The Huron Signal, 1886-7-16, Page 44
Ityw Ysww **wits t West. Mn Geo Jump, formed •f Gods- Mayor D.. AIM, of tk• `Q.••t'sLinea&
M_ • nob, soww of Chime,Chie, is visit*, Meade Ows, was ie town this week, the guest Teta Williams stall the milkmilk I. Iii. e. is town, and will remain sheet taro of bis smother.with w et rho leading tailwind•5r
W.eth.rlL weeks. Aa a*ati.s sole a elotha g / mime, la
Mather Ed Timelier, who W bow May goads. ate., is Ming held *eery halms" here-
slte.dieg oohed here for the peat three &hetesce need main ow doer west et Wer Halidey, late with J. W.
last week, d j .
TOWN TOPICS. meolha' hit foe his h•."III darada d the post adfgs,west street- baker, Ooi.r• , arrived in Mune l
b••Iatl his °Amami.toay, "4 to a*w "1"6" twiill
ttaY Navas& Mw Erna C,u• °t Galt, she is *Imr16111io d. this Pis**
4 skier* pet aehew' seem. i•• y ry •red y. Wadies her holidays at the hems of Jelin V iasrd, souther Oorleriah •lay.
Ade ieM pried 1t,' Li td *rel will hemds
ea Thew- her panota is elates, wok ia eke ea- is ,*.*Want is the eel lin* with meq *
_ day seed Friday, Js yy Idth and 30th. eeeaieo to God•etek ea Testy 1••t. hi however, of the plasma, wai W.
est mrt mat s M i► etlwrt'e the tar waw: The memos will most et a had R. Holmen. the **•rgetie *&tact need a faits Homo.
1. weleeme. I I Dad athletic gamma Foe peblalise lit the Chalon New lro, was yew friend of ib• •'hiss. art" W a
gnat W be PM thle week at M. p•rtie.Lea gee paster. is tows oo Tuesday. H. was oat tot a mil a day or 110 sgo from Rev. A. M*
]Iealtuv sew emelt M t••, Mr. BsrwfN ad ba►o,wM have ►ems delightful row os the huttur. Chuteswho
}- I
mars. •u Wm east ase igb Oillivmy sad B. B. * Co, M.A..
escwd•re s s 1 to mare was spending a portion d W dmmmer ben, may net ser awrthoua, but eh• isn'tare et pr....t eagryted together is the
leaked eek ca ass. > 1S!t he ••r. have raters•& to Bt. Peal, Miss. Mn. mem oar bargee. gtitrioa Geld at Ftorwae•.
at the mils T fi.-J asrt Kepi H E1amdIss, mdMr 01 Mn Barlow, lrvasraraonAL Tsiiraaaaca CAMP H. B. t Cu 's tinge on the
LIs Orally t Tie Newest 1 her deadline. Msenrc+.-♦ grand g•ah•r1°e of vein• peculiar edvsetaga• by his ter`
.s the •.rhea. Take • at them ebb Dr. M. Nicholson, the West street
workers will he held to (lir war) ritury Y \simmer resort of °* memo
•ad sheep. B. MocContaac. doati.t, makes the I d the illus tN ♦[gest 8, 9, 10. 11
, 12
•md order. sad which war* granted *Pis" is
There wee a drop 1. the I •• plash of •Wk the columns u( your valsabls paper, I
71•rdwl acrd then W mesas sae mnp t•er•l teeth s epeeinity. des sdsisis- la. A •n front both
sista,. PrlahamLL. the het tared from 11 o. s. to 4 p. . f,or the .ides of the line bats been engaged, and mad with mach tot•rwo. *lawn frees
Itofseeds dp s time i• expected.
painless •ztractwm of teeth. • *tiff pact the of your wtvwspetldceit,
At Cad 11... you as. Mar •glee let at John A. Cox. of the jewelry . tabli•h- D. E. McConnell, whose xaphac (to that neighborM°d),whu, by the way,
j mil111 els each per hen A eels inert of Beat. Alien, of Chicago. is tak- letters from Aestrali• delighted cur is fast assuming alderman: proportions,
dibash tet of em 1acaasohe•p,warreatd.
