The Huron Signal, 1887-9-23, Page 3=RE HUkON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SIPT• 23, 1837,
Biiiil'8 HIPPT ?HUUUUL, .h td
aid the t.ib kiwi Ise with
__�- onnethiog of her very uwu. She threw
t.' r `' `'^''a her false prole to :he winds, sad sp oke
"If there were any way in which I ',gavel, ;
pelf Nara vele* wuouey !' mol dtmaas, "bits Archer, 1 west to earn some
1ai2 it !MU wistfully M itlar e• -'"e and, if you will allow me, I will
HAM, eche ins giving the Mit towboat to restore your douses to its first state, 1
dal pla iOe• ne plaolee had will mead it so perfectly that n•.bndy
'•ordered by • lads d mite, for shall ever diswrer that it has been
claim(, sod deliclto 4S1h. woo torn."
n favorably all MAK he"toe protium chill." said Mrs
e Nen ',eco Wit M MM ' kreher. " 1'11 be oily too glad to ea
gag•o you. I wish I dared ask you to do
all my tine mallow. It would be such
• relief ! '
Kwma's happy thought proved • good
beginuiug. Her father, strudg'ing to
support • gruwiag family and educate
his buys and girls well, was obliged 4.
practice the strictest economy. It prov-
ed • real a•si•t•nos to him, when IFN
e:dtst daughter tutted thee she oou'd
exercise her womanly art of eseudin,-,
one of the runt de'icate and Indy-tike
arta in the w,,rlJ, to such go, d purpusrs
that she wae able to buy her own a th-
ing, as well as to glue 11'e.ra11, to the
muses ►M loved.
Where then is a will there is also s
way. When, there is • atroug desire,
and real fitness, defeat seldom comes
The t.lnat which makes no specie! show,
bet which keeps the home wheels mole
threatened to wh p him.
When I went to dinner two such Len
dement; little fellows met me at the
Jour and held up their sweet and rosy
faces fora kiss, I hadn't the heart to
disturb the unusual sernity,$ad thought
it hest to overlook their little little (1)
pranks that time. "Pierre, pa,., will
you forgive us 1" mob little boy had
said. and -well, perhaps you eau undsr-
stand bow tt ended.
Alphonse is 5 years old sad Delmont
3i, and the other day ay wide- mid it
was quite time they mew in Sunday
school. It was almost too mach to rut
theta io • class with other children, so
the decided to experiment by taking
then[ to church herself.
I suggested "headache," but wham
she loa,kell at me so reproachfally and
remarked, "As the twig is bent," etc ,
and I knew what she thought of my dis-
position, I coucluded to do iny duty by
toy family, let mortification and every
thing ole. stand in the way. Everything
vocative Art Rooms in New Yor1t. As
aeon as Kate should mad it house eh,
would receive tau dollars.
Tendollars to shining gold ..r crisp
rustling totes ! If it cisme from Mrs
Emery i1 would be fresh, alma moiety,
6t for a ked, • purse. Aad Kate, &arise
bat own little income, did not Deed te:
ask papa fur Node *honorer she wished
. to help some poor person, or subscribe
to some charity, or as today, send firs
and food to the sick women whose taw
had teen prostrated in t% prefer meet-
ing the night before.
Etyma wanted to help that woman.
One of her little girls -a blue-eyed,
sweet-faced, wee (bine-wen in the is
Fant c'•ss, where Emma saw her every
Blasts,. But what could Emma do 1
"1 harei t a Maxie table," she raid
deletuly. "I cameo play, I cannot
paint, I don't kuow how to embroider.
Tke ouly accomplishments I hare are the
plm•n, every d iy ouem. They don't cruet
in the way yourr said Mattie's do, Kate.
