The Huron Signal, 1887-2-11, Page 1FORTIETH =A
llUL Ei 1r f
Yctill.11Ct.'t►DY int0a Pcsmis ares
t.N wtshel vert Irl.** Morato�. Lr M.
( 1tWOt'Yatt 3eNtas., at ibetr OAce. North at
FRIDAY. FSR. 11'rs, IM7.
Our Sichet.
1.w Manna.. "vendee.
Wort Maros as law f.saawer.
M. C. C'AMEltuN, Q C
"The Boodle Brigade Must
Returns from the variotla pbt1=
g suit -divisions of the riding
tow that Mr Cameron will have
t iucre:Leto! Majority over Mr
Large aet'r.►:$iotts are being male
The statement roads by certain , f the
Tory press that Mr Cameron or agents
1•f his said that be had mousy rnoaujh to
buy up the Catholics of Ashfield, or any
tnsrds to that effect, is utterly FADE,
MAW a eta ler alike upon the turn .,g Ash-
field and the Liberals, Jed by M C.
CunerYn. if C. Cameron and hu tal-
tow w.•t:.ers in the cause of religious
tolerance and sodality in %Vest Huron
Are 1.4 f.... S. They know that quarrel
1yobn= man named Bmvn reesiv(d a1THE WRIG HT PAPERS. MONOPOLY.
Hound at it•tuche of the nature eshibN-
led by this young man, for the hat of the
Things ?het Are Happening i minted was published at the ume by Uncle Unittcha Talks to
Around Us. � the daily prise, and the name of Juhn Readers Once More.
_ ! Brown is nut aenti.nled as hating been
.rtktea Atwell Or. hods slaw { wuundrl, nor yet a. ons who Was
eke••tewser^$ad. 1.4., r.r sasweres'''mouldenng in the grave." So much Al"' Olt?y'
Tells bewail ow •■ Omer,. I for s..tue of his personal claims. mut now rotas.
—Nell, we're into the battle. baiu-
mer ■nd t..ugs, thea trip, and upon toy
• heart . ` Ashfield bests true to the cause word I never saw the Reformers so
of Parnell. l;ladstone, L'ls'..e and Cause- starred up and full of lata anti tabor.
our How our Hardy Fiahoe=eu a^o
A atrial.* la epee alroa s. • •were.
Mrrllaa• Me 1Mtrwd* aortal favorite -e:e• enrO /Mberaiev
Old Ilan Wreak♦ S.S. b.a't Yea a fair uisw.
1'11 say a woru abr.ut his stye.,
-- He es, a revelation to w oldbeada. Aeu,reit a Smoot...mesa,
He macre* a meettee like a cyclone, and W..t Waverer*, Feb. lath, ' .
was just about as windy. He as atm- Dat'. Shafts,—There has been a
sive in the extreme. and wheneler he , skurryin atoned on the konseshsn linea
thought he lied a sang e; tos at ie since 1 last rote to you. liar gate
- i ron. 'Phis slander bas been started by nu fng
h !
There is tullurgY. no holden„ beak, i.o j tick became unbearably insular -07. He I Cbeeftan hie east the dye and blue
' • Tory whose intellect has hon--luw•euach work, All is Ida &nd anima-
tion iromu M. C. C. down to the youne I'at:d violated every e•,tn'met that was
Our fellers was otfully put out that
chap who is thin year going G: .I! his: , y Tory Hers is n slur of To favoritism and
!ty-combed with bad whisky.
respected the pusttien of nu chairman lite. is cern ,•a the peentikal f.rm:,sent.
f y P' suede. Many of Porters friends were ,our k..d data east in the field •won-
t t' t \" f 1' { FI►p, Tf16 G'.{ 1.4 U/ { X$• 5rst rote for 1' r s a !there >• sib t ► monopoly that .. known to every (t.her.
The liberal -Leber candidate, Fred.
Halters, who is running with the big-
hearted sal patri •sic ler Burns as a
colleague it:, is a friend to
workingmen of every craft, and sn
enemy to all abuses. whether they press
upon those who lalx.r u, the shops and
factories, or toil t p. a . r in'snd seas.
