The Huron Signal, 1886-7-2, Page 66 \ fHh HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JULT 2, 1SS6.
usateb .•1 the stetson. !w a few yeses Pur Nettle Rash, Summer Heat smart- HURON AND BRUCE
etre) 'thtug aseussd to go on .t►ly ; twos and omega" toilet pus poses sae
but thou that serial glass led evil, and Low's Sulphur &sap. !w
s'llpped by tae •rlsaom of the fiseibrellide
sr,t'. T,l .
Whim t IF tow toms{ So Ss. Bq. it
1.1 Ban.t of H' p •""..0 •
Oh. what art you gulag to du. h,11',!
SU . w hat are y o u go ng to du/
Itu•n-.clams are ply IIs(
Thou murderous trade.
While druuurds &re dying.
And beggars are matte.
And all the world's looking to you. boys.
To see what you're going to do.
You surely bare something to do. boys.
And what are you going to do 1
%A h speeches aid singing.' tad*•-• ••• , i. ss.
Your sehoul-fel ow brtng•MK
To sign the pledge. too.
Come. tell shot t d'i're koiud to do. bora
1es. silo w . hat oil re aula g lis do.
As men you'll has. something to de. boys.
And w hat are you planning •.. dot
De fervent in pro,, ant(. f
And rote as you pray .
ale faithful in pmts mg.
And work dao by la; .
You'll soon hevc the sumo- to do. boys,
no all the world's looking to y uu.
Women of
the name of ti•
ewer for it at
be determinr.l
party to the .n
from the daily
Eu gland 1 charge you in
..i, and as you must ss.•
the great day of account,
,hat you w 11 ti.t hes
Isaitrf which usust Winer
oar of •leuhe►l.--IDr. A
Mr. tom 1b's r.11tles.
Certain papers bovine t aimed that
John B.Ouuah hadehsrttel the Prohibi•
tion party with doisst more harm then
ad, lie wrote the following a few days
before hu death. "I never said that
the various political parties that advo-
cate it do more harm than go..d.' I said
that I regretteG the didereuces between
parties engaged in the te:upetslice work.
g rowing into bi terness and autag.ntism
that was doing more harm than good.'
I said I was • 1'rohibitionfst. I worked
for the anniltil••l n ',f the !t.:fhc as the
ultimate end of all •aur work by God's
blessing. I have for three years voted
with the third party, for I believe in
prohibitory aiusshsL'to a of the traffic."
Beef -Tea better Tian Dine.
A young lad was knocked down by a
team in a London street and taken t., a
large hospital. One morning the doctor
examined him, and said, "Nurse, give
him two glasses of port 11,1110 daily ;' and,
looking kindly at the ISA, he said. "You
will get on very well, niy boy." •
The young patient Iso'ke.i up, and re-
plied : "Please, air, don't order me the
"Why not, my bey 1•'
"If you please, sir, I belong to a Band
of Hope.".
"Oh !" answered the doctor, "do you 1
Well, nurse, give him a pier of new milk
in the morning, and as much beef -tea as
he likes;" and, laughing zheerlly, hesaid
to the boy, "You will get on tory well,
my lad."
And he got quite well without the
wine.- -[Sunday-School Evangelist.
Kev. 0r. tooter on the Late J. S. Gough.
At the Collegiate Church,Fifth avenue
and 29th street, this city, on Sabbath
evening last, the Bev Lr Cuyler, of
Brooklyn, preached an imprecise ser-
tfion on the life and labors of the late J
11 t; ugh. After a few words of intro.
duction Dr Cuyler opened his address
with a verse from the Second Break of
Samuel -"How are the mighty fallen
and the weapons of war perished ' '1
wu.11.I speak to you thta _renin;;,' said
the reverend ggentletnan, "of one dear to
all of you who know hum, and beloved
Ey thousands, to whom he brought com-
fort and happiness ; of cue Rh') [rade his
name proverbial aim oil all English
speaking people, in lab .ring fur (rod
and for humanity. Ile was a man of
wonderful energy and strength, and
with a bright and beautiful caner. He
was unique in his gifts, in his style, and
in his history, as well as in the great
work he wrought. Fifty tso years ago
he was was a tniserable urchin that wale -
el behind the cart that carried the
dead body of his mother to a burial
in the Potter's Field, the a harlequin
upon some wretched stage, and later a
miserable, drunken apprentice, eared
from suicide only by the hand of • Di•
vine Providence at all hoar when he was
fully determined to owl his life.
