The Huron Signal, 1886-12-24, Page 24474341.7 ".pan•-t'r,+';1.4,x•. .Vwr
f',� .a�•M'_4: ivMA: i1f�'i
4iT+,,.tl ayi iillgAZ
Whim Pomace etas ahem she
Terry tamales 1 p•. Tram
Ree, Lir ('arses. Pnwcir.i of Kiser
Tito Mausolea of Faimatioa is attaoh-
od Mem various quarters in regard to
the book of "Sant/tem" for
use i. the Puha tic/souls. This attack
.setae to me 41nito groundless, and such
w ao exigencies ot party warfare an
Rea. Lir lkwart. EJ.fur ..f CArirtics
(i.. srdie rt.
I do not hesitate to ay that, if the
other grounds uo which it is alleged
that Protestations is in danger in this
Pn•vioce an as weak, as flimsy. and as
fetal* w what has Mesa urged .boat t bo
"Scripture Readings" in the Public
Sobools, they are not likely to secure
the c (4hdruce ..1 c•udid and intelligent
Kir. Li. r'o,Arum, L'raaatjm.r.f.
Unless we Rive up our nau0ual and
nasi -sectarian system i.f education, sod
eIui.•t denumu,aua nal schools, sitbnidized
ty Government, where • *telt Church
sway teach its own creed, ant pet its
0111 interpretation unite scripture. I see
wo better way than that which has tam
adopted. To name such a retrograde
mato mama is to doom 11. No re•s.n•
able nun would kr a uruniw,t seriously
consider such a proposal.
-4 hetet/feria ,4 M.rtaafer.
"J. J. C." writes foots "The Manse,
Pattering,' a forcible tetter expressing
thorough ou.rictio7 that the present
a•ui-Popery agitation is just what it
really is, disreputable party cry, trump-
ed op by interested politicians to serve
their purposes, to try if they can preju-
dice the people of O7tariu against Mr
Mowat, hoping in this way both to
place their uwu party in power in this
Province, and t., bolster up the falling
strength of the same party at l)ttwa.
He regards several points as having
been definitely settled in the course of
the discussion which has been going aro
to these columns. 1 That the "Scrip-
ture Srlectioia ' were not due in any
way to collusion with Archbishop Lynch.
Y. That the fair and frank spirit of
Mc Mowst's letter to Mr Milligan made
it plain to every uubiass.d mind that in
the Massie caw there was no such
R. man Catholic influence u, was in-
. tnusted. 3. That the fear of Roman
Cathodic ascendancy which 1e tetng so
industriously fostered, is quite baseless.
The writer pats in an earnest plea for
justice and fair play to the Rohan
Cathclia. He calls upon Protestants
lo•remember that the Roman Catholic
cattaen. have • right to a voice au the
management of the oonnty's affairs. He
thinks it wou'd ha more in accordance
with the spirit of Christianity to rejoice
at progress belie wade by • branch of
the Cbri.tian Churoh than to stir up
feelings of jealously and susp,ciou
aeausst it. He speaks regretfully of the
ill results which hp thinks will follow
this diacumiou. While doing no good,
rather the opposite, to the tarty who
-started it, he 1Mobs it will intensify the
undesirable bitterness of party feeling
which already waists, and will go far to
da.turb the harmonious relations which
have hitherto existed between* Catholics
acid Protestants iu this Province,.
714 Terry rllp-rtep e. sae Sectarian hwe.-
Toronto Mai$. May
Istb, iuist1•
Why .should there
be an Irish Catholic.
rote any more than
an Anglican rote or
• Baptist cote t The
eeplenetton of the
phenomenon is that
the Irish ( .timbre
nave allowed them-
eplvas ts be -.... ,.t-
ad from the rest of
mei moa as Mr.
O'Donobee, who here
*bus been enabled to
make terms ad v seta.
gems to tbemeelvee
opo. the streaked' of
their peados of Irish
(:.tbN1e bel4wetk-
ere Hes-
sians In politics. like
N.ssl•as 1s war, ore
ewtilled to the dirty
ratlike. for which
they hoverer's•nted
but to nothing move,
sad even dist la has(
to them with con-
tempt. Leagues and
commutates without
number have met in
t hie city la times ps.t
to arrange for the
sale of the InaA Cath-
ol.e note. usually. we
regret to say. ender
CA, i.i edinl -
guide, wt ouanl t0
bare known that ede
religion In an unclean
thine whether per-
petrated by eommmnu-
It ies or individuals.
Toronto *Ialf. June
fat, Ids .
