The Huron Signal, 1886-7-2, Page 22 THE HURON BIGINAL, FRIDAY. JULY 9, 1886. r That Mew sis Arse Ilea sae ■Nae M fisellN. Yrom tee lSAreal Peet. Regarding that fanseus reaululiom s iopted by the Grand Orange Lodge of British North Amrica, is which Hun. Mackeotde Bowe11, Minister of Customs, pledged himself to send mem ud mesas to hetet ¥r. Gladstene's scheme foe Home Rule, we beg to reproducefor the informative of the Canadian public, the following iostions which were gsveu iia the columns of the London Times. -- To t he Miter el the Time.. Sie,-I have the honor to oak you to view circulation to the enclosed te1e- grem.est received by me, from the lir•ud Orange Lodge of British America. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, Wr. Josx$rux. House of Commons, June 3. "To William Johnston, M.P., House °f Commtln.. Toronto. June 3. "Greed Lodge British America. now in session and representing 200,000 Ihangsmen, sends greeting to the Loyal- ists of the Mother Land, and is prepared 10 sf..a.l by atm with nen uril waedtu their struggle for the maintenance of the unity and integrity of the Empire. "W. J. Palmettt, Grand Master." And the Minister of the Crown who was a party to the resolution is still kept In the Dominion Cabinet We have alresdy said that such conduct was an meters, and if the other Cabinet Minis ten respected their positions, them- selves or the country they would have demanded the resignation of • Minister who was taking a prominent part in in. litigating • rebellion. Have the men who sent the halfbreed leader to the scaffold for having fought for the rights and property of his people, nothing to say to the Orange leader who wants to send men acid means to fight against the rights and liberties of the Irish people as well as the laws of the land I How can the Federal Govern- ment complain of and denounce the re- bellious sentiment of Nov Scotia 1 How an they ask the people to look with ab- horrence on the rebellion of the half- breeds when they keep in the bosom of the Cabinet • fiery serpent of tro•mos and an unblushing instigator of civil war ? It is not the question whether the grand Change lodge or Minister Howell mean what they say or intend to fulfill their pledge -in the first place we do not believe they do, aid in the second place we dare them to try. Tbey get the credit among the fanatic and Orange elements of the United Kingdom of be- ing ready to send men and arms, and that is enough to fill the breasts of the Orange lads and lassies with martial ardor and $ burning desire to s campaign of riot and murder where they are in the majority. The Vraaralse sill ln/is.lty, i'HB BISHOP'S TOU R l'eatlrsatfle. Is Um Illyton Disuses by ■arae eels. The scrutiny of the last revised list made on behalf of the Itefermen shows that the C. agents attempted to stuff the folia h! wholesale. The ap- peals entered by the Reform agents total nearly 500, and if the proportion sus- tained in Wyoming i. 1 throughout the rest of the riding, over 400 bogus Conservative entries will be conceited. The enormous oust occasioned by hay- ing to fight against the facilities offered by this iniquitous franchise law for stuffinfr the voters lists in fie interest of the ( party, forms but a small part of the expense ily incurred by this latest Tory scheme to cheat the electorate and steal a verdict from the people. Scores of men art call- ed away from their daily avocations to battle for their rights and expose the pal- pable frauds covered by the lista Prac tical of the charac- ter of the Franchise Act, such as the people are now obtaining, will do more to bring forcibly home to every citizen's mind the diabolical nature of Sir John Macdorald's latest fraud, than all the speeches delivered in Parliament and all the comments directed against the measure since its hideous features were first