The Huron Signal, 1887-9-9, Page 8THE HUItUN SIGNAL, FRIDAY. SEPT. 9,1887. HURRAH PUT TR SCHOOL OPBHIIB Al' L2. JJLJaa' a „ +++mow 1300I STORE mars 3E1.T. tastrsasasr MairtNi.-An *seign- iory earvim will be brld is the Pseeby. torsos cherub. P..rter's Hill, on Sunday. Baps 11th at 290, and ; o'clock p. in. A teameeritig will be IG'..' no the woe - int( tet MoaJsv. Sept. l'Jth, fr..ta 6 o'clock until 8 p re. The I ll.wsag sp.ak_rs are expected. Rev ✓sear. G. , F Salton, Godsend) ; John Gram, Clinton; 1 and Hall, Bsyheid , and Moen D. Me(lilliauduy, i..detich ; J Tevlur, Blyth, and Higgins, Bruoaie:d. Fires tikes music will be given during the evening. Admission. 25 cents. Dentistry. • 1 1 A ICED I JS, L.D.8, . HP office,' Sigh* *we tc,u. Watt. L M1OOLFA-EItTallow•()N14.11. North , L. D K. • 4Mer 1)dcl , 11., Ool.rb(''b h. arges in ehmeit. All wort* wee. raaird. also or V ita;taed Ali elves (/ _pair' Inas oxtrectipa of tomb. Sri► AND la:T YOC'K PeemisAt. - - Mt Paterson, Nation ureter of Girton, spout Sunday here, the guest of A. C Macdonald. F. Wm. lfyt.dman. sou of H. C. Hyiidnien, of Sprut;;stde, Ayrshire. Scotland, has been visiting hers v.. mote for the Sault St. Marie, Mr Buechler of the firm of Beecher t SCHOOL the People's tolumn. Hacker, of Berrmilkr, lumber w .rd ante, suPPLIES ave our burg a visit, and was shown the wu,dwill and other points of interest by the Laird .of Lausdowue. He expressed himself well please." with what he row, but he dial not scree with hie guide AT • 1.0a a drbats un tJte Bowe note yue.tltw Its 1 for Ireland. PRICES TO SUIT THE TiMES. ew lINDERS W Alt rso. TMtdere will be ,.0ilv.d up to noon 011 dotards). uepaeueber trib. tor the errctiou of a new School Humor. o. Itheett's Corner 31► t:onceenoo of Colborne Towur.le- Pleas and speclfltadoes mar h,• aeon wt sod after alondsi arxt. at stoles. .Ulyd.. w,th wh tandem our be bR. The lowest ur any Ma- der tet u,•re•srity a.rep:ed. Ki! order of the . uwmittre. a(OBT'. ALI.A . ♦ I)KL'tt' MILLIAN. 4. hairnets. earetar' 1 Cuiborae, rept. 0th. Isd7. 11)- If TTAXES. llts'rpo)rrs wilt pfuw..e take mance that 3 percent d:seouut will be allowed on time. rpeaad durtmtt September i per ,vet. dor let4 ik;tobet. titter the Iltb of Irecembur 3 per meet. will he sloes to all unpaid taxes. JAMES 00:01)N, S*M,teh. Oat. s. 87. 110.11 PPaIBER`'+.-AN AsSitt fbltNT OF Jl ale n and Iroutt.u. Of Lumbar owe cedar- -0.Nasrlry few are at Mw prices. Apply to C, A. Ht MUM 111-I14 Althl•111• VOTER OTER K' L i r; f, 1887 MUNICI ' PALITi OF THE TOWN OF OOZE -_ _ _ ( Farmers are busily engaged in potting H1CH. in their fall wheat ie this lection. There' mined or delivered to the ptlreoms tsestiwted hint and fourth was of the Yoe.: SLATE PENCILS AND RVLEns t will be a largo at-sraite aowo. Given Away TO CUSTOMERS THE: FIR -.T 1)AY OF SCHOOL ON LY_ HAVING PURCHASED THE FINE Tau,oaura LARLY FALL&'1NTER GOODS Y7 Mead Wtater An[i'. air prtsent the NOVELTIES OF triiE SEASON QUALZTY 1 VARZZTY VERY LOW IN PRICE. B. X9.40ormaC. pederich. Sept. hit on. Ll, Huron Lana A>Aencv. FDWARt 14. LEWIS.IL N LAKD Al3rY.JiCY J Art. 11.11* HARttl$'-:M:l1. SOI.It,iTO11. PROCTOR IN REAL fiayl.tCft UI'E'il'F- 1fAltITIM►: ttSl RT`. l't)'ZL'KY1 1-am 01'L4 0I %ANT6DORM'OItW 1.14 ('6g d^c. ( 7 _ MONEY '1O LOAN. I,•),,:(I AT LOWEST Straight Ivens. I'rlcsr* i' 4n.u- l Orv►ctr st seroA Hnt eau and Nee gate t SII: N LAND AORWCT. ttlr'este, irpp. Colborne Hoot. (JuderWli. :1tY- ''1 tAOER A HARTT, BARRISTERS, •«e.. oodertch and ('lints. Ooldslinh It nee *pps lte Martin's Hotel. llFtf O. IIAYS, .iULICIFOR, to AV. °Moe. corner of Square and M est podertcb, over tetegraph twice. 