The Huron Signal, 1886-6-25, Page 4TOWN TOPICS.
4 cA4d . tamely es. token' .o't •.
4a'lege tr l pmt it.-
iae phonal values liven in choke new
ls at la. ileUllllrray . ago cash grunt)
North tercet sad Square.
Tie M1.wae tartan can be seen or. Cale-
at Georg* Stewart's etotegraph
gallery.Get your P)O .WSPhs tMOR atm.
Rine f
drew .gem , [rhe
idling Bearred. rd,
i• the 11/14 sate !leek at tbiu Nubby
and cheap. Arcot's.. .
Olin ye he wanUa' a TW u tetraster for lir
gratin gat belie' u' ('a1. don leak 1. ui.a to
os' *mitts obese is memos,r S A. P t.
•rnsyll bats sane bat Haetan' henaets there.
billow, keeps hie phot gallery open
ou 1 ulidys to accommoda crowd. rat
rust) le patroalt.. biW. !seta.:
pr«.ws is one teat makes eveybody MW
At the !'ask Store you .1a fray • aloe lot e!
e osin b.sety lit ccs. each hoz A aloe
fresh lot of tomatoes la oats sr•
• swears srars and teas a spa; S H, tom,
the grocer. Square.
W. B. Dic:suu, barrister at Itrusceis,
ani formerly .d Goderich, leaves nest
week fur Helena, Ituutaua, to wale ns-
eeaeary IMleirtee eta seerutuq a 040,OCO.
legacy for • client
A strawbeny festival will be held in
North street Methodist church ou Tues-
day evening next. A formal farewell to
Rev. Mr and Mrs Campbell will be feu•
tiered ou the t.ccasiyn
In the county association crioket match
between Seafvrth and tiuderich clubs tau
Saturday last, the home team wee wont-
ed by eight wickets. The sore is ma
voidahly crowded out.
Percy' Walton has gone to Loudon to
learn the brass finishing trade. He is a
bright lad, with a decided taste for me-
chames, and we aspect to hear of him
thortutlIJy nmasterioa his trade.
Mist Graham, of Exeter, one of the
graduates of the Wesleyan Female
College at Hamilton, won the prize of
Psteroc urs' home. - -The London
Free Pryor throw• a hitt. bight ou arote-
liwi interesting to was of our readers :
-"A gaug el well-kuuwu pick pockets- -
amuOg whom is alleged to have bees
"Nip" McDonald-- pried throagk the
city us Friday up•,u timer retard to 1)e-
truN from the Stratford demuwttatiu=.
They appeared exceedingly jubilant over
the sucales they had met with in plying
their light-fingered bumpers. They est -
ed that they had worked directly ender
the noses uf the police and detectives
without being detected, and reported the
ilargest hauls as 0900 from • cattle drov-
er and 01000 from another roan. One
of the leading spirts' emphatically re
marked that the party had "had • first•
class" picuic--et the osmium of honest
and unwary people.
Weil. Dora, MR. Emilia.- During
the evening a di.couree last Sunday, Rev.
J. S. Fisher, of the 1llethodist church,
U Tart was/ t teat! flat owe* of torn-
wee the
able goods. eel at .. us ere d• Son's. They 010 f.,r the beat essay warren by • l teatime of dime members uf the county
aud granite trots preserving kettles: also a
or fruit jars. in pmts.. 1 =and half
1. bum
in very strong laug
ha%e rods.
reserved • fresh stock of enamelled
Coal oil stove.. lune els. and
hie goods. Remember Owl h.%f
the louse nudes the Sun. -
lira. aad
un."lira.aad Mies Toms are veinal' friends
in biuicoe.
Our volunteers left for London camp
Tuesday last.
James *okay spout a day or Neo in
town he week.
Miss Ross is the guest o! her sister,
Mrs. Meyer, .f Wingham.
Wigs Wynn was present at the grand
musical festival held iia Tomtitu last
Mr. W. N. !thickly rreached on Sun-
day evening in the rowans over Crabb'.
Loftus Mcbrien has one to attend the
Western University, Chicago. We wish
him snores.
The election of the officers of the High
school Literary Society will take place
this evening.
Ira Lewis, Crown Attorney, has hod
his big dug clipped to girt. it the appear-
ance of a hon.
Tho H. S. entrance examination be-
gins on Monday the 3ch July at 1 p. m.
in the High school.