unfolded to the public. The people of Canada will fail in their duty to themselves and to the cause of elect- oral freedom if they do not at the nest elections drive from office the men who hays been guilty of abusing their power by forcing such an iniquitous measure upon the country. -[Sarnia Observer. Vote Them Oat "rota the ('athol.c Itc.ord, London, OM. His Lordship the Bishop of Leedom left this city cis Tuesday awrni: g, the 15th Mat , to administer the sacred and solemn rite . f Confirmation in the par- ishes and miss in the northern por- tion .,f his diocese. At Clinton His Lordship was met by the Rev. Dr. Kil- roy, of Stratford, and, proceeding to Goderich, dined with the Her. Father Waiters, the very worthy and downed ly popular pastor of that picturesque t.wu. The Bishop in the course of the evening went to Ashfield, whereon Wed- nesday morning he administered Con- tirutatiun to seventy-three persons all duly and diligently prepared by the Rer. Father Buubst, pastor of that flourishing mission. The church and sanctuary were both very neatly and appropriately de- corated, the children attired in costumes of becoming elegance, the music of the choicest character, and the whole cere- mony was most throughout, The clergy in attendance, besides the pariah priest, were the Rev. Dr. Kilroy and the Rev. Father Watters. His Lordship preached, as well to the candi- dates for confirmation as to the parish- ioners at large, touching diecuurees of and exhortation. On Wed- nesday evening the Biabcp, with Rev. Dr. Kilroy and Rev. Father Watters, left Ashfield for St. Augustine, Wawa - nosh, when he spent the night On Thursday morning early the Bishop di- rected his steps to Wingham, one of the missions attended by the good priest. 01 St. Augustine, Rey. Fathers West and Cooke. Wingham is a large and flour- ishing town with • population exceeding two thousand, but its Catholic popula- tion is as yet rather small There is, however, here a beautiful brick church, a solid and substantial structure that relicta very great credit on the small but devout . that worships with- in its walls. Since its erection • few years ago there has been • very marked and steady increase it. the number of Catholics, and as the kindliest feelings animate the Protestant majority towards the Catholics, there is every reason to hope that by immigration and by con- version there will in • few years be a numerous and Catbolic con- gregation. The High Maes was begun at 11 o'clock, the celebrant being the Rev. Father Watters. His Lordship was assisted by the Rev. Dr. Kilroy, Strat- ford, and the Rev. Father Coffey, Lon- don. There were besides present the Rev. Fathers West and Cooke, St Augustine ; Corcoran, Teeswater ; and Krebt, Tuscaloosa Co.. diocese of De- troit After Mass His Lordship put the candidates for Confirmation, fourteen in number, questions in various portions of the Catechism, all of which wereprompt- ly and intelligently answered, mach to the Bishop's satisfaction. His Lordship then addressed them and the congrega- tion generally • practical , in all respects suited to their circumstances, their and their responsibilities. After confirmation, His Lordship and the attendant clergy were entertained at dinner at the residence of Edward Bren- nan, Esq. A number of promioent lay- men also assisted at the dinner, which iledtd the highest credit on 1 , • able hostess and the good Catholic ladies who so kindly and thoughtfully aided her in dispensing the hospitality of her well -ordered Christian home. At 4:30 p m His Lordship, 1 by the the guests of Patrick Kelly, Req., en. of the must ptomioesit resideutr of that village, and indeed of the oeuuty of Harass. all whish he hes ably filled the warden's chair, and throughout which he is well booms and universally respected. It was (seer leer o'clock ou Saturday 'vetoing when H. Lordship left Blyth on the home joerney. At Chaim' the Rev. Dr. Kilroy sad the Rev. Father Waiters left the London, Huron and Bruce branch, the former to go to Strat- ford and the latter to Goderich •sv the Buffalo and Lake Huron linty his p.m. His Lordship and the Rev. Felber Cof- fey reached this city. The total number confirmed by the Bishop during his resit scion wa.one hundred and ninety •two. Mord ran ■.