The Huron Signal, 1886-7-2, Page 44
.4 ,'Aid's a:away v.. lu k+a' aorta.
The brew H+elan'm7en a�ndu,llads and lassies cargo. - Hine Overt_ --Tbo soot& Act conreo trudge**, parents, echelon au p I
el all
auto•& e� T s • u Ale* C 1.11.- the aeartair( ►ed chart' two held its Clinton last week, pa*eal • Hr t1'at*.•u, their new leather, tried w
On. titewart's studio.
*erre* of resolutions rtaas.sruug the b.- 'mike *Tory nue teal •t home. list
le loam ranee filen M choice naw welter „ th oal a ions r in the necessity le, 'm epx rt* were net wit
at t v • „ t urTrpgse, e -
ua worth sweet and teeters.
auars. t A. Pridhasi s day or .'when at her huwe in LiNuw- for the appuiutmeut el • paid police tea -
f aledo,atsu dal. el. She will be absent (lir alloudit • gistnla A report u( the proceedings
.i /oak A•'l yrs at d."
The meioses Nurt` Star, with Issibeej Dr 111•Doseg► wig he h Ouderick os L tins•
fur klae+rrd & lei., made this herb..' use (ib* lit► .tad 10th of July for ourrwwlt•• --
Thursday, sud finished unloading the tion. The doctor makes • specialty ot The annual picnic of N., .'5e;r3,
following day. The North Star lett ser sod and throat di.•sss, sod is ate* off plesaautly at Thum Run farm on
gain for Juhustun's larbur fur anther regarded as a skilful surgeon. - Saturday last, and was much eujoyo' by
drx- ex -pupils
of dr
id Om utl.11 lit Ib. clerk lief f e nal t f often
woods M Ilei) 111 r•7 new cash grocer/ f a� Kcourt, 1 11 un Thum_ !
teed ,tet • Tam aSaawr a crowded out this week, will be giveu to
lee) w.1; also site you suits of Scotch tweed swath.
to match.ruur nest iesw.
FINK TAILORING. -Just aited, Royal A newly built tug, named Port Elgin
lt'fie Green Ina. Serge*. The uewrot (solei• Queen. arnved u► harbor (rum the rthag,
it s named alter on Sunday. The
is the market. Take • look at them. Nubby
••d cheap, H.1•IxeuaalAe. ueen ame dew's to enable the (Sheer
rtsl the \\ ha, sow •Ire*
that will give the Drat aNe*IaCetuu to all want- of Customs at this port W measure and
Inst ot.taidemet ores family sroups,eIc.. Wren. classify her.
See specimens of work done w itis it.
At the ('ash Ston you ova by a slow let of Rtr•LK►'• ilk. SALL --W 11 lodge',
conn) honey Ili cos. each per bus A wee who • remote.. . •Ane new store to
tn.!,gut et tosrta[uea is ma, o►e•p.warrwted. g
Good sugars and tees a specialty. U. ll. 014. Paris, is',Peng uff at •t a *senfice here
Ito grocer. Sousse. furs few weeks. Read his big adeer-
1 tt d' the Caledonia• t tell h where you saw it and I
regular etteudaut site nut hacui j missed 1
l'ar•r�ITATIos. Leat Friday ore q
a,its►derabb business seemed to prevail
We have received through Mayor Hof•t the hospitable residence ..l Mr.
ton the first copy of the Vancouver I Jae Luny, but our cut -essay pas smuttiest{{"ee.1 i Herald, issued after the tier. It when we were told that Sir slid Mrs Marl
ham be
and their family had an invited,
by the chair to meet them there for the
fire Th printed (t the final farewell. Mus Murole Maritime
s,underable time, and has been of great
is • diminutive sheet of four pates, four
columns to a page, and the greater part
f it is taken up with news of the seat
u► the city of New %%esttnuuter.
e raper was prtu a has mated its the "Pea"ofurg•uiat fur a
I.. 11d
The acme as pictured its the tittle service to the choir, by her efficiency es
nest have bona terrible organist and also by her example as .• !
,caters calf at Hounder,' tar ty store and sr
\\'nee n town a en .as t ttsetnrn , o ie*•, one.
annealing fur the lune folk who could not get bargain.. Ke,„„ CH,.,., STK�W KEKC\ pigs", one service since she was elected to that 1
wet u. to the show. Toy a• fane'y souls and i The nest Scott Act concenti,.n will l,e I tAL--Afedival in aid of the organ feud position. The the was a lit the thou
rouuns. "I he lart(ae/ clock in tttr (.root; .
