The Huron Signal, 1886-6-25, Page 88
: e)1, 3J(i1114 1) V
A Triumphant March Through
if suer mould be devised, for the
of giving separate sattatatt:oil that
portion of Ulster in which Prestasteet- A Isie•ereo errs Ice bed a total •n
teures Trout
sant great ',retails, bit fears that the .e %eats street teeth•oi•e .berets. here.
Irish would persecute the north, where __ We have two
were plentiful last week rouud
the y retestants were strum/ enough to
On Sunday m aninte last the Rev. RMr.
pretest the•elt, were quite baseless.Rs rt, of C:intuu, occupied t. v. it.
The 11111..011111..0 of England and Scutland was W
T1s •'t.raad Old lean- etre. Ib. wear. of essentially dsflereut from that of England Pullet, soil preuhed a nlewerul sermon
the tte•teh, and Ireland. The f 1
diner -anent the pester'e mother, who poised
once esu that l:e.,tland was *lea's away on ;he ti:h ins:. The discourse was
able to hold her own. oete and met beautiful in thought, and a rich expsi-
Eutttut autl, June el, --The acme ie I England on a footing of equality, and I tion of the teat . Rec. 14 : 13, ' 11lesavd
the Music Hall vu the oematen of Mr. 1 the union with the Tapas ut time cum- are the dead who die ill the Lord. Mr•
l:ladstune's speech on 1'reday night was ' wended itself to the miude and hearts of + R .xeruri•a e' t.inent,r that lu* of ualified. bothbyegachift�
imprtsssre and memorable. The hell lea
Ret tchu
n, whilst the entire Irish nation p+
was against the union of that country 'ate- The pulpit was draped un the *e-
wes puked to the extreme limit. Tho with En land. 11 • greet majority of
audience, when eerd was given of the ' the people ot Scotland wished t.. manage
Prowler's advent, sang the chorus, her local affairs within her bonders, did
the llrro CComm.\l r.. they think if they arrived at a clear cull.
Gladstone came upon the stage acceuip•- elusion to that affect that England dare
n y
ied b his wife When they saw lilt
sir wuu{d wish to refuse them l'ri
d h'
Gladstone the audience arose to their
cask: , sod suitable Music war furtiiahed
In the evening the pastor occupied the
pulpit, and preached from the test :
"God sari the King,' I :tam. 10: '24.
As the jubilee of Queen Victoria.. reign
of "nu.' He ridiculed the proposals begat mea Sunday many et the nrwspap{o--
teet and gave ringing cheep, accomp- f h t 1 d I omen to leave had Rg ted th t pulpit t Id
by the choir.
o the national radical ere leu N a the u j 'lieu
anying the . and
ee with wild way undealt with the question of Irish local in some suitable way recognize the event,
of canes, hate and Iesenierchiefs. Mr. self government, a object which was
and ask the congregations to join in
Gladdens wore full evening dress with ape forscusson, 'title the country
discussion,thanksgiving and prayer for the nation
dowers on his lapel. His exordium wasand the ►ueen. In keeping with that
dealt with local government for Eng• (• Pio g
most effective. ')n Saturday Mr. l,led-
stone spent the greater part of he time foam In meat arc , a ,•
nes son a theme and the tea for the evening. The
dnvin about the cit He was ere not ripe for discussion. air. Gladstone The Y•ra ressa Lessee.
g y' ry, thoughtd -f sermon was a loyal and earnest *shorta-
where followed by crowd of lkutchmen,
cheese bus makers in
4,w n.
Gariea parties are all the people talk
of now.
Iters. A.Y. Hartley and J. Cooke have
arrived safely home.
R.v. Mr. Cbiniquy is to preach in
Wtugham, and to lecture ju Bluerale on
Monday ereoiug.
our baseball team emit to Gerrie 1.•
play the boys these. Of course they won.
`\'hy ahoulde't they T They are aching
!sir someone to play with.
