The Huron Signal, 1886-10-8, Page 7'"0-+ THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. OCT. 8,1888 CEYLON'S ISLAND. THE LAWS, CUSTOMS ANO INDUS. TRIES OF THE INHABITANTS. x•tfv. rvea•w .t the aadt.dbytee tle- namee tarree P•I.. Triteelea a tela-• gnawer rete.d by the 'lesa•ilffatha.e Ter Ten I-d•.try. GoyIm waw pays Ne nerd MUM �eaast. the o. ksing eddy nee tegimeo& Wee a( b1t *idolatry, bees d salve and ire =weds .1 *Other y. The bawd goverseaant grand aid schwa having • required somber of pa- pilla The Dutch t of a Protester) wee at oat* &hefted. Hawallale disps.mrimabound. A Drift gorses= °ended our mediad nodi., which is Wss- ally endowed by two wealthy Sltlgylsea The langbalrer, the native Orylowian., ha= e n aptitude tsr the medloal an tion, and haysaand amo1,�~t ~Pd7 The prcemeties of chtidl.n is eve hs tweaty- eight la lifts it i one as ft T . /la (balm me Mass I. Migata They p. to taw about arab, the 'lath pert of • comma tree A Mblgbarse is judge ut the sap,em. avant Others are leading lawyers. Tb. abolition ul Msv.ry was Waft about forty years ago Lm than thirty years ago poly- andry many b•ehasedN was Dial Tb. p topis have both Mblghalsss and Tamil Tbor two are the most numerous of the several amens races hero. Brteii law cu.orvee the forms, and pree weals eta =Unction of wild elephants, elk, etc. The a have molars advan- tages. Government, from Uma to time, according W tit will alt the & troevaa governors. clean tool tddebris and earth tis a iU remaining arehitactui, of a Walkable which maks ..Haag the moat ittaewMinS at wring ru11nk and wen =moo Rath tifse! increase the attraetiose of Ceyluo. carton's SATMMS r.tozvcTT. The native people .odd rare p1ntalloo ✓ d garden pred•chi-yspper, (-wnemoo, nut- meg, chocolate, sad fruit --.all them dear, asst buy rice gimp from India and Banana. Ria is their tdapie grain fond. But they take to their tnberitdd rice culture more than to •ay uti . lice re- quires • flooded grommet Faldu.g in with their proforma the Bntrb have leriely re- stored imam irrigation works. thus doing nut a far •l the `o'iny-,ase thou for centuries had bans done by sitar Europa. et main. rules. The Wilafiliff Oft= matter,* star - Ing eater sweat, yam ago theft* is today. and be r apperu.Yy • very tatrderate eater pow. Ile was always inclined t0 vegetanen- tam through hi devetwo to Buddha The .'.1 -rd rsnm•m°a bay grossly hzwr .d under British rola Cher amu. Y salve to Ceylon. as tea is in .oma parr. of Aeaam and Burmah. C is the finest to the workd. More attention le new give. to tie various palm Maley forehanded Biagraim and Tufts, s, whose thrift also r within the lit tlft7 yen's, sow plat ,parse of pains and other proatable trash' an hveamrnt It r eetisoated that d. O.ylots there are 90,00u,twt, cocoa palm trews, covering over 300,000 acro,., almut all owned by llfighmise. and Tamils. The &meal ovate of ememtiad Dile made from Imes grace, citronella gram, cinnamon leaver and cinnamon valise yearly $K10,000. The Bimghalse raise their awe tattooer. and export a little to India. They eosuUm.s nut it wit► tide e P oombi.atkta with Iime, which i Mad by alts people of this riglglr, wb Uva wee* w rites and the like. It le add by physiologist, to 1arnl.b en s10si.nt in a hi.i their food le stet eiewt Every Mingh.leso garden grows • Rule e ager cane, ssaioly to be elbowed like candy. There is only a.. {•age in( sugu °Rate i. Ceylon. The cultism bee leen tri,d, and in most situations tb cars rune in stalk, and We mots climate .d di do not allow the sap to crystalise, nor dam the stalk ) fend .noduli crystabsabie