The Huron Signal, 1887-2-11, Page 6g THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. FEB. 11, 1887.
Eh, Poet's Corner.
The Torte..
WIo gold us than is. pr... o: lyra.:
Wesal 1 rise aril 0.. er 1o11 apt•.
If by our tuts weshould . Lala
The Tortes!
tt':.o told us that our wheat aril rye
should -• !: for psi s won .trews nigh
N 1.o sirs .1 told w..►ed atu
1 te Tone&
t\ ho saa.t'bet atom11 bed iO llu.
r;.t Ilu.rtlera miwbt obis.. • alias.
f., -04 .nd Cheat Ul.lrr u :
f i,t Turics.
W ho .rat the Bribery Brigade
\\'.th tauua•ud duller hills to aid
In brinitigall who would be paid
The Tories.
tt o promised le retreacb. bol y ^I
ria, a added m.lik..s to Cie 43e1._.
4r4 wall aepsia if they are let : -
The Tont.
Woo trotted out toe unmet stn. d.
Hut found him de.etllute. .,f *pear:.
Arad sage' badly left iadla►l :
f L.
t\'1.00wnthe independent Ms.:,
'r.:at es cry day repeats its task•
That Popery w:111.4)00 prctail!
berTor.e 4.
Ar.A c1111 sir vote for ' these.
with so - h appiUaall
•.11.1 tab tin• ..owner}' .:Le0 th.y please! o
The Turks.
Oh no. the thti _.laid arses .fu
rut hos. et m •u tike me ta.1 you
rax vole for ¶1.* a.ltracsftil crew.
lb.: Tories.
ail Y/wa fate.
Itlrt king t us:
I. a ',reedy ail i...l.
Agreed vu:dsou! ..1.
Ne *teal, from us all
ttittk nrmitirated
Ahd is beartks, mb a ►,.,j can 1..•.
ttld King coal
flan um•t.-r i,.• . mar .1
A circle of barur.a bo:.l.
Who ohey their king.
Ahd 1.1111 at the tela;;
Of the north win. = .ri„ur 4014.
Vito r,,sbi arae. na.•' tele ter the
torr Yell.
Th. itev. alt Rol ertsou, supersutend•
sot on Prwbytet tau mr.stuus, rays :
i am asked where are lodsus
starving, searching refuse heaps and
.will bartuls, and ravenously devouring
crusts of breed and aeras of meat 1 At
Munned.uia, Births, Itruedview, Fort
Qu'Appelle. 1'. tn•0 Albert, lt.ltlefurd,
itu•s.•jaw, Hat and toe rest.
I have seen than, donut this. It might
have been that they were very curiows,
or preferred dirty crawls and dealing
meat to !entire well -bled beef. but I du
net think of accouutu.g for their aclasia
that way 1 know the sager look, the
ehruu►rn fortn, and the wolfish faem that
speak of an the adult, end the wan
pio.hrd f.ce •bat .peaks of starvation 110
the ch.! 1, owl I have seen them now
Fort E ..;e, Fort felly, the File Hill..
and "thei Isle..•., :mud h•4111.1.1 ,lay gym
path,t•s drawn ••n' tor,arla it.. owners.
hw.e se. t. In.1 .e s eat horses that fleve
died if disease alien the Blah was half
r..tteu. 1 hare aot•n them picking up
:h- enlral'a . f animals about slaughter-
houses when those. e.lrnals sere far.t
ducuuip..iug syr,•ud ratio( th au with•
out eti.kiag, 1 r even •;. They
msy prefer such carrion to good Liif.
well-t►Ird, and cool wham kit c1, but 1
doubt it.
la it a•trprising there1•re that the tnnt-
the parr« raya s att.- Oa . bra/ Neethauhe I net Yl.►d Light
When the farmer's agricultural staple -
teems, _argon*, bud other tarn. utachin- Have yes Rheumatism Cm Fluid ery are Ors r alk, w°� �thtt TAILOR CLOTHIER.
from thirty to slaty yea cent, whom
ter should be breughe before the Freely.
trines church of Canada in censequene e
of the representation by es Northwest
miui.naries ; and that the g.. ernntuut'.
course should be condemned ui,t merely
by men like the Iter. Principal Cavan
but by Conservatives like Itry I'rinetpat
(Irani 1 The Linn -said : --
We are doing a very teletext act, and
we shou'tt all deliberately endorse or ap
prove of this motion by all rising to at-
testation of uur feelings on the subjeeta.
