The Huron Signal, 1886-7-2, Page 88 THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1886. RATHER THAN MOVE THESE GOODS, I w IIJL SELL AT A G SACRIFICE Ginghams, Shirtings, Cottons, Prints, A Full Line of Staple Dry Goods Cretonnes, Dress Goods, Handkerchiefs, Men's, , Linnens, Lace Curtains, Corsets, Towelling, Embroidery, Frilling, Flannels, Hosiery, Velvets, Tweeds, Gloves, Clothing, You s an BozastsS,uits, ps, • Ties, &c., &C., &c., &C. GOOD GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE PRICES k Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Candles, Vinegar, Coal Oil, Soap, Starch, Rice, Barley, Currants, Syrups, 177;)".•111 -I. 4- ti •- eel! early, a; all Account... not arranged for will be placed in The People's Store, Goderich. 20.1 Blues, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Court. Brooms, A Large Clothes Pins, Lot of Crocks; Sundries, &c., &c. &c., &C. W. H. RIDLEY. rule laid sittleti by the pester. Then the Tun niOem. from Id Aug. t“ the end of A SPLILNI.IIN OFFER. - NO cents will get FIN F oRiNcic enntement Cameren's cativo/I- I Mrs. R. McLennan, et Crinan, Elein , the year. st ts bed wisely made their returns to county, is spending a few weeks with her open pell closed, hi accordance with ihe Dal- and ...s Large Guth._ r- tho:r financial a;ent very closely, and friends in this place. i ng at the Grove. this important 'Yong had been neselected The sacramental services in cennee- b • Baile '1 solicitors. The consequence tion w.th the AO:field Presbyterian was that when the open pell was dee church sill commence on Thursday, s.a...1 A reonsessodatlew and au F.eriseat dared closed nearly all Cameron's money July lst. l • t As far u can be learned the hey crop ANCHOR LINE Elitist 1 nota.tte Illber Yves'', whereas the financial agent uf Bailey had received very little from his can- vassers, who held large sums of money. netuteley lestehe R. C. congrexation The result at the close .1 the open vote 4f Aslifi..ld li.eht nil angina! picnic, aal therefore atond Bailey, SO ceets, which the resu'e this year was well up to. it net represented by double count. 14: rotes ; ahead, tf it5 Predec“*""L No off.'" h*d ; and Cameron, $50.20, which represent- been 104 untried by the easter, Re'v• 'Led by dcuble count 1,040 votes. About Father Benhat, and his people, to eon- j 3.45 Bailey's canvassers, after havine tribute te the sucesa of the day a do- r werked nohly for the cause, came ler- inst.; and it' is satilfactory to know ward t i deposit their wealth, and that the efforts r4esped a full reward. 1 were honor -stricken to tind that on ac TEE ;1011121121.: (getout of the open poll being clesed. their opened dull anti Leavy with 110ieli ridges!, agency for the rema n e i d r of the time of drew pellmg ceuld only buy single votes. they played • good game and were only nano, raassaie. es.. we R„,1 eye. pee „a of tnurky clouds massed along. the entire As was tc be expected, there was an , defeated by nue run. the score being fl Class. etc ..:g.;rrytx;rr:ity,,ten.ard ...,r pre - can :py of the sky. The iudic %hens were , immediate protest, and a retinest by the ' for the Jolois and 9 f.,r the "Odds and Ter nooks ot Tears. Tickets. or other inter- eironely of nine end the dullness .iver• been enenueel to obtain uutil shertly ;sadists doted canvassers to have the rule Elide' Mr. -lames McDesiald ably um- • inatian. apply to HEN 111EREON DM iT111.110. Nay V oat. befere !men. when the faint streak of I count.nz a ceder of business. This the another match shootlY. when the Jelans orAi. inCtereiseenst Call.fi. Utolerieh. spePPnded and go back To the double uired the ganie. There will likely be blue gradually broadened, and a glorious , financial aeents said could not be dune, expect to have a full complement :of Uoderieh. May 10. 