The t'atbo:ic Irish-
men of Ontario have no
reason tuemu pain that
they will not be repre-
sented. 'till but a week
or twe ago they had a
r•.presentative to the
Cabinet. and we Imre
the beet authority fee
swing that the vacan-
cy will not remain long
unfilled. and that one
of their people will be
takes into the Cabinet
to srpps'p that rery
*entaaary element for
theat Pros ince of
Toronto Muff, June
It ►.kno Is: that the
Hou. John O'Connor
was compelled by 111
health to retire from
the Cabinet. He L to
be riw,oreded as the
reprrseetatitreff m/ PmbyA the
• Mr. Smith
11 the testy Roman
Catholic lieaator of
Irish origin from On-
tario, and to rive that
clam of oar fellow ele-
gem. a moreeat repre-
sentationla Perla-
meet, ',pecan; in the
1't m-imr thanthey
now e4 oy. 4 is Under-
.tood that Hoe. John
U'I►oaohoe will be
placed la the Senate,
(implant C. 4'. re4'abe. B.O.
The coning of Chaplain MoCabei, of
New York, to li do,ich in connection
with the union lecture course, is an
event which should command general at•
tentlon. l; McCabe to the _elms
oral Missionary rvioretsry of the Metho-
dist Bpi.copal Church ..f the Coated
States, and is the author of the watch-
word, "A MJlt,•n for Missions.- Large-
ly through hie pe•reot.l inAaena" the
Methodist Ch'trch her then year euntrib
need $.195,OUO for f"re.:gn missions along
Leet summer Chaplain . IcCmre preached
fe *tong •sol reenter to a c•mgreeaUun
of 8,000, Dr. 'Palm •ge preachtne in the
afternoon. With th 0 except ton this will
ise has first trip to Canada. Rev Manly
Heresies, of Toronto, has secured him to
deliver lecture* in Canada..I Tomnto,
(inder►eh, Brantford and Brampton The
subject of his leenre here t"The Bright
Stile of Lilo ni l.ihhy Prison." All know
of Libby Prison at A••dertionetll.. (1*•
when, donna the American war, in an
capon bold of 22 acnes, at one time over
3.1410 Northern soldiers were con&oaf.
Waith nn huildlata..earce any clothing
in shelter them, half .tarred and ahneaed
in fifteen n ..nth• more than 14.000 diad.
Chaplain Md'also, with his mamma was
• prisoner, and ran sneak from rep•t-
donne. 1t is t.. he hop..l that the people
el Ilcrderieh will take this. the rmly op-
portunity of heanne ono 01 the most olio-
qii nt speaker* of the pri. ret century.
The lecture abounds with the hn•noroes
sad the pathetic. Remember the night
and place, Tuesday, Dee. 14th, in the
North reheat Mm b.ttittehuroh.
MssedMab t.tlr..beal.s•.-
Mr Meredith's r•p.tatiou fur verecit
is t tsacikned, 1!u sworn testi-
has been fatly a.ntradicted by
unsaid his ow. fullown*, Mr H Merrick.
Mr Meredith denied that be bed any
kuuwl..dge of rho operation. of the
brawling brood of bribers, although it
was swore that (k, rewlut►oa which the
Buntiug Wilkinson-birklaud Kang had
prepared, sad the tuember• of the legato
attire who reaped money were ex-
pected to trot. for , was to be mored by
Mr Meredith. The arrest of the con -
sI (rstun fumed Mr Meredith to delay
miring his resolution. Mr Meredith
"mire that ho never heard of the bribery
plot until Mr Mowat made biro state-
ment in the House. In giving kis evi-
dence before the Royal Couimimiuu, Mr
Met.dith said: -On the lith March this
statement of Mr Mowat was made.
Thatwas the first intonation which I
had directly or Indirectly that say .t -
tempt was being made, or am said W
have been made, to use iwprop.r means
to secure the defeat 1.1 the gorerdreut.
This caw contradicted by Mr Merrick,
wh'. said: After 1 board the announce-
ment, ur at least the rumor, in the
snicking -prom, that rune members had
been approached, ached, I mentioned the treat •
ter to Mr Meredith, I think it most
have been in the middle of the week
preceeding (the date of the exposure td
the plot) Mr Meredith toasted Ottawa
can the Sunday Miura the exposure ..f
the bribery conspiracy arid bad a secret
conference with Sir John Macdonald.
He has never ventured to condemn the
plot by which homes -to -be Maio Promo
ler of Outario. All thin," coosidered,
the public aounot accept Mr Meredith's
mere denial u proal that Mr O'Donog-
hue a charge is not true.
Tire "halt" Praises the Prrsptural erem-
ites. fee she lrb..l..
From the Toronto Mail Dec. 1, 1861.