The ctisapest bowie under the sun. I held in Seaturth in September. Togo- of Knox church S. K., was hell it. the pp
• use err a
Allan Cameron u home aqua bet and that time I attendants was largo, and the chair was herwith • beautiful set of
days i The McKillop SOtett Act picnic realized ably occupied by Rov Dr Ure. An est- glassware and a cheese dish. The 1.1
(;if Elliott, barrister, was in town hel Ivocal and instrg- lowing is a copy' of the address ; 1
over 9(�0 for the cause. i:nriai•iug program of v Bnumillrr, Juste 2 rth, 18456. '
wet k.
There are not any small -pox cases in mental music and recitations Rae glean, •Dear Mir .tarkbain.
Isaac Jackson, of Civet in, was in townie,. a,Isrtuu new. A) uuug wan suffering 1 and a feast was sandwiched Much as we might wish it at times, we
Tart week. from that dread .Itssase was shipped troop lin between the pasta fhn Proceeds, 1 find that human will nor human wish's
The Big Milt saw running steadily alba neighboring town end deed in wisr- VII, sill ore de%oted to the organ fund. icannot eluuge the plans nor arrest the
The extra cellecti••u on FI. wer Sunday ,,.
Inst weak. tau, but no ere c,ntr •ted the disease Progress of tine. Gladly would we
Mrs. H. Rothwell has been hid tip by from him, and Wisrtun u happy- auueuuted to >s1U, and 913 was the amour+t • change the order of things et present
• severe spate. I The Institution fur the deaf and dumb realized at the childrena festival Setur- iuid we but alert the hes which we feel
G. N. Davis enjoyed a trip to Kincar• !at Ikllevitle a open to the deaf children i (h) • effete ou, I we shall soon •u.tain by aper departure
dine last week i of the province tied rich and poor alike ` The feast of Corpus Christi was cele• linen among us. We feel our loss mon
Miss Carrie Chilton has intoned Iron may share its advantages. The lnatitu- . brined on Sunday last at Si Peters. , eynctally tecau•e of yeur valuable ser-
a visit to Guelph. -. I tion will open in September next, For Kee. Fr. Wetter* officiating. The choir , vices to us as a member and the organist
renters • 1 to R. Mathison. Supt., wall After the last gospel was of our choir, but we humbly submit to
Mies Nellie Middleton, of Oshawa, r Belleville. FP Jread, the young ladies o1 the Sodality, 1 our Supreme Lader and say "Thy will
with their flowing veils and insignia of not mine be dune. With heartfelt re -
their order, headed the . which ere' we (eel that uur pleasant social in -
always takes place on Corpus Christi- tercourse a at an end, but we live and
The priest carrying the U , at • I hope that we shall meet again, 11 not in
tended by the acolytes, follows, while l the life in that which is far brightersnd
immediately in front oef the priest 11 . better. In your new hums where you
little girls, carrying baskets Itden with 1 are about to take up the burdens, meet
dowers, walk backward throwing their I the trials and a,i y the pleasure* life
flowers before the Host on either side •f may have in store for you we hope and
h ed th ' appreciation of her services
(.r hull- I poennee picnics should be held all over lecture ruum last Friday evening. The p,y wed t eir wi •
the county
ween now
visiting at the rectory.
Mrs. Jas. Rubinson has returned frost
her visit to the State*.
George B. Cox, of the British Ex-
change hotel, has exchsutled his big
wheel fur the newest safety wheel. He
Daisy Johnston is in town. She came is new speedily mouuted, and is es proud
from Sarnia on Wednesday 1 of his bicycle as an Arab would be of his
Dr. Hamilton and family have return- horse. The new afety is the wheel of
NI to their bents at Oshawa. the future.
Bert Stuilh arrived free). We.odstock Some of our readers are wondering
V .tt to call special Attentleta this week to Moir
Tikes ant ebswl•g • (1,I.Mdld Rang, u(
A Good Suit made to order, All -Wool Tweed, $10
A Good Scotch Tweed Suit for - - $14
A Fine Black Worsted for - - - $20
Jor.a::b 1... ••k. t;t,a•nc•b, .dol, )ley. lib. CA:i:
Wes: Wawsaosh.
June 19th, 18811.
Council met today. Minute of fer-
nier meeting read and approved. Aerstespecial erste was given towards gravel-
ling side line between 21 and 22, wen. 14.