/fed Owe Ire heart l,eea 1si1114 of •1 .,'l-
liow.l sin, and if we do not repent we
will be punished an a nation, and a worse
thing will ranee upon us ii au Jo 1.10.
01d King Coal foetid our demo.
Exacts a robber's fol:
From -the master er: trur,Lmer. tun. -Ihu wonder Urn that the l'reaby'er:.un
Wow E;eseral Aseatbly ,.f Canada ail.
The despot of the pular a standing vote this resolutren :-
Tans robber mad h,, ta,,:s - . ren*.
4..:. ago News. That the General A.sem .i !y. .hist
T••routn 11",.rid, I'r.Srot t, as iii. laiutiug all pilltiat party alms, feels
provided by the N. 1'., .•.tea the 'owed to rite expression to I.% c,nrie-
tiona regardna the tre.ttnet,t ,.1 the la-
sb:ve, evidently without re running
the it contains agtluet one diens in the N.rthwest ty the Dominion
reyintt evi:e of the $.rt.trctiuu 1
Tate erre( of barons bold,' under
-eontnd .' K.nt Coal. finds associate
rales water King Cotton, king Sega
King iron and the other royal monopol-
ists created by the N. P.. quite as
-----hats,thty ,.a heuualres. This new an& j tl.a
!..:racy lives on the Hard oarninrs of the
manses, wild ;Mows boider as it grows are
richer. It is for the people to crush its wtomr-
Rrnwinz power by reta..v.n; 1- In it the Pecia'te t
legalized right to exec; a r .1 r ureses toll
protnuken those ia its rmptny as s • .: as from tmmorsl.ty
1!a ;;entail holy of c•.naun,err public Berrie
and other whit
t tet with the lu an population. Thus
MI SIOI': AZT DE?A tTMSNT. thrneuntemrmractetrntard h tiey t- to of thred.e chuMrcanhy :Tufa
ues safe
and -
ferings brought upon the indians and a
state of disaffection to is the Domin-
ion is siert to ,shine engendered.
u clothier a t t is stow u tat- Hare i� a doff J•.iut 1 use F:w&J Lient.
fa of Canada. NO judgment is here e=
•.icyho 'greased eta uur getters! policy tewarda
t•he the lu.iians, and the ment.n).us char-
y act. -r and aersices of many serrate, of
the ;t••vurument ili the Indian depart -
lit ate gladly reeug0ized ; but it seems
be established by irresistible evidence
in *1,0 many instsnoes a pw,pte who
rule of the g. remittent are being
ahJ dtfrauded by thins who are
appointed to care for them and
sir roteresta ; whilst daq;rant
's tui often chargeable upon
s, as well as t!purt traders
who cone wuah in erne
lend plaster u taxed thirty per cent, mai .dove , Neuralgia' Cas Fluid Light- I
his furniture thirty per omit, and his meg.
auger two Ceuta • putted. and his eutt.•os dove you Lumbago ! 1 sax Fluid Light
turn for all the he u protested by a Fluid Lirbtutng. Lit
duty of fifteen _uta a bushel 1.0 barley, Have you auy Pawl Use Yuid Li.hl-
arad tem Ceuta a bushel un buck w heat and
41011t• 1.0 peas, and !_slaty per smut en It will cine ).,u Old 11.611111f r' is a111111•411.Try it._Lc per t. toe at G. Ithyuas
similar duties, 1 Lerma" with great care, l:
ou articles ealn.rted by hula m laibs - --
quantities, and which therefore do not We must choke Grihery, or be choked.
base; • .not wore fur all the protect . i'.clri . sca.dele or the nlsoleot purchsae
et is certainly net oply pisseible but of a pxw►ucs with the iutrut 14) purchase
wu.ethung more for • Maimed py1tcy to the cuuutry, local railways to purchase
be a curse to a termer, and a curse that amens* w detail, Wool shares or the
makes hu pickets annually lighter 1,7 • purekaee of ule,l,lt•ra of Palian...I.
gaud many dollars. fiat., all broil dot+ude.i is well cis Void
---------- -, --.--- dudute.-ltat. 1.51. M. (grant.