A. McD. Allan has been laid up by
varicose veins. We will be glad to nee
Lim around early.
Among the excursionists who gave us
a cell on Wednesday' was our old friend
Searle, of Clinton.
etas. ilavill, of Galt. who is spending
a few weeks in town, is the guest of her
father, Juhn Nairn.
The town employees are now engaged
in putting up • new fence on the harbor
hilt -side of the Park.
Pickerel have been biting freely during
the week. Johnny Philips leads the re-
cord with a 311 pounder.
The Maitland cemetery is being Im-
proved in appearance under the direction
of the sexton, Th. a. Hood.
ea Paisley street, where a .oeial hoar or
two WY spent, sad the slid
Mitchum' forwent gives W the bride
wen examined with *video' interest.
Mr. and Mrs. Carson leave this after -
nook for • short trip on the lakes, after
which Mr. Carson wall settle down
to his recoistly app oiutel charge iuStr•t-
ALway.Taal BEAT. -The old rehab
Allan Len. R.. el Mail steamships 4►
Liverpool, Londonderry and lllasgos-
shortest sea passage Smilax* from (Jow-
1 bac . Parisian, Thursday, 1st Jely : Sib-
, erten, Friday, 'Jth July ; tiardnuian,
Thursday, 13th July ; Circassian, Fri
day, 23rd July ; Polynesian, Thursday,
29th July ; Parisian ureday, bth Aug.
These steamers are of the highest dao,
and are owlunieud.d by tueu of large ez-
periencs. The sahwus are awidhips,
where but little motion is felt, and they
tarry neither cattle woe sheep. Passen-
gers by this note have three days of
amparativel smooth water in the river
member tai toe Literary Society- O •oriell in refusing to coasted to mentor- and Gulf and scenery of the hued kind.
The mission school childreu will teat ialize the l: t to appoint • salsa- Rates of passage : -Cabin. 050 and 080.
Sunday at 1.45p. at. at the Gaeliechurch ied le'ice Inagistrate for the better en- according to steamer aud aeaiwmode-
give a series uf sac -ed readings inter- fonxweut 0t the boort Act in the county tIou ; second cabin, 030 ; steerage at low-
spersed with singing. All friends of of Huron. He sail that just a long u
the little band are cordially invited. intoxicating liquors were allowed to be
8.S. E>.• cs.+lint.-A large excursion M':d, druuk.nees would prevail, or in
der the aua itis of the t' ..,... Pres- other words, ss long as we sow the seed
est rates. Return tickets at reduced
rates. Through Pullman drawing room
and sleeping para between Torontu aud
eU Quebec, or don be booked by
bytetian church visited G. derieh on of whiskey we will reap drunkenness. The steamer to Quebec if so desired, passing
Wednesday. The visitors. yoeng and county council have refused to great the through the Thousand Islands aud rapids
old. appeared to ss
enjoy the lake view. t people their support in ub- by daylight. Passenger. and their pas -
\C. F. Scott, brother to F. S. and P.
Suitt, of Brussels, has purchased • half
interest in • Livermore, Cal.,
"Wm;" will be remembered here as the
leading athlete at our Dominion day
Mis Georgina Martin, It ho has been
attending Hamilton Ladies' College, ar-
rived home on Wednesday, and will
-spend vacation in Goderich. She juteo&
to return to that popular college in Sep
Among those who suceces•fully teased
the professional examinations at the Tor-
onto Normal school were the following
ladies : Mtn Burrett, Min Walters and
Miss Rheinbart. Mr. Fred Blair was
awarded grade A.
Sunday being the fiftieth anniversary
of Her meet gracious Majesty's accession
to the throne of Great Britain, the usual
prayers for the tcaaion were read at St.
George's and the national authem sang
both morning and evening.
Chas. Somerville, formerly of this
town, has au establishment at London
East for the manufacture of all kinds of
fancy boxes. We wish our furmey
townsman, who is au excellent young
man. success in his new denture.
