The Huron Signal, 1886-6-25, Page 2t
A DOOMED PARTY.•tde be damned.- The We la migtee
Vauderbelt wasn't a eucumetatsee to you
at this curt of thmg. Ob ! you are "the
An independent Tot Newspaper boy' sure enough , but let us w bisper it
Pe 7 tape iu your "lug," as Bum says, that "the Mr. Gladstone Appeals to tte
Speaks Out. boy' .s uut • popular character welt the I Elector's of Mldlothltn-
ciW assume these tunes. /Leapt
R^—', whore the Conservative. are "Need," as
the Blit% fire in North Brant, too oirsrett
♦ eratawtt I. lu.ssaess who y neamisa lewd N favor lamer ■.1e aged
a•y .-t asppeet ger dean,.- 1vivo dare ,_s....
k. him-tlttal w s for the M twse.mge Lore a.trms.r,'s �'.aee, .f
party's mam A. a oand►d- tb.eel.. -sort toresrvun Shan. a
.t. for Parliamentlalit your usefulness u ,.meson 6apeaoksetelL
gone ; tbuagh 1,I• bar. to admit
loom the Toro.w World- that you m.tekt be elected so • pontis
"I support Sar John," ao says many a cularly well a Detracted Conservative I
amen. And sway • man who nays so hive. Whether you are or have been to Loudon, Juho 13. -Mr. Gladstone he.
aright very properly bo adds.ssed wine- the Governineut, es • colleague of Sir issued the fullowiug tnaniteato to the
what as follows :
You support Sir John : indeed ! More
truly may it be said that biz John sup -
porta you, sod that t.. his own great dam-
age. Why, instead of being • support
to hold hum up, you are inure like a mill-
stone about bas neck tu drag him down.
lihoi.ld Sir John ever lin to be detested
in • fair, stand-up election fight, he may
blame you and the like of you fur it. He
may at the same time blame himself for
givingou such position and promiueoee
se you have, while better matt and better
friends of his are lett nut in the cold. or
throat away back to the rear ranks. Yoe
are knowu as "the boy, ' you do railway
and political work "on shares,,' which
means a big share for yourself, of course.
Tam are largely to blame for the trouble
in the Northvale, and you know it. A
man having particular business with the
Government ought to get it settled by
the proper department without much
• trouble, if his application be just and
right. But so, he r given to understand
that he most call at y.rnr office, and ret
you to put it through for him, otherwise
he might as well whistlejigatoa milestone.
You made the Indians takea spoiled, tasty
pork at eighteen Dents, when in that
country of cattle ranches they should
have been supplied with good beef at
five or six Dents. You may have don*
this merely to oblige your wicked part-
ner, but the chances are that yc u had a
more direct interest in the business than
that would imply. You swear by the
National Policy, that is -now, and in
public ; bet well do your intimates know
that, up to the time, acme eight or nine
years ago, when Sir Juku issued his per-
emptory N. P. decree, and made it bind-
ing upon the Conservative party, you
were *very day d Protscti.'a
se a fraud and a humbug. Don't we
well your saying that agricul-
tural prot.otioo, in particular, was the
biggest humbug oat of doors 1 And are
you mat eves cow is the habit of letting
at out. se your own private opinion, that
the bread tax sod the coal tax are op-
pressive to the "poor man." and • ought
to be duos away with 1 Yeo are • "shout-
er for the N, P., cn what we may call
general principals of hypocrisy, and the
way :you carry it out is by giving fat
eootraob to the eminent American firm
of 1. G. Baker .t Co.,who have for years
been fattening out of the Dominion
Treasury. As regards your support of
the N.P., you area fraud, and you know
it. Do you the time, during
Sir John's dark days -say in 1875 or
thereaboate-you wore sou among • lot
of vonepirators against him, whose plot it
was to compose him from the leadership of
theparty! And had not Abdisl been there,
true as steel, and faithful to has chief,
you and your 'pals" might have done
for Sir Jobs then what another ungrate-
ful crowd did for Mackenzie later on.
Oh ! you support Sir John ; we don't see
how Ise weed keep house without you.
O nes spook a time • certain Bill was he -
for. Parliament, a measure which, had
it been taken up by the G
and put istu proper, practicable shape,
would .un benefitted all the Provinces,
but :hieiy Ontario, more thee .tomgoe
ma tell- But an enemy was on the
alert, and, quite incidentally, as it were,
it was slipped .long the wires that your-
self and one or two more of your kidney
were to be appointed to the highly re-
sponsible offices which were to be creat-
ed for the administration of the dam
new law. That was enough to n
the Bill at ogee ; the mere mention of
ISced to kill it as dead ea a
door nail. Once you were appolokted to
an office of a t character, but
your of its duties &mount-
ed to drawing the salary, nothing 'tui: