The Huron Signal, 1886-6-25, Page 6rills HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 25, I SS6. Seems rapeemi - awn scud'Seems love.• whet we seed to eall whim .biktnie l'wt. LrwiSolp;hurneap lea taillight. HURON AND BRUCE ttlaswl.r. w,w,Iy neje, are all the go. fel toilet lusury as well as is mood Gera - Goo with toe t& the "taus of • huge' tiro for skin disean. The Director of the Geological Survey ..amid. htltel. ladies eletteetly cosines- - of Ireland, Professor Hull, F. It. S., de- .sl the wives noel children of h..rJwork- sew 11l• M F.ass/ewt weasewen byN.I livered the annual adJr.ys .,( the I dein- in; incessantly belief, struittltuu men sears. .biiK 'std puI ... on the 24th Of .M (y, en which Amigos with • parar•1, up,u the tar audit, only specific for impotency, nervous di- tto lestitute's new I'rwieicut, I r. fester A.40... whet Heading the tut •o',, hilay, universal lassitude, furgetfuluess, Stokes of the 'loyal `4,.iety, took the stwl)itq( clod's Huly \\•urn, cramming ! pain in the hack or sides, no matter how (Asir. Tb. report was read by Captsi' on scieuttbc subjects, expiating • wide shattered the system may be from ex - F. Petrie, the h •nurary secretary, sad i expanse of horizon by far distant lights, eea•es'of any kind, the Great Getman showed that ti ..• Institute's hon.. canto colored d sit in out of Remedy will hat..r., the lost functions ria Pkih•e,.phtwtl' io.titete i. Luwdoa, iu the euy, sitting g used and shaded The (creat Geriere Iuvigoratur u the nisi, moot f..rett;u Members were upwards ' peril 1 iso Patting a 'curly -headed dot, and secure health and happutuss. $1.001 (tteleven hundred, including w toy who o tw jrO 'tied from a deice to avail themselves with the pretty hair upon its deli.'ate per 1'..z, sit bola. for '.00. Bold by skit toying with his tail, smoothing all druggists. tient on receipt of price, of the institute's privileges Au its dung hu rars,ftf.'in,l of his little note postage paid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo, creasing 'uu,t et" 4 irwdittg &ciroti$o mei' titres if it a co d, .r wondertut whether t)hio, sole meet for United States. Cir - now contributed papers and aided in . Beauty would' t tetter have his saddle cedars and testimonial' sent free. Sold the w irk of brinttug •ab•.ot a truer al•' o y,th, ruing more lime, attention, by Lieu. Knyu.a, ..!e agent for God. - the air.. i •u of this truth of rct.It clic ' ' thought stud care to the little brute than ' rich Sin : . airy, especially in cares wlore ,.kaienic , they would to • dozen :hildren, it the tllec.nery esu rllrgrd by the •ggwn.outs Lord lied favored their it that direction. of roll. to'i lou :eta t•• lie sut.reniv" Soule hotel proprietors, considerate of thereof. The author of the eddies& then ib. frdutltr ..1 their quests, noticnr the' gave sn atk9,uut of LIN work, disc-uvrnee, ,disfavor with wh'ch crneut kinds of . end general re&ults 'f the recent Crr, d d. ceded. logi4s1 and Geographical Espeditien too d sss, had uutrstnt''gs are re t hareuse enough early in the season to, Egypt, Arabia, and Winters Palestine, say "no dugs, an edict wnich all •cosi- . ( which he had charge. Sketching the;bis men respected and compelled their, enures tale' by him which to a c•aaid ism.ltes es well to respect. Such was ruble .meet took the route a:crihe,d to the cites at Long Branch, where one the Israelites , he gave an account of proprietor peremptori'y declined to a1. the prhyical features .of the country, low • dog as hig as his fiat to come in. erldeocer ..f old sea martins 20.) (wet because the next man's fist might be above the present sea margin*, and twice at large as his and he insisting showed that at one time an err) of the up..0 a dux twice as large ea its prede- 11leditennesn ha 1 occupied the valley censor would simply open the way to • of the Nile as far as the First Cataract, dog as large as