Communication from Judge Doyle, ase••
Ing for improvements in mutt teem,
Dungannon, read. The reeves were em
College on Monday evening. I why strangers are charged 03 cents for i the aisle. After the Msgnificat was sung. ! pray that you may have many frtenda, powered to comply with renest. Cunt. HAMILTON
Mn. M. G. Cameron returned on Fri- . in the ltattenbury bus in 1 16young girls, with veils and lighted I that your motto may be "I Inward and muutcation from clerk of Culherne, fro
�Ij epei SHANNON
ianr` Ire Surgeons Actondse set
Clint.m, while townsfolk and ethers get , and " d tl at cu wa alwa •s hook (erring to extension of Youngs Creek
i teiical. .
r _ CAgle. M. D.. C.1t. , M. U. P.8,,,
Ont, L �eisien. Auraeos. Aecoucbetw,
dr. Odle, 4T9as formerly occupied by Dr,
Ilutchinaonl Dissipation. Night (rfilcc Mar-
tin's hotel.' 1931 -
GEOX. Coroner re. Office and rewldeace
Hence Street, second dour west of Victoria
Street 1711.
ion les, presented themselves before the
altar redirect. be admitted into the 11.
\ . JD. bliss Josie Shannon read the act
ao i y y y °floe at ler nl.iwrwnL rrsideace, near the
back with pleasure on the short time read and laid over. Assessor's report in gsol God•rich G. C. sia-t.uY, J. C. Ha»u.-
spent among us. We cannot express our ' connection with equalizing union *chew,' Toxo 1)61,
in a beautiful clear voice, after which appreciation of your services its words,'entinte. read andappmted. His account. ---
tl. resolved that the lit,ard of Health hold ' ----
ddty evening from a trip east.
Mrs. Redmond Brough and daughter learned for lee. We guess its greed. The
Clinton bus men are its training for Nia-
have returned from a trait to Toronto. pry hacks.
Alin M. Gibson, of Si.Louis, u A female book agent has secured a ret- !the officiating priest placed around the but please aocevt this present as • entail
e guest f her father, Capt Gibson. I diet of against the Stratford Ii• • • •- k t each young ,(ire a blue ribbon token of our esteem.
Sigurd on behalf
for the work ordered to be paid It wa+
n i .e nee o
bliss Tillman, of Brantford, who is I fur lite'. The B.,•'ou's course was en- i with medal attached, and delivered a lit the choir, ) n Friday. •':rah C HAYS, SOLICITOR &c:1
d h woo nut. 1
visiting m town, lathe guest of Mrs. Geo. dorcrd by the evidence, an t e I very apprupnate sermon w them on the
Mick. I man's reputation was rated at fair relue , duties lit a Christian woman, citing the
bliss M. R. Gilbert and Mr. A. E. 1 by the jury. A decamping bank -clerk 1 Mother ot Christ as their needel. During
Gilbert, Bay City, Mich , are at the Park was coucertled in the ase. !the bersdietiou a beautiful duo was sung
House. ! Sunday last Rev T M Campbell '1 by the Miss.* Cooke and O'litourke.
The usual monthly meeting of the! preached his farewell sermon lir North
aclios.l board takes (dace on Monday street Methodist church (r, in 1 Philip
timing pians, c _, . "Only let your convene-
tlodertca Tovinahip.
bliss Dodlie \ andertip is home from don be as becometh the gospel of F• ,.re et -- 1:•-c Mr Salton( of
Christ." A synupais of the liscoune a ria, Coderich, conducted the
the Brantford Ladies l'un'ge for the unavoidably crowded out this week.
funeral service of the late )Its Bearers,
holidays.James Strachan of the Croton Aqua'
Garbe, of Pickford, Mich., is the I ' q of the Lt c.o. Mr Salton made •very
duct Works, New York, is spending the ling address and spoke highly of de -
Sarah noddle,
Carrie Snyder.
Mr. Markham replied very epproptt-
ately in behalf of Miss Mlarkhew, after
which a deheious repel% of strawberries
and cream, r..1' cream. was partaken uf.
After the rendition of a short program
' the gathering dispersed, heartily pleased
with the liberality and kindness a our
host and hostess. yet sad at the thoughts
that they had said farewell to their pas-
tor and his family. Mr. blarkhemstatt-
ed to drive to his new appointment,
'viz Erin end Balingefad un Saturday.
guest o1 !Vias Naomi Swethwld, (.oitrich summer months at hu Name here, and ceased,
who, he said, had lined a •tnctly
b whileA fere He would' reach Wirtghem the arae change were made in the assessment
bI '1In D K Strachan, Victor- that tl man is in the old country. The members of the St church choir I chancery. a ! fromschool t I S Jwlenrh. M. C. Cameron. (l.t'.; P. Roll. M.