"Seven long years ..f a black and hor-
rible existence, end then the we.oderft 1
change- for forty years atter writing his
name on the lives and hearts of men.
There is the contrast ; look well upon it
'That terrible early experience was ceces-
ury. tf a LrnaM Minn' ?i11nb-1lsen alae
to influence men and draw them away
ht*m their errors lied debauchery if he
had not known the horror of it bimae'f,
and hren able to paint such pictures as
to make them turn away trembling from
the aght,"
Dr Curler then spoke at length, with
many dates and defeats, s 1 the fect\gw s
repe{ted successes, and of his voyage to
his mother country, England. "He
was" said he, ''even etroe ger im England
than in this country. His wonderful
force and oratory held his listeners spell-
bound, and then et certain of his won
derfui dighta of elogaence would ria to
their feet and cheer. He was the hrst
man, and 1 think the only man, who had
the power to make emiltun, fashion,
wealth and society to listen to the sub-
ject of tc npelnre ref arm. Today there
is Iamentatiwn from peer and Peasant at
the death of the great man who ed
all by Lu wot.der;ui force and grandeur
of expression. '
The •amiss .:les.
Dena Eli roa : A painful iaatencc of
the effects nt strong drink has lately bion
brought to my mind. Abaft ten years
ago a young man in Virginia, of good
family. and splendid advantages- •
drus• the hand of • young e•( sope.i .r oriental endoweasent.
The (Vieille of both parties ot yak. to
terms ..f praiee• and jt was Ihou,ght to ho
• hrl'innt potion : they did not [five heed
to til, ,,,,wledge th•t 0410 and • while
he t, k a elsess-vial y. in due time he
wen t Nee York state and claiined his
bride. bring liar tack to his native state.
1 lass !bought*, be the tarot brilliant
be was obliged to etre up hie drwgetore
oil a.'c••unt . f inattention to business
and seek caber employment. His hood
este made s ti.oruus effort to keep up
apysearancea ; but the downcast laws and
sail look told the story too plainly. He
found a situation readily, as he was a
scan of flue address, but hu ewployen
found they tumid not depend on hero.
He went from bad to worms, sometimes
pawning articles of ch.thisg. H. at
Doom gave promise of better things, and
her friends offered Isttu t
again. But slam be deceived them, and
one night a t.iegaaul sea received by his
uoor wife aid impoverished children,
asyurg : "C quickly ; Louis u dy-
ing." Her family physician, who had
been her fried through all her trouble,
went with her, and they just reached the
little village in time to see hnn the of
delirium tremens. They 1.r. tight his
body home for burial, amidst the tears
of the aged another sorrowing wife,
children and friends. Hu wife, left pen-
niless with three children to support,
tried teaching music, and tor a tune suc-
c.eded. Ilut in a couple of years her
health had so much declined, alae., was unfit for occupation, and Bialy
e eeeeseded in keeping up by the hattitual
use of morphia. Five years of such a
miserable life passed, and her children
ate taken fr her to be cared fur by
straot;ers, and what is left of the once
beautiful and acoomplished bride, finds
• sat home within the walls of an Ine-
briate 'asylum. - 'Mrs. 5iuncey.
easily !.weed.
Mrs Berkinakaw, 2R Pembroke at.
Toronto, cured rf s bad lameness of the
knee mint, upon which the surgeons
were about to operate_ Other treatment
had been tried in vain. Hagyard'a Yel-
low Oil was the remedy used. 2
IL.rprr,' Monthly for June is a splen-
did number. The frontispiece is a good
portrait of Nathsntel Hawthorne, the
shy, ubservart novelist, who has left bis
, mark nn the literature of America. The
other illustratiins and the contributed
arti:los are all up to the high standard
set by Harpers'. -
t Mlaerai rotes.
Nothing but pure extracts from plants
and rocas ars used in preparing Mc-
Gregor's Lung Compound, the modern
and now popular remedy for Colds.
