The Huron Signal, 1886-10-8, Page 40 1 2 l'HY HURON SIGNAL, RIFDAYV OCT. 8. t886. WEST HURON. REFORM CONVENTION 1 Notice is berby given that • Cows tem of the Reformer. of West Heroes will be held AT U ODERICH, SalL October fill at 1 o'e11 pa, for the purpose eli N- lectiug Oilledid•tes for the Commons and Legislature at the neat Elnottoos. A fall represestatioe is requested from e very Pulling SeteDiviaioa. CHAS. GIRV1N, R. HARRISON, President. deoretary. Oct. 71k. WM. TOWN TOPICS. .4 cetera among pe. *skin' metes. d oe faits teal went U." Fur good 7 N to 8tewarte. Far stylish photos 10 to Stewart's. For dee en- largements go to Stewart's. Now 4 the time of the year whoa the fall overcoat elutes to advantage. It looks well sad feta comfortable. For the best goods as well as asks. to to F. k A. lMdkam's. There are few oases that Dome before the courts where the Jury 4 • unit for the person loos trial. but all who have bad pb ioSraphs taken by Gallows ere unanimous la kb favor. A. R. Cornell. the leading hes the best hearses in town. and 1* prepared to turn out funeral. In tlrstici•i style, at rea- sonable rates. Embalming fluid always oa hand. WINE AND CIDER. --A good preen suit- able for • wine or cider press. for sale. Also 'tour large round vats and an agricultural cal- dron for boiling cattle feed. Apply early. at llrant's Grocery. THE WOMILICe CH.trrtar Tgrrta•Ncg 1 %ION will meet regularly for the !censers ion of business every Tuesday afternouu at 110 o'clock. in Knee church. Even wo.nan ia- tereeted in the work 4 cordially invited to attend. Mr. Maras. GENTLswIN.--As you are all going to hear this illustrious Protestant Irishman's great effort in behalf of Ireland's rigbtr. don't fail to call oa Mec('ormac for • drum -class suit. aad appear before this gifted sou of Erin in wood style. At the Cash Storejou can buy 1a pounds of for only 1.00 cash. I have • line lot of tea. 1 am m ing • specialty ot. '11-� them. Grooeries of all kinds fresh and rood. ('rockery sad lesware of all Bees. and will not be undersold. Call and is. est my goods, No trouble is show goods. O. H. ld• the grocer. Souate. Saunders J Soo have bees appointed agents ler the Gurney Hot Water Heater and Bundy Radiator. Pnone gives for any use job ea applicaties. and all work guaranteed. They hate use en exhibition now, to be used la their store. All Information cheerfully given. Call at the cheapest house under the sae. Dell door to the post Dike. Dr Mackil, of Se•fortb, was in town last week. Mise Pratt, of Brockville, 1. the guest of Miss Hopper. Miss Smith. Lf Brampton, is the guest of Miss Trueman. Mrs F. Jordan lett oo a visit to Mon• treat last Saturday. Mies Aggie Ferwu.on bas returned to her home in Detroit. Mrs and Mies McNiff have gone to join Mr McNiff at Dakota. Mw Eliza Logan is at Clinton, after her More from Kincardine. J. R. Grunt, .t Brussels was in town early in the week. Mr and Mrs James Miller have return- ed to their home, Maple street Mies Lucy Whitely, of Goderieh, was in Clinton several days last week. Mia Bennett has charge of the junior division of St. Patrick'. ward school. Mr and Mn McFarlane have been visiting their relatives at Windsor and Detroit. Mn LAE -Knight, aft th's visit, bee retemied to her !irate in Brantford. Mise Annie Campbell ;has charge of the junior d t of ;AL Andrew's ward school. George Stivens and George Nairn wore among those who took in the Chic - • excursion. Rev. John McGillivray, B.A., preach- ed his farewell sermon in Knox church on Sunday evening. Mn Robt. Henderson has returned to Goderich after spending several days with friends in Clinton. Albert Pridbam has been seeing the wonders of the upper kilos. H. had business at Port Arthur. Mus Hutchison left for Montreal on Saturday, Sept. Tbth, and will remain in that city during the winter. Rey. Mr Stewart, of Clinton, I