The Huron Signal, 1886-6-25, Page 1•
..!1\.141 i'V))4.:1 H '> 14
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WUul.* al'lfBRIt 1067.
1e published every Friday Moronic b, Mr. '
Cii.0 uuoy Bcos., at thejOMce. North •
GODYRICH. O. ARI) !Things That Are Happening
And is despatched to •1l parts of the surround , Around Us.
!fixepuntry by the earliest male and trams.
Tate.. -11.31 to re
advance. poet. , pre -paid
e: st.11k if paid before t mouths
's tt net so paid. This rule will be trictly •Met l' • ■
enforced. .f the ender isms. lalederlar 11N -
R ire. or . -plight cents ppeed'
line fur first Insertion : three cents per lite for s.raNJetrar nen Ireland's • N•Nr
each •nbe/eoeatWier/ Ma. Yearly, halt -yearly er the brat.
end Quarterly contracts at reduced rates.
Jas rttf77To---. +Pe bare Moo • drat -class
tabling department in connection. and 1 —I see the people ..f Goderich are fel-
la' tha most complete one -fit and beat facilities •
for tuning out work In (iodeech. are prepared ityt to hold a Caledonian celebration un
to do business in that line at prices/that cannot the list of July, and I raped las •w any
ba beaten. and of • •.arty tbst cannot les
aroused. -Term• Cask number of full-blown Hielan'man here
FRIDAY. JUNE torr, 1884.
Tits temperance convention in Clinton
teddy shout/ be largely attended. The
friends of the Scutt Act should thew
courage row in the time of need.
A eta -sore error of tt•nseriptioo was
made last week when we attributed S.
$millie's speech on the poise magistrate
question to A. Campbell. The somer-
sault was made by )Ir. Campbell in his
vote, not in his speech. But the vote
was the thing that told which way the
"musket waa renting ' on this temper-
ance question.
Geu,r c:it township has withdrawn its
appeal against the equalization by the
county council. The c a:s of the atG,ir
so far amounts to about $40, and the
township, rout the county, should toot
the hili It is too bad that the reeves
oompriiingthewarden acoin inee sheuld
be hmegl t here on a wild goose chase
inaugurated by Goderieh township. The
reeves of Guderich township should never
star: oou a job melees they wean to finish
Tns question of nes appointment of a
police magistrate for Women to enforce
th•fecott Aet should be the all abuorbiog
tv pie between new and the Jii nary •lec-
tuons. Meetings tliteild be held in every
muoieipality ad the question should be
thoroughly duct:med. And atter the
antis have been floored on the argument,
no temperance nue should vote for a
reeve or deputy who is not pledged to
seippoet the appointment of a rn4ietaste,
Tent GAttad Old Mae's Scottish tour
his been one triumphal march, and. has
demise:voted that the heart of the pot-
pie still throbs in sympathy with the
"People's \lillisw." The work which
he has performed during the past week
has been p f..r a man verging
on four score. Lin he seems ti bare
experienced no i:1 results from his added
labors, but bends to the Weer es cheer-
fully as if s score of years had been lift-
ed from her shoulders. His eye is net
yet dimmed ur his astute! teoroe abated.
To the irleosesal Liv isisasot H uros as 1 liras,.
Ter SCION SIUNAL has it that hence- soviet and affiliated with the 1. A. 1'. C. s reputed to be •lets to put up hs ) town council to pay Acton • visit ;.'r we n.ed.1 rained M 1&
on that date. I am nut a lineal sue ut
the "Land e' Cakes and brither !;cots,"
as Ileums calls them, having been born
south of the Tweed, but I've always had
• hankering after the athletic games,
and the exhibitions of brawn and mus-
cle ; and the Hielan' fling, and strathspey
and reel, together with the gillie caliuw
and sheaun trews,witb an Irish jig and a
sailor's hornpipe thrown in "by way of
no harm," as my neighbor Barney )'Hay
says. And I've eaten haggis and Atbvl
brows, and cauld keit; and supped ssque-
bagh, Gienlevit and Feriae/eh; and done
almost eretythiug else but capture the
Doric accent. For them resettle I feel
at home when the pipers "blew eu free-
ly," and the chicle swing in the fling,aad
the caber u turned, and the games go
blithely on.
—Speaking about Caledonian games,
it's now twelve years since Lucknow
started business in this Omer of the
Province. Previous to that time we re-
joiced in llurun, Perth and Bruce in a
veep ordinary series of athletic game.,
which usually put iu aD un
Queen's birthday or Dominion day.
