The Huron Signal, 1887-9-30, Page 67
[he Poet s tomer }tousehola }tintsi. Poultry Notes.
With all Wer 1ltatss 1 Lege Mr UM I I -
I/IST• to lint'a°MOLr•61 a.
estrus she writes a scrawly band. I Salt aid water cleans willow furniture.
1'uts In two "t'i' whets u.. retold d.,
And .Iwfl. .i re will. an extra "g
Nut sot aged to this wide lad
Is half so deer. sad eery few
Ourtenthas sweet as she 1u me.
Dearthias..M sometltaes sass ' I area
Butter and lard should be kept io
exit hen ur stone ware, and kept In • C...1
Charcoal ground to pard.r will Le
found to be a very gated thing far pulieh-
ing knives.
'They was.' "1'snrt.'or "tss be you ; A bonnet and trimming may be worn
"TMene's )sous.,""floes 'agood" harshtu a much Iwtgrr time i( lbn dual be brushmy ran;
Nut she le *till ,uy lovely gimes, well en after walkU'.g.
Whose hear beets are to u ,ace moat true, Clare' stains, should, elute wet, bare
And we: be let for many ) tats. dry salt spread upon them, and after
wards t!:pped tutu boiling eater.
New tins should be set over the fire
with boiling water in them for aevetal
hours before food is pat into them.
A little borax added to the water in
which scarlet napkins and red-be•rdered
tuwels are washed will preg-eut them
Pl:.ater busts may be cleaned 1'y dip
BLacK L'Cut.lau.—One half cups each ewe theta into thkk, lilted Leld starch
clear atartlt mixed with r,ld water—
and Leashing thaw dry.
A piece of zinc dace ! on the lite coals
is • but stove s ill effietuall$, elms tout a
stove'.ii.o, tate rapes produced earring
off the s...t by chemical decomposiffee. -
T„ teat jelly drop a little into odd
water or 00 a cold plate, stirring it fur
• few mounds. If it coagulates it is
4ehtesal .,traced-ehor.,late, theemunit4 done. The best jelly tamelyrequires fire
irhite sucar, one cup of sweet .rent ; miuutts (p,ilio,p.
!soar. eay bloat logo la blind and I
Would add that lore 1a deaf. alto.
Though grammarian and spelling bad.
NO loge Is handsome. sweet and ahr.
The secret of our lore ) uu'd know
She's u .Il tit r, raid Ili. her dad.
looking Recipes.
nl sugar, hatter and milk, ono cup of
atoned r i he, one teaspoon of ground
Motu, tai. and -lest( cups of dour, our
teaspoon ..f baking put der ; steam seee
hour. Sauce : Mix a little deur, corn
March and water together ; let it Lott
two minutes ; add s small pieces 41 but
ter, sugar and nutmeg.
Cum 9: Art: JCLLr.--T..keervcn sp..4.n
+six together sad set ogre the flee an.t i Is ironing, have a Mese of NII Faper,
let come to a boil. Puny it over curs.- such as carpenters see, lying on the Weil*
Much pudding, ur pet between layers of handy, it removes the Milo. •.s of starch
1 with awls ur two
os trent the iron perfect y
JOU ,('Alta —t I.te sup of cornmeal, serosa it•
two eu;o, et item-, one cup l)1 milk, .Nle l'es Mains are very difficult to get out
half cup earls .4 butter and sutar, thrvr' if negloeted. They should Lei -soaked in
•.gs, three teaePeeeli a u1 baking pow- milk or warm water as son as pos.ble,
der. and than soaped and rebus•! out. Th:
\'6 it. 1'1:1Tr6s;. - Clop tine two mat washing will .dace them wh••ay.
pounds of oral ; veld half pound '•f gait is preaiRtatire io its nature. V
rolled crackers, three leeateu eggs we h tool. much of it is used in cooking food, it
salt and popper sutb.:tent to eoasun ; fritmn agiitut the juices of the stomach,
aluely in but lard. sot Thos retards digestion, and will in
VEAL MAItoL6.—Tess a eel l' br•ikd time devotee the digestive orgwne. It is
tongue or a lake number of pounds of Lest to use it small quantitire
cold veal, chop ca•h separately very tints,; To take traces out of drawing paper or
essefin with pepper. a teleekletdel of eneravmgs, lay the paper ur en ra ing
mustard, n pinch of nutmeg and grouuet face downward on a sheet of stituth pa -
cloves ; pack in alternate spoonfuls to per, unsized white paper, cove: it with
buttered Jars : press firmly and cover another sheet of the same very slightly
the top with melted butter ; wh,.0 'co -.1 eater. srd-iron with a modetstely warm
does the tops of the jus end ko,•p in a ttatir,e5.
