The Huron Signal, 1886-12-24, Page 1i ^..«t,..netn etr.;i•9k}w'2 Fest 1 tr,ot*:y ...2 �'`•� DE i0T:. r couNTY NE THII V-ltl!CT(i YAR. r 1. HULL NL'1111hItlevo i S '1' -IF 1IEJ11.ON SIGNAL; TexBibl...tout"ttiwiMdout of)bird 1. pe ,Natant •vert 1 rids)- MtoralnR. by Me' ihu s. The Exeter to*: cal hoard did 1 ticc isoir Baia.- at their °eke.North stoseidesire the Selectioru, alai put in the GODERICH. ONTARIO, J I4bte. But rather thaw j 4uripture at Thing's FRIDAY. Dat, 24TN, 111116,a11, the lelecti'ms mutt road Who : --- _ out say aught against t• Our Mkt. For aswlwiea rrewice. i10N. EDWARD BLAKE. ler malar/. P►eeter. U')N. OLIVER MtoW.AT. Wool Ns sem tt• •b• t wags.■., 111. --CT row ort tie•-., tat t'. - 'meat Nares ta fM L•-ahla:ere. HON. A. M. It. to- -- • o - a Boodle knead* Must Go. rift-'1111fLb INTORNO/1'o HL. Here is the maw point in Iliia strange controversy. Tile B:hie as not oast out of the school 1t can be nee 1 ii any school if the trustr.•s &eters it. But rather taan have ee Ilib.is at a'I, t:.e Selecaotts are ublil;at,:.y. It is not a ;oestiun of 11,11 a or Se'tctivns, for ilii -a.rlauiuw csun, t cr•td__S'L! the B1t.le .1..uld the trainee deemed the whole _ John. 1s ies. otte then pf . ficript.raral aelectinne rather then no Scripture st a:i All lowers of the Scriptures will ace that the Government deserves credit f .r ivauting that at neat a portion i f 'CA Scriptures .hall be reed is every j. r. blit ach ot. CoL. A. M. P.om is a peesty good sired Flan, hot after he "eat doses" es Wm. t ampbell .on Tuesday that worthy thought the gellaut Colonel eeiehed a tan: Da. TAsLos said at the nomination t.t Tits 8wi..L'a verbatim report of !. a " at Iwssdeebomo. teas • true • no. Somas severe timate • state - insert it deer sat beans lo be true Da. T to u• s speeches grow 1nroer, Lott mote meNiled. 10 M really • shame tat a good-natured, til diodeo and kind : :!a man a1:cu!d 'b. forced to make ..ch foolish and islets t polleioi4 liar .tura s Government says y.a\may have whole Bible in the seboul, to be reed �i .a y:ur trustees may direct ; bit you i mast tossti the selections from the M ap- tart, (endorsed by the leaden in the ekutebes rather than nothiem at all. 11 here to t.ie setting aside of the whole Bible ' CoL. A. M. Root. amid the cheers of t`.e Liberals and the ci nfssion of the fries, at the public norairution on Toes - 'lay forced the Tory candidate to ad- roit that he did not write the election eddresa to which his signature was ap- pended. It is to the doctor's eredat that lie didn't know enough to write arch a screed. He was very foolish to put his /tame to what he did'. t writs, snd palm :t off as his own. Sir John knew too inch to do that with the pamphlet os Italian Affairs. Cot. Rasa a .perch oa Tesedy was ■ • rest. In the short time at kis disposal i /threw a flood of light upon Provincial attain. His handling of the surplus 'IusMioa was grand. The way he rub - nil it int. the Tories about our .nog surplus, $5,000,000 of which is in- vested in Dominion bonds bearing in - 'ores! at L per cent, as be moored ly ilio °Haws blue book., was well worth hewing. A prorisrial treasurer who oars borrow money at 44 per coot., and lead mosey at 6 per Beat. deserves to be returned. The "imaginary surplus'. as the Tories ignorantly cell it, is a wbutaatial $6,5C0,000, bring's, is yearly interest of 0329,000. The Tories have heew heisted es the &o surplus cry. Tux candidate* have ed eil•.ra I Meta's narnl will be priu is bhp, ink, ; •11.9 f..)1•.r's AS red. 1'! ashrtutuate 1 D ester will het mighty ht on Tuesday 1. onto, a!: the *sour, i.,, will 'seed a lents-en on Wed teensy in ' -ler to fiud • Tory. COL. Rua•-' sped01i—u011 i icy uTH' nunuuatp•u was a masted me. Pucr car Tayl..r got ell mixed up the middle of his reply, and rued the 1 halt of his • preli, which was written I.r him by hie nephew, a youth attend z the High a_bi,ul. The doct+ir was si pe eiuug!l to confess that lis nephew te the ad- dress. fat Dominion blue book Pave been brought to the fre_cit by th Pmvu,ei• Treasurer to show the lytta a Govern - to ...t raid the 1)itano een0met t 1 'forest ou abets, $5,0 4.000 it the t•n.