The Huron Signal, 1886-8-13, Page 4THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. AUG. 13, 1886.
c► d i •wr re, t•*io' metes.
A s' JriM hal prime df.
FINE TAILORING. New goodssaw pat-
o:ma at atom prism. it. M misvalue.
Miles Irbatmn agate .o(iedouin&meet W
miaaoa t►ati_ .rgalto lout u Oeo, litewarti
gamey. He always lea them
kale sod d tog la W oto s0 1.� you i
aist A. P,4 aes'e satomg le \etaoateestso�{ llat� �sa�mee 01 lbels
caesp wafter salts.
The b7 weather bas Ulm the osier oat of
the guess seed dimmed the to a meet
.gnat, but the Meet NMentophe aro still
lurked out by It. hallow* at ►L studio, Yee
trial street •d t3quere.
To raver Oaowtaa - Samsun t Boa west
1000 best. et mime. Ger whir` they will pay
theot� }else la reek. Pick your trap
e.rshlly, sad brag 1t to tows 1a boxes or
beekrY, sad it w�l pay you. Dail bee h nit
in bags. Re s .bit flee piece. West street.
sect door to the peel same.
Al t►e Cook lasew u can buy 1/ pounds of
raw eager for oa17 1.m oath. I ►ave . gee
let et les. i .m t a specialty of. Try
Ilio.. armories of an ttads fresh and rood.
Creotery sad daeswsn of allmid kind*. and will
Ne • liottry/obis Ie thew goods. 11t , O d, the
grocer. Square. U W
Tug Wilson was in town last week vis-
iting old Dosses.
Fred Jones, of London, is the guest
of his cousin, Mies B wa.y.
Wm. Seymour, of Detroit, formerly of
OeSerieh, mem t0 tows Thursday last,
and spent • few days with his family
who were visiting Moods io town fur the
past month. He was well received by
his old business pmooiMes.
As we qv to prem there is • nam •�....
Jamin Saod.n u, 'bus driver ut ibe
Albion how, for • Leg of LW
from IL B. Hodge 8aterday .eeoiag.
They say there was a high old time duels
at the stable, South -et., Sunday last.
A Colborne t informs us
• that Robert Morris, formerly of Colborne,
but DOW of Galesburg, Dakota, has Just
ousapleted a bapdarms frame house, and
is loukiag wistfully towards the east to
get some wee young womas to share it
with bim.
The protracted droutb is fast killing
out oar rising shade trees. The linen-
tioo of the street inspector and residents
generally is called to the fact that an
occasional pailful of water properly piec-
ed would even yet save many of the per -
tolling trees.
Mrs. Geo. Cox ia spending a few days
with friends 1■ Windsor, Ont.
Mi.. Kathleen 1. Ball left un Monday
to visit friends in the Forest city.
Miss Lily McKeown, of Clinton, is
the guest of Mies Aline Buchanan.
Mrs, Sbrigley and daughter, of Toron-
to, are th.gnmti of Yea Edwards -
Mies Jen Boas.o[• is visiting at Luck -
now, the guest of Rs. T E Nugent.
Mrs. T. McGillicuddy and two of her
children are rutting friends in Brussels.
Mies May Cooper, of Brussels, s. the
guest of her cousin, Mies Marion Grant.
Mrs. Powell and children, of Paris,
are visiting Mrs. E. J. Brown, North
We are pleased to learn that F. Jor-
dan is from his recent seven
The Beomiller people are asking for
tenders fur enlarging their parsonage.
See advt.
8. P. Halls, B.A., and Mrs. Halls,
are enjoyingleholidays away down In the
Mies McIntyre, of Toronto was visit-
ing at the residence of C. F. Straubel
during the weak.
F. F. Lawman and Neil Campbell
were attending Good Lodge of L O. I ►, F.
at Louden this week.
R. S. Boothe, of Toronto, who hi s
been visiting at R.. Garland Cottage,
bas returned to the city.
Harry mod Beat Revell, .1 Tomato,
have been the guest of the Mimes Ma
Gillicuddy during the week.
Mies Annie Hincks, who has bees
spending her vacation under the parental
roof, has returned to Torooto.
