The Huron Signal, 1886-7-16, Page 1•
1. published every Friday Merwas,g, by Iae-
OILLIaCawr Boos.. at their law Penh ,
UODERICH, ONTARIO, Thtngi 'rad Ars Happening
Audis deepateked to .11 parts of the surround
log e.watq the sorties& avails sad trains. la advance, peerage pr'e•paid
o ebliolows; $L.ft,lf paid before urs menthe
R.M 1f set se pail. TbL rule well be trimly
• ator ed.
Marge oI Aoymnrtelee.-Bight mots per
U. far lira la..rtio■; three teats per �use for
each uu .q.•atlwseetten. Yearly.hoe-)early
•sd vearterty osesradts at reduced rates
Mee PYNTegS- W hov.lees east -class
J•bblagdepartsaest 1aooa.•mtoa.and /owns
1I ug the mom e•mptete.ut-at .ad beet facilities
for tondo( out work In Oodertcb.
logo Dualism In dist lime st price•tbetcannot
los testa and of . quality tout canes be
u resseed. - Teems Comb
FRIDAY. JI'LY 16re, 114116.
Tui result of the British electrons
shows thea - ime-eti--tiaiei eiag Huang
Rule for Irelsed has bs. i deferred, het
it has also shown that nearly one-half of
the English "toe, ten -thirds of the
Scotch vote sad five sixths of the Irish
vote is in favor of the meiotic.. During
the months that Hume Rule hes been
under the oonsiderato,n of Gladstone in
Parliament, Ireland hss been more tran-
quil than at any other period donne the
past 86 years, .ince the barter and sale
cf Ca.tlercagh was accomplished, and
serfdom with the appellation of Union
was foisted upon Inland. Daring the
pest few .elks the only disloyal gdter-
asses std overt outs have base peeps.
trsted by the sons of aliens who dere-
nem professed to be the "nay lull" Ind
by to ltykilbeg Jobast+.n, "Major'
Samisenss . sad d tla.gogaes d that ilk.
The kava bee& Assist iavarh-
bly cussed to the se -milled "loyalists,"
or iattilsd by thea. These facts have
been noted by the world at lags, ted
the civilisation of the nineteenth cen-
tury that sympathises with despoiled
Hungary and downtrodden Pulsed, will
not hold beck sympathy Irom mi•-gov•
.reed Ireland. Gladstoo's scheme for
the present W bests defeated, but the
great heart of Britain hes felt the first
touch of education at this question, and
the whims u destined to go en to
triumph. H. Rule is not dead -it
is only resting to gather strength fur the
seal effort.
mew ►■OMNI► -Tho weaarMws Twelfth' -
abeat ewers 0..&11e. row
■ sewing .ental f U.p•.d.
- It's always ooented a good year for
Irishmen when s mw of mew potatoes
can he had on the 12th of Judy, and
when it's a good year for Irishmen, It
isn't a bad year foe men from other coun-
tries. This year i, myself, rejoiced in s
fine toned of morphine -the •'enyt►un"
a• my friend Mulcahy cells them -be-
fore the 12th. This wee an early year
tar planting, and many of ma took ad
vantage of the The result
was early garden .ass this sra.00.
- Speaking of the 12th of July it re
minds me that things are rapidly chang-
ing from the bitterness that preyaikd
years ago wham 1 was a boy, and today,
although in some places the Oraagtmew
continue to walk, then is
Intl* of that turmoil and fighting that
wY incident to the unionise processions.