- ' u e u u , "' delegated with hint, and I heard more er, or tt..t the preemyer didn't hold
The L'ndon Free Pries on Saturday, servile. everywhere suwee,t letformere II than one shrewd Conservative mildly I them dates back until after out kontw-
IJab. 29th. tame met with several that t..Iui of coatiJence which is the! rr.isik that the believed the im rte ►
I column., the tate, of which iters .et byprelude success great and decided y tic tion ;hut the fat is in the fit., and you
Ftion of brawn wan another 'cute trick of net we iin, Koomtintie„ will basals as
1-u,.I..r rorafe liters. The Geodetic+ Star,
'aY party
li ked
• I 1npp•..e you a'l thought I M. t . Camet•,n to defeat the To t
turned 'Fury, chinbel 1 arca or left the in West Hymn by an increased wsjurity.
limits, when the tmpresa of suy round, 1 d•.n't know whether John Brown wit!
royal, Greek hand you out found on the Mmain to the County or not. but I be -
face of THE 'I N s:. kat week. If such neve if Camercn can possibly prevail
were your thou}lits y,"a wcrd away ug up..rt him to stay in the riding and talk
in your Conjectures, foot I'm en hand tr. for Porter, it will be dune. S. you see
the district mull, s:..l niy teed fel veiee how $ platformut can be a power in
the Libnrnl rank' from the' and other Tory N. P. paper., have also
'ounger ata n among the newly used similar platen. We have u.e 1
nlranehisetI. who have no t.ytn-'similar plates in Tus Sweet. during the
huliday .muni but t1. typo fru:& which
thy with the principle of
the plates bare been prepared was let
Foodie" anti adJulinietratit'e In- , by (•.tundiva workman. l loving to hard
mpt•tt•ney time. (frit papers might be excused
The Tories are in ill Humor. l ►ti 1 from Araericat1 plates. The N. will be heard by the bet seen
he street they grow snappish alp! I P. the franchise prtutin;g monoyuly aid now and election, when w:tb_nr.a haat
"b,.•dlee fevers generally, should grasping them by the butt n -hole and
row while diacuseing the situs -
prevent the T-.ry tetters from done so. with the forefingerof the .then point out
Oil ; they cannot r•pt'ak Of Hr "Can&ta for the Canadians" is a hypo- the delinquencies of A[acdunildism, I'll
eron without using some in- , critical cry with many uf the Tury not fad to convince them that M. C. C.
ulting epithet ; and altogether papers. is the man for West Har,n. There are
ey behave like men rendered same who have 811 ever -tiring and *hid
HE (4L"rf:16Ir IS H1d SHA311.'. it's faith in public meetings—and,
esperate and morose by a sense
We hare just seen s letter .ant to J. mark you, I ain't agoia; to ram
f corning defeat at hoate, anti Aikeuheaa, V. S , by his uncle, W. 0. public: meeting. away ur,der-
iaaster wed defeat all along the McMillan, V. S., of Viola, Delaware, ground—but fur tried, straight, 11.:i.i,
ne. who tells a characteristic itury about Sir unadulterated, everlaetin;g, and staving
The Liberals, on the other hand John A. Msrdowald,as related to ham by political work, give me the button -hide
full of hope, and hope beget' a quo udam Conservative, who is uow process. When you get • man by the
deed against the Tory Chieftain. The button -hale something's get to give—
spirits. Tho party is a unit
words attribcred to Sir John are fust the button -hole er tee mains prejudices,
1 over tilts riding. The one what might be exi•teted from Lin: The —and, of the latter, you have nude a
tory is toll in Ashfield and in fetter .ay.:— vote.
'oderieh township, The party "It was on the noea.inn of a genal -- Ar.d, when I'm puttt. g sucl trust
nig at in Brockville, t *ant ru entirety
realize% that a sweeping victory in k :sols civets kd,itwr mei
ithe slippery the to iru•ton-holtnq 1 . •u
West Ilurott and all over the oourse of the ervciny one of the cum . discredit platform work, for I're known
country awaits the Liberals.