DismesvE. -Let our citizens decorate
their stores and residences un Dominion
Day with flags and bunting. Hang the
banner on the outer wall. Let the
thousands of visitors see us in our holi-
day attire. 'Rah for the games ___
Monday last Conductor Ausebseke
banded es • Spitxenberg apple which he
put in the winter in • cellar in which
Mrs. M. C. and Misses Flo. and Mab- • everything but the apple had frozen up
el Cameron left for the mond trip on the stolidly. The specimen shown us looked
Saginaw Valley last Sunday. as tf it was good for another wrestle with
George Sheppard has purchased the Jack Frost.
houceand lot near the High school, re -Si. lieorge'a Bend of Hope are lust'
cantly uwsled by Wni. Miller. preparing a flower concert on Friday
Rev. John Walters, who was assistant evening of next week. The school nom
rector at lit George's a few years •ince, and the membsen of the nand will bot:
was re -married the other day. decorated with flowers, and the songs
will be largely 1,bout flowers. They
The schooner J. G Koltage unloaded have •.cured the kited assistance of ser-
a cargo of hoops and staves last week, oral friends. We will give the program
and then sailed for Port Frank. next week.
raining this small piece of machinery to
enable them to mals. the Scott Act Inure
effective. Yet they all say the Scott
Act is a failure. Why 1 -(Blyth Advo
x.row" CALEDONIAN GAtEn,-\\e
have received a press badge and an invi-
tation to attend the Caledonian games at
Lucknow on Thursday, July l.t. It
stingers and their lagga>;e are put on
buard the ocean steamships at l; xebec,
fres of all expense. Fur l lana of berths,
tickets and full information apply to H.
Armstrong, general steamship and rail-
way ticket agent, West street, Goderich.
A SKETCH or THE \-Ear. A.ciipsaeox.
-Rev. Edward Lindsay Elwood M. A.,
rector of St. George a church. tbeis ich,
will be seen that this year the day far Ontario, and Archdeacon of Huron, was
holding the games at Lucknow has been burn at Cort, Inland, on the 13th De -
changed. Formerly the great Northern ember, 1810. He is a son . f Edeard
games came off on the second %A'ednes- Elwood, a captain in the 7th Royal Fuss
day in September each year, but this iliers, by Esther Lindsey. The Elwood
year, for some reason bast known W family belongs to the gentry of 'Leann -
themselves. the directors of the Society son, Irelwd. Edward Lindsey Elwood
have seen fit to change the date to Dom- at first attended a private school iia Dub-
iaion Day We would most willingly go yin, taught by Rev. T. 1'. Huddart,
up and see our old friends carry out Chief -Justice Hagerty being a pupil at
their games and sports in their usual sea the same school. Young Elwood after -
cartel manner, but unfortunately will ward entered Trinity College, Dublin,
be debarred on this occasion, for the first from which institution he graduated A.
time in many yeas, by the fact that the B. in 1831. tie received his master's
great annual athletic games of Goderich degree seven months later. On lictober
will be held on that date, and • program 6th, 1883, he wee ordained deacon by the
.ecnhd to none in Canada will be placed Rev. Dr. Knox, of Kaiak*. and priest
before the thousands of visitors to our on Ascension Day, 1836, by the Bishop
town on that day. Goderieb has always of Limerick. Ile became curate of the
celebrated the natal day of the Dominion parish of Screen, in the diocese of Tusm;
in good style, and this year has secured be was next removed to Tanderatlee, di_
the services of the best pipers, dancers
and athletes on the continent. This
is the reason why we cannot accept Lock -
man's kind invitation on this occasion.
The Fireman's Demonstration at Strat -
ford last week was largely attended by
firemen and bands, but the affair was so
wretchedly managed that but little satis-
faction was given to the vision. The
baseball match in the morning between
London •Ed Stratford was won by the
home team, who ere a strnag nine, by a
settee cf 8 to 3. The Beamavife company
led in the book and ladder race ; 2nd,
Aurora, 3rd, Georgetown, 4th, Sarnia.
Aurora got set back for jumping on the
truck. In the hose reel race Sarnia No.
2 won, 2nd, Dunnville, 3rd. Sarnia No.
1 and Watford tie. Brantford got Ors
prize f.,r best dressed company and also
for fancy drill. The band tourna-
ment attracted an a;citing competition;
the judges wero Messrs. Robertson,
ofOacas FOR Knox Clausen S. S. -The Bus BALL. -A game of base ball was i The przesHamilton, and a ded Chadwick, of London.
