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The Huron Signal, 1887-2-11, Page 8
1 t 8 THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, FEB. 11, 1187. UNANSW'1~:RABLE. ' er""s„! om.etdsr. the subject as ewe .1- c►u.d..awe itapurtalsoe, , cry ♦ Statement that is Over -whittl- ing in an Argument. I, 4 t A41141/4114t. MI6 al f . vessel at Lar. e r.osr.l N 1114r4.r.. 4••. fit. 1b• t•- ,alwlNr•tles. and 1 •....a..s . R4 tete O. the peel 4I...tl... • desirable for the pesos, welfare and good arlxsnssnent of the territo,we, and should be token U. ant_ adjusted by the l:ov- ertsturnt loth as little further delay u pua..ebls ,' Lseut (Ii.v La ted esprta. d the Lupe "That alis Excellency nsiiht be pleased 4, draw the atttotlum of his Idiuistsn to 1 the ►trievawces cuurplained art." On the 18th Sept., 1881, 118 iaa fLreeds petition ed fisc a reeoguiuon of their tl!• thts. Alter Aur or! lou been road,. t,y our 1.ty bulimia, !tie was lux. 43 of these wen had their rights res Jou d. Uu (kt., 1881, Ira sJ. to alienate front 11r M C. Came- the settlers at Lorne wet and Lamed roar the affections of moue .1 those who I etruu; resolution's on the eut,ject andiron' stood firmly by ham oar peat "Petions, I W". •o the govrnunent. elect fur two •oar the ground that he championed the feat. more the k.oe. earsnt dosed their eyss,.rir ran t•, the e.rnest .a�use of the ll.ifkreede in tis ar revolt ; appeal. °f the ha (breeds, and -did noth- aslinst the t1 randy of a corrupt (Lorena. lug. In hardly a single caw was an mo- ment, and the neglset of an incapable (.war riven is these penins..,, except the Adwuustrati..n. Tory noon and '{' fry tenets: ort. .of ')our p vtatiou received and a,:: •sola a c•.uaaderts a ,,s 'their -kinsmen have passed Io•us deur tis' grievances roma red uuiuvestigatsd and door, and from elector to t;ectoe who, j their wrongs unes;r.»ed moil human innug insidu•.usly not., the van of l:r- iblood was watt (Cheers) tin 25th former, and other friends of M. C. Cameron that that smitten -an should Jam.. (tie:. L. Clarke again petitioned On 27th March, I'$2. a public weenng was held at Pri •w Albers, .,t the sub be condemned because he dei not ru ( feet. In 18132. 48 ialtbrsrJ•, 44 half done the a:ai•.n of now (i. vernateut •conn, and 26 white settlers of Pri.oce towards the Hatlbreeda. Tis Swett. Alhsd Qut'Appelle pr•titi.sned the hart carefully weighed the e,idenoe for Ror.o rt uwrntanon firs same enbj. et. ,thee1 pet►tsona and memorials anpuhl:ah.x1 ht and aeatust Mr Cameron, aid the con- the hire books were sent to the governs- I c:usion a • ar.-ire at Si tl:at hi did right Recti!. Still the guvertuneat smear m..v when ho refaced to tn,l•her up a dvret:dt did nothing 10 allay tea diucontrmt (luvetntcent hoftheir evil d• iu 1:ur. and ."elm the iaaran sI brewinu iso the N. g' tY., except diwnn two tolunteer a nr ing the p•nsent campaign Mr Cameron parties. and (rare the loyel settlers at the has gives', t n realty platforms, his rra- anercy of the eaaaper%tea and wron.esl sons fur votin, condemns. •o of thefialfba.a s ar d the ferocious. untamed s . and starred Indians of the plans. policy of the Northwest administration (Cnesies t►n (lith Jan , lti3i, Father; of the Macdonald G ,verrrwcat. • It Andre and 1. Clarke Plain petitioned. ! mattered not to him whether he midtown (In the 19th Mardi. E. Deerdasey peri ` ed the electors of Ashfield, Colbotue, tiunrd. Oa the Mk Oct,, the Northwe,t 1 the 1YawanoahrP ..t the topes of Ga,,ie- Council transmitted a memorial to the g.r,vernutent on the subject. Sao the 1911 rich and Clinton, he turned 'minter to N11e. , ;t•,,, halfbred. cf St. Louie de the right not to the iso•, hat placed his L.ngevut, the scene of the last en>,•age- • defened to