Ea -master Slewwon was in town last
week. All were pleased to see hien, and
join in wishing him a ape•dy recovery.
He is to elaoiteba's delightful
Mr. Hawthorne, of 3rd con. of Morris,
was on his way Ileum un Sunday •vening
when his horse suddenly trek fright and
away it went, ulnettiug the rig and in-
juring the occupants.
•1 i t wh•'h was suggesti,u the pastor had chesrn the _
. 1 .. .t ., puea oast iron ant orifi'y tion, and time and again stirred the The Mame of the t 6-ction is t.e he taken,
of inatituticns for England, Scotland,
cheering and Holiday making in his * hearts of the hearersThe subject was - as
however as the *5 11e • on the wall
Notwithstanding the hard times and keen comppetitio I
had'e taken orders, since I commenced on the 24th March,
to the amount of $1,000, and increasing rapidly.
r -res
Sold at tho'lClosest Living Prot.
toderloh. May MIN. Irate. x0111•
****tt * • • tltkt * * * i tkitk>M*i#>Ni> ****>A#N
Closing Out Business
tnntnuttutttttthitttfnttttttttf ttf ttttfftttttttf t
honor. He is simply receiving an Ireland and Naha wase bad, face and expended under three 1st, showing the inrcitah'e result ..f eatnca
vulgar principle. In dealing with the propositions,
•tion cher Fero he appears subject of local 1 the s ecial That the ackuowlehrement td God c•,n• fiance, corruption, ciceu,vc debt, exam- Another Edinburgh it wants of the different eu les must be tanned in these wards was characteristic sive tweet aid the',tt.r disrugatd of
cables : All parts of the realm were re-
considered and the s p W hula[ tf of our nation, and especially during the the real wants and u.tse.ts ..t all sections
presented in Friday night's greet gash•f1°c y of t d of the Domineer. -Minatory \1'hig,
eriog--even the alt expressly
many that tee Djyu,e ideal of natiwial loy..lty
tuuruts from which had expn+ssly jour whether Ireland was M have free gnvern-
b 1 Th n reign u t 0e present auvereign -n ,
h I ' ed t ase peonies. a main queen in
is expressed in tare words. 3rd- that
as a uatieos prayers it hu been abund-
antlyanswered in the nation's deliver-
ance and blessing. These several dive -
tete of the subject were emphfied and
illustrated from the history of Bntain in
a very happy way, making the whet° ser-
mon elle of exceeding enjoyment and
mint or to be overridden by England a Tree raaMsseei.
u q•d hero fur the t.ccasiuu. The pro- d Scotland The knew now what
piayuily of the auditors was quite sag- an am Mr. Peter Mitchell made • most nen
of the progress toward universal nt
Ireland wished. Ireland had not asked trete the Ti e sod appropriate
i,r*�ith:es inlytl the c mm • uitu
su• ffrage. Laborers bruised by the sun for an innovation because she had a y .
sat aide by side with large landlords I ptsgliamet" until it was taken from her that no petitions had beer. received
1618 b mixture of fraud and force.against the coal tax. °Petitiuw!" ell -
en Sir John Macdonald's es- I
Minister of Marine and Fisheries, ' 1
could get a carload, but what ;G'a'ff
wield pehtiuns do beret' Turuine to I AT
the solid Government majority behind .t;
him, " Sir, this house has ceased to be
The :\•arden's committee me: on Mon- a delileratise body - it hu bec.nie an
day pursuant to notice, to consider t'ie institution tui decree..
appeal of (Godericlh township ayautat it. That is so. No roaster hue bad the
eluahaati,•n. Presant -- The Waeden, legislation may be, it will go thrr'ueh the
end Messrs, Cf.go McMillan, Elliott, present Parliament, by the vote of Mee -
Cock, Strachan, (vela, anti D. D. Wil- dtseeld's perchaosed majority if he Bays
•ue - so.- Is there out ur4ent need that the
The notice of appeal was then read. Aegean stable should be cleaned out
Mored by Mr Walton, seconded by -
Mr. McMillan, that the opinion of the
c+euss�tty solicitor be obtained tu ascertain
if the *pieta' off the township . f (lode -
rich t.. the county Judge a legal, seeing
It made no application to the c,unty
ounocil in the first instance fur a reduc-
tion, or for increasing any- of the other
municipalities in the county. -Carried.