Sunday school of Knox church is puttingplayed on Wedne+ds between the Clin- p prizes were awarded .t : Military
y or professional baso a-Lt, Woodstock,
in a new organ at a cost of 0100. ton bane ball club and the Actives, of 1'239 points ; 2nd, Waterloo,, 223 point ;
We have • few more copies of our boli Goderich Thr visitors won b e score i 3rd. Sarnia, 207 pointe- Amateur bands
day number on sale. If you hurry up of 16 to 1't. The game was we 1 contest- -Jut, Berlin ; 2nd, Clmto.e ; 3r1, Li. -
you may manage to get one or two. ed on the whole. and the Actives are be-
e tees' The closed with a 'daughter, is the wife of Rev. Ins Mid -
James Breckenridge leaves this week ginning to get into their .Id form. beep, torchlight procession and display of tire- Melon. B. A.,of Oshawa ; Mary,wifeof Mr.
to take charge of a grocery in Sancta. ! up your practise. boys, and you will lay , *irks in the ereninv. Mayor McGregor' Beath,b•nk matiagor,t hhawa;Ellen S.M
He spout • month in Toronto recently. out Clinton Best time. i and. Pres. Corrie have our thanks for is the wife of Horace,Conqueet, Clifton,
Mn. Crassweller, who la spending a The Salvation Army had a special par- I special. favors. Ont.; Rebecca is the wife of Philip butt,
few weeks in town, is the guest of her ads nn Sunday last. Bandmaster Park- I THE HirLLtre Pli ct.'.-The picnic un- barrister of the firm of Csmer•m, Holt &
parrot. Mr. and Jin Witham Dickson. er and Cornetist Milligan assisted with der the auspices of the ladies of Father George y
Wo are leased to learn that Mrs. G. brass instruments. and special V anAl- Walter's chuteh in Mullett, on Widnes -
We Ian with his "hallelujah cornet" also as- , day, was • complete success. Notwith-
Campaigne is recovering from her recent silted in the marching music. The ex- I standing the cloudy sky the people of
severe attace of inflammation of the ercises on the whole were interesting, ; Mullett and Clinton turned out nobly,
lungs. and appeared to be much appreciated by ; and many drove down from Gederieh,
F. G. Neeland, of the Seaf.rth Nu,.. the large and respectable audience which. There must have been n ly 900 persons
and Joe Bryan, Seaforth's well-known had gathered. on the grounds. The lads of Hullett
auctioneer, gave us a friendly call 1 ties- deserve great praise for the nner in
1 is. N•tx Cure. H STRAR-REP..RT FE+TIPAt..
day last which they entertained three w kindly
-A strawberry (estival in .
The schooner Carter. Captain D. with Knox church will be held this .Fri• patronized them. Every one see to
McLr,d master. delivered another cargo day evening. A first class program has enjoy themselves. Dancing was k up
of lumber at Ole ( T. R. dock last been prepared, and it is expected that during the day, and then were gam
Than's,. ' general satisfaction will be given. Ad- of all kinds for young and old. The
Mr. and Mrs. Mintborn, of Stratford, mission 15c. The receipts of the even- Clinton band kindly enlivened the day
who were in town last week, were the ing will be devoted to the Sabbath school with charming music. The event of the
gguests of the lady's parent, Mr. and organ fund. Rev. R (-re, D. D., will day was the outing of •gold watch to the
Mn. Pretty. occupy the chair. Doors open at 7.30 p, young lady who could poll the moat
The schooner North Star, with • cargo ! m„ t. . . at 8 ,'clock sharp. votes After •severe amtest, the watch
was awarded to Miss Kate Reynolds,
of lumber for Secord et Co., reached ; At the regular meeting of Huron En- ' daughter of Dominic Reynolds. This
port on Thursday night and sailed for, campmeut No. 28. 1.0.O.F., last Friday contest realized the handsome sum of
the Bay on Saturday. evening, the following members were 0320. Father Wetter. has reason to feel
Mr. and \ira Ittrwise, of Si. Paul, elected for the ensuing term :-"C.P. pleased with his , and also
Minn., who are in town,are the guests of ' Pet., Wm. Alabb ; H.1'., P.C.P. I F. with those not of his oars lock who so
et the lady'. naming, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T mit, rat-.tectrd ; N. W. Pat., D. Dern- ehly assisted herd. The movie itf Glider=
Hamilton, Wort street. ' aldson ; R.S. P., C. P. W. B. Matthews, ich rejoice at the success of the picnic.
FASEwttt f)ERwo<.- Rev. T. M. re-elected; Fitt., P.0 P. H. W. Ball, re.- Haat a Bonn. -The Guelph Men.