Every four corners had its celebration on
one or otbet of these days, and on the
festive uxasiuns a little sport could be
found and not much any-
where. The prize lists, which loc,k.d
mighty imposing on the handbilis,usually
consisted of truck from the corner ero-
tery and the post office store out at the
:own plot, fur the specie was generally
applied to preparing fur the
games and beset-oting the committee and
the printing hill. In these days the
standing high ranged from 4 ft. to 4 ft.
6 in., and thrtmuher who climbed over
7 feet with the aid .•f • pole sou deeme.i
no slouch as • man 01 agility and muscle.
The contestants out), touk the local
papers, and didn't keep posted on the
('.ippre Almanac records of the outside
world. 411 they wanted was to try and
testi the local score, and they bent every
energy to that point.
—After a time the "1.ur corners"
athletic genies gave place to the village
and town d , and case prizes
came into fashion, but fur years the
prizes were in the proportion of 11 cash
failed to connect with six or eight thous-
and outsiders. The rain last
did wbat no argutuent tumid hare dune
—it made the Lucknow society change
its Caledunian day, and this year it wilt
hold it en 13vnniniot Day. I'm not go-
ing to predict anything, but lm going
to lay low and watch it that old super•
clition about the decline ct the society
will be involved in the changer ot date.
I don't ecu why it should, but people
often get strange "fake*' iu their heads
you know.
—And this reminds me that Coderieb
is this year putt: her best foot fore-
most for a grand (�ledonian celebration
on July lat. I see soy old friend I3ob
Ireland, the champion piper of Atomic*,
u Ruing to be present, and I intend to
sea him, if I ace cam
judge's badge to du it.
chiel, but as canny ea they
He fives in New York when
lied to get a.
b'a a queer
ke them.
's home,
but during the Caledonian circuit he is a
citizen of the world—and Canada, He's
a good hand to give an opinion iso things
in general. On one ooesaioD it a rwliped
that when his opinion was asked regain
A Readable Pnetory of this Sap-
py Clachan.
••TM bald Old Tire." err cad Events
4 umr 1a for tee sew.
From Our Own t.
Fifty yeses ago I.eeburn was a keel-
ing wtldeersea. The tint
were made by the Canada Company and
Baron 1)e Tyle, wbu cut Biel. desiring*
hen and there in the dense woods, and
"blazes:" the road,, The first road nude
was that to the lake now known as But-
ternut Row, (which has of late years lie
Ovine eelebrstd as • surf of a local
Lover.' Laue,) and the other, a meats of
ingress and agrees to Uoderich, is kuuwn
as the Lake Shure Road.
was Will. Cleating, a framer by trade,
who built the first barn, and later sold
out to A. Macgregor ; who kept the tint
inn in this hamlet. The tate H. Horton
and his wife were the nett resident%
and settled on the Heron'■ farm, !now
rented by James McManus), where they
resided until 1645, when they moved to
ing a prise that had beau awarded tot the homestead et present occupied by
the beet diverted Hiean:Nan at one of bis .on John. In the early days social
the same. he delivered himself thusly : e :vymenta and dancing were much in-
"Yun's a brew dress, nae dont, bot the • du is by the .ettlen, fixers and carer
kilt discs harmunate al' th' base, the dot duty fur horses and carriages in
cunt 'ng the festivity mockers fn'rw one
dirk is moving, the uruaments are tackle', place W another.
and th' shoos aro me orthodox." The
fano:vim were holding up the other were hats
end w slim soUa ,ed, atitlil Dab owing 10.1
to Ret iu the olden tine,
difficulty of transport, and
struck tap, "Well Lae sone but Hellin` wild anand makes were to.u-
Buotteta Hero." If he can �eaibl eta mum victors to the larder, and had
P' 7 7 to be either or kilted. The late
over fur an erelong I'll bare him downttu Mr. Horton un use occasion told the
the farm to give us • parlor concert, , writer that one 7 he node arrange-
thet some of the neigbbun who may be menta t., partake Marty repeat, std
hard "(sari" will have a ,haus, to get ro opeuiug the leer f atoll disiwvered,
to hu horror and sur L e ,sole
a strain of real, soul -stirring music- comfortably coiled the Jul relating
Mom but it's gratin' melody, au' dons& the aurctete !J Hoot, the sight
Tra wettotrrow:e "ruler rear'
hotel, which has since earned *conti-
nental reputation. In 1879 J..1. W. l A �e e.alydartar
shingled the perch of the tew9eranee eerie. of Athler{e* eilakta-
halt, and in 1882 he was the ennuis of fie•
decorating the Presbyterian church with ----
]'i' ltt'Y Hi:O' ''i a seethe'
01.50 A Yl'AR IN AUti-Alc
• clear sounding bell, to call the rept-
dents to worahsp. In 1871 the Leeburn
8. 8. sou started in an old building be-
lenging to Mr. Strachau. Previous to
that time the scholars bad to go tt t e ..-
rich or to a Methodist chapel on Bull's
Run avenue, Our hamlet was tint
n amed hy John Lioklater, who took
title from the homestead
of Mr. Strachan. Sine. that time the
pen of Webster Brown—the local writer
--has confirmed it in the Tux Sweat
items, and has fought its battles against
the outside world tune and again.