Wm. D. Cox is spending his holidays
in Winded', with his uncle and aunt,
and is Ewz Centre, with Fred. W igI•,
Mrs. Duty, of Chicago, who has been
visiting friends in Goderich for the past
few weeks, leases today for her western
Mr. and Mrs. John Yates, of Chicago,
left fur home Thursday, after spending
four pleasant weeks with relatives in the
By a misprint in our local of the Nia-
gara excursion the date was stated Au.
gust 31, when it should have been Au-
gust 21.
Mims Aggie Ferguson, of Detroit, is
the guest of Mies Weston, and is renew-
ing aid In the town of her
Mn A. G. McIntosh, of London, sis-
ter of D. C. Strachan, received seven
injuries by being thrown out of • buggy
last week.
Mr and Mrs Geo Cornwell, of Detroit,
are spending a few weeks in town, and
are the guests of Mrs Matheson, .ether
of Mia Cornwell.
Cloonan meeting failed to connect
:a'yjday evening, owing to lack of quo-
•• rug It was adjourned to Monday
evening lollo'iag.
J. T. Garrow from his trip
Friday last. He reports having spent •
pleasant time, and believes the novation
lud • beneficial effect.
By osooueosment in another column
it will be seen that Prof. Clarke will
. - felt week open out a first -•lees musical
emporium os West street.
Dr. Breen, of New York, and Mr.
]McGuire, of Boston, were in town last
week, and guests of their cousin, Mr.
Luby, of the Huron Rood
Ms Yemen sad Miss MiddWos, of
Oshawa. Mies Agnes Roes end the Misses
McMiekiog, town, left on Sooday for an
extended tour round the lakes.
Dr. M. Nicbolaoe, the Wed street
deo tiet, mak es the Drwssr•t►Nos of tb•
natural teeth a specialty. Gas adminis-
tered from 9 a w. to 4 p. m. for the
painless extraction of teslh.
Rev. John Young, M Ar,-drOelborne,
who bas recently returned from • two
years' mune to the colleges of Edin-
burgh. Scotland, will preach in Knox
church next Sabbath evening.
Rev. R. J. Watters returned from
Cacoune, Monday evening, looking as if
his stay down in the sister province had
not in soy way diskgred with him. We
ere gld to weleoe . him back.
Elijah Moon and G. N. Deets are
viNtiag Jus. Bsptiete in Montreal. At
este time Mr, oo,. was • resident of
the Metropolitan city. They also pro.
pose to take a trip too the Old Country.
J D Armstrong & Rona express their
!bests to the members of the fin de-
tests•at and all those who •asist.d in
gsyilig their propertyat the rent fire
SS their attest excellent service render -
Ladner Williamson, marine engineer,
retpned home from ('ental America
lett week, where he has been plying his
emotion, Ho will leave again in a few
weeks to resume his labors in the Sunny
11 H. Napier, formerly of (3.derich,
and now of the Freight Claim. D.p't of
Ike G. T. R , Chiftgn, paid • visit to old
in town. H• appears to hav •
fifth .ince he went away oA to,
William Sharman was stricken with a
perilytic stroke Sunday ongoing testified
fears were entertained fur his recovery.
W. are pleased to learn that he is Im-
proving and that his friends hope he will
yet rally, although his age -84 years -is
somewhat against him.
About twelve can of
some 800 -frim lieaforth and CiIljltun
were In town Thursday lot The ex•
curable was under the auspices of the
Methodist and P bodies of
Seaforth, and the Episcopalians of Clin-
ton. A very plessaut time was spent.
The home -of Rev. J. H Ciento the
newlyappoiintd t of Waterloo -
street Methodist church, Stratford. was
entered a few nights ago and a number
of eatables stolen, among which was •
layer of wedding cake (the gentleman
was lately married ., sums pies, • pud-
ding and a few glass cans of fruit.
Colborne fall show will be held at
Smith's Hill on Tuesday sod Hanes
day, September '28th sod 29th. Last
buyear the show was held only one day
t the directors have been 1
to hold it two days this year. The funds
from the members' lista amount to about
$375. The directors are laying out for
• big time at this fall show.
W. 11. Ridley, who has been a pro
minting business man in town tor t
past few years, will clow up his store i
Goderich at the end of Aug. He is LOW
taking • health trip down east, but th
Goderich business will be continued un
til the end of the month. The goods in
stock must be closed cut at and below
cost dunng the next few weeks.