a. hand. and y yetlen 1 wreath decked 1 his journey.Mr.Markham has proved ed No. s , • d 5.10. Cameron. C. ('. Imes.
tun nod an No to separate *novel •r_ t) ,
and Ta l• r struck oR, having been • ranee.
in C.iuwu. Tuesday eleven candidates were writhe(
some of the family are spender q a few kilted. Roll as now revised was accepted ,000 T1) LOAN. APPLY Tl i
blies Alice Platt lies returned after in the court room lir secondclassH. 1 ►twa has al
nabup. will oonduct his Fathers business Christian life for manyears. CAMERON, -H./LT & CAMERON,
Mr. andgentlemen Victoria).i I veiling. anti rentatm there over Sunday, , roll -Let n ! W 1 r,1 26. con 8. trans -
Barristers. 8otiett°» in ('baoce sec.,
street, are ureddsung u; ou s trip to Crutun Aqueduct u a big undertaking, sang tome cert' appropriate hyenas. A Etre which he intended to proceed en ; ferrel separate .c on n
-rr Mr. Strwchan fru write vs • veto handsome floe ec the • - n 8. to 2.o can 8 from 1 . S. �_
-The Mimes M {;il:icuddy returned on ter describing it. «,jbn, - himself a zealous riaear- I ., ct'• u owned . _
Thursday festal a Reeks visit to friends Musiralara, F.YAMtN.eTI„Nv. - a nest among
the Master since he has i hy,Cummi:.g r iruleo, Arch. 1�xrtt and i Coarse anti 311.11
ppfrL Ai11eT' resided amuoq us. Mrs. Markham Henry Tay
a nleetitty to ungaunon o , , T . A , cr
On tuotwn it was resulted to ex- t� Oplcc. ,corner of Square a.ol vi
pend 81100 for the current year on reads street. Goderieh. over telewnph rrelce. I r
and bridgesThe fulluwing accounts , vete i•mid• to lend at El per cent. 90MO-
were irdered to ie* paid : Fluker & An• SgAGER & LEWIS, BARItISTERS,
derives. grading and gravelling, $27.40;►- God.•r . h.
I Jarnca Ycunt . iumM•r foe culvert, 8? 4;r: c.t(eAuru. JALE. N. Lewis J. A. MoRTT•Ov
Ales. Stewart,e.lualizing l•.I�.S.'8 50;
Samuel Alun, 'J; lodge gravel, VI 70:, C. HA.YES, SOLICITOR &e.,
Thos. Lett, sidewalk, &c., St. Helens, who corner of tar p ware sad Weill
915; Datil D4,114: An. culvert, 93: Joe. !eine O-r•trrich. over Butler's bookstore.
C'li(t. n, . 3 culverts, 97.:,0: Edward trasstej to cad at lowest rate, of interest.
Ploughman. stone ditch, &c. 13.$fl; ((-r_ARROW d PRO('DFOOT, BAR
Ruey &
Me4..tttskey, Rnwue log, L.o �•
let Ri+T1014 Attorneys. Solicitors. etc
As a court of Rertsiun the folI'urmg Uoderieb. J. T. (,arrow. W. I'roudfoot, 175
ceett E. )) most entirely re- days among their friends ere their final and anopt•nl. Coned adjourned to r(7 t.tMEJWX HuLTkeAMKkUN. Udrde
spending the wir.•er and spring months fipCes and three fur matnculaaon. Nest covered from l severe illuese. departure. 31iss Munni. Markham has Inert Saturday July 17th. t rich. itis
at lhtrott. week47 will be writing for thirds, and loudly consented to preside at the urgers R. K. MILLER, Clerk.
four 'for the Uniterstty. The public next Sabbath evening which wilt be the -
`((►NEl' TI l LEND. - A L A Ii G E
school examinations have been held dur- 1 amount of 'n*-rivate Fuad* for investment Apply
last time that she will be with the choir. h E • star, with Immo a IuweM ate, oa "rst<Iners Wausau/1. ADDI7
Mr. Katie arrived
Mrs. Bunts, of Michigan, is home to
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L'tddulph, fur
a few weeks.
bliss Lizzie Se', II eller, of Grand Rap•
We. has been ciaitteg her friends in town
the past few days.
His 'Honor Judge Tums attended the
annual meeting of the county judges,
held in Toronto last,week•
Misses Bessie and A4dileChilton, from
Niagara, and blasters Cation and Tem
are house for the holidays.
Reports from our fishersten up the
lake are to the effect that on the whole
they ate having a iruod scasun.
