Goole". drug store, Albion
block, Godericli. Sole agent, (hi
Ildorbs of Illiseom.
71to fall of • leaf is • whisper to the
Plain worde make the moot ornamen-
tal sentences.
Judge charitably antl act kindly to
each other.
Truth las rock large enough for all to
stand upon.
A wime man is not inquisitive shoot
things impertinent.
Companioos are to be avoided that ars
good tor nothing ; those to be sought and
frequented that extra in some quality or
The little I have seen of the world
and know of the history of mankied
teaches me to I sok upon (ho errors a
others in sorrow, mot in anger.
It was • very proper answer to his.
who asked why say tan should delight -
a with beauty that it was • patio.
that none bat &blind man eoeld sak.
Kind words procure their own imam.
Tbey soothe and quiet asd comfort the
hearer. They shame him out of his
"our, moraii, unkind (alines. Ws have
n ever yet began to use kind words in
each *bandana as they oeght to be
Grief or 'misfortune seems to be indis-
parable to the development of inten-
seness menu and virtue. The proofu to
which the people are submitted, se with
individuals, ere necessary to draw these
from their lethargy mod ilmelnes their
• woodwind awe.
The ialiwat organ, and ow that plays
• ...1rofl10g part es the hoaftli of the
body is the liv. if torpid or madive
the whole system beiseeme diseamod.
Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is me& epashily
hvr Uver ead Kelsey diseases, end is
gearaateet to ewe Ramos book eed
reedieies $1. Hal by sll divInfids.
•LaIrli- %WM
Cat arrh
Hay Fever.
Na theli
w Powder. 1Pror
hat hilarious
Deeps and tojen
Ws Oder&
A particle le applied tato sigh mentril se
egrembie. Prim IS orate Drown* be
imail. restatered. MI mon. circulation's,.
Hotly SLY UROis. Uneetwissa, Owego. N.Y.
4 IV
04 lig
Postage Pear to all suborraetta tAt rod
ed States, Csasda, or Messee.
The volumes of the Meartzuza begin with
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-- AIMS.
HAMPile• Torso Prom* interests all
youg readers by its carefully .elected varie-
ty of themes mid their well -considered treat -
meat. it contains the best 'oriel aad short
stodge. valuable articles on scientific au=
and travel. historical and biogra
sketches. manses athletic sports aad gamin
stirring porgy, etc.. conenbuted by Hee
trattoria are nueneroas read excelleaL
brightest end mcist famous writers. hear.
nosed Supplements el raped& interest to
Penises &ad Teachers will be • feature .4 0*.
ferthroming volume. which ocesimise
any -three weekly number,. Every *
the paper la subjected to the mast riaiti_oodel
oriel scrutlr.y in order that nothing haranal
may enter its columns.
An epitome of everything that is attractive
sad desirable i• Juvenile literature.- Roane
A weekly feast of good thine, to the sons
avid Idris in every family which it visits. -
Smokier@ L'aloa.
11 1. wonderful ie its wealth of pictures. Is -
forma t ion. and interest.- (Arian a drocok,
TERMS : Postage Prepaid. TT Ora Per Year,
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Are prepared to rumen estimates for heather
1101 Air or Hot Water
Sole Agents for TUR ik C. GURNEY
Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces
CALL •file CET ram EA.
The Cheapest House
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The Lathes' Friend!
Grtddle Cities for the allellea
aanolue or yeamom.
Tale ides bakes six cakes
per inlatlie. Price, Tie.
Tits size bakes eight
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If there la so agent la your town. we will
Mat gufreltbert auf the &biz 0111.the: rrz:: arid
P&IGENT14 VA NTIW lo every Wow. Great
I niimement• offered. Send foe ctruillar.
2125 0 LEMONT Ss Oo , Toronto
The Larsen. Me Ableet. *5 5.51
"One of the ablest weeklies le mint -nes. -
Poll Mall Oa.:ette. Loadoa. Eagleitd.
-The most inadeetlal religious organ in Me
States.- Th, Spectator. London. Ragland.
-Clearly stands in the fate front as • weekly
relieous magazine." - Sunday School news.
Philadelphia. Pa_
Proem ineat It eat wire of Ties I x nerzermarv,
during the coming year will be premised.