Campbell' will preach his farewell ser- elected : Treas. P.C. P., Neil Campbell, fury says :-"At one o'clock on Tuesday
mon on Sunday evening next. A large re-elected ; J. W. l'at., A. Kirkbride : Miss Gertrude Deitz, was united in the
is expected. ...ire to Grand E . I.! holy bonds of matrimony to the Rev.
!x anon Breckenridge while drir- P.C.P., H.W. HalL , John H. Cknon, who has been for some
ing a bons at Drysdal•'s fruit farm re- Pt:i eat si Co.'s. -This travelling • time assistant minister in the Dublin
1satry-►•4hiserne btmlme:-:--Tire-- led shove &ik.hit d bars. na-- Tueadal after- fest. Methodist church. At. the -
fast recovering from the injury. I noon and evening. The attendance in mentioned the bride, tastefully dressed
Mrs McArthur old family left on the
afternoon was not large, but in the even -
Saginaw Valley last Sunday, for the Ing there was a better turnout. The ex -
States, where Captain McArthur and hibition was confined principally to tra-
family will, for the tuture, reside. pent acting, tumbling and hand and foot
mese of Armagh, and again to Drum-
bansgber, in the same diurese. to 1848
he emigrated to Canada, and was 1,.'11•1
raters fur a few months at York Mills ;
after which he became rector of Bt.
George's church, Goderich In Septem-
ber of 1864, his zeal, learning and piety
received a substantial mark of recogni-
tion by his appointment as Archdeact,"
of Huron, and cha,olain to the Lord
Bishop. As a preacher the Archdeaa,o
is powerful, and his utterances are always
marled by warmth of zeal, by careful
thought, and • pervading culture. He
is • singularly pleasant reader ; and he
has the leve and reverence of tems com-
mitted to his pastoral care. He was a
trustee of the Goderich High School for
several years, and has always taken a
hearty interest in educational work, Y
he has in all things relating to the mural
and intellectual progress of the cowutun-
ity. He married in September, 186,
Ellen, daughter of Rev. John Yeats, of
Drumcliffe, Ireland. There have been
burn to this union eleven children, seven
of whom survive. Mrs. Elwood died on
August 7th, 1870, deeply lamented by a
wade circle of friends. Esther, the eldest
Wish to call Missilus this weal to their
Tho) are showing a Splrudtd Ramp- of
A Good Suit made to order, All -Wool Tweed, $10
1 Good Scotch Tweed Suit for - - $14 -
1 Fine Black Worsted for - - - $20
Jordans Blcck, tiwlericb, Seth May, tato..
New A ries Week.
Notice -Ira Lewis.
Notley -Pets Adenines.
Asaual Meetleg-Haste Horton.
Tandberg Wanted -C. (View. Toronto.
Invalid's Hotel and Surgical Institute -1)r.
Pierce, Buffalo.
in Goderich. on Jose 6, the i•,fr of Joseph
ftird, U.T.IL. of • son.
■ Aesrlg".
in Goderich township. at the residence of
the bride's father. to rev. Dr Ure, Thomas
J.. third son of Mr. John Johnston. to Eliza-
beth Adeline, second daughter of Mr. Thomas
At i he residence of the bride's father. by
rev. Robt. Ure, D.D. Mr. Wm. Proudfoot.
barrister -at -law. Goderich. to Marion F.. sec-
ond daughter of William Dickson. Esq.. gaoler
of Huron county.
Eighth door below theJ'.rt Office. \Pent -at.,
Ouuaau H. Mb -1 •
. (Meer tied Fellows Hall. North Si.
Uod ricb. Charges moderate. All work W-
Cameron Goderich ' Geoe V is in ,
the Inland Revenue office at Stratford ;1
aud Henry Taylor is in business at Chi-
cag:'. The archdeacon is a. moan of an
extremely cheerful temperament ; "he
has a cordiality and whule-heartedness
which puts • stranger upon good terms
with him Mottos, and is, in short, a sun-
ny-souled Christian."- -[Frout "Repre-
minimise Canadians."
rota the seatorth Expositor. i
TEMPER A\.'E MErtl NO. -A rowing
to ranee meeting was held is the
temperance hall of this place on Tuesday i
evenu,rr,leat Before the time appointed
crowds were seen wending their way to
the hall, and when the speakers took
the platform the tall was filled to its !
utmost capacity, both ladies and gentk- "meted -
men evidently being deepely interested I PETER ADAM90N.