ed inn is ad masa spmoi-1* . O. It. Old. tar hie •amet maim ti•.. He is ,topping at tfront aim• to time, has returned so other I cm be arrived
the mem *ware. homestead. He looks as iI i[• is the to bu native land. H• gave us a assoe
ll than that the place is b..kb-
nitml Ysarnas-God•rtehplaterlemai r Phcenia city agreed with him. one day last week. Mr. McConnell is a tat, and if the same effect would take
11.ow1•r ywJpMte r M 'Met. D. O. Jammrts. of t1. Bron of ran baseness attmiamwts: plea in the physical d t of
seals want • gala sad s • Batt., spout a few by is town after rho not is is love with the Antipode•. He those who never have suffered from so
sea tee, la *vasty anise mea u11•. P again
will milieu to A userala.1 uv•rplus of Ash and blood I lhimk they
cam and duringGm past week• ought to vieit Dawn tewasbi watering
Mies Mi.w Cosk• D •wiling tried. He wit' rwetimM in anitoulin Island, Cs1C[er Mane. --On Tuesday theP K
ie Leanest. where kw father is now resid sg, Clinton arwket club visited Goderich, P
lace -
i Mn Jotters and infant have returned Th. Mime Erma and Freak Croill, and played • match on the old lacrosse
from Montreal. each lit whom are excellent tad. The visitors went to the bet IN/APBS/TOR TOM.
Mn S. Black, West street, le on her rte Mat to Tea Slalom. on tuesday. and .naevi 43 rens' OudKwh fol-
mutual visit w Tomato. )<rma w now holding s mea ua the Galt
hewed with 41 Clinton thou weal in WWwww"a arra team* t• Obissee
of Clinton, in Reformer. and Freak lives iu Clinton. fgt second innings, and made 67. This
Mrs. W. T. Whitely,left Oodrich with 71 runs to make, and
♦isines friends in tows. .1. C. IRels•tees, B. A., son of W. R. one hour and a half to play. Owing tee
Meg nudes. of Rimers. _ ill Use swot Iebegliele, M wed d the board of 55b -.x certain iamb of the Quotes team The following n rt has Ma adopted
ir iiae+ebes Ary yaio*t the ptein'. by the p*bike .cou beaed
of hat asnt, Mrs Wynn. bs%.eiellitlE 3rd class tleering the bold
Miss Mountcastle, of Clinton, spent • a w' sed w *°w enwiog his lab- orders tie match oould net b•t:optioned.
few days in town last week. ors to comedies with that office to Tor- has ooa•gwatly appealed to
onto. the amoaatio° to have the game declared
Mr. and Mrs Thom, of Montreal, are James Milne and John MCKinno° in their favor. During the latter part 0*...- -.-. 1 have the honor to
tet guests of Y. Hutchison. were palatally mj irad at tet 0 T R of the Clinton's last innings, a light rain submit for yoer my first
John Demo is taking a month's huh- docks one tag last week by a pile of fell, but nut susoant to .top play. report on the oodition of the public
days with freeds in Bothwell, lambs falling upon thorn_ Milne gut FATAL At,'IDL1T.-On Saturday atter- schools aGud•nch. As I haus only
Mrs Duncan, of Seatalk, has been the wont sq.saio4. Both me feat to. Woos a terrible accident °courted by been in office • short time 1 think it
the guest of relatives its toMR savoring Mir vigor. which a lad owed Samuel Jewell, sd bent not to report 00 any swatters which
MimeTh. Mi• Minnie sod Nina Strachan The Bre ss•ls Post W •olerw*p
d en about 15 years of age, lost hie lite a esquire further inspection beton I can
IMO visiting friends in Bandeau. its fourteseth year. It i. • handsome, was driving a team drawing a kegs load d.hsit•ly 1 what is best to be
Mr. sad Mr. Hillier were rusticating vigorous Maid Garits d B
its •g0, aro. Ks"of lumber, and when near the old toll-
done.On my tint visit I spent the wine.,
in the township of Grey last week, is kespiag it up to high water mark as a gate on Dunlop's hill, fell or was thrown Apnl 12th 1018. examining the clams
Miss Vanstoae, of Brussels, was the 100.1 paper' The Post deserves the to the ground, and the wheal- end observing the work dew by the