The following ofirion of the county
solicitor was read un this point :
"It is my opiuiun that the appellant
is twit precluded by anything which
took plate in the council sir otherwise
from appealing from the equalization
report. .►t the same time the point is
not free from doubt, mud I would advise
that the objection should be tartan be-
fore the judge. It may, at any rate, it
not whol�y su:cesaful, a:fe:t the question
of costs.
Mused by Mr Clegg, seconded by Mr
't &,e1n, teat tee c•-iuwittee recommend
to the council that it would be to the
interests of the county to equalize the
rolls of the several municipalities at the
January meetiuz ••f the council, and
twat the clerks of the municipalities be
requested tu return the rolls promptly t•
the county clerk on er before the 1st of
December. -Carried.
In consideration u1 the foregoing reso-
lution hem; passed, the reeve of Go.l•-
nch township agreed to withdraw the
appeal, as he had no: sut5.aent time be- egy their noject is simply to retain good
fore the 1st f Au,gus: to su111=03 wit men int „flies erhen you filed theta. This
nooses, etc., as to the chaisctet of the Felin' my bo.rafwly applied to the treat
lands in the cations townships, s, es to (went .4 the human system. by means of
enab:e him •u bring the s18110l properly me lkintm X'Ise ee who hare mice tried
before the Jud;(e.-Carried: Dr. Pi•tee's '-(}olden Medical I)iwnr-
The committee Caen adjourned. ery"fer scr••fulnua swe!lines and sores,
of and appetite, wesk lungs,
floe. n ea KeMM- �iiwitt. T'l t` ••Luk.o.i end consult ptu,n, will
ssp�pp1�y to it for rets principle of Civil
teniae --R4--"rel. and "fluid fist to 'hat
Mr. Blake has 'even ciatinsp and ad• i which is xrwl.
drss.t * t his co stiteents m' \\ est Dur
ham duties the par week, and has been
accorded a very hteATT reception. The
Mee for a patti.uetr and penitent ob-
ject has been seeing that Mr. Blake has l
lost his hold on the constituency and • Vo
that be would tut W returned. The
surveyed the scene from a side platform, Iso y a
whose a pru.cenium box had been ex- She only said," to God's name, as you
f, for journalists to see the cur• have failed. allow ea to govern our -
tam rise upon the first act of the lrc selves." Scotland, the speaker conten-
tion drama. Just ss *greet vane of Ina,- ued, had always sent Reformers t, a re-
nificent orchids was being deposited upon forted t \\'rwhd she do so
• table on the platform a huge roar again? (Cries of " Yesee Or would
from tens of thousands mf people out -
thesend ConservativesN she chase
the latter course the responsibility would
be hen and not his. In conclusion he
appealed to his auditors e. give their
voice in favor mf a work of peace and
justice. Mr. Gladstiue's clueing words
were hailed with !,ud and prolonged
aide, unable t.. get any standing room,
1 the arrival at the doors of
Midlothian's pride. Then the audience
look up the cry am Mr. Gladstone and
his wife, attended by Mr. and Mrs.