I remember when, as $ youngster, I used
to litotes with eyes wide open, mouth
agape, and ears extended to the recount-
ing el the thrilling incidents of the
• •Twelfth" : Hew • was set
an by the mob and stoned, and bow in
retaliation firearms were used by the
with deadly effect, atter
which the tight became general, murder
was the result, and the polios and mili-
tary had te be called oat to separate the
sombuataats, and take charge of the
Corp.... And the two perties were the
victims of religious sal, and wieruided
Tits following patriotic words were
uttered by Mr. Mercier, leader 6f the
Quebec Liberate, at the recut Montreal
bangJet. They are words that must 6n
the heart of every Liberal and lover of
political liberty :-
111109 primal•t�� .f the Liberal part' ore sof,
he br'.alaa.4 mawrees to allow or .11
men of all trait•.alltt.. w stand up to Its ds-
fe.oe.l Al .• example Gladstone was now ee-
gaged in ease the grwte.t struggles in the
werid's history to at Justice to a whole
scopic. The beeaireparty was the natural the meet illiterate and i n rant u( the
prinumwer K the weak and nynni .d 1a all g
*entries. e* matter whether they were le- Orange order, insults are not now pub -
habitants of Oke Oren Isle or of the Nasth-
w•N Terrttoeiea tcheeee.. The great Oars- Iicly hurled at Rome and Romanist.. la
cam teller bed row the fleet tee rise to Par-
ia mj to e� Oale edbe •opla•m{� ire this free Carnotite( syn Onngeimu is of
a ti stPiI lwe•sm.-B•Idwbs. mo real necessity, fur the causes which
Yue Wakes. who ball 1666 1 brought it into existence never ob-
theren etosnatiiutlonalluvernmeet
In tbl. oe•rs•ry.' tained here, In Canada every man hes
- the privilege of worshippieg in the maw -
i 11 C• Y IN UPv.1J* m+
•v. evening of the week. other heroes of the battle field, end the delegatwos to the Methodist (cremes.
home 'early 7 g ORANGE SERMON- we lees illwtriou• heroes of the platform, A few weeks auto the Venerable Awak-
e this www Monti . i&
and the wife whore be had sworn to obs- William Lloyd Befogs. sad Wendell de..oa Elw•ed, 1
risk and protest weskit 'tightly to brood.„ I1 meet do them goat and •k. easy church and spoke words of
Over bur 1.o'telioese, sad weep °••r her Rso. d' R Turk Dglivers an FAG_ Bake them ppirleisn� that w►i•► we* b.dsbt
quent Discourse. so dear, "a lewder bought with blood "
wretched condition. Of Cottrell, this The same my be said .4 the annual
Omega e•Mkeation. &o ne say thee*
oelebretioo are harm and fostered by a
The lmeee•Nl res pMtt•wi 'maw -
sectional party spa* .tad are a standing
cued camel ate sae tltreaarea, insult to Catholicism. If I believed
ouch a spirit animated you I would not
be • party to it eves by speaking to you
today. Bet I du not se interpret thee*
iso, No insult is irtsaded
to ouesci wtiow Roman Cetkolies, nor
to the form of religion they believe.
T. support this I germ. the fol owimg ea
tract hues the; constitution of the
"The Outage Association lays se
claim to ersleeive loyalty, or ezekillide
Profarl'tntirs: let k admits uta - --
within barge why
loyal, se whams weed
•'Diseleiesiag we ieadnent spirit, the
Association domande ea an indispensable
quali6eatios, wtthoot which the greatest
and the wealthiest may seek admission in
vain, that the candidate shall be deemed
incapable of pere•eutiag or injuring any
one on newest d kis retrgious opinions;
the duty of every Orengesaso being to
aid and defend all loyal abject•,. of
•v , is the enjoy-
ment oi their ooirtitutioeal rights'
Yon suet, not eo mock to speak of the
victories of Enhisks lin, Asghnm, Lus-
dooducry and Oho Boyo., nor oat of - std and devout wcrakippees ; the great
i rewory oa the taigt w ea Willisn Ill . public s.ntiment of the lard right ; oar
tkoogk that of! But ha .sdiert iaamsola true
tires of the
reason for meeting. Bet you meet to P•r
Ile the triumph of those prim- p•opie • our public mos afraid to do
c1il•a which made Ike •f wrong ; our blum to the ^rooQad�•provinces prove aa
16dt� )0 fore♦ee o.moeable As len snd from fertile l�t•rieto the fed of ar north,
are aware, I see net a member of you from the gorge swept Atlantic to the sea
order. Still as it seemed proper W los kissed ripple of the Neill*, God's cornu-
copia .ha_lt be poured out, Hu empire
cf righteousness swayed, His benison of
peace rest, till the millions= morn shall
dawn, and He whose right it is to reign
.hall ride forth on tit* whits horse of
victory prSelaiming universal saanoips-
mussel and thew to • body Of M thudit
preachers. ded.,w the same messier
ker. 1)r. Ur., el Knox shore& aims
expressed •ords d hoodlum/is and Christ-
ian love. What doss all this meant It
means that men are atoning to ender -
stand each other, and therefore w rwocg•
oozing each ether. Be firm in Protest•
en: percipient. bet at the same time re-
member others are goer Mathes&
They stay be wrong. They are you
brethren still. IV. Lunly, I would say,
snits with all Christiana in 'steadies
Christianity throughout the world. Ale I
have sheep, an Orangeman who theses
by his oreatitution opus be a Christian.