"The Minister of Education is to be
congratulated upon having adopted for
we is the Common Schools a series of
readings from the Old and New Testa-
ment., together with a brief form of
prayer The cbjectiona to the iotro-
ductaon of the Bible in the schools raised
by many laymen, and by not a few min-
ister*, were undoubtedly of great weight,
To hare placed the sacred hook to the
hands of a teacher, perhaps little expert
in Hibliorl exposition, mot to Bare per-
mitted him to draw fruan doubtful and
deported passages the meaning most in
with his own religious beliefs,
wunld oertainly bays led to endless
strife. But the extracts adopted in this
compilation are such as Christians ot
every denomination have ever agreed to
accept as the plain word of God. • • •
"Mr Kerr has donne his work out of
love, and done it well, avoiding not only
throe parts upon which the sects have
split, but also all those upon which it
would be ease to start • raging oontro-
veny. • s s
"The work has been prepared with
the greatest care, and cannot fail to com-
mend itself to parents. Thom who ob-
ject to religious training in schools have
simply W write to the master of the
school requesting.hiol to omit it in the
case of tteir children. But we venture
to think that the Department has suc-
ceeded se well in preparing this religious
curriculum that few childre-i will be
withdrawn from it, and that to the vast
majority it will afford spiritual nourish
meat of tranaceodant benefit to theta
!through life."
Godsrkh Toughly.
Hol.xssvtus, Dec'r 13th, 1886.
Council met today, pursuant to ad-
journment. Minutes of last meeting
read ani passed. By-law No. 5 red
and passed. The rtteve w chairman of
the board of health banded in his annual
report, which was reed to the council
and approved of. The several members
of the board stated regarding the con-
dition of the pre®ises of their respective
school houses that they were in a satis-
factory condition. that no complaints
had been made by any person in the
township save in regard to the slaughter
houses near Clinton. These the reeve
attended to, and are now in a satisf•e-
10ry condition. Moved by John Beac-
om, seeunded by Edward Acheson, that
the members of the board of health be
paid two dollars each for services. Car,
✓ ied. Moved by John Beacom, second-
ed by Edward Acheson, that the reeve
es authorised to make arrangement. with
Rubt. Hanley to have a wire fen,. tweet-
ed ..n side line. Carried. The follow.
ing accounts were paid, via James
Thinupson, for $310 rods wire fence, 90
cents per rod, $62; Hugh Johnston. 265
yards gravel, 921.90; Rohl. Johnston,
*Xi yards 5acel, 91`.461.3 jf Darts,
Ooderich, for G ballot boxes. 91.76 each;
Jos imps, stationer, (luderich, station
ery for clerk. $3.90; David Lindsay, 98
yards .ravel, $7.84; Walton Dudawurth,
38 rods wire (saes., 97.60; clerk. nue
year's {xstsge, 910.18; Thos. Draper,
tilt yards, gravel, so 44, Mn E Spar
'in,, 29 raids wire knee, $5 90; John
Me4'ella.d, 40 yards gravel, 93.90. The
members of the council were paid for
their serer:.* as sob aa follows : Reeve,
$24, deptityreerw, 918, absent balance,
John McClelland, $24; James H. 1E1
host, $24; Ed. Acheson, $24, el.rk's ni ,
t ry. $110. A. Knox. me of hall, $50,
treasurer's salary, $75, collector. 975,
treasurer f•.e extra duties, 910, reere.t-
tendirig at Ooderich two days on town-
ship.p•p•sl case, 94, eoollector for extra
duties, pos'age and stationery. $7.60
C.aunctl adj,umesi to meet again per
statute. Jarr_.I'Arr,.I Clerk
TI3Ti HW.IGIO171 03Y.
lietbeMbee Crag&'eases sir t' el
Toau:ero, Desemb.r a -.Archbishop
Limb sends a letter W the Nei[ givtug
a ente,l..ncal denial to ib. charges of
u ndue iatertrewe ia pearly Prote.staat
affairs ■►ich have been laid egaivat him.
1. dosing. Iiia (nears says : • •Is it caw
or patriotic to spread dieard amntlg the
Canadaa& people who are tiring on
Minns of friendship end good with
ese aaaether I The wisdom, indeed, of
that mune does aol appear, which
tends W tell to tell Americans at latae
that Outari o has hast none of 11. old
bigotry, sad it is surely not patriotic to
utter what we all know to be a grievous I
libel. They will probably be .arprised
to hear that whilst the Prote.tsuts are
WI banes more nunrereus than the
Catholics, have tett times noire monsters
and poems" nearly all the ut *s of
emolument, stop some Proteatants aro
serto.sly shinned because a Liberal extends to Catholic. fait
play, which those .h,. are agitating for
Proteata it ascendancy call unequal
•'\\'orb fail to express my gratitude,"
Selbyof .ash
Mr Carter,
Tenn., "for the benefits derived from
Ayer s Sarsaparilla. My system was
tilled with aorufula ; blotches, aloe,.,
. ud mattery sora. all over my body."
Mr Carter was entirely cured by Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, eight month• ago, and haw
had no return ailMi scrofula ymptom&
Waivers rl.ek.