A te•meetinv and social in connection
with the Union church Sunday school
held ore evening last week realized the
sum of 836,
ung the tut turinignt. The rC .wast rerun- toU.11iRutl• 4t PHOUDFOOT
Durr or AN ou. RsauosaT.-On Agan Ar_ R tier for Williams .l' Murray, reached the t
' Sunda last Jamss Miller, moulder, pass- F'ar J 1'ca•d this week and will preach next Sabbath Arms dock last Thureay, gel after me
Sunday evening. A g,•c.d report has proceeded Ging ailed .,n Fnday ter Bbnd River 11- .4 and s! per cyst. en Ont class term scent
ed away at the age of t;3 yearsHe him, end our friends should extend him I (ver anther esrse,•,.. -- --- --- - ----_ toy. .tppty to R. C. IIA VS. Solteitor, Godc-
hu been • resident of Goderich for a cordial welcome, , - y � h iota t
about 35 years, and was s steady and -
resprecbbla citizen. a •m- .laced on the
the among, whom is Mn. Alex. Megew, Pessoset Le -Richard Smith and Mia plea as an eshotter at the last •luarterly .
health EII Smith, f London, t i t tl meeting, filled the pulpit gut aabb•th I
A picnic party, coop of Sheppsrd-
tom 4th Con. and Dungannon schools,
visited our rill*ge on Tuesday, end were
treated to an excursion trip un the
Hehad largef schooner Enterprise bit J.Million, who was p
Dentistry.' •
r. Moller had not been in robust a o vial e( a to `l NICH(►Lt((.)N, L.D.S.
for a week or two, yet his death was a residence et George Hawkrne last week, morning ezceedin:ly well ler hi* tint ap 1
surprise to many. -Mrs. McNabb en d child, nee Jliw
Thomas Grant, of Pictou, `ova Scor Tena Hawkins , of Blind River, Altsma,�
r e•ret 'feelers c arc and friends h
1. or desiring to change their mortgage,.
and red nee their rale of Interesr.inW.• suppb
private funds to any amount at per cent.
\V•• hat ,• also,. received 1 from a
client controlling a trust food to lend out
b F. N 1 AL COO )t :� . limited amount on first claw farm mo
Eighth donor below the Post »e.'V,•.t-.t., ! at 5 1-2 per rent. Apply at once to
(iooeutrn. toZ..17 • `tAUitlt k LI' Wl . opposite the 1'osborne
tis, an c.Jer . f the [' •by h h, is visiting her relatives nen • en. ( .t. Goderich.
and • delegate to the Assembly, spent • The matey friend* of Mrs. G. E. Thr- The council met in the town hall, on L. WOOLVERTON. L. D. S. ('odertch. fah New.. ►M.5. 9152 -If
h hospitable idence betty of Sheppardtun bow A. .. h being - �� MirerMd Fellows halt, North 4t . ) R kDCLiFFE
The Government enc. county accounts week or two et the res June Leh -all the members 1 its ,
will be audited at the udiee of the clerk of his cousin, Mrs, H. Spence, Victoria Mahatfy, et this tillage ,swill be s,rry to cut. Minutes of previous meeting read rranleerlA,. ('barges moderate. All wan
wa; 1,
p.w. nem man of the Mayflower penises, and four months old daughter. At one time ,,then, asking the council to open S. R.; REAL ESTATE AND
our thanks are due to A. Gerrard, of an active worker its the church, and was the little one's life was despaired of, but 9 and 10, con 5 and 6, E.D. was laid r The People's vulumn. , MONEY WANING AGENT.
Goderich township, fur • box of the well pleased to clew our tech water sea at last accuunLs she is recovering. over. The clerk was instructed to notify ; ._ - - - -T nwl� F'rst.ln„r ('nrapnai�� /
largest strawberries we bice teen this while on his trip wet. - Mr. Hamilton, miller, met with a ser. i owner of lot 10, con 7, E. D., to clear rff 1..1 CRI )N AND BRUCE LOAN AND : r moo”to lend nn •(ratght Inane, at oke
year. 01.1 Be ;•
v.. is CAtar. - Considerable ions accident one day last week, While m on river, and glee the township iii INvlir!TIALNT coMPANV.
of the peace on r ridgy, July inn, as 'strict r r r i el tthe deepen* 41ness of glee --lusts gnu Signed. n petition of (i . I
GE NER-4lrf-KF-RAN dv
u the mote engaged with serve work at the smut q The ors An•
Harry Spence, son of H. Spence, improvement is apparent i
d 1 u[ the ': t:d macho
lowest rate of interest going. in any way to
n ,neer to examine water course on suit toe nor►ower,
t _2 1 G1 General Meeting of this
K(►YFh'{: - t+eYuad door from Pgturc.