I shall be absent next week attelodies
the annual convention of the Canadian
photographic in Toronto for
the purpose of obtaining the latest ideas
sod information on the art photograph
ie. My studio will be open as usual un
der the able of my assistant,
Mr. T Brophy, who will give his careful
attention to all sittings. SAtlows.
Rev. G. H. Cobbldick,now of George-
town, appears to be in green pastures.
He writes :-"I like this circuit very
mach. It is not to be beaten in our
Of the warm resept ion and
kindly bmBlmt 1� the friends too
much cannot b. ski i. Tees SIotsaL
moues as an old fried, Snots Act is a
success hero. It is enforced.'
Ma.rwx News, -The schooner Enter-
prise of Port Albert, was in Poet Get
Saturday. The eehooser Pinafore, with
a cargo of salt to barrels, arrived i•porc
on Sunday morning. The echeaser Est-
hete arrived last week from WaOseebe.g
with a cargo of staves, and unloaded at
the dock. The schooner Garibaldi, with
lumber for Secord & Co., reached harbor
last Saturday.
R. 8. Chilton, American Consular
Agent at this port, left for St.Cstherines
on Thursdayto act as one of the pall-
bearers at te tuners/ of the late Sheriff
Woodhull, who died then on Wedose-
day. Deceased, we are informed, was a
hearty, genial man of kindly deposition
and great 1 . He will be sadly
misted by those who had the privilege of
friendly relations with him.
Under the new laws of Ontarin, the
' shooting season will begin on the 15th of
I August. After that day woodcock may
be shot; snipe, nil, golden plover, grouse
pheasants, partridge prairie chickens'
' ducks and other 1, and hares
j after the 1st of September. Deer may
not lawful) be shot 1111 after the 15th of
October. No quail may be shot in 1888
or 1887, and no wild turkey till after
The of the North American
Chemical Halt Works on Saturday last
made up • pens of $17.IiO to help de-
fray the expenses cf the funeral of the
late Malcolm Sinclair, who was drowned
in the harbor that day. The brother of
the drowned boy worked fpr the North
American Co., and it is gratifying to
notice that his fellow -workers expressed
spmp.thy to him and his family in u
tan�gf7ible a manner.
FOCI Dar Exct•axio�t.-Don't mise
the great annual •acur•ioa to Niagara
Falls aid Grimsby Camp ea Aug. 21st.
'oto beet trip oft seasoi. Those who
AWL to remain over Sunday mea speed a
day at the Falls, and go to Grimsby
Camp and bear Talmage sad n
McCabe on Sunday. This 1. $ rare
chance, and crowds are going to take it
in. Come along. Train leaves Clods -
rich at 7700 aim. Tickets •sly $2.
Knox church S. R. picnic on the flats
by the river aide was a thoroughly en-
joyable affair, and was well conducted.
A aeries of games was taken part in by
the scholars, after which
were served. A number of teats had
been esenred for Pm of shelter from
the sea, and • large boat pve an outing
in .any who liked manias daring the
alta No mishap occurred daring
the day mar the even tenor of the
Bor Daowwan. Saturday last while •
three or four boys were playing in a boat .
near the cheek water a rim harbor, nee
of the. named Malcolm Sisetair fell
overboard, sad was drowsed. TM other
boys, as sans as their companion' disap-
peared In the water, became frightened
and ran away, alter giving the alarm.
Robt. Campbell, the lightboe•e keeper,
and others immediately skit shoot drag-
ging kir the body, which was rseove,wd
in about 10 .l.etes, bit ewfnrtwestely
life was satinet, sad every .bort to re-
suscitate proved unavailing. The lad
was son of wide. Sinclair, who lives near
the R R stating.
A west', .astiag of •0. Oemse'a
church was held Mutday seeming to °w-
omen' with the re engagement of Ree.
W. Juknos, whom year of pastorate
bed expired. Oa motive it was uneat-
e n/04y decided to retails there'. gentle
mea at hie present salary until the be•
using of the neat clic oh year at
, they, Mr, Jetsam ►n Mond
to he so earnest sed peteetakttog pastor,
sad we rejoin to Mare that his Chris-
ten character and faithful work 1.
thoroughly appreciet•d by the people
immure whom he labors.
