The Huron Signal, 1886-6-25, Page 5ti } OUR TOWN PATHHRIS. whai wan MN M Ow feeriter Ss deig asemeww, PArrif1-1*--- rriss fence ism report wee crowded t1Yt MI week.) Tho N►atthly ~bog of rho Oewtteil was $114 IMI Frith). evening "Usk mat ), all the wetatber. haul* U.usDk etrosla or omegas, The Trreeurt is atetrttteat f ru-r-]Ky showed . Ite'aute iti.e last sport $2,344 39 Iteceipts ante 100 66 Disbrreedheete.. 2,417.71 Bats ::oe on i a4 - 40.34 The sexton's t for May showed imtsrMtt$I_ of LixOohs and one infant. erdesrineAuoaN, From It. C. Magaaslius that the cur - !wt.'. be instructed to eullect the taxes uo lots 53t1, 537, 613 and 1314, returned u not Iesidart, as the owners aro all re epobsible parties. ltcferrel to finance committee. From the secretary .4 the public settees buarJ, *skim that $4,500 be placed 10 the board's credit for the current year. Referred to Beane* committee. PETITIO)I'. From the Mechanics Institute direc- tors, asking for the usual runt of 100, which would ensile them to keep the Beading mann open tree of charge to the E blip. Granted on motive of Messrs. Mummy mod Colborne. Frus3b business an aakine a grant t, aid in the athletic sautes and celebra- tion on Dominioii Day bete. $100 were- grented un motion of Meese. Cameron and Hingham, sod anse.da.ert by Lal►r son and Thoinpeou that 150 be emoted was loot. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE 25, 1888. 3Li..4116. X) XEs F('It A iChoice Spring & Summer Dress routs. '\Tri were read es follows : Estate of George (;ro.it, re.ief orders, =4.50; Mrs. John Mitchell, relief orders, $2.25; Weller dt Martin, pump repairs. $2. These were referred to finance committee, and the followiug were ordered paid : Thomas Weetherwkl, half serve, of town park, $3.00; T. )dells,, jr.. Toronto, 904 feet - rebber Lire, $207.05; Thomas Swart', livery, $5. 5cr•Osi4 or tv,llll1TT1Ei. From the finance soeimittee, morn- . mending psymeet of account referred at 1 w last meeting. -Adopted. From the relief committee as follows : Orders granted - St. Andrew's ward, from Apnl 3d, to May 31st, sir orders, amiunt nut tilled in ; S!. George'e ward, from May 8th to Juue 5th, four orders, $5.50. From the cemetery committee as fol- lows :- (4) Reoowtrttendinr that Dr. L'ee's AND offer of land in with Maitland 7 cemetery be accepted. (2) That the '4'4 caretaker be allowed to lay out new grates in range F. That all inter- ments of paupers be made in range C. (4) That two men be employed to out the caretaker in some work saeawrj just now -Adopted. From the public works 2o es follows : We have made a tour of the town and that the following works and itnunovements be 3arriet' out during the year. We hope to keep the expen- diture on ordinary public norks within that of teat year, which was under $1600. The following is the schedule : ter. ,ATalcee WASI•. Drain on Nelnn street, from F Smeethas dwelling to drain c.'unected with tanker Slee'. corner, 14 rods at $1.50 .... $ 21.00 Gradin,( Trafalgar street 15 00 Repairs to Platt's hill 10 00 IT. 01201105'5 WA1D. ie Harbor hill, water tabtloimd re- pairs $ 40 00 Repairing dock 15.00 ST. •11DUW'N