The Huron Signal, 1886-12-10, Page 4THE Hu. A. I. ROSS
Provincial Treasurer,
and 1.1111K11 t• PEA k F.114. will chirp.. the
At the following places mad dams
WAWANOSH, Friday, Dlec'r 10th, at
2 p.m.
BLYTU, Frides, Dec r 10th, at 7.30
LON DRAW IRO, Saturday, Dec. Ilth,
at 2 p.m.
aa 'I
) r ft.41/ PhrTr
I i
eiesnoctiou vidli the agticultural college ,
waists° a boon to the farming ceniests- l
hity, aild it had boon dene.nstrated
during the peat year that Canada was ee-
1 teeny teaching England how to make
butter. 'Applause ) Fanners institutes
had also been establi.hed, and these '
were fast proving 'At/insect:a to be '
. admirable training schoula for pro-
greasive agt icult urtsts. The agricul-
: tural societies, which had besot in etiol-
ogies for U. time, had net been
I carried fully uut to the idea eritrinally
Idesigned, aid hence the necessity
for the formation ut farmers' institutes. •
In Janmary of each year meetings went
held by many of the institutes which
sere addressed by the protectors
hem the agriculture! college. The
Tb, ISIteersatille Callsaldniv Is gained tit number of meetings held this for was
AWING. only limited by the •btlity of the pr"
oodericn. Dec. bad. ROL 1176- femora to supply the calls made upon
- - - ! thesis. tio much ter his connectien with
i the agricultural department, mod new e
few words would not be out of place
; with respect to another tlirierninental
Idepartnient .1 which he was the head,
the Treasury of Ontario. If there was
out, branch of the Gevernment ...evicr
more than another in which the Mowat
Government felt a just pride during the
terni which it has held office, it was in
the economy which had been exercised
during all these years in the handling of
the public funds of the Province, and it
was cause fer satisfactinn to himself
that dtirmg his incumbency of the
othce for the pest three, years no retro
grade !movement had been made in the
econonoc march. (Loud • at -plans. )
Pre% items to entering the 4 Intern) tlo%-
ernment his record as • hank manager,
and as treesurer of Huron county had i and the coat of their sustenance was paid era. One of these firms incurred an out • _
been such that his triends had condi- 1 Dv the provinos-instead of by the county of 816,000 in connection with the en- •
'tothe Eloctors of Ihst Karoo :
Geterreers, The Ontario Legislature
'has been dissolved, and the Mowat Ad-
Inioistvat ion, after fourteen years of
faithful service in the interests of the
Province, again appeals to the People
fora renewal ..1 their cohfidence. Its
rezted of flouted and Economic Ad-
ministration, Wise and Prudent Legivla-
ti in, and wanly defence of Truvincial
FUghts, ought to entitle it to • favorable
-verdict. As a member of that Administra-
ti n, 'haring in, and proud of its achieve-
ments and cnblemisited repetation, re-
sionsible also for any of its shortoum-
rags, 1 subsalt thyself to the Electors ..f
West Huron. On three successive toes -
Mons as a private member you gave me
your cenfidence. I am nut conscious of
having, while filling the mote important
pooitien of Cabinet !Minister for the peat
three years, neglected your interests. If
iag. (Loud applause., Huruu county
is 1871 had 37 lumina) pruvided for
at an expense to the Govertitueeit
of $4,303; in 1886, 96 were provided for
at an expenne of 811,800. Tile county
was thus aide.' by the expenditure of an
extra 87,000 and would any men say
that such • grant should out he made,
or araue that the additional i8 lunatics
should be sent back tit their friends or
thrown upon the municipalities. 1 Ap-
plause.] And yet Mr Meredith bad
intimated that • tiurttoo uf the cinctures
in c innection wild the asylums should
be thrown on the municipalities. There
were no blind from Huron maintained
by the Governuteilt in .071, but
in 1885 there were six at eon of
mune here to tilittoiter hiut because uupubhc ths
platform* auin the floor 10
t he pultitsal .tut that, •
wrong...Rang and exposed their el.
trayseauce and c-truptiou. ,Loud an 1
plaum. He ti4ott up the Tory
pamphlet and diarected it in the 110.t tti
the •'iteport of the lauperiuttoideast
(admiral of Lu.fI.m4 Attains for
1463, 1664 aud 14a3, sisal mervolesele
exposed the it:accuracies and wilfully l;
. . stetimienta theretu contain 1
ed. L .ud and enitioued applauee
extended to bon as he scored poiut
after post against the Tory apology b.**
misrule, and when at the close of hie
tentarks, he resumed has seat, he waa
greeted w loud awl prol•mited
81,2M, and who would say the piause.