reach- ed an able sermon on "Missions,in Knox church on Sunday morning. Rev. G. R Turk, left on a visit to Atlanta, Georgia. Fnday last He will be absent a c•.ople • f weeks. Mr and Mn I) E Cameron, Lucknow, were the goeats .of Mrs G. R. Turk, dunng a portion of the week. J. Smith, of (:..nib, a veteran Re- former, was in town during the week, and dropped in t.. see THE Sweat.. Victor Smith, of Brussels, has resum- ed his studies at the model school class here. We hope he will have suttees. Conductor 1►ukrebery,of the G. T. It Brockville, with his wife and two child• ren, tee visiting his sister, Mrs E. Hop- • e Mrs. Dr. Lawrence has returned to Paris, after spending some weeks with Mr and Mn I' F. Lawrence. Montreal street Mies Emma Cox returned home on Monday night, after spending ten days visiting friends and seeing the sights in Chicago. Thos. Graham, formerly poet office I W. B. Disease, fetse.y el Cornea,wars sailed to Jeanie, eldest ills w the late Jabs Corne, el 1,reet le, lett week. We mimed .ss ees0ottitioss. Rea. W. 17. Rew.os oseepied Notch tenet 1Lediedise ahwtt�t palest lest Sen- dey, mere*...snit . bwill also peeveaa Sdq seat ssat both ser- vises. ervises. Thee McOilliewddJ has been bolding - aeetiags every nicht this week up to date is Terwberry township, is advocacy of thepolies magistrate aid d Seat Act enf Signor Emilio'a parrots were • source of eisjoymeat to the yuuepters fur • few days this week. They evade quite • commotion around the "British Ki - change" oorner. Dr. M. Nicholson, the West street dentist, makes the preaervatwu of the n atural teeth • specialty. Gas •daiat-- Woad from 9 a. m. to 4 p. d fro the * ekes eatrectiuo of teeth. Fred Vanderlip, formerly of the Al bion hotel, Ooderieh, has monied hie position of bartender in the City hotel, London. Fred has the good -will of those with whom he is acuu ai•ted. Robert McLean has purchased the vac- s t lot on the Square adjoining the pres- ent premises, from Mw Sara McCannel, and Mr Strsubel hes purchased the pro- perty at present occupied by 0 C. Rob- ertson. Cottage-nott.-In our report of the Colborne Branch Agricultural Show last week. the first prise for one pound of yaru was credited to Mrs Thos. Hamil- ton ; it should have bean to Mrs Gordon Young. ler Paas BALD. -We have been favored with the first prim loaf of bread shown at the Colborne fair. The maker was Mrs Thos. Follows. The brad was A 1, and Mrs Bellows can give house- keepers • pointer on making dough. Mia Graham, milli.er, has removed to the new store next to Geo. Acheson's general store, where she has opened • fine display of hats, shapes, feathers, flowers, ribbons, and of all k•nds. She haw now one of the hand- somest show rooms to town. We have to thank our old friend, James Rose of Wawancuh, for the present cf a loaf of fine homemade bread which took a prise at the Dungannon Show. If the men that took the prize for butter would come our way, in a similar manner the editor would feel that his lot was cast in a pleasant place. Corns& -The winter course of lectures in Acheson's Dew hall, will on Friday. October 29. On that occasion Rev Dr Bums, Principal of the Ladies' We icyan Col- lege, Hamilton, will open the course with hia.plebsated lecture. "Home Rule for Ireland" Fbr see advt. BRANT Memoplai..