The Huron Signal, 1886-7-16, Page 3JR! I8 TILE. TH.g HURON SIGNiL, FRIDAY. JULY lib UMW a "— was to cusp m we that a tsi■s s or two. 'tad thus *Osiers se tinea be eves smiled a little -- tumid du nda '.an r" A The Gaud pulley. H•' bid ides if and her kept bit eau beads sloe■. This ebbe net a mails of •tnwtoset, bet rather of tteaed ro■5d .11"d laced Lr. Airlie Bumf- out d tight f ales herself feta • meet treader wed grave se prim•• it was this „1 will have to uud skid it sena. (urtlwMau cored .d ibe .eat was posaibiy w more treat , wesld ever speak to of jest at Att►.ay'spart. bat it had • soak that irritated Aathooy more thea el irl wdgM wase. w use .,�sd tat troth about it two a5yt►twg .r rwvt# , pi g his is► � �` he eat dr•• his vase, 1 still bier d the at•n who had betrayed her do I Pi■' TO u /wrwtrwt7R ve mete ahs "Allow -. to mast you," said the RT ADELINE SERGEANT, 'ulnae .tttdhatly tater the ductuf • syr aeslle. And in this P•"" wit► his bead eta and ole what doctor. He signed Imes Tau M AUTrus or "Jet oat'" Wiwi." "l" sou "N I ger 1 skaU upset w gad menthes,: h mows to Mn Aawuagly towas.i5 w u!••t Tut Na • Tates 1s.glI%.ga,"Io. id all b ► tb■7 stood that Alia- can gtv greater y sem "m )des. Pirie w stay erre fo sem "mild •ren whew 11 the rich.. of in cad aches no l ti VI 1 Iwwreth+n the .lean• Esiellyr ttSN a little Pines peening her eft as the young widow w near which of relief. P. pleasure Nen/dine .eaactly smiles will carry cwt your wts►oi to of se Iategi■ar7 eeefanng wit wised uny uu.ld not refrain from casting • oils the MII. Ker.iltse euine rbeuw- wsed i■ • Umlaut, tem cows glum towards the of my ability, as Ulna have � tam, Norvilino eures.rs.wp•, Nervtlii.e trend it. And .hes M ked looked owes • ewes headache. Nowt w carr In Y..'.. sworn that y• •peak truth," she said. "(3od f.•ret'e y• if aught else has been igloo y. or Nps. Bet its Ger- ald that has lad t.. ye ; he was aye feast at his butler, the gran' Lord Murree. Let hi.. say what he glee-he•deid now irali wan• tab' IC hook -but t was his wife --.hest h we his dying breath he has triad to must me off- " llur whole form seeined to collapse. else swayed 1.. and fro, u if the room wen x trig round to her den braid, then sank t.. the ground in • swoon, with the child still clasped in her arias. The little boy woke up and screamed as out of the corners of his serene blew the doctor lifted him away. But Mae eyes with some ensi•ty. He thought gin did tot mote. Elbe had done her that Maven had paled • little when at best for herself mid for her child ; but last he lifted his bed and answered she had had failed and the failure uta gravely. enure limn .1.e ouuld boar. '•I will trust all to you.' "You seed hays mu fear," mid Dr. Airlie almost gaily. "If that s your on my d1 niM, a .0 ells �• B ��MM 1 bel 1 Ihum.o.d .los had been drowsed b N always dune. list there are undue* voyage to Alludes. Maggie aN«vililw, the net sun for •piost which ens sauce always guard. no peeteet. lits. Pirie wet as *tedium looked again A startled ejaculation, lambent.. or •carnal peters. great tel Denies A suddsxt obit!, • feverish at/eek, w ea w uphold floe boom of her hems in her for which b. mould have butes 61• ttoatirg Duly 10 ants try be lied at any ops of hiatuses -all these thiUgs are ow■ way u Gerd Mattes hiawl( did its possible evils,•ud .mils pot easy w avert- hie was bar lodger, Bailie Douglas, who Yue will aegeit nee a blame, 1 am sure, ger i■ Mr. s, Piwho if any untoward cireumsta5cs should, in .