outlay was nit a proper (Ap After an t:pportcnity lied been afford
',Lamm.) In 1871 there were 3 'loaf and .d the Tory camhi'ate "r any of his
dumb persons from Huton cared fat et friends to tale the ph.ttottn, without
an annual enemas of $925, in IS the reeponse,
number had increased to 11, at au ex- Hon A M Rose announced by the
prune of 81,813. and he did n believe chairman, and i. n ceining 1,4 weld was
any right-thinking man would sot the warmly greeted. lie began his eddies'
money was ill sleet. Hear. hear.. by &elute with his duttes as head of the
Since 1873 the central prisonhad beim Department of Agricuitare. and sitar
established, with the result of taking an touching Lriedy but trotticheistly upon ,
intermediary place between the jed and lituinc' subjects, took up the echoed
the tbeilitentiary. Previous 14. :he ii. questiou, and went very fully into it.
Moulton of the central irisin all prison- For some yeers, Le said, we had what
ere who did not get a penitentiary sego was kuoen as the Nattonal Sesiea of
tence of a term of years were kept in the Readers. The isle Hon Adam Cruoks,
county jail at the county expense. Now before he was by the malady
prisotiors sentenced to 44444 re than i; which eventually carried low. otl, con•
motiths,and coned leas (Jaren. 11 are sent eel, ed the ides of having cenntetition,
tothe central prionewhere they are keit and thought that thereby better and
at the ripener of the province. So also cheaper books would be produced.
with the provincial reformatory. In Three firms went into the scheme.
1n71 there were no prisoners kept there %liners Owe & Co.. Nelson, atid the
• from Hertel county, now there were 3, publishers of the Itnyal Canadian Rommi•
dente he would 811 the more exalted I as ((innerly. In 1871 the schools of Hu-
teairom with credit to himself and ron received $8,954, and in 1885 that
benefit to the province, atid it was amount was increased to If 11,866, an
gratifying to know that now at the end advance of $2,912, winch was a direct
of three years, the hypes of his friends saving tc the tax -payers of tbe county,
had not been disappointed. Recently and the Pcliolars received a benefit as
Mr Meredith in connection Intl-. other well as the parents. owing to the fact
Torp leaders had been perigrinating over that the Government dealt so liberally
the country, and fur otant of cause of in the matter of the educt I grant.
complaint against the economic admin- The grants to the agricultural societies
imnition of the Mowat Government had had alert been supplemented to the ex -
endeavored to find fault because the tent of MI per cent., for whereas in 1871
JAS. A. BRO. art' now showing a Complete
Stock uf Foreign and Ikunestie 1)ry (;ootls for Fall Wint-
er, of the Choicest (loads and Hest Value iu the Mnrket.
1)reee lintels in Sergee, Tufted t;otsls, Ottoman,
Cords, &c., in' the Newest SI iii.'* anti at, 14.1wer Prices than
ever before offered, notwithstanding the roer'ut t„,,wreat advance
in all lines of Fine Woolen thssils., Ai.i. Wisu. 1)itEns
Goon*,quality, for 'ilk. per yard. A spleritiiil of
11RESt4 iftrLdTONs for I I
_ _c per yard. Sel• them.
Special Value in Ulsterings and Mantle Cloths. A :„,woott
()ttoticut Cord Cloaking fur 1.11.:15 per pm!. In Ornamonts,
Clasps. &e., for Dresees and Mantles, tee show a lure stock uf
hoie' goods, importeil tlinwt from the manufacturers.
Wool Shawl,, Fascinators, Tani I t'Slianter Cur., Hobiory,
Cloves, ke., at Low Prices.
Tailoring Department. A large st.4.41 just received
New Tweeds and Coatings for Fall Suits and Overcoats,
which will be Mail'. to trtler itt exes-eilingly Low Prices.
Omni Fall Tweeds by the yard from 40c. up,. ---rut
out Free of Charge.
I'liderclothing very cheap. A special line of all -wool
Shirts and 1)rawent for 50c., worth 73e. Ettra heavy fur
75c., worth $1.00.
Call anti compare nur Gooils toot Prime with houses that.
mark their week tip anal then give n ps.tty ti .'.H r-eent.
count nth TROUBLE. Ti I Silt tvv 1lt m
Jordan's Ilk ck, Godericb, 1121, ()rt., MIL
terprise, another $23,000. and an aher People's Column..