s Cbriatisa he will be unmated by the
writ of Christian eadavor. Grist is
Me world's Saviour and the world'. hope.
Calvary was the Fors dumpier et this
Mira from the locus of
sin. Sin may showed, bet gases .hall
mach mere abound. Thi. world'. Arma-
geddon has not yet been fought, bet it
will lie fought, and the Ch.reh of Christ
. hall rise triumphant. Then .hall peal
forth the anthem of universal psses.
Old mesa .hall roll it tap t3 every
shore in y.apbos greed. Every
. tr.amlet and river . l ripple d. The
hills •hall rejoice ; the mos&tains .hall
break forth tato singing,sad all the tress
of the Geld .hall slap their hoods. Ther
will our homes be safe, our schools ism
to all, our churches filled with e•maasr-
t orthodox pre•chitle but It's the
trot rt -
I remember 'thou the jar of whiskey was
Y frequent in the lodge nem as the
o o .
b --therabbi unadulterated truth diet ties TMs to do with treats s" -
chairman's gavel, and at will many of
the old surety teen who reed this, -end
perhaps some out so old, too ; and 1
have known when mets who had hell/sit-
ed their places in reputable society were
sided and abetted because of the sign of
forester brotherhood. Of sours., latter-
ly the beoevol•nt features 10 societies
have made their , and mai.y
prrtleas to be purely benevolent in their
iaieri To the benevolent part 1
dont pretend to take esoeption, but I
decidedly otject to the action of 'Ise
man who is so anxious that his family
shall be kindly cared for atter he is dead,
Out he allows his every evening to be ere
taken up with regular and special moiety
meetings, that he is bendy on speaking
terms with hu wife,aod is merely • casu-
al .cluaint000e of his children. If a
man's heart is bound up in his family
let him endeavor to see that they are as
kindly and for white he is living as
they will be after he is dead. The man
who cares men for a lodge room than be
does for his hone should never have
bound himself with tee sacred in6uesees
of the family circle. I may have Some•
thing further to say en this question at
soother time.
-And right here 1 might observe that
this busineo is not confined
to the men. I well recollect when I was
• • Y old Aunt Chloe used to
say, that some of the women of our *own,
egged on by the fervid oratory to of a re-
turned miesiocary from Fiji, or some
other outlandish place, (where well fed
white people were rewired with eager
lan•tici•at, and pv• vent to their embit-
tered feelings by
-newest bllo like devile for ooneiliation,
And haunt one soother for the love of God."
Y Leser has so aptly put it. And the
preachers in the old days fanned the
Games of bigotry, and preached the per-
petuation of the old feuds, and the up-
holding of Protestantism by the spots
Bible and the drawn sword. Thanks to
our later civilisation and the growth of
iote!Iigence, the old style is rapidly dy-
ing out, and a few mon years will see
an era of peace and goodwill established.
The spread of education is fast clearing
away the mist. of bigotry, from religious
d and the dawn of
"Peace on earth, good will to mea,'
seems nearer and nearer as ea& year
rolls by. The Orange body is sow look-
ed upon with by the Remain
Catholic element, end except amongst
Sunday last North street Methodist
church was largely Weeded to hear Rev.