His bold appeal to the Provincial
doctor" at this juncture is in.trikieg
contrast with the timorous, shuffling,
shifting Douse of Sir Jahn Macdonald,
whose boastful vaporing. are strangely
at variance with his nervous flitting.
from past to pillar in search of a000ur-
agemeet which his followers are unable
to give. Thus he has been postponing
the inevitable ; staving off the evil hour
from day to day ; shivering on the hrink
of Salt River into whose briny boons he
koalas he must sootier or later be plums -
lads. ants.
The ooaple=ion is often rendered
unsightly by Pimples, Liver Spots and
Yellowness. Then it is well known are
mused fount inactive Liter and bad
blood. Dr Chase's Liver Cure puma..
the blood and whole 'retool. See
Reoeipe Bo..k for toilet reoeipe.s, hints
and suggestion. on how to preserve the
complexion. Sold by J. Wilson.
A W.wderful mac
The maw who put ton bullets in
ateceesion, inside the circumference of a
Milwaukee girl's finger ring, at fifteen
paces, was a pretty gond shot, but he
wasn't half so wise as the billwiw ruao
who pet ten of "Dr Perm's Pleasant
Pergatise Pellet." into his system in
five days, and on the sixth walked ten
miles "just became he felt so well-"
If your blond is oat of order, if yr.0 teal
low-spirited aid "blue" you will find
these little liter Pills just what you
Th. untidy appearance of a grizzly
beard should never be allowed. Bock-
ingham'. Dye for the Whiskers will
change their color to a brown or black,
at discretion, and thus keep up your
reputation for neatness slid good -look&
118bse mad 185.48..
Toronto Wurtd : -A city cetemporary
suggests that electors vote as they pray.
This suggestion does not affect the
Boodles who prey se they vote. a.
5(58.8*)' Tree
In every and attested by the
testimony of thousands that Putnam's
Painless Core Extractor is • sure and
psinlea cure for Bente- The claim that
it is just as good made by those
endeavoring to palm off imitations for
the genuine only pares the superiority
of "Putnam'&" Use only Putnam'.
Painless Corn Extractor. Sure, safe,
The Malts. • t'..als ae ewp.lw.. 111.
From 4Ar e. Jeerers
it is not generally k51,wn that the Settee
Lomat .J the late ).sissy of the betel.
M1. Gau!,a., hnwet.r, assures iw that sr -h
he fact His fatter, Aland Nested, ea.
uncal deeorn cant, it 144•-•.r', '4 Mlk•. 1h:1.•.'
ae Rimy. wear fell luta the hand. of AIR. r...,.
irate,. i5 17148- a t eat ung' m uridine it
hose time. -mead was curried he them to 1'•.,
landmass'', where .114 esencus'h• b•c.uo.• tit -
armee wife at tedue, tM• then rri;•1'in.
•,(hare. 11111,,. de Ht.ry, w In, wa4 a Creel, I.4
itlb._sas ,brat auxin to MBr, Trousers.• pr`
'at!r•ftr• - the Itngween Jnolohitae eh. eft
t.n,;hrer. uerv. Hortense, ear" the nether o'
:a{cola.,. 111. And, :rot -review to the shut.
etlrenty, a fresh a.lit.i.tore of } neeh heed
• the nod low. .4 Tether. dating freer th.
•0.5•nt reign, i• finite ...PIM, the t.und■.4
...ability. Pule! Vapid'. Snit love, we an
raat, was • young F'rencb worms., Mlle. F1.„r,.
',littler, whom he net in the mune of a moo,
11g walk in• Pena. nor y•mg woman, ah,
•sa • pimple (seem -Wee smile ie. •lif!tr'Iiy i•
mhracing i.' at the young Pince*. r.
luort, and be male her ills I.tnome. 11r
'inn's have bwnl of lwr auto .heta
sot know whether she A re er dead.
Wing Tem M.rilWlll 5i..
The unprecedented sale of I6arh.v'.
German . prop within a few years, hes
astonished the world. it is without
doubt theistical and hest remedy e, er
disoore►ed for the .�y and eQeetnal
eure of h'+,ngh., and the severest
Inng troubles. 11
I Day and Night
curls u• ens a ls&
Tyr f4'.rl of .. 1 wpretertea I e plata 1
lre.r•e). ,oaselrPorto, sS amts ,hark ••f rout,Borochltla, a
• \ o an n'4 alrai3 t ' gc atop' ..sark.5 tickling to 1►e ilrorrl, awl as
The speaks/ s••. s .,.o, aims w bas • v d Dei I , ttuuatltK. ttr7, It.eklsg tviagh, atNlct
the espcakr'd a nh*sytori he tri 1 tote ►u4Prr. 615 I' w Mui.bei, sod great
.!assn a P•Mg gent 1*..4rLr+ 5r!6 , l.n»t r>ibhn iNbw a. Thal. • l laew 1. alai.