$30,000. When Mr Crooks retired front I
the position of M:moter of Education ,Tt)vg FOR SALE A "FOREST -
and his place was taken by Hon 11 IA- I
Ross, the latter decided that it wierldt
be better to hate only one set of Woks
issued, so that there would be a uniformt I
system throughout the province : and to 1
that eud, the best parts of all three se -I
ries wear selected and combined in one. ,
Hear. hear 1 Se that some recompeusei
'night be made the firms that had gone
you approve of my past course, and think annual expenditure of the pmvince had only $1,400 were eiven, in 1883 that into the Coiner scheme m good faith # the Town.ship of Colborne will t in
not been kept down to what it was amount had been increased to $2,100. and had laYested heavily the elan the Township Hell. Carlow. on 4 riday. herr
1 can serve you wit It advantage in the
during the $andfield Macdonald ',oiler, No lees than $16,806 had been received onginally proposed, Mr Rose ailowed 17th. ISM& at 10 o'clock a.m. Al4pernms bold•
future, 1 respectfully ask you once again ; totally forgetful of the fact that the from the Lrical Government during the
population of the province had increas- ' past Tear, and within the fourteen years
to ifiVe UN your support.
ed, and the requirements for govern- that kr Mowat had held ()thee there had
Tau, Gentlemen, -rieentat heal also greatly been returned to the county the hand -
grown during that period. What j some sum .1 $162,000. Loud applause.)
Yver Obedient servant,
Ontsne expends is derived from the I Would any sane voter in Huron under -
A. M. ROSS. Dominion Government- froonttoke to say that he would prefer to ahol-
timber limit salmi and from hceettee,--abd islt-(his aid from the Government and
Goderich, Novertilwr 2111th, 1886.
the best proof that economy has been revert -1u the old so-called "economical"
the watchword with the Mowat Gov- system T. tRenewed appiause.) The
ernment is found in the fact that not- • speaker then rapidly contrasted the ex -
withstanding the millions that have pandituree of Ontario, Quebec, and the yond the price Pet by the Education Do- VAT CATTLE SHOW.
been given back to the people through I Dominion doring the past fourteen years, u.ent. In this manner the element of I 1:
. The annosl Fat rattle Show Is r the ans.
various channels, a snug surpius ; and proved that Ontano had been mark- monopoly was taken from them. pires of be Went Holing of Huron Agrieul-
$6,000,000 Still remains in the provincial idly more economically governed than plause. Under the originally proposed tura! Sceiety will be held in the Market
House Goderich on WetInesda Doc. 22nd,
lagg, when tomes will be award for fat clo-
ths. poultry. etc. For particulars see powers.
or the !Secretary. ffli. II.% N. DEN. Dunlop,
6 KINO" Parlor Stove, ea good as new.
A pp:, to W. It. 11.0/IERTSON.
1 TRINE will be received up n. *h inst. by
the undersigned for two Teaehers for the
Ward Schoob Uo lerich. Applicants to stair
miser required. Secood or 'Third clam °Pell -
&AIM required. WM. MITCHELL.
21077-3t Minerebtry.
them en t" take Pert In the Pr'"1"ti;e1 I tofwant the same to thr undersigned oti or
of the new series. and share In the t teeore the Itith. J. H. RICILaRDS,
bent.. He entered into a ceutract. 2O77- Township (leek.
with than, to -meter- that they ehauld: -WOOD WANTED -TENDERS eat
be bound down tea standard of hook, be received up to the 25th December.
and a niedi outside price was set, kw -i IMI4 for 40 cards tui green wood. beach and
yond which they could not go. They
maple. I feet long. clear of mate and bark -
town to be delivered at the Public Schools.
could. if they so choose, oompete with noderich. iii quantities of !sot Less than 10
oue another to lower the price, and in ' ...oda. aldi require& Woodslree‘TdZi.viered be -
The lteatiags at Aitlatra and
that event the pub:ic would get the l-'3.retkjastiltirLa rlAtiMati A't
benefit but they had no power to go be -
treasury. (Load applaose. • l'he fallacy Quebec or the Dominicn. The as- system the at erage price of the series of
of endeavoring to contrast the expendi- eumit J. by :he Dominion Government the three firms was $1.53 for the set ;
ture of today with that of the time of of the oontrol of provincial railways was under the present semene a was only
Sandfield Macdonald 1. 50 apparent that ' severely commented u n, after $1. Hear, hear.) The Minister a
Tete •••• 4' /IP' a•••• re"'""e.'"'wondersni
led Trraone that a an atoning t.. be a he ; which thon. gentleman dewit inc mai- Education further.
went a amp
4. canseron. .r.. kes ee-
s.,*,....,.to,. it. When SIT' lerediall I non and the question a the Bible in the , for ten years, but he inserted a proviso'
N. 111tathe W
er. sae roman, tesentler•er Ole One leader ,#f his fellows would be guilty Of terly manner with the school book gees-
contract was made with the publishers' IA.1111011! in the Terra, for 116.(4.1. 11/741
donald Pamphlet Fore and Aft
' last attempted to make this comparison ; schools, the streams bill, the license I that, if at the end of five years it wagXI1UNICIPAL TAXES.