of the wag
united support of the people of Bros- gon passing over his neck, nearly sever- teachers in the different divisions of the
guest of Miss Wilkinson last week.mads. .d the hoed from the body. Death must O.ntnl and ward schools. I •isit.4 all
Mn Wiseman, of Clietos, was enjoy The member, of Heron Lodge, No. have been instantaneous. A Mr. Bax- the divisions (•x•spt the Principal's)
ing the lake breezes Mae last week will marsh to Maitland cemetery next ter, who was driving • tam just ahead • wend time on the 23rd, 24th or 25th
Mr. and Mrs. W. Proedfool have ren 62,Tmyy afternoon, at - o'dock, fee the of the unfortunate lad, was the first to of Jan., and ga.. so oral K written el -
earned from their wedding journey. purpose of laying floral tributes oo the duoover the accident. The body ass •mtoatio0 in various subjects, including
Met Jamieson Raid is Blooding • graves of departed Oddfellows. A. this brought to Martin's hotel, and afterwards refitne, .p.11ing, writing, drawing •ad
week or two with treads in L.Mowel. is the first "Decoration Day" in God•
Mrs. w •onus ed w the house of hi father, R g•0wr•Phy, to e. laspupils who were s0-
MM. T. Whitley, of Smmtorth, was rive, it expected there will be a largo Jewell. Abbasid. The lad had driven Plating promotion.
die get of relatives in town last week. number of people present -to witness this esvral Toads of lumber from the sawmill In .11 the divisions die teachers ap
• isterestt ceremoo to for George Aohewa'• new public hall, peered to be interested in their work and
Mr. and Mn. W. E. Rothwell were 1. Ory q y dein what the thought hest for their
town during the week, ell their wedding with the led pe.deM Order of Oddt•I- God•rieb, and the lost on Saturday was &siege. Nevertheless, in seise of the
lows. the last of the contract.
trip.Scow Act CLAIM -The moot J forms the work was tar from being auto -
Te[ BS.A!rTy+1ID B1ltD[E.-(,' H Gir- t..w Thu was d°e, in some alis,
Mn. Sinclair, of Hamilton, wife et Fl.h.r, of Ambling, esm* upet Loads- vis of this town, . the local t for ry
J &welsh% w visiting trims& la ' agent partly w lack of .. oo the part
Judie bore' beforeMagi•trstesBnith- the Brantford Binder, manufactured by
town. waits said daKersigham. Then was • ♦ Hew & Son, Brantford, and has al- "f the , and partly to he very
Mn Beattie, of Bramptoo. w parks* perfect Med of witnesses, sad at 8 p. m. ready die of a number in this sec -
attendant), In some et the forma
t • visit to Mr brother, J. W. Paris, it t. impossible to do the work Y it should
the .ass was adjourned until Moods,- tion Tuesday last Mr M , be done, on mime of the exosrsive
Goderwk. Jobe McBride, of the Albion Hotel, foreman for H Y Attrill, had the the numbers. The yo*ragK pupils are more
Mrs Clarke, wife of Prot Clarke, Ood•rioh, will be tried beton Mayer binder which was meetly purchased difficult to manage and require • teacher
organist of Knox church, arrived in town B for violating the Act from the, .t work on the "Flats," with more tact than the older ones, yet
last weak. Imsp.etor Yates . the in both sad the manner in which it worked was we find the lowest form in each of the
M. Nicholson, dentist, mod Easily' took Men favorably commented upon by the late ward „hoe,* 1 and placed in
In tet round trip cu the Saginaw Valley Ales. Kirkpatrick, of Chicago, who number of farmers and others who wit- charge of 1 teachers. These
O this week. was to town last week, lost a puree of named its . Th.
maritime defects must be removed before estist•c-
Will Moan, barrister, of Winnipeg, s350 Dotes and $100 in C. S. bank notes cuts • 6 feet swath, and is gown with tory work an be done.