Poly &eked John A if the creat scandal i of cases where platform speaker+ were
3' the Grits had found out and had ullne at 'the means of doing a heap of harm r.. a
All the Lettingis in favor ofproved was true,The told fps, with roe
Cameros. The Tories will take his blandest *male., replied,
„yes, party, and, n ebb., I wuufdu't
the Grits have found out slid proved a have to go cut of the present contest to
peevg,.ty contention. For instance, a
couple of week? .go there appeared upon
the /erne a young ratan wh .m I will cal
Bruwa, f••r the sake u[iie'ocenience. I'd
That a the Iran the Canadians are rather call him Brown thsn be bothered
every municipality save flocierich hunting fur rt.of of his pedigree—al
asked to return to power eosin. But g P F g
town ih1`p—th toy -mate pepper we rejoice that enuuygb r f M cduuald'a though aty private opinion is it -t
stronghold bad deeds have been shown np to con- era„ would better snit as the p.Fnu
Mr Cameron is heartily receiv- dean him utterlv,and send him into the t mon of the emb ditnont of verdancy that
shades. f opposition.
eothing lest than .O of a Liberal his tbrge against me :' and then, amid
ata t,�ority by way of odds Some Of a root of laughter. and suiting res et
against the table, making the di3bee
them ask as hi `� a, 200. . mite, be added. "+out the/ ore hulf4rrds
lsrrteron will net a majority In "i thio )- they u -.'i sorer Rtnl .n:f,"
e.i wherever he goes. He itt full
of confidence of victory. and
he is directing his campaign
ir. admirable style. Ile predicttt
a substantial majority. consider-
ably ahead of the figures of 1 riS±.
Prost the Win/heat
The contest in the three ridings. ed
Huron gotta bravely on. In the west
II. C. Cameron and R. Porter are at A
1.tttemer and tongs but there seems to be
iso probability of the tatter cutting down
Mr Casserole' majority ct 1882, and ws
wand net be mesh .utprised to nen the
old member returned wok three figurate
in his major. Kr Porter etas sot
helped his ca. any by being caught
gilts, facts me. ;gums ficin an unee-
rned edition .•f tee Ho,t.aorl. It fell to
the kt of D McGillicuddy too corner trade with the South.
Wei up on this matter st s meeting held Full hrthenttiut of the federal
Mit at Benmiller. eatliss*
there been any character of our a,n,titntion.
thence seen to eatwt Mr Cimarron • Full itinn of Provincial right..
lomat man would have teen chosen in -Full r eRol iniour Dominion.
steed of • resident of Simco, Cu. The Homto alio fouto nous
west Heron representative u a thorn in Justice cd to jobbery and corruption.
the side cf the Dominion Government. AnReduction of expeeditnre to s small
•stop Yew Brs, amount.
Determination to put down distinc-
tions of mos and creeds in favor of
Osnadian brotherhood and nationality.
Eternal justice end equal rights.
Civil and religious liberty.
Tolerance end forbearance of the
atnrn¢ towsrda for weak
Morality and tempetsnce. morality
and relive*. hand in hand.
Advancement of the race.
This. sod Ur Blake, as i mnderatand
it, is the programme of the Liberal
hart r.
1 appeared iu our midst. He took the
.trines for Porter, and in his own
T11F. LIRLR.t L PLATFORM. peculiar way, endeavored to make
Dun,t:trrm' ring.' He was young,
Speaking st Mem•real a week or t*o frost. and airy, with a mooth teat
ago, Mr Blake laid down the following 'belched forth vitriol, a jaw that was
as ).ie platform. It is breed and strong, J harder than b,ilx-plate, a gall that *p-
awl all classes 1s:d creeds can 6124 room prosched the abnormal, and a deterrntna-
hely as non ever wet In a grate
cause with sli esf.enees pied cut of the
G.,vernient kine sin feud.