-Our thanks are dos to Geo. H. Muirbead, secretary of the Brant Memorial Association, for an invitation to attend the unveiling of the memorial erected to the memory of 11, Captain Joseph Brant. The unveiling will take place in the city of Brantford, oo Wednesday, 13th Oe tober, inat., at twelve o'clock. L•Disa' ENVELOPES. -During the large sale of business envelopes sante SIUN•L office during the past three weeks there has been quite a demand for ladies' sixes, and to meet this want we have got in • stock of ladies' envelopes of first-class quality, which we can sell at 6c. and 7c. per package of 20, according to qual- ity -the cheapest ever sold in Gcdench. Call and see them. W. hare received a song, "Wheel I Own the Whole Earth." The words are by Archie Bremner, of the London Ad- terfiarr, and the music by 13. E. Chad- wick. It is published by Chas. F. Col- well, London. A footnote informs us that the author will furnish verses on local topics to any person wanting them at reasonable rates. It's a lively piece with a good sentiment Mrs H. Hamilton, West street, re turned home Monday morning from a visit to SL Paul, Minn. She was ac- companied by her daughter, Minoie,who will remain •1 the homestead about three weeks. Mw Hamilton has for some time been in the employ of the C., St.P., M. & 0. R R., as clerk in the auditor' , and on leaving was presented by her fellow employees with • handsome silver salver and silver pitcher and eup, as & token of the esteem in which she was held by them. TRACH&am lvtttm TR. - The anneal meeting of the West Huron Teachers' Institute will be held in the High school, Goderich, on Thursday and Friday, October 13th and 14th, the meeting on Thursday to begin at 10 o'clock. In *ri- bbon dlition to the heed talent of the county, J. A. McLellan, M.A., LL D., Direc- tor of Teachers' Institutes, will take part in the proceedings, and also give • public lecture on Thnrsday evening, ouhject : "Critics Educational Criticiz ed." Lecture to at 8 o'clock. A St.rgaarrL Setioner.-A year ago D. M. Beehanan entered Knox College front our High School, pawing with cre- dit the for entrance to the *seised year. His progress during the college year was so a tiefactory that he was allowed the privilege of further his course. Reiturnir.g to the High Schor l in the spring, he resumed his preparation for the senior matricula- tion examination of Toronto University, and we are pleased to see by the recently published list that he has succeeded in paving it with credit. Flee. - The house of James Craig was totally destroyed by fire, with nearly all the contents. The fire originated from the south west outside mort.m of the house, between 2 and 3 a. m. on Thurs- day, 7th Oat. The shrieks and cries of he mother, Mrs Craig, to ave her child- ren, were heartrending. The above property wee insured by Mr Rummell. in he Staadarycnanpany, a few lorrit% he - tore the ommpany failed. No insurance now. The fire is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. in this °peewe- tnn we might state that we have hem nfnrnted that shout 11.46 p a., Wed. nesd•y naiad a tars peered the erre*, of Britannia road and Lays street with • bundle of earner and an oil ma, and elos.h.d l.iserely towards the lake. We publish this feetas a poiater to our pn »e aetbn•itiea if there is a • Grebe, in our midst the sooner he is &eldest down the bettor. Clerk here, has secured • situation in • Mercantile fine at Clevelard, and has pi, thither.. F. C. Bead, of Galt, left but week for horn. able/ a pleasant .my with friends bare. O.diu.eh sever had greater sone - Vohs for Pr.L P. Magleais, of Poen Huron, formerly a Goierieh, mos in town during the WWII eieiaisg old friends, end the as.... diral. earlier days Oeuvre Jeanie Rowans -The mho - dole si'dol. ef ese.ietisae is this away be- fore Just,gs of the Poem fel lea thr.. eseeths man sept.tes W mesa Of Gederiabhoont contriteness 10, Swoetk aisles 34-ok, dread- tel!- Wiegkaa 11, Wessels 7, and th. rsaai.der from rural magist.w.. Ore of the sagas are Seca vtolatiosa, 14 drunk and disorderly. !fel asaodte. 