has been speeding • portion of his vacs- and proceeded to advertise the loos by ease by one span of horses. The wnrk- I submit fur your considerstioe a nem -
lion is ween. Before the notices were put up, ing thmughout was expeditiously done, bee of etan,(es in the ward and antral
"""'ver, the missing pocket -book was and the binding was neatly made and schools, and I trust you will ase 6t to
Mrs. Troy Savage, of Buffalo, sad
j child, are etopyi*g at IM old homestead totted at the foot of the bed in Bailey's cleanly delivered. The field of grain .dam them. 1f you gannet increase the
for the simmer. hotel, where he was bleeding, by the was very heavy, from a Amy bottom, number of permanent teachers, the four
We are geed to learn that Mrs C girl who was making up the bed. It but the binder never mused a sheaf from grades in the III class should be reduced
had slipped then out of his pant's pock- *tart to 6niah. Wb haus °•ver ,sena to two. Teen the senior II slam should
Reynolds hie recovered from her resent .t Mr, Kirkpatrtek was delighted at better working machine, and Mr. Girvis b• added w the three lowest forms in the
severe indisposition. the find. w to M tied we the fact that M school. Each of the 3 junior IIT
Mrs. Brennan, of Hallett, was the gnu Face -axiom To GoD[[a, tt. -A° s:-
is able to supply the farmers uf this see- classes should take the same work, and
gnat of Mn John McIntosh, St. Pat- caesium, made up peincip•lly from the
tion so thorough and labor-saving alarm- should be recruited fromm t4. II class of
rick's et., last wee[. Methodist Sunday Schools of Clinton, fag implement.lash room, and t mode from
C A Humber and R Radcliffe are at- Loodeshes
.ro' and Hulmvills, visited The Luelnow & *tin., of July la, had all of thea to the aeni•r IiI class Th
tending the session of the Oraod Lodge un Tuesday. It took two the following kind words for the few (clewing benrfit., is my opinion, would
p•s for of North street Methodist Church: result from the changes. 1. It would
♦ F & A M, et Windsor. trainsa4 4 arty the party hither. The Ths Methodist cb.roh was ked on relieve the congested condition of the
Mrs. Smith and Mrs Keller, of Chat -
foreheld up until about half an hour be- Packed
for the visitors left, whoa it came down Sunday evening last, on the occasion of ward school. 2. The time new spent
ham, with their ehildres, are in town for in not unwelcome showers It has Leon the farewell sermon, by the Rev. Mr. in the III class e•nnnt be lees than four
the benefit of their health. remarked that rain 1. almost sure to tall Turk, who has been removed to Gode- ( terms or two years, and the minimum
Nearly thirty girls and boys were en- .t some time during the day when the rich. During Mr. Tuck's residence in theme would then be two or one year.
gaged on ♦ttrtll'. farm last week, hand Clinton Methodists have their annual the village M by endtpsd himself to a ! The limit, at prwmnt, in mach 1II elan
weeding thin growing mope. picnic in Oeden:h. very large circle of friends, not only division is so contracted that the pupil
among his own co*gr•gation, but with b.eemes heartily sick of the sameness cf
those of other denominations as well. work during the term. 3. Teen would
H. a an earnest worker and a powerful b. • h•altby rivalry among the towhees
preacher, sad daring 4. two years min- and pupils of the III classes. 4. By
nary hen. his work hes been greatly having two classes in each of the divisions
blessed. it was through his untiring
efforts and earnest zeal, that the hand-
some new church of that denomination
was erected last year year in onr village,
while the membership of the church has
increased nearly three fold. Although a
comparatively young man, Mr. Turk hs.
few equals in the Methodist ministry, as
his to so important •nth •
as Kish fully attests.Mr. and Mrs.
Tork loam of God rich this week. They
carry with them to their new field of
labor the well eddies of s the large num-
ber ed one sinews
4 A
'(• I ' W k►h se and al Amami the weak MOM
TMr ars .bowleg a apleadld flange of
1 Snit nide to order, All -Wool Tweed, $10
1 Oa Scotch Tweed Suit for - - $14
1 Fine Black Worsted for - - - $20
Joedam'e Sleek. 0edertcb. aka Mar. 1Mt.
iliedertrb school Bess{. I ■ a
and make a better distributive lit the Dentistry,
To the Members of the Pobi..• ' *Awl Board work, - s
0f Gudericit. cgPTI A L
VI diviaoa-Thu class has been very . 1
large. Work well dope. The order i*
gond. 35 were promoted.