11EL ___±1010.f -3m At Goderieh. nn the :nib ot June. by R. k George ',Alton. Mr. M o ard Lott) of the :ate John 31liehell. . In Goderieh. on *unties. June 17th. 18111.1. will be comparatively light in this dis Jam es 11iller, aiged 63 years avid 3 mutes. trict this season ; and real good fields of fall elitist are very scarce. Spring crops; - - - - seenerally speaeing are looking fairly PASSAGE RATES REDUCED. Quite an interesting bgtei match was played here en Wednesday after- eTEAMEIte EVERY SATURDAY fro••, NEW 1101:11 to noon last between a club cerupesed the other hatnes in the Loehalsh hese nee Yen., new., 1.,:stew . looduedeer) er le s- tall club. The Johns played at consid- 4:ABMs. sse- and glitM 1111-1t, that two of their nuuiber did out put in , stean!ship Rein' from nee afternoon was assured. Notwithstanding , and upon the referee's opeii boiling playennand willgive theiropponents leech T - Father Boubet, •ml ten minutes inount boys. 4.0 day cleared upend the • On burst forth Re' as el for, he decide( that tie chanes a drubliing that they will nta ferget. gym been held under the rules laid d .wn made to have a game with the Pam ; age to start for the pienic, and when tile ; i grace hail been given by himself and the ___ wanesh were well represented. , vie e zee en THE I.R0I-Htsi , and the large eathering. and the roller - was an animated eue, and stave evider.ce ttens fer Mr. Bailey* candulatore were that a lively day r sport was leoked for by 1 at once depesited in thr hinds of the the large number of young and old peo. financial tweet. The result *hewed that ple whetted ducked t. the grose. The nver $50 had Leen eellected in the in- couimittee had set the machinery in inn. terast 4.f Mr. 1). E Coniston, and that GREAT SUCCESS. Notwithstanding the hard times and keen competition, I have taken orders, since I commenced on the 24th March, to the amount of $1.000. and increasing rapidly. NEW GOODS ARRIVING WEEKLY Sold at thelelosest Living Profit. AU. GOODS BOUGHT BY THE YARD CUT FREE OF CHARGE. 33- Goderich, May 26th. IMO- MARSHALL BROS., ' tina•e'al Reeler. This explanation was To the Farmer and Others, Saginavr,•13ay City, Goderich, Detr it and Cleveland. We bare on hand and con offer at greatly REDUCED PRICES : PatEEMEnTS. 1 Massey eaper, second- hand. 1 Water Tank, for suppl were then made by M. C. Canieren, f21...O'VV'Et w a' li T ne i in pro% vet 7...I .d ing platform was well patronized during quently awarded to Mr. D. E. Canieren, wesles 1... steam thres ng the day, and the ors:littera put in &did 1 .f Lucknow, the presentation 1.eing engines. wink 1,11 tlIC occovi-n. The lady can. made by Rev. Father Boubsa. 2 Good Buggies. . 11 h Id 1 Truck. .sElltlfn OF :41:01T sent. 141 eta and teller use's! and ornamental ar- tieles also mere;threat!in f +l1 f ,rce, anti M. P., Hon. A. M. Rees, Pn+• in:iel the wary and unwary alike fell beforeSecretary, F. W. Johnston, P. Kelly, thea[ in the matter of ehewie contribn• i D. E . Cameron and D. McGillicuddy, _ And thus the tithe wore on until al ter which silver of tl 1M announcement -1W- _.,__ _ i cake-heaket was male to Kim ...• are aim)d.vlinz .n Go. 1 elebratrd the silver ' eel oustel a rush to he made it the piciii`c, and a handserue little work - the direeti, is ..f the tables which weir hex lies also presented te els . miry groaning tinder the weiizht of good Ibilton, for having disposed .L.f the sec- , by I.11, Mg their order. at et ill he issued 0.r given to the ladies who Mid charge of I next event of iniportance was the exile. 1 'ionic The 'aerials -mixer° well ce.,keti worl -renown and well placed, and altheugh the num- ' immediatily 111 'Irma .01 the ber that partook of refreshnaentis wan! S. ullivan closed the leng jumping with lie veer Y1 . rt man a 'haw I 14 feet 3 tnches, and then performed the ketful ceuld have been gazhered together : feat of jumpine over a horse lb hands lunette -el had been partaken of, the com• frau. This marvellous jump was loud- Julie 3,41, ihor.. 20:01y i June 17111. MOS. ?OM NI tater the multitude bait been fed. After high, in • standing jump from pries to Falls Iteeerve Ililk. Thursday li.v.sursiuns. _ Goderieb. Jure 3rd. 1St& =sit • CORD WOOD. "Saginaw ValleY" lila. HO 114 111. East's. Leaven Minkel, enery Thursday. at 'lock LEM.. tor liay nary sad *mina*. mutes a• solid fleece. Port 11ope and TMVIA.A. making 4 -inflections with west short- Boat* at Salad iseech tor Roger city. 11.ebuysoin. Mackinac Island and 14t. find at lies t Ity with *tamers for Harris' ille. flareola