THE r'iit•at:Rrs.
The year 1876 saw the buildin* of the
Kirk and the Bible Chri•tiati chapel.. carps of thunwphty competent judge..
The latter place was held by that demowi- ° The o:mtesItee has begun at the right
settee until 11154, when the mission was end by securing Ser. Stewart for mattag-
discontined, and the buildieg was sold er on the occasion. We notice
to Mr, George Hilliard. The old Pres- amoeuse Tile ATHLETE$
byteri•a *hutch, which was destroyed who hare signified tneir intention of be -
by firs, caw the Ent public wedding in •ing at Goderieh on July 1st : R. N.
tklober, 1876, when Mr. Jubn I.tokla• Harrist.n, the champion heavy weight
ter anti Miss Pbtrbe Clutton were uuit- athlete acrd wrestler ; D. M. Sullivan,
ed in the holy bonds of outrun easy' champion jumper of the world ; Archie
The eeromony was performed by Ken, , Scott, all round athlete, vaulter and
Dr. Ire and Rev. Mr. Sieveright. No high jermper ; Gid. Yetrie! the well -
tither c uple ham ever mustered up tour- . kuown homer thruser •n4 ereutier ;
age to take advantage uI the church for , C.Carrie, the well-knewn record -break•
wedding puep.,aee ' at ; and Hugh McMillan,
Tnarsa•lers Lona[, ^ J. A. Meat's, T. P. Howard, 8. Saud -
ant, R. Brown, Sparks mil D. Sinclair,
who all stead at the head of the heap in
their sth titles
The Caledonian games to be hr''4 ill
lbderieh un Thursday, Judy let, ptAtli-
ise to be the unet auc:yseful ever hePrdi �s
this section of )neate% The ooturuitt4
have stared neither labor nor .-penes to
make the arraegemeni most complete,
anti the services of the chief Candie&
and American athletes and the met
pre/Lenin pipers sud dancers have been
Ire *SENA *A)IAUEa '
will be the wen -known and universally
respected J. D. btew•tt, of Rusaeldale,
who did so much to build sup the Luck -
now sueietr in Ha palmy days, and be
will be wined by a careft�y selected
L O. G. T. No. 213, was established
here leu 1876, bythat veteran temper-
ance worker, t r. Stephen Yates, and
has flourished from that day to the
present. In the came year reaping
machines did away with the old-fashion-
ed scythe and cradle 'the harvesting
kind.) The fares here are well -tilled,
with good front fencer, .board and
picket), and only • few aeries of bush
on each lot for home nee. The people
are sober, steady and industrious; and
drunkenness is in the section a thing
of the past. Sabbath observance is
the rule, and nn Sunday nearly every
one, old and young, can be seen wend-
s forget it. I aye spoke wi a Colic of the sake' under such loss sou ing his or her way to the plass of wer-
7 e, 7 apo I ship to thank the Gime of All Good
uveal enough for him 1 that day.
tongue, when 1 the pipes payed wase Tee beach at the foot .•1 But net Rue l slut L4ebarn is • ?lace of :woe, plenty
hearin'. was a lauding place ter buatielg parties and prneperi:y.
