The Huron Signal, 1886-12-3, Page 1•
# CJ I
v►ilOf1 S Ki bent lets i
111 E HURON SIGNAL! Patteoe. exact nuke to know ray that
(e e, e,,,ei sv$rr eridae murals*. le,34.: (Hon. A. M. Itues's 'sorority will be h..
bitten/taav Loos.. at their t►leee.Nord! ill 1twaeu 2:00 and •100. Pe re mod ::ltd pole
(HIDOBICH, ONTAliIU, , tied {rime's el his oppuneet are ,It
nu/MY. NO", Mg. •
high:. • put out at his folly in fanny so faithful
- �R_,-�"_-'sed soli, irnl a member as tee 1'rovinci41
%Dur Ticket. Treasurer.
Wee tmenela .a PrewaM.
Ver Mteete rerme.r.
HUN. ()LIVER MI )W AT. lobes •-n :tie on tit+ Texas fr,..tier, has
Weis Nurse $ Ire Ceninasas. lice, held ...lir until urct wrf,k. It will
be femoral readable.
Tat Exeter 11._fir,•fur has "wld Out" to
the T..ry party, and Exeter wow rejoices
in two .organa opposed tJ Li.wrwl pr11tc1-
pl..e. in the cans .f the Rrl1.•e1•,r st i• a
cause ler se:iafectien to the utfurniamef
the section that they now know where
that j..urnal is politically.
1Va are if, receipt •.f the ad item of
Sir Rickard Certwrieht to the Venue
Liberal Club of Se•forth. It is get 1141 in
lo: nge:lr' f..rm %n.I is a nut bro. here
rrplale eit iolittwt fact, satire, wit
and phut s..yhy. Illvery Liberal should
seek to ubtaiu a copy.
b e of nlsbiatt out the accounts or in- 'I(W TtaaL:t Oift to Ontario' dial not
show to
t� e Palace keusta`redte expense for or the L a dk.itt theTtrt stickthereon. ere yfp
Li Montreal like a barnacle, and hedn t
et dwng ro. We intended the "mecca it to bu sbtok uif twice 0,4.4.9 It ca.
to be of a dunning oattro and every per- Nut to, Csrdweil. elootreal wee as will
o who received en account can con.,. er •tt to part e:-., tier "Islft"e* it was with
that he or she is holding m• siey dee ue, 'the aaallprx
D K E CtoesetL's aee•.aJ letter on
Goyim. appears 0.w•.. It is as
",t Ice"' sa the freseem that blow off
t-•44 Caroms t•:, Se ,;rant
West ■crew in Ike Lealslaawrr.
HON. A. M. Kee,.
"The Bbiil. Beeped. Must Mee
Ili vitas Aasaisclti.
Fur some weeks past we have been
env/teed in srudntg out .uhseriptt.,us
and a':e,uunts due Tu. Sn;xeL. A
uuutter 44 ear friends who revived the
notices have Conn. Ill ao,.. *rttled ei..
timer, however, ha% o net dome the
tore thing by strudhtening up the
.rut. Ws hers not gone to the trots -
and which we want at the earliest possi-
ble date. We e, ?Act to see every bon -
tot person who has receive 1 an account
e•tme into the .ii.:e and straighten
emetine during the eutne week. A stride
s•ibeeriptIoe wuui.i Lot grimed tl.e office
machinery, but when the delinquents
nu-01m'up in the hundreds it is worth
0.L.;, for the pubiteber* to as1 for their
n. IICO11.ttVCpui Bata].