,0001 place. When ready to serve it io • rte. • 0%vett i..
edi'es- - Have soros small pieces of hoard, elth-
Pia Cat er - One quart of flour, one • round or *sleaze, covered with enamel
cloth ur oilcloth, to set under puts an 1
kettles when they are taken from the
stove: Every woman knows what a
black, ugly mark these uteusia make
wherever they are set, and unsually tke
The Purlfry run/adtoestes quick fat -
timing fur few's when they are sutroded
for table use, and iec..wuurnds milk in
any stair, (run, fresh to thick. This
shuckl be fed iu eutILcctlun with grail)
(live souse of the refuse milk to the
fuels ter drink itratcad of water. It
milk is plenty, the Lens ratite' the curd
made by beating (hamar milk and turn-
ing ul ti:31 whey, the latter is almost as
good fur the peg as milk.
The lalifur..iu t u,:.'.r states that sou
fl..wet seeds, if led tau freely, eel cause
(.owls t.. become tee fat and c to lay.
Rettig of au oily tenure, they Wave the
effect ..f a gluesy plumage,
bur .hou:d not be owed as staple feed.
N or is the tune feels Begin their an-
uuel uoult. The stat too stymies will
be the csttical time with alt old fuels.
Fesi nourishing food, out feed in form
surest digested. When the breeder can
he abused feed coaled (.rot, or at least
w arm Lushes. Any f•.rm e.tsily digest-
ed will do. If elide. feud tory lute
soon ; lad tots, wheat or cracked corn
Feed the ughu it the 'teeth s; season a
tittle doer td',ulpbar, say once a week
Epsueseia to also can Cs fed now oc-
casionally to fowls, Keep the housis
sad yards clean all summer. If fowls
are kept is close condi, turn up
tee ground iu yards fit:nueut;y the pelt
fere _piuftl.i. Put trembled charvtsl
ab eat the yards. Fowls will eat .luau-
titita if charcoal tin summer. 1t
recta acidity, aids digesti"•u,, and help,
blots to assimilate their food.
teats,o o: lar), t*o temp,' aas..f biking
powder, a pinch act wall, c i ,1 water
enough to make d,utfh not tot. stilt.
Rica. =Boil one cup of rice in water
until well done, stir in twin beaten eggs,,
half cup of sugar, one and • half cups of sink is used for the purpose. to ale the
.milk. Pour into a dish awl grate nut eieahin; of table or leaf after them. A
seg case the top. few of these boards hung near the stove
HOT $Latin.—Cut half heel of cabbage will be found very t:onvenicnt for this
Sp fine, pour alt, pepper and •,;,,cgor purpse. When the dnpping pan comes
ewer i:, take one cep o[ u.o" two rytaa, not of the oven it is sure to smut what
°mail piece oI h", one cep of hot ever it touches. A quare board like the
win.Sar sad ",,our over the whole. above kind will come in very handy
C sw..a*D Bur.—Bel until soft enough here. These hoards can be washed otf
to remove the bones ; plass in an earthen eery eerily and will last a long time,
dish and peer over it the water it was thereby acing the housewife a great deal
boiled in. Place a plate on it and a "f unnecessary work.
heavy weight : have sufficient ester. sec
that when the weigbt•is on it will come
to the top of the meat ; let it stand until
eri`d then est in slices.
Cur Cu+Tawei.—Beat five eggs with
threeequarters of a cup of white sugar,
add flavoring and one quart of, sweet
bilk ; pour into cups and place in a bak
ing p40 of water. Bike in a slow oven.