4157 1m, "lig WV rrt•Lrl I4vri51ll *1 i aNeoted 4s W hwresa ss, not sunietlases
tav�isaj jaw of Voters 11 is liable M become
'+1t o tan hod," tx 543«1, "fur jlea' ehro.M, 1,0111. the Legs, enol fermi eye
Walters todvwtgrratyea atCie .tgta/.a+t•I fatally. -\75r'. Cherry I.etoral affords
Ywbaia to-e.eurtow "--- 1 .I,•.+ reMat a_n.d`-c`arr Mt .1 H►ua
•'(x,, 51)' aemawt 44 s'sd •ta, \at' i.•oi• rbltts. 11 Natrona Ilse dtepo.111oo W
.to W nrarr,,d . w\\«Tuesday tad 1 i•
e,°� and faduess retn.bhig sleep.
.tart .days Mn \\'altat� rue 1 Ilamo ecru a prank -tag physician for
Lbs lnby'r nckne.i, sail 1 541 t1o4 alraal " pwat4-fie' Yews, awl, ex the "Y•,o will base to eek al: n: au"4. theft, . 1M•• Wtrra.l fnem au7ual 'Marks
•' Necer mewl ' \„ .\wrncau. , ,•'r 5144", •.f 9tunraltia, Aft, r exhausting Al the
stn anpn,teeted triune. 1 aiu4 gr1 lulu '•• I► ua•al rgs"d1ss
Without ttoliof,
Mr. Ralph Novell srry tint. ideal,' p'• 1 gird jg.••r'$ Cherry Pectoral. It helped
bit arm to bile slat',, 1141 l,e r to a Kat donde 1 •- 111. Im 11bly, aid .flared • r{4
itoreall, M. D., l'aa ruIlton, M Ls -
.1.04.y and a• for try' c�yeri Nervy Pectoral t■ tlertdrs1i iM
started. Iboars trtM'ty. whI11 Wr ltwwtcakta. far
After all,- th.ntght \tic Nolo, i
�' hest...
11115.. rail all lutsttg� d cress.
arranged her .lae1 t.1 the 1.x•: of tale wast _M halter, M. IR, tsoutl 1'arh, Air.
'• it is o.4 r' had 1 w sep.steel, 1:1.1 w baiter, u Irk . arca re
All tie• .rat• erre 11101, rttry t t!t^ •nye I. i. 4A 1t, trim ralatrwrr, grew wur+e
.id.• Nestler yet them * •. sash ou'' i'4"` ad Itnav exltlr.l trn mai Longa. lir
•tan'1m4 iia tlw tsv. It . a- r � -l.1 . 0 au ' . 1118141 •*'ala 1 w ra reduces) .lienar to •
Iraunrl ypaw* *lar dose sten I••.l.-el ''01 "o sketet to My (',,itis was linwscuut. 470111
701 1
N.ttw'1 be..l and out .J Na -*i. • *1511'.' freque.I 11,14 1414x41. My pby.kl.n 10111
tike hesitated for a wo*wnt 1'.r the gr0t1. I 1e to r e up hurler.., or 1 would riot
ails wart young and handsome 4411 .,,• • , lice a meth. After *sling 4411004 mum -
;Amer at ht. frank, buena lac.. d .' •1- 1 1:.' Wes vegeta rrlkf, 1 w *a dually
mark with a dignified bow. .he offer of 6 i.,. 1i,- • u r e d By Using
{daceer. Ler. Ile thuak,d ..r 3.1.41 ac..!•'d Lr.
Having done her duty,Nettie tont from her
.atcle•1 a lank and lingua to teal v bile 1.1 •
COM aurt, frs,w 68111ud hli orw.151•t.
tidied her fats Ile saw the bene lett towel
fel combination 01 very fair curl• sirdLrl
hack eyes. with bark ryebrewr and lathes.
pure 1, cum lexi4on and a .will, .ly:l.t
$gate she fur a few moment-; aol
thee, maga that Mr companion lu,i pat away
his paper, she said, m • quiet, lady put
that would have completely disarmed r
impertinence ur ma.coureructem
1 have the n• •nes u( the month, wlech
my brother haaitail e r we started. Th.r
are .t your asice, If you have no 4"k."
"1 can tot the teaks tae you, be mid.
T1 darkness y
kness gathered, and Nettie uz W,
her hand fur her rias L In an i.ntaut'it we.
taken from her.
Stand up aol let au' put it ort for you,"
mid the Fend...min beide her. " Are you
gong wid
re all night ! Became if you
w gum, .t any particular tt, 1 will cal:
"1 ride to Reeehill."
"We reach there as 6 is the meowing- 1
am goingthentoo."
" Year There w ss
.• .aet .f interest i5
Nettie's voice.
"Yea 1 a ctl7y lnl►l. tet Y gtEp=ffr
mut 5t a wrldtling.
..M w 8..4tww. i ^ It .lipped out bobs •
N,•ttie was :4warr .J it
" Yee. i sire Asst groomsman to my frie$'l."