- rwcaal surplus u,vr.tel in (h.ierumeut beide, hearing iutereet at 1' ver cent. -Acid theta hot all tb.t. outarlp.sisplus, either. • Ds TATUM has nit bveu a sepportcr of the S.:ott Act. Ile has oo pyspstty with the temperer' party, sot is Le s ipp.rte _ as a wasp.. rancw van by any t us, trae'a.1. Baur ten;prranee Tories are talkint; arrow the Doctor being a prohibitionist and relieve' tempseanoe c nodi !ate. They know they l.. , eel the el...it..rs drew it, too. Ir the Tori« wi n. t beaten no the liuo.l.ary Award, the Streams Bill, the Lueaae and ether contested gaestiut.s b'lore the Privy Council, bow is it, that the Meii essd the T.•ry paper* had small headings on these occasions, and the (i105- and the other Liberal papers baJ bit headings end roosters ! Why did the Tories disk oat cat sight .0 the days these deeiaiOM were announced. Loot, Snowed or Stoles from the township of Ashfield, • Protestant H•'rse Y. i:eu last seen it eat healing for the town.h•p .•t Roderick. The animal was of the "Tontinestrain, and was of • decided "Chestnut" color. The fierier wild please feed bile with .atm non a discarded Mrs.! hex. and lead gently towards the Conservators nemeilhM wkms,-W1 MEW-, Ma Catfrmore"lempan.e." speech at the ssmksatia etas eheresterw'ie rt( the toss. He seM the t r 1 piny ossa, bet he felled to dollen the goods. He has trees saeatted cwt of everything like *twined C . effort it is tree that so pollee magistrate withost • salary was sppoisted for West Huron, rte a fit )sem rowld awe he Assad. Mr pbell serer thought of • man at any time ; M is the self need eh•sepioa of the Scott As'. should here shows his teal that lir Sw.sertoe, alleged temper - winkle, has been repudiated by *ter f electoral mins. opwh sheered at Rrece4e'4 r drinking, sod did mot dory it, Mr tliaheap )sale the rhino' be face. sio 44.4 II I I 1111. GENERAL' INTELLIGENCE GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, DEC. 24, `18x6. WHAT'S U P t salt we had no trouble about F. d.nal veto*, boundary swan) rueti.os, streams ' hill disallowances, and McCarthy Act That Are RIappening humbug.. We weren't w homogeneous Around Us. i thea as we are now, and the ycusg ono had to tale a back pew at all political exercises. Now, however, things have chaierd, all the old )nen are willing— nay, anxious - that the young men should take tort se all matters pertain- ing to the go•ternioeut of the country During the present election the Young Liberals have dune excellent work, end tiny deserve credit for having far- oisbed the men 10 take op the cudgel, The It.rw.it of the Tees 4 sestiaser Th. Old sad Sew 1. Pdtu.., '•Tie Whisky INeed Nwtl Seo- sable for Wee. A. N. moo en Teeednj arae. —I was out to one of the political •uuus tohearwhet s h Imre ^ lithe 'pouters s1 hell' slim Vb say eft the Seim of the day. The iueetiug woe rn our town null, Colborne, and the au.itenee esu a large one, with a good sprinkling of ladies. H. A. M. Ross our oaudidete ter the Loot' was *cc .mpanied by Kest Home's Cession n, but although the Tory audidate was invited, he failed to 'omenta and w did any of his atilt• bo•iied amietaats. Aud right here and now I want to naive my tuneful voice against the superlative meanness of thio Tory speakers iia Wort Huron in thus tar egolectiog to give the little doctor a boost .load; the winced highway. Up to date le,.t one of them lies dared 4o put in appearance un the platform and my a word as bag as a stwtgrd-seal in favor of their candidate. I don't thick this is r sgware deal. No party of men should inveigle a man into beano a can- didate without they intended to help bias to do platform "tort, and this u especially the can when the eaudidate is • new man, poorly informed upon the issues of the day, and almost utterly devoid of platform ability. 