; in the llouae, he was promptly reproved I question and the boundary award. He ! found that the cost of labor ard smitte- rA'a-
A I HU ItN. ! for doing so by one of his principal fol- , closed a masterly address of about two I rtal had cheapened. the Minister was ; atg..The Taxes of the Town of Goderich an. pay.
at my °Mee, Town HalL 3 per eent. dia.
k.rt, A. n. suss 141..411,NC% THE acitt.'1-1.- lowers in the House, who contended i hours' duration by baking the electors empowered to step in and reduce the : catint allowed on all team paid in September.
fir centi.eire (......Detorbeceri:aistitlw i If zr thLyth day
TrItAL coLLICE Alin LOCAL Irl- that such a comparison was unfair, un- l present to shim their approval of the price onginallv set for the series. Loud '
Nsactst. ,,t Etilloss. • just and absurd. ;Hear, bear.) Der- Mowat administration by polling their 'polemic.. With the exception of a. Pay your taxes this month and mem. 3 per
ing the time mentioned the 3losat Gov- 'etas for A. M. Roes on the 281h of Dec. Readers the 6ovierrinent was only re. cent.
'apensiole for a vet, graphy snd a ream- (uteri*,...114AMzird101.01831LORDON. 4 'ollector.
°lament had returned to the nrunicipsli- , (Loud applause.)
ties over 83,000,0000 for local improve- James Young -Mr Ross. we would !mar in connection with the publicacbool. • 111016-4(
=mt. I )f flit *invent Colborne town- Me to know your attitude on the proln-_' All other he,oks were at the instance ai
Friday evening last, notwithstanding
18. bad roads and inclement weather,
there was a large gathering of the elec-
tors of Auburn and victnity to hese the
MUSIC. -MISS CooKE, ArTh'It 14
oublic issues of the day discussed by ship had received about $16,000 and bitire question. Ithe trustees, and if they, in tbeir differ- yreiv,ispluti..°:hritei• 4' egPird t.n
Hullett, the Wawannehes and other Ilen• Mr Itoes-1 have no objection to , int sections. saw fit to eats!1 extra quarterly. 'rams: -MI per quarter. 2030 -
West Huron's talented representasire.
Hon. A. M. Roes. townships had received more in proper- I define it All tuy life I have been a ipease the Government ought surely not
The chair was occupied by Mr Jobe tion. These amounts were a decided temperate man, and now I AM a temper- , to be held aczountable. /,Hear, hear.)
Washington, of West w„emeh; wtei saving to the townships, and n.rate- • ance man. 1 am satisfied of the evil el- !Section 207, Publiz School Act, was def.
ntroduced 18. 'Provincial Treasurer a
Payer who WW2 thus saved from taxation ' facts of intemperance. and am wiilino mite ow this point. The Opposition
brief, but appropriate speech.
bythe actm inof thetlovernment would like have stringent legislation put in force if harped on the fact that one of the pub -
nen; A. „ teeming fumviard to have the sum thus expended item -ed , stood cal. he accomplished. Although I halters, Mr Nelsen, was telated hy mar -
was enthusiastically received• Atter to the treasury so that the burden of the was not sure that the Scott act would be ; nage to the late Hon ieorge Brown.