The following refers to a g•otleaua
well-known to many of our towoafolk,
and who is no other than the dutiful eos-
in law of our esteemed towasmau, C. F.
Sir•ub•1 It gerrymanders may fish yarn
we have Dome aerate this season : S. T.
Bastedo, who t the Huaa
Oliver Mowat to the Adirondack amen -
tains as private secretary, reports having
caarbt 237 speckled trout in four hours
in Mirror Lake. They varied from six
inches to tine toot u. length He anion
pasties this statement with • declaration
made under the sot tee the supports
cion of voluntary and extra judicial
oat ha.
Daara or • Fuaraa Beak/MLR. -Mrs.
Robt. Henderson was called away about
a fortnight ago to attend the deathbed
of hes brother, Dunctls McTayisb, who
died in Wingless on Thursday, July
29th. H. had been siting for • number
of years, never laving rallied fro.n the
loss of an arm in Scott .t 11.11'• factory,
about five yeses ago. He died as Chris-
tiane die. Mr. McTavish was a carpen-
ter by oocupatiui, sad at one time resid
In Gud*ricb. He was a aaeber of
• P mchurch, and was re-
spected byall who knew him The of-
ficiating clergyman at the funeral paid a
high tributeto his Cnristisn worth.
The an recital, given in Kee:
church, o Thursday evening last, was
• grand , n•twithetanding folly
tine -third the choir being absent. The
singing of the anthema was well render-
s by thechoir Mn. Clarke's auto
The BetterLend) was splendidly sung.
Mea Porter deserves groat credit fur the
manner inwhich she took the alto parts.
She ming well. Mr. Hyslop's solos
were rend very effectively. ("O, Fair
Dove -)was splendidly sung.KIWI church
may well proud of su• voice. 11 .
bear Knoxchurch u preparing for the
bast ever given in Goderich, Un-
der Prof. Clarke. Mr. McGillivray who
took the nor parts, also announced
the program from the choir.
Fun. -About 2 a. m. Wednesday
morning • tin broke out in the large
frame building on the corner of Victoria
and Nelsonstreets, aad which was for-
merly as • boarding house
by Win. Arthur. Notwithstanding ex-
cellent workdone by the firemen end
engine, thebeet that could be done was
to save theArmetroog frop•rty adjoin -
Mg sad bider the fin from spreading.
A portion the premises was occupied
by M Morrow & Sterling, imple-
ment age ts,end fleetly all their stock of
machines as consumed. Then was an
iusaranoe the premises of about $900
Morrow Sterling had no insurance.
The originof the fin 1s unknown, bet it
is supposedto be the work of aa lama -
Thea of the conegiate were drap-
ed duringthe week by order of 1'. 8.
Secretary d State in memory of the de-
cease of William Hunter, the second
meeting i the State Department, who
died y, aged 81 year. An
Amerio•a exehaag• thea refers to de-
ceased :-"rhe death of the venerable
1111 Hat..
Quite sambas. of the leading temper.
alum mea atlsadwl the c,ureutiuu held
w Wroxeter as Tuesday.
Blwvale school loss been repaired and
now premets a very fair sight to Ilse
mama! observe..
Mr Roberts, who for some time has
bees earryieg on what appeared a thnv•
tog busmen in Bluevale, left fur parts
unknown. neglecting to learn his ad-
dress. He leaves a levy uumber of
creditors to mourn his Ina
Henry McHardy, who was repurt.d
to hays gone to Seefortb, has returned
and is now in cameo! of Duff • team
w hich 1. working at the bridge.
Poles are being laid on the wayside
for the put of putting up telephone
wins from Listowel to et'tngham. Hope
they don't forget Blu•vale se the eldest.