Wby,Mattie receives checks every month
for beg stories., but I could not write •
story if I sat with my pew in my hand •
year '"
'•I am sure, Emma,' seal Me Mac -
ben, who had been sitting silent during
the progress of her daughters remarks,
"I am sun you have one of the best se-
eompliahu.uts in the world ; you know
bow to make korner happy ; and you are
Se aaefal in catching up all the dropped
Mitebee and loose threads that we could
Mot do witheet yea, Your bi•euits,ynor
bread -all your tucking is just perfect ;
and then you sew so beautiful-"
"You partial little.m.tber ! ' said E.n-
ma,beetowing>• kiss on the dear lips ;
'you are a darlirg : you knew just the
praise I covet. But I have en errand
and must hasten out"
Emma was much interested in home
misatona, and she had been among her, in church was so new and strange, they
sat almost motionless and in open-eyed
wonder during the first part of the ser
Tice, and I was eusgratuleting myself
upon finding one place shore I could
rest, when they slipped from the seat to
some hassocks, and Julia whispered,
"The little angels are so tired-"
Dr. B --was trying to elucidate a
•cienttfio problem. and I was wondering
how slay of the couirezalixt were
asleep, when a'�. Door reached my
nostrils. I glanced at my wife, an 1 I
saw that my minae of smell bad cot de-
ceived me, and with • mother'. in•.uiiio$
she had discovered the culprits. Them
little wretches had cigars, and A'-
phonae had evidently lighted one
nd taken as whiff, while Del was
chewing the oilier. I'II Dot at-
tempt to tell you how we gut the rause
Med children home, or how hard 1 tried
to convince my wife that I hadn't amok•
ed since I cjuldn't my how long, and
that those niatchee and cigars that Alph
had purloined from my overcoat that
was lying on the pew seat must have
beau put then by sumo other fellow. I
goon (sit that it was melees to talk, for
eves if I could have proved it she woold
have deduced from the oecurreoce an
argument is favor of heredity jest the
Mate, for I could not deny that I had
bees somewhat addicted to the use of
Ike delectable weed
felted* whetting books and papers to
sand to a little school in Dakota -a
school in great need of a library.
She was going to call oo one or two
les who had promised to 515. bee
ks, whoa it occurred to her to make
morning round wider and visit Mn
,wen, a how little Susy was so sweet.
• "Though I have no money I may be
able to cheer her up and perhaps make
her room comfortable. I can shake a
pillow, mail stir up gruel at least," she
thought renter eost.wptuously-ler our
• 0 Emu.. did not value ber gifts as others
Jest as she left her chambers her eye
tall on a little magazine for children,
bright with pictures, stories and versa
"I'll take that with me for Buoy," atm
resolved. "It will amuse her, and her
brother may read the stories aloud and
thus be kept out of the street."
Idly turning its leaves Emma came ep-
os a page while bad an illestsation .f
a street scene in Chins. it represented
• woman with a little basket containing
needles, thread and other sewing tools.
The cut was explained by a letter from
a missionary lady. whu said that in Chin -
earl eines, the mending woman plying
ber trade in the street was a familiar
o!ject. She would repair • rent while
the parses waited, or, taking Ler Maud
by some shop door would patiently stitch
for hours, doing w haterer she attempted
with ennead peina-
1 am not tet to tell you -of Emew s
tall on We Bowen, though it brighten-
ed and aweeteeed the Sat for the poor
.utterer. Some girls are like sunbeams.
Wherever they go they carry light and
sheer. Whatever they tough they beau-
tify. They matter blessings without ap-
pearing to try very hard, juvt became
they are sunbeams. They have heard
the dear Master laying. "int your light
&bite," and they are obeying His voice,
After Emma left Mrs Bowers' suis,
elle went to • very different home. It
stood on • stately street, and was an
ample mansion, with Mowers and ferns
in the windows, and charming pictures
oa the walla.
iKmine wins Nat for to come to Mn
Amber's own room, and then she found
her quiet anaoynd at en accident that
bad befallen a late Moines.
"I fair it is rwfred," "and i am w
very sorry, for it wag nue of my woddiag
"I tisk it ma 1.s mended, dear Mee
Amber," said Emma, eosnoing it criti-
"Yea, I me flat l era ; bat it will re-
geire am gsprrt to do it."
"When me i find any ono to shorn 1
.hall dare trust lace like this 1' siehed
Ml Amber. "I do not wane to send it
ear of the I would willingly pay
Ow hove 1. rid In sr"' again, (0' yon t• atrietly avoided.) PW, Jufda ! Mary
Inlay I ale not skillful with the needle had taken th. baby lost for an airing,
■gself." end leerier het hot tee =meat to speak
A.trastle went oil is E,mma's mind. to a friend, rel.:owl imawdatefy, who
Mieeld She oars--sboeld she net 1 Hhe etaym, t. And neither baby net esiviete.