„maim th„a„,,,„, that caned ha. the payment would fall directh' upon the ' thornUehly enforced. yet I was favorable was a stockholder .n the and was,
:meeting, and the necessity fort work be-
tween now and the day of polling, the
speaker proceeded to refer to public wat-
er.. There was no industry in Canada
that oontributed so much to the growth
and prosperity of the country as did that
of the farming community ; but while
etferta had been made to holster up other
municipalities. Hear, hear.) Grants to giving it • trial, and although in its therefore in sympathy with the Mowat
agriculture, hospitals and charities, pub- workable act, I believe it has done good. state that Mr Gage was rot only a trio -
been given to edeeation, arts and I promint *hope it is ton a thoroughly ; AdIle
Wit they omitted to
lic asylums, county administration of I did not vote fcr the Act, owing t.. ab- tent Tory, and one who had written
justice, colonization roads, and the share sence from the county, but whets a Ruh- strongly against the Minister of Educa-
tor Huron alone hen now run up to scription was solicited to help to enforce ti , hut they also foiled to state that the
a year, or more than 8162,000 the law 1 gave according to my means. publishers .1 the Royal Canadian React -
had been received within the last' four. I am in favor of prohibition. •Loud era were also Tories. Two of the firms
teen year*. The duty of an oppcsition applause. that had contracted for the produc
,ndustries by fictitious legielstunts, the
foment had received only in.feitilled was to challenge the items of expendi- • Sh .rt speeches were made hy 111esars. thin of the Readers, were Tories and
so far as the Domini„Parlia' tare on the spot, when the matter came Seeger and McGillicuddy. alter which . surely it was not a crime that
inent was concerned, In contrast to the
'before the House, but last year Parlia- the meeting was brought to a close. this third was found to he in em
...streleseness of the Ottawa Ministry to- nient yoted
some $,,0i40.(X). snd the pathy with the Government.• Laugh -
wards the wants of the fanning class, he Opposition challenged only 81,4400. Med DUNGANNON. 'ter and applause. , The hon. ;gentleman
ould cite some instances in which the that was the item a the cost of the then dealt with the separate echool
•econd election of Mr Drury in Simcoe, Tin rito•ivritti. axPLAINii question and the boundary award, and
Local government, under Mr Mowat,
had eades,,ered to benefit the „rice!. which they claimed should have been closed by calling upon the electors to
TH1 P.. '13001, ROOK kft.PITION.
the candidate. (Heir, hear ) 'There was a good turnout of electors! stand by 18. Mowat Government and
turai clap of the province. For some I Pat h9
in Martin's hall Saturdar evening. On the. rights rlf the Province. (Ent husias-
1.3 PHONOGRAPHY. The moon popular sys-
tem taught. last ruction books for sale at THE
SiusaL office. livery boy end girl sheekt
ram elewthead.
Strayeb Animals.
MieRiApremmes of the Subscriber about the
end of N. ov., • !deter calf, rod, with tutor on
forehead and white star OD haunch The own-
er ia requested to prme proper:tr. pay theorem aim tits oorrower.
and take it away. W M. HENN Miller, :cornea -- Second door from' Square
Gloderi. 2C7 -3t Wtoit Ooderich. 141(5-11
• TUTP: I.1 If .111Y AND READ'S
Hid INC tor. of ka,t airect and swears
St a. ru.
hp.-.. 2 . to tt p.m., ttnd from 7 to le pos.
AliniUT 2000 VOL 8 IN LIBRAII, and filmsfrar4
Popes, Moraziturs. 41-.. on Fife.
616.11111(En1111' TICKET, ONLY
grouting Inc use of Library and Read.
Appliestion for membership received
Librarian. in rooms.
J. II. tX/Littilt NE,. ALEX. MORTON
tioderieln Blereh 130.
der -re I ar
souctrog. at_
OS.., corner of Square sod W
atimet, Ooderieh, over telegraph office. !'r
.gt. rundo to lend at 6 per cent. IOW
7 Goderich,
C. Scow Pt. JR. J. A Mont
E. N. Law's
• it i ERR Attorneys. Sol lc it oss.
Goderich. J.1'. Garrow. W. Proudfost.
kJ barristers. 'Solicitor* is Ounces"). lk
3etterleh. M. C, Otineron, (4.4. .. P. Holt,
0. sear. C. (7. Rom 1740 -
Loans ane 3nsurance.
Straight loans. Any itmoust. Privat
foods at the low rate of at per rent. per an
n um. SKAfikit, k LEWES, Goderick 71M1
v Ft ens to lend on Mortgage at thelo
rate u( mi.: AND A HALF PEP. CEN
per itrinoos. Write or call foriparticulani.
2062- KkAGER k UW1g. Goderich
r0,000 TO - APPLY Tf
✓ o•h. 1741
ivx amount of Private Funds for tavestaaest
yt lowest nom on sret-elaas Mortgages. A plit
to tiAlittoW k PRUE DFOOT
01.4, Pies( class etempastiea Represented
t.' Money to Lend on straight leant, at the
ram of interest going in any war 2°
"'0 000 T(3
the Soberriber. F:ast half of Lot 7. .".11. .) s
Con_ Ashdeld. about the 15th of No% miser.
three head of yearlings. two weer" and a heif-
er. 18. owner to requested 10 Prove ProPert Y.
pa v e swim,. and take them • o ay.