1'rd M rrreetmads to lead at 45 per cent. !t► CARiti)W & PROVDFOOT, Sts T RLd'TTK1t.9 Attorneys. Solicitors. 00. Oolerich .1. T. narrow. W . Proudtout. 1 -'ire Lae Ti fere given to The fall wheat in this viotnity is turi • tit the t Was Art. the ooptee regul by said sections 1 atilt oat from ton '.0 fifteen bushc:a per Ito tr• treusmitted or delivered to the Ltaodived. ORr•. pursuant to tne said act. of all venous appe+r- 1 tett by the WA reviled eseer.rneet roll of the The root crops will not be very gco•d ...id )fiuucipality to be retitled to vote in tie uwut.( to the.evero drorth. said NIuuicipalit7at electious for tornados of the the Legielatite Atmtubl and at m.inicipal The echn..l in tiertion No. 5 is i ery e4awas Oust the said Dig as Bret mooted asp in nay Once, in the said Town, on the 31st day of ,torsos. 144he 17. ass trinrins dare for inspection. Electors .re called upon to enemies. the raid list. aidif any omissions or other enure are found therein, to take immediate proceed Mee to bare said errors corrected according to law. Dated thall.t day of August. IMO.VM CAMPHKLL., 111-0 Clerk of said ttaaicipalitf, OPENING ! large at present. Neatly 60 pupils are LARGE STOCK FORMERLY ,OWNED- BY JAMES MIK ANI) 00S1 BINE!) WITH THE FRASER & PORTER STOCK, WE AVE" r1BPARI P TO SELL GOODS CHEAPER THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE COUNTY. qrU• =nal Discount to Teachers. FRASER, PORTER & KAY. i atteniin4. Cor. Square awl North -.t., anal Ceuta al Telephone Exehang , Square, GODERICH. COUNTY CURRENCY. Penntillinga and Scisaoringlt from Exchanges. alien. frena all over Hera 4'empty.►Tedd 4 lipped ad 4.adreved efts sed Perot The !Irk .f the CrW from star Exchanges. A Guderich township's apple tree measured 6; feet scrota the spread of branches and 7 feet around the butt. The death of an old resident of the County of Huron, widely known and re- spected, u announced at Mount Cle- mens, ls mens, Mich., in the person of George Fulton. Ata special meeting held in the Epi. - copal church Blyth, a few evenings axo.it wee decided t.. invite the Rev Mr Gann, 115-10 mill., the school roes to be structs of Wyoming,to administer to their spirit according to estimates of the different ual wants in the place of the Rev J F sections. Next meeting of Council Sept, There are no fewer than brick re- Parke, who has resigned. 22. W Lane, clerk. Sabbatli school was visited, last fund+r by )tesers Stephenson and Mid• dleton of L icknow, a:d veterans io the sod:. Cocsrlr. Mtgelxt: --All the monitors were present, ontt.ntes of last meeting read and signed The following accounts were said :-- t Johnston $11.60 for grading con 9; Won Crnnby $1,21 for h for culvert S Il li and 7; Mrs Mo- Whinuey 82 25 for culvert ten 0; 11 $' Fisher $'2,50 for plank and repairing eulverta coo 6, and repairing culverts S IS 1t )LOTION OF PARTNER• R 3 d 4 $" 70 H Pritchard $13 for SHO'. look AS iodise $!12 fur stoning and - - NTABIR TATrTEK Notice ver that copies of Onta- I*ui kere pl Onta- rio Slalutn, Sq etc.. for t'st:. for diaribu'ioo w Justice* of the Peace for Huron County. have kern received et the office of the Clerk of tae Noce. IBAClerk of the Peace 11331 an , ., posting S R 15 and 10 and repairing bride* at Hurley's $15. J Murdoch re- pairing bridge oon 12 $10; A Moggach $1 fur repairing culvert L R ; Mr. Menary gravel to pathmasters $8,40; H Chambers $2.94 for spiks ; J Dattuu repairing culvert L It, sed bringing rope l from Gderieh 2,50: Wm Kickky ex' menses with the funeral of `5 late Mrs Thomas $1; K McKenzie culvert con 12 I $18, and repairing culvert S R 3 and 4 90 cents ; W Echlin repairing culvert 8 R 9 and 10 $:;; Thos Maher lumber for sidewalk. Dungannon $50. Charities - Sirs McInnis $10; 31 and 1t McGuire $10; Mn Lncy $S. A number of by- laws was ordered to he printed Moven by J McKenzie sec by H Chambers. that in case Ed Flynn continues the suit in the Flynn and Styles case, the Rey. take the necessary steps to defesd the eame.$Resizn•tion of J Brown, collector, was accepted, M J McKay received the appointment. The clerk was instructed to notify the pathmaatrrs in Port Albert to have ail fences on Weli St sod North St, moved immediately of rued allow- ance. Rate intpot.td for county pur- pose. 22 10 mills, for township purposes ten sidencea being erected in Serf .rth the Miss Kate Richardson. teacher in the arson. 3rd Department of Brussel. Public The crop of Canada thistle along the School, who went to Scotland during township and county roads is a go,d her meat' , arrived borne safe and avenge this year. sound last Saturday. This to a naw de - Mr Herbison, of Goaerich township parture on the holiday business and no creamery, has shipped 96 firkins of doubt will become very popular. better which he old on the 20th of July Thieves reoently .tole a horse from W for 20c a pound. .A now siding has been put in on the oorth side of Clinton trackest along where the old station stood. This will materially increase the 'yard room. The Brussels 1' eat thinks Caledonian games are getting too common when there are soar cetebrstions inside of a weak within s radios of &boot 50 miles. Mr Bert Hodgeos, of Clinton, has s collotion of about three hundred ooins, no two of which are alike, and moat all of which are of a very ancient date. Andrew Bremner, sof the 4th con. of (Trey, tett this week to visit the place of Aia nativity, Orkney Islands, Scotland. H. was to sail on the Pot•,nasion, which ,( was to leave Quebec on Tuesday even- ing. Thomas Collie. of the Reformer Aloe. Galt, but formerly of the i.epuifar staff, $.sfortb, and whose parents reside in B,(mofdville, was brought home sick by hu brother, last Friday, to be cared for by his mother. H. W. C. Meyer arrived home at Wimgham from his trip to Europe on Thursday of last week. Ths town hand met him at the depot and e.00rted hint to the residence of Thos. Bell He looks well after his outing. The Manchester and Smith's Hill 1're@- hybeian congregations met together re- cently, and nmmssimously gave a call t.) Rev. Alex. MoMrllan, a late graduate ..f Fwtinbun(h. He is about 23 years old, and has been about a month i■ America. 