V division -Order rood. Arithmetic
below the average. Other work very
good. 19 were promoted.
IV division- All the work well dun.
Order good. Clam rather small. 31
III division -Order good. A11 the
work faithfully done. 2i promoted
II division -The work in this mons is
very mtidsctn.ry. Order good. 22 have
been promoted to Principals room.
I division -The diseipline is good. The
different subjects of the course are placed
before the pupils in a clear and forcible
tnaoa•r, .•pseially let work in English.
The high school eatr.ncs examination
takes the place of the psosotion eoamit-
ation for this diviaion.
1 do not knew that there a any other
matter to which Itis necessary to call
your attention •t preset. I shall en-
deavor to perform my duties without
fear or favor, and 1 trust I shall have the
hearty and honest of the
Board in trying to do whet is right for
the children, the teachers, and the rate-
payers of your town.
I have the honor to be, gentlemen,
Your obedwnt servant,
Jog+ E. Tort.
Goderich, July 5th, 1686.
The senior II classes will g , to the
central school next term, and continue
in the same reader. The aloes from St.
Andrew's ward will go to Miss Shar-
man's rows ; the class from St. David's
ward to Miss Fleteh.r's rues ; that from
St. Patrick's ward to Mie Menage's
The pupils in I book, part II, will be
changed from the junior to the senior
division i■ tbe ward dhotis. but will use
the seine reader, se they have not yet
completed it
Mrs Lachlan ItleDoasld, of Tan, w The most youthful guest yet registered
the quest of her mother, Mrs, Hyslop..t the Britiah Exchange Hotel arrived
Mr. McDonald aup,mp•nied her. at the earliest hour of Sunday morning.
Re.. G. R. Turk will preach • tem- He did not come by train, or by boat,
pernce sermon in North street Metho- nix at the heels of • prancing team, but
dist church on Sunday evening next. in an older and mon reliable mode of
Rev. Messrs Turk and Webster will . His advent caused more
will prtr•ch rmnn. on Sun- stir and anxiety than did the visit of the
day evening in their ro eot'v chenhea. Governors who hese put up at the hotel
in their time. Mr, George Cox mays he
can't do ton much to make the youthful
guest comfortable and welcome. It's .
Mrs H.trryy Guest and two children
returned to Wtngham on Tuesday, after
spending two week in the parental home.
Wm. Marlton took • trip to Toledo
O le day last week, and visited his broth-
er. He went by water, but returned by
Prof. Clark• is now open for engage-
ments in leeching vocal and tn.trumei.tal
music. He ma also give lawns on the
Pape organ.
▪ Mn Andrew Duff, uf Clinton, w
ing • few days is tows, Matisse of
Colin Cunpbell, and also Mrs, R.
We see.owledg• the receipt of a press
bad tax tet Int.rnaticnal Sangerfast
lj at &Klin, Out., on Aug. I1, 12 and 13.
!'here will be music in the dr every day.
Mrs Wm. Seymour and children, of
DstSoM, ere is town o" their annual see-
tmer .sit. Time ars stopping with Mise
8sym*sr'. tether, J. K. McDougall, D.
C. C.
P. Adamson' and .1. MuMillea on their
torr of Oriel Brileia. We wish our old
friends a f srltq and * sale
A seestieg o1 tet easel board font
pesos last Friday afternoon. The meet
jag was soiled 1.. the consideration of
tet lep.etor's repine. which was adopted
ie its entirety.
J. W. W.atheralA, who is now in the
aggeloy of the People's Co. , Toronto, is
• horn
os pleasure Mose. Me ie(nr.e
- that he is ready for besieges is the
epwiag mehine and organ line. flee his
"epee letter" in another column.
A POMPOM HAxn. J G Ward, of
Qederiek. who was rusticating at the
> in West Wswanosh. • few
„ski .go, bed the misfortune to rem
potion ivy while tufting. His
w badly swolle., and he suffered
tag" psis trim tet woks&, but we, are
Old tp hear that M is now on the a end.
1.Ooderie►.55 Wednesday. July 14th. the
wife of Mr. Thos. e. Mcbride. of a son.
Al the British Exchange Hotel. on Sunday.