13 abeame or bleepk moos leaguege, and the ronsioder veeiosa. The Geed impos- ed a14r's $460. Dan Carty, who for some years past occupied the polities of sexton is SL Peter's church, died os S&Wrday lest from a oomplicatiu. of Miasmas. He was about 81 years of ace, and was a well known figure in Guderich. His hearty late& and rental pastiest will M mut& mise.d by all who knew hire. His ' funeral, which took plans Monday last. was well •ttenesd, and a number of school children of all denominations aC- oompsuied the remains to the cemetery. The altar of lit. Peter's church ere draped oo the o'oaalios. THU AcrcrN LE••ss Aoatx,-Crim- son and scarlet and yellow, emerald turning to gold, shimmering there in the sunbeams. ahic.riug hers in the cold; waving farew•IIa es the tempest ruth- lessly tears them apart, Buttetiog, dancing and rustling as hither and thither they dart, recklessly ailing the rypids, hail? swimming the pools, plc) mg "I spy!' with each .cher under the puffy toadstools. Wreathe 1' r the walls of her dwelling mash neat little bombe - keeper waves, and then, amid delicate fern sprays, nestle the bright autumn leaves. -Ea. One tet those pleasant events that cause a flutter in society took place at the North St Methodist chureh on Wednesday morning Ia.t,in the marriage of Henry James Lane, of Sorel, Que., Bursar of Lincoln College, to Mary. third daughter of Capt T. N. D.ncey u( this town. The bridegroom was assisted by W. P. Smylie, manager of Moisoe's bank, Sorel, and Mies Dancey. sister of the bride performed the duties of brides- maid. The church was well filled with spectators on the occasion. The bridal party left by the noon train amid the congratulations of friends. L E. D•ncy and wife and Dr Mackid, of Seafurtb Mies Penton, of Sorel, Mies Hollis, of St Marys, and Mies Start, of Hamilton, friends of the bride and groom, were present at the ceremony. AN &rearm- H . The fel Francisco Bulletin io s ul enterprise in Monterey county, Calif/sr nig. thus refers to • Canadian boy, son of our townsman, P. Lynn : - "King'. City was an unknown country before the railroad made its . The sec tions known ea the San Lurenxr, San Bernabe, San Lucas Fees and Topo were known as rattle rwwes, and very little significance was attached to it, but pros- pect of a railroad caused men to turn their attentioe toward it. A man by the name of C. H. King, a quick, wiry, business -like man, of nervous fc.rce and considerable mental pcwer, beard of this new country, and came hither. He travelled over the apparently desert plains, analyzed the soil, came to the at once that it had great pos- eibilittes, went back to San Francisco and bought twelve thousand acres of the Seo Lorenzo with the sheep and fixtures belonging to the ranch, and then looked about him for some one to farm this tract. tie found • man to undertake it in the person of James Lynn, of Salinas, who leased for • term of years the ranch. giving one-fifth of the crop delivered at warehouse. The first year was some- what d a drought prevailing throughout the State. In 1884-85, ou portions of the ranch without irrigetioc, from twenty five to thirty bushels of barley were raised. This year the crop on the ranch is simply enormous -one hundred and seven thousand Lushela of barley and forty-five thousand bushels of wheat. It has been further ascer- tained that the soil is especially] adapted to growing fruit, grapes and otY.r semi- tropical fruits... C. E. T. S.-- The first tneetisg of the season, held in the school mom c Tuesday evg, wa a gratifying success. The room was crowded with an appre native audience, and they received even moretban wee promised in the published program. The first speaker was Rev. Mr Salton, who manifested his sympathy with the work by leaning a meeting in his own church long enough to address the meeting. He dealt with some reasons why acme would not sign the pledge and pleaded earnestly for , especially from the young. During the evening Mr D. F Cameron, of Luckoow, and Rev. Mr Rawson, who were in the audience, were invited to give addre.sas, and kindly responded, loth of teeing their Interewt in the work of the ('.TZ,T.