William Hooter leaves a void in the
State T. which will not be
hkely to be filled. With the ..
of fifty-seven gars of service in the
Department, he was an invaluable asso-
ciate of 11 Seentary. Even twenty
years ago, when the office ut second
amistant was created expressly for him.
he was regarded as an of
our diplomatic affairs, and his value has
cosatantly increased. He was superior
to any rules for the management of sp.
for he was so useful that no
party could spare him. Thu a. the
its Midsummer Number, our facsHious
, , Grip, has issued a magoi-
fissot t, in the form of a lith-
ograph plate, 18 x 24 Inches, a group of
Conservative Leaden an Canada. The
picture 1. ea fine as a photograph, and is
well worth framing. The likenesses and
are accurate, and the whole
picture is at come pleasing and striking.
le is one of the best tains of this kind
ever attempted in Canada ; and not only
all Cunservatires, but those on the other
side, will like to secure it. The price,
together with Mid umm.r Grip, i. only
25 cents, and it will be forwarded to any-
one enclosing that amount to the Com-
pany at Toronto. In this connection we
may state that the success of the enlarge
trent and t of Grip (now 16
meat has led the Company to redoes
the pries of fanadu's (imiie Weeldy, to
S4. New subscribers bendieg in $1 (to -
gather with 5 oents for tube and age
of plate), will get the paper for th• lam
six months of this year, to Dee. 31, and
have the Midsummer Number and its
fine 8 1 Plate thrown in.
tosopTo Iwnuayalat. FAIR. -The IMO -
OMB whish bas attended the Isdesiria!
Fair in the past, appears likely to be
eclipsed by the s000•s of the one for the
present year,wblch opens at Toronto on
the 8th of September next. Already the
apace in all the large buildings is nearly
taken up, ■nd the eharacter and novelty
of the exhibits will los tar ahead of those
14 previous yeses. The latest improve-
ments is farming f Ls, tuachiaery
and all kind. of /octane., will be
found then, and the number of entries
already mads In rim live stock depart -
meet *sewn a saagaiio•et display In this
reopeot. Oar spars will not permit us to
verticals/4@e, but an.xe•Ilest
of epeeist has been provided,
and the reputatioir of the Toronto show
ie this respect justifies ss iu saying that
they will be of an istarestiag and novel
Character. Cheap and reduced
fares will be given on all t4ti• rulwaya
A large ■w.1er tri ontveatsnus sad ether
attractions will be going ea in tb• eity
at the time of the Fair, and any of our
readers eoete.pleting taking • holiday,
will toot have a better opportunity of
speediest it with pleasure aid profit than
by taking • trip le the Toronto lades -
Mal Fair. Dldries in all d.part.•ats
close o. tis 4R\ of Actual. Por prise
lista and all particulars, drop • poet need
to Mr Hill, the Receet.ry, at To.oato.
Wm Messer. unto of the scientific buai-
e ar wen of Bluevale, has been repair -
mg his and ala, putties up
• new verandah In front if his store.
Jas Timmins, of the poet office, has
been adding to the beauty of his build -
nog by haying a couple of ILigs doting
from the front corners.
Mr Duff and family, a teacher from
neer Seafurth, have been visiting meads
aim hen.
Rev A Y Hartley delivered the Ent
of a series of sermons on social gum
tions on Sunday last, The ditties of
husbands being the subject.
Rev J S Cook and wife left last week
for • few weeks' holidays. They intend
geese to Mo.teeel en their i. N.
The early morning train which ran
only every other day has beton put on
every day.
We are getting lively hero between
bridges and . Blueval• may
yet •let sloth to the wind and Doer up
into regions when villages have no name
and only town are counted, but these
glorious have so far been
void. But hope on, dream 0.1, the
murk may yet be accomplished.
Port Albert.
T R Hawkins has returned from •
visit to Detroit and Gtosto.
Mrs Mahaffy visited friends is Toron-
to lest week.
Mies A Burrows spent • few days in
this village this week, the guest of Moa
Mies Jessie Stephenson, of Detroit, as
visiting her mother and brorhen hen.
Stella Erwin, the little daughter of
George Erwin, is from an
attack of scarletins. Dr. Reeve is to
Oar bridge will soon be reedy for the
iron work, the . being almost
Mr Mahaffy is still busy shipping lum-
ber, cutting staves, lee. The lowness
of the water is the river does not keep
our , J. P. idle.