July 1118, the wife .f George B. Cox, of a
D4NTAL 500710,
Eighth dour below ms° Omce, ,
11' • (>mor- -Odd Feil.. Hall, North
(3odertob. Chatges m•dunte. AL work war-
ranted. 1fIF
Av.T- E. CASE, M- .D., C.M., M.C.P.B.,
. Out. P las. Aeees5heer.
ate►Issos i .do.-llg7lar-
uo'e hetet 1M1 -
GsON. Coroner tc. (Mee sad a
gree Street. mooed der west et Meigle
Street 1111.
Payslelans, e.r*esY, Aoee.cb•n. tc
.Moe at Dr. Shaamos'o rest -----n, sear the
gaol /Joderich 0. C. Suess*, J. C.1'J rti-
Toe 1151.
ii Once. corner of 4t,wsre set Meet
*tree,. Goderieh. over telegraph see. Pri-
vet. Fund: to lead ea A per 0001. *5
C. gassiest Jo. J. A. MORTON
IL N. Lanese 1 57-
Otdoe corer of Sao wears and Weal
suet. poderich- over guteter% bookstore.
menet to mad et lowest rtes ed'stormt.
MISTS/Hi Attorneys. Selietters, etc
Ooderieb. J. T. narrow. W. Prom/foot. 171
Barristers, Solicitors i■ tem.
3oderieh. M. C. Caesarea. Q.C.: P. eft. M.
0. Caseero.. C. C. Roes. 1T51 -
Loans anb insurance.
rich. Itlse
asmw.t et Private reads ter Iaveetmeat
.t lowest rats es art -etre, lMKyyss. Apply
At "'The Maples." S,.fortb. oa Sunday.
July A the wife of Loftus Unto Dsatsy. bar- PRIVATE FINDS TO LEND AT
rieterat-law. of a daughter. 5 and 14 per cent en linters thrum secur-
ity. Apply to R. C. HATS. to McYer. nods-
10511-ifShe People's Column.
PEIt/OIII monism LOAX$
TU or desiring to uNlr morellos,
PROF. W. IL CLARKE, t►rgenial end reduce their rate IMMO
mad Choir ..eater of Knos l'burcb.l pri•ia., feeds to am saleMt at per neat -
Teacher of Vocal end Instrumental Meek. We nate Wee received II`tnd to *waw
Ooderdch. Out. Terms Moderate. P. O. Hes clIeat oostrolneg a trust
166. limited11am jounnt t r00r gree clam farm mer`mpse
l4e pupil. would, doting • part of the 10
'MA ISR k LitY1e, toppeNuytha mat
time, be thrown on their own resources. NOTICE --ALL PERSONS HAVING Hotel. Ooderkh.
Pupils should not be always fed with a .resume aeFalbet tie I will I Ooderlch, let8 Nos.. M. 1101,11
plass* .seed them a sot later than A uguel tat i
spoon, but should he frequently cast next. H. Y. ATTRILI..
adrift to forage Inc themselves. A limit- lti/g5weod Park. July 15.1. 1Md-1t I RADCLIFFE,
table, in haresony .Ilk the changesre- TEACHgttS W ANTED -DURING I R.
Iia flop rt, has been pre- sacatlou-toeell "Ma°ualof C epml.s• CE.iiKRAL INSURANCE,
dance,' t8e Meet telt.b.ek tet pakt•sss
pend by die Principaland myself. W t81s 00ttjest; r aaNW S REAL ESTATE Are
Aerie are both of the opinion that moth good hrevlatlona. M a00t55s s epeplse. Isla MONEY WANING AGENT.
Tae FAvoerra Etrattts[a.-W A God 11 would result from its adoption. ,meet beautifully maimed: lmdls et Only Plr.l•olmae C' -i ssrm Represented
Evans, eon of George Evans, of this 1 he teachers in the ward schools 8*.e bea•nes tor .genu : 6s cents mm5M Ir Mossy to Lend e• etratgbt leas. at the
place, bed the honor of pulling the 6ret not lose over all the work •aMgneo for C. O'DILA. Arcade. Toronto. 1Ri1m lowest r0 of Metering gafsg, le ear way to
tela from mea to nes into Port Mood suit the eorrower.