$. and urging the manliness and safety of total abstinance. in the musical part of the programme Mrs Johnson and Mies Archer Pang very feel inzly"Farewell, where Angels Dwell. " The quartette ''Moonlight un the lake," rendered by Prof and Mrs Clarks and Mies Maxwell and Messrs Aligns, and Hyslop, was very much appreciated: while the audience was delighted to welcome Miss Wynne again upon the program. Her rendering of the"Ni,hten- gale's Thrill" showed that her voice has lost none of its old time power, and that she has not neglected its cultivation during the summer vacation. She is a warm fnend of the Society and is always .ore of welcome from • Unclench audience. The remaining numbers of the pre/remise were recitations by Florence Williams and the President, which were also well received. Mr Joseph Willem* contributed his quota in the form of en address upon "Read- ies'," which .ill not !.e without Use hest. While he illustrated the need a.d the result of careful preeparsti on by the egret of the trsgedian B,.dh's rendering of the God's Prayer, the audience W- iener' with almost bresthlees animation. Altogether the first of the season's nfsm meetings .ill do tench to ensure hill audoosessfor those that .ill follow. The Mete rawaMats res It tbe World. The "Win" fountain pen is the hunt thing yet invented in the way of a self- feeding Tree. 1t has • gold sib, shades eat a • dipping pew does, and never fneverails 1f. 1. • writing wnader. A sem- p'• can be seen at this ..Aloe. F.vsry lawyer, doctor, eler yssn, sehonl-toaelt- er and bwie.s. sem eherld have ems. 1 Thr». M.Gillieeddy is the loss! alfrat FALL UHI►NOIBY aiTTINGIL Yes offered Triad t. dedeeNI and Their SeemM. 1.t., Mr. Jeanie Fenewcio w, Ova 1. Tee e. Abash--WasM astern for eosdeseteos of will of late Win. Aleaek. The Jed. held the slit was not prupet- ly ootrtiteted, sod it was •di..rwed for the p.m* d having the seesseery poe- tise added. (Jarrow, Q. C. , fur plff. ; Cassels, Q. C., for deft. Willem v. Kemp. -This was as .trios for specific oede aasw of an stresses. for sties of sena tend t. Sesforth. The Gert decreed epeago performance, but ordered the pit, to pay the costo. Car- row, Q C., fur plti. ; Cameron Q C., and Best, foe deft. Flynn v. Flynn. -Was an anion to set mid. • will, but it teas settled out t•f court. Ostrow, Q. 0, for deft. Dominion Bask v. Hkferm•n. --Was an aetiuo to set amide a ((radaleat c oo- reyaoc.. The action was dmeassed with oats. Darrow, Q. C., fire pit ; Cas- sels, Q. C , and Denary, for deft. Warts* sews,, The echconer Carter with a cargo o' lumber reached port Monday week std ailed again t.n Saturday. The schooner Sligo from Port Arthur, with • cargo ut wheat for the Big Mill, arrived teat week for another cargo. The steamer Ontario was in Goderich Loners a.1 Suede', the weather being too rouge to e110w her to enter Kin - attt.diae harbor. The schooner Ariel with lumber for Williams and Murray arrived last week, and sailed age on Saturday for Alpena, for • cargo of supple for the 15113. Th. schooner Mary S. Gordon ailed this week for the fishing islands, with a cargo comprised of fish barrels, alt sod fishing gear belonging to a few of our behermen,wbo go to the islands to prose- cute herring fishing. The stealer United Empire was in port uo her upward trip Wt Friday. The schooner Azov, lest week, landed • cargo of lumber at rte G. T. dock for shipment to Seeforth. The schooner Cnrsiean delivered a cargo of Dual at the Big Mill last week cj risau 1+I'CATIONS. *bees mem rams. To the Editor .t The eices1 Dasa Sts, -I have bees notified to pay two emote on the dollar taxes, and feel it very heavy, owing to being scares. One reaaoo, I suppose, the taxes are so pressing on the poor loan is that the big mill dues not pal taxes according to its value. I am in- formed it is only sawed at one third of its value. If that is so, it is • shame. Yours