4 Catarrh Cored, health abd sweet
breath secured. by Shiloh's Catarrh Re-
medy. Prate 60 meta Nasal injector
friar. F..r sole by:J. Wilson, Lrutiftiet.
two ..r three 0.111. • yard; wham in re- Aro y . toweled wit. Ileath's:he f se
tifteeu (ruts a bushel ,1, wheat, and ten
•_mals, and by half • down lathes drat store
v 1 wl 1
t ilio"' The General Assembly w. 11.1 earnestly
' Caret -el. -Greater by half than recommend to the roverume . t ..f Canada
T@sigc7D CA -cods,
the !'alae_! States. or 44 !:iota larger the rmperatire neceeerty of at1.a mo.
then Great Britain and Ireland, or one. Collin4 alt app..iotmenb o1 a
elcveuth o1 the earth's suiface. Oise of instructors who are known to be
its pimins 10 u lege •a the histo 01 Iter Dial, unj•)st or immoral, and of
York. their places with then of integ
At1T►Qr'ITY A31• 1:11.1. arION.--4,000 s..brieiy lent t p•:ri'y. Further the 1'
yeah ago at. est.:,.,shed mites t the byt.rtau church pledges itself as far[
greatest t.ation in the world whet, Josiah.} may be rn its'L•'wer t.. co-operate with
prumhed in DTaneTrh-
Porrl.ATua!1 ---'A snowily eettmated at
214,000,000, 300,000,000 er 400.000,000. well bring of the Indians. whilst In atm -
Taking 300 minuets as correct, it is maty num wall other churches spotting to bring
hetes the population of the Deminiun. thein under the 11,E y of the
Standing hand nn hand the Chinese l':trutian rrltgtn.
would encircle our gleenw eight tunes
round at the equator. Every fifth child A. Animated wait
born is (?ansae, -
raL4r'tT..NCAI, nr rite l;uereL.-The This is what happened to John T-'
United States has :.1,000 ministers for Itaywuud, the actor. When in Louden -
60,000,000 people,or one for a thousand. he went Into A1a,atne 'remand ■ exhibi.
China has 410 male missionaries or one tion of waxworks. He was tired, and eo
fur every 730,000 of the people. There sat down in an old chair. He had not
am 1500 walled cities u. Chios, *tad observed the number placarded over his
1200 of these yet have 1.o representative. head, which indicated that he was occu-
The pro'. ince of Hogan contASO* 15,000, vying the seat of a wax figure rrmovel
000 souls and only one missionary. for repairs.
Were the Chinese at present without The crowd sown gathered ground him,
Christ to march past in single tile at and at first Raymond thought he was
the rate of thirty miles a day it would subected to the «•racoon process of
gale thein twenty erne yetis to pail • s.....:•
g stared at, beeatlee he was an actor;
given point. while the native Christians sed then it flashed *CMOS his fun -loving
is and
the public authorities in promoting the
social improvement and the temporst
They Wail Wave to !!Asti tl.
The L.alewiug is•stray iters: "%Vhru
Munn* spoilt the gulden celf business he
did riot step to enquire how touch money
wag invested in it. Neither will the
l'n.hibittouists atop t.. 'esquire how
much capital prubablii•.n wail wipe out
in the brae -alae business. It n ale.) . 1,.'.'t rl' .V A .: :.. a , tnr told to slow -
secretory fur sinners to sacrifice sou.: • 1- .at d . rr- l) '-tax 11.1.. l'atnrrh, whet.
thing when they rand their wsys i, can Fs • err' f. r old:.. toy taring Ur
whether they d.. It vuluntan'I .
ly or frum C..• Cetatrb Cur.!. A fie 11440:1v.0
cowpuluou. The brewers will have to tiM,s sure 1ue1ptsa.4 catarrh ; 1 t.. 2 boxes
bear it just take 'damery sinners." surra ofd. r:ary catarrh : : to Z. he&ia 1•
Advance to cute els?, ::'.. catatrlr Tr►
it. (July 23c and Vire dire. Sold 1'
Ju ati alw•, • druggut. ly
Seein, is (ahem:. Redd the teat
inouials m the pwluphlet 0t. Dr. Van
Buren -s Kidney Cele, then buy a b.ttlera
mud relieve yourself of all thae distress-
ing tains. Y"nr L►ruggret eau tell rola
all about it. Sold by J Wilson Gudench
'f --.%w
r .r-- -
Be .a Veer 4tard.