1'ara7o ('t'.rtiii. -- Orate sib large from the box, dean the spot and throw
potatoes and add to them one quart of the scrap in the tire. Your knives have
boiling milk : stir in three be ten eggs all been cleaned and the board put away,
and one quarter of a p..und of sugar . when you tied one you had forg..tten.
boil sacro minutes, taking care not to
You don't want to brine the beard for
let it butte thein add nor half cup of hot that, and you aren't want to put it away
aa it is. A scrap from the box and a
little ashes from the hearth clean it
n icely ; another scree wipes it dry ; the
A small box tacked to the wall w sutras
(turner where it will be easy of access,
int() which is deposited all the small
clippings from the fancily sewing
that w-,uld otherwise be thrown into
the rag bag will be found of ae little
assistance. In cocking you spill some-
thing un the fluor. It is only a little
spot acd you don't watt to run out after
the wash cloth for that. Take a scrap
ter. This will mike three geed sized
LISSOM CREAM. -- Beat together ome
quart of cresta and the yolks ..f fl -s knife is put away clean, the scraps burn
Rradeellt haat is one -hall pound ed, and you aretietied The baby puts
..f whits sugar and thoe gated rinrindof ahis greasy fingers on your clean
f ,ur lemons : pour into a porclain kettle
and let it come lo a boil ; remove from
the tire, and Mir until nearly cold,
slaeeza the juicy of the lemons into a
dish and pour the cream upon it, stirring
arab) cold
Inter, TtotArn CI(tTY66. --Peel and
Mace two gallons of green tomatoes and
three table. onnluls ..f 'ground mustard
seed, two. tablespoonfuls .1 ground cin-
namon, nue tablespoonful of chives, one
p0uwd of brown sugar, three quarts of
Wet ear. Boil all together until
quite done. If you choose you !nay put
one spoonful of ground and a pertinn of
mammon bark Celery tops impr .: e
the flavor and sone add cloves of garlic,
mind Spanish garlic. If mon conee-
ntent peaches just turning ripe, sliced,
can be used instead ..f erten tomatoes.
%N a Wash tseal
Mr (l..ode, druggist, is not a book
agent. but has "the agency in Ooderich
tee .L.hneton'a Tonic Bitten, which he
can heartily recommend for any com-
plaint to which a tonic medicine is ap-
plicable. This valuable medicine has
been with most astnntshingly good re-
sults in cases n1 general debility, weak-
ness, irregularities peculiar to females,
extreme pateneas, imporeriehment of the
blued, stomach and liver troubles, loos
of eppstite, awl for that general worn
out feeling that 'nearly every one is
troubled with at some part of the year.
Dunt target the name Johnston', Tonle
Bitten Lok andel per Mottle at G.wele's
drug store, Albeit block, (ludurich, role
spent. a
A pamphlet has been circulated in St
Petersburg announcing that the reorgan-
isation of the Nihilists has been fully
' awocmaful, and that the .antra of action
are provided with everything requisite
fur carrying .out their pane.
"They have • larger sale in my di.
teed," says s well known dreq;ist, "than
any other pill me the market, and girr
Rae beet tl•tidaetinn for Iliek heed.che,
htilninnseee°a iedi¢estinn, ete , and when
enrnh,nea work Johnston's Tonle Bitters,
Johnabsn'a Tonic lever Pills will per
limn whet no nther medicine has done
beer. fey suffering heesanity." PHI.I
lb emits per hot II. Ritter 60 gents
aced 111 per battle Roll by flood*,
Drilled, 4.i, Alsion bl•11t, Oodeeteb, _orale
paint. or Johnny writes Iiia name on tt.
A scrap from the box dampened and
waked obliterates all, and the pairt is
se clean a before. The uses that the
contents of a lox of this kind can be put
to are innumerable. and if once elven a
trial you win never be without one.
,ale as Tem Please.
but if yoti are constipated, or have sick -
headsets*, bad taste in the mouth, rush
of blot d to the heal, bilious co.aplaite,
or any similar difficulty, you should go
et ranee to your druggist for Dr. Pierce's
"Pleasant Purgative Pellets," the most
efficient means for eradicatint it, by cur
meting all disorders cf the, stomach
and bowels. Resall, sugar-coated, agree.
a'.lo to take, and cause no pain or grip-
ing. ivy druggists.