1 know the Conservative etadtdate well, personally, and I knew biro t , be s decant little gentleman, devoted to his practice, sed a until member of the commeuity, but I don't think it's the square thing for the ward politicians to wheedle Lim into toistt • party standard bearer, to which he is omiueotly un£tted by train- ing and by sutural acquirements, and thee to desert him- Where are the touting who about at T try convections i Where u John Rumford, the first choice 1 Where is John Beacom, the diet of the Tory electorate? Where are Campbell, and John.too, and thedough• ty Doherty 1 And the hollow echo from the hole in the wall answers, "Whore l' There' a loose string in the Tory tonal - date's •muience this trip, mut I wastoto know hen and now what nght has the Lib -Con. candidate to be fleeted thus Corrrr .Tsrarcatit Routs canon ran election meetings to West Hann to 1 suit hlneself It he is anxious to speak let him bore • halt. He and the Ono chore may be able to ren Dr. Taylur,uid make him du and say (oldish thew, but they have to stand aside when Col. Rem gets upon his feet. The Provincial Treasurer's fnends will rebuke Holmes' impertinence end Campbell's iaterfer- i ecce next Tuesday. Tax friends of Cul. hoes must r.msm- bar that no ballot is counted tiniest it has been dropped is the box. No het lot an be dropped in the box unless the voter either domes nut or u brought out. fie. to it, men of West Heron, that every vote available is brought out for the Prosiacial Treasurer. You have an ornament to the legislature to vote for. Roll op his majority for him. Let the majority be a big one all •lour) the line - The eyes of Ontario are on West Huron. it was a sight to make men mole sad angels weep to bear Wm. Campioell, whose reputation as • temperance men ia Dungannon le not every since the Hoot) Act was growl, violated by the Premier's party last mouth under his very nose, accuse the temperance Lib- erals of South Here,' of deserting Mr Swene•rtor. :dr Somerton is not • temperance candidate. like Mr Camp- bell he never mime near • temperance eonneetins, for fear it might hurt his parer. lir 8weessefon has been disown- ed by the Teetpett c. Unice nt lamer, who know bine bee.; he has newer de- nied that be drunk beer in • psirate hoes. in Exeter. although the charge was made before his fees at a public on teeing in Breestield; and .t the very no .mens Wm. Campbell nes shedding ' temp ever the de•ertios nI thee alleged 1testpsnnee e•ndidate by the temperance *skletsen, James Fahey. the acted Med./tont orator o4 Tareeto, was ea the kestisgs is Horth Heroes pleedirg for the return of the .oaalled t candidate, Ott, he poeri.y by his friends 1 Ai a anon tone remark- e d, somewhere. "There's s Mamie the fester' • — But, while Ten on the Smith's Hill meeting', I may as well state that there's a mighty difereuce between the way to which than meetings an now conduct- ed and when 1 and somata( the neighbors weren't motioned up with rheumatun► away back years ago. Io the days of yore, Whisky was King, and nearly all the candidates no both sides had to bow drown end worship at its sbnne. Why, I've known theeendidates of both parties to stand op at a bar with • bid wad of bells, and lay the boodle on the counter . lternatt.ly, and all op the free and in- , . elesaws to swipe (Iowa the "lush" until the larger portion of said elector, were paralyzed by the influence ..1 the "red-eye," "forty -rod," "Jersey Iighanirg," and "(loose -oil" with which they lead Clela ed tbetnselves in the is- teriM of good . t, and at the expense of the hopeful mpir•ets. And in the days of which I speak it was rare- ly that the cuss who didn't bow down to Benzine ever n.. to the occasion. But things bare ebantted risco Henn•b was • baby, and now the sober airman' anise of the community is making itself felt. Today when we go to a meeting, and "Wizard -oil" is required, the candi- date doesn't pet up the enlistees! secu- rity, bet if the free and indspemiwt elector wants to irrigate his r' ;, , he has to do it by melting his own little 'Apace. Th. moult is that the meetings are more orderly, the audience has a better np,,ortanity of hemetsg p hhie questions dismissed, the platf..naiata deal more with public woes and lees with per.nnalitiea, and the hearers look u p to their candidata' instead of down at these. Tb. gospel of today, in poli- ties se well as in every other branch of busine« is, „The whisky head must go." There is another .brevet making itself felt in .lection scatters, and thee is thn toluenes of the yeast .In i resollect yean apo wheat f was • red- h..d.d young fellow, with any amount of amhltien and no opportunities, the old -)barn ren else polities' ma•hine from 1Oasp. to Rarest., At that trine we did. t have any tioeiniest, ea l a. are. ar .. ..x,-.'