■tared it iteesseacy your aba.me., reader my can uasvail- eyes that she should invent • history fru tag."agpa He was on the hies road to re - Th Maggie. There wast long pause- Mutant's ornery, but was still her f strong, and eyes were fixed upon the ground. The wee treated mesh es an ir-valid by An doctor wintaiud an apparently omelets Ikea, and by hie landlady. The eoueius demeanor, but watched his former pwplI had found themselves very .umfort•bfe in their lodgings, and had resolved to stay there for the present The house was 11y slums to Bertie's estate, and, se be had reastved to take the man agement cf his again into his own Undo, he wanted t.. tN as near the pleas as possible Lockhart,ted lately been .pgbing mon or lees vaguely .1 going CHAPTER XXII. "Tna LITYLI LIFT anal PI Tae Lt•TIL" "1 bate altered try mind." sad l;r. Airlie, with an sir tat mild urbanity. '•i ad% Sod your Lei.btp IWt w for tie preen, did I mot 1 I rescind that statement. I due it woeld benefit your health to ttomdt for • usu." It was the evening of the day on which the demur had had his interview with Magpie Logan. H• was seated with lord Mean in the desist -rout The ser - Tuts lied left tam ; dessert was on the table ; and these were the first words which the doctor had uttered for fully Stoma minutes. Load Morro■ was leaning bask in his chair. He W sates little and .pokes loss. The leak of profound mel•oobuly whish hod lately 41 i him seem- \ od to have grows deeper erose Beanies loft the hoses. It was the look of • (man with whom mela■chely weeds* nankrm of disease. "I am is your hands," he said drenri• ly. The doers bowed. foiling I Dao eaauoth you difficulties •way` 1i1111 to London ; bet he felt that at with very great sue Confess now, 01e{pguMiit his departure would be an ttsbidnuss to Bertin, who needed help is various ways. So they both stayed ; tad in Maytag,they became aware of the eziat.nce of beautiful Maggie Logan. "A lady is staying in the house. I seer" Bartle remarked one day to Mrs. Pirie, in • questioning tone. Aa.thony had gone out, and. in her absence, Bertin was not averse to • colluqu; with kis landlady. "My sake, sir," said Mrs. Pirie briefly. "Your u.ice' Oh." Berrie was dis- tioetly surprised He added after a short pause, ":lbs yoeug to be • w Cow. "Sbe'. solder than she luiks to be," Ms. Pirie replied. "The bairn's germ ea for twa year." "How long ham .Ise been a widow 1" A faint color appeared in Mrs. Pine's eheskt. "Sax months or main" she an- swered, with some reserve. "I diene mind the time exactly." And then .he made an excuse for getting out of the room and away from Berths queMiooa. It was impossible that Bertin would scarcely have gives the girt a second thought bet fur an i meeting with her one afternoon in September. Anthony had drives him over to Glen- torvie for the first tins sleet his illnw. Bertin had been .axiom to nes theblack- used ruins of his home, but his strength had hitherto not availed him for the re- quired effort. On this especial sftar- toos, however, he seemed stronger and brighter than usual, and Anthony had I not said I would trust it all to you 1 no h.itatiou in Dotting him down at the dear Morten, that it would be • relict W you to have this little N. matter settled be- fore pour surri.Let me feat that 1 •m doing yea • kindow is freeing yo• from • harden which have u.bapptly imposed epoch you-" Maven shivered ily, and broke out in an tarry tone. "Freeing me 1 Settling the matter ► You koow you can't do it If 1 trust to you, 1 treat you to set as you Know I wish. The gutter must ba left to-- W - " "To Providence 1" askedthe duotor 1y. "To time and chance," said the Esti, violently. "What else do you expect 1 Do you want me to murder nay owD-"at "Hub ! " said Dr. Alone quietly. Walls have ears. Never mention names. 1 1 you well s .ugh." "You ars sure of that 1" "Quito sure. The only thin., of which I would remind you is that Mita Emil - "I am gratified by your confident.," moot, u Lady Merron, will tolerate no Ile said. "As • patient, you are admin- secrets within thea. walls. If you thick able. Nwen man wen will place himself of beriai Ur eurio.ity, you are sane Hy tithie pbsian• yas hoods... taken. Your only chance of safety lie. ' I was not thinking cf you as a phial. in letting me act as I please with respect ciao," remarked the Earl sullenly. "Yoe to the person of whom we speak. I will have, I suppose, your own reasons for I treat him gently ; but he must bs is - wishing to set use missy. Weil, 1.t as moved. hear them." "Remove him then..' "My reasons." .aid Dv. Airlie,with an "Yoe. Where 1" .rtistio assumption of well-bred surprise, "Then are surely asylums -private "are based entirely upon the .tate