To tits Elusion of fit Nacos :
(:):ntttsaltx, - The t toter.. Lees:attire
has been dis•.d, w, aid this Mowat Ad-
rnin,ffigation, alter fourteen years of
etteri:ful service 10 the interests of the
Prot -liter. again appeals to the People
for a renewal of their confidence. Its
record of Honest and Ec.u'.taical Ad-
rreinistrau.u, R :se et.d Prudent Le isle -
pagan t iuo, wen'y ueaenoe of r rot 1114311111
Rights, ought to, entitle it to. a favorable
verdict. As a member of that
tion, sharing in, * :d proud of if, achieve-
ments and anblemiabed reputation, re -
ern Itient to C'i,ttwatultt kis • swot
three. Teo Leveed hives have been
placed at his 41 )1, ra1 -Siete ilxf Orden d
South Huen. The Tories owed nut
•e any ,•.re ,eb..-it the wandering
knieet, now teat tau political hives have
c-vnb t.. t►... hos. The sting of that sneer
law biers removed
'fez Lib.rals of Etat and South 1
Herons have roto:01'11tml their obi
WNW' iAirs. treatyTho•,
G.oir,u and A. a
Bunhep, ler the Local Legi.lature. TI a -e a
.. tau au uppuattius if, the auvention to - t
Gibson. Tee i•e A-.',t`t Hite n a
was between D. D Wteo'n reel Rio) o
The latter get ne,irly s t wo-thirds • "
vote. White re s..u1.1 ..,her t.a,te 1'
hat! 'Weston, se .neer il4.11 p to lir. w
Tat: flux, a:): Fo.Tictt 1.'11 the Teri,*
"f C►ratigerille to ten and bear Mr 11
Make and "takeplerty .•f interrovatun, r
poiet.acb their' --The T', r"
positent nteeti,.g* ),et:erally carry rude -
exchanutio•n poi..Is with them. Accord-
ing el the Sere it is "ill mannered and 1
wnwarranted•' to even pet a wntteu ('
reason ethy the tdit•,r did m.t produce it
nue Mr Cau.erm used [he .pu..tttwn (of In court was because it was in the hand -
agent Hwrehmer 0.0 to ho, apes b de- writing of W. R. ?Meredith, the luderof
"redred in Parliament f,n the 8'11'4 Feb- the Ontario ();,position. and its pnduc-
uary, 1$8'. (See Hansard, vol. 4, p�• tiuII_would tZrure that that pnr.e,iu,(eltad
are the It:Wa ia' ted only inveigled • silly young mann In -
the only words used : t•. aigrt'ud • false de ltr•tion, hit had
Mk. 1'.4:11;1:,.\" VIN1)I(1.4TED. '%►'1,0104;H1'E .1.VI► MEREU1T
I An editorial eeotrieut.,rtn t L•s Ton.uto p. J.0 Donovhue, forn.erly a mem
Armor, au iodrpsudent errs'iprr which of'the Lslrishture fur Ottawa city,
a, far ban here opp•.sed to M. Blake, now a t,h r of the Trades and La
t h)IcOILLICVy)itY Plan, t'( minimise
. SIAS♦ YUANl\eleVAXtk
11. it AT'S U P ? i manufacturer --will face the music whoa%
wool as any .4 the rest of the aapir.
ad Things Thee Ara Iiappoui:ig alit- t leave bos•a t.k,•.1 what du I tusk
writes :- C•,uuctl, Teresa., a short tine all
ace Arauad (J . lion. A. M. Hess' majority jority will be out
• "Telkibg a1o.,.R liar., i glance.] over trade a chorea, against W. R Meredit
•ha pautpnlet :neer•: Ott the D..a •u leader of the Opposition in the Legiala_
h, , , the era g of the 211th. 1 dun t UMW.
tee.eroaorut to proof, that (,.,urron 4f lyre, id effect tha' ellen heeele ,ugh
!euros is a liar, mei thet the Noontime.'
1 N.. Time at /tie Tory Coot eselloa
1 match .r a•vlras1. t.r Ike
0.J I*e g.w,.a Liberal 4 Iab Ysa/Aral
1: )Haut are not starved The pamphlet was a ntr.ulxr of the Legislature, t
.n�ea l.✓ ysealwa on autos .tool Suva, *a1s1 Meredith had enduroravl W r
and tnatesd orf nucki.og et '8'S and '83. chase his ruppeot by offer...., kim s two
hi. ! Wallen.
d ! a-
rt. • --I didn't yet a bid to the Tory con
r iteration at >'i•nith', IIJI last week, but
the uetgObor4 ehe ettor of l lave Inn a
pretty full synopsis of the proceedings.