All people are more or leas forgetful,
and the bat of housewives sometime•
forgets to order from the store something
that .he should. The baby wakes op
with the croup, or some one else oohs
family with a pain. A mustard Lath of
a mustard poultice is just what is need.
ed, it w twelve o'clock at night and itut
a bit .r mustard in the house. She hen
to either wake up a neighbor and bor-
row Rome, or use eemething not near
as good in its place, until morning. A
memorandum would ave all trouble and
worriment. Then bail .one In the
kitchen. A child'a slate. such as used
in the ,thuds, is just the Oilier. Hart
the pencil en a atnng attached securely
to et. When tut of any article, or
w hen neatly nut, of enrsethmg in cum -
mom use, write it down immediately, and
yne will rave y..urself and family a great
dal ..f dtseomtture and Meitty.
Mere W.aaarhats4 Mitt.
)-nand at last, what the !roe public
has been looking for these many years
and that is a medicine which allhou h
but lately introduced, has made or
itself a reputation second in non.. the
medicine is JI hns,n's Tonic Betels
which in eon enation with Johnson's
ramie Diver Pills has performed awake
most wonderful cures imperil or itn-
poseriahed Mood Donn Sommes petrified
and ennehed. Billiouane.s. indereatida,
siek headache, liver encsp laint, isageer,
W041 k nese, tic , soon l ..appear when
treated b times excellent took -
seem - - Salo by dead, druggist, *1_
MIM Vent er aluflcl.n.
"Fur three mouths i could not eat a
fell meal or do • day's work. I bought
a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, began
ming it and in three days my appetite
a.turi.ed, In a week I felt tike a new
name It was wonderful shat that one
bottle did for m.," writes Arthur All -
chin, of Huntsville, Muskoka, who But-
tered from Dyspepsia, 1
Fur use use boiled milk and
castor oil, alsu Grady and raw eggs.
A weaderfsl sagas.
The largest Gruen, and one that pays
• c,atn ili,W part on the health of the
body is the liter. 1f torpid or iieaeive
the whole system bet -meet distilled.
Dr. Chase's lever Cure is made specially
fur Liver nod Kidney diseases, and is
guarantee 1 to -cure. Recipe book and
medicine et. * tsl by attetmeQtfirtc
The ct..tos on the body found a few
days ago near Oawego late been sent hu
Kiagatoe and Identified es those auto
by Kelly, one of the two enoviets who
escaped recently to the wardens pleas-
ure yacht:
M.• : If your davabtera are in
ill health, or t1selNed with a paleness
that seem. Mineable, or if they suffer
;.neral debility, nervousness, Ismguor,
weeknaw, or lues of appetite, procure at
ones a bottle of Juhnsou'a Tonic Bitten
ape you will tot regret regret the out -
lair'. The Tonic and ecuerally strength
euieg effect of this m.diciue is truly
marvellous. 50 eta and ill per bedtle,
at lio..d s drug store, Albion bock,
Uudur►cb. sole went-
Three Chola..
There are three chains which hied
men in captititr—custom, habit $Ld
appetite. 1 hese different forces play In
sects other's heeds Flat essato,u r omw
with its insinuations and su'icitatkins -
then follows habit with its bands and
fetters ; and finally routes appetite with
its fiery energies, sweeping the soul as
pith avec nue, sad hurrying ■ map to
irrettierable ruin The time to stop
these chains is at the beginr.:ne. A
thief fold cord is not easily brukeu.
Lot them who hate twedage ruaomber
that t J renoy in its beeiul.ntg is insidious
and uhsuspected, arid l!::l t1;. se who
fail to resist the beginnings of evils will
lied themselves powerless to war *gains,
it when it is oumpletely develuptd anti
fully grown.
•,s t seerafale.
Ron no tisk in huyieg medicine, bur
etrythererreet Kidney and Liver rugula-
tar, made by Dr Chase, author of Chase's
receippese. Try Chase's Liver Cute f. r
all. diseases of the liver, Kidneys,
Stomach and bowels. Sold by James
Willem, druggist.