of asylums, perhaps -where • paientcould your health. my lord` You are usnerv- he treated_ Gocd heavens, Airlie have ed, unetrone : Um • perilously excitable condition. A sea voyage, • journey co the Continent, "mold be the beet tonic and restorative diet you could bac•" Morose nus silent for a moment. Then he raised his eyes with a gleam of hope in their sombre depths. "I win go to Switzerland," he said.As it happeoe�, however, Anthonywas •'To diet Yasilitaoat and Ind? Lilian 1 His face twitched with strong emotion; (detained -at h He i, •!ready Ante oy was No," said the doctor slowly, ••I do not he stretched out his hands as he spoke well in try. neighborhood ity the eelf think that you had better take that in a sort of wild appeal. Dr. Airlie knew I well knownest which in the took in all matters rus- courae. You would unsettle them. Lady when to be silent ; he saw in this case ;punnet the estate, and home pestle It re. ihos would try to work upon your foil- that he had strained his power to the ut- t ps upon set as certainly the general ; Mia Es.ilawat upon your judg- I must. He made no opposition, there- I p end feasor of the laps. if not mut._11.P15ld b. unwise. Bean , , to M from , min■ger p guy rugfriend, Mr. \\'itggin•, is already the room , but whet he was a indeed its ackncwld,ledwner,.li%. iffe on his way to Zermatt. You had better; smilai to himself -an inscrutable .ort of ' in-line to appeal to him for help whim not meet him until the affair i. finally smile that was not without triumphant anyth eaint( went wrong- In this came, meshing He had made Lord Alorven 1 there had been same ling, arraAged ' perhaps even some anemones on Bertie's as "Arranged i But it is not yet be- I all that had wanted him to say, rt and Anthcny had to devote several gen." i and he was sellll content , p• 1minutes to hearing various "It u 'begun' •o farr. that he know. you ( And . it happened, rather to the SOT- � and countent•sem.nta beton he could will not oppose the •" said pries et the world at large, that Lord understand whet try. trouble was about tryo doctor firmly. "I telegraphed' to him, Morten went off to Austria, and did not He listened patiently, and promised &b t. yesterday to start." join his sister and her betrothed in i Helisle represent d p malar to the But "Iwli s will not accept him." Switzerland. Both Beatrice and Lilies I nearly an hour had elapsed laird. dlot "Give her time ; give her time," said felt some astonishment at his conduct ; joined Bettie ho among the roles. And i■ 1)r. Atrli•. .t trainee@ mind is a rari- he had declared to them so pxsitirely I that houruBerri. had t made • new m- e nd▪ thing. Wiggits is rich, generous, that it was impossible for him to leave end madly in love with her- Tiley will I1 the Totten that summer' -but Beatrice 1ysatntance. return betrothed, if Aar bend hs re(tata to gun Do u ycu please, but spare me the de- •nd of tbs avenue to go alone toward the tails. I can't ail you how they torture me ! I will go away tomorrow, as you , - , it the beat plan -and you .i11 keep me informed of all that I ought to know. I give you full authr.r• ity." ruined heap of stones which was all that _mems_ of Glenbervfe, while he him - VS AMU back to the lodge in order to have the dng-csrt in the lodge keeper's Aare, mewing to rejoia Boris in • few minutes. tongue out afterwards, souped his lips. Yet wast did he see 1 "A pretty picture, is it not?' Dr. Alike remarked earoastie•lly. "A very pretty paters. Ab, the spoil is broken - They ears moved. Well, vet were just in time 1" Authony turned from him •brwptly e nd woof oat into the air -away from the blackened walla, away from the mm.n whom be distrusted and dummied, away from a scone which filled Isis heart with sickening dismay. In • few minutes Bettie joined him with • light word of surprise at big long abuses. Anthony tutted sod surveyed him curiously. Sortie's cheek was flushed, his eyes were • little bright* than usual. There mss rather •e elated look about him. Anthony frowned at the tion. "What have ycu been doing with H r' be asked, t shay. "Wandering