" And i on going there to be Era br r►ts
mai•L You are 1►r. Holman t"
'• Aad youMt.a Hoed!, t4 cors.: How
gsad 1 am W Ica dile to do what I base WeirI n enpf for this last three boars!"
' A end that is?'
"Offer you boy wua
tace; for ar
I see you t
taro tee of Ayer's t'herry Pectoral. 1
are • in perfect beakh. and able to
Mauertolw•u, after ba, Mg been pm-
wxtttr' incurable with l'•wiu
b, Is I Atreus, t:auleburgh, Penn.
its 1 eau 1n a desk... 1 Iu4
Weak lies. and suffered from Rroai•bdti•
au,tta.•rh. Ayer'. *'berry Pectoral re -
',toed • to health. sod 1 have been fur a
1„art tae contpantively vigorous. In
redo* *uddeu cold 1 always resort to
tiro coral, ■114 Awl speedy relief. --
Edam E. Carta, Rutland, Vt.
Tai•ears ego 1 suffered frnm • severe
itis. The physicists attending one
Iowan remittal that the dleease wuukl tre-
mble a Pneumonia. After try lug v sre
a• a briars, without brrer4t, br dueler
Wear tell Ayer's C'berry I'octun,l, w Inch
t7Re': me at owe. I continued to take
tW ►•tki.e a abort time. awl we cured.
-Er i cokun. Logansport, lad.
The approaching w.ddiag was a good sur,
'rat tug opening the con,erratina, aid t)••
traveler* chatted IJe•matly for two er three
hours. Then, in • pawn of the Wk thew.
faded away before Nettie's drooping eyelet.,
sad she fell last asleep. Sinr felt a grad
hand draw herr load down to a a,ulf.nual.1.-
resting piece, and thee all .ights and wends
bed away. Ilhe .a awakened ,teme hour.
later by a sudden shock that threw her fie -
ward violently. elhe stood apo tad the mat
to aaat a strong hand caught Mor aria A Y i) NEW' '.'n -A i,a
" trivet : Wait and tee what ---
Aer's Cherry Pectoral,
(�.11jj 11 1)r*RW Nem 91; as baths, t�
Harpers' $azar
Harpw'. Daae.. c.aatxitee lb. el Nee. In
wt ••ee sod the Aures art it lwtrai 4r.a eau k
the later' faed.lowe sed the rear/ aimed Imply
modiste. It. st0xus. polars. soot ergo. are bit
the beet writers, tad its Power..',. .►radar
aro uwattryss•rb Its p.iarre on serial ails.
towns. decorative art, le rY
It. braarh.., snaaacrJ et�c.• *mea' • U Midterm -
alter Ir •.wry butra.LWd. It, b settle! I..$
ion elates tad pattere+beer ser..pkwreb e•
aide 1•dtes 1u rave nnsu) *1114 alb. real d w►
r riWao.. 1., b.l.g their own dre.enykrr..
Na a line it admitted t• its eeluai.• slyer
could shuck dm mese nstelious taste.
IS -
kw Fruits,
New Nuts,
• {' New Teas,
Mit Yen&:
ItA1tPl:R'rt V PEOPLE.
BAItt'Ek'tt VilleNKLIM mar aftK 1.10,
RAkY,thawYsuerrr15fKwmbenl Nip
IIAII't'IC* H.AN()Y NY.It1ICe.One Year to
N otnbrrM
.reel►er M 1tU (w um
�wi C11�sa4. r
Th. •'01154.. of the Rama bests. willeil1e
Rpt Number her Jamaica-) of earl& year. Whey
ass time is eseatinsera. seheertptw.s sill M-
ein with the number ••urreet u lire of re
.ripe of inner.
!.t.•n:a•t Volunwe of Ilarpprer'. hater, 'or Three
t ear. baa -k. Mama cloth heeling. w ill be seat
Ly mall, postage µa14. nr by express, free et
expense terovideu the leveed dor* not elere1
11 r0 per %ultimel fen 6: ei per volu5re-
t' th l' each Vol
b tom tea rs ire suitable bind1 will be sent b r
ear.y acad. postpaid. M
term of 61 00 rade
IRemittance* should be maple by l
Money Order or Draft. to avoid Own(
Newspapers are trot to "vrp this o4r, rtisa
twee[ ratAo'' (Ar r rpreas order y Hanson&
1 re
1i.\Rt'6R t Bllp-T.cim
Ilarper's Young People hes Igen ream
-the r,ledrl of what • periodical for imam
readers ought to be." and the Poetic*
eepnrundatton is limply sustained by q..
large cm -Melton it low atta,ared at borne earl
Ir Gnat iklIain. 'i'k1s aw'c-ese has bear
reached by methods that must 10104.54
thetnaely es to the judgement of parents, ne
k.r than to the tester of re ild rim 11.r.r1), by
an corneal sari wall s.walnrd effort to pro
vide the IoM and masa sttractly rradang hr
young people al • low price. The INtotrstls.s
are remota and of • corgi wady higd
dart et ensrlkuu.