Moody. t8. term. They consider the coarse too
The train at Kam1 • w an hour be. aeon f h The new limit -table _i fto/r STalee chOKI imp. Good _ peedii{ggrreeseRiT , W Ot deer tt 18■aro.
hind time when Will took charge, and Gooeasre *1 A Svtrtl[z Rsa0IT. -Mr. will shxtea the ward school coarse, and ft. es I1 rem.lred. JOHN WASHINGTON, tr
he made up the lost time and brought Ravin, .t the Galt Reporter, ray in that maks it more workable. Reading and na►nn 1112114H INSURANCE CARD.
the train in oo schedule time at the ter- journal:- -"Great efforts are bei writing tight is the schools. off Dot ng aro sot well M
mien. When the train stopped at Port forth bythe localpress ►s well as the I weeder these the two subjects which MUSIC. -MISS Cf►OKE, AFTER 14 W. F. FOOT,
Moody, a number of C. P.R. officials rears study of mode, . nese& to lira. L(Jr ant Marine Is.mrwwca Agent,
who were on board, came on theplat-
citruses of the town generally, in the should be carefully attended w i° emery r.selva pwlt(1e ren lir rlaua u lessees GODM/ICa
way of booming up G.oderieh Y a mom -The division, Y they are tet me.ns by which ta•rterlr. erne:- M per quarter. 1511- Sr011, , to C•lbrne Beal,
form end shook Mt Evans warmly by mer rmsuit. Eff.trt. an being made to we acquire knowledge, end convey it to HORTHAND. ISAAC PITMAN'S A• " .t .55 e.• 1*. 1 MO
the hard, dt , ' him on the teat. supply the town with our. water, drillingothers. On my mood .sit 1 found con S Th. "Nllasil►b.d,•
The crowd of ala pressed being now in progreswith the hope oidenble tin the reading of tem taught
Hook am
ux licensed to mere plate gla.. 18.
around him, eek to shake Mach with striking an abundant supply of spring the lower classes. laau• AeL►erf Every 0686. her and ctrl showW il,, .dam went -ate.. Ana old .stab
Aim, offered him cigars, and made mock water, • sehente being also ,n tont with In St David's -card the jurior division Mg It.hcd itemessles,
of him 'morally. Oetlotal Manager Ab a new to lighting the town with electric w much too heavy, yet the work w fairly AN (SPIN LETTER Rieke Mos ar 1•s eel rwae-
b,ott gave him •big 'send off ass* A.1 light. Although Goderich has its draw- well done and the order good. is the Ooderleb' lith
hoomotive engineer. W H is the ••road tacks in the ser cf railway facilities, enaar division dewing has not been lnfoorlei s w f .rete such pleasure In ML
youngest engineer on the road, bot M w se 1 r that
1mewls a t1e t o ne d of Q 5O neo
it hoe many attractions, and is nnfoubt- taken, which motif reduced the per Heron sad prune that 1 have *torsed w 7vrDH hill C LOAN AT H Pit
• favorite with the manager, who gas. wily • p.etty spot t^ spend the heated mine at promotion. The order in this re of 86ei44 .'T50'l • hnmoh et11•. per the
rallywire for him on special occasions. ,wjt s t s'e P1e•as mw saga
Ta xTO 4:11111141•/RAL TRUSTS MT
p.e gree. The town, wh o••rlo.ks the room w good. Hewirig MacNwss, Ie ley termer Verna sahib a 1(0100. *5557 at5prmit" 557
Saviors At'-iDrrr,-On Tuesdaylake, is very peculiarly laid out, with its In At. Andrew's ward the junior dirk- Mete of Parkete. sire. Tibia CO. here Bede .ary ea
monis July 8th, Mr. Pe t, fotaaserlcourt ants and park
1 b ikon is • ,such crowded ; the wnrk is a mew departs 1a the sell eg goal. TERMM TO SUiT BORROWERS,
g, 1 of P• y e hr .spa 1ne .e yew .r pada .ad :linen
en knit-e1.m terse seeurlty.
of Gc derive father in-law of Mr. C. he•itaetss blocks with a fine roadway b• very well oar, end IM order middling. Mg dI :Alm pc at low tut.* The Ie- Appl to
Whitney of this town mel with • serious Sween, prwsenfa • nether pl.esing in the senior division the order w excel teualeg nrvtamer hes t8e prtvIM(a le every 1MERON, HOLT t CA]IIRPO7I
•ap•et Toa and the work • w 1 e( teauy the seed" Ofe ^slog aaa n.rrl.ters,
and mishit ascidmnt mya the ltataf .rth i to agree who visit the town. TM t. very good, runt If they lie set Y tuprumaed lie CO. wlu Agnate ter the Terse Oeneret Tnste Cosy..