about-reseiee-taltitag,' i.id Berta lazily, yet with that look of subdued animstioa la hie eyes, for wbiek at that moment Antiwar could have hated him. "What etas should I be doip gt" "To whom were you talkiwgr' Berta glanced at him, than shrugged his *boulders. "Gomes," be said, with a half -laugh. The. was • mosestary tum• t in his fees, and some emo- tion which his cousin did sol know how toe . Instead of guessing, therefore, Leekbart walked on with brow and displeased demean- or. Berns did not seem inclined to pursue the subject He began to dis- cuss gems of his plans for the rebnfdiaj of the house, and as lie talked he turned his steps towards the lodge. ft was tolerably evident to Anthony that hs was purposely being led away from the Gleobervie ruins, possibly in order that he might got use anything of tie person with whom Bertin had been in such ear- nest converse. This notion did not add Anthony's good humour. But • little reflection tended to ealm his vexation. Bettie had, of cores. a right to act as seemed rood to himself. Even if his actions were in other peo- ple's eyes rash, foolish, inconsiderate, nobody had any right to interfere. And if Bertin were only foolish -if he did n eater that cold be called by • worse Dame than that of ' -Anthony did not are. After all, the shook that he had in seeing Bertin in attitude of great- er affection, admiration, aymp•tby, or , of the kind than it was right that Bertin should show towards anyone but Lady Lilies Ruth,.n-this shook, he thought to bimself, would searcely have been felt by other people. It was the effect of Dr. Airlie'• sneering tone, of Dr. Airlie's veiled insinuation. But for him, Anthony was oonscious that be might net have thought twice of the Clasped hands, the meeting eyes, the lips that seemed .o psrllousiy near . Tut was the , that galled hire more than all. To think that he was still only a puppet in Dr. Airlie'• hands ' This t of reflection went on in aim while he was replying with his lips to Bertie'• question, and apparently listening attentively to his plans. In reality he heard very little, and spoke almost mechanically ; but in process of time his irritation of feeling calmed itself, and he could that he had been hasty in his . It was while he was driving back to Mrs. Pine's that he said in his msmaer. esu n at GI bee p t her Aoth)ny could not at first find his rid." what the had asked him, and fancied , cousin at all. lie strode about the "Mistress will prevent that," muttered that he shrank from meeting her after , heaps of stone, in and out of unroofed the Eatl. the repulse. Perhaps this thought soft- i wells or half -destroyed corridors, care - "You must net 1st Mita Beattie* pre- tined her heart a little towards him — timely at first, pfterwards with some sei- ned it. There is go need to do anything though it was not very tenderly inclined 1 Bettie concealed himself 1 H• had ert premed ; bit who young Wiggins jest (stn. m►rrt msec up W- hig mind as he Mooed in begins to make himself felt, you mast Meanwhile lits. Pirie harboured her writs to him and to Mies Eesilmont that I what had once been the Olenberr %dnw- ration. guests and lodgers ander one . ing room, to put his hands before his you have no ubj.eliom to hi. wit. 1te- roof, and heartily wished that she could , member that Duly in this any an you .o. her way out of bar troubles. For 1 mouth anti give a 'view -holism,' or an save yourself from ruin. Maggie esu a conata:.t source of anxiety 1 Asatnlian 'Coo ay,' when he was re of a veryan The Earl sighed am" turned uswily to her, and was perhaps, as Mn. Piro i strained by the in hu chair. herself expresd it, "more plague than expected tisitor. From • eorser of 0111 ' If it eters only for myself," he said, profit." Her interview with the doctor i of the half levelled walla, there stepped " oat, with bow and snide, the ubiquitous 'would face ruin, had left her in • depressed state of body I little doctor, Stephan AirGr. "And disgracer' tie doctor asked very and mind, which !ln. Pitts (who had softly. not been told what passed between them Anthony stertd, frowned, and arse