•shed, I Rev. Dr. Kilroy and Fatten West and I Coffey, returned to St. Augustine, tree veiling a distance of sixteen miles. A sudden change in the temperature bring - The County Counicils of Middlesex I ing with it high winds and •mold, search - and Huron, having failed to do their ( ing rain, rendered the drive far from fair share in carrying out the wishes of •• agreeable. But Father West's hoop/table the Inst majority in these counties by 1 home one reached, the alight and pass - declining to appoint a Police Magistrate ing inconveniences of the journey were to tarry out the Act of thmeajScottority forgotten. Friday morning dawned I is plain. duty of the temperanceain. Net one of the reeves or ds brigbtly and eheenuuy, wire gayest sun - pullet who voted against the measure shite and refreshing breeze. At 7:30 shouldget the support of His Lordship celebrated the Holy Sacri- yntan at the elections next January. fice of the Maas, and by 10:30, the time The electors have the power to make themselves felt in this matter. Will appointed for the High Ma.., there had they exercise iti -Si(. Marys Argus. gathered a very large eoegregation. The , celebrant of the K. vis Bay. Father Rev Wm St.wt, of Marton, was cured Beubat, putter of Ashfield, His Lordship of scrofulous abscess that seventeen dale- being &waisted by Rev. Dr. Kilroy, Strat- ton could not cure. Iturdock Blood ford, and Rev. Father Coffey, London. Bitters was the oily successful remedy. After Mass His Lordship pat the condi It cures all impurities of the blood. 2 dates for Confirmation through a search Mahe sae •-Bes.h.e. i ig examination in the Catechism. Their The Tory papers bare again and •nswen were prompt and correct. The tag iin repeated the story that Mr. Blake Bishop tendered both parents and chit Irenfu187sed5. to epThis sakie mofort Jtrue.ohn 0 MDonBlohaoe ke dren some earnest and touching advice, r. did apesk f:,r Mr. l t'Imnnhoe. He was and then administered the sacred rite to nominated as a Liheral candidate in sizty two persons, of whom several were 1874, and was elected. He was subee- adult& After Confirmation the Rev. Dr. geently unseated and was renominated, Kilroy delivered a practical discourse on and Mr. Blake spoke on his behalf, but Mr O'Doiohoe had voted against the the duties of the Christian life that pm expulsion of itiel from the Hos.* of dueed • very noticeable impression upon Commons, and this was afterwards his intelligent auditory. On Saturday used against his lc his opponents, and morning His lordship gave confirmation contributed to t bin re election -- (London Ade00111111111, at Illyth, a very busy and promising - lags ••n the London, Huron and (truce The last Soar. Nag branch of the Grand Trunk railway. The After the .bore year is end.d therm candidates for the reception of the seers - need be nn persrao suffering from Rhea statism, Neuralgia, Tordh.che, Hoed men(, fifty-three in numbs, were, like sibs, hnmlrgr, or any acute pain, if those of Wingham and Wawasoab, fond they only porchues a hotel* of Fluid thoroughly prap.nd, and HisLne'dehip's Lightning. as it cures Instantly. Pain inatruetinns andond gevents truly, weed stay where it is omit The nems is Meld Lightning. leoldihy 0 Rhymes'. edifying and eminently poetical. His dna**. 