Co. Clerk.
in the expected discussion which was Jnne teth 1a. 11151-
a(raa(fed for. and weittba.euta,me of the J I$CLLS
pic-nic embrugGn refs to tut week. 1- for Sale cheap, Gad _pedigree. Time
v. Mr. Datih was rated chair- grit -en if required. JOHN ASHINGTON,
man, and the meeting waS opened with Auburn. !matt
prayer by Rev. Mr. Smith. After a
little dispute as to who world k first
Rev, Mr. Smith took the lead, nd was
limited to time, only 20 mine being
allowed to each speaker, that is 1 nip.
+and Skasitb. Aust virtually mee-
Mc(lillicuddy'a meeting, and as arrang
in ivory cashmere, with criental lace menta had been made Inc the meeting
draperies and orange blossoms, mecum- acme three week+ ago, he was allowed
paned by her bridesmaids, entered the his own time. Mr. Smith spoke poisttd-
church. The bridesmaids were Miss ly and well, and dealt largely with the
Lola Wells, Waterloo, and Miss Alice argument advanced by Mr. Essen _ _
Fields, Toronto. The farmer wt. dress- in reply to him at the Rayfield pic- 7rt i L -- TWO HOUSES -- ONE
Newgate street. cent fling
and soft water. aad • good
F Salton (iter lion,. tram on !!task
1 he were Rev. G. , cellar, bard and soft
Goderich, and Mr. T. Canon, Toronto, or at least he failed to respond to the water. Appq to E. Y):h:T11. yAIA-U
The bridal party and their attendants- call. Mr. A. M. Campbell then rose to j. AR\I TO LET- OR ATE:({M asp'
mudded in front of the pulpit. when the explain the reason he voted against the 1r yrarm l rat iss five , to r !tland Ili'
Rev. Dr. (lriliin arose and performed the Police Magistrate resolution at the n- ee«lnn. d the Towaehf nif.rleh, a ptJ
marriage ceremony. Mr. J. H. Deits, gent session of the connty council. He b) I.:terto J 8.I.ILARR,Bt Uord. 11 11
(ethir of the bride, gave her away. The said that he had voted for a folios Mag.
irtrate without salary at a previous
meeting of the county council, and that
he cold not consistently yote Inc a
salaried one now. After • solo by Rev.
Mr. Smith, by way of variety, which
was well rendered, Mr. Thomas McGilli-
cuddy, of Tut Si: t,,, Goxderich, gave a
telling speech of one hour and thirty
minutes' duration which electrified t.e
audience. It was brim -full of wit and
sound t argument. He dealt
with the financial aspect of the Police
Magistrate question, proving hie point
closely, and trampling a 11111. on Mr
Campbell's mime, who replied briefly.
Th. meeting then seised.
She People's Qolumn.
Tenders win bere. r,red by the 1
until Saturday, the 3rd Jul). for repairing the
plaster and for k.lsomtntns all the rooms and
balls in .he ere end aeco.d floors of the High
School. Tenders will be taken at the same
time Inc the erection of an additloa to the
water closets. Specification* maybe seen In
my office. The lowest or any tender not ne-
cessarily!' accepted.
Peel ft. S. Trustees.
Jane 44th. 18.. 155311
The ant Annual Umeral Meeting of this
Company will be held at the t'omtoy's
Rooms. on Thursday, Nib July. et 11 ease*
a.m.. to receive Sema:ial report and to elect
Director' and Auditors for the resoles year.
Goderich. !41h Jose. IS% '1ftl$tt
y E. CASE, M.D., C.M., M.C.P.S.,
1 . Oat. Physician. Surgeon. Aee.aches.,
de, Otter -.Taut former) occupied by Dr.
Mitchinson) Dungannon. Night office. Mar
taus hotel. 1t101
L/ (.EON. coroner dna. Odiceand
lime Street, second dour west of Victoria
Stags. t 1151.
eysirtans, Surgeons, A Ate
alike at Dr. Shannon's residence, .ear the
gaolGodsricb O. C. SnansoN, J. C. HawIL
Tor 1751.
vacation -to sell "Manual of ('orre.pon•
device.- the beet text -book yet published on
this subject ; exercise iia capital lettere. as
breviations. spelling. En lash.
of sentences : sample bus nom
letters beautifully engraved : sells at sight ;
bosamaa for agents ; Ss cents sample ropy.