Lord Merven rose as If he had been could not understand. The girl's only on the point of tensing away whoa the .toot- Hs .alkd to the fireplaas end care now seemed to be for her boy. She doctor accosted him. .toed for ...m. minutes looking down in- eat with Lin in her arms for hours at 5I "Einem me," hs said politely. "lou to the clear bright beau tune, n t pea'y t doubt .char for your coons dreg store. Buy on. aid teat it. Lorlre bottles tit N•rvtltoe only YS cents, at all dragnets. Norville*, Deere pain cure. ♦ w.atae Leve story. This story, told originally by Spur goon we behove, will, we are confident strike • client in many • loving hesrt. A young cad his bride were invited gusts at • large .tarty given by • wealthy pp•arrirsbsonen. In all the fresh - u se and el of her bridal rube the yua■g wife= among the throng, dis- tinguished by her owsssiiuese, and vIrae- ety, and rick attire ; and whoa, during Ike v.ai■g, beg young husband drew hog aside sod whispered Io her that .he was the most beautiful menu in all tie eumpaa , and that hie heart was burst- ing Irak love and pride fur her, die thought herself the happiest wife in the world. Ten years later the slues husband and wife were guests at the same biowse, where was gathered • simil- ar gay camp.ny. 111. wife of tat yeas ago wore the sumo dress she had worn a the pporwevlow occasion, and, of course, it had lash altered and remade, and old- fa.kl tad end shoat shabby. Toil, and care, sad motherhood, and pinched eir- cSMtaaees 'sad taken the roses out of bar shook' sod the litho spring oat of bee (-mem. She mai, spot from the crowd, .sl.were and preoccupied. Her small hoods, roogbassd With acetas toil, were wagloved, he the nlsLiti ee winery was *shiII .nen. .A Ii is ops.t the ten- ywold Weibull' u1 stead and looked at Ws wife, and ae he observed her hided dress and weary attitude, • great sense d all her patient, levies faitbfd5.us, cue over his heart. Looking up, she aught his earnest gave, and noticed that Lis eyes were filled with teas. She ✓ ose sad west to him, her ge.atiosi■g eyes mutely ukiag kim foe an emplane - Cam delis emotiva ; end whoa he ten- derly took bac hand, sael plasia[ it os . .n.. Ise beg may _fromb.b.sss thinking i and told her how ha hs d her as she looked Hs b.feee, whoa oho was • bride, and mew teach more precious she was to him now, and how Musa more beautiful. for all her shabby dress and 1 Cad., and how he .ppresiated all bar saaiise and tattiest tail for him, ase i14 r sMldr'.., a treat wave of hippies* hied her heart, a Licht shame is bit foss that gave it more than its youthful beauty, and m all the oompasy there was not ea happy couple as this b.beed and wife, their hurts and facet aglow from the flaming up .of pure sentiment that transfigured, and ennobled, and glorified all the toil and privations they bail .odured.—IThe haus. l.vhtblu bat 1aNaasaaew.. All pains or aches win instantly re- moved by drops of Fluid Lightning ap- plied over rho alleetd porta. No time last ; no nauseous medicines needed ; no poulticing or using greasy liniments. It .ill not blister or discolor the akin. Sold at 25o per bottle by Geo. Rhyne, druggist. Seffer.n from Neuralgia er- ten os that they never fear i1 when their hose contains • bottle of Fluid Light- ning. (41 AYER'S eageraCkagieff Ceaharlls If ilia Liver °` PI LLS., euses torpid, H tee ►•welt w ammilloaLJ, or of the stemMlk fade to perform Its hoodoos properly, tet Ayer's MW. They ere IteraheaMN., For some rows 1 was • victim to Liver t'umplatat, la e.�aoe et wbkh 1 .utere.l trona Gower.! DeWitt sad Indi- gestion. A few beset et A� ).r'e Pile rv.ture.l ms to whet haeme— W. T. Brigbrssy, W.deresa, W. Vlb Fur rears 1 have relied mon upon A o. r', ('ills than &nytbl•s she, se 1 Regulate 1. my bowel.. Them P111e are aIki inaction, said do Moir work thoroughly. 1 have used them with good sleet, in cases of Rhee. matlsm, Kidney Trouble, and Dyspepsia. -- G. F. 1111kr, Attkborough, Maas, e Ayer'• Pills cured ms of S (tae Liver troubles, (rem which 1 bed wNbrwl for )ears. I committer them tbs best pills matte, awl would not be wltheot (beat. — Morris times, Dow morale, Y. T. I was attacked with Bilious lever, which was followed by Jauwike and woo se dangerously ill that mi frjuwds d.' sp•Ired of my recovery. 