O. 11. Turk preach the anniversary we
mon to the me;nbsre et the (.1
ty of The discourse was an
eloquent one and well -delivered, and
was listened i• with interest and marked
attstioo by the large oongr'aratww.
The preacher took for his text, II
Kin. ix 18. "What bast thou te de
with Peace f' After referring to the
condi' sraolites et the petted
with which the test dealt, sod dwelling
on the interposition of Pro-
videnae in the raising up int John as a
deliverer of the people from the worship
of Baal, he satd : "What haat thou to
du with Peace I" is an ancient question,
but it is one for modern ears. W
might propound the gestiuw to the maw
who sacrifices public weal on the altar
of private interest, who in his blind
attachment to party winks at the oar-
ruptiuus .f State ; to the worldbag,
who, in the mad rush fur wealth starves
and stultifies his soul, which sae be
satisfied with nothing but God ; to the
unsaved who, with the wrath of tied
open •them cry, "Peace, peace, when
then is no pesos ;" or to the seeker
after salvation who steeds with the
legions of the world and hell arrayed
against him to bar his passage to the
Cross. To each of these the question
comes, "What hast thou to do with
pease 1" This incarnate we address these
words to professing Christiana malty of
whom have settled down in dreamy
th y should�be' standing s orf w
hand and with armor on, "bat-
tling fur the Lord." Brethreu,
what here we to do with pace when
the enemy is in our midst. Ily
the enemy, of course I refer to sin as it
•Bata We may not speak of any fur.n
of vice, but behind every manifestation
hands and open mouths by the cannibal there is a personality -the Evil One
aboriginee,iformed a society for •ending mighty There lives E monster i t the d
1 eater did mon tu fast bene is • member* W \Deese. may
Zealand's est- hhem
to cogs* here, thew are a sw things
which 1 feel it my duty to say to you as
regards libel appear to m•, to be the
needs of Orangeum today. I. Study
well the history of your ergsuizatioo.
Your founder, the man from whom you
take year name was a great moa You
may well revere his memory. When we
think of the abuses he battled against,
sad the reforms he enacted, we may
well accept the verdict of Macaulay,
"In the role of fame there is no more
illestriose her.. than Wtllismlll.,Prince
of Orange. ' We can say more. No man
A growl frees $rlmme...
Uv Ooderfc :Mends, through�u Su.' our i..
abase le speak ery lightly
park 40 plow: of which we are ee justly prose)
Y being unfit for cricket Nvlsynd ales tar
our lack of kowpttaltty. • t their de
i lit deep which i• t • u /'et u ural- crown or he true. I. part, and some at t true
shirts to the shirtless Old Hathen,knick- veer dread Planting itself at the but- lay the foundation ofIfs bee. hungry before they 1•ft ►oma loo abet
1 d butanes the
ea ter rtssi r for retaliation is •.Odom of
Tis Kincardine i, -o' r is honest ,nor that best pleases him, and no man
enough to make the fallowing admission dare attempt too thwart hnm in his mude
retarding the question of railrued exteo• of devotion*. For my own part, if one of
si h hbo 1'k t t1 d
.ebuok•re to Young Heathen, and over- tom, it throws out its tnetweik int f•o.ers, I nem u. termed iliac osroderleh essKMaoe elves
skirts bo Iles Heathen. The object of :hundreds in number •aid many feet in it ruse than Klug William III. Ile was a ge rhottgb we will sur take t advhat•pel
the Society was considered • laudable length and wee to the thine of life modern J.h g IL do regard to refresbete■tat. they bad Iuaoh
rt+eeh f t d H esn.p Irom hs own land to on our gr it Ms sad Ona aspp.r at aigbi. T\ia
l. in with the recogalxad rote• et
one, Y the climate was represented to be v;sittapt boepltality• R• ge( the lunch sad
of such a nature that by exposers to it call it that devil ilah no doubt because .o( snot commons.