Coughs, Brurchitis, Croup, Asthma, and
all affections of the throat, lungs and
chest. All mineral paisons and danger-
ous substances are- avoided, which ren-
ders it safe for children or adults. Sold
at 50c at $1 per bottle at t} Rhynas'
drug store. (2)
Merchants an wet their Bill Heads, Letter
Meads. kc., ge. printed at this omoe for very
little more than they generally pay for the
pato-, and It helps to advertise their b sines..
('all and see samples and get prices.
toaapelled le SOWN.
Obstinate skin diseases, humors of the
bl. 'od, eruptions and old sores are cured
by Burdock Blood Bitten, which purify
and regulate all the secretions. 2
In the history of medicines no preps
ration has received such universal eum
mendatiou, for the alleviation it affords
and the permanent cure it effects in kid-
ney diseases as Dr. Van Buren's Kinney.
Cure. Its action in these distressing
complaints is simply wonderful. Sold
by J. Wilson. 2n,
euArTIB I1,
'.Malden. Mase.. F.'b. 1. los0. Gearlessew-
i suffered with attacks of sick headache,"
Neuralgia, female trouble, for years in
the most terrible and excruciating man-
No medicine or d -•ch -r could give me
relief or cure until I used Hop Bitters.
'The first bottle
Nearly cured nie
The second trade Ste as wen and strong
as when a child.
'And 1 have been as, to. this day.'
My husband 'ia an invalid for twenty
years with a serious
'Pronounced by Boston's hest physi-
Seven bottles of your Litters cured
him, and I kuow of tbb
'Lives of eiglt persons'
In my neighborhood that have been
saved by your bitten,
And many more are using them with
great benefit.
'They almost
Do miracles
Mrs. E. D. Slack.
Awd scary speck, o/ ~see !Fest
dtsordeese I UVEB KIOIKI/a. ST
BOWELl on 0.000
T. MILBURN A CO., ^"p"=.1.:
West Street Neat Market.
Audres & Jolilistoll.
AL.t, K1\u•1 OF
Ther eacker, ZOc.
now Life for rwaAMas Meabeaed by 011• i This (Rape ay ia Leaning Money on E'une
ssa.e, gerbille, sad B/.alpatssa. Securely sit Lusted Batts of Interest.
The Great Berman Intigurator to tilt
ill'clie fur twpoteuoy, n""" de MORTGAGES PURCHASED.
ty, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the back or sides, uu natter how - --
shattered the system may be from es- SAVINGS BANK BRANCH.
oeeses of any kind,, the Great Mercian
Remedy will restore the Met funetimns 3, 4 dsJ 5 per (i..t. /warp., -1Mut a! c,.
and secure health and happiness. $1.00 Ikrw.b, drrooliay to ..,s..ae1
per Iwai, am boles for $5.00. Sold by tied toe. trft.
all druggists Sent on receipt of price, orrll'E: -Cor. of Markel Square and North
postage paid, by F J. Cheney, Toledo, Street. Uaderivb.
Ohio, sole rgent for Putted States. Cir-
culars and testimonials sett from. Sold
by Geo. ltnynas, sole agent for Oodd
rich $tri :
34•• imam.
OoderLcb. Aux -5411.158k 1501-
■gw►ak Or . . .
01 LES'
,Liniment Iodide Ammonia.
CVRBD A1.1. 111:1111011111..
from a a,mmem Blotele, or Eruption,
On tate worst Scrofula. Salt- rimless.
Fey cr-sores," Scaly or N..gk
Shin, in short, all diseases caused by (sod
blood are cooyuert.l by this powerful, purl -
(}sang and Inrf)(eraling vadkine. Great
Eakin` Vleore rapidly heal under to be -
mini Influence. &greasily has It manifested
Its p-Ae acs In .urine Teeter, illooe Rask.
Mails, earbwNelms, Sora Epee, St reef -
atoms stores and ttwelling.. 1111o.
siJoint DI.e Ste White awes lInge,
oltre, or Thiele !leek, and Enlarged
(:laud.. Send ten toots in stamps for ■
largo tr•,tMet with n.k.nd plates, on Skin
Dismiss+, or the sulw amount for a trestle,.
on Scrofulous Affrethsns.