C. O'IJ A. Arcade, Toronto. YA53- i
A TAiOU. 41 Vic., 1t>,8e, are now ready for
distribution at the -./e..( --the Clerk of the
Peace. Oodertcb, to Justice* of the Peace. and
otben entitled to same.
Clerk of the (Mace.
o111ce of Clerk of the ate ce, Uoderieh. July
11th. 'Bei. 9D51!t
Tenders will be rereived by the undersigned
until Saturday. the With instant. for ee11111g
with narrow inch pine lumber of ■nod ganlfty,
dressed and matrhrd, t hr i)t aces a lMe Court
(louse, vis :-- Judges' chambers y1p n.
county Attorney's and Master is ( aaeer)-'s
Offices, Barristers' •nd Petit Jury Rooms.
t'peciflcatioaa may bc sewn in my oMNee-
Tenders will also he rdvet.ed for painting
the ceiling* with two hes.; coats of good
white bad paint.
The lowest or any ireder not aecessarily ac -
balancing, with some trick horse and
Miss Frances McLean, daughter of i dug business. The clown was more coarse
\Cat. McLean, was among the graduate° j than witty, and there was a "chestnut"
at Hamilton Ladies' College this year. I burr in hie dialect. if the clown was
Mho returned home on Wednesday. 1.•ft out o1 the performance, nr made to
W. N. Blakely will (D.V; again preach wash his face and act as "mine," ," no 'ins
the "Gospel of God" on Lord's i).y next c..nld find fault with any ether portion
in the netting over Ridley's store at seven of the entertainment.
o'clock. All are earnestly iuvited. A Into HAlt nr Mosau -James Port -
E I Brown, piano tuner, will be here era of Goderich township, and Andrew
on Nundsrr next, and will remain all
week. (orders can he left at the stores
of James imrie and Fraser & Potter. ,
The best manager in Canada has beau
engaged to conduct our Celedontan
games on Thursday. Everybody will he
glad to see the genial and capable J. D.
• Whitely, of this tows,, were at Montreal
•,n butters& connected with cattle slop-
ping, end while on their return onanved
can at Stratford. There was a large
throng nn the platform owing to the fire -
mans' demonstration being held on that
day, and while getting oft the platform
Messrs. Porter and Whitely were each
suddenly seised by strangers, while con-
federates grabbed a pocket -hook eat .f
the pockets of the surprised men from
Huron. The thieves instantly dashed
off, and wore lost in the can and the
crowd around the statin. "Nip" Mac-
donald, of Detroit, is eon to be the
header of taw gang. Mr. Peeler lost
von and Mr. Whitely 11412.
Amnng the successful students at o )t
taws Normal Itcho'd were : Miss Emily
Johnston, Goderich township, (:rade A.
whs., received honorable mention, and
Miss Anna Burrows, leheppardinn, tirade
It , who got grad. A. These pitons /I -
dim were each delighted with their .r►-
ioogn at Ottawa Normal.
receive pupilseare afori the f ide. Ix Piano. prepared4 lesssons
quarterly. TTerni.: 16 per quarter. 2020-
PHONOGRAPHY. The meat poputarsy+-
tem taught. instruction book* for sake THE
Steam. office. Every boy and girl should
■rn shorthand. 1tt01
Tor Sale or to Let.
ed in pale coral brocade and satin, and
the latter in cream cashmere and lace.
nic the previous week. He conclud
ed by calling upon Mr. &eon to make
his ■ppearance, but he was not present,
J brick of
seven room* h
nrch•rd. The o
aired. ei ht room
chureh was crowded to the utmost capac-
ity, the majority of those present being
ladies. After the marriage the happy
couple received the kind congratulations
of friends and wishes for their future
success. During this short time that the
Iver. Mr. ('arena has bonen in Goeiph he
has won for himself many friends. in
ane outside of the Methodist church
The bride, Miss 1)eits, may he termed a
(:uelphite, and she carries away with her
the well wishes of all who have the pleads --
ere of her The wedding
party was large and after the nuptial
{rima had been tied the enmpany repair-
ed to the resider ea of the bnde'a father
Strayed Animai
J premises shout the beginning` of 111
toe yearling heifers, both grayish. The
owner Is desired to prove property. pay ex-
penses and take them away.