Mast %p seine.
I: tit no riak un buying anglaise, hut
tri the great Kidney and Lite:-ieguls
tor, wade by Dr Chars, author of Chase's
receives. Try Chase's 'Arta''Arta'Cele far
meows meows .f the Ltver, Kidney,
Stem/rob and !towels. Sold by James
%%'ilatu, Jrut:gt_t.
A pamphlet has bean Maned in which
(lou. Thomas White and Sir i)hind
/decide -non' attempt to defend their
N „rt barest lnaladnu 0 int: at Vin.
N'ovr Styles,
Gents' Furnishings, Eats and Caps, &c.
11 yeawant a cheap' yet Mytat• matt. can u
♦=16.►$ A►SL 111.11Vrals,
Oadseleh. June lad. 1111•
Get your sale Dills, set.. Joie at
Tars SIGNAL Ake. 1'hry ere a:ways dame
promptly and at luso nate. Notice 1-
drawn to sales through Tu.$1.. L i. frrr ;
of clients, sol:I.•11 le lead t•, tln.osabJ. !
A Reert0D-•0t one uezeti "Teaser.
RT" to any sone sending the S. st f. lar
rhyme en ''TYAaaaar, ' the remark.'
little gem fur the Teeth and hitt.. A.•
your drugr;est lar address i
2 w1;i You Sniff with Dyspepsia end' - --- - 1.
Liver Comp:auntl tihi uh'a Vatelmzer as Ir. the history of medicines no preps.
guaraZt.trr& to cure you. "Iger stale by ---3' radon has received such unisenat inni -r rr . _
Wheel Druggist. mendjatiun, for the allee'aattot it wtlr.rds
2 Shi4•h'i C*.u_h and cons,rnlpt rue t
'-ore and tits In* rtnamesit cure it etlerts in kid l
$ bold by La ..01 a gwruuree. It .i•:es trey diseases as Ur. Van I'sur.r,'a Kidney. :
complaints is simply w tool. .fel. S. hi
LI AV1 illi SS-
v .hop to the eat
,t) iv. put is Timm
tow etaeat.•r thea,
w •. of r krw the cele
nerd Kechester
h a l r s. and
.ive4 a )ournt)Inas
.arleer. we are la a
....1:..i. t. 411 11111.161,1?e11111.161,1?w . r k , ba. hereto.
1..•1.'. S f'hlidrte's
Ia.r •ring 11.40 •
o'. ,..1. .11all days
r,,: .v: urday.
Ps..-..•acumend acumen
WM_ N'=GI3T,
\t. a streettwo doors 44111 of P.O.. Goderic)
BEWARE Wc.t street Peat Market.
:.ESS aIIITATIOri. ;rows Q TOhucitirs
M .'.era or• tnanv lnfrr!.,: ����]]jj ��".[� J ll l
'a. omni 1 with lax e.
he:n ,
enrol a•d rola
a. r .ratan.• by wane us- i
prta.;11)b• l mei sh•ats!tad- 1.: N1).4 n 1
nag ou tto reputation of ; '
Resoles censSae. - -�
we warn 11.e 1*J,W.13at•:.*.
et1`h latp"►it.oa by di.•-.
In. their nth.:.tlni to the
necessity of .w►r4j that L.
.1 .taroped a ia;ier et 3.t of el t ureheie goals,
Without wh.e9 tions arecandie
tear.• Attention ed Presse Deflate
t r'.tlas ROLiCITED
It.. _tib LW:•,
eep Your Feet -Dry!
CeneumptiwL For nal..• by J. 1t,ls. n• . CareIts action in these d sues,..l,a I
by J. N tla.,u hn Tc can du ii is .• t ' . -
1 _-�_-
Mw a Dail* t'asnsYt !'anti. a
A 41011 young num in the height ie now Uwe./ C
faelu-.w sews violently sna't•ztnf tow rma
ie! ; 111 Gtt t Critaru the queata•u 1 r lHome' v
car, when a cempaut in remarked, "Aw, t Bute 1s cou,m.auding attrnttos'. Tu 1
• Chas's., dab buy, how d'ye eat:h that' men with a (.'Id is the head or chest !,..