paid Our her wigwam Bo mace for treat -
the of the aborigines had the manner m which it takes its pry quo bet sad midi dad .o much. s• Celtic clan wan ever more secant
How fitting the name f h tris n And Ao wY es amid their own male' ctith and glens than
been somewhat elected. The Society one beneath, Satan sends up his influ- good as great, were our (todericb friends among the Toa -
was .ager for the ood work, and balsa fp sly betgbia of thous los.ud tronada Truly
R enrse wh se usme s Le^toa to ewpi.iuo. l tf the halt pa..,d a prew•rlbed Itmtl it was
of factory cotton and spools of thread \ Il themselves .(ler the 1wp tKeD sod Jump hew the tap et ae h1ll-
by the groes were ordered fur the work, s the enemy Re as Chtiatt•ns sumo' Brat mss hu du not &wally know him licdeep�ibatt ..00wi.01;nem were sed ash
and then members 1 r sewing purposes ppeea. tach. fh.r mates one whiskey anis and ott»r
t Ths m.trning we change tAe ex do nit follow hem to principle end lits ruaeatt. as Drug the moat nafreseceted
wen solicited to join. And every an• and say the stem ha* Inrad.4 II. Then u another Oho ht a lace around tows. oat such11 .l ut.r. tt a
y Pt c e. r to i one "Base cit a u04& hsd
•lent maiden who wanted to help her So h u.h the lied to Ohs The great need of your or but •peer .how. The gage. hewever, past
fallow in the islands of the Southern fi d 1 Ch t t out +n pen• t o f) r pr+n . i ce pereareamicab. anworrd •r utwo ibrousispute at h lir,
had n• nvbt to tt acre tAat of Mn pita of your cund.tut. ° era c'
Seas, and every matron who wanted •n Drnmiwewd'. vn.Itatbw to bide hl. wicket•
with his lest•. Diems•. 17 1 Bark
excess for neglecting her household du• q he mon I rend t'ie $able the mon I are truly tate h.ck5ohe d' the Ball el th.m.
q Qwlh6auoY )Vwuttal Our •p per reputarion ^f the tow Hall •Iugg.r.'
ties. end every young woman who want• At 1' I eti cb wouki hare .mitred a t •at teal mere were
it not for the well watched we.ketsof Asoma■
tot Laird. The umpiring by llawyers Int moll of
5lytk. and 1ltekeneea, of W ingbam. was very
trti.lactory Moa tb• •oaring wa* attswded n
u beim a cloth, etur of ju t -
which comes within , ur i u own ice. e
to the bottom and drowned. The sailor. E.►gland, at the united call of the nobles
He ams nut as nes-
' e roe r Y emancipator,
h 1 From the re- he per orae u ma ,
his private life being above
�' t s to be faired there are
men and drag them down to distil. This many who a
times speak of being in an enemy's eosin or the place he fills in history, and who
pression, loser &l-
our country. me speakY t n
world belonged tote devil, andrig der is ' retry
lana o o''
nest. We protest against Ruch an idea , albs pracher here reed the f, owing
Member -
am convinced that the devilhas no rig .hip,•' and pn;tica •y applied a
his world. "The earth is the Lord'. cau.e :-
sad the fatness thereof." Iu the begin- "An apl.lie•nt for admission should
laces have •Hoer» lore end for
of for His children. In the light of ht llaker. productive of those
these facts Satan is a trespasser. • happyfruits-righteousness
impeachnim as e u and obdiense to s common •
havea os ofthat is evil. and steadfast faith in the Saviour v the
have we to do with peace •o lung as he world, coovineed that He as the un'y ifs
is in the midst 1 What have we to do diatur between a .Istel moisture and •n
with peace when war hu been declared .dfend b ween r. steel
u III! by Oud against the mewl 1 The declar I ce h•imane and .. to, :ha d'
ation wee made in Eden atter the fall behavu.ur kind and conciliatory ; he
Speaking to Satin, heed said, 'I will I ahueld b. .n enemy 1.. savage brutality
put enmity between thew and the mom end every species of unehti.tian conduct:
an ; between her seed and thy seed. It • lover et rational and improving weir -
bruise thy heed, and thou shalt ty , faithfully regarding the Protestant
braise his ondiheel.c a er two ntChrisusandt
religion, end sincerely desirous 01 props -
piing the fx,ndict raged : then Christ gaiing its reosipt., i e , char ty and
geedwill to all man. ' ealou. in pmm•A-
nig the hon pp d
neigh -
ea to learn the tittle tattle .4 the
Oleg the
h Lord ted the earth crested
Shirts for the Shirtless in the Southern b)) F. S. Acott, of Brussels. end Hilton
1loteve., of Ooderieb. A goodly ■umber of
Seas." For the first few weeks, between W
lively Almighty
y ug visitor witnessed the pwcx+diagw -I Braman
off cod bread d b the the originator and per y y d a item lost.