2) Lordship and clergy while in Blyth -were I What the Nova Scotian* ween by their declarations in favor of seoessiuu, ur • change in the public policy of the Domi- nion rulers, ►s aptly cal futtb io the Montreal /litotes : The existing tariffs are the causes of the whole difficulty. One of these causes it ►e in Canada's power . Her protective system must count this move- ment among its many achievements, and if that system is not removed she will have herself to blame for the disintegra- tion that may fellow. The Tory papers are *eying • great many hard things of the Nova Soutiaus, and such epithets as "traitors" and "rebels" ere freely used in characterising the conduct of the major- ity of the people of that province. The denunciations came with very bad grace from the defenders of High Taxation. We cannot forget that the Nov Sooti•na uttered the Confederation very reluctant- ly, and on the express ling that their taxes would not be increased. To meet their wishes the promoters of the Confederation actually reduced the then tariff from 20 to lb per cent. Today the Nova Sootians, with the people of the of the Dominoin, are tax- ed to the extent of 30 per cent on their imports. It is true that in 1882 they sent • majority to Ottawa to support the Macdonald G t, but that was oa the assurance that • reciproeity treaty was about to be forced from the United States through the agency of the high taxation. Now the Nov Scotian. have decided that it does not pay to submit to high taxation for the sake of pursuing • phantom, and they think it no disgrace to say s•. Macdonald and Topper and their crowd will not again be able to fool the hard-headed Nora Scotism into vot- ing for the of their best in- terests in order that money may be raised to enrich land and railway monopolists and provide jobs for the families of such hereditary ottce-holden as Langevin, Tupper and Tilley. In such • demand they will have the assistance of the ma- jority of the people of Canada.-tHamil- ton Times. wap gees Peseta as ■asasYMed. Bad Cusfederstien - been wisely, pro- perly admisi•tered, there would have beim no cry of seeeslun after etaeteen years trial of it. But we cannot wo dcr at Nova Scotia kicking against Confed- eration as run by the Torres, whim we ere the public debt of the Dominion in- creased by /107.000,000 in eight years. K.uJatreeb, an iudepeui.nt authority, puts the provincial case thus :-''Before the union Nora Scotia had the lowest tariff, and was yet to the best tivancial c►oditioo of any of the uniting pro- vinces. In 18'i7 the customs tariff aver- aged unly 8 per cent.; the total revenue was sufficient for ever need, and the $ public debt was only 250,000. In sharp oontrwt with this favorable state of things, the Dominion tariff imposed on Nova Scotia, in common with the other provinces, is now 50 per cent. The public debt hu been increased until the province's share is over 128,000,000, and the retenus is insutticient. The popula- tion of Nora Scotia is about one tenth of the p .pupation of the Dominion, ur say 500,030 in 5.000.0 0. The national expenditure has run up from the 111,- 000,002 or 112,000 per annum, which it was said in 1867 would be an extreme estimate, to 135,030,000. The people of Nova Scotia pay at least their per capita share of the money that gees into the general treasury, or say $3,300 000 • year.' It would be astonishing indeed were the Nov Scotian' not to cry out against Confederation after a showing Gke that. But the great significance ut the late election lies in its effect on the approach- ing Dominion elections- This is the second Province which has pronounced against the Tories at a general eleeticn ren on the square party issue, New Brunswick having gone Liberal by an majority • few months ago. The federal having actively iuterfered to defeat the local , these in turn will certainly exercise the right to exert their power and influence limiest the Tories when the federal elections take place. -(Lon- don Advertiser. Bast W&wanos;l' . Mr. W. Rose is home for the holiday and well remain until the opening of tete University in October. A LONDON, June 23.