1 Farquhar, who resides in Hallett, a few miles from Clinton. Tb. animal was pet between the shafts of a buggy, but a barking dog eo frightened it, that it bolted, broke from the shafts and re- tinue' home. The neighbors are think. Ing of getting up a subscription M re- pair the broken buggy of the thieves. Mooday aft..reoon last, at Clinton, there passed away John Dempsey tore of the early pioneers of Goderich town- ship. Discerned was of a viitorous con- stitution, though 72 years of alts at the time of his death, end though not well for some time back he did not give up his usual down town walk until about a week before his death. Deceased was for about 50 years a rapidest of the coun- ty. ' A section of Morris township was stirred M its very centre last Friday over the report that an .14 man named Jas. Watson, of Sunshine, had attempt. ed an outrage on Sarah, a little daughter of Jno. Currie, of the same place The child its about 12 or 13 years of age and had been sent on a message to Mr Wat- son's while Mn and Mira Watson were away at Brussels. Ors going into the house the girl was takes advsntage of by the person stated above. A warrant cess issued for his arrest and on W.A. nssday he was taken before the magi.• trate@ at Brussels when, steer hearing the evidence. be was committed to steal hu trial et the Fall Assists, at (3ederieh. ()s Tuesday • meeting of represent. stove agricultural* from different parte{ AeL>rd+t tts, 1st, INC. nf;tho county, was held i. hoClkl.n to Council met today. sp.eielly, at two 'd the t►dviasbilitl of holJigg • plastids% of Commercial l ntcn, Mr H, certain matters gmilie, of Tweberemith, in the chair, mad leading from Holmasrills to the and fir (1, Waldron, of Wards', acting H'olmesrille bridge ; after the had *5 t+arotarv. It was decided to hold s air+t er o eloek nom. , to task• int., consideration public assenting for the discussion of the in connection with the been diseuss..l and di•pr.sad of the home CI' t n at what•___ date was late and W. ordinary helmets WSW mitt petition • ed b lobo Hunter, ase--!! Executive Committee were authorized to. twelve others 1a.....ing fox $tali t . aid ts•,yrto.p.nd with steno Galdwia Etaith. ` pea who a sick sell f•erwito• J. E Shaw, .dune f-ttw*lio•' f de@lilut shier Stevenson,comod.nsofl_rafion the, assai- ler. !..towns, d . serMrs V. F. F.,- I all give Mr Hontsr $15, t.• he extends* ler, -s Hemi enai fed If their nervi -ter her es occasion aired. The arse• vee ith r Madera if tote Neer t ed •4'..erned to t *gsie os eh• ..- et mater Merth 4ONWoman, of Kew Mort. I cowl Monday in October salt, at dm et Rstsell len et ode to permit. an Mel boor ton ri dMk ► w. *14....ice oleo M made 3e o...r. wet d Sas Pan's, slink. these *rot law& rwe•ttnt( to m o in ler sttsntnm with 'he excepting+ of a Id No arrutged for speakers and the , • Mayor Howland, of Toronto, Wed• nesday afternoon rewired a dispatch from Part Credit stating that two ladies had drifted oat into the lake in as open skiff fr. m Lorne park. Noth• ifg could be done to rescue them, and assistance was *eked. The tog Jackman Wm soot felon Tor onto to look for them, but bed to return owing to the heavy Notice is berrbe grisen that that Curtner ship h-•retofore exl.t.ng Stee rn the utJer- •igaed in the priattsag and ohliakintc I►oe, and known by the urle and fon tum* of )le(llllict.ddy Brothers. :ia. thi• dad tiers His olt•td by toutwl eonarnt. The musine.. oil! ie.