sosebedy sine's list, and at which time Africa was an island (an who could tell where the income would opinion also arrived at by another of the end? The of another hotel I•+stitute's member, Sir W. Dawson). did the same thing and compelled all and that, at the time of the Ezoodua, the dogs to keep away from his premises ea Red Sea ram np int.. the Sitters Lakes, peril of shotgun and trap. Other hotel and mast hare formed a harrier to the proprietor sot t so wine. and .1- traveller'• proems at that period. He tem Lei to draw the lime on size. they changes them alluded to the great changes c[ would permit a nasty poodle to snap and elevation of the land ees'w.rd of theme snarl and bits and iadulge in all maser lakes, mentioning that the waters of the of petty uncle•nlinea•es, which, of them - Jordan valley one stood 1.292 feet above selves, are enough to disgust two legs their present height, and that the eat - with four legs under any circumstances. ers of the Deal Se., which he found but a self- - well trained dog of 1,030 fuel deep, were opted wi a level pedigree, of repute, 4 • certain size and with the present Me titurrsnean net s certain weight was tabooed, no matter margin, or 1,293 feet above their present how glorious his bearing, how cleanly his height. The great physical changed habits. how noble, his general character. which had taken place in etiological time Of course, this made trouble Bob were evidenced by the fact that whilst the rocks in Western Palestine were Ingerwll, as you know, left one hetet on generally limestone, thew of the moon- aoouunt of hng Beachter's little dog, sad tains of Sinai were amongst the lost .went to Inng Brach, where, so lung u ancient in the world. The various a dog is small, no matter what his habits, gealusical and geographical features cf hen nut tsboesd. Oil et" people bare the country were so described as to left Long Beech because their doge, no make the address • condensed report matter hew superior in birth and breed - i, of all twit u a,w kuuwn of them in Ing, no matter how careful and cleanly Egypt, Palestine, and Arabia Petrtes. in habit, being beyond the sizeprehibit- Sir Henry Barkly, (I,C.M.(l., F.R.B., by t itwtelligent were ▪ a vote of thanks tloo Prubmor made to feel that they were not welrune. Hull, and to those who had contributed - tu the work of the Institute during the A Fair rrepedtN.. y.ar, which included Assyriolial invert- There could be no offer mon fair than tigations by Prafessor Seyee, Mr. Bos- that of the of Halyard's moven. and others ; Mr. Mapero's and Yellow Oil, who have lone offered to re - Capt. Coo'ler's Egyptun papers : Pro- fond every cent expended for that reme- feior Porter's Eastern ; also dy, if it fails to give satisfaction on fair trial. 2 • review of the question of Evolution by Professor Virchow, and the results of investigations in regard to the subject of the origin of stun, as to which it had been shown by Sir William Dawson, that geology divided the chronology of ena- mel life into four "great peri.rts ;" in the first, -or Eoroic, -in the Geological as in the Bible records, were found the great reptiles ; and the last, or Tertiary, was again subdivided into five "petiu.:a, and it was only in the last of tnese, the "modern" period. that the evidences of man's presence had neon found. Again, as regards his ape descent, the forma, non and proportions of the *kelt and Twines of the ape considered most like man were found to he so different from those of a man as to place iu.uperable difficulties in the way of the theory. In the gorilla, the high crest on the skull. which wall alio found in the hyena, was absent in man. Also, among other points, if the capacity of the brain of the of the anthropoid ape MHO taken at ten, that of man even in his ravage state was twenty six, or nearly thrice as much, • very important fact when, as it was known, any