-1dr. Gladstone's journey from the meeting hall to the railway station at Glasgow was a grand triumphal procession. His carriage was escorted by a body of rottca. Every point of vantage around the station had to be fought for. The streets were filled with a solid mass of humanity, shouting itself hearse. Mr. Gladstone showed no sign of fatigue. On the platform a splendid bouquet was presented to him andthere was • rush to shake hands with him as the train started. The Countess of Aberdeen travelled on the same train and after a time joined the premier's party. Crowds at every station cheered the premier and called for a speech. Mr Gladstone in most instances returned • few words of thanks. At Carlisle he made a short speech in reference to the Unionist candidate there. His remarks were received with mingled cheering and hooting. At Preston there was • decid- edly hustile element in the crowd. Cheers were given for Lord Salisbury and «,enter cheers fur Mr. Gladstone and Earl Spencer. Chester was reached at midnight. Crowds were waiting at the station despite the lateness of the hour. The party arrived at Hawarden at 1 o'clock this morning and received a heady welcome. Mr. Gladstone wiil speak in Liverpool on Monday. iMtdee SO • lie Disseise. 'ae Ty Baearuu Vali Kak is the quietus frost which the melancholy Dees Amok. The mental calibre of the average monarch has not improved *nos the days ..f Hamlet In of UNDHR ARMS, e. Vino al tease Mlead. (asap Neer.. Pectase ere War Tb. ♦ Wet ayegt..tI%. N CI,Nr+mal, JUDO 23, 1886. Toe annual brigade camp for No. 1 military district I on the Cori ieg Farm yesterday, some 1,700 uses go- ing under canvas. All day lung the dif- ferent regiments were coming ia, and A was alwust dark before the last .1 thew put in au . There are alto- gether seven corps in camp : The Loa don Field Battery, 70 strong ; 21st Bet - lotion, 216 ; 24th, 225 ; :7th, 320 ; 29th 200 ; 32ud, 400, and the 33rd, 21:13. Ow ing to the drizzling mitt that fell most of the day the sten lost Do tune 111 p.ichiug their touts, ar.d *hen nicht awe on they were apparently quite c irfortab'e in spite of the disagreeable character of the weather. sus I$IOAuc Kolar this year is composed as follows : C nrmandait -- Lout. Cul. Coleman, 33rd Battalion. Brigade -Major -Lieut. Cool. Aylmer. Payrnaster-Lieut.•Cul. Dawa.•n. Supply ()icer -Major J. B. Smyth, 7th Battalion. Musketry Instruct or -Lieut. B rne, 7th Battalion. Camp Quarter -waster - Lieut. Mc - Ewan, 26th. The Brigar a Staff Sergeants are : Or- derly room, Ser,((. Conroy; quarter•n►ast- er, Sergt. Hammond ; supply, Sergi. Logic ; paymaster, Sergt. Jury. Lt.•Col. Coleman, commanding officer of the 33rd (Huron` Battalion, being by virtue of t the senior officer In camp, will be commanding officer of the entire brijsade camp. 33s. (sl- sox) IATrAL1oN. Staff - Lt. -Col. Coleman, commanding Capt Kaine I l;' rrie , acting senior ma- jor ; Capt. Mallough, acting junior ma- jor ; Capt. A. 0. Wilson. adjutant ; sur- geon, Dr. Holmes ; sristant-surgeon, Dr. Young ; paymaster, F. Jurdau ; gbartermaater, Jos. Beck. No. 1, Goderich-Capt. Miller, Lt. Ruse. No. 2, Wingham-Capt. E Nott, Lt Williams. No. 3. Seaffurth--Lt. Roberts, Lt. James Currie, of Ayr, is visiting friends in this vicinity ; he is staying at G. Quinn's and 0. Coats' reeideucee. The 1100 job of digging a ditch on both sides of the sidero•d between 4th and 6th for • distance of 70 rods, was taken by i%m. Magill. Thomas Roes sold 14 head of cattle from his heard to drover Shaw, of Wingbam,realizing 5c. a pound for them. They are • superior herd Walter Mc- Gowan also sold a herd of 15 to drover Watson, of Blytb, at 4}c. a pound. Robert, son of