TIIMPRtA.o i MARI Manus.-Aesaai
meeting ander gbh auspices d -t8. Caa-
ada Temperance Alliance, in Zion
church, Colborne, •t 7.30
p at., on Monday, ADD. 16th. Addresses
will be girea by the Rev. Mr. Kettle.
pastor of Zion church ; Rey. Mr. Young,
S.itb's Hill ; Rev. Jobs McGiliimy,
Goderich. The addressee will be inter-
spersed by to mimic by Zion
•larch choir. A silver collection will be
take° up. All aro cordially invited.
A ample bet e'
rreastMat Prewar.
YoaiIR.+, Aug. 7. -Tilden'• remmioo
were placed in the blue room this morn-
ing. The general public were admitted,
sad the people came by acorea. Among
them were many persona.
The body was attired in a suit of full
dress with a pink in the buttonhole.
The festures, while showing some ema-
ciation, did not suggest the dead had
any extended or considerable
physical suffering. The pall -bearers were
Samuel J. Randall, John Bigelow, Dan.
Manning, Smith M.Weed, Charles A.
Dana, Dr,Geerae L Miller, Wm. Allen
Butler, Daniel Marone, J. B. Trevor,
Dr. Charles E. Simmons and Aaron J.
At 9.40 a. m. President Cleveland
reached the mansion. He was accom-
panied by Secretary of war Endicott and
Private Secretary Lament. Rev. Dr.
Tucker, from Andover, Mae.; reed dm
u �l�y,
erof11te Presbyterian Church
t Madison .visas Presby-
terian Church Naas "Abide with Me."
Rev. Dr. Tasker delivered a short ad-
dress on the penned qualities of the da-
mmed. He .aid he would not under-
take to speak of Tilden's great public
qualities, bat h• could not help thinking
of and referring to Tildss's gsn•roae
After this address, Miss Antonio
Hens snag very sdeotively "One Sweet-
ly Solemn Thought, ' ' and Dr. Tucker
made* few aa•e. remarks. The choir
sang ''Beyond the &wiling and Weep-
ing, " and the casket was then closed.
As the casket was borne throngh the
ball 11•e choir sang "Rock of Ages"
Eight of Mr. Tilden's carried
the body. The Praideet mod Iris secre-
taries, Gov. Hill, Mayor Grace and dele-
gations followed in carriages. Along the
three mile route to Yorkers the aides of
the road wen alive with people. The
morvies@ at the vain were of the simplest
i.eek at Is.. of tier Prices :-
Muslins, 6c., worth IO c.
Prints, 8c., worth I21c.
Dress Goode at Half Prioe. at Cost Prioe.
Tweeds--Wondernal Value.
Cut tree of ('hmoge.
To make rod, for the larger sad Beet ra11 Stock
we bare tier slows.
Jordan's l(kck. (loderlch, Ural July, ilea.
New A floss Week.
Industrial r•tr-14. J. Hill.
Otero to Rest -Mrs. H. ('coke.
Tenders Wasted-1mm !'leiter.
New Made Slee.. -Pref. Clarke.
C.adag to Iled.rle8-14-b to aria
Bale of Issas ler Tame -W. L. Horley.
Agents Wasted -Welters LLi{g�b�tbourw.
Gazetteer and Hlpory of Caa.da J. Lovett.
Eighth door below the Post Once, West et_
Vocalises,. 11116-17
7, OSce--Odd Fellows Hall. North St..
Ooderlcb. Chargee moderate. All work war-
ranted. 1101
She People's Column.
BM -clans Eydish accident and plait-
eenteapay Is cities tied tetras
t nada- liberal terns. WAI.
TON k LIOHTROCIIN, ('heel Attests. 1, vic-
tori..tre.t. Termite. fuwlt
Traders will be received y to 11 *Week.
odea. ea B 110Pl�et�>Nth, Ir tusg as
w lws to the at MmMer
ad spe./a.atl..s ma be sees at w7 rsi
dens. I.ot e. ('.s. 2. Cetb.rsr at se
Ilen pr
tor to teat laMy Pam Oias ba
se is
(.uderfe� t8lgaedl
18A AC
Dia. ller. Aug. 11th, 1110. ri 0
Patrick's Ward Scheel will be received
by theAme .0 lead upadereissed used mug bto the Ida e pare
ay ree
white. and the week to bat. twit sed egad
oasts. The color will be a light drab 0 EO.