appreciable diminution in the brain of man was at once accom- panied by idiocy. As regards the trans- mutability ..f species, ftarrande's argn• ments against theory, founded on the results of a life of renFarch among the Vasil strata, had not yet Leen over- thrown ; and modern research clearly pointed to the fact that one great bar to the transmutability of species lay in the refined and minute differences in the molecular arrangements in the organs. The proceedings were concluded by a vote of thanks to Professor Stokes, un- der whose presidency it was remarked that the work ..f the institute would be carried est with the itemised help trod guidance of men 4 the highest scientific attainments, and in • manner to tend to advance Truth. A ,.,,,r.ren:• esu thou hell in the Mua.tum. tulaloe and (1111'. Quinine is the popular cure for chill fever, bat it does.. nut always cams-..gstre Pelton, of Grass Lake, Michigan, took in all 000 grains 4 quinine for chronic chills and material fever. After that and various other remedies had failed, tine kettles of Barden -le 13'oek Bitters cured him. 2 HOTEL. EEPERS ve. DOGS. Sibs, Fashion Dessaod• is a Seaside ■.lel Tr.ebir. lioward" in Philadelphia Pow. Of late years the tendency of certain American women is to have petal with four legs and a tail. Heretofore they have leen contented with pets with two legs. There are fashions in dugs pre- cisely as there are in r,l,bi,ns. Then was a time when no "real lady euttad walk Brundway without the .A a shapely greyhound. The linker his shape, the longer sod sl.mmer Ice legs, the more pointed his nose, the more dioopinr his tail, the better Then came a demand for Kim/ Charles spaniels, and after that • species of pas. a wort of Scotch terrier. whose eyes were concealed by profuse ',ants, and whe.s tail resembled • grey radish, with no hair to speak of, but with felicity ..f wiggl. wag(le. Then the noble mastiff loomed up, and then the superb Newfoundland, big headed, long- eared, intelligent -eyed, nestely-parted black haired with • curly sweep .4 • hwshy tail. This year the needy little glye and loiases -spoiling poodles, tad FARMERS AND THRESHERS LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY Use on your Machinery only the Well-known Tl. e 1 o,ey.r.sr is L* u' Mosey oro Porte Sr. orety oe Lotsraf tike . ',deft It. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK Bitt:(CH. 3, 3 ami . I.ri Cent. I,efrresi .1i .irtd un i&'po.ita, UK'aertli)t{ to u,a•••u.t 11,«1 (ipso l . UM-rtric.. ('ur. of )Iarkvt Square and North Street. Uudericb. 11011 ACK HORTON. Mal Aul[a. Uod.rleb. Aug. Stt., 1585. 1991- •Ierf mint Or COt.•STtttY1f t 0.1LTC S Liniment Iodide Ammonia. Invalids' Rotel milSendai Institute UMW sr Etdree, nM aklit. real rfyNelasm sae earresa•- Al. CHROMIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY. P.ttentt 2rrat•^1 hen, .•r at their homcwitem treated at home. through (�` and eucessetully as if here In prr.oa. wee us, or seed tea cents lm stand* for our ykds' cid► isse." whlel gives W partici- niers. artio-Meru Address: WORLD'S DierotaAar jilml- CAL Ast'icLArton, am Main M., Buffalo. N.Y. Merchants con get their Dill Heeds. Letter Heats. tc_ to. printed at this oaten for very little more than they ��pteaerally pry for the paper, and it helps to advertise their business. UW and see samples and get prices In the history of medicines no prepa- ration has received much universal num mendatiou, for the alleviation it affords and the permanent cure it effects in kid- ney diseases as Dr. Van Buren's Kianeys Cure. Its action in these distressing complaints is simply wonderfuL Sold by J. Wilson. 2m For " worn-o•:t,.. .. run -town." debiliteend school weIw rs. - tniltlnrra. keepers. nest over w d women generany, Dr. Pierre's Favorite seription is ter bus& ?h of all restorative ton i.1 1t is ,w,( a"(Vn-a1L" but admirably fulfills a dnglener of purpose, being a most potent .p"''iAc for all those Chronic W.sknee .'s and Db.