`"at�.�f:�.-_... _•.--••fir.:-_, against Dr. Taylor end Mr Porter at all the outaide meetings held by the Tory party in the absence of the Provincial Treasurer. '1'y, the young Liberals, old Liberal* and Honest Conservatives I say ge os arid labor faithfully- Yuu have work before you from now until the evening of po.11in. day. And if you fill the bili as I know you can de it, on the evening of the 2$th it will be found that Hun. A. M. 11... has been sleeted an West Huron, and llowet and Honest Government .11I have swept the Pro- nrias Mai. Asacssaca of 300 majority for Col. Roes have reached tie. Let every voter determine that he will be the man to wok. it 201. Let no Liberal end pat - tint be left at home nn election day. Mo. l'oarsk, of Fraser it, Porter, says that he sold tie old sena for 9130, when a clerk, and that the new series toot 9135. 11r. Lurie says the mare thin`. 'thews tau watueases agree. Aud yet Tones will lie •lout the matter. CAttrakLL Is on the Lorna of a dilemma. He blames the Mowat ad- ministration for appointing riding police magistrates, and be alas blames Tee b1IJAL (car nut WAWA their ai- nutweut. Ewen though the &4* Act is the law of c runty Win. Canyhcll can t,!.e either hats. Gnostic Blume died many years ago. Don't go to the grave -yard. Let his bones rest there. Look at the questions of today in the lig:at of today. Let the men who would tet Castkoli: sod Pro- testant at one soother's thrusts, receive their reward on Tuesday. We west •'Pecs un earth and good will tc mos" Vete for Pouts on Tuesday. He is no bigot; sod is not booked by any news paper whish tows religious strife. Roam IsedIe •leas ere west Mmes. t0ODsaiCN TOWN. No. 1. Win. Elliott's wagon shop, K►ng.tue street. No. 2, Bees Prig's feed.tore,Eaat st. No. 3, Town hall. No. 4, Bot..' wagon shop, Victoria at No. fl, D. Jordon'• furniture shop. No. 6, John Brophy '• furniture shop. Nu. 7, Jai Hays's house, William st. aousstl•K tvow$SIIP. No. 1, Orange hall, 4th «.o. No. 2, Rudenck McRae's house, lit 18. ono. & Nn. 6, 11. Elttrd's house. lot 13, Hu- ron Road. .»LatiKYi No. 1, Heddle'' shop, Beamill.r. Nn. 2, T . hall, Saltfurd. No. 3, Township hell. No. 4, Tesep.reno. brill, Leeburn. *Rs11'L0. No. 1, Echlin's tenni shop, Dunganncn. No. 2, School Hoses No. 9. No. 3, School House No. 6. No. 4, M•haffy's office, Port Albin. No. 6, School Hoose No. 2. No. 6, Hugh Molotoeb'a house, lot 6, cosi. 12. Nu. 7, School Hoses No. 11 wain wawawoan. No. 1. Court Room, Desg•enom. Nr. 2, Wm Fowler's hoes., let SS, eon. 11. No:. , Township kWh No. 4, Seho.1 Home No. 4. KART wsw4KAY. No. 1, School How No• 10. Nn 2, ',shoot House " 13. No. 3, School How " A No. 4, Ake Restoel'e bone, lot 20, mos, lilt ere more. 100. 6, Hurspttr.y R'ed'o poem; lot 27, ooc. T. No. G, T hall, Loodeeberv.. Na 7, Meta Hoorn No. 11. C'Jwy/aw- 110. 1, 8lteting Risk, Preteens street. No. 2, Tows hail. No. 3, Down's repair shop. No. 4, fasmeel Castles' hew. Ito 6. MmMerebw's f•eaitie mill shop. No. 6, ltemball's earraore shop. No7, Diekessoe's enamor shop. No A, tl . ehtsuet shiny. • am. 111. 1, Town hall. No. 2, Mr Reg.e.ms's how,Que.n se. w t1NImA N - No. 1, Wen Ridd's veterinary pace. No. 2, Homnth'a betiding, lately us eupievl by Jas Metleir.. No, 3. (loaned ehamhers e - i lir. 4, ioglis' wading lseteee'. moo. THE W RIG HT PAPERS' Uncle link:eke Makes a Little tipeoch. Ne Noodle. rhe Leadl.a quash..' of .ear 1e me. mw• Prrallser Mrls- Auovit Kest Waeaooek, Dec. 20 fist, 1886. DIMS 1':t.trot,—Once more I take my pen an hand to give you a little red h.4 shot t f a poi -Mika' muter. As this is the ' last ishoo otyour i.eper afore the )Arlt= t ItcOlLLII't'DI)Y NKOS Pi wt.l.name t 91.80 A YBAIL L\ ADVAAt 1. It sot the meetii' a tloukoo . "This nein' a g,,ieICcnaervativ.