noon as r•Ij iov!,ta the t„.,- meet. the spot where store) the Caths.li plc whom he met. That defence has ;church and schoolhouse whirr the half breeds worshipped their Good rad edu been heArt1l7 endo:sod at et'h mcP!iyi cited their children, and the land whir hy the :area a .aj..rity of eta:. re present, the g' l'er,ameut by I )rater int Calor' and au that if nyders :nay have a immolation t., the Prince Albert Colon chat:cs to wt -ab t!isesratter carefullx d•n•_, g:..5, petitioned the orern neu and cons:tier the feria t1a.t a.iduc.d M.._yI' v-d,scut, a►onever)vi-stred; overneerma ithe grnsweredtDeter C. Common to take :sage soh the te- until the thunders of our artillery echoed creast Tory administration, we herewith al. n:4 the souks of the Saskatchewan. and ,tnMuL a brief wnuwary of that rwohosd in the corridors of gime house of parliament, and awoke this sleepy ad - (Owens.) throws., had the Goverment issued a euutmssiuu w iuvesttsate the Rruvauueo of the halfbr•eeds BEFORE (ponied of AP1'SR the rebelhou, thane would have been u., rebellion, off Wuud spit, no Ives lost. flirt as the Govern- ment failed to this respect, 1 toted *gaunt thew. Cheers brooms 'Meth elf Clark's Crossing the liuxsrnsneit al- ter the battle of lick Lake, investiget• ed their grievaucee and risthted their wrongs, and gave the ltaltbeessls more than they &eked for, stale north et Clarks Cruseing they unsaturated thew seise ideutieal grietaticos, righted these same identical wrongs ..f thew same ha;fbrseds with p.osder and slot, and amidst the rattle if shear rides and 11 e thunder of their artillery, mored down the holt breeds aa grass Motors the scythe of the mower, 1 voted against the lwv• eminent. (Great cheers , 1lecauss after the fight at Duck Lake the (:uv- ernauertt took no steps to pacify the half- breeds, held out nu hopes tier justice would bis done thew, did nothing to calm the tempest and still the storm revile in the Northwest. I voted against the Governutebt. !Applause., Because I looked on the outbreak iu the North- west as a politica: offence, provoked hy the mismangeu►emt and callous neglect of the Government, and as in nso•deru times no man has been executed for a p.ditted offence, I voted against the Government. (Cheers.) lIV•ea.ee, al- though there was treason, in the eye of the law on the batik. of the Saskatcha- wan, I knew there was still blacker trete sou on the banks vi the Ottawa, and among the swum ail enters of the sovereign, mod as 1 insisted that the greater instead of the hisser "villains" should he tried, convicted and punished lira:, I voted against the Government. 'Tremendous cheering • Colborne. C'Attt,o,r, Feb.: , 1147. The co own met in the Towwhip Hall an Fri. 4th at 1u u'ci - olein nera c all present. Reeve in the chair, Mooted' •f, last meeting read and appruted. The - following a -counts wore ordered to be h paid : -.1 Taylor for cordwood for Mrs 1 (tri day (charity purtat.es ), ;,0: Jas . Gledhill in favor of G t:vans, for shovel- ing snow, 112; Garruw d Ptuudfa•t for advice Mid writings, P10. Jas Taylor suis- a inted--Zr-a--t omaittee to e2.. amine Mn Brindley, cireumetarc*s iu reference to the property she is firing un. Ina fuiuwing persons were ap- pointed pathmaaters for their rs,pective divisions :-Gee McCabe, no. 1' Faster. jr., W Other, J Kernighan, W Gond, sr„ W G• nl, jr,, J R,.dates, T eke, J preen. A Heddle, Geo Fisher, Jas Jeakins,'A Sande, A Halliday, Win Million, Wm Allan,.R Walters, T Crews, J Mulford, $ Allaq, fl ?traction J Strachan, Wm Tewslop, W Strachan, R Allan, Wni Walters, jr„ J Robertson, D Wilson. R Hutch, T Barns, An -Young, jr.. Wm Young, J Barker, Joe Goldthorpe, ar., J Jones, 1' McPhee, R Huston, Wm McPhee, G Clen, 0 Jove.. J Mcllardy, 1) Sterling, .1 Chisholm, J Tobin, Rich Rityan, 1: Kirkpatrick, C Stewart. T Boyd, D Bogie. 