WALD. Grading West street opposite Dr Cr.'s 8 25.00 Drain at Bingham'* 30.00 Grading Wtllum street 1010 ST. DAVID'S warn. Drain from R. Gibbons to El- don street, 120 rods at $1.75 Dram on Hincks street extend- ing to John street 60 rods st $1 25 Grading on )'eek street' East St. dram, crossing Victoria d:SrlsaAL tie.m, SV l'1 "1.;11 TILE Eir.tf .,iHMLN1 0? H. W. BRETHOURBRANTFORD& CO. 1•IttSBNT (t'E .11tr: 41P.M'NU \.)VI•.1.TIt.r IN Feanoy Wool Dress C -oods all colors. Fanoy Wool Dress Gfoods in blank. Plain Lama Co)ths, in black and colors. A11 the New Makes in Canvass, Bouole, eSzc. Rare Value in Blank and Colored Satins. WE HAVE .( LAMA I:.tNuL QV WASLIINU 1►ttEPS 600ls tN PRINTS, LAWNS, ALSATIAN CLOTHS, &c. BOURRETTES, CORD STRIPS, GINGHAMS, &c. Oltr I'rtatsare esti eb. se u *wisp and color. Oar l::oghatus are very low In psi :e. c'LOVES AND HOSIERY. TAFFETA (GLOVES, all color" awl size". - PURE SILK GLOVES, all color" and IiL ACR COTTON HOSE, all sizes. - COLORED) t '( ►'iTON HOSE. all sizes. H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., Brantford. Brantford, May 6th, 1800. 2041 ant 1 1 c• GMT MR B4t[ARE, 11111111C11. .1 10 i° o WILSON'S GODERICH WO1i.$8_ Hat In purchased the business of JOSEPH VAX K, Marble Cutter. I take this op- portunity of to the people of the , County of Huron. that we are now prepare.),, y AT A L to execute all orders in MARBLE & GRANITE SPECIAL DRIVESN DRESS MUSLINS 7...4.e6.T=ST NO 'v CALL AND SEE THEM. J. C. DETLOR & Co. Go Jeri, h, slay 20th. FASHIONABLE TAILORING SPRING GOODS AR RIVJOID, And will be arr:ring all Sehscn. Oat' and See the New Goods. uGH Du NI0P, FASHIONABLE TAILOR_ Ieritetnemberithe Place -West street. next door to Bank of Jluntral.121 Ooderich. March Pub. IMss. IHlllllll1S, llastlls,' Etc.. Etc. ' Has Raving many Jeers peaetiesl experience. we t.ytooa*lent of giving satlateetlon to those I who may favor las with their orders. t 1Ill1OS aud Boor Sills NOUSE FURNISHINGS, ETC., Supplied at Reasonable Pates. Thew Intending to yrerehase Monuments or Headstones will god It in their interest to GIVE US A CALL. i*e�tp1 wfshing cemetery work done. such M r�pllting Ietrat$htrntng head- stones. etc.. can rely on the work being done in a most aa•.isfactory manner. 17We molten an inspection of the work now 210.00 Is the shodi. 75.00 15.00 30.00 Repairs ... $ 300.00 Plowing and harrowing Agricul- tural ground. 60.00 Street watering 200.00 Street lighting 110.00 4:rading on Rieb street 15.00 Drain on Eldon at., about 8 rode 12.00 g w a t"" gtec. Hy -law 1(o. 4, reganling the eolteeline of taxes, was read a first and second time sib and laid orer until next meeting. Mr. M. Hutchison addressed the council respecting the necessity of addi- tional dredging at the mouth .•f the har- bor. it was resolved on motion of Messrs. Jordan and Bingham that in the atroega 1. joggesio have the week dame at 000e. By-law No 5, to prevent the endow encumbering of the dock or injury thereto, or fouling of the harbor, was read n ',ttad tiine it was decided to grant the necessary grated for the erection of a life boat house if the worn hare the tagCwt. authority. Co. oral then adjourned. a alod*rleh lfarhets Itail11101110 try T4 k *normo Harte, Mills.) 