Mr Cameron be Lied sonic meetiss
nut our way, but I never Foes near say
wan in Goderieh, by actual experience,
yet which is new to tits pries and the
p.etiticai piatfcrm. In a recent speed,
it H■milt.oa. Mfr Walters told the tale
in a few wurds. Ile said --
Thew there is souther orai..n which
I d,atl touch open. If you go as far as
Culliuu*ood yea *i11 see turn er gsgcd iu
THE to-. 177An'et er lt-ut'
et the Grit gathenags. ate Tories sit They have to wotk reify end fate, and
the old wool don't bother shout hear- under great disadvanlau.s. le the
•printf of the year. during spawning taro
Osage/• cuter -f r the ,•ire they harm to give np their buunee.
g '7'F' party. altogether. If you g • lit:;, further
—My oldfriend, Tom Geese, 01 Gott, . teeth I 'u will bad a nae with bin
was also up and spoke Siert-day right • all the tame He baa
Lis Ifo ,tis .. ;•. Cts taking .bei,.
fur Porter. Tum u a dement fellow per- answer their atgyaents. Our yang catrora o! tial: every dee. .Cud what i.
tonally, but is seized of a mania that he fetters, out Ointment' there parient's sag- the reason ! I will :el; you a little story
is a political orator, when he isn't any• sample, is duio' nobly. At Be:fast they shout him. (G.. ire electiun da he thad
thing of the kind. Hia Tory friends te held up the tradisbuns . f the old city ty Chu .e.hrt ,and wtel
owi11 taken yrs gee et
keep his in the traoes tickle his est icy .heutit.' down the Inst Liberal speaker. to the tolling place, but you muse vote
by eshabiting film au the "great N. 1'. Thein is' keys at Belfast. C.,nhe tollre. (laughter.- If ycu octet
orator. " Hence his sppearsrace t Gide vute that way you will have t ' stay
Crich at • jewataith Tec: differs [rem bore slid work. That is why be II
Breen ID 0410 sir two easentt.:e Ile stewed to, tisk at all tine. ---because bo
wilt sup., -rt the Conservative Goren,
bas a good reputation as s private meet 'There As !,w which says fisher
citizen amongst those • f es :he knew emu aro not to 1:s0 pr.und nets in fish -
hies ; but as he is oretort:ally s "chip reg. T'.at is; nets which are kept o't
in porridge,- dui, !wake' • anti n••r ill the •eottem b; weights, but thew moot
W 1 eh., sul•1•ort the Gorert:tnent an do it
in hie speeches. he makes u. votes fur lyssl:un ,n' t in this keuntyf but the es rr:el' as they lake a -d thus darn our
the..ppsite side. - Stoat. tat d -.1d K,.nsenativ. who to ld r. the watrrs ..` their bah. Applsuee : Wo
.._ ..sea,. fakt said that in that ease tee f -:its thel * these things rand Safi.* want fair piss
was airade to hear tl:e argymr•nt.
and justice to at inc. in every i art of
Mullet:. Davtrr, speakieg to a New Goads, -re me',
y wr m ret wont hare! to
' York reporter en the huneful pr-apsct t.f I l:acrd an twu:fim' remark on the F.ave thew ,tis remeoiied and alis
the Home Rule ninatment in America, Pe1Per business yesterday. A man. mut present evil Government turned out , f
' mentiot.ed, among other cheering ia:4i. cite' Grit, he says to me, " Jude Usti- power. Tremendous s, plaose.