IMMw d Ike Chinos- mending wonsae, T"ds girl tame hoose nearly wind, .ad
Monday I went abut my business
feeling mare the lisp lrnrkiag and wbi e
failed b.ys woeldn't get far from home
that day, and was somewhat surprised
to hear my wife's distracted call, "Is it
you, John 1' and answered. rather im-
patiently, "Yes, it's Jobs," and felt a
little inclined to cane the talephane in-
ventor, when she said, "Have you seen
the boys r "No ; sad I don't want to,"
was my Sereee answer.
An hour later then was another esll,
and somebody said, "Smith, the baby is
lost, and ynor wife is nearly bootie."
Tire boys of Aline had completely do.
molished my "wheel" some weeks be-
fore, and I had not replseed it ; but
Jameson, • clerk, kindly pont me his,
and 1 rolled away like a boy on a race
0 ..-
m7 elle was quite so ; she bad just Thank Beetles I tae ere all afire, wen Towel.
iaisesd tee bole and telephoned to ase, tkuue► the "eseupative chill" that seized 't1 was ewely dead with eenlers mor.
"to lest my noel susses. The whole my 'ifs, ager tbo e&eiteasest was par- �, w.. b.*tle of Extras u( N'ald Scree
neigbbuthovd was aruueed ie vale, sad tisU anter, mise alwaost [sure thaw ahs berry *bad rah, •and 15 ooesp*r use 1
1 was 60 bad with wmwer plaint that
thee my wife herself emit to the police *mid survive, and for • time we feared I though I weld set wet over it, what,
ehtiun. Mar, as nespenylug bet and es- the was eeumtag the "riser of death ;" Iwo bottled eared me." Mn K Aston.,
.eriwg her that ''ivory day the place mw but tow she is once in .re managing her Psel• that, 2 easedl.e tlltamM
fall tel eWdrett who rut thiwse:ves lost." household, or at lout her husband, and Nine indicting -eta were returned by The (..esdi•n climate is psrticulerly
The disappointment ass t..o mach, and I hear her dear voila calling, "John ' the strand jury at Chimp. Friday productive of Cold to the Head tai
Catarrh, 1. fact Catmrvh "aya mote
the s.e000ed. dohs !when are yea 1 it a 2 o'dook." egwir:M Iwo pera••sg •Ilemeod W Aare
bows abettors in the Mdl.rigle escape, piv.alent than tarot her disease.The die -
We telegraphed and as telephoned -Helper's Bazar. namely, Ur Leonard St. John, of tae coterie of Nasal Balm &hove within the
hare, there aoJ *eery• Imre • here then ne
college of physi . us and minnow ; areal of all • ammo mimes to sure.
was the least possible chance •.1 beanng .•I have used Fowler's Fowr's Extract of Ler Doll, janitor of the Sawa college ; -
from them. flume one said there was a WiW Ititesw for summer tow IYgta, GirIN. John Irwie, commander of Ludic. easy.
caw ant outside that cit mai areot have trio it to m friend*. It the. schooner Mimi' Male, legal The coonpkxion is Dray meowed en.
gypsy p j' y. g Y (kpt, Jehu Freer, aotuwar.der of sightly byPimples,
eotbing would pacify ley wife sive to rima instant relief when all oth.r rams•
to. Cw a A. Marstl. hat Juin y p Inver besot* sed
dies fail. I would not be without it in
Yellowness. These a is well known are
send a poem of palomino there W turd and Dell were arrested Friday night and monad (roto an inactive Liver and but
her "little Kathie, whom they had Uutbutsse." Mrs T Buil, Weidman 2 spent au hour in jail before stro.nwg bleed Dr Chew's Liver Cure
stolen." 13oJder,ly it thundered and huwdemen. Secrrity to the anemia of the blood and whole system
A levers Thal.
Rr•eees 8 Smith, of Kmsdal*. Musko-
ka, errtes, '•1 war trual,led math rued.
kg for two years. •and 1 bare vomited s.
often • fire noses • day. fleet bottle el
Burdock Bloat Bitt.recued me." , 11
• fwtahe to addiction. . • m ct
10,000 wee emcees frothe du•.r and cipe tt."ok tar toilet recipes, hints sed
lightened. rain fell in torrents and the __ •6,060 from the janitor. etsggestioes no how to preserve the cum -
little children were -where 1 oh, where 1 A Scotch tradesman who had amass- -- - - -- - -- plesiou. Sold by all druggist.