Childers, were seen moving toward the
platform, and the roar of welcome was
really magnificent when the orator's
slender, tall figure, clad in i . . -
ble evening dress, oto el erect "Maine'
the table, with its background of waving
hats and handkerchiefs. The clean cut Tuesday last the ladies of the W.C.T.
face of the apostle of Home Rule seemed U. mid other friends met at Ki rx
to take un a softer outline than was church, and there preseuted Mee. T. M.
usual, although the face was very ashen. Campbell with an address and purse in
His h.iir,.eetoe.l thiuer, and althnu?h his
token 01j the high estimation to which
eyes had their olden 'were dmlmed,the� her earnest edrrts in behalf of Christian
work and temperance in this
sparkled and seemed harked into future•action war
ty as he faced the audience He began held. The following, chick speaks for
with short breath. as 1 fatigued, and ttseff, is
spoke.with neryen-gasps, but soon, en- Tilt ADD!iEtii:
couraged by the stormy enthusiasts that To Mrs. T. V. C000pp.'ry•
I his liratt sentences, hie Dugs MADAM, -We, the members of
mobile upper lip folds resolutely upon the W. C. 1'. C., and other Christian
the flexible lower lip, and his eyes ladies el the town of Grderich, desire,
grow keener as the orator, call In on this the eve of your departure from
creasing Neer a'id almost pathetic am„n;; us, to express our admiration fur
earnestness, alternates erg meet with the manner in which you have worked
searching sarcasm and real:: -s his souri for loth the moral and spiritual welfare
(Het et the "(:ran.l (1',d Man.' His of uur town. In you, we have always
courtesy in his expression t••ward Cham found a true friend, one always ready to
berlain was marked, and when the audio lend a helping stand to every good w..rk,
ence groaned at the Birmingham testier, and with enthusiasm combined with a
Gladstone seemed much adnuyed and highly intelligent action ever ready to
twice made a deprecatory gesture toward lead ua to battle fur the right. In pub -
Lord Hartington. and his voice had a sic assemblies, in the social walks of life,
genuine ring of kindliness. When he in the bumble home, as well as in the
came to hu peroration the Gladstone courts of the Lord, }'..ur example has
"bell' %vice of old returned, the youth- been ono vtry worthy of imitation, and
cul play of earnestness was again rec•g- we feel, as yeu co from our m:Jst, that a
raised and age seemed to retire. At the Chnstian lady a leasing "bread sown
end of the last sentence -which you may
coldly read, but which was tunefully ut-
tered -the audience bn,ke into such ap-
plause es one henrs when, at the opera, a
rrrseellllN a.4 Address.
upou the water., which shall bo seen
after many days. ' As a slight taken cf
our appreciation of your labor of lure
among us, be pleased to accept this purse
great diva uniters vocal power and dna Frew warm friends : and our prayer is,
uratic force in some grand finale. He that your future life may be one of still
spoke an hour and forty minutes, bet
seemed enly half Chet- time. Then he put
on hu lance gray Inverness cask and
thetinge terminated. No midget
of aker dared to break the uproar
with any traditional rote .4 thanks above stamed-
Ghte..,w, .lune 22 -The arrival of Atoms.; l'rest.
Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone here today was • Jam! H. Las u.
the signal for a great demonstration.C. E. \
Thousands of people ltd waited at the Goderich, June 22nd, 14-3.1e
station to greet them, aid when they
alighted from the trate and mimed Mia Campbell replied as fellows ; • _
their carriage they weeeCTiisr�s and mitePr..i+fn.i,,f Lo..f;.<,
cheered again by the enthusiastic mol •
This expression of your good will
overwhelms one. My feelings at the
time are of the deepest and tenderest
character. A sense of niy unworthiness
and insufficiency weighs me dwn, but
the thought that the Lord has given me
a work to do and expects me to reiform
it in 1}N strength me to aee
cept this token at ya ur hands, and by it
to be strengthened far better *etyma in
in the future. My association with you
during the past three peen has been at-
tended with much profit and almost un -
mingled pleasure to me. i have sympa-
thized largely in that sacred and to
',mole, and in that i have had a rich
reward, for whatever feeble service 1
may have rendered you have always been
kind and patient with me, sympathetic
and tender, and there has been Nothing
in all your words and actions in all these
years 1.. gise me twin. As 1 look at this
gift and. listen to these words of lore
couched in the address, i am not un-
mindful of the feet that three mf the
con,tregat iu15 of t his town are here re
presented, and this greatly e,hancea the
value of the testimonial t) ' how 1
have onjnyed these union meetings where
we meat ton tine (amnion grnnn.l, ("eget.