Man . Rale,
Ie Onset Britain the question of Hose
Rule is commanding attention. To the
man with a cold in the head or cheat the
safes. way to eneure.Hctre ltu'e over a
cold is to hare on hand a bottle of Dr.
Harvey's 114 Pine Gum. For seas at
J. Wilson's Peescriutiou drug atom. If
James Mackenzie, lumber merchant,
of Sarnia, anal a 'younger brother of Hon
Alex Mackenzie, died on Thursday
morning. Ilan Mr Mackenzie is at
ptesest in Sarnia.
In the history of mediciuew no preps
ration has received such universal cum
mandation, for the allevinti.:n affords
and the permanent cure it effects in kid-
ney diseases as Ur. Van ituren's Kinney
Cure. Its setter' in these distressing
complaints is simply wonderful. Bold
by J. 1\'ilrew .m
Noss a Dade Caught Cold.
A shut young non in the height of
fashion was violently sneezing in a street
car, when a companion remarked, "Aw,
Chawles, deeh bey, how d'ye cat -..h that
dweadful cull." "Aw, deah fella'', left
my cane in the lower hall tether day,
and in nuc' ing the ivory handle, an
dweadful c•ld, it chilled me almost to
death." If Charles had used Dr. ileo-
vey's Red Pine Gum his cold would not
trouble hire :ery much. Fur sale at J
\\ ikon's prescription drug store. tf
Te the lledles.l rrsuesslsa. ant n11 whose
it may •
Phetspliatine, or Nerve Yuen, a Phos-
phate Clement basin upon Scientific
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
M. D. of it.ston,'Mass., cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption. Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the human
system. Phosphatine is not a 'I`!'dtdecine,
but a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable or Mineral i'oisons, Opiate*
N ircotics, and no Stimulants, but *imp,
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric /Clemente
found in our daily t, d. A single huttie
15 anLScit.nt 1.. col:ri:tre- All Druggists
sell it. 51 0l pie b,t•:a- L-oess A
Co., sole agents for the L•"minoes,
5 Front street Etat Tor.omtb-
• cxmuuwun
SCLD By,4LL17F4L£1-7S
The People's Liv y
0. 0. R. -la watlasa Wrier.
"My husband was troubled with
dyspepsia for more than four yearn
Tern experienced physicians did him ne
good. We got di n►uraped, until we
road tf Hardtack Blood .Ratters ; he took
only two bottles and now is as well as
ever, and dolts; heavy eat all the
tient." Mrs Richard Rowe, Marley,
Ont. Ii. B. B. has eared the wrest
cases of cLrooie-dyspepsla.-
1•1"----VVr GO a=
Fall and Winter.
Ready -Made Clothing le
and Ends of Cloth
NUM be l'Nwrr4 •u( id Cost and I•wder gist.
frltememhcr the Place -West street, best door to Bank of
0.4trIch. dept. TRW. 1M7.
Liver Cmetem,Dyspep Indigestion,%house*,
Fsnndree, Headache, Dianne*, Pain to the bad.
2assiensass, or any disarm arising from a demos.
*et. Da. CH Ase.% Livia CLAUS Will ace /Mild a tit
rad certain remedy.
The unqualified success of ti.. Chase's Liver Cure 1
Liver Complaint rests solely o;di the fact that it
aor.poended from salute's walk worn liver refalaton
MA.D.Arra AND Denou roe, coatiiosd with tear
xlser invaleaWe roots, barks and keying
,awerf.l visa on the Kidney., Stomach, Bawl& air
Stead. 600.000 SOLD
Nee .., Aa.r/ widish, di Dr. Chu': Rertje Sash
aw. add in (...d. aleer. Its .. a4/ terry _a
woman sad child war Tr thersh.'ol.4A Line Caw
(:slat fes lry this ,z arcat rrwdp.
Inuresse lla. Clads Awn hat
Wrappedatinan4 wiry Lotti,of ih. C-ha..'s Limo Call
is a valasIis Household Medic.] ( end Rada
(took (l
ark contaiai.g over loo toeal rea
y medical 'nee and dragging as to
weigh ten times the prig of,the medicine.