in' the other sib It only oiafurhe the
even tet.nor of our thee* when we est
home. tor. nalies ashcll.r and ehcut
dows the Giit speekars when we as
repos it :— tion to avoid the truth wily supposed to
Responsibility to the people. I be attainable in a lineal eescendant of
An henget and efficient Executers, t the ate Baron )danchaueen, Brown
which would prevent rebellion in the •
West ud discontent in the East. I knew everything and had been •very-
Refolm in the civil .e*eice ; a good where, and had Dome up to Huron to
sed efficient staff ; abolition of the let as know what era i►gno.rant lot ws
t.�wt soper+eeersat inn system. ' fp. were. fie had
The right to make our own treatises
Iteductiun uf taxation as soeu as saved as from becoming bondman to
possible. the halfbreede, by joining the rulun-
Reduction of duties on taw material. teen and risking his valuable life in de -
An earnst effort to promote reetprtcal fence of von. He octet told at any of
Prem tae l 1*
The Reformers of Rest Heron sever
entered into a campaign with tetter
spirits end mon hopeful signs of
t lsetes than into the curtest at present
going en. The splendid victory won in
the Riding in the local election, ar'd the
magaifkeot nuerity then rolled up, le-
tnken an equal y decisive riceory en the
22nd for Mr C'sarno. The 1000 wa-
couragtag novo comes to n. from all the
townships. Ashfield and Weetenoah
will do better than *ter. Colborne will
retrieve itself, Grderich and Clinton
*41 maiatata their Libetsl record. and
Ooderich township will he foetid much
tees Conservative this u generally
,aC. Cameron has met with the
mom eneneraging receptions at the meet-
ings already held ie the West Riding in
iate0est, said the most ilatt.rin,g
asaorawee. of .sees• are given him
everywhere If Reformers only do their
dnty, and Wend by their fiithfet and
-*elects ispresentative at they feel they
eboeld, hs majority on the 22md inst.
►all be more than (oar times se large se
it was last time.
Kt 1140*•, glias Rrighasi. dies
$, dies Breams, has to: massy
SAM for onetuln(M Ia this sulfas.
tiovis Nt hiss been "loading ap the
I London Fre. Prete the other way." It
actually her the audacity to charge Kr
Cameron with repudiating the official
report of his speeches after they hays
peened his own revision '" Mr Came
inn do.e the et.pcvite He stands by
the . tticial report, which has "passed kis
own revision." The Tories here have
been chinning, on the ether heed, that
Mr Causer.* has no right to quote item
''hie etre Miews.. M gives in the
N.dpr'd—th• easel report. The Pre(
1 Prey had hotter 1.., its lies for fir
aa& \
I he..rd that our tenors covered the
stove with kyanne pepper and thein -
selves with glory st Porters Hill. and
butt the Grit meetm'. The Grits ain't
grit t.0 argentetes, and that's the reason
our side dont sant to beer them. I
h.etd the (sits evict went in fur retal-
cations, that he expected, "Ia a mortis like. you Tories is pepperiu as on the
the Liberals would depose Sir Jr bis stoves now. but well tai' you tt. the bee
Macdonald, and a rtes (;nevem:rat lot boles un the 22ade•
Icy blued failed.
Mr Porter has not invited me ro epeeu
as yet. Some of the -fellers say /am too
togs have been held during eke ;.sat week kaodid, and tell tool much of our dotes. 1u thus *'or et The Mianal.
t There ain't sr -chic' sof the kind in me. 81r,—Have tog room f. r a few lines
in the interest of M. C. Cameron, tare ' Nu man can b( kandtd and be a good in rett•td to what you call Mr Salton
Reform candidate, but our since will "s!sahing criticism' of the Stmt r•
Konaerratice ; std no one des.en't say ('eadtr.Qa ' I have read both newspaper
nut permit of extended notice. Suffice 1
to say that both at the Camerae, and I sin t a Tory, tree blue, dude in the eanete , and ern terry t, have to con
Porter wettings . ,- wool, and with Sir Johr.'s name .tamfurtn p- elude that in his d sero to w} sr•mrthia¢
e4 on my hart. (I epee( fikgeratively.) st ones strong and straiten Mr Balton
allowed himself to indteee .n grow and
ah.urd etaggerataora.,
For 101151.0.. h. speaks of ''destroy
tog beth souse end harmony." of "five
luxe such muttlauune, through which
the life blood of tate gospel streams."