Hag oar "'ens" is the grand thought
that we all are Chat's workers. As I
review the history of this lemon it is
with devout thankfulness to God. Sone
of you who slued by me will
more extended usefulness, till you shall
be called front earth away to hear the
welc,me "Well dune," and to shine as a
brilliant star in the diadem of the Mas-
ter. Signed f •r and on lethal( cf the
llengler'e circus. in which Mr. (jled•
stone was announced to speak, was
peeked Prem doer to ceiling. Gilbert
Reith, member for ptrlletnent for
central Glasgow, was chairman of the
meeting. When the Premier and his
Wtteiltd anti'-ethertts'en centered the
building they met with prolonged ap-
plause. The eudied'"F sang Auld Lang
Syne and He's a Jolly Good Fellow.
Mr. Gladstone, upon rising, said 'he
wuconddent that Glasgow would do
line and solid Lite* work at the crm-
i1tF elections. He would to day deal
wa.,. a ian.Nu sir •.4 Jilt'?
which peculiarly sleeted Scotland.
He would take !intent from the famous
De. Chalmers, who in 1818 referred to
the "impossihilite of crushing the Irish
people,- sad added .het the "almighty
arm of kindness would be irresetible.'
(cheers.) Those words, the speaker said,
were words of high Christian wisdom.
Ile .s1 ed his anditers t, approach the
juestimi inspired with such sentiments.
ale wished tm deal with three points, the
the security et Ptetestants in I'Ister .
the arguments deducted from the 111111,11
of )t.Yotland and Rutland, and the
question of home rule for Sc.rttand.
(Che -s ` He denied that under the
home rule bi11 Ireland would be an in-
dependent country. There were nooses
that f bad, Ireland to legislate for the
establishmen' or endowment of any re -
warier s
r1 Goads, Clolang, Tueds
Al.YO A LARGE ttTO( K OF r'Iteont
�egtaale$ to See tight.
The rascalities perpetrated in c.nnect•
inn with the , tion service in the
Northwest during the late rebellion are
now coning to light. It may be 'liter•
estrus( to know that while the volunteers,
the ions of the taxpayers of this country,
were feasting 00 hard -tack, beans and
salt bacon, the eountry was actually pay-
ing for rations sufficient 1.. 1 - II
supply nine times the number of men
then in the field. By a return recently
submitted to Parliament it has been as-
certained that the quantity of tea paid
for es supplied to the 3,000 or 6,000 ntea
in the field, was sufficient to supply 41.-
000 men for 90 days, and of bread and
meat sufficient to ration 14,00) men.
in order to consume the quantity .1 for-
age pard for, each horse in the field
would have had to eat 2:t3 pounds of
(•.rage per day, and as an instance of the
ehar¢ea made by the for sup-
plies furnished the trnupaywe may Nate
that blankets were charged as high as
file ,er pair : sucks, el per pair : gloves,
$2.; 3 per pair ; and other similar arti
files at prop,rti. nate'y high prices, and
these figures were the prices in 100 pair
lot..-[Sweforth Exp,euter.
' The If/sit-Ur -vire ft fee sen
WI 111: 1,1-1 WW1, sir'
1 .t'I .0:ul f TO
1:1:\I.,V1: molt titliKltlt'll
Pales Who Nish Bara!iis dost Call Early
11�,r 'Inuit' iii toLli ltintine'o�
thought in this case. Mr: Runtime, is
Pretending jcat wow that he ae.n:d like i Saginaw, Bay Ci,y, Goderich,
to try West uta.w a;aia ; am try i Detroit and Cleveland,
The People's Store, Goderich.
forties indebted tc mr nil .all et ecce and .lost s., oust. as all open a �a`er11
be placed is court.