seedsman, has recovered from a severe meet am genera efficiency ne, one of his fingers got caught in s. pt.:i amd 4, con 1:3 and 14, W.D. Cunneen): •.l: ►,e held at the ('oo.a.+n7 s H-csr +trees, Uodericb. 3ot5-tt
Battalion, which is • credit to the county some part of the machinery, which coop- The Gr lowing Orden were made : - W Hrwine. on Thursday. alb July. "111 O'.-1•ca
attack of brain fere(, and u fat regain. a.m.. to r..eys.• dna*-i*1 report and to erect INSURANCE CARD.
ing his wowtedwiir• from which it hails, and as usual comes pletely pulled the fingers out. He left Kil trick. 92.30; for services as engi- I Directors sin.. .lndhnn fur the eawtng year. l
well to the front. Lt -Cel. Coleman, for his honse at Port Hope on Saturday. neer, on S.R. 1 and 10, con. I1, 'W.D.: 11''HA4* I(( T Man+' = 1r7 -11'711r0 (r T,
Tua SIGNAL will be ant to my ad- Goder. h. 11th. June, PISS Sofas
dress from the 1st of August, 1896, to cnmutsnJing officer of the camp, is • pi- .The many friends of Mies A. Burrows, J Hackett, jr., chant}, 91U.fiG; R Ktl• pier. Tr -.. rad Ahrefee !•....+Harts Itvewf,
tial pleasant gentleman, whohasalread our late teacher, are rejoiced to hear of patrick, ditching S. t. 6 and 7, con 8, I . ' r,ue tzHI(H.
p q 1g EACHERS WANTED- DI -RING ele„ffi e. opposite Colborne Hetet.
1st January, lou(; hoe w ,nth* -fur rendered himself very popular with all. her success at the Ottawa Nortnal 92 50; W Shackleton, ditching, con tl, TEACHERS
to soil "}I•nrul of l'nrr••+pnn- Ti. I radon .(snrwncn." 1 1 tCfD
cot u, cash in advance. -(London 1' rel. d iED92 M ditching.S.R.
Press. Scholl, she having, es announced last .., Wallace,, dente." the bre* tett•l.00tt yet published no 1ti ' National," established lie.
Mrs. W. Smith, East fit., has return- I'AtrrrL A. • IDF•tT,-Vt title starttag week's issue of THs tit•.•AI., accured a 9 and 10, con 11. W.D., 932.50; M Mc- , this sobiect : exercises its rani's! letters. ab- The " Hand -.n -hand," the only Company
beerier' ase, pnnchlst:nn, spelling. English. licensed to insure plate glass, in the
cd from $ lengthened wait to her
daughter in Namilt..n, and sou its Tor-
ont-, and friends no Buffalo and Lon -
The achr.omer William Young, with
coal for the North American Chetuwal
Co.. arrived In pert en Saturday morn-
ing and commenced discharging her
Private Bluett, who was in camp with
l�le Ord Battalion�, was called h due
ig (lie week on adth*snt lir the ceatn us
bis mother. Iters. Bldett-`Joke, who
died on Sunday morning.
In. M. Nicholson, the Rest street
demist, retakes the prrecrt•tien of the
natural teeth a specialty. (:as adminis-
tered from y rL m. to 4 is. ue for the
painless extraction o1 teeth.
Mts. D. Ferguson, of Detroit, is visit-
ing friends in town. Mrs. Frrgus.n
looks a if life in the eity of the Str..,ts
was not unpleasant. Sheit being warm-
ly received by her many old friends.
Prof. Clarke has been engaged as or
ganist ef Knot church. Ile entered up-
on his regular duties nn Sunday morn-
ing last. The voluntary during the col-
lection was an exquisite bit of playing.
A. M. Polley, the horse buyer, has
returned (nen a trip a:rr.a the lines
with • lewd e( reluahlr horses. Mr.
P.iiley went as far south as West Vir-
ginia, end had a safe and
At the regular meeting of Huron
Lode, N.-. 62, 1 (leer , last Thursday
'ening. the election of officers for the
meeting half year resulted as follows :-
-N.O , bro. F. F. Lwrenee ; V.G., O. J.
Oren ; R 8., John Straiton • P.d., Ge
Miens ; Trees., N. CampbelGem ; represen-
tatives to Orand Ledge, brew. ►. F.
jawre nes, P.O., and N Cawphwll, P.O
on a drive into the country on Tuesday second A. She paid • visit to the Port
afternoon, the hens driven by J. Aiken- on Tuesday, and cheered us with her
bead, V.S., was frightened by the bark- presence. -
the teed, mid pre awe;.+ .-•..