respectfully, A RATEPAYER. Colborne. Miss Kate Reid. d Carlow, left this west to spend the winter in Buffalo with relatives Carlow. BL••'E.a-ARDIAN •T CARLOW 015 Snow Da r. -The Star last week expressed our own in its refereooa to the silly and blackguardly conduct of a few Toeing men in McDooagh's hotel on the evening of show day. We blame the of the hotel, however, and n ot the directors, se the latter had no contrel over the house. Hereafter it would perhaps be well for • constable to be on hand to keep these unruly "Dolts" in order. If not, decent women will cot care to visit the I tquartere of the Colborne show Mr McDonagh'. house is well equipped, and he cannot afford to allow youtp roughs to do as they like on show day.. ealtioret. C. D. Morrie', of Fergus, is now in charge of the junior department of the school. A considerable number of the villag- es are confined to the house by sick- ness, but none of them are dangerously ill, although the doctors mailing coun- 4enaoe is to be seen almost every day. The Colborne correspondent of Tint SIGN•L seem11 to have had • fit last week, and wanted to vent his spleen on some one, so he chsoese the trustees of this school and rails one of them hard tames. Now, perhaps chanty is beet begun at home. But, then, no doubt he is well informed on this matter and his state- ment is true,se "there are black sheep in every flock." Mew atlases Wee wee. One great help in the contest in At- lanta was the work and labors and education of Wenona Cold Water Temple under charge of Mrs J. T. Thrower, which has held weekly meetings every Sunday afternoon for sixteen rears, and has initiated several thousand boys and girls into the organisation. They have studied thoroughly the "Catechism on Alcohol," have taken • large number of copies of the 1-.outt.). Temperas.'" !tanner, have recited the selections in "Readings and Recitations," and sung the song, published by the National Temperance Society, until they have been thoroughly educated and taught that alcohol is • poison, and is fit neither to be sold nor drank; and many of the beat and most earnest workers in the prohibition ranks and serving on important committees were the boys who had received their first training and instruction in this told Water Temple. If all the children in America would study the catechisms on "Alcohol" and "Beer." etc; mid would reed temper . nee books and papers thoroughly, they would *row up with a hatred for the drink and • determination to do all they (mild to rid the land of the cures. 1.1 er oue Ilethishere wye pkdg. r merlperp• t.ul • sate To all that Can jauntiest. YowM's ?.iuipernn.a /low.✓r. Alfred Settee, sou ttf the late Richard Sutton of Kinea thee, was leeidentally .hot by • enesparitee mescal; while of a beeline inpeditiois is British Colmgebia, where the deceased resided, hoes the eases of whish he died NEW FALL GOODS - JU*T OPUIID AT J.A. REID & BRO'S DRESS GOODS, BALLS, W M CLOTHS, Uietenage. Stripe and srooaded Velvets,, a81k P.n.ks, bak and (sed Vel .t.un.. Y. LTMw.biLtlrraaawfet Kr.�r.u.... Uel.. and SPECIAL VALUE IN WHITE AND GREY COTTONS, WINCEIS, LIN 1cN d, dkC_ TAILORING DEPARTMENT. NEW TWEEDS AND COATINGS -VERY CHOICE New Hata laps. Ties. Limes Collars std Cute. la ('ellelu*4 Cullen and Cee► w* have tea Newest sad Cheapest Deeds la wise. TWEEDS OUT OUT FREE OF CHARGE. N'e show goods with pleasure, bet bet yea weh to lety err set, OCR PRI('FJt SELL THE 000118. JAS. A. REID & BRO. Jordan's Bk ck, Godench. Idth Sept.. tees. Asensio Isles. All parties gettitheir sale bill. printed •t this dice will get • tree notice inserted in this list up to the rime of sale. Auction ale of farm stock awl imple- ments, the property of Patrick Hogan, on the premises, con. 7, at Smith'. Hill, by John Knui, , commencing at 12 o'clock, noon, on Friday, Oct. 22nd, 1366. See posters for list ..f stock, tennis, &c. Auction ale .