•www peculiar to women. Tie• treatment of many thwra+nd" of such cares. at the Invalids' Hotel and Surg- ical Institute has efford..I a larrte esperl.'nc" in adapting rernedtre for their cure. and 1r. P'ierce's Favorite Pressriptia ti the result of tbls vet experience. For Internal eesineestesa. inflammation awi aleeratiiw. at is a npeelfle. it I M a powetTul general. as well as uterine. t.wik and nen1ne, and imparts vigor and strength to the whole system.it cum weakneu of . tossacb, Indtge crit. binating. weak back. ✓ enew; prostration. exhaustion. debility and to other ar z. Favorite Pres.-rip- um" res.: tP tjoo is sold by druggists under our piedire guarantee. See wrapper wound bottle. PRICE $1.00, if:a il>= nc Send to cents to Amore for Dr. Pierce's lanae Treaties on Diseases of Women i 1t0 pages paper-mrend,. Address. WowLD'$ Marx" - NARY M[DIr•AL A*tI,WIAT1OX, In Main Strv.(. Buffalo. N. 1' (*fain :1. "Malden. Mass.. Fab. 1, IIB Gentlemen - 1 suffered with attacks of sick headacbe." Neuralgia. female trouble, for years in the most terrible and excruciating mea- ner. No medicine or doctor could give me relief or cure until I used Hop Bitten. 'The first bottle Nearly cured me ;• Tl . weir well and strong as when a child. 'Anil I have l.; en so to this day.' My husband -,as an invalid for twenty years with a serious 'Kidney, liver and urinary complaint, 'f . ` by Btston's best physi- cians- 'Incurable' Seven betties 4 your bitten cured him, and I know of the 'Lives of eigl•t persons' In wily neighhw,rhood that hare beeu saved by your bitten, And many more are using them with great benefit. 'They almost Do tairacles '' is Mrs. E. D. Slack. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE tILIOUVIESB, DYSFEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS. SALT RMEUU, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE. DlifiINE88, DROPSY, FLUTTERING Of THE HEART, AOSOiT r Of rmE OrAcii, DRi «as Of THE SKIN, Acedsd...f leassnis divides Maerd ed �LIVERR, tit SL000. T. /ILOORK t It. '''"'Mw10 PIIIJ1ISS BIL. SIX GOLD MEUALS haee brcn awarded 11 derma the last Ibree l••ea• Try .Iso our /sasass. alma .:Lina f« rite Wwaeas .t4112wj. ,,•%:rs \la,}ta.'t..::.d rt elleeea t'Hy 011 Weeks. to SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. The=swot awl scertain wed Is the world. ALL FAMILIES USE IT. Weak Hack, Ealarged Joints Paralyta Rheumatism. Nears/sta. Dtpbtberis, Sciatic., Prolapses Clevet, Female Weakness. The Twat sad eptly certain remedy to relict"( • lis of all �limner et stand ins taiga cripple*le • Similes Joists. Varicose Venae. Niter of In sada or Sick Headache. No oil or grease clean aad sweet ; will not veil IauaannsMsea s,( the atd.ey., tee.gbt'. n emear. Diabetes. leoostt.ence of t ser Is the 0.17 Liniment in the wertd poesewin, alterative powers. Can be takes internally cares Cramp* ad Cello, Dierrb.a and I seldtby ail a. f1•r. Write Dr. UIL ►os mu N. V. 1'.u.. who will give sdrive on all diseases free of charge. /Hewes of dealers and •sonn- teefelts The genuine 11as the name Mown in the glass and taesisile of the discoverer manse over each cork. fila' laprerrd Mardrik. Pills West Street int Iutet. Authe Johnston. r• • ger c e s LITTLE Noaase,x.t. LIVER e:�ei8 per. AliTI.B1L101 S and C tTll.tR t1C. SICK HEADACHE, Bilious Ple.daebe, wise{ nese,. Crewel Pa - stow. le'nneatlon, and iluoes*s/aeks, raptly cured by Sr. promptly Te110�i =i cent' • vial. by L►rt�s scuta mire. reliable sad effective. Do no. N. awreury• anti w..ay .r aloes eon be relied on for al: Dissedens of tM b. Liver. Bowels. et.. d�10 gbit• at e. per box. Sold seppir se or Giles' Remedies a: E JORDAN'S drug Moro. Goderich. Ord- 1111-) YATES & ACHESON, Goderich. Toronto, : 3:.c let A. IP..`. INS ly Agricultural Implements. C. H. GIRVIN 11 is cec., inteothe aeo,altwal lmp.twoat busiassss.od represents the follow cow lieu•.