2100 S. Jane 91, INS W beat.) Pall) t) herb ... Ip 75 N m : What. lend winter, • bona ... . e M re 0 00 Wheat, Idpring) S_ Nye ........01 0 :0 Wheat, IgooseI 11 sears 0 et q1 )riser. Ihll) •cwt........... . neer. ISIwedt t cwt • /leer. fang halms., cwt. els ,(Wo!lllpr.MIL ..., Iotet�attl lmsa : •. uttaMti• d«••... 1111'1.:.:.:..... M • In low 10 fO to 1" • 11 30 MR 01 010 O 1 0. 12 r! 13 11: 110 3 70 010 0 M R BERTSON i BELL. tioderich. March Pith. I. 2039•2m TO MACKINAC. Mien 1Mmsrrl SUn TOUR PatirallkoOks. rear lass,. Y16074 ass weak 0.1wem DETROIT AND MACKINAC aid Seers WW1 nae assw.as DETROIT AND CLEVELAND wr.s ass tsar a' Pleturas9wa Mackhiee,' Inestrstsd„ I. eel NI sea a 1. I pefralf & Cleveland Stearn Nov. Co. C. O. wrt,Tcere. Set. Paas. ae,.. DSTOOIT. ■ICH. s I minty of Huron. • Ry virtue et a Writ of To Wit : Pleri Faefera hatted out of 11.r 11110001'• thigh Court or Jestiee titan - eery iN'. iulon and an allies Writ of A2cci w "etas Ises� oust of Her Mslestye High Coen of imam, Common Pim. 1N•Mto..pad to the dlretted sod delivered against the Londe mid Taaewtenta of K 11.1.IAV Hin ern and JAlm McKrxt.rv. at the .nit of It AND a 1. It Minn.! hare seised sad taken In Extension and will offer for Sale, at my ogle., in the Levet House. In the Town of tioderich.sn Turwley, the.Sirf* Day of JCL 1-, iSgh, at tate hoer of Sierra ei the Block. Is t►a fere- 000n.the right of dower of the Imfendaat.Ja•e McKter..tr. as the widow of Honest M. Eta 1.rv, decest.ed her late hwhaa 1, la that par- cel ar cel or trace of load std premises. teeing hot Number Six. in the il;tere.eh Centeswioe of the Townshipof Stealer to the Comity of os Heron. eaatag cos beware* norm more or Iwo, and all ether the rbettis, We and Insye of U*-1s4E Jaen 1100000AKleitav 10. to or oat of the said tsPremises./rlPremises.R043 S• R. Heroes. Mhari*'a OQee. OeAerI.b. 1 March f11h, 11111 NERiFF'S SALE OF LANDS. JOHN BROPHY removed his furniture depot to the stand on %%est Ore. t. next doer to the Star orbiting Mee, where lir has uncxh:hnion BEDROOM SETS that cannot be beaten for good workmanship or low price on top Of the earth. Brophy won't be undersold by any man that breethe.. and hie furniture is made expressly to look well and Stan. wear and it ar. Now you know where to go. Be sore and ra:1 upon JOHN BROPHY. .bk. Godericb. May Gth. ISM. 1 HAVING RE - IP t. ISHE1. my .bop in the sat. •t style. put In Three yew m.rhe,C'hairs. two of them the cele- brated Ito_hester Tilting ('hairs, and hired a journeyman barber. we are In a post for to do Seiler Wort than hent., fora Lady's k Children'. Haircutting made a ialtt on all days excep• Saturday Razors and Scissors hound. w KN'IG,=-4..., ;pit West Etre. t t w o doors east of P.O.. Goderich. Spring Millinery. MRS. S A L -MS opened Our her - E MlIt L INERY ' sola las now the latest and most approved styles In Look Here! Oconee SCOTCH GINGHAMS at 10 c. Gv.aullie $(`OTCH (IINGHAMS at 121c. Tits Boa FACTtRI' COTTON you ever saw fee the monq-5e. CU'TTONAD KHIRTINGS, AND PRINTS, Ar Pal. x+ THAr Witt Arnnttan Yoe. All other hues m DRY GOODS complete. Ft:u. STw•a Of GROCERIES. We Buy WOOL, Itt rrrg AND E,;.... COIBORNE BROS, GODEB.ICH. ABRAHAM 6MITH, TAILOR & CLOTHIER. Nt~ w Goods, Nt�: •�. Styles, Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps, Sic. 1f you n nut a cheap, yet stylish salt. collet adanalltadLiaallaiiL W•8_ 2060 Uoderich, June 3rd. INNtt. TO Tral& PUBLIC IN GENERAL L : .