that the writer of the above
biting o t s .1 am=ong all ha 1 Whet W. are charitable enough to •sppo•e
.rade Owes, the willing workers confined f h
themselves to discussing the elicited
of the Fijians, but that
on the neighbors likes •pre on pore • an I cub act soon wore threadbare, and then
-We fear the Infiaaoe of the satin one linen on the 12th of July, and walk 1 1
of the CMaada Pacifist en th ennui. Theturned 'von sum• of the
Yeses• vis es we ual.e•tard W scatter. •^ jauntily that 1.0 Imagine* his apical heathen nearer home. The outside pot-
ato• • •j malls stsaebiwg tress Msoi- column u nae of the pillars of the British tic, male and tamale, alike tame in fix
aha to •atnal. u.l..t.► e•• ord b • constitution, 1 have no objection ; and
lever et tbae iseartgl arlwebnl�pwd mes1 1 advevY criticism,and, Y nnvsriat+ly rup-
ee M. O.O.mnea, sled semewees ewes. wit it use of my R C neighbors believes h-1 thelure f the
dscwaions oo • came. He came to war. I know be-
wurld, and bedecks Dimwit with it, I
tiol•rt& wul be felt la sett a
as wit►
�t int. •xhteensies
rr er�y� tepdelay wa a .s from
?he O. P. R is earning hither
The trees aro now ready for the axes shovel snow on the 17th of March, or
that will taro them iglu ties for the et hen potatoes on the 13th of July, I don't
tewien from Wiag=ito iew. ieh. as want Orange Billy or Catholic Teddy
al all see to ft that the Resists editor pas to bring force to bear so that I be roads
a pre.• badge ad a gilt-.dRsd iavitatien
to tb. doraLussios M the Ioera•1 speer- to observe either of the above day. Y •
Ing d the reed.
holiday. The oeighbun have their
pane after a while e n. o
that xreen is the finest color in the leaked t and the outsiders
arose in their wrath against the garment- I fore He tame Isaiah heralded Him as
won't ask that a writ be issued
to Midden fur Fiji. A merry old wag, who the "prince o! Peace," mitt et Yim birth
restrain mm from •� sang ; and if 1 enjoyed the racket, said "The Society the an;ela sang, "Glory LB mew in the
highest, peace nn earth and good will to
non.'' His own words were equally
tree. "1 arms nut to bong peace. but a
sword." His coming n.ant peace to
those who should accept Him, but war
•e • r is the empire of sin. After further
dirty endeavored to tight down the Lew Brewing an analogy between the times
whim. and 1 have mine, and ea long as 1 y of Jehu and our modern days, and show•
they are not to the injury of oae or theappellation, but the bog battalion was
the necessity for earnest cattle on the
them and although a gallant side of right principle, the preacher
Tet Loodos Fra. Pres, has gone beck
an its Hoene Rale advocacy, and is now
as masdlia es thereat o! the Tory dai-
lies d Canada It winds ap a tenting
editorial with the followisg language :-
-Tat wile! has lees we* by then nerd
��'twtttt 1.'wobtalwd bt it ; er else thaws will
aloe shoat reels a dt•eeletl n .f tba lemur*
as win mark the tat part of the Ugh seathry
ea ghat whoa the deed@ .f the ferafat e e
ewere seertecell ereedl.e or della u• •••u...ulltl
The Free Pores shriek shoat "the
sword" is silly. The Irish had • parlia-
ment sae bemired years ago. whish
was takes away by treachery .ed Eng-
lish Boll, and the sword had nothing to
do with the "paper awios." It was the
to Provide Shirts for the Shirtless in Ilse
Southern firma" should have its name
charged to "The Cackling Hen Society,"
and, nest.), change !-it was dose by the
tees bs bariana. Por s tare the Si,.