tmi$ri.L Tql -TA N The Amba i.trodu ad the cafes plant very anciently ; yet its beverage was unkauwn when the Iterope•a arrived. Tb. Ringbam used the cease laves iw their gree) curries, and U d the rims alt tse.a.irwd Buddha with the delicate white an.t Jasmine bks toffee So•ers. But the Drake made great plwAaeie s, each srt,a. eepdovtq, scores and hmdredeaf alarm, wooly Tana= (rein South Hindustan. The Tamils are more get the opportunity of arra era► than the LlegbDee. The litho pant= s°n. Intndumed the Waa Indira sytrlemoof cultiva- tion , ddb bream. Me i.lrtlae.r..t our tresanry and the . . « bolsi boat fortunes. Then tit ailEIlYeal caught the raffia seal, and a yea*, l moral/ ralf of the .Sport was satire calla Meanttaw • small, orange spot ep ,wired an the codes Immix yet .Sightly af- fecting the phut Nobody cared for it ex - opt the director d the Ceylon Botanic gar- .:ers bed gold 10 the ptaMen' pockets jingled louder than the plant doctor's word of dans But that little bU;ht, the " Yestof-Trick=," as was Anglicised the ilimmalefa Vastatrix, l.rcwtbt the proprietors hums (rum their haunts, mortgaged their neaten cheaprl:•tl, their lands, and row a ns �. pa Non dIan n asrg ies/.Mtul(y i�f;l 1'ra{rs planting swith an daft col noes en than the promenty or coffee time, if the world will vagarious p ba thirsty, and will continue to gusted' that thine over -Mho cn •o that cheers but not inebriates." Every thing is boomig. Ceylon et pregame Si a favorite piece far Brlrgb megabits t.. start their war in areal with end interesting career si in- dostry, Nedirertier of great plantations .m,- pbyingaM aha a half to two laborers to every arra-Alma i11ard In Cincinnati ComseacW-Oaastta. ttarv.ti.s 1s. Loads. is th. number .4 dent!. re. pnrted in London ter the year lilt% dee to • aarvatioa or privative," my. The St. Ja111es Oban.• '11 r Iamer.taMN. and ,4 the wonder, perhaps, is that in such • city in e ach time the return i" aro .wall. The Titentre Waste Of all &gee and tredve, and included bookkeepers, the hawkers, chimney sweep°., enure$+ and a perish bonne It le t.. 1... feared that the rstarn is ,n.ovoid. tr. D. •ubt- hes'aarvation or privation' mood all thinly thirtyarren Moths, Lot as ratan 1. It that they were rurponsible fora great many mire. It le & great I. gay when a death in Use cel- lars at the Prot Enol M not dee mora or leen to oarvatinn Privation is even a wider term. "-Erebange. ls.mi.. IL D..e.e'e Last Def. H. his "Tin= I. a rim- stry 149 wastilliaviilly wok. bed, bast Wham mar polo, Cul Mew. as. for beyond cit triads to la 10..,. Amon Yam was r p.lidtt hitt whew Y. d rg ems seri, kakis" Lr bands: nls.i.sa we oro Wanda nda 1 supporta! you 10 preform. es 11om.ut, boas= he ha did • seaalane PKff. moo maw ward here beau ti. . *aid far dkrates, i have known you l ag .sol I know yea weal houagly esd.avor t. M tight, !leave that firth b you se., but yes meet ask to a blgiar pawn to solpurt and guide you. We i were; I ft gals Sowwl, mpg to 1. leo nod I� � sirs to tier My pact with l awde, my earthly of fain •rr.ug d; hat I wield art go whim': slang yea ma thanking you fur your taller all r my bill' Kr. Buchanan we. deeply affected and wept as he Bald 'Farewell " A week before Cal. Bentonti death be rl deemed •Iotas to his red Teanem= /mato, Rowans and Reprenative Jon eaaa w qthrill a4re.I woad trot .diad his da "11.81 Ib, be mMA,`ao rale of eith. Wet will authors= Oho , o- 4 steak sad if y a real Merin.i sat with it to tr a pb.d la Noy cos, as bola; aratrary to lay feelings and oanvruo.e kat martaiwod." Both ram adjourned, bow