1' Crrney, P Green. Jae' Kirkpatrick, J Thur(ow, G Dougherty, W G McCann, R Quaid, A' Green. T .larvis, W C Treble, .' Robertson, Ed Young, H McManus, Win Chisholm. Postrio eepvse-P Eater, G Morris. S Jenkins, J Jones, W M Bootie, J J Luk ter, W Cunningham. F A Robertson and J McDunatrh. Fart+ f r+err.--,1 Goldthorpe, sr.. A her eater, 'Ira Geo Robinson. else's statement of the case.:- mtuatratrou from their slumbers to find It has been charged agairst me that I. the country in • blase. !great cheers ) woo the champion of L was Kiel, and a leu the 17th Jan., 1884, W. M. Pearce, an officer r f the government, drew the attentiop of the government to the sub- ject. (Ea the Doth Jan., the Rev. Mr I did and do sympathise with the half lreyrevsJe, of rat. Lout. de Langevin, :.reads in their long and gallant struggle wrote the government, and among other with the Government fur simple justice. things said "That they were promised in f aid and de charge th. Oovernulent- writing to Feb., t883, that their wrongs with cruel neglect in not investigating would be redeemed." He points nut the the grievances and raa hting the wroo a "conatimeaces of painful delay." H. of the halfhreeds before •!:e rebellion imperils to the Minister that "one wird broke out. 1 believed, ear: sol! believe. front you it oil that is needed." nhen that Archbishop Tattle w,:. right when he paid, •'Three who co : ala red hoc reason to complain. Tre Gwern- ..tent are responsible for On blood spilt and for the reliant:on. ' New, we are told by Th„alts White, the preset Sir syrepathbAir with rebellion. I challenge 'ay , pimnent. 40 point to a single utter- ance of mine that justifier the charge. he point. out "that the time for patience is past. 'fiat word was never uttered by the Minister ; the golden hour was allowed novae,. On the Illth F... and 1lth March, Mr I►eville and Mr Pearce ai;ain prem the.ettlement of these de Davits Mvlhsrson, t:,e !:ate seed of the manna son the government On the 26th depnrtm.nt, anti by my opponents th.st Apal, L Bch©sit writes "that for the the l.alfhreeds hal no grievanass. 1.1� few 7W$ 1��I uWa petites'• elanprt.veithese statttsa-nta fade nut o1 sen eo•rtmeet, "and the Government's blue loons. (Cheers., not answered."' On the23rd Dim, 1884, 1 charzu that for over six years a cote.' S. Cayman wrote on the cams subject. 'tent stream of petiticas ;lowed in er in fa.:, for siz pairs an incessant, p;ersir the Government from the l.aifbroeds sect demand was made on the govern- rettioe forth their gtievaaces, and de- event to tcvesttisggate those grievance' by •sanding that they should be investigat tile ohne settlers. the h:alfbreeds, the ed and redreseed - and that for all these Northwest (Younc.l, the clergy, l'rotes- long years the a...tarcmeet never moved tarot and Catholic, alai the utbeials. The in the sessional papers for Inn), N. government never moved. The petitions 116, it will fuuwd that on. 21ad Atioust, of the Laifhreeda; the complaint% of the 1878, the --North-west chase.,: i-te-eettlee,r,- the rerortrotrartre4 of -the the Government, and ata°• -potter thinge rlargy. the warsi ga of the °desats, fait• said, '•'[hat iu view. however, of the fact cd to arouse the government to a spree :4 that grants of land or issue of scrip were their duty. Thee eery atmosphere •ae t:•ade to the haifbreeda of Manitoba tis• vibrating wish the sound o a *Inhering wards the extinguishment of the Indian tempest, ant: still the gevernmcnt lever• :rile to the land' of that P:, vines, there Tn.:ed. ((area! cheers : Os. she 2 ;rd will undoubtedly Ise general &mati.e. - Feb.. Iti90, 8t!: and 17th Oct.. 