The ,n.etitq�. „tiv,e,t 1
and as orderly as that hist..ric incident
which is known t, all retail.rn .•f tradi-
tion as the g.tth+nttz 4t the Kilkeuur
oats, where after the term 111 was over
nothing was teff but tits cite tails. 13u
far as the eanlidtture for the Legitda-
tore was concerned, the:., 44 a. 1141 a hot,tiva, the -ley arts:.tits ,•nos being
the preserot Candidate an 1 a lo ,.emerges
fro., eo.letiah township. eche at present
Liar the deputy reeve's ch .Ir. /)mot tui
rampant anti t it heti: haesn,ue by the
. latter the present nominee g e t4, ie•
which was the time .d *boots Cuns.ou ,
toe &.;rite. protea that mot .Jack- /woo in the Ter, C4tollet it Kea. M
spike, t
ww1 t11014141114.4 the freed in •8.i 8e. Every Mowat a liecenuueot wore def.rtee.J. W.
!menet J..euireet which 1 sate yesterday It Meredith deniers that urerturee were
w as suppressed. The tem the G ver/,- ever made to la_J, t)'D.weghse, end oft..
me It cross tier' in of, onretiwi with the tatter backs up his original eonteuto.
ladies starr•tiuri scandal, the bettet."
In another issue the same writer, who with aft atfi iwt it. Up W the time
one of the regular staff t f the !Nees, wrung Merudub has failed to reap.,
with a counter afh tavt', and at yresrnt
says that :[Ir Camer,o, "has told nothing
�iur* iiurnblu Ur iueri>ainatwe ika9 u view ,1:. There
has the best . f the ate
%tort•. • Aad that is the opinion ..t every ¢,meg:. There aro ether petits that
unbiased malt in the Dominion she has brat alienist W. 1C Meredith at the pees
road tooth aides of this behest queue'', eut ewe, au far as hua veracity 14 a". -
err. ell. If, rer.•nt years he has heen
m,x,-,1 up with a parliamentary eu11sier-
T'llli " .tl.I !L'!f" Irl$RjE'RI .y F.' icy, and whets tie. disclosures wets
T.tTIUF. mete .•ti the 11 out of the House, hu made
lir its Wane of ibe'eith of oae.ulrer, ;m'Ience ut h,n•,ceenc,--rat dense t3;no,
the Turea,t•. Mad thus rebore to Mr M nice--noucenii'rl et. itis asaeveratien
C. Cameron speech on [nem,' affairs : pi the,.iteary, it aro* preyed on 414t11
Is his Breech in the Cret•m'ua oo that he w•s cognizant of the cen*pirecy,
April I3 he said air Ilerchluertowit chi._-sed-bseeaeed ew_harass tater
in I :
A tc^eatarmlet sk:k . - sertatt« Geeeem W ashinyt.meso far It ver
Nieto. caot.e.I try the went of rremenrsi. Tac was ooneerned. Then there was another
Indu.asureter Thur { twtetr..l In 11111.1
ml,.tvn.J: worth ut salt peel, and el:acs ti se, that of James Works, "f No. 3.
*,,ren ut rrr„h beef.althontth it 1. kauwn 181st
h r• .. tete t .the ludiaw, while .eft pork U Csrrdoc, in Ikceinher,1883. That fresh
iia ase or drat h to h:a.." young uta* ¢are away the f3•,odle achetrs
1t it or is it net a fact that the last of the Tore party it, West Mi1dlesex.
aeuterto,, 'Ouch Mr Herch-
u.wr as reverting in 1883 upon the feed Meredith undert...k to get him out of
cons• tied 111 11384-b, is not co,teinea in it by writing a• atti.tavit for the silly
the report sed was added by Mr Cern,- frllest that what was alleged against him
eon 1 The Mull elates that the se.tenee
wee added by Mr Cameron, area for the was untrue, and getting him leen ;n it.