dwrs*dtul cold." "A w, death fellah, left Isaf.5' way to 0301110 11.1.'0 110 a uv.•r s •
my c.ra.r-in* the_ I..wer_dtall- -__ ,teold 114u have_ en hand • bottle of_ ler.
sea it sucking the ivory hand:., .n Ilarrev•I. Red Pine Gum. kr+tr sale at
dwiadful cold, it chilled me tat J. t` ihioti ,Crweriptw.n drug stoic. t:
death.' If Cherles hid used Dr. Har -1
Tey's lt,.1 fame I:utn Las cold would not
tno+lila hu. eery much. For sale a! .1
Wilson's prescrirtaun drily! (tor.. et
re the t4edlsal fthaem ae. tees sol) w loan
et slily "eaieen.
' 1'i,'•sp,lutinr, ororve Fao. a Phos-
amestammesienee -_ -- - 1phate Eletueut based upset Neirutai.
Facts, Fo 1 hiss noir os bar i •h:• lantr.t r.w i .., • r 01.0 • r .,wlenrh, atml comprise rverIle us
nauton, by .. cure r 011.tsu.
Jf. L. of ti.ntotr, Masa.. cure! Fului.u,- us.. .f . •nA ,n a nne-• l• t.4......10.1 . f un, ti.e tined:. ►-:d, gkru.RG aft tie tn.rt:mediatetfedm
•: tuwr_. Ie lsolll n.::1 at
ary Consumption, Sick H,sdiache,er-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Natural:ia Prices hc0tWill suit Everyone.
and all wasting �ireasrs of the trona , Prices
system. tri ent, inebee is not a :a4taie4t tm1 Ladies' Boots. in Button or 7 ace�1 from �j:a00 to $5.00,
! b1.+ a Nutriment, hrcapaa it aortaiva 1.o UO � in Button 1 L 1 is (,7j ij1J 6 1J
I NPgetable er irc, ties, and no Stimulant*,a,but &intp: , Orilla*
�a��j`� �d Children s strong school Boot, from ?5c. up.
t'; THE ?T9I11: tar
11M11.11.., sise
eabassi. mem
co'aid march past at the same rate to
brain that he was being mistaken for a
ba:f • day, wax -figure, for One of the ladies exclaim -
But (mad is works n. 'residers every ed:
day in China. There is a special prom- ''How very life -like and natural 1., lie
is. for Chita, "These from the laud of Nae, wh, 1iii"
Muir." Cetaloeues were hastily searched, end
Foremast among e,.cietiee at work in Raymond humored the joke 4'y sitting
('Nina is the China inland Mission, ao- very still, awl glaring with his expres-
der which the "Mimi( nary Band" of sive eyes. Thia was not so pleasant as
seven from the University went nut last it firm appeared, for • man said directly.
year. Their slimy has been written and ..Well I rather think he is the uuliest
is intensely interestiu.;. little fellow 1 ever saw!•'
Antra. "19 is positively the most horrible -
At Uganda, Central Africa, a fierce barking creators in the place. Who is
persecution still rages against the infant
it asked a lady.
ehnroh. lash";' Hannttgton wrote on I' The number was (nand, the so -
count read out: - "Tom Thug,
the croel-
iest murderer ever hung, cut the throats
of a whole family of fourteen persons for
Wed. Oct. 21st, "In spit. of all, feeling
that I was being dragged away to be
murdered at a distance, I sane. "Safe in the trifling sero ..f ten pounds, eight
the Arms of Jesus," and "My flied, 1 hill,nra and 1.t rtes'"
are Thine," and then laughed at the .11"1""
I'llnil be h need.' cried Itym..nd.
,ay agony of my situation." On the jutupinl to Ins fort, if it t* pomade G.
29,�, „f me , 1(86. he was murdered. � of
d 5
1 rn Herein (n take him make a charge in England with rt tack
ion the
t►e►r,and Sluff he„, bean Somme n23gtb p l id with a wholesale assaseinatioe, and
trans, notwithrtanding the continuance . they hast (n clap 1•n that sitpa'nce' T
of the fierce persecution he King be'Ftpa the late Mr Thug was swindled."
Illwa.tga. "The bleed of the martins a The crowd laughed and *creamed at
the rived . f the church.'
Cie sudden and startling 'fleet. One
more .}al sail:--
atrngl. Nmlu. "Oh, Mother; this is an ell game here' •
The Taw' ('\arch of Scotland has ,,.. This little fellow is hired to d-. this.