Ooderich. June 171h. 1916. yt'
iMPt)ItTfrIte OF
•.i�.�AS &
G.le U .IsNT �eWAY
M �
Weare also dealing is the ('elebra'"t
Goderieh. June 17th. 1‘9'.
co Vl Mhos
cm to
11 D I t
he mty ; but he can no. more cstry let O yr
than they cam pet weenies • n the Me- I SelSeN ARRANGEMENTS. (-'a
sissip?i, a::d f.a t:.e'*auw season. The
Mad a .:t on is that \\est Durham t The Etr.ata a•..; t'..mri...tiuusSteamer. teZ
(, 0
ridint and oaten,. pn.yit;ce will ru ret ii • 1
]it.. illaktt:_.kst_Ascit_syi1..i , Sagi aee alley W y H
latge and hands tree ma;-,rtty, he out. ; tell. stoat N. easier, F( k
ieok was never more en: rntagi sg and I Wel ran .:ur. ng :he t aeon of Navigation, as CD
more hopeful. The ! nag rein of plun- follows: I \J ili,
dering and bluntlerine is ureaing to a Leaves Gmderlrh eiery Thunda}. at 1 o' •
sleek p m.. for Ray t Sty and :+urtinaw. calling I 0
clue[ : the public conscience is awaken- es t•rsf Reach, pun Rope amt rawl•. mak!
jolt at haat to tha true inwardeess of the' connections .with We,i -hare isnats at !+and ' I-1
situations : the Bialys and Hector Cam- ( hetet ter 0o,rrr city, • heboygan, )facklnae , Tl .
y rad air! �? . i nacr anA at iia Cit with \./ Y
fader 1 1 i t g y r h
arose. the 11wdaere turd fobs 111 earn re ter s 5+ti1:r,'s c is and AI •
end' d the Dowell, r• : w c yy fjrT
the Whites an Jamirs.'tls. t • wells trtdrning TO 01terlrh on FitI r:Y.
and Pope*. the Lat:et-ins and McCat- Leafs; rwterch etrry mdsy. (11o'clerk
ttow,o. for Port Hurm,. lonrott and Clesetaad,
I 1 i d T ! t Oaf :ct Th If ad
thy, ono young air o:.a.. s an up- o return nZ o er fou r ay. H t
pen, and the re.nainder f the Meg list 'pal+ route mal b., i1inacl during thsesa• " a
that here seen enriching t:urineelves at leo sit nevi/patter v
the public expense will he turned out
T I Ci K E'r S A 1 ilq
and h•enest men will be chosen to take F"j
their paces. That is the dutymenus- 'or she wh,l• ROi NI) TI"
troat'a,i,,S Pi
oil: be i.t i- r..r °41
hent ou the elect orate of Canada in theIr� /�Opresent cntergen•:y • and if the c onsciete $12_00, icele of but a small adlitioenal prop•rtien 1, . ,,tsesy'. mrala and b.'rrt,s :ne•lr;dord. ~
of the people are once aroused the ras r^J.
cal* will be tart:ed vvt with a rengence. t'.» see et '-eiprl,t and 1•s.•age, len.! all
\thy steel,' tot the ;weirs rote far ••'Ser le mnustte,,r,lt en p-( tr.,
honesty and ec•nnnny and make that the WM. LEE,
sole issue f The oppositi en leaders un- • Agent at Ihoderirh. �e
doubled!' surpass tae ministera'lstf in Thursday Fsr'nniordcra by Particle wsntine O
ability and public
a : why to 1 Mee them Juse bath, kiss. 1061
control of public affairs en net other plat-
form, it may be, than h meet, cc wire A 4147
ligion TheParnell.tes joyf ully accepted our d , at its formation mic and efficient asministratien I The To the Farmer and Others.