• of tuislradtoz the public. What The atfidarit e f Weeks wasas printed sad
lefeooe has the "who bas dot circulated over the riding, and at Strath -
ie eye-teeth" for this tr&nd ? rey Meredith took the p!,tf.,rltt at,d die
For the information of. the ]fail we claimed all ku•,n .1se of the affidavitflu•
beg to state that it ie a fact that the last till the printed copy had been vetoed in
evidence in the a1,•,e quotation is not hie hand•f .. The writer • this • article
mut 41 s "ent Herchmer's rep•.rt• it 3* luta in :lac this statemeet if, VA,nut the fact that tee last sentence was pr,veuce of „Lem waiters, , e1-11 PP
d leo :01 the re1,..rt by Mr Cameron, for North Middlesex, H. E. Clarke, ex•
,.J c'aiwe1 to he a report. It is tai N PP. for Meet T•onotto, and • hall
set, however• that the last sentence was full of people, nine yet it was preyed in
413.'4 t, agent Hetchurer's report by court that !Meredith had written the Atli -
he Mud, efor the purgese ef mislead -
davit for Weeks, and when the document
n; the public." And to effect that 0.s• relied for in o,urt the editor .4 the
,rim's. the II" bas know,ng y and Strathroy ,,;, ;,h•.', seed the (original cs.y
illulle 00401 the resort end ane- orf the aflidattt had been destroyed. The
weed Mr Cameron's .perchThe first
1y sive 41.11110.,4 on vl.etiuua 40 far
� ahead, but I shouldsay it will range
'anywhere between:150 ' and 400. it imp
be higher, but ahytl,in, over 230 will
gust 44.0. -.sod mss that 1 given my figurer
i dun t walet airy of •be oe,a eigl/bto nay
their votes aren't wa,eted icor Wad.
gloat we wanrTiila electtuu
is to have.s fuur►al presses to bury
*11 nptrisiti on t" Wee. A. M. Rees, eh,.
has Mitsui( to be the ablest
til/anc:er of tie ablest Pr ee•incial Gov -
element 'het r. .r held office in
A 1 in fever eel p!.•aaa sittuify by mark-
: is an " •' after A. M. Rugg. name on
the :Nth into
-i see the young Liberals have start-
ed a Club if, I.oderseb, sad from the
way Inc yew's/eters are whooping N tyle
cool; we'll hear .once Susie (Pam thole
choir before nonny uu. nilhare waxed
• side tre.•and secured first -pesos es the and wanu.l. T. use a stereotyped ea -
}:arty candidate. (,d,rich t .wnship's pression the C..b will "ill a lostplek
deputy reeve will bu inouey in pocket, want" if, this thri.iig burg, and if the
and the ether trnatlemYn - writ hive- the 1.,,y. y. -don't -tilt t *1x14 prititieat-in110 - -_
qu.atNo, to a Tory •pecker. Of c•,urse
aponaibi. sten f.•r •ay 4f if, ahortoom- that spiteful phrase was *niton ceder
Ings, 1 submit myself to the Elate re of .the in.pres*i•ou that s /:.1: and net •
Tory wrote the query.
West Iiuron. I in three successive ogee -
alone as a privets member yuu gave me
your confidence. I es not c,osclous of
having, while filling the more important
position of Cabinet Minister for the past
three years, neglected your Interests. If
ries approve ef my pest amine,sok
serve yes with advantage in the
I respectfully irk yon once again
toffee ase roar support.
1 as, Gentlemen,
Your obedient seri ant,
Oodericb, November 26-th, 1886.
•- I
A writes* of farmers in Ashfield and
west Wawatu,sh are anxious to know
. ")'aptot, the opponen
Hew. A. M. Rona The Tory candidate'
es a pleasant faced medico, with little or
no uzrerie ee in public affairs. He is
e he is beet known„aa
may he • nice man fore
or wisteria! fur • le,teekttwll
when dwith the efficient jar'
vincial r.
Tna Tories of West Heron are in a
hale. At a con' lint wen drummed up for
wsaba bdute,and boomed by the "Chest -
net Cntetiieetirn" at Dungannon and
Ouderiah skating rink, no one costa
et►ls.ted who had any chase. of dr
n Mr Cameroon, and eh. meeting
ed without any person being
eheaaw to appose the sitting
reasiba,. A biter feeling was steamed
by sires utatsments made by bigetttd
dat.g•tes. A tsemb.r of the Taoism who
west eat were leaked east of the ..ev.•-
tlegs hell. The Tories smite • We is
West Hetes. Cereres'e trop* eters els i
sas.eirrg daily.