1 it su.i/ taking Ayer's pith and soon regained a customary strep gt1 .ad vigor. —John C. Psutisott, Lowell, Nebraska- /Pig Last series I suffered greatly tree a troublesome humor on my slit- to splto of every effort to cure this eruption, k hi- m -abed until the flesh became manly raw. 1 was troubled, at the same time, web Indigestion, and distressing pains It )The Bowels] By the advice of a Erred 1 asking Ayer's Pills. In a .hart time 1 was tree from pain, my food dlgealsd pzrrfy tit• .ores on my body eeaastt�esd . and, in le•s than use nsowRh, 1 wee — Samuel D. White, Admit, 1 bate long used Ayer'• Pleb, hi toy fatally, and believe them to be Me beet pill. made. —S. C. Danks, Dudes, Miss. My wife and little girl were takes with pDyyseenteelry a few dye sad 1 at 0505 Pith, tklnkhig 1 wmoucall a doctor l deem of •11 *b■ s diaea.e became az worse. L • vert time the b barges pain west .54 De hi was rata —Theodora , Iikkeioad,Va. -�' Ayer's Pills, Iheparad by Dr. J. C. A yew • Ce., Limon, hese. MM by ail Deatar• !. lgedlstre. - Some ash. In Greet Britain the question of Home Rule is eowmmanding attention. To the man with • geld in the head or cheat the safest way to ensure Hewe Mule over • old is to have on hand a bottle of Dr. ilia 'a Red Pine Gum. Fur sale at J. Wilson's Prescription drug store. tf Mrs. Pine • niece p - vie, I saw." "Yea," said Bettie and mid no more. "It was she whom you were talking wary.! ' "Yes saw air "I did." Than then mu a short silence. By • furtive glance, Anthony taw that the color had mounted his cousin's cheeks, and that• his bmw was , u though he was not well pleas- ed. He perused his "Ned I my that your suit would scarcely bs furthered in Lord )torven's .yes by episodes of this kind 1' "Of what kind 1" "Need you ask 1" "You ars very ambiguous, Anthony. Suppose we defer this conversation until on need I COMM?' Spinning and Ret?IaR. or eelawimff lamed* the house. The wind's ton keen 17 Shiloh'• Vitaliser is what 7 the t?' S pensee or OD*. ease a tori twig. o speaking, settee. seeming o are n0 oe for ooen.tip•taw. Iota of Apposite, moo. os rognlred. "1 suppose not," he answered heavily bear when she was addressed. Mee. Mr. Doouglas. Allow me to show you to make talking pleasant." neem, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. W. to la • poeNlon to oto all kited• of tea •t last, "No ; mot diagram." Pira used to wilider what was amiss where he is." Anthony aesented Leave. He fancied Pejo, 10 and 76 omits per bottle, For A 1 That Blrtie wanted este by J. Wilson. fa cess 1886. SEEDS. The Largest Stock in Town. CWvltltit—lied, L+rge Late, ALtke, White, La nee GRASS—Timothy Seed, Orebard Oram, Kentucky Niue Ked Top, Lawn Ores. Hungarian and Millet. Tama SCANS. White, Ooldea woo Butter Beans. 0.013.—White Australia's. Black T.rtarian. Standard. WHKAT. - Buckwheat. Odessa, Fife. CORN.—Canada Yellow. Ealy Minnesota, Stowell'• Ktcrgrzen• florae Tooth. PIAS.—Field Peas. White Marrow/fat, and Black Syed. etc.. Daniel O'Rourkas. 11c• 145*'. Little tient, etc. TLA X SKSD.—Fez Seed. Linseed Me.l, Ground. Oil Cala ]IANOOLDS.—Mammoth Long Red. and all other kinds. TUR�4t, wade, aol an other popular vs. CARROTP.—White Belgian. Red Field In- termediate. and all kinds of maraca car- rots. Sunflower Seeds. and all kinds of Field and GirJen Seeds. cetera'', selected from the best house*. A . of Fresh Ground Oatmeal Jost arrived. muswesage Ons of the p el*rers in Havard Uni- versity, I believe, was a great bugulogi•t. Hs had Miura of bugs the world over saw in frames, and he studied bugololy until he knew all shout it, and had thousands of of different mons of bugs. And the misehievnus •twde.tts took the Ins of one bug, •rid the body d another, and the wings of another, cad the head of another, and put thous all together. just like nature puts them together, and serried the bog in to the old professor, with his thick glues on, and laid it on the table and said: " Pro• feasor, .hat sort of a bug is that?" The old Professor looked at it, UPI iu,ned it around, and looked at it, mei looked at it again, and maid he, " (gentlemen, this is • humbug." And this s just what we mean by • religious humbug. Hs has got the head of a Christian, and the feat of a dancer, and the tongue of a attest, and the appetite of a drunkard and the laziness of • shirk, and v.