The bolt was so sudden that Mr. Aiken awe `row
heed lost contnd of the lines. and was One reason why the Turies in the
pitched out. He was rather dazed for a House of Commune squirmed so over the
while, but returned) home without aid, resolution in favor of the principle of
when he sank into , Wo Home Rule is to be found in the feet
are glad to hear however, that he sow that their leader has ever been oporsed
regetned . and that no to the pprinciple. He hates the very
iif[8'1tTaiultiiy!-tserstt i tastes• of aA+caL�sU- .. r._and if
Ra»ovrso TO Past., OtrT.---f1. E.
dirk. who for the pest twelve years has
been w elated with F. Jord4u, druggist,
1, has per-
tness in the
as clerk and assistant menaq
chased the leading drug bu
fluuri•hinv town of Paris, Oj,t., and will
leave to assume eoetrol next week. Mr.
Hick has been one of the most popular
drug clerks in G..derich, and derma Mr.
.I,ertan's absence in the Northwest has
several times assumed full charge .e1 the
eosin's. He is upright and honorable
in character, careful in his practice, dili-
gent in business, and full I,1 energy.
Paris will gain in Mr. Hick a most worthy
Nsw Lewes* YAat. -N. & W. 1)7.
men(, formerly of Kincardine, have
evened a lumber yard in (loderich. They
1 lameness here 'bent three
weeks ago The Messrs. Dyment were
about ten years ir. the lumber trate in
Krneareline, and .r* mon of energy and
Already they have laid
1,000,000 feet of lumber no our docks.
and will awake it 4,000,000 by the end
of the seise" All this lumber hes been
purch..ed by a London 6rm, and will be
reshipped front this point, helping our
teed* awMswielly. lir. W. C. Dyeing
.antes the baggiest in (inderie►. The
arm owns saw nails at Tlasaslon River,
A Kerne.
Kenzie, rep, cult ert, S It. 9 and 10, W. •ewsstreetion of sentences; sample business Dominion.
D , Use; J Sioipsen, culvert, D. L. cion 3, letter+ InautihUly enirr.ree : sell, at alwht : The shoe are sit •est-elaw'and ma ••tae.
ttwwanaw rot .ret. ; 5Y yenta am li•hel coo► nice.
sir; H Campbell, kf{hng wild cat. 93; Dr Ii C. (EDEA, Arcade, Toronto• 9tlIieri Riaka (ok's of lewd noes.
sun allelld#1PCe on �arg_t McPhe ! . Uoaertch Dec. 2Nh. IDSI. i
93;J Hackett, sr , clarity, ;. I Iv'e,asaa,-,nrsotoat tr.:, e>.r vac•
van, rehill between lute 19 and 20. • TAM°. nye.. net, are now ready for n TO WAN AT f3 PER
ppdistribution at the Mike lit the Clerk of tis! Joy""" 1'KNT.
L.R., #10. R Jewell was appointed Peste.OoderIeb,toJust ices ofthe Peac4,add'TtheTORONTO(SKNKRALTRUSTS CO'
pathmaster on D. L. con 5 and�!'., in place others entitled to same. i are prcrared to Ion mosey ti s per coat., p•)
�(\Smith. Mored byD MoNurcli IRA 1.6WRt, able br ( Iearl), ow
y• t leek ortbe • 1 TERMS 7'I) SCIT BORROWERS,
seconded by H (rlrrin,ehat the aaaeener s Office of Ciera of the rise., tdedsrleb, U47 on first-class tarn security.
mil be accepted as revised this 12th day =tot'• ass• Wein Apply to
nsrr seer,, Dndsrictt.
Agents for the Tet. nto Genera! Trass ('o'y.
Moore. ('Awawne. Hot .T R ('AYRRor hate
abet a large amount of pelt ate funds to lost
nn first-class farm srcnrlty.