'L' -Al, in Jar. and Feb., I484, public meeting., of the 1 zlfelresda v ere held at several places an the disturbsed diatrct, at witch resolutions were passed, and t.etitiuns founded or: these resolutions were seat to the governmsl.t, all poit.ting out ons seances .,1 the halfbreede and demand• immediate actor.. Let atoll the goy. i,artment, seat Sir .I,.hn Macdonald an ialiment never moved. (Cheers ) Thel mportant atate paper on the "Gundi• N•, CI: :he 8th July, 1883, said, "We tem of the halfbreeds,- in which among repeat again that the departmental sys- other things he said : "The undersigned, km elder which each callous and cruel rasprattully mouton s eL �.._:••-. •a•-. egag1JCt of the tight'. ata ponies.4 , she it is expedient midi a, but. t;n•: os community wan possible was wrong. and possible, to deal with the claims for co n- ab(mld b. censured.- The whole press sid.rstion preferred by the halfbreede of of the Northwest echoed the same seine - the Northwest Territory. I'n the 18th neat. Uheera , let we are told the and 28th January and litth February, hslfbreede hal r. -s erievarces. Thorn 1879, the Anglican Bishop of Report's never eau a *pert ur.fot.rded statement Land, Saskatchewan, and the Arci,. then this, and the goverr melt knows it. bishop of fit Bonafacs respectively, es- Schoen t� a are told that eves if the pressed their concurrence tr the views' h►Ifbrsy.is had comp;aces they were not of ('oil Dennie. These communication disturbed in the fnss.esionof their leads. w ere sent to the Government. But the This also it untrue. On :9th August, .overnment never moved -- toyer1882, Dewdney wrote Ser John that obs stirred. For two whole years the Gov -I "HaifMeeda holding old cossets to rah erntwent slumbered on in profound indtf• ley waited nn an. today, ott,(i complained formic, to the wrongs of the halfbresds. that the Osler Laud Co are warning Cheer.) 1►n the 13th January. I8A0. Hugh Richardson, the S. M. for the Northwest Territory. wrote rhe G ,vern• trent on the subject, and air rg c:her things said - Sir John `'that the surveys lately mads : "muse halfbreed, claim. and „list have discovered some of are to be on rail -1 that u' distinct clam they have a share way tend rat w raced 57 the t )L.tann I in the Indian title to the lands outside and Qu'Appeile Lend C("., whose aim" of Manitoba which has not been eit.in- has informed us that we mum either ;lashed, and as such distant c:.as en. Coy or move o:f. " is fac• we are infirm 'tiled prosily with the halfl,reeis of .d that they had lend some land at pros - Manitoba to special consideration ; that ant occuptsd by hoa.t f 1' settlers, and in gromnd eztata for such contention 'p- j fastt ac -it -ding to the evidence of Ilii- I fear' by reference to statutes of Canada nrnur, of the Prone Aibert Colonization ' 1A7O. chap. 3, sec. 31st. the nght of the, l'o • Sir David McPherson bold that I halfbrseds to compensator for Indian company that they had taio power to' idle was reengnizsd by Parlament in 'urn the settlers ul their lead. Thom :3;8. On 19th May, 1ft8n one hundred : rn'wf•wtee were meted by the hoof weeds of Edmonton sod Pone. meat• and hast lands ansiened to ttom A:bert, the scenes of the recent rout•, on whish ms'y hilfrreeeds had been; Omsk, petitioners the (io.Prntnent that 'anent for years Now, in the view of they should 5. placed e n the some all thews uad,.ubtol facts, 1 v,.(er! for foot- ing as the halfb,eeda of Ramoola. bot the iAudry mn'.b,L and *mune the Own; ttie Government never mewed untd srnmewt• And the tact,* Seedless! my , after the battle ••f Dock inose, sad then rote. %Greet c'eer, ' I anted against they reewntend seventy est .4 Nene th. Gorevnmett t•nats•• for see-er,l ' ehs:me ,('heetn the the ith. 7'h and rear, i5. ht!