Tus Toronto .Moil declines to have its
garisbd extracts and Mr M. C. Catne-
n•n's statements regarding Indian affairs
put to the teat The Tory organ knows I u
that M. C Cameron can prove every i th
statement that he ever made eoncerniug I 1
the dwreliatnn 1.1 the atnpf. yeas or u.e M
[elan department the .,f
the Indians, and it dare not submit to a
L W. Uerehmer, in his report fee
1. apeaktng of the Sioux at Hurdtad
r,•rk, says, '•A great de.el of awkueess
w .:shed them caused by :he
ant ..1 fresh Meet."
Now, the reliter of the Midi! knew
thus Ho had the I/anm/of with :dr
(.wen re's speech bef•.re bion when he
penned his attack upon Mr Cameron,
and yet he wilfully 1 the
facts. The member for Wee( Huron
sed this extract again in his speech On
• Indian question in Parliament on the
5th of April, 1886. In the pamphlet
issued ley the instreetion of 44 , John
acdonald in reply to Mr Ctmeron'a
peach the first sentence given in the
WM. in another column we expose .lea's 'perique extract is treated es a
some of the organ's garbling in the pmt- quotation mode by Mr Cameron [mm
ter of M. C. Cameron's agent Herchmer's report. The ]fad
knew thi.,for the Moi: had that pamphlet
Ir is generally conceded that Hon. A.
M. Ross will have a walk -over in West
Huron. No. opposition would have been
hre.ueht 'soiree the Provincial Treasurer
had It not been desired by the Tory
party to keep the hon. gentleman as
much st home as possible. It will he a
satisfaction to know, however, that the
Treasurer well be able to spare sufficient
time from his own reline to enable him
to put in goo -1 work for the weaker
brethren in other onnatitostaeies.
himself made a false statement cencern-
,oe the matter if, Str•thnoy. Coder
these circumstances it leeks as if D J.
4) Do,11e.ghne is more worthy of credence
item W It Meredith.
NEARLY forty new members joined
the Oo.derich Young Liberal Club on
surd uexperience ..f a ttettsttni-cumetao eu. a is"Luc bezein thstmacity reit! AP
on the ereuin,l of the Pith inst. - t.uhola Lei►elal lrrim::dlra is:Itrsite.l, I've
_Hut It was if, the area,of holt. been iuf.resed MIL there ilk a present
politics -on the question of who •' oul,l muster roll of wetly nee huddled mem- .
u;.p tae M. C. ceinerun - tb,t music byre, aero: Shen the power of this pita -
twee the sir *1 the town hail, C .{burn. Luis is fat tte.liuea of "our friends the
township. en the day in 'outlets..A enemy- will grin Lao driven in. A club
goodly number of thou present wanted
to have Robert Porter, the defeete.l of
1382, as their candidate. Tree old nun
is term living up in Setcee totes y, au
had si4uctlett bis iu1eoti .41 of ooze twee)
oackline nn hi. armee, it the c..tran-
tem wu.Jool nameenoagh to g:ve his name
tinplace t plaon. the roll of b-anor. But
there ware others rhe were u,si.•u•t to
etc cot toil tight WedII lr. i s (;,( er.a
room and gymnasium will tend to work
tip the mental 49d tnuscelar fibre .-f the
I Yuunj Lits, arid nothing can withstand
' the curet: uf' brain c.nuto.oed with
-- tve been evicted ivy 1..:.le et 114'
neighbors hullrri.og toter the fence at me
to end out haw I'm go ing to rote at the
municipal eloctien, for they know I'm
pretty level• headed •.n that questi,tn, at
cbrnpion-ib tae B',od11 114•441,0 w o 11.11, auh rpte, T Ni ate: ever,' predict:,.n I
01t17 i,Jt d;) Cie c,Ilstcrtt •e itity fi , made last scar r'eler•iiuz the rt.eslled
there was a dvuiva in the cony,, anti mis «ester I44""eatuente t! home,' iwa
unseemly din and somewhat of a d..rsp• come tru, sed the nrig14bon. are now
eon 0.&n the result. Win. Doheny, the
,(icing me credit f.'r bet *bre to -bite
organ min from Clinton, wits if, the farther than the cud of my hose. *me
hoods --or on the hands -of Las friends ; '.f them are not eatietiud with the way
Win Campbell was not &vine to beim; thiols are ruc..iay on the auroral('
r prohiLltion muddies ; Frei. W. 9'natiun, and 1 have had it suggested to