tiodertch, (set.1. IIsi. :all tf
be had his way,there would be no local chie, seconded byW Stothen, that the.7''s`•" 4 ..'.. 't --;--
or cheap. (fund .r.ligt ,: Time
to -day. All legislation township be divided into sewn polling given it required. J(,HN tVASIItNOToN•
would be controlled from Ottawa, and it 'sub Ji.iai,.na, and that the clerk pre- nuttesrn. *1011
would hare been impossible ter thepare a bylaw, dividing the tewisbip as i(SiI' -MISS Ctn►KE, AFTER 14
people eI Ontario to retain canted of follows :--Polhnq cub -division No 1, `1 years .tally of music. Is prepared to
their territorial resources when fair' . 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th receive pupils for the Cimino. 2t Iessome
John Macdonald recently undertook to I front Northern gravel road, to tide line it u.rterh. terms:- M per quarter. W11-
seize and barter them away in exchange 3 end 4 E 0. and lot 12, con 6, E.D. QHOKTHAND.-is.%AC PiTMAN 8
for petition support. Autocracy, not Polling soh -division No 2,t eitiveo1GRAI'll V. The most popularly
Hume Rule, i the motto of the Tory Gtheexcepl he 12,E.D. 7th, 8th,9th con• •em tausht. Instrurlio. honks (•w wleat Tut
centralizer. -�Hanultn Time s. Iceseiuns,includin lots 1 W.D. to North. arosi. oMee.dkvefj boy snd girl a)thould
ern gravel read and 10th e•.nceeion
A Uvular Ton "Say . -
1 he D. Polling sub division No 3, com•
Mr. Lister tells this liter) to a %Vfttd- I prising 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th cones*•
sor audience : mons E D. Polling sub -division No 4,
For Sale or to Let.
"During the session of IA8io a small comprising 114,2nd, 3rd, 4th c'rncewiont TO T -TWO Rl1C- 1►N E
boy was observed by many of the mem- from side line 3 end 4 5 D. to lake shore i1 hrleLILk nn �trwpte street, >{� ceasing
siren room+ Mel and s ft waMt, sol a
ben amusing l im*elf around the Flouse enrol road, and arnowion S from int 3 orcha-I. Thr other house frame ou ry►yy
end playing cricket with the juniors 5 1). to 3, W.1). inclusive, and lake street, eight room., gout cellar. hard airon
range from lot 6 1 T. P. to 1.4 4 N. T. water. Apply to P �Mr:ICTI(. 1Mt8-11
SP.alandtiPort Albert village inclusive. ��ARM TO LET -FOR K TERM 011'ng sub -division No 5, yarn, Lot 11) fire. in the Maitland ae•-
6ih, , th, 8th, 9th , ietcleding near Ion. of the Township of flntierteh, apply
lots 2 Mil). to lake .hers gravel road by tetter to J R 1.17.Af2P, Steal ford. 1!r* -11
it was found the little (ellen wan on the and 6th c nosesiun including ice 4
pay lint as an extra clerk at 93 or 94 to hike shrove gravel road, and
per day." lots 4 to 24 inclusive range.
Mr Lister is comparatively new in Polling subellraion No 8, comprising
the halls of parliament. When he has 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th eowo'asona,
eat through a few mon parliaments he including lots 10. W.D. to lake shun
will be able to 611 a tolerably large -orad gravel mad, and Iota 23 to 46, inclusive
volumes with jest such incidents. Then lake angio Cowweil will met again at
an various ways, it may be cb.srved, town hall, nn the 21st day of August,
for providing for "the b►y." I1119ti.
when the weather was Ane. The pony
was a son of Mr. Henry Smyth, M. P.,
and it was supposed he went down to
I )ttawa to bare a holiday with his paps ;
but when the accounts were published
Straveti ,Animals.
I 1 (trader '5 from Iho dtre tion M horst
Albert, on Tu.aday. June Iib. late.• south
sisal hay horse, nn white'ed rat
tall. • little. Inched In tae wind. and N Uy
swelled la the off hind leg. Mr owner (•ie
genteel to enter. property. pas ss and
takeltawsy. JA]IILA RAILIIY,.
To lend nn farm and town prnper•y •t low-
est interest. Mortgage. purchased. No ewss•
mw•.on charged agents for the Teton and Loan
Company n Canada. the Canada faded
(mitt Company. the London Loam ('owtpan,
of ('ands Interest. e. R( and 7 per coat.
N. H. lkrrrtwers ran obtain inane, Is ewe
day, if title, satisfactory.
1970 Barristers, ta.. O•derich d
W on Farm and Town Property at leveed in-
tern,. allortgoges purchased, no Cowawindow
charged, ('onreyancing Pees re•eesabN•
N. R. Porrnwers can obtain money 1a see hey
it title Is satisfactory. DAVISON t TORN-
AT(IN Barristers &c.. Dederick, Inst
',TIONEF.R and lead Telw•swr,
(int. having had rnwaNes•b1e a
the aueti with thou edea.
mlwsiesns entrusted s len ea
Hattie*• B t ee ta.eV
O(sd�ilett� ert*� &et
iii• SSMvner Renediet, wish a cage
of God fee Jobe Platt, arrived in pori
INA Weiladlay.