•w,41i,ted hereaherby n. Mct ttlteuddv who will pay a'1 debt. of the tate hon. omni :o whuui sU aceoumts due the lair firm must be paid. Basad at Oudtrlc► ibis 10th dal of Jeer. 1:ot.etv Avr0TT0He0O2 1. .W)IItstisasLl/tDDDANIEL iLY sea. The Chicora came over tonight, bot reports not having seen any signs of the Most. The names of the ladles have not been ascertained. It is feared they hare perished. s.__ II AIRSICK.Masna-Crase.- At et. tieing.** Oederieb. on Wereneedsy, the 7th 8.Memner. by Rev. W. A. Young. il.t)., Chariton Ma gun. of New Tort. to F.sther Waterman. enenr.d daughter of Albert Crane. Esq. of Ch tempi. Domestics Wanted. ( 1IRL WAIIiTED-A NSAT AND X setl.e ties kw iteusew.wk la a . mall heniy'. p1y Ice A. MOUTON. MOW est oybgtii sold derlss•et. 113 1t Strayed Mimes. C1MEi:ON, HJLT & CAMERON, Barristers. Kulicltere thane.'r tic.. 3uderwta. 31. C. t'aaaroe. Q.C.; P1Holt. M. u. (labaearc, C. c. Iteu. EAPiER FOR SALE. --A BARGAIN is offered in a Champion Reaper, very little used. and now in thorough repair. Apply to a Fire -Proof Safe. in good order. D. K. STKACHAN. if Ape V.OTICE IS HEREBY GiVEN FOR. LI RIDDINU ant Reason purchasing the late CASE ALLEN'S horse from JAMES RAiM.EY as it doesn't leraily belong to Hailey, for it has not been (rid for. Also any perms indebted to the late CASE ALLEN please pay up and save amts. tt Mem. CA'IF.ALLEN. ESTRAY HEIFER-CAi3E ON THE J waken of the snlrrtitier. Lee Ir. Malt - laud tion.. Hort Read. diode -rich Township. a two-year old roan heifer. eilib len blew • tittle beet down. The .ewer an fare the aslsta1 by provinr p s y and ay 1s ex- pire.. JAL WHITE Auctionesring. TOON KNOX, GENERAL AUC- TIONEER and Lime Valuator. ltoderieb Oat. Having had oneusiderable experience le the aiwttDeering trade. he is In a position discharge with thnrongb satisfaction all cos missions •wtruated to halm. Order's len at Martin's Hotel. or went by mall to my adden% Rodericb P. O.. carefully attended JON KNOX Come) Asssle.00r. Erausllinn M . MUSIC. -MISS CO OKE. AFTER 14 yeses study of music. b prepared to revoto sarterii uTertns :--43 plthe c quuaarter. 4 Bs Assignee's Notice. WANTED To RENT -s -HOUSE grith . _Oar pad stable; r.at sh.M $LM. Apyr 4. Worn Lased Asir.17. VOR SALE -3 GOOD LOTS- raven home as see. Prise WOVE Epi ply to Hurst Load Ag•acy. ,pr0. AEN T- NEM' COTTAGE -fl , S.-natal Huron I an.1t leo . rent snll alto( ♦po(J i41 O 1I A A I. II -00;0) FRAME L haute. Errs class o asides- are orchard. :minutes walk from •==,.. %iaa7 a 'Item Lend .tre..7. Osd. + SSIGNEE'S NOTICE TO CRLDIT- i. C1lS of Jvetch, County N o oHuthe ron` i(demer.l Store- keeper. Ptak a. Iueolvent. The Insolvent hu useigned to me for the benefit of his creditors under 10 *'Ic., cup- S. Ont. Crediton must die their claim* heron me On or before the 13:h day of rte ph ember next. after which date I sell prucetd to distribute the estate. having regard ugly to the ilstas of which I sell *heeler, no ice. JOHN KNOX, Trustee. No... 1►tsg-•i. kit. 'telethon. Hamllteo. 18th July, i07. 