�3 T. 1-1;_25.... i'vr LJ IN ±-t0 2 Genteel *raper and II Hating now received the bulk of his Spring Purchased. 11 - - ing a Choice Selection of FASHIONABLE AND DEIRAB LE GOODS, Newest Sheiks and Textures, All -Wool Drlteiga, Verona Serge*. :ioudaneee Cloths, with stripes to Latch. Black and Colored Ottoman Brocaded Satins. Black, Double -Faced Tricot Satin, warranted not to cut, Prints, Bateeaa. Bleck and Colored Linen Lewes. Parasols, Gloves and Fine Hosiery a Marked Featare. 'Madras/ and Nottingham curtains in white. cotfce and fancy colorings. 1Kieeptioaally cheap.) White, ('tram, Turkey and Fancy rehiring,. Towels and Towelling*. Tray (Toth*, Napkins. I) Oy eys-round. rquare and oblong, id'Th a correct thing in Braids and Buttons -11 Swiss and Belgian Embroideries, All Oven and Tucking*. Not deeming it necessary to enumerate the various lines in stock, the public Ina)" rest as- sured that all depart meats will be fully up to (he /k �/ tert1'SS/Strictly one price. Ai 1 X MCI- LJ 1V 1-t.0_ Ooderich. May 0th. W. McKENZIE IMPORTER, y,. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in SHELF ': AND'.'HEAVY HARDWARE, see= ,,tt* Atilt 0/ 111 PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, GODERICH. t RETIRING FROM BUSINESS t Fa1Lirs, f1OfE,R�bl os Sha� �; TE'llllllllil�'� ' w I L LI Mr AL1. K1X1►S. _L A tys gA_� sir An iaspcctIon of the latest no%ell les In headwrar, which she has sow on t,ew, 1. cordially Invited. N-ILI. BELI. OFF HIS LARGE AND VARIED STOCK AT Oolerkb, April 221t11. iR55. 2041 SPRING MILLINERY 1 MISS GRAH..A WI Ilas now at ter',hot:room a Large and wrl4aau.rttd Stork of TI11M\IEII t i NTH IMMED MII.LIXkltl' e.mprrlaingt everything that can henhtslued In a i'irst-(late 1lillinntry Retahtishm,st. Feathers, Flowers, Shapes, Egrets, & FANCY TRIMMINGiS IN PROFUSION. Thr IAA les of Oodrri, h and tirinIty ars eordl. y Invited to C �` T •T Gift 0-00=411.. Weei ride (�t�t Holm P -t tar, nett dna, to tt •.n -o. Pry Oosd. Stora (he4csteh, .tpfp ens. />N- 011111s COSII3E. CONSISTING of rtrwds, Ilon.rw, efOe ievr, !silk Cashmere, Mole.['Isbntt!fr, Potton and Wool. ves 1h -fa Ila.+l., Kid.)' a large assortmrnt. and Cotten. Prrnh, Crape', (iissghanty, Ri6M.ma, fi�es.. and ro. per yard. Ifmis/bervdliefs, afadtw, oink. lawn. Coates. white and printed. ('ref.nt nes, • )tteek sad colored. 6 Arrlirfirir., Rdjiw, Plewncla, j a w -n a, $ii* rrirvfa, Ir Winery*, ' Malawi., (Sudan PPewnri■, rnM. (f..t/ts, Ik,rseta, 1 relrr[a, Shirtiege, Napkins, Shirts, ' f,Sertsi1u, [Ibow[a, Nes. knitted as/ plats. tyre,. Breads, Hetet, Umb+rllea, i'o r. /marts, Avelino', Drawers, liloir I'otb.wr, Ladies' 1 rata, Pnrtor /btbo.lt C .l..tf., Ywnuy 8fcs4efa, dlr., etc., 4.e, Quilts, e Commences Saturday, 27th March tti March 1/06 Int; I11N