ever, to attend Mr. B.atbal's funeral, at eh. these was • largo .ItondaWe, brinding m• president, head. of .t.p•rvwar, furdgn mtu laces, ras.lhms d congress, and otter dtstu, garbed perm= Only two of his deug►s r., )ley. Jane awl Mrs. Jacob, with their hos banD, wow present: aha ram two, Kra Yre wont ow at that tier a her way t. Ceti forum, and MR bursa eras in Calcutta. Tbi remains of tate of lir grandchildren, who had died a short tines batons, were to b. taken 1. Int Louis with his, .eel at the funeral they re posed seds by side, friendly bent having strewn their coalr.Mn bier with bowers, SWOP in mature bloom, others Just budding int. beauty. -Ben. Parley Poore i. Boston Budget FASHIONLETS. Tbe prevailing rage in attire is for oriental patterns of goods. Jet and colored buds upon dress stili s.aWtatu their favor. CSalll seaming, foulard and India silk are sod fur Sirs' awe drams Full waist= aal full doves are decided feat urea of new l rr n•a dream Tucks are tashtoarb a around the bottoms of the I. now worn Warts with ba.,ure terminate behind b long points or kwpa, in Pana ('pane coton net over oolongs** er wool - at goods is very fashsaable In Paris. & dal Cnvi• is a fsiumabls color in Lon- don. • Of cosire„, ret will became so barn Bathing snore are bright red. and the more like • flaaltr.go ..m. tan leak the .sew fat tunable Sir .61 be as • Latimer. CrinkMdd seurau -ku r is all the rage for Nes hot weetLcr Cr. ani is a fashionable .bods. (ientldl.re wear seersucker mute Lure drapery estatdrirnents ars this .w - len as-a:n ry, t::,; with each ether in the pro- duction .( c.iemp ready-made summer toilets. which, Mica* their low prim, amply fulfill an the dc -•.ants of fvreslgg HUROt11-AND BRUCE LAIN Ib INVESTMENT SOUPINT This Co(tpmMy u Lwwus Money .nn Au* .Sword" ri L.str.t /teles of 1,.1.r.4. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAViNGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 died 5 per Vied. Interest Ailment uw Lbpu.st., scwrd:ay b dM.Y1Mt a5J GNU left. OFFICE: --Cue. of Market Heusi e .Lal North wte.t, 11.a.rl.. . HORACE HOIRTON. 114114"11God.rt.► Aug. 6Ih.IM.S 1mt- BEWARE IT>< New DRESS GOODS OPENED TO -DAY bT J. C.DE'rt,OR& Co's Godericb. Aug./Mk. Illi 1\2=ass VV o COUNTERFE � I° The Latest French alld American Styles ! HATS, BONNETS s,3401/. .1 Feathers, Flowers, Fancy tp"ti Rte.. kite.. Etc. kvr The Chicao Ho use. WE/T STREET. (JODERICR 1i11 Ooierio April Id., WWI ► air PERRY DAVIS' SII PAI N -KILLER I1 RNCOM.tND&D DT PAvsicians, MiniMcrs, V.z.dowaries, Mow.; Kr. Of Factories. 11'.nr-dopa, VI mations, Nurses to iluapiGtir, -,a slsurt, . (tier has ever yawn it a trw:. TAKE., I'Tiw\ALI.T x1150 WIT* A •"1"11 GLASS Or NOT MILS Aui IT WILL to PoCIIN 4-111Ind-PAMANI CEEB Ilea , S»> COLD C ILLS, GESTION OR STOPPAGE 01 CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACiI. SUM- MER AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS* SOUK THROAT.itc. APPLIED EXTERNALLY, I$MCI 1A. TROTES IT TIE MOOT AND .1.1T LI!r1MsrT OR SART* 1Y a*MoSt1O TMs. PAIN ♦511110 mon SPRAINS, BRUiS•.'.S, RHEL7tA- TIS)i. NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TISITILACI1E,. Bl: ANS, FROST BiTES, Ac., &c. ?Acts. per Bothe. Sit Dewar. of Imitations. 'illi CAMPBELL'S' CATHARTIC COMPOUN� L effective d aW doses, acts wtthin& griping, does not OW casion nausea. and will not crrau ion. teflon arid cougeeti. ,n as do many of the mina cathartics .d- ministerrd in the form of I'ills. kr- Ladies and Chil- dren having the most sensitive sto- machs take this medicine without trou- ble or complaint CAwratLL'a CATRARTIC CoMMrwD is especially adapted for the euro of Idylls COMPLAINTS AND BILIOUS Dia ORDRES. FOR ACID STOMACH AND Loan or AP. ass Tn. Pon Side HBADACHR AND T)TSPTP$1A. FOR CONSTIPATION OR C(MT[TMws.s. Nes ALL CORM.