Madame Teeaaud pats 1 see pound,
an y"ming TM hag en that • uterab:e sum of sixpence.
place. Him secra.wr i. now Jan., f- 1 Hers a tete gale Mr Thom.' Thu,! chant-
!!.tel and Sur, nsl ia0►itite
Mae of 1:141htMw rap ror weed sad sr•:.4• I
1,.1 e'fysteaau. es11411 c•ora••en..
t. Li -cabs! her.• nr al t 1,, r It. •u. - !!any •
lnwo 1
rt borne. Moots). ..rr•nl..l1t.t •• •
INUe.. full- as ft tere , t person. !'.•a,.- arwf j
v.: .r. •r rand tan o•rts 111 stamps : •r .sur
"Invalids Otede•So..k. , whirn It1,i alt , .u-r,n.
slims A• Rob:.' ..ohie" 46-e. :,.!Alit 11111,01-
414'1 CAL Arran, z:"T. tilt Man. ^1., uuC,u• . ':.t .
ly the l'bua1.hatic and Clartnc Elerneuts
found in our daily heel. A mingle bottle ! Boyo do„ 51.00, up, all other DIES Plcport ouately Cheap.
is sufficient to c..nvinee. All Druggists
sell it. - $1.00 per bottle. Louise% A t 1 , ,r: an.l w'I: rt:• sono h'''L '.n 1.•.n4. as d i'r
Ce. sole agouti' for the Dominion,
5:l Fr tit `tread Ki=t Tort'nto.
_ D O SAT IT I T G- ,
Crab:; a Block, Corte: Fiat street and tgtaalre.
MJt. -To th! :-s4* . Leather sad fladiaga is ally game or as ;wa41 Mee..
For " w,•rn-nut. r, ,..: Vin," .1..1.1!!n yd
school list -trios. milt:• 0, a a.ael rr.,••, i..nsr
.1.t p„r.. ant l os sen c••tn•rwlly.
Dr. Pewee. Favorlt'• I'r. seri, in la tlr' twat
of all rest. drat•. a new... It la n. a ' 4'unvll,"
-Mat ad:n!r.:bly f u'dl41 a •inrl.4n of purps
beingn most 1 ,0-11 'p••:ins f. .1 those
IMoniu \v•••kn'ea.m end Damian ember 4'
wools. Ttw !roman's,! ..f muter t • 0.:n.
ntawls ewes ,atthe 1•,.511.4' 11.4.•1 an -.ure-
teral Institute has af,.n ed a taro. ••its' .1.t.•
• adaptrrw rnnrtaee for fhrir 17*1..". ..
Ir. Piva'! Farerite Presoipbeu
M the ',wilt of that fwd •eta'riern.•. 5W.r
Internet congestion, lafattaeratiew
sed ■le.ratien. It la a %pristine. 1t
is • power: to f ,-u.'r*4. as well as uta -nne. male
n od nervlu'•. and Iml.arts . iaow and str•n,rth
to the whom. system. It cures _wines. rt
•tomra.•b. taltKnu i'.r. bheanne, w,,.*. !m• -k,
metute p"Ar*tnn...•thaUAlow..srfell* awl
dri•pkvetwe .In either eat. !Favorite Pr..,rip.
limn Is sold by dr1ettat. Limier ucr ,•,•,'iry
guaraatn. Hee wrapp,•r around bi40r.
PRICE $1.00, as elf worrt.a
r.m eases.
>Stted 10 Dents is w. stops for Dr. l'w4'.,•'a 1srfe
'reeatls« on !liana" ..f N..mH•a para_.
paper-eoveredn. A.Mtr,'tau Woolf` . L)Treics-
sasY MstICAL A.wn IATI.0. !ilii Main Stn.44.
huhu,.`t N. \'
pry redefine Feb «nrr and Rif., .d aft elitllings-
(' mbetdtr i'ntemail 7, to go. at their 'elf you pay sitp•nrr," rtta.l
owe .tpene., t., work among 101 Amnia.
t\ *dew as the here.
to Afnra .spot pr. made
errs, is gating
i t ,neetenne and redeem', languages to
"1'll make the tined er o1 the murdered
wt tan even fifteen!"
writing. Steamers ply nn* the ("onto.