10141 Loans ana insurance. • FOR :SALE -CHEAP MAW Souse- i moea--1 Naas and 1- sew Emu el. Appii to Huron Land Agrecy• T" n E N T- DOUBLE ST()RE- i:ood :rand for l;ruccr. Apply to4lnroa Land Arai. TO RENT -DWELLING H USE 114 rosi...trs: eitorUoa. Apply toms Lissa Agsacy. I- 1ST OF LANDS FOR SALE AND inforsatlon fuinitbed respectisg('anada Company'. Lauda, Huron lead Agw•cy• / WANTED. Pine residence somewhere is the West End. Most have stable aueomme- dation. guus1 appearance and grounds. WANTED TO PURCHASE. -A good rteel- 1 dere to plema•a1 loeMHy ora lake or river bank. suitably for eta.14 family Most be ad - j Jaceot W parks. Price about Il.3Q.W. WANTSD TO EENT. A got -class resi- I dente suitable ter targe family. Bust be close to buiurss portion of t,rwn. MY)R BALE:.- Farm leads it )fidlaad. coma t). Michigan. Floe wheat land. Jule ttte place to make homes for farmers' sons. Fe- e -neat claret,. Near railroad*. schools an' 1 churches trots 43.0 to 440.05 per acre. Boast' sus down bsl.sce len may tertn. )'or further particulars and list of lands wame.t and for tale. apN7 et the dice. of write w HURON L4%1) nUi1NCY, 1k Box 131. bolerivb. oat-. Canada. 2110 - PEA CENT -ANY AMOUNT OF tnd mosey to lead at se per cent per annum _straight loans -interest yearly. We have elan 46.0.0 W to lead in ase or more sums at 5 PEKUI'.NT. Next door South of dtrsube:s harness shop rSIf. Al" Eft It If AH TT. 110.54 Uodericb. eb00,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO *A CAMBRON HOLT &CAMERO .6. 4e rich. .MONEY TO LEND, -A LARGE Lel amount of Private Fonds for iaystaest It lowest rats on nrstclnr Mortgages Apply tooAltItOW t PROuuro. yr E. E. SEATER, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. OFFICE- opposite Colbene Hotel. Oonerlch. Ricks taken at LOW I$r RATES in the fol- lowing Brat clans Companies: The Loudon A.surance- Established 1711. The Nat Meador Ireland incorporated hell. flood -in -Hand- The 001) Company •uthorit ed w insure Plate Oram in t'anada. Yederei Life Amwrsuce Co. - lttuinan S 1041 Ptaa ). RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSVRANCL. Tor Bale or to Let. LIARM FOR RENT -LOT 3, W. ft. Aahileld. ILake Rhone EiseS, ettutaining 117 acres and good terse boo•, Macao clear of stumpy. balance pee ore sol bush : hara, amble and other buildings. orchid of one r;ne wood water. Well feared .od all other necesasry improvements. (*'111 rent for • tern of rears. Apply to JAS. SCOTT. on the premises. VOR SALE. --AN ORCHARD OF r two acres with a good house, stables and estbnildtns:s .a the premises. o situated on Rich's atirvey, near thei it block. The property will be sold cheaply, and at terms to en's purctaserw. Address Mn MAIITHA DIXII(t. Ouderich P. 0. 117 to. L1ARId FOR SALE OR TO RENT - The eraser, of the late ALR.X. RE1D. Lot 2, coo. 6 E. D.. .f the township of t:ol• borne, 11 miles from Carlow. and 1 miles from Gsderich. los aces. --05 cleared. and under ant -etas. cultivation. 