1077-11 B. A UtiCISTINK. Dungannon P.O.
I premittes of the undersigned. Lot t
10, . Ashfield. on or about the :1s1 of
Octobee last. a black home a *tar on lin.
forehead. Ile tat about IC year* old and will
weigh &boot elevra hundred. The owner is
requtsted to prove property, pay •x mows,
and bk. hint •way. JOHN "III \DEER,
Mff?-31. Lanes PO.
able loin yearly, on
•re prepared to loan money altoer cent.. pat
on first -elate farm security.
AM.'S' to
Harriet era. ilothark S.
A .• t,r the Toronto licneral Trusts Co")•
years peat he !Rota. 14Ir Ross; had, in one of the items in which assistance un Una -clam farm security.
81.140 a large amanita of private funds to lo•
Goderirh. Oct.& Mgt.
m«smis. cosmos. mar a corwsos ha,*
had Iieen given to the municipalities motion the chair was occupied by reeve tic apidasire.,
addition to his other positions been head
wince the unfortunate lunatics had te be
raNtelf1.11,*.T. mc Echlin
. • our To lend on farm and town property. at low
.arnPe 144 .2, Col rne. about the 21th November f
the Agricultural ,,• Va. .11 the matter 1#f asylums. lief. thrwm. Wawanosh.
forward to so m e it that it would be tude on the temperence question.
agLe.tidmonerw''hurftetavr.1 rodYear.. '71:e4doWtnheir7;f1"1111.41n4'. eat iat'' :ttnatealz"a
of greatest benefit to the largest numbet. lie ported h their relatives the cor- M. r. Cameron was the first sneaker The Provincial TreillUrer acceded .to
MS/ mission 4•...r. agents for the. Trust and I
.For «tine time before he assumed the poPrati"n in:itle of the its of which fad wait enthustastically !the request in terms fully an uninistau• Prove ereeerti. riiereves arid take theln
tan°, and his best efforts bed been put asylum% were established by the pro. 'as eit en r ilk's to define his atti-
tilAME ASTRA V-OAME INTO THE ' soon ono rpivA
W... . tstrane, w.r , on the toot tirrniiies ot tte undersigned. lot M. con. • . w s I. .SLII
with or without muse. llis first aini ene-it l'""bre°1 0 remade. ll'hutr. ccanag.a No en.'
oosition of head of the departinent • , their lot had been east. . Now, this hur- imm-1 more "die.
received' He 1able as those which he had used at Au- asray. IJAMUE A tT. Coed 1 Company. the London Loan Cowman
oamplaint that pAitical partizanship ex-
inted in its management had gone forth,
den is largely taken in hand by the
Local government, and not even the
most bitter Tory would have the asylums
atm o. lotereat. Itf and 7 pet rent.
°lady called ho• ''' the diecuasion The temperance sentimentt of the N. It. Horrowers r11111 obtain money in one
of 11.,A .11101.:011.1. avid for himself he hon. iientleman were loudly applauded,
For fiats or to Let. day, If title autafaottify.
Ontild limy that neither in Canada nor
Iwid 'wen to put the insutution on a and the cost ..f maintaining the mr,divre else was diets, ever a Govern. apnvolvalr Echlin expressed his entire ap
THAT. lik* thAv 'sox a JoustrroN.
Harrtsters. Ooderict,
inesne again devolve upon the mimics -
.male nott-parti•an htist*. and he was , meta 11,1 ileserrinst .1 tho confidence of l/espite the pilinimruire of the "Chest three worry brick hoilding r• pr'-tw'M g20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS V) LEND
1,1 ,.,1 to ..-e that hos efforts him not Pelluem- t APPIseme. The .4"cati"na' the ritn't,,ra as was the M,,wat adminia-
t ni itt,-1,.tht•r wiilt.ttit suceem. en,r4artipled lipay filo Hank of Commerce, Win. ;V nit Flitren and Town Property at lowest 1.