It would be imp ssibto for one who hat • 1, so be believed, £1 000, was surpris- Never Tried is."
not bad the experience to conceive of the • 1 by his old clerk with a balance sheet Wh! Never tried Johnston's Tonto misery posed bythose little scam " Bitters ! Then do general at ottun it's p. he C NtcINTCS�,
y M showios ban [attune to be £u,0u0. It tiitterely the beetsoattunic on that C. L.
Drenched to than dila as I was, In, euro• be," said the principal ; "*pont mnttet,
wife, who had eso.,rered ewsaoiuerwea, Neat door to Rhyme: Drag Store, home The slick did event again, and I ve often heard of 1t but thuught'lhal uouataaiy Mame to his well -
Cove herself into my arms and cried, ap�sin declared the hokum to be Ct1,000, et was to be placeron the hat of the selected stock. ctunica
"John ! oh, John ' our babies are Time after lime he courted up eke many trashy.but preparation's that flood our Fresh V a9rl0s
market, but sauce you recommend s: w
deal," and a deafening, craehiag roar, �emns-it was still at 6 and out • 4•
highly 111 giro it a trial. Tho s
[bat (..Rowed all ash of light that neat!which wean he [.wad to compare
1 that rewarded his labors. 8o the old good fur any complaint in whisk a tonic butte as regards quality and Truefavorably.
btirtdedme,drowned the rest sof her plain-
un the strength of his ave d sof benefit• and orn 13e taken by soar, any other cask an ibis vicinity.
lire cry, the nest mutceut I hada pallid furtut>•, saudetnised his laousa •Del "pot woman, ..r chid. b0 and it per bel..
M (i,.ode's Thug store, Almon block, TEAS AND SUGARS
lase on my shoulder mei a helpless (onn in may is the pones' of the carpenter, litodench,sole agent. e
in my arms. -She on revived, how- 1 [e painter and the upholsterer. Still, A a1 F,( LtLTY.
ever, and mother loveettd eoange over- however, ha hada lurking doubt of the -- - ' ' le rrtgruing Tanks to my rummers for
A pretty fringe for a lambrequin, or their ppaatronage, 1 would alae Invite a. ►-
powereJ the motioned. Hot predo.mnst- eiiMM 5SM th ours wooi p. 0"
n ewlno will. IV ll sand ens y et
ed et sight GI ms ied-a i eiti-frlge of the winter night, be est dont to give (he fano • emu -hated wontered shawl or capert my atnck,
Al tie
ttTq, -van be made b cuttingstripeof C. L. MCINTOSH.
terrific storm, sod judgement e.mns oo„. „em mere," y
paper, not too ou
parsstiff, as it would be hard- tiuu;h \t est s,dr of the Squsrst
sed my mos: uasire powers sibiu- clue. of his task be jumped up as though On.Iericb. Feb tet',, thea
.d induced her to remain where she was he had been galvanized, and rushed er to Fill ort ;make them half as Tit)
widan'vss you want ube rood ret
till the severe but short shower was orae through the streets in a shower of rats. large. \\iud the stripe. wild zephyr
and a carriage could be brought to take to Ike hu„„ of the cluck. The clerk's wool, once for medium thickness, twiceMilEfi
fur heavier cord. After the stripsare The
,�`` n pacific Railway
her home, where, I assured her, I would head carped and tows,, emerged from wound stitch them through the centre T11U CaIl4iilau PaciRc 1&fil1�LJ
erttainly bung the children in a very an att13 window at thea eon.J u' the ..n the sewing machine and cut the wool
. heart time. knocker (p enquire the errand of his on eseh edge, then pull out the paper, !
L11 sot attempt to tell how we mrrvir- miduight visitor. '• \Vhu'a there 1" be giro • little twirl to the aged end the , The People's Favorite Rome between
eI �t horrors of the n.few h..urs. mumbled, "mud what dye want 1" It's chenille is made. This chenille 0160 MONTREAL, - TORONTO, c
The ahem) .n did pass, tut I looked in a, ye „0„d rel ! .claimd his ern.
makes •pretty mat, if sawed to •circle Q(�EBEC.