"Fori4in !mission 0r. the salvation
not only 4 heathe,i.m, bel of Christine
Actin itself, D. MO.
15 FOR 1)iMPRNiA and Liver
('.'t•pla,nt, you have • pnntrlt guarani
lea en emery battle of Shiloh'• Vitaliser
1 molatr!, :
We WWI to W testa' we are prepared to take
year Woo in exchange toe Goals or work .t
for you uteaa ftraeforewintart iriw..tis
Blankets -White, Grey or Horse.
Shirting• - Grey or Check
Clothe -Tweeds or Full Cloti3,
Light or Heavy.
Flannels White, Grey, Colored,
Union, Plain or Twill.
Sheetings-Broad or Narrow.
§tocking Yarn - White, Grey,
Clouded 'oral ("Colors.
Carpet Warpi made to order.
xtre C e 5 LITTLE
ilea*act% LIVER
;.• , 3Vk i isrms.Ps.
ART1-Tit/.101 r a0.
Willow Neadarb,.
Dlaaletess, r'ustattli n.
el.s /w 1g
and tillion••teaeka.
LL.'.'mpUy rune' 1•y Me.
li.r�tattive Pelle*$. IS
SISI 7r SIMS by uremia•
Wer (*cilttie* for this work .avant he star
tthWe wiU endeavor in most users t u do
e day 11 is hrunght is. if tette:red.
Pastern Rpianl•.t and 0.e.1,1ig. or tioinvinR
ow the Cap, .•oarwe or due, hard or soft 10 Wt.
as required.
We are :. • i.n t• do ail Linde of eau
torn work. nasally done .n • fall set emote=
.111. and we will 1sansatee a do for yo .i fully
equal. If not • Lttls batter than any aa pa
A r• elptrtf•21'y tiered
fail KriA N'o,;.•a S! .
QeAw Maylift.. SSi
- - - Hamilton Street, Goderich
T;. 4 (•.1 represents) the doable truss wt• hn". th. Felt. Note 'he pra.itaor of • 1 e M tampon
°F.411J1(IMICd da. tiered. by which t.1i1tTA AT hue ea ai INta•Aillt u4 t'Pw ASI
Pressure aspprta the hernia wbe■ the tram Is ad1,t.teet
GEORGE RHYNAS, - Druggist,
Febraary fib. INDt/et
Extensive` Premt&es and Splendid New Stock.
Tiley.. 'sighing 1••1 1 x0111 w .cwt ,' ,b. los.
.m Valet ..n ha, « the Mme pco np, 1,
by I.ST,ne tMlr orders at
Our •,e•nt watt eat! at ,he •tar•tr daily for
oiler,, Alm ow 1'an4. • lot of . Leap wood
sorb as abort shim «Stints, ete All the
weed raw he Markt at sloe _111 to delis rived.
as the buyer desires. Promptness enaraw-
t red.
It nwser faits to ears. For sale by J. ►•ail. Reserve )Inde
%Niki]. druggist. lamste4 441(, tIM'y
rehe,ks .'l the clogged avenues of the
Bowels, Kidneys and liver, earry-
ing.ff gradually without ereakettttyl the
arwte m, all the mita foal
1 of t j s1 the sanof er
Stomach. orreettus*p na... Drs.
y$M��aty*- Diadassa.
.e`aft Bfaoaa.
m, A r ia, Fluttering of
Om Dsbm Natrvoaoaasa, and Gem.
mad ty; all them mad meq
ether similar Ceoaplaiats 1 Is
hiIuenne a
L -� Temeltt. milli DowliffiG & Co
A reed memo meat et Witches. Ned room. 11In'nr n.,om enA Parlor rr.rnitsre, eweh M h1
WmI:hairsthatr cane and won4 sootlAl. Cupboards. HEA et rad.. re; trms... Nimb.stabe
L.auaes. Sofa. %V bat -Nota. Loafing 0laser a.
N. B.-- A cov►,'iet.'as.onmest of l'oignsaud Sh-ouds always en Lard arae ,!►oases febir
at reasonable nae(.
Picture Framing a arm 'Atty.- A call solicited
Overshoes and Rubbers,
1 aaad,an enA Ameriraw.
Men's Felt Boots
I.ADI1R:B' AND eller' r '
is Kidd- I:smelts*. rah. Mists sot f %rio t