11 acres summer fal- low. which will be ptawtrd with fell wheat. Young bearing orchard of all kinds of Dalt. Owed frame barn. stables, driving shed sod poultry boss.. Comfortable frame hose f rooms. pantry sad summer kitchen. Good stows cellar. eat and eon water. Everything In first-class repair Will to sold cheep. se Mrs Reid is ovine g7 farming and going to tows For further particulars apply to MRfia ALEX REiD. Carlow. P.O.. Heron Co. Met WARMS FOR SALE - IN THE TOW1SHTP OP OODER1('H. Horse county : Lot 111n the led and 11 in the tih con cession. Two W the hest gr acre terms in the cownty. A arta[ creek flews through. Near. le all cleared Gaily 3 mile from the Toro of oderich. For farther particulars address W. M. MINCKS, PRovni rom. 10241 Jodertch P.O, Two FIRST-CLAtIB FARMS FOR Me. Oise -In the townehlo of A.h1eld, eeatedei C tag moos : and oar In (Cael Waws- ssslt.0oatalwlwt4 RIO ores. For particulars :st7 to (Macron. Holt t Cameron. Mede FOR SALE. Weld half of Int 1181 Arthur Street. with small brick cottage tttereo•. Rt'ta.ntso LArw. NI. Ifs. e44. 245. Eight Street. FR. Andrews Ward. 431. censer of Herod and Britannia Road. Frame ld store house on Keays Streak let sad bslf land. 'leveret hots In Reed's Ru•vey. opposite new Show Grown.is. vas,_ Nos 14. *l. 111. M, 11. M. ss. 14. 06. All the shove a' LOW RATES. Apply to 1o!-tt DAVISON t JOHNItITON. atRABB TIMM QQeeAA #r 5.005. i al,fttord Ar. 1 R 1:n Lea I a t,•a 17s r+.13. ffsstttowA 1.•. 0 %- MIX. • 1Si 4 0M p.a Oe1.N.-h 1 A r. 1 s.- LIM p.m I .4k p,m hry}IE.T ('i1'T S1JliNMIIII IXUESiL Sava., rto IMAM alir These taj aetwemtra(V uaiEbwlt ouraNrst i 1'O1R1 .nfisn. iZARi'. TOWN AND VILLAGE r PROPERTY FOR SALE. The Rseecnion and Trustees of the Ess.(s of the lata JOSEPH HERR. oder for sale the following relatable Prvp••rt nawnrll ylellding leu sumfrrs 00 sod WI. le ib. Tette of foAerloh, 1 of an acre each. Palrty fencrA. and very desirable for belld)ag pier- HH If sere Lot trending 14111 Road. Township at (tndesieS. Wow earl of 120.1 to the Malt - of said Township. Nice 1lwree .•d Frame Mable. Int nest 1, mouth side of Millar etf.ef. Eenmlller. s.{{ as acre. swell frame Awetlt- lenlldleg 1.001 .umbtn WI and ate to the Taws of (`Ilse.. t of an acre rgeh. .ren 1* fully situated ore !tenth wide of Hmroe street. nifty femrrd The Eve 1 of 1.04 !!, Cee. 11. Went Wawa both. tea sorra gond land M acre ef.aw4 sad reri.A,v Webfoot. A ll qEhs p0ad w sad 0 albs Momorraeulare, apply toZ. CAMPION IAI04110► *241 REAL ESTATE Asn MONEY LOANING .Ls.ENT. - Oaly Ftraftlam ebspnrlrs leepreseatei lir Mosey to Lend on straight loans. at lie lowest r.n of interest going. is any way to suit 13. narrower. /r orE7CE - Second door 05 P uare. West Street. Ooderkb. ,-O'kflftf M11 7OKLOAN AT 3 PER THE TORONTO GENERAL TTtUSTS COrf are prepared to ban money at 0 per cent.. pay able half yearly. on TERMS TO SUIT BORROWERS, on fr.c-clam farm security. Apply to CAMERON, HOLT t CAMERON. Barristers, (Joderie0. Attestator the Tomato emeriti Trusts coil. Messrs CAMERoN, HOLt.T t CAMERoN hare also • fares araotrt of private funds to knit os first-efw b farm security. Oodericb. Oct. 4. 1M3. *411-1? $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To Mass tars and town property. at low ••t lee set Hortgases purchased. No con - mm o. chatted agents for the Trust end Leen Company of Canada, the Canada Leaded Credit Company. the Leedom Leas Compaa7 .1 c.aada. 1.1.1 1, IL and 1 per cent. N. Si -Borrowers fta tasts mosey to ose dal, Wilde sat l0trctor DAVIHON t JOHNSTON. 