George McGowan, met with a very serious accident on Thursday. While felling a tree • loose limb fail, grazing his Lace and taking the rim off his hat, inflicting two gashes on his fore- head, two black eyes, and breaking several of his teeth. The limb was large enough to put an end to his existence had it hit one inch farther back. He is improving rapidly. A MMalgbt Alarm. There is scarcely any fright more alarming to a mother than the ominious sound of croup -so liable at the hoar of night. When Hagyard's Pectoral Bal u m for the throat and lungsis at hand, croop and , coughs low half their terrors. It tures coughs, 'asthma and bronchitis. 2 ■e was w alar Anyway Magistrate ;to new policeman .-Dad you notice no auspicious character about the neighborhood? New Policeman -Shure, yet Honor. I saw but one mon, an" I asked him wot he was dolt' there at that time o'night Sex he " I have no business here just now, but I expects too open a jewelry athure in this .vicinity later on... At that I sex : "I wish ye success, Mur." Magistrate (disgusted; -Yes, and he did open a jewelry store in that t icinity, and stole eerenteen gold watches New policeman (after • pause -Be- g: ss, Ter Honor, the he,.n may have been ma thafe, but he was no l.oiar.- [New York Ben. Dano:rotu Vita are often caused by w ormy. Freeman's Norm Powders de- n te, worms. im cu,owl, hesh tad suave bast► ..eared, by Shiloh's Catarrh Ha - seedy. Pet.. 50 oriole Nasal iujeotue Ire.. F..r ark b; J 11'alsw, Deinutiee The tide eat r pips C... liradford, P t , al.1av• k. -.•p a at •ek of 0 Ir.' Iodide AMI.ni•a Lnniarnt on baud. it ie a ueceaatty slid :u•!ilevrm wwt.lrr. iia all forum. .1 boons lrust•les «•II by F. Jordan, 0••druicb. 2 W.11 Y.... d direr eats Drepep.ir and Bier l..ntp'ai:H! S..i . h • Vitalizer is guaranteed to care you. Vur sole by J. Ni1MNi, D.ugjlat. 0.4 your s'wdi•.0 sale nilly painted at Tits SotvaL -Ili x. Tu.yare *le�a�yadose promptly anal .t low rates. None* is draeu to .ales l.rruu- h To. SI•IN-tb free .1 ch.tr.it..Li.•!i is rue: lot• Ci ,lsu.da 1 Tien Hectors, Cseroli eats ke an gaicl- �j r•or.-d lit Si•;t••lo a Coir. We 1u.*rau- law sit • ''y J. N'ilserts.lhuerist. N deon. No. 4, Clinton -Capt Forrester ; Capt McDonald, acting lieutenant Nu. 5, 6 and 7 companies have not yet arrived. No. 8, Gerrie-Lt. Gerrie, Lt. McDon- ald. No. 9, Dungannon- Lt. Varcoe, Lt. Young. Band of 21 musicians, under leader- ship of Mr. Gide.pie. A re...mes N the hem. The Press is a mighty engine. and the Florida Banner has turned on its most flowery writer to declare the fact in its columns. It says :--"Compare the ora- tor, one of the noblest vehicles for the diffusion of thought, with the and you may gain a faint glimpse of the ubiquitous powers of the latter. The °rotor speaks to but a few hundreds, the . addresses millions ; the words of the orator may die in the sir, the Ian- guage of the is stamped on Nobles imperishable as marble : ergo - meats of the orator ma} follow each eth- er so rapidly that the majority of the audience may struggle in • net of ratio- s cination, the reasoning of the may be scanned et leisure without • fear of perplexity ; the passion of the orator influencee an a.semhly. the feeling of the electrifies • continent ; the orator is for an edifice, the for the world -the one shines for an hour, the other glows for all time ; the orator any be compared to lightning, which dashes over a valley for • moment, but leaves it again in darkness, the news- paper to a can blazing steadily over the whole earth, and fined on the basis of its own eternity. Printing rne bass happily dallied the art that preserves all arts. It catches up dying words and breathes to them the breath ot life. Itis the gal- lery through which lire' orator thunders in the ears of ages. He loans from the tomb over the cradle of the rising