►INT. AMIsiuro NEON A 11. . STATE Or Tea bTo- MACs. This medicine being in liquid form, the dose can be easily regulated to inert the f s of different per- sons. thus making it equally well adapted to the Ole of the little child a too the adult. Put up :n three ounce bottles, and so;d by ail deniers in family medicines. Price Relaii, 2:) Gents. DON'T BUY Slop Work WHEN YOU CAN GET FIRST - CLASS TiNfrafte Trxwaso _ • T in e l AT ISAUNDERS VARIETY STORE. CiA�ri -. ,✓LL'$ 4tit r .o, 4A O nee of teat der erd.ed.e .manias .pet a low r stalrAd east of and esss� so- 1 aksire of r n ti lialkassanwis sol bw in era a fart st Idreuba .r .ng be. Late of eked. Awe sr Ck/s.w, lemma, .and m try weaken. that invariably a. commie. the recovery an. Wasting Timm. No re.sedy oil sin .we erndT relief . A u*. J 5 v 1, Lg s.1 ppstb. orvr posology. and r all where �� an ttrraiTtra securrantcurrant TcP eT ?Mt' LA NT is meshed, the LI.IXIR will be o.mdi:.rAW- AeLL 40. DAVIE k LA,iROE 00 (L mftsd) saga AmgeTs,R: P Q. A Fresh Week of LAW Jame man nava tits►s sande toy 111, prose • M M a and tern playmate@ have, calhl to knew hi. �e e/i qk. M rendition. sa `Aust" Ythe, no family t * ' v f I :::r►, sag: 'D, Meter -deal know what V ells s.�il�..ai., "h.: :w �t�� COa11 � Stoves, f i 1 ah't ler. well *tee plass. lin Dawn A.d Other teaMwald. odea .neon 1 std. die e ." •. , l - l I ' market i tole bhp 'hews sag a' dem mark- a ewe Tltg t.hlea'-Herprl laattr• ear- r.r-...:l..aa aide Rr.den "weft reterltIt emYd alae a Al � Oh�� Rouse tteslaree, M RlHups, aril N i mad en . t'aNt- 0us 10* the at o* Imo k ore trier) hosts sotto::. « w UNDER THE SUN. Ind it wee trataw ty sanl.�ul. R. i .AI• mid *1Olt %I& tllis sender..4wtr Ss Wiest•a1., a.it door to 1►. Peal O1M. Lr n! e! Mel - teh. Jay slat, NIL fi r ICr.7."..... i'?(; -.7Z; =Se Aw ples--nt t • t lea r Neta'Attar ears P et' .tI' a :1 a a.:n, wp e.1 ,tANrN 1RntIR1.p.i or. M cl SJ.Aat saddle GEO. 11. BROW1V Suooa..or to DR. WHITELY.) PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. Having lately added a Fresh Stock of Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Eta., to the already well .alerted stock beers to inform, the citizens of Ooderlah that he is sow able to supply Them era. PURE DRUGS and ('IIHMICALBat Re.sowsble Priem. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. SOLE AGENT FOR BLOAN'8 INDIA N MONO , 11116The Greatest Blood Purtfer of Outage. Yvery Bottle Guaranteed. Suad•y Hours : - -10 to II a.m.; 1 to 4 p.m.: 8219 to 930 p.m. Albion Block. Ooderick. Feb. 4th. Mt 1. 3-t1 1 Spring Millinery. MRS. S A T.EET.D -Has opened our her - SPRING STYLES IN MILLINERY, 1 and has now the latest and most approved striae in Feathers, FJoes, Shas & TrimiDg OF ALL HINDS. SW An ioapection of the leteet novelties In beachwear. which she bas bow on view, is cordially invited. Ooderich. April 22nd, 18/1. 1044 DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKER AND LEADING UNDERTAKER. Anyone can advertise, but i am dew the Steak. i have more stock on hand than any two MO.m in town to aelect from. FURNITURE. 1 have now on hand 10 different styles of Bedroom Suites, 8 different stylet of Sideboards, 3 Parlor suites. and Ions% anything in the Fureiture Ila., all of which will be sold AM ('HEAP AK THR CHEAPEST. AND DONT YOU FORGET IT. in the UNDERTAKING i give personal attention. mini the beae*t now of .ear 40 years experience. 