IM:Nis it' 'I.Ltt'AX.
Icer 7. Lake Range, AshfleM.
t'....x•Mi age. P. O. 29601t.
1 Underfelt from the dinettes of tort
Albertrtkey , v. hereTu.• soeday. Jaw. 0Th 151., a used
wilt. marks, yed rot
tall, s little iowehed in the Ivied, and .11glitly
swelled in the Waled Pg. The ossa 1s ra-
giwose1• to prevr property, ex cuss, asd
take it away. J A MF..A ItA Y, Ao rltrspa.
l)ederleh. UM It
`•. Odes, comer et square aad West
street Ooderirb. over telegraph once. Pri-
vate !funds to lead at es per cent. !ee-
►_ Goderlch.
C. Stool:M. Jet. J. A. Mosron
E. N. Lewis 11e77-
Ai OAee corner of tee square and West
suet, O.tdertch, over Butler's bookstore.
mosey to end at lowest rate* of interest.
T MISTERS Attorney, Peltetiere, etc
Goderich. J. T. Owrrow, N', Proadfeet. 175
Barristers. Solicitor. in ('hancery. ac..
toderieb, M. C. l'alneron. V.C.: P. Holt. M.
G. Casserole. 4'. C. Rom. 1751 -
Loans anb insurance.
rich. 1715
amount of Private Funds for Divestment
tt lowest rates on '''ret -clam Mortgagee. Appy
1 f and 64 per coat. on first-class farm seeut-
it) Apply to R. C. HAYS. Solicitor, Uode-
rich. !matt
or desiring to change their mortgages
and reduce their rate of interest/Q.W We supply
private fund. to any amount at per cent.
' We hale also remote' I from a
t. helot controlling a true fund to lend net a
limited amount un era clam farm mortgagee
at 5 1-2 per cent. Apply at oaoe to
4EAGER t LEWIS, oppoeite the l'aborne
Hotel. l;oderich.
Goderich. 18th Nov., ISM. 3022-0
(hay Firaf.•lnss Campmates Represewsed
1 W Money to Lend on straight loan., at the
leant rate of interest going. In say way to
suit ti. oorrowcr.
tI OFFICE - !second door from Square.
I West Street. Goderich. tie(:Ltt
tt-. F. TOOT.
lin, Lire avid ,Mgr(g;
lM0•e. opposite - WO&
The "f ovidon Adatlnnee. 1 17111
The "National." eetahliafa asst;
The " Hand-in-hand,' the •uly Company
licensed to Insure piste glass, i■ the
The above are all flat -class 'and old estab-
lished companies.
Risk. fakea at toward rates,
Godericb Dec. lath. 1881. 1175-
:,,-A W 4 Ti) UTAN AT 8 PER
are prepared to loan money at f per sat, pay
aDi e halfFearly, on
on flntclasa farm security.
Barristers, aoderkh.
Agents Inc the Toronto General Tracts Coy.
Mews. Cantaott, HOLT k CAtetraos boos
smarmy oritf7rsrt Toati6'16IRT
on first -e ace farm set urIty.
Goderieh. Oct. 4. 11112. (1111 -If
To lend on farm and testi property, at low-
est Interest. Mortgagee pun -hosed. No rem -
mission charged agents for the Trod and Lean
Company of Canada. the ('.nada Landed
Credit ('osapany. the London Loan common;
of Canada. interred, & M and 7 per cent.
N. n.- Borrower* can obtain nweey la one
day, if title sat Warier".
1570 Barristers, dc., Goderich
VP on i arm and Town Properly at Fewest i.•
terse. Mortgages purchased. se Cemmlmie-
chargr'd Conre,rancia w
Fees reesoabi..
N. 11.- 5 obtain money Is sae day
if title Is sat intact ory. DAVDION a JOHN-
-TON Barristers. ac.. Ooderieh. 751
or Ti'NEER sad Lase Valpater, eedeeiek,
Ont•`• hying hal rrn.i4.rable et
thea loweerisg trade. he M 1n W
• pNos to
disc with thorough satlaraetlon all .eaa-
onaotaws ;rooted to him. Order's
M la's 8efr1. or .set by malt te my
0 Oes4eh P. E Qom A attended to.
A aright td Iodises were ea-
esmpeA a
khat sal.