>f farm etc.* and imple• meets, as good as nes, the property of John Green, oo the premises, lot 1, eon. 3. Colborne townshhip one mile from Ben miller, by John Knex, •uctiottesr, commencing at 1 o'clock p.m., on Wed- nesday. Oct 20th, 1886. Auction ale of taro stock and imple- ments, the property of Robert (Jrr, on the ,rimta's. lot 8, ono. 3, Goderich township, three miles from Goderich, by John Knox, auctioneer, ire at 12 o'clock, noon, On Thursday, Oct. 14th, 181.6. As Mr Orr has leased his farm fur • terve of years to Mr Bell, the stock will be sold without reserve. See posters for list. terms, lie. 000.15 In Stratford, on the ted lain.. the wife of Mr R. R. Lang. City Clerk. of a daughter. is •MaisM. Oe the Oh Lit.. by tee Rev. 0. F. Balton. he North -et. Methodist church. 0oderiob. Heery Janes 1.aae. Erg.. d Semi. Quebec. te Mary. third daeetter of Captain Thomas N. Daecey. of Oed•rich. 11111111111. At 8t Peter's Presto Ooderiek, on Sat- urday. Oct. 2nd. lig. Das (arty. aged 11 JOWL At the residence of Wm. Herdsmen. coal 1. Galerie'townahlp. on October irk. less, Mrs Robert Headereoa, seed 31 years and 7 months. is Oolborne township, oa Tuesday. 5th. WO. It.olsard Mo II seethe. UNION Lecture COURSE. This Course will consist of FIVE BRILLIANT LECTURES, to be delivered in Achesou's New Hall! during the winter months of 1114-7. Sesta of the best available Canadian and American talent bee been secured, and the oommi'tee are co•ndea of giving entire WC, faetloa. Course ticket.. consisting of 1' a single cou- pon tickets are being mold at Si each. These tlohats may ba used as the purchaser chooses, e.g., he mam a go himself to each le.ture. or he may take four friend. with hito any or lecture, or he may allow his wife to attend throe and go himself to two, or be mat ave them In an wall he pleases. Some i trent - seuls, knowgreat needs of the church, will take two, three or four. and use them as family ticket.: but be sure you buy at labia omit when the lady canvasser calls upon you. The tett proceeds will be e'initably divided between the two Met hod bt churches. The following is • list of date*, Ito. O0T'_ 29. REV. ALF:X. BURNMD LL.D., of Ham- ilton : "Hoot,. Rule for lreland.- I'TOV. 9. REV. MANIA HENSON,ofToronto. "Men Wanted.- DH1C1_ 10 - CH APLIN 0_CHAPLIN McCARF of yew York "Bright ride of Life in Libby Prison " Ja.41". 18 REV. HI'OH JOHNSTON. R.D.• of Toronto. "From London to Jerusalem. - F312321. 8 RF.V. E. A. STAFFORD, H.P.. of Toronto 'The Bible 1a the 11th ('eetury, All Lecture.; to commence et tt sharp. MO Coarse Tickets must be sold. Ooderieb.Oct. 7th. tete. INS For Sale or to Let. TORE TO RENT. THAT WELL- .../ftITI'.1TF:listore. nn the Rogan, at pen_ ent occupied by Mi.. Graham, sea millinery store. Possession `icen on the 1st of October next. Apply to MRS. H. COOK Hort► strut•. !r L'ARM TO LET -FOR A TERM Or years. renh Maitland Bees{f the TownskipofGoderi b, apply by letter to J S. i TZARS. et rat ford. 'twit! JReaical. $•Iergaonn,. i,. REEVE, M.D, (' M., ieMEM- H1 11 ofde., Prthe ('dyslegak•ter, Bugitnof 1 tirwenn, a „dead Aeeoschet. etc.. Port Albert- e154 • T. E. (.ASE, M.D., C.M., M.c.P.N., de, ( .•Opte TTM iia.Stnr•a crrowchear. Hutchinson, Ihing•naon. formerly okra by fir Night osleer- m1131 rte's he. lel,, R. MtLEAN, PHYSICiANSER- I, 9110N, e. Oelee sed iseeese easeddwwest of{M,oryseri lel I )RS. SHANNON & HAMILTON 1J Pysfclaos,, -Swvgtem. Armse8evs. dre idles •t Dr. Illiemesce residence ver the OedMMe Hi C.10aNNott. J. C. Harris 1161. sept New Ttttls Week Reform Couronnes R yts� Moan of Ietarble. J. H. wisre lint Water Huller 1ye.jesu }� •ease. oar. -tot Iwot �eilturge -rem. �ryi.. .....,., sem. `f. NICHOLSON, LD.s. DENTAL ROOMS. Light duo. below Ow Post Oe ce, West -et., Uuoaitrci.. Mb 11 `1 L WOOLVERTON, L D. b, Oeserte leeChaeg.