Aa epitome of everytbittg that is ettrartitr
and desirable et juvenile literature.- Maes,
A weekly tea.* of
tad 1• in .v.ey
Breodiro ['•low
It 1s woriderfal In las wealth of Picture*, is-
formatioa. sad interest_ 'herdera /deme,,
N.Y. --
TERMS - Portage Prepaid. NM Per Tear.
Vol. Till.. November 2, 11RI,
Rtxnat.x woes should
. rib i sash
HennKtaloer s diariesofWNW, Order or Dade10 avoid of
Newsl,.rpees err not 4. this edoertia-
asral r-et*eel the copra's order cif Haarmt &
Hueeti rut..
good tblawggww le the boys
anmily which it Kite -
1886 -7_
The r in
ker p a crashing awhe sawliERYBODY I ite doori1 boat d keg row .Koro •rdclw tawG 1S
4wa hew eraere l fur.e5rd with sou d..
power. Horrible trim mingled with the roar -
lug 44
lug'4 the t.achiary and the* • blow ea
et stunned her -and she km all o. nptg•a-
she revised r, Aad herself lying ern the ri nest Collection'
gerund, in the clear, bright moonlight, ..1 OI'
new few fret frau the maned trac-k She
spear to rise, 6411 a ah m r in her .aiand c 111
cide prevenwith her, and •be mw •
slit she aid N
covered hk.rL,ukl tee the piled
az 801ST.
np rias of the sort and maple with heavy
burdens era passing to and f
She he could Ioar
greens and 4ereame, the w4111,5g 01 resole -1a errr.wooed out Gnderich.
and the df clear, authoritative
d 114 A. N A IRN,
suites: bat ase cold not 1au.s and did 51,4 C•
know bow to .peak ew to whom. At last olio
ten plu
•.i a
J xr
bi ill
44, 1
I Larger Than uvea
group_ td the tet Saha were mem, the sled coon Heise 13eware.As4sefeb. CHEAPER THAN Ens
tad wuutrled tern the ground app4tt.cbed •ee. Ah. mi. -
her. An old gentleman beat ober her.
fyouor 1 ore" the esemad in . ri,m.• i"'». 12,000 COPIES PIR WEEK. EVERYBODY I8 WBLCOIB
flat the forced calarie'a made almost .taro
"i am 51i*nl's.. 1 cannot move."
"Who Ilan with you?"
"1 war anon•, sir. What 1A the matter Prem. _
"A cotl,.eu Ab! here romans our y"•rtle
dndl.r. An,th'r Irtient Lw you, my fnrrgl, 9lgT FAMILY NEWSPAiER 111 CANADA.
r ••ore eirculetloa Daily :and Weekly erre
"Hies Howell: Thank God, you are ani NWTA.Llen Crallt \-.A11414.
11.411 "
LA. 11.4nan *wit over Nettie, as ho .i•
tad else low that his leit arm wm in a .1
nead. a a strip ..1 her shawl iI oa .
Wb,M he was speaking, he knelt inside
aol 14.4 wiped the blood from bet ica.
dew.d a doer. gash le h. -r forehead; mobile
odd grntlenan and his temp orari s s
louping further for't►e,r melrrr.•holy bas
.t. Ik. Homan finished his teak, be mid: I
"When eke are von hurt•'
"My anti, 1 think, and side^
"You -tile throe fain the broken aid
the car by the crash 1.f the lnermwdive i.rfd
*044eb"� you. and 1 had to spring out
At named h•r arts as he oinks std, wig
sheep «y d pm, abs fainted .gain. s
It was a ditewest wens urea which�
neat awenont d e.n•rinuan.ow found her.
was lying on a 'kimll hied in a lttle
whom km arab tttigg avid narlOsr walla ga4
a1 Ad, stilled feelng; 1.41 borer's matel
tan a figure beside her, and shat wee eatiee le.,! IN Fla To
to Mer bier own weak voila oboe she r•'~ Telephone. Mall andCoerce.
"M.4her'" re up to the hour of publication.
"Are yen .arab.. NefNefr *wad Marine Department. Agrleultirsl He.
'•Why, mother, huw cafe you ►er&s.'f t 8ormen by Dr. Talmage. Capital
where am I^always ren�alwr{, ingenious resale rot -
"Yon are is the hemp el • facts*, stbn ( s. mempeenr. etasm.g.
lava up all hr Men to the wo•mded 1 u, --
the railway accident- 1'w rr remteatbt Rue kat 111'rKrsliwu of Men a.4 Thing. ap-
Nettie?•pear rem throe to time.