gener- atiota. ' Lrerge Beaters Rare SzperWnee. Swift it might bosud that you can tell . Cetin, III., June 22. -George Dan - what the Almighty thinks of crewns by fel., aged 80, of Clinton, Kentucky, who the kind of men a confers them upon. The late King Ludwig was not except- ional in being • mad mnnaroh. history bristles with seek. Kiioftw was he remarkable among mad men for committing suicide. Such medicine is • favorite with minds diseased. The singular feature of Ludwig's case is that his medics) adviser died with him. Seldom has a doctor had such a patient --never did a patient have such a doctor Ludwig's aotxieasor aaowda the thrum ander the most melancholy circum- stances. It might not take much of this sort of thing to induce Bismarck in in- vest hu imperial master with the shadow, as he already possesses the substance, .,f power in Bavaria.- (Toronto World. 1 The complexion is often rendered un sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots, and Yell:woon. These it N well known are caused from •n inactive Liver and bad blood. Dr Chase's Liver Cure purifies the blood and whale system. SReci- pe Book for toilet recipes, Km pes, biota and sug- gestions on how to miservethe complex - ion. Sold by James Watson, role agent, Goderich. "What do they do when they install a minister?' inquired • small boy. Do they put him in a stall and feed him?" "Not a bit," said his father; " they har- ness him to a church and expect him to draw it aloes" A GOWN illota es. Mrs Wm Alt., of Aetna, deelaren that flagyard • Yellow Oil is the hest h.u.hnld remedy in the world for colds, croup, ewe throat, burns, scalds and ether paisfet rimplainta. Her opinion is well founded. 2 had been ill for several months, appar- ently died last Wednesday. The re- mains were put in a casket, where they semsiaed for twenty hoses. awsitieg the arrival of relatives. At midnight, Thur.- day,the watchers were startled by • deep groan. The lid was removed and Daniels found to be alive. He claims to hays been perfectly conscious of everything that passed, but ways he was unable to move a muscle. Arouse the Liver when torpid with National Pills, a good anti -bilious ac- thartic, sugar coated. Im review sed Cooly. The Senate cost every resident ot the county of Huron for its last session about 13 each, so that a man whose family con- sists of himself, wife and five children, is required to pay 118 for his share. This is only • small part of the legislative tax that the ratepayer is called to pay -sad he pays it just as surely as he obis his local tax when the collector comes around. -(New Era. _ I Dr Harvey's Sormapr Rin Plxr has been prepared -pith wrest skill mid care. and the proprietor is confident it will maintain in Canada the reputation it has so justly won in the United States. Por sale at Wilson's prescription dreg store. Ate:. Reid, general merchant, of Coldwater, Ont. , says : -1)r. Harvey's Southern Red Pine is without doubt the hest cough medidine 1 ever sold. It has done more good this other, and is • household word around Coldwater. lm: 7 Shiloh's Vitaliser is what you need for constipation. lass of App .cite, Dizzi- ness, and all symptoms of Pries 10 and 73 cents per bottle. Fur wale by J. Wilson. Druggist A Stat Rariznv- --For oougbe oath ma, and all recent colds, Dr. Harvey's Southern Red Pine. Don't let a cough grow troublesome when it can he reliev- ed and cured by this remedy at the small oust of 25c. Sold only at Wilson's pre- scription drug store. Inn : .err..Off Of tae Meeee.eepr. A novel use is mule ..1 the to detect forged bank notes. A note of 100 francs was recently submitted to the experts of the bank of France as iaued by • band of (rrgers, but the execution was so perfect that no defect could he discovered by the Glomes examination. A suggestion was then made to pities the suspected note tide by side with a genuine one in the objective of • stere - ,some, the two images .1 which, as u well known. overlay each other and form a single picture. The result of the ex- perin'e..t wee that the loop in a teats of • forged note did not exactly saver that t4 the genuine one, showing teat they had not been printed from the same plate.