-Odd. reams Hatt. Nworth 5. v ranted. All She People's Column. If •KIRKBY GIVEN Teras' 1L As.. b elle No..rtt e of the ((,,eexwg�p� Court of the Comity et Nurse. at the Tewuakt Holl, oa the leads* of octane 1M, s N o'leck. me hes sand de- termine the severe! eesepialaw of ernes as; omlweoee la the Vetere' List of the Mita pales of Colborne for VOLAII7pesons having beet.essat the meet required to steed at the mid times and J. N. RICHARD*. Clerk of the sate Masi•�gg�1� Dated this 7th day of Oct. ISM lleLlt NOTICE. Noose ie hereby gives that • (asrt will be held- pwr.u..t to "The Votoru' Lim Am." by Hie Mew the Judge of the Oe aay Court e( the Comet,J of Hume. at the Tewa _. tick w ea &Week. the es foresees. i. ef IlM,atseao' bMm art determine the ensue' eorepyyg rove sed .ileal-.• in the retire Let 01 *8. kir ISM. A iterper s the Teeng b of (io the usl IK All perseas having Da•tn-e at the �ueremised w aimed at the said time eel Will CAMPBELL, Dederick, *. a.Clem el200. sata1S5 *aicisa.n .618 MUNICIPAL TAXIS.��11 The Taxes of the Tows; .40.6,30. are pa &hie at my oftl.o, Twee Ha13. 3 per eget di cooaat allowed es all taxes paid i. 8gtember. tpe► cwt ha October : amid after the 14th day of llioeember, 5 per tent. will be added. Pay year taxes this smooth aad aro 3 per cost. JAMS* GORDON. Collector` Oedertch, Sept Wed. MIL gfK DOMINION STATUTES. Notice 4 hereby given that ..pie- .f 18. .ominio& Statutes for ISM, rot. L for distri- bution se the J amie's kf the Pesos her Herm. MMry. bare re ve been mos wed at the edits 0 flue wu.�••r�m of the Peace. IRA LEWIB. ISIS-2tC'lleeemi of the Pita--. HOUSE WANTED -MAST UAVs mod ad canyon - 'nem soentiin former *fire bdn:.lo., Apply at this otllce. MSS %{ANI'AL OF CORRESP(1NDENCE 4- -one of the mootprsad least actical beaks wblih 4 *eery •hes ild have • Dopy : ao sskoel .bests be without k it ro.tain. exercises In capital letters, abb.it- riami..., pearlatioa, errors V eke specimen lettere, besutlt.11y esec a. : N C 01)OAde, Tr - onto ArcM11.1ade. 1:r -MISS COOKS, AFTER 14 4.Y1 tr.. sandy of mule, is prepared w ureic.. pupils for the Wase. 24 aee..se. quarterly. Terms: --45 per quarter. WO SHORTHAND. -ISAAC PiTMAN'S PHONOGRAPHY. The. mon mama sys 'tem taught. inetritction books for salsaterts 9turaL etsee. Evers Mtily sad glrl Darn aha,*baad. lid _ yam..! Straped Animals. "''• 'TAME ON THE PREMISES OF ' the sitt.onriber, as tee Sate below the station. about the Roth of Atweet. a light roan Yenning halter. The owner la requested to prove prpsrty pay extremes and take 1t away. Offl C0 NRg4 OodaMok. 1•117-41 TAME ON THE PREMISES OF the entscrIb it about the middle of August • dark bar 811E about two years old. The owner 4 requested to prove pre 'thgq ell)ew sad take it away. A NS. i). 3II IVRAY, lot A eon, Bathed P. . TRAY CATTLE -STRAYED ON TO half et let preemies sen. IItt. Wppmthe mW.wa m d.s/1 sheet the tat of A ag • , sheet one heifer. dark red. one sten' dark reed wtttt •r white spot on forehead one etaar spotted sed^ "� and white. All 1. gno i ord., 73.. ewer le motored to pa expenses and take them away. EOMI N{) ARffent. west Wawitwah. Aug. 1011.1. 1111 �L 1 1 m 1 -DICTA L N(OE TO (laZDIT- • Olin d SUSAN ANN COMM. Iresa.ed. Pursuant to aa order of the Cheaeery Divi. mon. meal• to et Conti taf..t; the Crediton of Sies. ANN (;on.s tette of Jong COOKR late of the I Nlage cif tsea. is the (lewety of Hume, Dtvlek. Clerk, who died in or show* 1• are. on r befneeit<p A OCTO tele,,' *00. to mud. 1�tt1�[1ttt, 0•asow ! Pnn(•tNrg.. e. thele 1'hrlet w eel' elestssartlptlen,the fell pertlesMnof their .1 ... •areeett of {..echeit. aemniate, and the oaten oofde the mew, they 111 wit be kold b- th.es' er s t hk t •_ etnAed from the nespet of the order. Kiley Crollew Maher any M te at preddywolr t M bo(fyorga .wa. et Ts two ea tMtalr► clay Sethef fated .4 JAMES fl. C R1ejIT,M D. •