`btwtda, the whites. the. 14th Juin., 11011, L Clark. a Ine,eber of choir and the s fiicisls had p.titiva.4. the Northwest Cewmcil, David Lasrl, smrlN.nei, prwye■t the to (lrereoent Inewtommet (lovernor, anti Fether Andre ,eemono.ely pstitrrwad (l the ochs„° rat ; do) justices t o the t-al'breede'tsey failed. I the tome subject Chink min "Tho a and w T voted almost tee Gomint non among the half breed* of the .old' terrltorle. unless they receive some like consideration." thi the 30t1. September, 1878, ' 76 halfbreda of the Cypress Hills sent their petition to the Governunent pointing out their grievances. and asking for redress. (Iu 20th December, 1878, Col. Dennis. the deputy head of the De - them off, chaining their Isnot' Would ree.smulend that the Con:pate be notified not to interfere with. them." And on the same day 44 haifbraode petitioned Tindall, H HowiJt,`J Glen, Coates, J Messes Lockhart, Gitaon and Todd were app,iatwd members of hoard of be•Itb. The members s4 C•wucaf werelsppoiated 1 road ns.nuota.wiets R K. Miller •aa rr•..pp..iuted cL•rk, hl au 1)ur Tiresurer 5u( Alex Rose thistle no apt'etor, The Cottrell ro appntuted the pound keepers of 1190' with exception of Thos 11011r.14C, Jutir. those iwtt.j ap- pointed su hu pace. John Bordon was granted $30 for u.e of tem Wetslt an indigent. It .a. decided that the road (anoint iso.hers shall sell the timber hel.aa*iug to the Tuwuahip in their rrsarcure division, The follc•wuag amounts were ordered to be paid, Jas D. Smylie refund drain tea 114,1.50: J D. Sunlit, work done on drain 114.05 : tt'w �IoUag.0 refund drain to 30c : J.ahu Stewart refund drain tae elh8ei . James Nivea. refund drain tax ES 73 : Wtu Bailie refund drain tax 113.23 : John Irvin for Win ttelsh I130 Rowsell and Hutchinson, municipal plan en 96 : Sentinel °tilos nomination hills and ballots x3.50 : R. K. Miller balance salary, Ac.,/23.25. Council sill meet oar Satuntav Feb. with. it K. Mine. Tr Chink LNORra. Mite A. Chisholm is visiting friends at Ksutad. Mr Cameron will hoi 1 a meeting in the temple ball h• re un Tutwiey neat The lodge Teat pia be chained, .r.,1 cold water will als.;iutt-. Ot•it CAVALIER,--I'cre) Stewart rod fesIts Cht,h••tm weer in the ricins'y of Porter's Ilall Inst week, the former pur chasing a new driver, and Ilse tatter's mesion was far more important. A Pt*as. NT Dnn x. -A sleigh load of members of I O. (I. T. Na. 213, with 'are ribattds hendled by F. It. Lmtield, drove to the Nile last Friday nif:nt, and assisted the literary society with i:e en i tertaiusnot.!, 111av LK .t a 1'55 - ?as Horton is g.,- ing up, i.. Sau,t St..- Marie for the coin- ing season, and if the country suits him ha intends to locate there with his (am- ity. 11aro, (.seburg will lose .one of its hest farmers, ash • g.„.d neighbor. He has rented his farm on shares for 1 t`f'. The keen hounds of a Sa'tfurd sports man, aided in tl:e Danh p architect. conferred a boor to the guidwites by _.slaying two -looms oft she 27th teat. S. 1+ Knuckle aid a do4 tree( three ra- coons during last week, which he slew with a brad aa.. 8A. art, Coa(-CRT -The ooncett to have been held in the Preabyter'xn church on Ttswlay last has been ..i- jonrned to Multday nicht. Professor Clarke and the choir of Knox church will furbish the program. Adtmimion, adult., l:oc.: eh.ldren, 10c. A treat nay be expected, L O. G. T. 113, for the ensuingquar- tor has chosen ten I%, C. sinter Ellen $itch., oto of their most esrneet w..rk- era of the lady mrmbera\ The other "f- ivers are : W. F. S,, P'NB. Lintirld : W. M., Wi:: Caner ; I. G., Geo. Fun ford ; 0, G , A. M:Lend ; it', T., J. Horton ; W. V. T , Stater 31. Glutton ; W. S , slater Edith Horton ; P. W. C., S. B. Williams. Arran,etnr..ts are f.a.t to have a putl.c debate with Nile literary e.