---Galignani'e Messenger. IN ea Tour Gaited. isn't allow a cold in the head to slowly and snooty develops into Catarrh when you lie cored for 2. cents. A few applications will cure incipient Catarrh One or two boxes will cora ordinary Catarrh. One to fire Motes will core chrotic Catarrh. Hold by James Wilson at 25c p. box. Try it -- take no other --it will ear. 705. ly 7�v.D LifVk�.� DRAKE pANOt LIOM LIVER CURE NAVE YOU + �s• aAic.. -its. c6. Tata a the seri s'tir"•mt se say Moose arida,( hem a champs 1..r, Da. Lassa s Livia Cues wii ba lsaa4 a car and NA�UII['S DIMCOY A p1. sacc.m of tt. Chase's liver Ca 1. Lime CCatpWat r.ss unholy with tis bet dm k 1 osspaaaded from a.esr. s w•Mbsowa firer esoher+ ohm a ali ars alissMs moo, Maks mks sea hob% basing ,owsdsl dace es 1►e tldasys, Msmm�►� Dicasts ao N and 500.000 SOLD 7we? e.nrhef/ asidiee J Dr. Candi l.r4 less wore seri i. Curie .rim. Ire owe e..ry a!sm nmosis sad rasa why b e awNd wee Limy Cam NOM re ray lair stoical manly. M■TNM UII. Ma Mm 1� Whooped moaned awwrryy ►stared Dr. Chrs% IiwrCs a .alsebl. Hawaeld M.diest Grids sad Racier aga▪ .eand brrtawed m•dic sad eastudass weer w I•rels W, sad waarat[a• we limn the prior stilts -theism MrTt' a CTM. CAM. A tars mid pesMw r KY, e5 Gala. 1[y haws lbw r trio Pao. Soto ■V ALL DEALERS 1tb • ssstasrso• a 00•. Sete *sate, aleadiset -1 "JAMES WILSON G c ID E CH_ Oct. 22nd. I'e3. 1016-17 Farmers' Attention The ,ndersi►Iutd Las a Choice Selection of Pure. ('lean EEDS of the following varieties White Dec Lucerne, Abrar. Trefoil. 1'rs Vise sad Ned ('lover. Timothy. Lawn sad all esrirttee of (h.as•a suitable for prrwaarnt pasture. OM1.. Wheat. Puss, Barky. Rye. Means. Becbwhent. ('ora. Tow amid Flax : also Yield aad Darien Needs of lam years growth- tree to same. A full a.urtment or }-bur sod Feed. The Celebrated Chios Churn the beat la the market. A 11 of Choice. Fresh Teas. ces- sletiag of Hlsck, (preen and Japans - wl.o1 . sato and retail. A large amount of Money to l..... R. PRICE, Ma.onk Biota. kaet street, Goterrh. March 11th, IND IDi6.•m THE KEY TO HEALTH. IInloeia allele clogged aveoms d tie Bowen. Kidneys end Liver. °a`ey- loge. gradually wilheat tis spinal, all the iogintitiss and laid humors of the emeliews at lire Correctly. �4 mof ... he Shamec4$car �l Df>ednl i ti of the Dimming sof �dldon. Jaamdiosr Belt Rheum. the �KAorroitlx neve,nd a erttott of Oral ty • all thew and many other similar Complaint. I�ie d to tbs la)rpy _a r L f $17BDQ(,� L 51IAM A 011.. Re7rtatat, 'wise. 1.885_ QODERICH WOOLEN bLII.LB_ To fAr Wool Growers of IAe :itnvoltwdiny I °metro: We wish to say that we are prepared to take your Wool in 'schema, for (food., or work It for you lino any moi tete followiag artieks. vis Blankets -White, Grey or Horse. Shirtings - Grey or Check. Cloths -Tweed, or 7u1i C utha, a.lgas t)r hiSavy. Flannels -White, Grey, Colored, Union, Plain or Twill. Sbeetinge-Broad or Narrow. Stocking Yarn - White, Grey, Clouded or in Colors. Carpet Warps made to order. ROLL CARDING. paOauer tac111tfes for this work ra000t be sur- d thr dayv1 1. Drought In, ll end's% rif rela quired. Caen to do custom Spinning and Heeling, or Splash[ es the Cap coarse or Ilse, hare or soft twlat, as repaired. We are In a pnsilinn to do ail kinds of cum tom work. usually dolt? 1■ a full art cartons mill, and we w111 guarant?e to doter you felly eeeal. If not a little better than any Is our errwundinge. A cal r..pectfully solicited. E. McCANN, Kest Rad Woelw. Mille, Onderieh, May lath, MIL