„f pasteboard covered with milt or cash- OTTAWA, KINGSTON,
the glass pelt morniug, surprised 10 see ployer ; "ye've added up the year of our were of the same color.STON
y hair as black as a crow's wing, and L _ -
mord amort the pounds,"
gazed upon
y family, and wondered if — mite on tfear'tslyd. ST. LOUIS
it were• hideous nightmare. a terry Stage.'t allow m cold in the head to slow- 1 KANSAS CITY,
At about eight o'clockiu the ensuing ''Fur six year I suffered with my Ir and surely run into Catarrh, when : AND ALL POINTS EAST AND WAIT.
I returned to the house, as I had at in- throat and enlarged tonsils. I was eery you can be cared for 25c. by using Dr.
weak ; I doctored four years and badatarrh I rbr Maps. Ti...Tobias, ,ares. Tickets. .l,.
terra's, just as a team dashed to the Cbese's a incipient
A few aphoses 0
advice from three doctors ; they said I bo vWs to
door, and cries of 'oPapa !" "Papa !" would have to undergo an .operation I tions cure incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 sea R. RADC LI FFE
cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boxes is
reached my ear& I clasped the two tried B. B. B. instead. One bottle guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try I w
cured se." M A Squelch, Ragisn, OFFICE : -West street, pp ppe�to Te
boys to my heart, and for a moment for Out 2 it, Only 26e and sure cure, Sold by Ota Deal Street 10i)
soot all else. The familier cry bad reach all druggists ly I Dederick Jas. lith, carr. :a>`
e d my wife, and all fuer of us were in a -
seemingly inextricable heap. suadeely $toclt Notes,
she cried : "My Kathie ! my baby 1 Cattle chew bones because.the system
When a my baby t" seeds lime.
claimed the "You haven't lost a baby too returned ex- Good care is the farmer's best horse
TI -11S.
1514 sow doctor.
Kerosene excels for softening and
cleaning out the gummed and hardened
oil in the boxes of mowers, reapers and
other farm machinery.
Sheep will .at more, be more content-
ed and thrive better or a new than on
an old range. Frequent change of range
fur them is important at this ..swan of Every i Man in Business ishould get
the year.
In England the horns have been bred a-
off o.f several breeds of sheep by crossing his Office Stationery Printed.
with Suuthduwns, and the grades are
mon satisfactory in every way than the •
original stock. --.
Don't keep et calf tied or shut up in _
some damp, dark earner, with hardly
root° enough to lied .dnhe needs the DO NOT TSAR SHEETS OUT OP TOUR AOCOUIcT B( owe TO WRITS CIS
sunshine as much as Item cr the plaits
in the garden. BUT 6!F TOUR
A good, strong, reliable pair of horses
os $ fans are worth • dozen broken 8111 heads -
down or crippled plugs It dors not'
pay's•• keep a horse that is not able to Statements
do a full day's work every day of the
week. Note Heade
the boys,
"1)h, we wave her away, but p'r'aps
you can huy her back." saic! Alphonse.
By the time we comprehended the whole
story, i m afraid I fett a little like the
Irak woman whom story when a school
boy. I told many times -"ready to
beak every bone in his bony."
It seems that atter elimbing over the
pickets, which had been strictly for-
bidden, they went through the back
street for quite a distance, coaling out
just to time ant see Mary'leave Kathie,
and, catching up the carriage pole, ren
away as test as they could, "We were
rainy fur candy," they said, "bot could
mot find ibe plate." After they went
••miles," Alph told us. they got on
"where the trunks go, when the man
didn't see, and had s great long ride."
Aa near as we could ascertain, they
pushed the baby carriage about for some
time, and then stole a six mile ride oe
the back of a hack. It commenced to
rain just .s the driver drew up at the re-
sidence of the gentleman who returned
them. As he assisted a lady to alight.
they got down unn..ticed, bet were soon
discovered by the lady of the house, and
eared for 1i11 her husband arrived and
immediately took the culprits home.