1 think 1 have the beet Healers In the County of Huron- I will leave the public to judge. 1 have everythlag woolly kept In a Ira -Wass uiabltehment, such as Caskets. Coffins. Shrouds. H.bttb. Gloves. Crepe.. d'c. initalftestageambas repaired. !4'l Guarantee t0 give satisfaction in every case. OLD STAND BETWEEN P. O. AD OF MONTREAL Gdsrlch. Sept. 9th, lite 1014 -las Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, Runoiman Bros., Proprietors_ CONTRACTS TAKEN FON STEAM ENGINES. FLOURING SILLS. AND OMR MUMMERY WANTED. Flouring Pills Changed to the gradual Reduction System. . Horse Powers, Grain Crushers, Straw Cutter., Agricultural Furnaces, Stoves, etc., etc. , at Low Primal .411 Kinds of Castings .hfade to Order. J. B. RUNCIMA3, Oederich, Nov. M. lett R. W. RvlrctMA* NOW COMPLETE ! NOW COMPLETEj! A CHOICE STOCK OF Elialr CfrOCOIDISI .x 5d. C-ioceriec_ SPECIAL LiNES IN Ing .:t DTilt .I1. 1 . Lt. :u•.rlIt, urT. s��w�..a.�.�.�, 1.1. . ,..- 1:1 1.• Oe..rM1. .t► I03 •ml 33 ys HIGGIN Sae:ming= la FOR Pt' I:IT1.-t11P'1`.1- I8 UNEQUALLE2 VON DAA, Yt v n..illural..uy.rr.1. •4.1 BUT I Ei. & CHE E. Agr n. ) lur N' role rn 14.u.a. 04(10 t�1'S 1/11[S11 Mr � 1 HAMILTON, ONT //Seed for Yore Clot .kr.11 March 18t1 . jet. +� • Amusements. 1IODBRk:91 ►IE111ANI('t' NMT 'JTUTL LIBRA I:I' AND Itis DING ROOM. cur. of hast *twee ai..l 5..' -.re top sails. Open trete l to 6 p.n .. and from t 14 le ,r m. ABOUT 2000 VOL4 IK LIii1.ARTt iwadimf I4u&y eeldg...4 fit:l:'t.'. Papers, Me,.azier,, ke. raw I de. MEMBERSHIP Tlt'KET. ONLY •I.N. grsaIing frees� u.. d ....rag) .ad 1.. rang 1iO4,10. Application for membership rec.. .rd by Librarian, in rousse J. H.COLB(lIc' E. A•I.EX.100H1s'N. l're.Mentr4•- relary. Godericb. March 11h1.. 11•10. 111Ie- taCiD3ER,208 PLANING Air LL ESl A BLiSIIED 1636. Buchaean,Lawson : Robinson -1 t'7 TEARS Of Sash, Doors & Blinds DIJLRY IN ALL'knra• OP Lumberi-Lath-;--Sirm-fl-es mot liallder's material of every de). ttptioa. SCIIOOt FURNITURE A SFECIALTV. arA Order pno°npllyfattinued to. Ooderich Aug, 2. Intl. 2.1 y Dress Goods, S h i rt i n gs, and Tweeds. Highest Price Paid for Butter & Eggs. GEORGE ACHESON. THE WHITE AND BLUE. I � Iss The People's Livery tort STA lyt r1 JOKNOI, Proprietor. The subscriber is prepared to urnish the pub lie with The Finest Rigs AT REASONABLE PRI('- S CALL AND WPM US-Oppos the caber Hot. Uoderiob. Goderieh.1.1..lit h t8 11M ATO MACKINAC. '1!. Mast Doi 5if ,t SUS TOUR Stdem comma► Law Saeed. Iter el 1p tar Vat IYsew DETROIT AND MACKINAC Asa Mrety Work Day P.e.e.• DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Wills rte ase "Picturesque Mackinto," IIlustralsd. r oa.r.m Pan P.reteaiar.. Isan.d Pe. DAN* & Cleveland Steam Nev. Co. C. D. WHITCOMB. O.N PAM!. oar. DETROIT. Mits. cox&co. COMMISSION A. t, STOCK BROKERS, IMembere Totonto Stock Exchange). 26 TORONTO -ST., TORONTO Direct Wire to Montreal, New York. 011 City and Chicago. Stocks, Bonds, Grain Provis- ions and Oil Bought or Sold for Cash or on Margin. GODERICH AGENCY. - WEST ST.. R. RADCLIFFE, Manager. -July !'41.. 14r' - .",t Aon GODERICI B�'11;Ei / 01 IS Chrystal is flack, Manna.. t,trer .1 311, �nAN STATIONER!. III'.tANt. 1 rRN.N1 A1,0 TUBULAR BOI LERS. SALT PANS. SMOKE 8'CACHES sal all kind. of "eat Iron wort. STEAM AILD MATED PIPE F►TTT1e5* •o•M5Mly on hand. O. hand rower err deliver 1 7S D.P. few hared r.lMp. e a D.P. few 111•/1,er. A Complete $ild-bsAd TbrosSlog Shier. Engine Separator Re. all working anter. Will he .lid Mail =dare will r..eNre rowel enestloa, w ores , opp. 11. T. It. 11.11N. P.O. BOX 381. Oederieh. May 1Rh, RR&