•u just put him .11 together, and he is the fittest specimen of humbug you over saw. — Sam. Junes. SAMUEL SLOANE, Hatni;ton Street, Guderich, Go.terich, Yeh. Vete. ISS. 14 -Lpt C. L. McINTOSH, Nest door to ltbynai Thug Stere. keeps constantly mid,n to ter• well - selected *tore, choice Fresh Groceries, which will be found to compare favorably, both as rc4p de quality- end price. with ashy of :crs•ock .n this vicinity. TEAS AND SUGARS A SPECIALTY. in ret3rnin.1 thanks to my customers for their �paLrwtage. I would also incite any oth- ers who will. to calf and inspect my store. C. L. McINTOSH. South West side of the Square. (ledericb. Feb. ltnh. 10(91. ■elkee$.f s Ley *-...pseud. Here you a bad Cough, a Chemie Husrsenem, • foetal( u( Tightness in tee Cheat, Week Longa, o any similar com- plaint 1 If .o, buy at ones • bottle of McGr'egor's Lung G.nip.nnd "it will cure y'eu." it contains entirely new specifies, of which one dose u more effec- tual than • whole battle ..f the old time rendes. It is pot up in 5'Je and $1 bottles. Sold by R. Rhynas, druggist. Try it, and you will never have reason to complain. (41 DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND 1885_ C}�.. DE]!._CH WOOLEN To the Woo! (ureters of the Swrvosndit Cain try : W • wish to say that we Retake Sour Wool in exchange fur Goods, or work It for you Into any of the follow1.g arnkl+•. vis Blankets—White, Grey or Horse. Shirtinge -Grey or Check. Clothe—Tweeds or Full Cloths, Light or Heavy. Flannels—White, Grey Colored, Union, Plain or Twill- Sheetings—Broad or Nal r 'w. Stocking Yarn — White, Grey, Clouded or in Colors. Carpet Warps made to osder. ROLL CARDING. Our facilities for this 'cork moot to ear w• will endeavor In mem eases tone t Ike day it is ',rough, in, If required. Druggist •f "Then the manor s settled, was the with h She bad been far fuller a "I ..n find him myself mid Anulithat the delay mean t his thonghta •little and make tact 1 b111. min. and o•e 1 gm little bat than am- rota work• •seally on.i• a toll set eaMe�1 wit mates to motor yew tett _ equal. if not • ter •• K. •"""1 theme 4oetor'• rejd5der- "Dos'( oososrn your lift and °pint when she fiat eame " nye H. was parpnealy rode to Dr. u mange (get your • ate m e printed a1 •A egg re•pert/siy s.lteitod Gell Ay dear Leri Morvan. Go abroad Glenbervie. .girlie. in after days he said that this up his mind .het 10 my before cantina- Tea Swsalutflce. They arsa/ways dose h i in the diseuselwn• And he felt moms promptly and N low rates. Notice is E. McCANN, for, the good d yet 1..1.14 --bot not to The feet was that Maggie was starred reason/am of manner was dos to 1 • n• 1 drawn to sales tktltogA Tea $fecal item fast g� w1.1•■ pltUe. Xwitsarlstsi ; Io Amstist. if you like ; le by the hopelessae.a of her position. She .tinct of .elfpreserv$tion. He always impatience 'rich him for not speaks d charge.leswhelk t read bya tSe am. f. 6tid rich. llta, Mb. Ma N•><�. fa dgalrha TDs are (15d of thought of doebtiag the .tory that D►. wantd t0 take Stephen tittle In the out 1 That Haskiog Omagh cut be so q�- Amens muteual's Oyu 00 slued said neem Aklis told her .of Gerald s denial of his throat and shake the life net of hiss. Bet B.rtie's fees hardly justified this Caw /ad earls f marriage. She did sot know sough of By seeress ineivility he prevented the s.p*neition• it was • trifle peepl.xed 1y eared by Shilok's Ws gur•■- • fres s rues test Tip fay y and es but it wore to lick rel guilt- tee it Foe sale by J. Wilson, 1).uggi•t, • free tate, twq tea jam mom" low Wylie that pw►Ikitj would be her dotter tem tsm.ai■iag in Ids society ger. t1i liver tram t wits National P111., a rood anti - loss see tharti., sugar ousted, la