(dew doom h. justify such language se
applied, fu: instance, in the omission
and the young man who puts the pepper (no doubt accidental .,f "toe . is the Wt
on the sieveat the meetin held upthe the fault cat.'t be with your. trooly. clause of float. 340974, „r "and he served
g' I deny the iwpeechmect that I all :ails them" in t;en ui
Cwaeerratiee end. The Turies,eetinyg the out of the .ka•dhouas Wbat strength- iptn. to epuaktni of tb. lewua on
pate i7ti, he feels ua that Fyalm flN r
ought s!: erste to (!ter, with three tetra versos added to it
against then, are duvet* to desperation, weekea $ Grit. from enure ,•t`.er psa1r+. ilVhicb ; b•
and are willing to adopt any dishonor- ; does r.,t know.) Row, in the lesson
I have keen wrxnn' the mewl Bann'
able tactics, w as M, gain what thee the !tree rete& leases ate panted and
cna.ider se.e a 1.1111$ if'y td.,a week. The sreptTIRtuu nae been headed as a *panne psalm, and if 1tr
�gtt•u, tesdin' axe ntTl'lbmtq lifRdw'a
it P. speeches. Here's. *peeiatm acne
BISHOP CLEARY• oe.too:--
would be formed.
A ewes of most important n;tier-
!'t:eeat:r�latr fsamweat PNa tial. i. V.
wariea's Aersasa ea tie aetsasetee Wee.
the meetings what corps he belonged to
or who was his captain : and to this
hour, although I and some of the neigh-
bors hese made diligent enquiry, I have
failed to diso,ver whether his Int was
east with the army of occupation, the
reserve force, the land service,
the army hospital corp., or that be, like
the celebrated Captain .links, belonged
to the "horse marines." When asked
for bis credentials he invariably raised
his hand to the viper portion of his jaw
has been well eu.tained. Th. Liberal I ain't kardid—and tenet t akar didate
side hss been upheld at the dilerent r.uther—but the strongest *reymerte we
meettugl by bf. C. Cameron, H' use to our own fellers a the ones I take
Collins, A 11. Manning, Capt. Fras-
er, 1►1. G. Cameron, D. E. Cameron sad
D. McG:ill,cuddy ; while Robert Por-
ter, F. W. Johnston. John Brows,
to use for the Gaits. If the tbings ss Is
dein' duty to get our iiito party Ado
fins ain't the things that will draw from
the Grin and rekroots oar rinks, then
argument and the vote is likely to be
ens g 1(ua.errsl,vs
t Mcrae Mite the (:'kaftan u• nn wipe, ti.
sprees A *1.4 word far tar Liberal. - sarsrue's battle,
rrtarlpt strut t..4.sora• Ws* MAW .preke.. thunder en tee et-,atf• sod
'•aMeearr+.' ballet boars Attie.
lestch the• trump of m. ry nen, 1 bear erre
A corrawoarar fact in the firmestj•w host+•c.atter,
electron emote* n the outspoken ono
so. the skoolbeusc Lassosa'. to -e, 1 reed tbt
damnation of the tactic. of the Tury ra'O?aa'` mat rr
party he bishops of the C•thoho Church HOOT 1 straggled fee two heart to ger
Kelton had liken ono Leash tine pains t,
find out where they came from that lie
tendert:, to, k to abed faults .n the Read
ings, he would haat learned, what he
ought to bay* knows, that they are the
whole o f the 1"•its psaan.
am far from claiming that the vol
lime to alt that earl be desired, or s1)
that it alight have been crude, but a'
the same time Mr Sakai sad others who
have spotter or written toolailMy oa abs
subject should remember :
11) Thst the primary object of.. reed
and leading Protestant cisme-en. On s verse .bete the tall el:uobltes tau:n ' intg tot tknpturee in oat school. is In
a recent occasion, Bishop Cleary. o•f there heat 111 tees, parts bet there teed. Christi.*: ,t"n.'t%.nd not the re
Kingston, said to a (Nobe reporter, '1
wavne ern,,eurre.i But Mfr Fareeses kite.. truths peculiar to Pretests•tism,
authorise you to say that i, se a bishop, much nos those peca!oar to may partiu
would consider it most ungracious on my grate speech f err shed ens vote Ow fol also denom:n•bnn
Pert to etnwurege my people to vote Muria' 'envie lines — "1) ,bat tee asl,cttor.s ere simply 4.
be read , r.ot bombe
(3) 'l hat sn abs crest rualon.ty of owe
ech'hlle they will have t tie read by
retina vomits re m11!I1 elaas.s.