We won't have Donald Dennie nor from Guderich, the vitiate cleft tiring
Duncan C. Item at cur games the year, manned by the late Ceptaiu Lined,W.n.
but I don't think we'll miss them. Din- Doherty and ethers. Log frnces,t esb-
ing with a aril, • bit 1.1 wheat or groin
file's beat daps are gone, and D. C. Ross raised, • patch of among the
played himself out for Canadian games stumps, and "Whoa, Buck !'• or "Haar,
at Lucknow two years ago. The latter Bright ' ' wail all the go between thirty
never was the athlete he was cracked u grid forty years ago. On or about thu 1
P 3O s Lceburn mw nom
Acton !'rn prem
`n sa
to be, and no muscular exhibit:. n of l
A LIG ILAIN 1 Our previous notes described (loderich
strength could make amends for his on• storm and flood, which was of such l Pretty fully. but the more we saw of sr
geotlenunly demeanor and his foal ton• power that an ox was observed to swim tl•e taws we appreciated the place. It
gee. The finest specimen of a Scotch across the Talley in the proximity -.1 a beautifully situated and the cool sum -
athlete that ever came to this country where the temperance hall now stands. Hier brereee cblcb continually blow from
was George Davidson, who visited Can- (This spot was evidently always a 0014 the great northern face render it a deotr.
water rendezvous. i A story is told of able Placa for resmdence Jurng the heated
ads and the States some seven years ago, the girls at that time takieig • wagon "f I mouths. It hes wide, clean and shady
He had muscle and brain, and bore him- Mr. Horton's and running it into the streets, with hcautitul maples in every
self throughout like a gentleman. I saw creek, where it lay for some time until direction. Its people are friendly and
hint on one occasion tees a caber that tbe old geutlentan teeth the aid of a yoke courteous. It has numerous and credit.
of oxen sucoetded in getting it fished able mercantile eatabliahutents ; but it
tnade Duncan Rees grunt toren' it from oat, east -pet to its pr. per location, feels sadly the lack of •ddttional menu -
the ground. When I see a good man I And yet we aro tell that thirty ur forty nu'".' . One thins( about the place settle the yueeti,.A of muscle and lath ,
like to give him full credit ; and I know years ago the girls were not as mischiev- surprised us greatly. That' was the fact power. After the re solar program lift
of no reason why • good athlete cannot cue as those a today. Then an um is o da of a hadthe town the
cattle ranee h night been c- nelnded.
Itegrd ti have made • mutning call by 7A ettTrT.t curs
will be held in the ecurtbouse equsac,
distan:e two mein (tis Is ) 1st prin, is
silt se medal, tatted at b, presents/
by George B. Cos; Ind price. a siker
Lessen from the Sete-Iseok of the "manias
*dials Maar.
TUE Puss's
eh, have *mord thus far are Robert
Ireland, the ch•tapioO of America ; Geo.
Angus, of London, who is also • first
clam performer on the Scotch national
instrument : M. Macrlooald, who trav-
elled with Sar •urns circus as a specialist
on the bagpipes ; Sullivan, the ce'ebrst•
ed Irish .performer on the 'Scotch bag-
pipes ;ad a nuruber of others. Aad
the sound of the "dross' will be heard
in the land. There will be a grand
LANAI: uark=Jta
oa the occasion, and amongst them D.
S. J.ehuston, Fotbeeirgham, Prof.
Anders. ,n, J. Macdougall, Flank Wilson,
J. Rattrsy, fir A,t.,» Rankin, the
Misses Tacks, Muse t\ nikinson, Mr.Wil-
kirson, Mir Maggie iemp'eton, Miss
.tab, and others.
comprim the regular athletic displaycue-
f,mary at Ctlednrtiatt evlebrrtione with
a number ot specialties, chief amentret
which wilt be the greet feat hy D. M.
noniron, the cha.o�ioa jumper of the
world, of
•,�'ra T'RIt 'Ytdlt.+T H "LME
on the ground, end thee jumping over
two 1•urw,, side ty side, in • standing
jump fno�uaxaas teams* •vithout ani6oiat
aid. The latter feat hen never been par•
formed in public bef.,re, anJ can wily be
dune hy Mr, SjUivuti.