Religious & Theological Articles
Bishop Huntington. Bishop Comte. Dr. Then
dore L. Under. Dr. Howard Osgood. Dr. How
ard Presley. Dr. Wm. R. iliwiumetee. I*. Jas.
Freeman Clarke. Dr. Geo. P. Pentecost sad
Social and Political Article,.
Prof. Wm. G. Sumner. Prof. Richard 1'. Ely
Pies. John Remota. Prof Arthur T. Hadley
Ihern'thly Literary Articles,
Thomas Weed worth Hisenson sad other
critical and literary articles by Maurice
Toompeon. Charles Dudley Warner. James
Cairn. Andrew Lang. [domed Gown R. H.
Stoddard. Mni nchuyler V•a itemenener.
Louise lmogen Guiney. II. H. Hayssen, and
Poems and Stories,
ward Eierett Hale. Harrket Prescott
E. C. Siedman. Elisabeth Stuart Pisedrespia_i
ford. Jnlia saver. Rose Terry Cooke. Edina
Id. Thomas. Andrew loam John Boyle Oltetl-
ly aad oho • . and
A Short Serial Story,
E. P. 11.015.
TERMTM tigamgleitheust
Three swathe PH rwo es rear 33 010
Four Meath& all TI yew.. s SO
sin months 30 Pim mono 00
Can any one snake • better immeerallingt of
$RO 10 11(1) than one which will pay
52 Dividends Du* the Year?
Every ietelligeed family media good news
paper. It is a eacemaity for parents and child
A good way to make the aottusintanor of
Tlill INDKPIDIDSKT is tie mad MO man for •
-Trial Trip -of • month.
Amencan Agricultural
sot • subscriber 10 The lademedee or JIM
will both be went este year each. te arioeireen
The regaisr ze or both is W.*W.*skre-
eminence le ladependesit, P.O. Hoz, E517.•
Now Yore -
No papers are seat to mbecribers after the
time paid for hes expired.
The *dependent's Clubbing List will be
sant free homy penes embitter ter it. Any awe
wnhing to subsmibe fer one or more papers
tife leneasiees la coonectIon with Toe lode -
poet ma ewe messy by orderias hem our
theb List. Address
P. 555* Mel. nen Toret.
llarper's Bazar.
luarsiol BALM l• • learei
membetraes choke literature bad line aft
tratloas with the latest lateillennes
the Isaias, leach number ins
sad short stories, imicl55el:alses.1.04,ilir
Meet Iseems. humorous ses
patient sheet aed hiebtanieele
will alone help Ladies to save anysilli=j5
cut .4 11. subeeripties, sae=
telesette, decorativeaB
lie leseelliel. .ratedoerla.ale.. Make it nelgi4.
every household. avid • truepasaStI, 51
orommy. Its editorials ars 54
seam and an • *10. la 55
columns 11.1 could Weed WI Meet
PM !run : •
FarillerSI A1101111011
pReS ti Jr le
HaviaL.I•te=liased the Weddell Per-
=I eat now peepers I to
HaTcy, the ton at the barn or etaca. I
itili ao. soy • ausedity of Hay armee the
Orders ter Preemies should be plateal W
Se is*01 AMMO.
L1.01 SIN IrAntrri1X11111 TRAM
751155e rearailly are meg lied la 11. 1.5557.
My *AMU* for supplyli sad the
Dany esteem iempaeltd. IlMrVertedo
ineirasee capacity. WOW
"wow Pow 15 .11 51sj-10.5 5. SO
Vowed Motes. Comide. or Iliertrie. -
The Volumes .1 11. BMW. Ms* with Use
len Number Missilery ee sash mar, Wise
ass ttme is samtieses. sebseeptiees arm=
with the Numbs, mirreat at time ef r
.1 .01..-.
Rood volumes of fliAep BALM, tor
Woe y leek, la seat meth Widog.
re ofemse141aimed ag reis).4F
Mad Will bo-.117Ma&
liethemee 5..bettemaangAble he
Amid la medesel =eliej
Fee hat is
gem me • c.411. easiettee Sara rem. ms4rt tesorlopromonse tot=rebeinadartist.
thee od hosblesesersaTittleatise.
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