Johnston, who had facel the mace `no t•, stand Iur the pmition a.yaelf,
*zaiiat II s. A. M. It is in '83, end with my friend, Earnest Endeavor, for
had been bilkee out of the revising bar- serer, and Progress for deputy, to a
ruterehip in '87,, was a het favorite-- saus'.d in, the council by 1'r•, itaao •
rids-taiesself , Harry N. p ----
not a candidate on his own behoof, but -votive. Multem is l'arto, Veritas, gets-
and some ..f the other brethren of
the 314111 arh , hare pointed tout when
tar bleu council has been remiss durieg
the past year. Tile requtsltien asking
as to come forth from our retirement kin
been satisfacterity signed, and i mast
say that, interested as I am in the wel-
fare of the town, melting would give me
greater satisfaction than -that ii t.. try
--I be to stets that having dulji cu•-
sidered the natter and ex*tnined it firm
every c.nceir•We standpoint, 1 will,
well so far as I ant c' ncerned--w•re you
was un hind to help his brother, if ..c-
ot - rainiest ; E 'mond C impion was
present in the flesh, and hell up his end
1 against all comers ; Patrick K Lily, who
had been Iarruped out of his besets
;0, by Col. Rces was en onie, ker draw-
ing lines, but nut on the regular fist as a
candidate. In the discussion .,f the
choice of a candidate eine hair was
raised, sold harsh retying* were thicker
than compliments. It was levee' to. see
the brethren dwelling together if, har
m any eh. yes. When the nates cot
too discor,lant 4Irgsnii,r F,$ took the
Tuoxaa OttLtox, the old and reliable
member for East Huron, has again been
nominsted to centrist that riding in the'.
Reform interest. "Honest Tern" will
again be the choice of Nast Hume.
"The habitant, or the vast institution
wht.h eentrols him he' ruled Canada
ever since the union in 1841,' says the
Mail. True enough. But isn't it rather
singular that the Ontario Tories didn't'when the article attacking Mr Came- Rud chi* out until 1886► Can ■nbdf
ron was written. In the speeches of Mr *uppers %bat after ha•ing shareyd t..he
Came/en in 1S85 and 1.886, as reported, plunder with them all these years, and
upheel french Canadian •ecend.u.y,
they would have found it out now, but
for tho fact the habitant i* me: di*posed
follows : ' 1 great deal of sickness ba►t„ the Tory ticket? S" says the Tort ri*ite.l them lately, caused by the want A' t, and it say Weil.
of fresh inset' The C
election pamphlet lir treats it, The last - ▪ MIL (r 'W Jove's -roe. clearers,, of 'he
sentence in the extract given by the recent Tory gathering in the I'.lac.
M to/ is Mr Cameron's somme,t on anent Kink, likened the Young Liberals to the
erchmer's quotation,. Bat tk:u Nail Prodigal Son. Mr Jnhnsten differs from
"for the perpse of mis'esding the pub the Prodigal from in this respect . Wh,lu
a," wilfully leaves out the apostrophes _ the latter left his lather'* house and went
the end of the first sentence, and en- into a Ise eouutry, bir Johnston hu re -
savors to create the impressions that Mr - mained in Oodericb, while the rest rA
am,mon deserve to have the entire ex- the famtly,y-ung and old, have gens tp
tr*ct treated as agent !lerchmere quota- distant parts. What has the Nations)
tem. The action of the .'Mal in thus Policy done for the Towles of West He -
helloing the reined* is beneath the eon- Psi 1 if the N. P. has not done ..sore
tempt of all homiest ernwttoverveialsts• for the rem•itid.r of the peop;s '1 Gena -
"What defenee hes the Mad for this la than it has fur F. W. Johnston esd
feud 1' hie reltttves ; than it her dome lar Mr
W. Casephsll,Prwident of the %Vast He.
roe Tories ; std err Mr Corbett, Presi-
dent of the Cainton Tory A.sos.tine,
thew there is a latae look eat fur all enw•
missed. L.t some maw talk attest the
. P. does teepee, sal if Leese measere N. P. and grand titres who Ices bees ash -
tariff reform Y mut regeined is the is- icy money aid hoessitsg his ben osee ea -
await of the (Mans sad the fleharma• 1 der Tory ode.