Erponfnr Hs was starting nut to the streets and avenues an wide and well arithmetic. whiob is below the avenge. allow thole M M monied and psi /rile Mame. CArswnu, HOLT t Carats y.•
countrywith •burse and tin peddling lanced with shale trema ;The b wall The junior division is St. Patriek's both wars This ether .boeId ►e ae dentia- ileo a I.rg. •mouat of vete (sada to I"'
ped ng P per d.c0lewst to aar0tr 1. try •.r goods, W ea grouts tars seerily.
wagon. When opposite the roller .8.t- well laid est and furnished with sesta for ward has too many pupils for nom teach- Wield she seethe* the most sceptical that O•d*vlc8, 0et, t. tap, 11111 -Hing rink h• struck the hoax with •tet the weary traveller ; the hotels numerous Or. This aimsn deficient is reeding end I •••r swine<tssa Tru.Msg
whip. esseing the anima, to spring for- sad rates r•ssoe•bl•; the people obligittg writing, but very good in arithmetic ( mitre .r the rai1. I, f • tsi
ward and breaking off the end of tie and courteous, and last, but not least, j fl. order w not , . The mw et
whippletres. Too se frightened the the ladies charming. The Point Farm,
iodine work in the senior division was Ima j' T tRALD
hone that it became late endo a short defames from town, is very desi- •Ory well done. The pupils do not give ' P lag the C. oar. of Ale -
it turned into the station yard, opsstting ably situated, and has say •itenti00 to order nr diaeiptis. A kakis el" rear mall*. TKe.u, 1111LIt
the wagon and throwing Mr. i'spet May for hundreds of visitors during the mule. toolmaker of experience and energy .Meld
ily nn the around. When takes ep it mer month. While nature has done • he phased in chargs of this division. Auctioneering.
was found thea his leg was broken be- great dal for Goderiob, the citizens loom As the Principal has •lmry little control
twee* the hoes and ankle, and that b• also done their shat., and to any who of the pupils of the ward same, the TORN KNOX (1ENER.AL AI70-
woe otherwise bruised and haus sot the swans to visit the fashion- tu•eliees of these Cannons should h.•• • 110715Slt sad teed Yate ter, 0Nlmrteb,
R• was tinavged hnwo and the injured •►le Ana -ole watering resorts, and who and b. able to control their at"t. 05.154804 sessla•rnhle mind."' t.
limb set, Mt as he is an aged man rt wish to • few weeks daring the
the •harIawMed s r w M M 1. e p *Ir 10
speed OMI Mese wItMet calif ie .N. t• ee le le
Si map -
way be • lost limo before he wholly re heated terse in • quiet sad plowed Tie dosages whisk 1 I 1. stkaMeas entrusted to ahem Onkel left u
on•en. The horse was seeer.4 before sinner, they eoald woe do better Ihss ed wield equalise the nominee in the Martian 851,115.56 M sail to ley .ad
any farther serious &awrye was done gime the eirewlar tows •trial" d,/nervi divisions of the central tadlsslt Q•a.r .' P. O., emr.t.tlr atlesa.4 * . JOlflt
LNOX, COs.t7 Ase11s . SMT -td
Cset I los4 n tem awl few. at 1sw-
PS a7 01 mvpagesM t1 aid its
er Messy.
. the • Lemaed
e• tleeaatatwewi 51 Awa Lisa?
n Cespamr
x. B--ilerrewse ma cwt. Mq is .s.
day.Ir 1211.
107a DA I &s . A.derlee
55 sad Tem Property at Wm is -
tweet. - .. - F -.a rOssetia
netts I. "le
U tails amt D _ gi 301
IrTOx Ssrristms, O. 1teb.
1 A 1