M THE I1.0O» 1s THE LITE." I
Thoroughly ,lens' it bs ting Mr. Plereo's
Golders Seedlrnl else ,and good
digestion, a fair skin. buoqyant spir-
it«. aril t Vial .treugth, will lietstebltsbed.
woke Y nerotula of Ib. Longa, ki ar-
rested and cured by this n-uiedy, if taken be-
fore the last stages of the dis ser are remised.
From Ib marvelous power user this terribly
fatal dlwessrwhen first offerl this now
celebrated remedy uy the l.uhlle. Ile. t'irneIt
thought seriously •f e51Iusg It bis "Coa-
awrssptlow Cures" Mit abandoned that
name as too limited for a medicine which,
from its won'yrful of toile, air
strenertlentng. slterativc. or bkwrt-ckansing,
anal-pUk,tu pastoral. and nutritive propr-
ties, is unequaled, not only as
but Gu all Chronic Dis-
eases of the
Liver, Blood, and Lungs_
If you feel doll, drowsy debilitated, hare l
sallow odor of skin, or yellowish -brawn oep{.siin 1
on face or body, ln.luent beadns-M• orown. bed taste In mouth, internal diagl-
chills, aI*ernattng with bot gushes. low spirits
and giocniy forehodings, irregular appetite,
and coated tongue. you are suffering from
Indigestion Dyspepsia. and Torpid
Elver, or '1i111ousseea.." In many
csu* only pert of these symptoms are eyri
ri.•nced. As a remedy for ailnch caul.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Liedlleal *1.-
eo.ery M 4.
For Weak Lunge, Spitting of
Blood, Sbortaes• of wreath, Bros-
eblel/.4_tht•a, Severe Cowgbs, and
kindreetiffectione It b an efficient rinsedy.
SOLD no Doran/Ivo at 111.00. or WE
BOTTLE* for 55.00.
Send ten rents in twamgwadfor . Pieree'a
book rm C A
world's DI Betdles0 ♦aeo-
elatlon, mitt Maio Street, I VYAt.o, N. Y.
is offend by the proprietors
of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy
for a cane of catarrh which
they cannot cure. if you
hare a discharge from the
nose offensive or otherwise. partial Mas of
shell. taste, or hearing, weak eyes, dull poen
or preaeure in head. you have Catarrh. Thou-
eands of rase terminate In .
Dr. i4ege'a CATARRH }trainer cartes tke worst
cases of Catarrh "Cold to eke Iioad, .
and Catarrhal Eleadaebe. 50 cents.
The npeedieat aid aeon certain
medicine in the world.
Weak Hack, Mnlar.ed Joints. Paralysis.
Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Diphtheria,
Sciatica. l'rolapsua Curvet.
Female Weakness.
The beat and only certain remedy to relieve
pain 01511 kinds, no metier of how long stand•
inti. Instant relief guaranteed cripples.
Swollen Joints. Varicose \'situ• Bites of In-
sects or Sick Headache. No oil or grease ; is
clean and sweet ; will not soil.
ingasassatlow of the LLNatr a, Selolel'•
teMease, Distaste*, 1 l of L rine.
LinimentIs the only Liniment in the work
alterative powers. Can be',k..y Internally
cures ('ramps and Colic. 1Narrbuea and
Gold byall terngglMs. Trial 0.411.', tar.
Write . 01 LOW. box 3.1113 N. Y. P.O., who
e w iilllt ggeive advice on all diseases tree of
Z agvrsr, of dealers and roun-
terfelta. The genuine las the name blown in
the glue and fac-simile of the discoverer
name over each cork.
lila Improved Maitttrake Pills
Safe, sten reliable and effective. Do not
mmoony : vegetable.
Thcy r be No
on mercury. n 14
Disorders of the Stomach. Liver. Trowels, etc.
Sold by all druggists at tae. per box.
Full *apply oof( Dr Odra' Remedies at F.
JORDAN'S drag more. Oodertch, Ont. xlliy
Use on your Machinery Maly the Well-known
sire b.. awanled It durtam tb. last three ,sees. Try
SIX GOLD MEDALS ala our rakaLaae •%L* taassafw fuer Wagevas
and 11 nee Purers tlaus(s. turrd at as.. 4147 ail Ns,ks, by
For tisk by
YATES & ACHESON, oderich.