letter, which was inserted in the 1'u•: et
the foot of the sour*, does not represent
the Brussels cricket club. That part of
the letter toucbins Tea Sweat: a report
of the first watch is an invention. We
sow reproduce what appeared on Tee
SI04AL regarding the grounds, hospital-
ity, etc., of the Brussels cricketers. It
will be seen that then is no "steer
made for defeat. We quote :
••The t;oderlcb team, with a number es
tries/is, t isited Iiruwl. un Oke 711th. 4 pl.
the first of the county w itches with the
trate- raw itnae.el. greets rather ser tee
'the centre. •Ilowisg • •' rage crease
esrh match. •
leanest ese. • sal
• kind treated by the
leru••rte platen andrfriends.
trines sa
Our cricketers have ec in to enter
or ha tow an
of ii. Queen sod country; heartily dear
row d •ocaees in those pumila, y+,' ba u7 br
cunvino•d that (lud al..ns an grant
11x.0. H• vhould have al hatred el curs t tie orut. h wY a very r'
ing end swearing. and of taking the name the rle,tot• we» cry y
.f (cod in vein ; he should use all opper• then Dewtlsiee
1107 will .se • i b a the Ooderloh
trinities of di (Dom •'^^� hie
grounds. The f lNwlwgls the seen
brethren. and shun the .octet' of all declined
persons addicted to t Owl peso into any with
tic•. Prudence should guide .11 \is as- their dense Is liked& In cricket, it is
tions : t sobriety and beauty out good forms t. be taw, mach .bled oyer
against direct bis onndact : and the isolable ob winning, .•r to Kr,.w sour shoe molest.
other w• t/eghtto be albwed t.. elKtle* Specially referred tut a anniversary f' 'acts of the quccieuon be the m. totes eland was med•,th• meesben were •vee ton of the asrrnoc Y follow. -t of the Pod, it he be
them, but just a noon as our said whims f his 144" son. The
Wally borne down by fora of nsmborrs- d l t of oelebrat•
become a nuisance to any of the parties henceforth ext r o known n of rest t+venle t•
sor►eert.ed, then the =alasty of the law •• "The Cackling Hasa" or succumb gond • question. • 0n living in the ciliMtnry •pini we a q %ver♦ Winday Sehovl teacher sad
ahnnld dropon the delinquent hke a --and the suocumbd golden t•sent. Lift --natural, physical, led then w no reason children should per t sMwN get a arp7 of the
trip-hammer. Now, boys,l you ruder- -Of omens, we bare no society like tellectual, scientific, whitest -pulsates ! petoate the feted. The wMle tend•ne of „l;r•a►•dinga of the 19th and 901. Pro -
stand w, and if any of yes have hob the ens mentioned. in (eodorish, scam 1 aid moves s. beton. The future . gniy It. ells.. days should 11. tth.o s .uncial K S. Cott ontitn., held tespec-
of the others who have bard feet. row tl•rYslaes into the rotted. whielp we cannot tial to M ignorant. ce er a taming verbatim reports .4• speeches
--Speaking of anin fav i n them Al•X.
There were gaols in h tee y ♦ hewer ,•acs d• 1
W ►p tpte y
pre not partneularly in favor of them. Thiry t he to tight as your Pathe
1 To my min t • propriety
a gentleman, will make on apology.
They had ' he t be k w in he , 111. Another need u. adopt the o,n
Y Bees f then carrel
t'teraly reiste the hist^ric /sot to show .tntehseaweyb•fon w blgwitepnmise. ognitton o • that u g••• in toe' in Bro..kville and ett»tfnrd." it
Ihat basal. Y Rall Y male eecioties caa But behind us lees the historic past, of sr Remameee 1 ecoid sot rrs•e yon
n a bur a.lotete ../ over 4.W pages,
eon -
brogues don't step on the toe.
tfalse pe oe pokey. A nIgAteo.r th p h
thee. jays. TA• war t• better than an .rang t •lead at the it is a
reee ap like beautiful islands amid the •r+ print' is lov°11441
W ■ observe thatNever ohoap 6u"r It the psis• -•iniy 4iic-
» were.