•cirty. FINE TAILORING Getw!'asa�.hlaip.. 15155 sow ptenaseJ to stow a eemnetio au.eimwt e FALL ' GOODS (►t tl(COATthtig is an the New Shades sed Ogles.p An radical variety of Engl..k, (:iso and Scotch Settings As rumen -e .tuck of N.w and y:)lta► 4 t amid tau Tared*. CHEAP ! CHEAP ! ! CHEAP ! I I t! l(emen.her..11 Gooch bought h) the yard cat free a °targe. �. MacCormac. -,_Oederiob; aet.t. lith, 15*. Pea H•.n. E Make. 1 am not notch snr- prised that Mr Tann. White akoul l not be' •.avt (.orad of 4.1 i..ct Loam ma; he used one htmsrlt in the county of 11 tWttuaud he earl it poly «sane, and i iko►k he ss rosy sorry he did use It. note. At leralnp.ntew earns, toehurn, os the Rut of I''••b., Ws7, the war. art Jukes ti, l,,uttoa. oto J. WILSON' .6„0.-... - S Travelling &uide. Pfei3CriPti0I1Drug Store, COURT ---- E SQUARE. cal:AND Tltl N1: a ser, t:tyre.. nisi -1,, nixed. Ondrrrch 1.v. ! •pane I lt:la la, pm 3trattord , -trot 3.W a.m a 3.15 , 7 at pas w 51., ed.M' s.sI, F.xpnw. %Ora'fore' 11.1 ,. them lei poet ! les p.m Go erkb r .tell 1•L•y►a.m 13.151..ur 1 k.t4 p.m 5• , , -► .1 BOW TO MAKE MEM, artier* sad Ilumme•n .at err mosey by -1•-eying Hoses.... at WM. ACHESON'S 1e 1 `t M., rot EARNEST r 1 will give a hij Caah IAacoaat fir the Newt 0 Bays. As 1 an honed to make room fur In/ Drina Week.). have d.serrwined t., settuif m La and Wethoseerted :York of n Blankets. To the Citisene of Daderich ANP SURROUNDING COUNTRY : ltar;aw purrlaaed tie mord will and Ins new of our wctl•knewts townamaa. H. Clocla. I we are are pr-partd to dean kinds of PAINTING 3t DECORATING embraced in onr line. We wash to inform the good people of this copmnaity that we ate here to star. PIM*- cosfatty w- are preparedWanedtUseJ crest pi ices lIulk•f lags fair ah Are of your patronage. we am roar, to . uu.man,t. ELLIOTT & PRETTY. e n N IR --Wate a specialty of Pape.. hac* Ins: and IC►tsominang Gnderich, Jan. £7. It.' ],as 3s, single and Double essences N he¢ 41i:1001 1Trunks, Valises. Killer. is Gest riot. 1 1 Fre e . pia aa•tl off the Whsle Stork at • Hrt •NRotort t'oh for Cash. It.•rremt,rr rt•e Gr. rt tray. e'a.h Sale. t'.!: and .et P: Mw, bet. pur- ch xs rg Le.der1.5. bNM ee rl.swhere. lerworwe.r sbeaa sou WM. ACHES1)N ' • A:1 a n:ataod.n* beck so -vena to be r by rash or ewe with's the neat at day. tiodertcb, rib. 10, (07, 110t8.21 Ya: alacan :. Ity Murdoch, of Etbat, ma' us a_ fniridTy visit last week. Miss McAHuteorof Clinton, Is, visiting McNeil, A Sands, K Morrish, Jas Mc- Cracked W C Potter. P Fisher, John y urdoch arrived • home on - ' tt ednesda from Brussels. Thr ha:: of tl a ;':....,:ce . •.. `I,.. Snyder, C Elslsy, J Shaw, J T. hie, J I and rrcprra is a t• -. ,t 57 ,!;.. ..ar of .. I:0,1 Horton, Howell, sr , T lL bettann, acid i Mita Christina Rue', Lanrside, is the, LAMD ROLL�:i G Yuut guest of her cousin, Miss Rena iD al� SAUNDERS Importii FAIIERS FACTS WORTH KNOWING Moved by A 1 •sane. seeon.ied by N . McDarmid. Johns. that the reeve, deputy reeve.. !lass Apnie Agra, * is again under t clerk, W Young, sr , J Krrni:fhan. .1 Parental ru•1f. rite hes been in Po (iofdthorpr, and J Menton -Aron -lei ay: T_ H nn f r- .e •tine, and gives pointed as • howl Board of Health for tavonhle *comfit sof the place. Chia year -°Carried. Molted by J Tav• ; The 3lurdeeh Un.s, have taken th tor, recorded by A Yomng, that the 1 contract of bui ding a residence too tar council would ::.