(4) The: it is rot Necessarily a motile-
tton of the Salado to make a.electioa Wein
at the 2std ewes (or ewes the middle of •
Term) easy more Chart 't is kr the Ree
Mr *Won to cot a else. out of the mid -
dle of a verso and make it the test for •
"stash, ig eta issue...
Lastly, nee is teaty4 4 to ask if after
the •ptitev.l given t.1 the tae by
mob mon as Dr Nog/mead Dr. thwart,
Ke ielt'>t'
so- old nut hairs does well en
met emtMr the old masts that "Nodes
ty her, •relN y•' Yours &r..
and pointing dramatically to a sear against the Reform party, who so honor. Tae humeri Mees the s -l• •• c h . eat roes,
ably, and in spite of sash erievoua temp. the Sort sad liar e.,.
which adorned his frenti.Pie e, would
Cation to join the No Popery crusade, whirr thaotlos reseal t H •,• !one A an ,
make gnawer, "Tiero i. my authority sustained au artd .our Catholic rights in esu, Tbemas �'errow
for the statement." bet he never vouch- the recent terrible strumgle with the The hese sow dont a. Inept -r •m e. 1i. ur•+e
said furtbet information teat would demos of bigotry. have bearer twirl -1.m
lend any cne of his audience to decide
whether the wooed had been received
from a sabre cut, s bayonet thrust. or
a kick from a Government mule. 1 man
offer no npsoion se to the mimeo( the
scar, but • gentleman wh•.m you and 1
well know, rand whose rubscead awe
betokens that he gives his testimony se
that of sn expert), volunteered the
Rev. G. N. Grant, Principal of The 'stem cnw•e reds richer anis. .rd
Qiwee'e University, recently declared.
"We most choke briber', Of be eh.'k.d.
Pacifie scandals er the,. purchase
a province with the intent to penni s
the e..untry, 1ooa1 railways to purchase
(mantis. in detail, blind shame, or the
port -hose of members of parliament, hoes plunge nl the pistfwrm e't whick utast.,
all been defended. As well drteai Peter bit lits .pewit+ Then planks
fiod..wl '
Stash are the represeed •tees of the oeglaa to be nice and dry and barn well,
rthflinre teethe", of Canada, Cellulite .. the I lett .rm •. n i as apeec:l you hilt
tiler woo: alio w.t:,A-1
Weans ruin' to Far' s Fun See s' the
.gmlhouse er.satn nt Oita of the
esek.hen. I am gain' to nts to Mister
Csm.l, the robe' pre.idest• for the
iefnreoation that this appearanceappesoce of the sad P*oe..tat,t, and they et the shout five !r(trs ago
Mg been normative*
if esra in t
normative* by a collision be- + [lith po.
As they have ek.n so will theft yno ekes the •Oath •esti we
A Ca , Zee* Purees Blab, oth(etrleti
sear horn unmistakable evidence of have eoweietann. of all gond men of areal i - "
beers the ffrtwtipioew of the party d M"Pla speak oft tb. Ylad. Tisa 17M- wife he • j•wl►ila'ir+ . 11 nu ht( N slow- known .. the Yost* Liberal Cafaasrw
lbs funs pan awl a hoer %molder or ds- i erne cwt is already eoNdosned, the day l in rr a a see T free ss tested. I use
Club, was formed in Ged(nieh est
is he d. find fon
Cls( jibeblit n of a criminal Neu• Howley o . the "ale
i of pdpews,pews,
Ms y t is 1 T!n `) T' -- lit 4 eight. Some or
critter is oolse tourism.
140..E fPa
tains 1 de kanw, and that so that r. istry.—bostrtal tool t Wn u . I are mate ;atrisech.d.