And 1 man AU sweetie., note and No M the final eot:rt of dreary waste of wattles became. •red `th .'terve on• h.o»brood') from tet 1. 7111. \Vwwar Catr - The former odea
d pl i
sed callow elle w swim
sec ei , nom ser. k politico' formerly partthey to omit hi, Witham the changed att+t ids oflaid vita• ,
bur of so-called .sero/ eooietioes, and 1 risk. by both pditi•al parties
of than ter s toodertk •seely, s vote reverenced es in all the
tual*, polls sn simple. n my
sword, remover, imi forced the e, Alteon- k i .peak I've known men (ureses and imp•rtulttze ►n administer- an twee pates
can eolewi.e unto os.iepenieree, mid 'the o the. siert h
►s eoci.t �
more • • Protestant faith. Yeo may do all the ageinet Mr. Fulton of Winthrop. having
of thanks was teedsrsi the nvi.iwg odl• times in which they lied, the curiae avid still pareses. • ewnciliste►y spirit• lieu. diet;,lased, another fnfnrrest;oti was
of Bunn to battld, the reforms they In- the Aim ter a vtolatirtm of the
for hie acted. drama getne, • Mn• t •
bl rat tad.d " But Christian church•• toward n-- soother flonri tet, The ease was Aeani on Aet-
III hI'11ara
reek of There mea • tomo when Calva.mi Mugs urday J my 3rd before John e .
peed t mid ♦ d ala b bIw for Gad We Armin an the
mist it d a n d lisle besily • I've known scbe r •••osd•d by Mr. Segue, the Reform .end work without et
to know and inspired "to ter oar .n I can Rados .bar whew • stews w of the former owe, but the evidence most hare
- sed upright not he foumd Nrr htK es the rates lard.
Tem Orange ihieshoethse bees salary', dissolute from the sesosiatie&s formed at that from the lebtiseg.1 the tenders for lila ' Tho Negro= of this eolith's's' on assceist•d with m Mfetiodiet. Two years a eenridi.w and indicted s fisc • MO
the twisting of the lists tot ►►e Mat deet• the first of Atugent seleb•MM aha salmi is ti of Landon 1 esu 0 sem- •ed art•. Yin. Dane.. wbn
and ase premesb m hs&drnmw sppsa I sed after "cadge": 1'v. knows what sea ia the tiger tract, "tali" M.ti*wth after y al thsir .r'tsbask los. Tear MRs city
odMaals its tha ahtank ler ih•
•twat It le else of the bolwarka d Tory- were flies happy bootee be be hushes ee t.. ed t4 .t.epmet tbosc
with alt., year they esu beak std speak Mr .1 i t. 1 * the es a iretertosl Et Msdewt, IRS 'notice tapss.L
dem is Osman. 1 bemires the httrbsed yes asset frees kis wheal he W to deal the praises .t Greet lard dheresee sed awsasg .,n04 ( P
new whereof
M • more nm.e rr.ftwfry ' law dee t ►nldiwg •1 tet tbair work wrviTss the w cense- i end Arminisn h.rl.4 aiu►tbeeaw and Aminw (em•wMtek, J. 1 .'m, at the
•word ii.whet =y yet seethe U kw
rwva0.1. s►eys. he wetit.s we mead ria. an t ..r against Colvani t Today they Nand ow T Hall, Winittrop .11-
1rsMsd W 1 the fi item t1M tlq p~ N U• wainten- wy Uwys, 1ha Tor♦ the Re end annoot in right spool revises teeth live. the mime pbt/ort. '1 Christian .wd..v^r ne•ses were nearly the soars es is the
bei strvlmmthsncd
neseamt set part o
Ma&\t sees le bosoms antitheft and ••*tailor. It wives w phoneme p' l�.seeh of EwtWtd mucid bean hg �ha