and Alpena. returning to (owlet+, no , Lea% es Ooderich every Fetaday, at 12 o'clock noon. for Port Matron. Detroit and Cleveland. returning to faderinh no Thursda7. This mute will he covitieued duds. trailer sun of navillatTon. Things T istallassai at hist, anal mailed dove cool. &rpm deeee't toe in a too fri eery ia gas 116* la the For that rem spiel sed I harm We pertioa Bet seem el the MEW r Open She w malt whom cep, and the evening over, I'm n4 school, as that the p ermatiene have remake. the *sear dowlag be enjoys terbaleassed this iodine healthy me les the do like s seri Aar. Met deliver mi 111 say ne denim dag talk from fresql • nal Patrick's • reply boo the coat sprig day ▪ 1 lea St. David like Wei say °Ow honor to t ire -hew slwii brown h britlier sad parr things ol eons of 1 other I Fotheri other " piping I reek r kg, ob Mos 1 hone peas, 1 la old weeks at all, I had sad so and r aeons aura eerie told a net t and I rich. from tion and H I ▪ to GODER1CH, ONT. LI3S. OF SUGAR4 FOR 25 CENTS, v Ell Mtn POUND OF soc, TE_L f r wholP ROUND TR IP 'continuous thtn.;s. Too much praise eannnot be end: largest dumber of tickets The GEO OLD'S STORE. 3 BARS FOR 20c. 4 BARS FOR 25c. phis eeld of laher in c •tineetion with the ' bitien jumping of D. M. Sullivan, the h' h t , our agent will nod at the store daily for or lers AI'', on hand. a lot of eheap wood occupying 8 days. meals and Lertho ineisded. Agent at CloAsekh. MARSHALL BROS. Nair* must be glees br parties 11121K1WIT raiftee set abnut uniting for the elee T applauried by the spectators, and the Von in c. nnection wit athlete prefeeed it by stating that oa feet by jumping eier two h .irees hi Bailey, of thoderich, had heen selected : to be hem there on that date. as the rival candidates. antl the manner 4 condocting the election was publicly THE Ili: Or WAR announerd from the platform by Rev. did rot crime off, owing te the fact that Father l' .ubst. The candidates were Mr. F. W. Jehnston did not have his its& t , chows n financial agent. and the team ready. Mr. D. E. Camernit had • two n.:etts vr..rc to appoint a referee. team of ten stalwarts and • High- Vot.. canvassers were Oen te Ise.ch aen, land piper an the ground, and was pre - settee., dety it ,w,,old bo to solieit votes pared to pull any other 1.nns out i f its 1 r the reerreetiee eentlidates Neel make In eta. With this eseelition Cie provrmin their Plums te the iiiancial *gelds, of the day was welt earned one and all The vete .1-103 to 1e an .ipen 4 ne up to who toek part in skiing the work des-rve 3.30 "'deck, after which • half henra' the best thanks 4,1 those who were thus ' cloerd ballot wrath let had, at the end .1 enabled to spend a inlet enjoyable time which *Mee the final announcement of at the great annual picnie held under the the reauft irmild be made. and the win- auspices of the pester and people of the ter deefared. It Was further nominated Reman Catholic congreration of Ash - hi the Vein' AM all rotes before 3130 field parish. Ree. Father West. from would connt doeble ; and after that ttme St Aug ostincalso aidesi Rev Father [toe - senile :. mating "...alit be the order i..1 hat, by presence and couneel during the priseertlin es II McPhee. of Ashfield, day, and •tuite a number of his peelphein wee *elected as agent by Jame. Bailey, ers n Milled fraternally in the ealffetliig and Arthur McGrery. 4.1 Lueknow, by with their brethren of Kingettritte. TI6W . Oederii h. waii ehesen referee Ily. the feel proud of the success of 'Ast pisaiz. serst I. Owl the pelt was declared open The work of canvassing was vigerously 01,11/0111111. 1 praweeted until 3 10, when it was an- nounced th.t all returns should at once I Wle of the fittest jy set the gout figld 1 OR be lead. 4,, the financial aoents. A grate of fall wheat se th township Whelp W t sr' ten nu...netts WAS riven, and at the Mr .lehn Snyder. the Mattlaed eon - end of that lime th • referee declared the cession. AT COST ! MRS. GIRVIN Will aiiring 11,•• month of July, st.11 off her ,c,c1 4 41 gtock 2 Mi_turt MSS ,G011fil ct <=114 liz 80 ta MRS. MATHIESON Z 0 Co Dfrese Making Shop Vp Stairs. on et To t cO Pi swan her gler her jai ehis eld