8 W ANSON. lscetd
lelof the most practical sad �pewt
wsetal poW1\od; ewer, teacher
Mitt • sop : as seam) enema be wittiest it:
It coatalao marelses h capital letters, .88,.-
.1at1•ao, peeetuatlee. errors 1. E.glio9,
spoof... 1515..,, beaetifaltir engraved. rte.:
prise M orate. C. 91111A. Arcade, Tor-
en/D. :41a
PROF. W. M. CLARKE, (Organist
•std Chair ta•ater et Kao: Cbarcb,)
Teacher of Tees) mad 1 Moore.
stink, Out. Terms Moderate, P. 0. lies
I. receive poet; f°uryears *lay ethe Mama s prepared se
e anergy. Terms: -M per quarter. IoM
1.7 1'HON09R.APHY. The moot popular Mit-
tem taught. iaotractloa books for sale at Tor
Ataxia. . Ever? bol sad .1 004
Strayeti Animals.
MISES cf W m. McLean. Nelson street.
Ian Thursday eremite'. • Bae dark red cow,
with short thick 1 1 upward a I.:11e.
El reward will ►o gives for any latorrwtlon
kadiag to Its recovery by the protmeier.
tp i) -at ed from Let 1s., Cos. 11, East
Waw•sod, about the 16th .f May. tee tellew-
lsg aaimar : -Otte heifer three tears old. in
self. her 11.e was up the 1St It July ; bee oiler
I• rid aged white. some
a room, with nice etbores. might call her
Ose twe
year os. heifer, rod wllrs ea kir WI
lsrly wlde-.ored bora. Om lire year .14
rr.�e steer. alfa Ma es a Bank sad •
white spot os his face with a split la W left
ear. Otte year-old red steer with white hairs
throtasJ� his side. avid Nag horned. O.*
heifer roil with little white specs
bee. and a Meek seas. Oae year-old
through the neck meetly with•• w► tte
emit ea her tsreb.ed. Ose year-old heifer.
the body ..stly white with rid hairs through
it. tat neck meetly red. with it white strive
dews her fees. Asy leforsetlm cos..rslag
them •atmals that will lewd to their recovery
will receive a reward of M. JOHN C. WIL-
SON, Myth P.O. gggy
\ / the subscriber, let 1. 1 cos. of p� ..
o w about the 1�t\ •f Jus.. tbee hsad .f
cattle, owe pair of year old sten, me white
with • red seek, and the ether rod sad white,
and • two year old heifer, rid and whits. The
owaor 1. requested to Peeve pro1srty.
and- ks them ate. MM. JOHN
Fdr Sala or to Let.
itf Sprang, of tin b... hoe, Hallett,TUATZDst.rsk es Ills ftetmee. s1 tire►
brought an orpe to Clinton last week to j ec°y.d y iitddes 9leaggl, N..wlsery
tel !t repaired ; inve.tigstinn .howat. APNse)■7 W1K w_I 100
that min had got into it and built • nest 11'1"e-• MO -
then, eating mems of the works.
M gs.
Ta (Week \ tow Itaturda7. August 7t►. 11M.
(J&newtaMalecot fourth eon of the late
In gg,, e(aetalr. aged 1 75.15.
is. Oederie8. ea Tsepday, Aurnat 1918. IM..
Jona McGrath. aged 7e years.
to wlsg\am. ow Tksred•y mot-Mtg. July
tat\. 11(le.• McTavW, aged at rears.
=mate and 1e days.
la 0.lerie9. s W.deeed•y, demist 11th,
111110. Joe Caateioe. aged M reww. sad
MOW he.
The t.aoral will take plass tireat bee late
reeldesee, corse" w (asmbrea fed sad Men
5 se Friday, Aug. 1118. u 11 •reds•lt p...
rieses sad aele•tatsaese will pastes emirs
1 ►1. INlmuie..
to real. e*.sale tem Etntail. the Maa-
aB- Nsad ase free tesla
• tesaoyeeared et arm' A aeries e..r
la wHs land es the beak el the lake.
Sara rad el•ble ad • pewdwearer house oe
the premise•. Terme tore yeses. MiCHAEI.