•:n adi•-urn f• r dinner- Brown estate, Cranbroni, Carried. The members haying again' Annie ARnew, Martha and Wil taken their seats a by-law was real and , Murdoch asai,tei at an tatertatninent passed according to statute if a certain 1 at flue Pie r 6'naiay last. o..ttiun of road to Mcawed oh the 3lait- 'and aencesior. a.d deviation road ; t su 1Cedel,,n. last another rd -onr 1 rpe•aed through t t. 19 u t•er notice. young bachelors desert°. the rucks of The reefs info •mrd the eouncti that the single blessedness: in the person of Mr i Canada Company was entitled to the ' Bryn Doyle, who was spited in holy Idiepnted land which they load heen t"a"ds by Rev' Fa,hoi Bunbid to Mi.* claiming rsynent toe some tido put. r Mary Me amara. j� eon, Ashfield, T :e auditors' report was then rad show. 1 The happy couple are spending their Iing s balance ito hands of treesernr of i honeymoon in C'arn,nbrtouk. 1373.01. Moved by A Young, seconded ' Mr Neil Mel aarmid arrived home by 5 Johra, that said report be reeeiv- : from Duluth on Thursday with ba ed u correct. and that tl.e treasurer; ael{ar hone broken. He eau erupl.yed hlassalpt .4Ike-,issues .Tesesou► tbglumhating busiibMas and hod the se -Carred. 'Ilse petition yiog thea+ mld"rluoe to get .truck with a skid. council to fora a new schoolsection out We are glasl to report he is in • fair of sections one, twr, three and four. way of recovering. Mr Tom, the public sc-TI ST In/vector, E. Dawson, of Pins Ricer will deliver whr. was penitent, was called uron to ex• his famous lecture in the /:ranare hall press his opinion on the subject. after bore on Friday the 214th, Subject : which some eery warm discussion took "Hensss-Or Men the World Admirra." place. It was then proved by f (ilod. I M this is Mr Daws»n'e first appearance kd:, seconded by J Tas'nr, that this In I'.rausount, we have no doubt bi my• petition toe grained. anti a by-law be ing he will have • crowded house. named defining the limits of said section .5r, tar' D. K. STRACHAN, rt C3ODERICH, a Law the• cry r: -!. rue nerd. ('s s-.rly ear! err thr,n. :Vit) Im e1 - - e' ANCHOR LINE U. S. MAIL STEAMERS girl. $.as:et •ITtaptl ring %LW 1weu. Te kn•,wn hsresfter a. actiont. 8 l;'sr. As ger.■ in_.,_... , 1... red. Tfte pet ti,n► to fork a school To and around Ottawa Sir John Mae - section out of sections one, fire and sit doneld endeavors to -pose as • friend of was then taften up. Moved by ,T (:led. Monte Rule, but when he trete as fat hail. seconded by A 1•ounle, that this west as Stratford, he feels aide to throw petition be received - Carried, The of the mask and appear in his true courril then adjourned to meet again no cs^. Addressing the Stratford Tories t:.• 111th of March at 2 ('clock. on T•nhursday e'.ning, Str John referred '. H Rias vet.,, t p clerk. to the visit of M- Junin McCarthy to the rite, but said that, "If he were T1 eat Watrau03h. in p erb.mrnt with Jnatlts McCarthy he would he on the a pp.aats of the Howe Felt. ah 1887 and most of his cotes would be oppneed Caur:il met tn•dsv members all toren these of Mr Me('arthy. This is a ho net. mtr.u•es of las• mee.nr.r reed and ap• 4rhneitpnjuditrerlit"' rnppded b, lineal/oo hid foe votes ofthasieu i proved. The clerk a and tre.'uror a been aroused by the visit of kimonoI bonds were presented and pronounced Smith and Kase, and the anti -Home satisfactory. 141 motion the tax levied tow the parties assessed for ditch nn Com RMI. raporing"f the Nail and (Luldwa. 2. 3 and 4 was ordered to be refunded Stith. Iltttatve Free Prim14 }fur the pest year, the first asseument to e maria at the end if the year A sett The useless Smote emitstomomthan tion was presented by D. O"Csll*than , $1:0.000 • year, directly and twdireetl, and 23 other, praying. for 'ha transfer of ' Can anybody point out one emend set cettarn pnoperty into s 8 5o 14 The they have ever committed l Ontario clerk war instructed to notify the in. pts along well without this uePless ex .pet, r. reboot arbitrator and the trustee. Pit)... Why showld nit we abnli•h at d na the several soniona intote& of 