religious seemed at one
f ,f 1 b) dining of the present ministry they �t have n hand and can elver at tt a ha n greatly
3 BARS FOR 20c.
4 BARS FOR 25c.
ESNs taken In Fs, hang•• for Goode.
the clauses, and they had always petered Our difficulty in finding • president peeple have paid enough tier the Linn• PASSAGE RATES RSDUCBD.
that they wets in •vat . time i w
(reedm. Hendee, a toys re the 1 'o would Gear Mrs. President scarp( soy personal hare submitted long enough to the p!un Rt:1►t. till 1'1114 ).S:
re Th b 1 tha k d i bel to thanks f Bering by the unaerupulous politicians 2 New BeattieReapers.
q'1'F.AMFI:4 It\'RRT PATt'llnee from
main. Therefore the a atlas were rays, en ere, a an s n who during the last seven ears have NRt11 PORK to
outtakes end frivolous. lard Hart ever member of this Inion, fur the g i y 1 11daeAe aper, second- Y p ettafw•w Ag• ttellre
�gg py come to the front with 'climes o,f self
in Len c.nn Isinrd that he made no ad noble manrwpr in which you cease far hand. nates of flosses to or frim
h 1'I 1the ward at thee tiaie and have ever since t at the puhi:: rti>`we. - 1 water Tank for suppl ng Mr, Y rY 011sgr. 1 ls.h.awn or Wet
to steam three n • IN . service.
eIIBInes. its rtr••e .se of tee5T•we.
!+teamehle •'*'tTT .I •Asn" frown New
Oran mon adraneed the vie that e Anchanged temper 2 Ek"vu York. WILIINKl+bl/, J IL th, nos.
lCk• ttrpt upwards. Second
err e•f the inch ah. nld Inc compelled satin aosofermity to the will of and is d the Inch pawl• is found in :he t(atew t'aleq.. eM
sense nn the •ter proposals in
a ar , y
original i,•h,eme. Well, Lora Harting fulfilled the duties ..1 this (Alec And ILindsay 1'.et. _ r .+n1Nit. • r, ono t' .tis. seas.
tom ni.tde no effort to help to dos, again now let my last words to you be words watering A.tse pro• te.
Male , •'v in behalf .•f the inspirmy you to demob. n to God and s New Tose.
w t t th trrvn'e ter How Fell e,,nrsect'etioa and illustration of the
lesq y
to ad• -t t the will of the small minority needed. Let this be our constant aim.
Mr. Permit mantel the aesitilanee .4 Then oat of this will spring that resale
story Irishman in the work of Govern nese fon "every good weed and work-
ork•iso Ireland. The was nprn which will .eeessphsh great thews for
to *onside, every reasonable proposal, the Master.
that the National League
band at Komar, sat up all night to
learn "God Save the Queen," a tune
which had not been hear) int that town
since 1;95.
tse et the OI1XL .ED
s t tea
ro,C .
tl< with the ,mproi r'oltd
tipt.rtrh. 1tM,
Hed•rleb Fowt tfwd�y.
Jnse 1'd.
tiara M.nnweeprentwer4 or pee
paha. Mbar eeretee. 01112.
For honks of Toon. Trekr.s, et ether Inrnr
sat�st Ips1T to I Lena teoN
RRbTItICRR N.w Volt.
nr A. l5ICKItQN. Ft suit afore, Osw1M.-h.
ualerleh. May 91, Ir11 PA) a s
Portion- iehI g g owl reed weed at lose 1t
re* rade* ran have the esww sNNIne141 ••)Iglji/
by Ieawlntr rhelr orders at
Our seers* will NMI et the Nor, deity i•1'
or len. Also re head. a Ise sheen
ee• wuM
arch as short Malta. edgisi rpest0tl�.
wend can be bought at the at M�
as the I mrer desires. l'nwspt•sss gvarS.•
Fal'• Rowrvs MIB ,
Jen fid. bids,