grant was another virlitch hhelp471 th
--el tratidn. • A !winnow. I lint as ilon. A. M hold warm piece* iii the hesitts of the thry'l
nut C.enbinatten Rom and Csmeron
7.17etn4r1"nfwt•uoho litomsi '44'4 t;tt."11 8"..litre: rehra"t. I. Tont e>8.4P1:71ig r', lie (..enn btle'n
Aaviaory It .ar,1 h. -'l been established in nounicipailities. Ti helarger t .vehrni
Moot grant, the cm t o taxpayers in Ross was hero in person, he weiild •I hurge maj-wite of the electors of Ash- inenren.,. agynt. Apply to M. 4. c.t ME. N. 14. V. orrowera tan obtain ntonc; ln oneday
connection path the agrieniturtl college. low that gentleman to deal more
fiehl and Wawaitosh. lent f if title le oatiotaetory -1)A VIYION IL JOHN
and of the 'over. ninon I.ern 4 that leek. to tnak• good by direct taxation. In partie:anon Barristers. art.. noderich. 761
ularly with Local question*, 'nil
1,471 the educational grant was 111.347,110).riWt) FIRST-CLASS FARMS FOlt
four were Iteformers and three ("onser-
vstives. Hour, heir Ile found when in 1445 it had been increasei to lEi:13,.
nine with some remarks about a Gov -
he wetild for a few minutes occuplt th,eir l
Taohnit % chances for the legislature
containing I20 afros . and one in Ifaat We lita-
I sale. (Me In the trtvrn•thio of Ashfle1.1.
ono; the agrictiltural and arts grant in
he tnek el,sne that not so many thita• ornnis nt that was not so deserving of are 1411, sew 5.51,• nosh. containing IGO a- rt -s. Vor parti-dara
Is71 w is ff$1.000, in 1886 it had been
rio farmers' solo took s•ivtntize of the reblic confidence .the lbonitsion lbw- - Mr! lo Cameron. Holt k Cameron. 1;04e.
training at the coller),
c R. ,..41,1 have !increased to $169,000. The increases
ernment. . hewed applause ) The
done s.., and the institution wait more no these items had not been extra's- .,
Patent Chestnut Conthintt ion" was
trice than by Csnaritana Te remedy
petrmited hy residents of other town gat.ce, but a proper disposal of the abroad in the 'arid.
v where ibis greeteet hwnefit would and had vi•it &I - -- res::7.11.i.nt4nstatiThottpve. in nftheowl:riitenited.r.eponly-
West Huron in its perambulations. 1 i it TosoLion Las. -
' 41:1C:14., to J S. I IE.% Pn. stratforvf..11016-0
this to some estout he formulated the °Attain 1" the talPFers• APPlease' 1 (lAughter. i Sir John snd two ef his ill. -..
Dentistry. aim To LET FOR A TERM Off
odes ,4 havioc • "free student front 116'nte fil the 11PleHotion had sooght to
wanted to he a minsater, Renewed iet
(-panty and the ides wae taken 1141.d• 8" 61" in're'med fmal 1080'°°°
. k btk lam
every cetunty, to he iloininated hy tis. 1 find fault beeanee theirrant to eoloniZatitill
hold of to such an extent that of the 40 In 1871 to $121.000 la ISIlso, hot when ten the a this tiding that Nu C. w L WOOLVFRTON, L. D. S.
<tontines in the province, 27 were rnpre the et . .4 the opening nt, ''f Cameron was mot • 61 and Feiner ovrevie,,;e:;f1/. r mid getlowat,tlall.liN.,"7,:rtitti .41..
stente4i each by a student These were 41tir nen temtmles were am/offered i person to represent them But *when ',intim.
two of the improvements c-norettol with ...there was 'en an''',_e left f,w elewil'inet: . they came they took good care not to . ..4..7 ---
the working of the college Rut '8" "I'f . .P. 7." :"" "'leered the beeh ' iasite 'rum to their mariners, and
greened by him. •nii each ha.i "d le'Pees lee "erne tree""“e' "11 ' 4Innawred 111111 hohindl his back. (A- Intrnt rtlebtc a l.