• HAL RIS k SON, Brantford, Emma8, MoirEHs antl RLAPERN. ; 't ►CKSHC'4'T. Brantford, PLuni(, HAI-LOADS/0i and SCUFFLED::, \IASSUN MANUFACTURINU CO., Oshawa, Skil) I)MIL1y *Ed L.ttt'x �It�n Elea. NEW FRIIIT STOREL o-.cexaoxs Takes pleasure in that he hat opened out • new 41.01N(1' 1101 Genuine New York mar Seffi Iach!ues. ' Confectionery k Fruit Store IN ERIt'll. on VV r.S J. STREET, adjot.lag Knights Barber Shop. The stock is new, and has been bought from the best houses. THE PRICES ARE VERY LOW. a.. I3_ G}IRVIN, Hamilton street. a few doors below the Cothran" Hotel. eep Your Feet Dry! Yea tea do this at • very trilling tit by belies your BOOTS & SHOES A call is re.pectfnlly invited. oodericb, Mareb ZS1i., 1111.r11--_ -- SHORTHAND BOOKS FOR SALE. Isaac Phis 118118000. Every Boy and Girl should Learn L0R'.i'w. =L ATV THE PHONOGRAPHIC ALPiABET. CONSONANTS. o xrLODAN Th. CONTI Y I' .%%TO. • 11 \ 1St ` '- ... `. . ` I► T I D\ s i ( r! c� / / i ) ) 1 I z _ _ • s� J m a emaugetwve 1 AR ! EH t R■ AM 0111 s 00 L ■gala l f 1 Ile W r/ t ie' asnaave A (j 1 7 \ LORD. illi TOWELO, elms dIs scot sea. SHOUT. DI PIiTHONAli. 01 41 OW Al (1 .l 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs ALL RIYIM O/ Te!cher,20c.Tie lad, 40c Maatife ..tors and •t prfr.sl.rs than v.r, marb {.hrlwrgeods.scribe ►eat vsln.le town. a.d wu*t beaold M EATt**411118The Latest S Pio Bazaar PattensLL OTHRR At10[!I 4N PROPORTION. Fa�h1e�8 �DnRs�f 1N fj) McGILLIOUDDY BROS., Oouswao, ONT. r A.T HUTLER'S AT THE STORE OF E. DOWNING, Crabb's $1OCl i have now on nand obs largest stock ever shown in (toderirk. and cospriaes every lir vs ua!iy tu"nt .n a 'ret -cars ah,.- stare. from the threat kid, through all the utetmediate grad* to the brat it at eowbide. I wiz sell at Prices that Will Suit Everyone. , Lathes' Boots, in Button or Laced, from 11.00 to 15.00. Kisses and Children's Strong School Boots, from 75c. up. Boys de., $1.00, up, all other Lines Proportionately Cheap. 1 can and w.:1 suit you. Iwtilagoods and prices. E_ D0 w 1\TING-, Crabb's Block, C' rner East street and Square. K.R - To tbr,Ira le . Lea•her ant findings .n any (wantlty at Lowest ['rices. EASE AND SECURITY t This eat represents the double truss wi•bout the belt. Ncte the position of the Mrshap}eeaa pries gouged le the Pad, by which .4"Ri*TAN:T but WWI IliWARO and lPWAWtII CEare sis the hernia robe. the Intra is ad}usted, OGE RHYN.AS, - Druggist, SOLE AGENT, f ODERICH- February Sth.1l/$ 1,11 - DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKER AND LEAI)iNO UNDERTAKER. 1t will pay you tebay year Furniture from the .,nden trn,•d, as i have now an (omelet en Iwaortwtent to there NI* thee * ny 1 do not adopt as quad ari..nr of advertisin` a cheap ..peetalty, but will sell you a gen oral natlt at prices that atoned be'arrested squallty considered.., la the Undertaking_ I have stork suited for the poor as well as rich. 1 ha.e also added te proctor; of Embalming. es that parties baring to send bodies of friends to • dtataooe can du so at reasoslabts oust. tient. 211h. MRS. DANIEL OrORD ON, WM street, Uoderich, between ,be Post 0T.•e and Rank of Montreal. 1014-1wi Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. CM°. NELAVEIWirs, C:IBINE'C - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich A good of Kitchen. lied room. to:n ri Rutin and Parlor Purr lttre. iLeb as s,t bkChairs. hair, rase and wood seated.. 4 npboards• Led -steads, Mao . t+tlsb•Mgd L.sages, Sofas. W bat -Nota. Looking Oluses N. It -A complete auto. 'anent of Coffins and Shrouds always ca hand also Erving ter hi at rp.seeabis rate . Picture Framing • sperlalty.- A tall s.I c ted 1731 ART DESIGNS IN WALL PAPER New the 'lire ityou wish owe ortwo Mee roetw*slhome. tette Petit! em t, He has over Carets Aristotle. sal Preempt Delivery. A CAIS. SOLIC1TED 1w Lith. D! 17 (`al Nd ave hes, 1b i