• house - bold," cried I, in trajne toot... "There will be a bible here. H•t.d it t . u,e. The rued book was bn.ukht tee. I took rut my ItaudkenLt,1t and wiped ..N the dust that hal sa,•ouo",latetl on ilii bable, aril some iv the i.li..' tittered. Sevin' the to -Aid; was also full of dried dowers aid !coves and other things that had been put is there share they wuulda't be dietsrted, 1 asked for a smeller bible, se I eatlt.d to talk on the kw.sts►us of the theleksltua•. The span of the house pulled my oral tdtKwttsyr `Who wink- getsontnaiier -- al'thun, I hope you wont !rued this out. I hitle. aa we can't read little print." nati think, the, that you dement print "Then,'. says 1, "I wall not' make that st. Howsinuerer, here's the pian, onslaught on theta Helekshl:ua, se the They was orfully disappeni.d at tit. discussion of naivetes' matters are set Helen's that the jeeical doctor and lir sea rule suited tosponserrstite mettle's', Porter didn't turn up as biiletl N one of mere especially %Wen a leper hasn't seen the fed.rs felt so bed at not getiso Pur- the boor. of llelekaLui.+. But the think ter, that they drur to Dougannon and meat he wrung, for the ?I..' mals w." got some °Lehr more fiery stuff,that bit- The yung man he put in his talk eth like a serpent. We have au fee atter and he says, "Itut the if r'' fust of good ts!kers.mung our lokal wen that all said thee. •r!ekshu..s i.$ jos) ilii) they felt it sore to miss Lbw elokweaoe of thio:.' Dr. Tai car's freed, t,.ot.or and adrsr- I fit se t he linen deter with my eye as notIn e: ut I sari : "Tete 1/5O1, yang nee, is a grate their disappint,aethey sent fur jurnal, and must alter its riots to soot me, to talk neer the is;i.an of the (7,4y ju the need of the grate Conservative party, the house of one of the faithful trends of ..f which vim,. busill. metsber -Tie gaeatame is in its manysided_ ler. . i bad my good clothe. 0111"r tlw t t. snin' fur the birtouunit ; it's time , u a week daj since 1 was at Duo- i temperance for the prohibitionists; it's eauuon, end heeled the preemyer in the Protestant for the Om reoxeen , it's Coe karrege. l kontess that my stiff, 'kirk i esnativ. forour grate party ; and it's k,.11ar felt like a hiss's as I put it ou. j indepandeut for those who don' know and my',rfut dreem a kind o' came up t whoever." afore my meutuel vizhua as 1 dressed for I then warmed up our fellers on the the mectin.' eggtel!esee of our ksadydate, his wide There warn't many out, a. the Bream' eggtptrieaos in pohtiks, his mitey Bras(. w as cold, and the meetau' was a kind ••: o.{ publik kwesh.ms, end his Iocency and private like. etokweaa.. I Limed by rereetan' the After the perli.ninanes had barn set- langway;e of Mister t'atuet,aur her,ertetik tied, and I was interduced. I rrsdr lay ride► president 'he's not a vitro' camel bow to tho aujence a til t.,w, but a ( owin' t: a week tack) about our po.pp'ar rather *mal tujeuce . sod satJ I was df. kasidyda:e . •'Dr. Tabor," says he, kited to address them ua tion grate end •'sill be a very eluk went speeker toy the krooeheal kwestioss of the dal "Wel time be gets to be a liebiuet Minster." are here,- says 1, "to stand bt the its* And JI.ster Cartel is rite. that free spread before me," mei I pint- i Wastst you tt.e kompelrnents of the ed with my finger to the ei .