-Yrs; but fro die i get reg i hos 1 .• on TH 6 THINil FOR THE FAMILY
retro get herr'
Vast b
Is t•.,e»w'eeal,f TO SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES.
a' r
The Agricultural IJepertment 1. • noted
retire of the "Free Prem being always up
-othe tiam and conducted b7 persona Afar-
• ma117 stalled In Farm work.
e ware telegraphed the Wert esar n: gvr member of the bomehnla eagerly looks
for (teach week.
and 1 found yarn Lees whim 1mfote, VO' i
li•loestod y'ur.hrtobler and brnkel year •
owl had • raging fever, t hare Wen lee' , LARGE $1 PAPER
ten Jaya."
different principal (ream the uswl pair• "Aid itr. Holman*" In Crabs et leer and np•..rds. pie. oath.
rn ola:ms riven pA seise as it d t "11« 1.a. he.'n a mine4s! If• w.a was -- - -
{ by y ,ire
not dry up • cough and leave the dimmed 11.11,"1"1,..*,!:,, brans basIds.rwu i "1fiw I P iu Th. mese Its.,.*
ase I but hr wa4wsr.i'ywlvn fm•.i jn � =�i� Q
leder-temente ever
Its le el•p.ted still in the system, hot on the centn►y All .peak in Was, w• 1, has ler is Canada to itirw Prez l•5 rep
That \rervihn•, the now pain remedy, a. removes the rasa, of the trouble, heals skill; and 1 rkodd •5niy, bis the Are., CAlhs for utas W..klr i�rw
a rood article. M-,ta. indeed claim that the parts effected sad lace@ them in a *,cher. under Providence, i est• my Ilea emtep7 of our P.em us Llan, and one the
the old fsahioned preparations aro just purely healthy eon(item. A bottle kept 1'i• en his .1 11 .act st5Otinn." -
as good, hot any sufferer tin satisfy him-
self by oxpendinc ten coots on a simple
b ,tile of Poison's Nerriline. They osy
that rattling sold can meal it for
internal, Iona or external pairs
Atwevr rody an effsiet, pr^e,•M moo
certain in every curs_ H. ft. 1\ shahs.,
Orangeville, writes My
.peak very highly of Pierviliine se •
remedy fox to ',harts* or
p and noaleia
All (treatises and wintry dear. •411!fetvilin.. Try it today.
Comm Cam EVIL, -Children are often
irtul and ill when zooms •r, tha cause
Dr Lea's Worm Syrup safely expels all
t .
Hwas emit bis ,.
in the house for me when th diseases miner, ,„(760""r".10,. •
lured t•
ka fhoir'pparanerw, will sate d�rtr t verhng ren bur little nem.en h �
bilk and a long 'pall of -serious illness. and Mediator for
tw4aerfo11t. Civ Any to Agents
we ire. 'hslea. Aderma,
Pfx1Tfles ('t ,
LOneer. CANA.A-
A trod will rot/toner you ' 1 three facts. Ir4a► a "'nut h Alia. 14,r mare.
it ia positively add by all druggists and w.ddiear NoesM m4114".he h.•twotiettV •I t
■re earring.
general dealers in the land. Price, 7.e t.0 r' 1
dr , large b•ul!M. sow
mom, with IM trams d ►wPerrone wiri maid wend at the low•
i their rah5 farm, torn... ere ,••-'•7 •'t ^Pet rare* ran ha ve a es m. promptly nwpplf.d
a ..iw• pealed •.rugs tb0 re•rga. al" • big Ir.rfw* thole ..+Jess at
gall Rheum Caved.
dueler weenie( .end whet. 11ory wit. .1 l
badly r. taMmsd prop/ can .4
dreg. A'.d th. rci Awing 000
Nearer & Perk •. CanIroie Carafe kr thee Dr. Holmansou
1M rase '`" ,•'1
Orr .heat will gall at the ware dally for
has loon tried and found to be the only iswm•Is.•
eiders. Also .w Nowt. a la of cheap mewl
positive core for Salt Rhosm, Pimples, web as sours shahr eASd,rr., rte All the
M slaw buyer douses. i1•n,mp'., .15
"40.1v*ahn. '16eA
Pioche* on IM face or band, Cote IR FOR
t�lvlfA M1 Gra, weal wee 1r beaten .1 t min ter./.Roared
Roan., Brutes. or any) Bono that 5•NMng titea.nIint, r. here • rNob"
1'.rhnllc ('erste. 25e per box at (iso It never fella to tinct, JetRhynes drug store (4) Will... dr.ggiet
also will heal. Try Mdiregax AI Parko's too oil ovary Mattelw of
so,tit by J
ettl.. 44 rail. aim,. ]frill
1 Cheapest Muse
W est sL, next door to the I.,.t''tGco.
Ouderteb• leas. tad. !tn.
-i •
4I 4 '
w -.all 'ails.✓'' n•_,