Question after question in regard to
baby elicted only one answer : "We
gave her too big girl." Soddenly then
was a peal of the door hell, and Mary,
choking and sobbing, seized Kathie from
the arms of • kind-hearted motherly
woman, who, on her return from a bard
day's work, found the child with her 12 -
year -old girl, who said she was at the
door, whets two little boys appeared,
saying, "We'l give you the bsby."
They "left her and ran away," at she
"just took este of her till mother came.'.
"Poor little dear !' the woman sail ;
"I knew somebody was getting broken
hearted, and i hurried oat for an even-
ing paper, and found not where she be-
longed, and brought her home, ma'am
in the midst of rears and en hra,..,
Alph said, "Here's your "banderol,"
mamma," taking ■ handkerchief fn.. a
bax he had ns, his arm,
"tWhere did you pt that Y' wk ed
some 000.
Doors wide open ; not a person about
the premiere : even the dog misatrg. A
risen of the telephoee bell was a mo-
mentary relief. but whet 1 listened to
the voice of the city marshal!, and learn-
ed that amend of the polios force were
stearin, the city for my children. and
my wife vas 1n manakins. a1 the "Ma-
tins," where she went thinking that
some one moat have !oared and reported
het babies, i ton my hair -or rather f
tore thrnngh the street at a John Gilpin
gait (With molt grave responsibilities
upon me i must adhere to the Mriet
troth ; hyp.rhol., met sittlapitt.r, shall
It is within the reach of every farmer
to breed good horses. I.► fact not many
tan afford to breed NCR' Ones- The
mon poor lemma a man raises the mores
off tie is, and there are few who hare
tar capital lis ruu them any length of
To give a bores medicine tike a loam -
necked bottle. raise the burse's head,
throat the bottle into its mouth, and
while the liquid u running into the ,
throat rub the noes of the bottle vigor-
ously against the roof of the month,
pretty well tack. This done inoet hor-
ses will swallow nicely.
Feed moderately in the morning or
before work. Parthians and Arabs pre-
pare their horses fur hard drives by
fasting rather than feasting. More
bones are injured by bard driving on • and then it will to a pleasure fur you to do your corresponding',
tell stomach than by any other protea.,
Never let • horse est et drink ranch
when hs is bot from work. Study yew
hoarse, treat him according t his nature,
make him year friend, sad be will do
better and safer wont.
Letter Heads -
Memo. Heade -
Counter Pads
Parcel Labels ,
Shipping Tagg
Business Card*
Envelopes, etc
env. Tae= a /leave.
That w to say, your longs. Also ail
your breathing maebinery. Very won
deriel machinery it is. loot only the
larger air pleases, but the thousands of
little tubes and Gasifies leading fr,m
When these are 'Ivied and chocked
with matter which ought nod to he there,
your lanes gannet half d.. there work.
And what they do, they cannot do
Call it cold, cough, croup. pnenmonis,
catarrh, awasmptian or any of the
family of throat and nose and head and
'We took it to put our pennies in ; lung ubstructims, all aro had All
bet, papa, 1 'elided not to spend mise, o.6ht to be ant rid of. There is jest
oat, tomes old yellow orae w. tutted in Lite
sure way to wet rid of theta. that
a take Reechoe's Gorman Syrup, which
.11/11"." hasp(," was tb. answer, say dna/gist will sell ynor at 75 veno a
"What !" I .sotainsed, remembering teethe Even i1 everythng else has
that I gave my wife Ree twenty duller failed 7"u. yet may depend .pun Ibis
Sold Omen that tourning. !for ewrtwin. wwly
W. didn't est no red gaudy ttor n. Ain' a Twee iter,
Daly 11"1 drink 111 water, 'ism" we very IArmand each bottle of Dr ( aus'e
tinily, mad Boers. we paid the hit boy." lLiverCum
is • reediest amide
and realism it
kmit o
said one and prow/mooed ydestines
"Ws feet gore bis the '.W yefbw I c
and . s.worth tow times the
emits, and kept nue nice new siektes," emit of tb. antl eine. Medkrins and
idol the other. b,uk •1. gold by alt dra;giata.
as well as helping to advertise your business.
•riS4"� ,,:• t".°�Trrgfa'wjf>iy * .a«,
Far Our Stock of Printin. Stationer-, cunei,ting of all
ir the leaoiing grade, of Plain an,' I incn, ruled and un -
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