•t the 'resent T . R V.,ta rtT nom as i struck a lite and drautattu a,- titond. {• T the lila cause near St. Helen's. "Tbet ain't a Hag." said the man of the hoes') in s whisper, '')bat's my eons- an's new shawL" I dropped the nag ssubjek a kind • quick like, and perceedt.d: "Gentle- men, I now Dome to the kwsstion of the skool bcnks. Yuu alt know that the p1or cb'Idrsn have to buy new skool howls, and the series hosts fire yenta-- more nor they did afore the change.. mots means five ots in the fire or six )-errs else child goes to the public skool. Think on it—a whole tent a hi yeer Some on en en it a burden to drop in a test on the plate a Sunday mace • week ; and yet the child must pay that same amount of money, a hole cent, once a year, )win' to the inkrvese in the price of books, If that cent was out by. and elven to the heathen,' iassumedsays. as 1 assumed a look of benerrnl- once, '•who knows what good that cent a veer might do. A cent u a cent." b. "la theobawomb the extra cent l'sek- ed • rung man who had dropped in tiles the farmer's darter, not knoeiu' 1 sem 10 be present that weenie.' ''liutig man,"mneedi- er I,"tett ain't eth- er here nor there. A cent a • cent_ Somemy the print and paper was bet- ter, atm there's more in 'gni, sad the Linden's better. 1 OMNI say. as i never eanpared 'em ; bet. yang man, the cent's • Dent. The crownio' malt is this book bssiner," i kontiuird, "ie that dist feller Nelson hat leech Miter once over Mr Mowat that he has forced government esnttelnan'government to poet in the High schools a book a puffin' himself ap. I hare a oevvy (t sister 's sun` • min' to. the Hitch *hod, and among his books 1 sed "A 1sife of Nelson,'- .rite tee by a feller named Southey, said te be • henget on on, f the Grit CL.reri .M, sad • trend of Archbishop1S;inti''." Here the applaws was d.fwnin , and 1 took advantage .it it to swiroft myself tm to the melt (seat. (ft barely covered my esitw.(I Sneer oft the tumbler, i ekes gave it to Kennel Ross shoot the mythi- cal steeples. Of were the Kernel vasal there, ?vet no follows generally give it west 1.. the Korn,' when h. ain't there. ''There sin') no morp'ou at •11, ' says 1, "i know Ottawa, it. Look at t heir s hos of looney in that government, sod all the 1 get a ✓ esell at the Gish pats , cwt there tont be Perennial serptin the Pe►veial treasury, Msesses• none of it era. to site o the awe •d Kttretel lues or his Ir o the £Raton of West Harot1 : Ga.Tt.srax,—The t'inter Lea/Wotan has been din. Teed, and the Mowat Ad- ministration, after fourteen yeses t f faithful service in the ieterests of the Province, attain appeals to the Pattie fur a renewal of their ennfidence. f is tw�sl t Ott W nest and Mcoomic Ad. ministration, Wise and Prudent Legisla- tion, and manly defence •-} Provincial' Rights, ought to entitis it to a favorable verdict. Asa member of that Ldministrs- ti.,n, sharing •n, and proud cat its achieve - 'news and unblemished reputation, re- sponsible also for any of its shortcom- ings, I submit myself to the Electors of West Hur.,a. Ow three successive o.ca• RAMS at a private member you gate me your cenfideoce. 1 am Lot coneeioue of having, while filling the mote hops, -teat position of 0a6.44 Mihietee foe the poet. --d..,..,,, three Beare, neglected tour is.tereets. If you appetite of ely pest C. ton. arid think I can Serie you with •drat tale in the future, I respectfully aa: you easce again M five me roar supt•ort i *m. Oeat!en-er. 1 our olieeiier.t sen aro, A. M. ROS. Detieria t itte ter 2•it b, I neti lbw neeww Lisa. O. Tw the remora The 'asst sir ---is your 1.w of the 17th lust , y u stat. ~the akar wee quit a rtt.tent to get the (l.dermb iows- q.bip e-ter's list st =J0, when this gamic. Simi offered to do the work (tor 01w." Per• nit we ti may the Gooderich Stos did not pert nth for prinstag tis voters lists for fludeneh Tewuship for the rwe.eot year What the Beier ant fair the work was 01'*74. The pehlic . dl drew their uwu inftrrenee. Yours rsapoec/fully. J&wsi Panne, To.aahip Cietk, Tar above, of true, .nuld be • oem- pleb 4newer to TOR 4... AL ; but it is moat tree. The Styr d.1 set prit.t the Gude- Fish towa.htp voter* list. for 06174. it charged an additional sem. owisg to Jodie Tools' deciding that • chas=e of form should be made in the get tip of the amore hie*. %t • offered to print the sew form of Irate .t 910, ear tender her the .1d style. The Sear got a lams is *gess es Its feeder. and lir. Patti e know. .t. We will refer further to 11.8♦ matter if Mr. rl'tvO t-' deat.et,