DALTON. KIaWI P.O.. Oat. �►
Feces, Lor Rt eve. le the ifmltl•ad Cea-
ceseles. of the Town.\iyy of
87 letter a J S. LiMARR, Et
18. OSee. MIMIC of Square aril Kest
street Ooderkh. over telegraph *ace. Pn
vete !loads to lead at a per Beat. 1000
IJ Dederick.
C. Mauer. JR. J. A. Moscow
E. N. Lawt. 111l -
MISTERS Atteragya 9oltdt es. rte
Oodenie8. J. T. °arrow, w. prsudte•t. 173
flebefties is3ederbk. 11. Ca..os . Q.C.; P. Hitt, M.
0. Camerae. C. C. Rona, 1711-
• 13911 of the',saa of Pk7attlsus end
Aoeo.cbes. ails'. Armee
�1uri, siege.►
, .mad
TE. CASE, M.D., C.M.,
T.P�slrlyst.Ilerree.. Atselotar.
dk, Osm-♦rust seem Dr.
Hlstahimeal Desyariem NightMho-
ria's betel -
IiZON. Cormier ta. Ogee sadwslieare
Breoe Street. *mooed deer meat .f Vistarta
Street 17ti1.
+J' Pa7doWes. 8argmsns, *ioowebmrs, to
°see at Dr. Shaasos's reggeme. mar the
Mai O•deeta\ O. C. gammen. J. C. Hann,
TON 1701.
Loans anti insurance.
ammo et Private rands for taveritmeat
u 1 ea *ret -class KRM.nssgea. A1lb
lead W per neat. ea het -cls.. Carla seear-
I17s, Apply to R, C. HAT tsefYdbde-
r. O
1 or desiring to champ their atertgagee
sad reduce their ease er laseees W. emote
private funds to my aimeat at 00, pr anat.
e have also remived lsstracttass 01.. a
client controlling a trust toad to lead fist a
limited .mount a men aloes hem .srtppe
at 5 1-9 ono. e u 7 saes to
IMAGER St WIfd. eispoelte the Contras
Godarid'. lab Nov.. 111116. IMO
Daly rinfdwas Compal es a.pnsees.d
- Mosey to Lend ea straight Isaac, at the
lewe t rate of interest soles, la liar way 10
wit the eervower.
Sr OITiCE - !honed door from Square.
Weft Street. Ooderlcb. IOW f
K. 7'. rooT.
f L./e end Mortar / /mese,
ito OSx. opposite C.Ib.rse Metal.
The "Leedom " Isoorpoe.ted 1710
The " Natiesal." establleited NEL
The "Read -la -baud.- the ea17 Company
lloeaaed to Insure plate ghee, is the
TM~ w all Bret -class sad toy melee-
tenet esenemnites.
ROW [stew at Mesa rets*.
Oedertob Dmo.10(8. IM/. MIL
'650 000 TO LOAN AT O PER
aro prepared to tone meow ate per neat.. pay
able belf yearly. ee
ea .vet-elam farm see.rtty.
Apply is
*gems fee the Teniae. Oeasra4 'Meme Oily;
Messrs. CAwiaow, Hoar t Caarnaow ban
owe a Iae*e •areeet et private toads t. Is. t
ea int tarn ssrly.
oodel.. Oet. t. 1113 1191.11
To lead es farm and /ewe lw.porty et ism-
er interutiensta�esst..e�o2d
lap.rtgiase. ►nee / {.....
ageate for the
Cesa .f" (..51thea, . Canada
Credit Company. the Leaden dLem 0.tattaar
of lersa !steroid.
ALM& mess* f pee ea.
DPW R.rrtwrs 1e..
ea ram a l Town resperty at lemma 1.-
red mortgages v yaoommansias
ow la relmeedreg,
N. R. Perrewere 1115MUM mese, 1n Isar
If title 1s estldaot ry.- DA T19011 t
ETON narristirn. R... 0.4.rte8. 11t
lot. 1ON
Lean violater, Oederld,
--be nlela s p ismligteZe. seeiyiat
Oat year seting eel• bib
Tan Ramat, Also. Mayan
promptly and st 1n mesa tensa i.
drawn to salsa through Ted a11.fAL free
of charge, whim\ is raid by theimasela
s ayterbal. a18111151e,