ministers. together with • man who DENT Asite Cle tat „
"ISLA. wat#
l'IMPERTV F011 $ALK. to
laughter ; had come tc West Hor-en
base simeesaful The profits from the the dhlfle'lltieu that 8" tn 141 "r"e"Ille ' That's en If he had bees the use- "
Evermore and Trmitopa of the ribtate
el the hoe J0MF.P11 111)10. offer for tale the
following . 'doable Properls. namely :
_Building Lots roonhersi 410 and 121. In the
Teen a ',Orrick I nt an RCN. 0411.8.Fairly
feller& ond very desirabie for Molding mar
Half sere Lot fronting Mill Road.. Townahlp
of Onderic4,. being part of Iss 1 in the Malt
and when is eons...lend that the lands leas man thee proclaimed him to he why ei 111112 11.0 • C•31- • fitEM- Frisnie',,re..10nn 01 5544 .11"wr"hiP' Vice
and it behooved the agriculturist to be '
raising of grain hal of late i by sel'Isra "Ple"i^11 nip • now country, ;
ma.•phsursi..7.,,,..ina.„. sanndd Hen1..Tha .nolenr11..4 mr !Ia.:Z1,31A 1,41.;11:0.:111,11411r.,:r.iinilr:
itc,ona districts 1 olt,ma,,nit ""4"4"%_... rY for them to pnbli•h oa • :"Siati.le
tagneem.rsoltinrailhep:eitsewiasts. witn.,,h.orlee deahla--,rontle'l rtmeentesiiiii4tymfo;infisr tvertiminft*ernt:i..,"4",t 11,,,:uialhaes: that )mtrnal to eartile the eernef.n:tz,.::: 11)4,R...4,..Karbiti:AllniLAN.; Pt. lki.:,
rajaiew Ill,o11.• in ....Instil m with '
on the alert for other methods of : rep
aro not enlitivaited to eneh a tarot ea , e.s.000 pamphlets In the ...perm's, ,,ffie,p
in the Muakok• and AI
at "entitia•ntial /11/PA..• hire ttity editor of
It-MISiorei•AntiNrtraitlenes - Ernst 4 of I/0 2• -•ran• IE %VP.' Will"
A,,noeftet, me_ Pert Albert. Imp Tothinifriii,, nittn,fOreas ,rs, .1111v1„. ii,n,..1.hMISI..witin .11:7.
to • R. It:fully oftearedlnated.on south side of Illormrt onset.
•aportod was throe limo' that ..f whoal. I beget inery""•11 imm 11/7°•"") in 11171 to
•,,, t.. 11..t.ivii .t rimitten; 78. :::1.710nuctie....i.m. 404770:PP"..d""chea- rio...' Heath% 1:::„..' h,,..i. Ito. upon thams•Ive• to mak. a enema' m.*.*
in eathr:,111:toritynn:amira.t•tolitthm. fe:fpoi. Cm, Cm \ Ho -
oil] Iliot voters what a osoloas man I YR*. RH A N NI /N & II .i MILTON hem Iloett marl.. mi "1 fe°1" VI i -
d doer west of Vlettisseisi. imos . ma ,,,, ,,„„, hi „d in ar.n.. ri,ar..d
- WI.* from loteknou anel 4 '1 Abletne4
sad fenced. remainder timhered
tool the better esporta w**11.0 hatei.nronij .11190.111•11 In latity, slid the r .1r. that ,
woold decry the inerosse In that wails i„...ester 504 apoon.. ivritirriatninwirnywnous. A.-eee...arre. t,. For rineher pet-euters_ it
• le and in rea•nobt institution The
IfilltaillItheilk of tDodel cr./emery In 1 di:ury wueld Lse devoid ,if humane they *WA ft.retyrief. Y‘il wev. J.4.
Th•• (18i not hither tees
va Ina* to ha gimlets , ott, no ; they e"' realefenee, near e
1731„ •No. . lift
•Illt rnttfRitrr.iver.G.,e.e-•ev.
Railway Notices.
is hereby siren that en applicatio”
will be made to the Partisteitent of Canada Ai'
' the next Ormion thereof for 511 Act to 1114.0f
. norm* 'The Month ihitario Pacific Pail's\
ornpany.- with pow,/ to ceeetrael a liae o
Railway from a ronyenient peat en Ike biers
of 'eke Erie to ttos Town of ItIdoistown,
then., through the Commies el iddle
Latntann and 11111r011. or 507 05 tether of
the said Conntiea. to mine convenient Pelf"
en the More of lAlte norm. Aliso • brooch
'Inv of Its.lway to 0.1 springs or Wyoming in
the (.ount) of Lambing..
Igor for the A pontoon, •
Ridgetnwn. nee. Ian iset fritn-fa
t aa, appliestiow wilt be made te t
1 • Assembly of the Proetnee olf
fa *Mt eeesimt. ter 4n Art an
railway company to confer -eel 5rail-
way W5in the l'osni of Woodstock. 1. 18.
of (0,4.4,1 rin the Town of Mt Merle;
rt the r0nr,0 n1 Perla, anal the. viorner 4,4
1-2.,). ter. in ,14.11. onnty .41 Huron. to toilet 4* 'fumy, at 18.- Town of tio4mbh, 15 the
6,4 4 tom', of !Ogren.
ltiuttAkit ADr1.11IrrE.
A pplieaat.
RY 0. it 11A TM. Ala Solleltor.
1......t st tioderleb. lam ilekne...11..011161I
I aw