he words attributed to agent Herch-
er by the member for West Huron
ere placed within tiootation marks as
it the 'Tories are oos6dent of awry*
the t)rttario elections oil th. 28th Dee., 1i
why d., they find task with Hon. 11It st
Worst for harrying ow voting day i d
O ,o would think they would rejeees Ws c
tray of redemption wee at hand. Nos,
for own part, we do not obleet to en
early dissolution of theD ,mins n Holies,
for we know that vietory will pe.s1 spas
the Reform brewer, and the wormer the
better. The cackling of the Tory pryer
agaitrt the toady election is the
Met time era owned that an Opposition
ebies4d at being placed is oliva at too
early a dais ----that is, if their boasting of
earrylep 414. elaabos is to be relied spas.
8efers as, 041st Tory esrlb. Gods lank
with UM °stselo L.ghbtsti a diesels.
the let him militate el this point.
TAR* tam bedest Tory shouters tering
a polities' easpaiga, and ask yourself
what hes "the N. P. and good times"
deme for them I Alio mak whom ham the
ostler til hind, titl t peered on on the
treuhleel waters. The result was that
on the advice of the orginiz.r, it was
decided nut et name a cenolieete fur the
Cumrr, the convention, but to ad•
jourti the meeting until the call of the
esident In the meantime, efforts are
to he (nide to reconcile the e -intending
forges se that at the west ounvontlon no
smith friction shell •pain oe esperi.nced
Campton, would hare aro., 1 a K•e,.i show
for the position of candidate sere it not
for the insane crusade against his creel
that has recently been preached by the
Termite Ihr,l, aro 1 which tFe more
ignorant menreern '.► the c'u.ventsm
actr.l nit n a:1 threagh t!te 1nentine. it
is a wuutier the' tie intelligent poling
Mill like Campion can dwell of, the seats
tent with such bilt••ta,
--The Canter contingent swear by
Dubs:ty, the organ man. They believe
he can wipe the Referee mstority out of
eaiatence in Clinton, *nit pleas solid
figure. t . his credit in that burg ; t hat
Ooderich township will '•'Rah for
Dlhmrty !" away up is the hundred. :
that the Tories of (ioderish will hold
their nen in O.dench town ; that Cat-
tier** township will he ped : and that
AshNeld and the Wrwaneoshes will bate
their Grit majorities d•.cktailed, en that
the Mg u( Turyd•om will dont over West I
Here, . i am not sea sanguine as vier
Tore friends, but honestly i believe
Doherty would he able to hoopla. C. C.
bas, to Wait Heron. 1 don t believe
C*meees can he defeated, het 1 am of
np'iwtteti that Doherty- `odes se area
.1 iimertraas at the rent.% Tory
gathering, write • neer le a moat
polite manner ani had it transact to Sir
John A. The *liter was a
former Conon-roadie candidate, and at
present is editor of a wrong Tory news-
paper. The editor of the Stet attribut-
ed the ■uthirtdllp col the note to of
the editors of the paper, and condemn-
ed the eillmanoere•l anti s,iwarrsnted
interruption," and fancifully deeerthed
the feelings ••f the writer. if Mr('•mero,,
is ►.. hoe f .r attributing to
one Tery Plater what •redber
Tory Clarke gain, what due* the
editor of the et'o deserve for mixing up
a (frit and Tory ,.1 o11fferunt stamen in the
Nae emotoctlu'.
Tits admirable lecture :even i. See -
forth on Tuesday of lest work by Justin
McCarthy on "The ramie of ir•elawo, '
was taken down at by our own
reporter, *od appears on seatnd page.
We give this eleeirent and patriotic ad-
dress in fall for the hrneht .4 those who
were usable to heir the .pular hiat•ar-
san, essayist, nevell.t, l -•,runlet amid
p•rh Thr P lecture wsa •
grsnd tone to listen t.•, ane it also team
excellent re*4ing
Toe N. 1' has struck the T..rte. homily
Some of theta had to goo .e11 foot to the
fenith's Hill convention- it wage eeteally
proposed that an old gentleman who had
wrlk••d at miles shook! be heeled biome
es a heed deigh. Leery riga soot :tamer
NW titres are `,.rd, despite the X. j