TRY Castro GUAM CRL. A safe and positio
autedy. Pecs, s3 cents,
TTY CRAW'S RIaIY ASI LIVEN hits. is Hs-p.r boa
T. auMAV•On a C0-. $.l. Ageaas. W,wdlsrs
A. there are many inferior
goods, corded with Jut.,
hump Ne., offeree and said
as G,ratire by some un-
prlaelpled merchants trad-
iing on t'.e reputation of
our swat_. (.raWws•.
sob warn the ladles again*
each Impel:toe by .traw-
Ing their attention to the
nse.satty of swing that the
Is idem alga laser .Want all CoralIn.g,.wlt
11 MO odd& alas are ieaufar•
JOHN KNOT, Proprietor.
The nbscrlber is pre
to tennis!. enema
The Finest Riga
AT RRAe.o,N A 111.I. I'ItI('K•
CALL AtiD •-Ops tbe Ciao,
• ..s. saw
Powspec W TNI SIMM,
d erile•.d U11<r1, a K108Rat •r.4.43124.45
ao�et.� (tor a►Ooq
♦ 1111f.W1011 1 re frerlrf*Mro.
The naderslgwed Arlt moat nowt—that tee Wham the Inhabitant of +oho itlh and rte•
rcuuding country. that hal ing bought CHEAP 8016 CA811 in the best ttmribat• of t`anada
and the l ,,.ted Mates, a ser) superior *Cock e(
Consisting of FRESH TEAS of this season's importation, com-
prising Young Hysons, Gunpowders, Japans and Blacks, amongst
which are to be found some of the very choicest imported, and
desire to call special attention to the same. Also a Superior
Blend of COFFEE, French Broken Loaf, Granulated and oth-
er Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Or-
anges, Lemons, Assorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorings, Sauces,
Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Canned Goods of all descriptions, Biscuits,
Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccaroni, Vermicella, Tapioca,
Sago. Rice, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Brooms,
and other useful articles usually kept in • erst-class city esiablishmeet.
AT 1%orr1Tl•% •F MIS l:••W% 111iSL1 a•/.I*'ITEW.
Store on the Square, Between E. Downing a and C. Crabb'.
Gedericb. April _let. 18 7. tea -
ass shop 1a the latest
haste. pea is Three
low Wtnhert'haws.
WO them the cabs -
waled Heeheater
Tittles C hairs, sad
Mrs a Journeyman
rather. we am is $
manias to do Wetter
N e r k than herete-
Ladesa CbUdesn9
Italrtnt1ag sande a
�t; s *1y1 � y*
Ramon and ldesa r
yet { West Street. twit +safe east of P.O.. 0oderich
The Greatest Luxury Obtainable for Impaired or Diseased
Vision is a Pair of
The Celebrated Axis Cut Pebbles
7 ekceyI{ sl -`
The frauds that have been perpetrated on the spectacle wears
public by most spectacle dealers and pcdellars by giving assumed and
fancy Mamie to ordinary glass, speaks for the ignorance of the pubiie
generally, in the all-important subject of the 1.reservation of sight.
there are only two articles from which the spectacles lenses can be
manufactured. viz : Pebble and glans—tall glass by any, other name,
it still remains glass. Pebble, on the other hand, is from natnre'•
own manufactory.. It is a natural crystal found uenerally in free-
stone formation, and is harder than the ruby and einerald, and near-
ly as hardas the diamond. The Pebble is not moire or less than a
transparent stone, cut by aid of diamond dust, and the greatest
amount of power is placed immediately over the centre of the grain
found in all pebble. It will give to the spectacle wearer the coolness,
freshness and a pleasant feeling that the ordinary spectacle lenses
cannot by any possibility impart. All spectacles and eyeglns.e. are
stamped B. Land can only be purchased from
rah M.
I _ TORR -6-N,
Druggist, God•rich.
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilton Street, Ooderich
mak chair ehallopies_olorosst ad weal
stall, , upb.Namarda wt -std K 1a :sero VrA treed ee. INiytsnd.
t.wea•va Mbet-Plata. Leaking Sienese.
X R .. A eewte see eseemeneet ef Delfts awe ahem . seems s gra MN a11• (harass i1,I la
at r.asowabl. tat..- ..
Pease. Ihaaalag • spects1ty,,--.b al bisphii le AK