1h. •t esus. Mhas Mr 'flake (Promised appiiestian having beam masse. mdRhse• M abolish it or so reconstruct it ' Applications t..v ratios a1f .sue nr were dist it will be of serene. road from Donald Merry, John Hick- nbnttnm. William Nilson and R. H. A Motes etniara. - A Dumfries -shire 4ndeeson. Rome -keeper awl to describe the nidi-- Appliation of Kr Hickinhottem was ary realities* of the weather in the dig- accepted. The Mete hue, viewer. were trtet in which he lived sa "a was hit •,eo siutcd f,.v 11/; Agittorte& in 1M$ ehoory wi" rein betwge ," GLASGOW ANO LONDONDERRY. hates or I',a o, to or frown New Yore, Glasgow, t ore -el. Lc,doMeny or ..Nast. CABINS. 13*3aad tae- Sr. ore i'raa, Sfs Steerage outward or prepaid, We. Anchor Line Draft., mooed at i+ow.•et hales are paid free of charge in Kngland, $co,laaaM ireland. Fur hook, of Tour.. Ticket.,, or other Infer. matins, apply to HENi►►:Itb4` HNUTHEN�i New York, or A. D1('Kv4)V, Port simDce, Gode'-i,-h (_.derich Nov. 1:, Id5t 90113-tn. • 111tATR: Z -Loran/ FORTii G E FF,s -cocoi DRE-t K runt'. "By a thawing:, knowledge of the natural laws which envoi the opererlor.s of d.geetion and nutrition, and b) a carefwl appl. anon of the One properties of well -selected a n. tor. Erie has provided mar breakfa,tt s .,is,. with a delleatel tlaverr,4 he%Praire wb;rh inay tare )as"d n se of rib ar(Ielee of It la that•a cosatitutlnn nay k gr•dnally built up anti! strewn enough to resist every re•dency to disease. Hsndnds of ,shut tat•ladsee are naming amuse es r,,.dyj to attack wherever there is a weak ppooi1nt. We tray escape nun a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves" well foetid, ed with pure blood aid a properly eourisaed nems.- "(Ned Seem.., rlareft, Made simply with bolllag water or milk. geld only in packets by Grocers• lalwlled time : Jfiati-[r►S 4 C3 It .m'r.,parb/r Chemists, ly Logsdon Knetaad. THEER LAMP 50 Candle Power. No 01nbe- No ('himne'. Ne Rmnke, No Oder. o Hest ara.od 15. 0.1 well. Posltirei, No Raplseive. . leery Lamp M@W ow in all a er 'r5 jet Library. to t•kaadessera, kn to annuli A. tell or. PRZC]C - *11.00 add upwards. Wanner CI White Machines Pianos a organs, e n s11 trees the n ,t i( IwAfad makrn rtwwp mo GEO. W. TROMP ON. wRawbi41�-seemp-flesh ft .k „f Psych CSC SON ua a iv srocx 20,000 FEET Picture Moulding And they ars gong mole- everyone lachasm to have t.i+tr Picturis Nr, For two months t! -el 4r::1 rrali-' hwr•ite for 'nuking rap reamer to (t.ene ahe p•u.. sa.s• their munld►as noir tb-en #lmnoidintts hare been n • AWAY DOW •- Brine' a:osg yo::: Psct-area. A Large a,,..k e' Ready Malo Fn'ne, at Cent. The Cheapest Sousa UNDER THE SUN. West-st„ nail door to the Poet Offlt.. Ovderi.b. Jan. Inn to � The CanadiAiwa Pacific BailWaf The People's ravor,te Rota. bet, 1 MONTREAL, - TORONTO, QUEBEC OTTAWA, BOSTON - KfNGSTON, DETROIT, - 6HICA - - ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, AND ALL. POiNTS EAST AND W eta, For Maps, Time Tables, Faroe. Tickle. d :. app!) to R. RADCLIFFE, Agent. orrlet west Rerset, O�e.te y.,yegr, Ogen. Don't Forget lap= Dennia5. Jaa. 1115. 1M. tlV Auctionett'ing. z Lome II t asiel , UR1FXRAL Ar'C • . llamas and tfedrrlcA Gat, Havlag bad eiperlaww.♦ dmthe banes stsetlowith w.gR anon a •°duce di•a'5. ►, pito therm mimkaae entrusted to A• im, s I.R ry Mantas Hetet. or sent y umll so my add Dederick P. 0.. forerully attended te, J()N, KNAI Coast, Auctioneer. ISR tf SOC ieties, AitOI lr? ORDIR O!' CNiTRD Q'OR<IIIIIN, MAPL)t LISP' LODOII, No. 27, A. O. V. W„ Hale is their Loft* Ream neer 1 ,, genie • r. Oahe, 0.de flea nil the N C0Ni, AVD rI KTH MONDAI•P 01' f.:ACH wotti'ywe vtnrrp.O RRft7'HR►;N ANIG ALWA1111 WEU OMR W. JOHNSON. REkA PRtelk M. I1 . G. W THP1itpt 111011141 • i r4