Takes pleasure in that he has
opened out • new
Confectionery & Fruit Store
IN OODERl(1I. on
w -car= STREET,
adjoining Knight's Barber Shop.
The stork is new. and has been bought from
the best houses.
A all is respectfully inslt.d.
Ooderich. March l5tb, I81XL 2010It
Itz. SALE_
Pilmas Any.
Every Boy and Girl should Learn
L %
Coa'rt s A:WM.
Taranto. Jun. 1W►, lila .
Met- ly
Agricultural Implements.•
Has gone into the Agricultural Implement business, sad represents the fuauw trod Hoose,
HARRIS it SON, Brantford, Li1NDltus, Mowgits and REAPERS.
t'($2KSHUTT, Brantford, ?Lows. HAYLI►AUENS and Si't'rrLlf:R.'t
Ceuoiva New York Sillor Sowillg Mc1illios
Hosokawa street. a few doors below the t'oit.orue Hotel.
Beep Your Feet Dry!
Sou can do This at a ,cry trifling cos by buying your
AT T111•: STORE: rIF
1 have now on nand tis! largest stack ...r shown in Ooderich. and roa.priers esrry Ione tat
tally found is a first -dans slue store. fr be snot kid, tl.ruugb all the intetnud/ate grade
to the heaviest cum hide. I will sell at
Prices that Will Suit Everyone.
Ladies' Boots, in Button or Laced, from 11.00 to 15.00,
Nimes and Children's Strong School Boots, from 75c. up.
Boys do„ 11.00, up, all other Lines Proportionately Cheap.
1 can and will su you, loth in goods and prices.
_ SJ O VCT" N I N. G—,
Cn! b, ?flock, C,rner F.ast street and Square.
N.R. To the tragi• I: ri - n - • ttn•lings in ave luantity at Lowest Prices.
This cut represents the double teas without the belt. Mute the yeomen of the absppeeaa
,pri•;f einatrd m the 1'ad, by which $ (v►\$TANT Ata edgy COW ARb and C'I'WAkU
art E°O a•G l' f rnia wtew the truss n seipwed. -
RR l) Rte Y NA.S, Dru E,ist,
February Sth, l`i tlol-
ssasectgvs 1I r/ T e samara H H
1. •r-1 __
• IM
5 i .I' .wt
t. MN 1 as
1. fs! 4 eN
so . J ..r.
i yl Ol .1 ow al
ANIS 1.1.tlst':c
1t will pay you to buy yu'ir Vomitory fmm the andereigned, as I have now as eomplet
SS •eeortment as there is in the roomy.
1 do not adopt any quark amen.' of advertising • rheap spec laity, but will sell you • gs n
esal outfit at prices that cannot be •urpas••'•'I moan ty ennsideredl.
In the Undertaking i have Mock salted 1-.r the poor as well a rich.
1 have also added the process of F.ntbalming• so that parties Is. ing to send bodies o
Mends to • disyincc canal) so at. r*-ssonatjla vest, -
West street, r.,,.!' ri• h, between the l'wl OiAce and Bank of Montreal.
Solt. Sitio 1845.
. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
. Hamilton Street, ()oder' ch
A good of Kitchen. Bed -room. ihn'ng Room and Parlor Furniture, inch as t
bks. chairs/hair. ran. and wood sonars.. cupboards, tied -steads, Mattress,, Wash-eta•d
Lounges, Sofas. What -Note. Looking Glasses.
N. R. -A eompleteasaot'ment o'. o*nssod Shrouds always on hand Coo 'Peeress for k1
at reasonnbls rate .
Picture Praming s specialty.—A eau solicited 1;61
Now til. tlrre it you wish one or two n;ce rooms at home• to see Puller om
Hs has over
20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs
The Mau1, 40c. Beentifs motors and eit priresles@than rery much Inferior goods. ria: mad sero kea. Th
brittle best velvet n town. and mut he sold
The Lalesi Spr'in Bazaar Pat1cns & FashiMs,.
r'arrfss Attention and 1
A CA1.1.
Pet tltk, Iles
pt Delivery