11 Barrinere, lo., Ooderlch Amusements. CODERWH MILCHANICS. INSTI- LTUTE LIBRARY AND READING itOOM, Cor. of :apt street and Square lop stairs. Oyes from t toll p.m., and frost 7 to to p.m. ABOUT 2000 VOL8 IN LiBRARY Leading I/ailyy, W.01iy and Illndrnfid Papers, Mn:.rsines, rte., .w Fife. MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLY SIM, greeting free nee offo Library and Reading Application for r.4abmcli4p received by Librarian. i. rooms. 8. MAIA'Ok(! MMD. ST1TENP. Qederhhl-M . M. Becrslsry. Morin a for thoroughly •rparaling at one eleaniuR Cockle. Chem. N tie Pees Mwsard SeM Thiene Seed. Pox Tail. mad other *herniae; It Sada read raw Erin, from Wheat or m7 grata. element sad saving all (rraaa nerd at Me sag ONO. (Ven. Gras and (lover Sa•d, tar esparstes them. 3lieaical. (1R. W. K. 8088, LICSNT'IATL 4)Z !J Hotel Cdtw tryof Thy ,:clana lltdia - 001-e on `Louth side of Hamtltoa-t. 1W600 DR McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, 8CR OBOE. Censer to Office and reatd's Mawr Dtr.el. sa,.ed dew west of Victoria Street.1; sl. 1)3 1. $H1k.\:CON t SHANNON, Pays darpess, Aocoecben, to. odes at Lr. Khaserm'. reeIdesee Pear the soul Oedertct. Y. C. ttwa sun. J. R. &Stam - 050. Societies. • ANwelottfs M LiT KNOR. DER 07 UNIT ID 1i MAPLE LEAF LODGE, No. 27, A. 0. U. W.. Meet. in their Ledge Room over TMR .Sonat. (Mee. ti.derloS. on the SECOND AND VOCRTH MONDAYS Oi EACH MONTH. VISITI`CO RRE1HKENNELCOME. AI1E: ALWAYS A P. HALLS, M.A. REFS PRICE, M. W. Flaaacler 0. W. THOMPIION, F: Recorder. Jlitlwright, Ualuator, tcc. C. A. HUMBER, MILLWRIGHT. MACHIN MOT VALUATOR. AOKNT. Se. Estimates Made and Coatnroteeto n for How Heating by the Hot Wat . In. Hot Water and Steam Boilers, Little Gant aisd cher Water Whrah, ♦grlenit.ral p4esaes1s Mtn Iaac6inery. PLA N8 AND SPECIFICATIONS. VALUATIO\S MADE. t ASST Lt KKR. - - OODER FANITING MILL AAD PUMP FACTORY, GODERICH, ONT. . MUM MILL $E MITIEIT. FANNIN; SILLS, 520.00 UPI, ChNLY A FEW I.EFr. A.11.11018"/"31101•713.'s 4 Pat, Grain and Seed Cleaner SHERiFF% 8ACS OF LANDS. Comity of Herm t fay virtue of a writ of To wit : e F1eN Paelan toned not of Her Rohm 1 Coant7 Covet a the t'ousty of Rare, and to the dtrseed amid delivered wile* the lend. stud Tomments of ADAM (JI.IOHORN M the suit of A VIP R(1.10 the Rader. I eve.riwt and take la Esaratisn sit the right• title. interne sad nutty) of re- Lanialow a the oboes armed drbndawt, Adam Clealown. in, to sail out of the follow - lag lands and peronismo situate, lying mad he. iag la the Como, of Ream and Penalise*. M Otttssets sad barn erns d the West half of the South half of Ga number Twost7 Ili the First ('encrsatoa of the Towneedp of Turnherry. evatalalag Tweety Ft.. acne. mere or lag whleb lends and Teammate 1 et:Me lar Sale at m) °glee. In the Coors . Ia to ?ewe et 6edarlrh. no rotdsy, V►► LAM Any of Net -ember, M&eserTrMof heMeetsoon. (jut' T Godeelethi • 1i1.41t Eras VA0NRt .sans .sr_ i 1'I7 a4r 3'a%tlfNC 11315. Eect.4n tsrrltory allowed ro .00.l .testa with trema, weaves *tat capital. BACK HOLDERS for mean or M/ M 411 hogs alone. Fanning !4111 44e•'Mitt#$ tan rsefor ace MILOld Mills R sfl Med Resl.r.4. sluasaT WILL & 01811111 PIMPS, lhslego an .Li i S.e.. to iMMn aepNN1 to Pekoes mat Pte. THE ARMSTRONG vaunts rug. ave pi le WNtttg. C7141311324.207/3. t!ltolw °°10Vir. n.rf.. PRICES 110111ARIE AT 316 '