between ,'ulborue and Goleri.h town-
shiyp will ale. be an event of deep inter-
est, as the rival tuwnehitoare anstawto
be a thorough gentleman. Lord Charles
and 82 trade. And then it wets flatg entering a house without Invoking king and
Lucknow made a "ten -strike." That Betwturd, one of :he bravest of Britain's giving the good woman who was dres.ieg
enterprising dachan formed a Caledonian sailors, and • meet cultured gentleman, her little one quite a fright, but furtu-
natel • ne one was uujured
animals of all kiuds are too be seen run-
eing at lance in every direction. In this
particular Goderich Massy behind the
age. We have pleasure is inviting the
forth all Home Rule Irishmen aro chisel- y 'dukes- in a four -ounce glove fight to •
fled by the Ashfield R. C. picnic posters A., and went into the athletic business
as a unit is the support of 01. Blake aftera whelerale fashion, They letttholesa-finish with any ban in England ; and it
but air. I,IL'Gi eddy p posses s po y
way, the stem{ do not bra[ seek swop- • n established the sec-
ittg i. to ha & Eton Haat Ruler is and Wednesday in Sept. of each year as can't cultivate Inc same respectable ad -
likely to be a C;ladstuntan at R'esemin- mutase,_
]tic will errait us to ' hzv a mo no ! of -'ruse a and decent behavior can centre
ix State holidays, • d in him, I don't see why other athletes
iter, but fur all that the breeze of the the day for holding their great "North•
great Canadian lakes may waft tip to him ern Games. ' And as each year r:illed —With rs,anl to the demonstration
mon refteshiegly and sail:Oh1 a tont• . the Way grew in favor with the on Dominion Day in that
T Public, and Lucknow swell gut to be
! th tuft -
Every 7 pec tun
wee an is inert andin rte ,-
ntl at beth Ottawa and ; ' iN r1s iso , that if you
y knows that were it in his don't witness it you'd
nim a k of
Sea o and flowin firer. A r tc
ea started by Mr. Horton, who aloe
took amend the first threshing machine
(an open one), and in the winter time
utalised the home power in cutttug cord
wood, &c. The name of the enterpris-
ing individual who carted the first load of
cordwood to Ge•derich is not set down in
the Leeburn chronicles. The Point F,tm
was first owned by • Mr Davis. who was
drowned. Mr. Hortem's residence was
■ stopping place for the early astti•rw ef
Ashfield and points north, and the old
well rand them • leaf out ,1 our wiunirt- efts r'nrrnw o fie'•[aT
pal note book), for herr ac"w bylaw has E in the °venin:;, under the manage:Arent
been in successful operation at all hours I of Plebe. S. Rankin, ed Woodstock ro-
tor the pant five jean. ttallet to be lint "f the creat attrac:rves
TUE Sioxto. deserves especial mention of tine clay. He will be manned by.Miae
fur its enterprise duruig the Conference agzia Rankin, the eslehrwted ye,ung
week. Ile energetic and enthusiastic so, dtish lely v,.canst, and Slims Saran
Macara. T. .t D. • 'Gelb- - vim is in the front rank of Me etch sint-
euddy, mate it one et the most interest- . els. me. Raskin is himself a h ,. tenor
ing, elect', and tanptsb e local news- and magnificent extetteat of the "Seng.
•Fa Pers in the land 'every week, but a o,' Mild Sce.tie. ' The prose whiners of
p+ d b bus to t t one e,t the Treateat paces on e sp tial 'tent sup pea tarot cis tits otos. t the o la et air /sees is also
day, Sir John would grant Hesse Rule stool for Caiedunian exhibitions. All pal P = sion, After gouty a complete 1st fit tb• i tag, part ie•H�R anires's a wt-bwinmeM,
heads who still survive are lead in their delegates and their Mats, the tint draft, and wi.l laver aheaudtee" wt:b a leanteh
to Inland just as readily as lir. Bake. this section of Canada ani_bia wife praises of the buspitahty of the oldof atatiou►ut the wihisters and w repun Med, feel rt Tuttt ch, Hiahl.rnd fling
No dtrsbt, also, tbts� lb e. Blake world mustily took in the exhibition, sud the
likewise watch his politica!usc
tere, and
bet jaet to the Emerald Isle. However, timelier of athletes, pipers and dancers
whether home Rule Irishmen and others w to were e , , h to rase
are minded to enlist ender Sir John's to the head of any grcwine sinces. The
Mr. Bleki t banner is • question which old members of the Lucknew society
can be decided only by the issue at the used to have • superstition that when the
tee of war and by the contest between pe
Tory and Grit for a gold -headed cane at day of bolding the games was changed,
the R. C. picnic at Aah*eld this coming 'the time of the decline of the Northern
Saturday, Jane :lith. Rulers Gate was at hand, and although many
shall thus know who are their friends.suggestions wersmade to change the day
Come Tory, come Ont. All heartily
welcome' rote cite rote all ! Fran- of the week from Wednesday to some
chis, almost unlimited, only ten meta! other day a dal ear was invariably paid
Come on Saturday to 31r. Dean's veto to the ,':rice. Well, to Crake a long
and in a sociable and pleasant yet most story short, things went along swim
«mast and decisive way seely the mo' 7
momentous question : Who shall art( the minsly until last Sept., when Breese.,
day at the west elections, Blake er Mas- Lucknow and Wingham were holding 1
doseld.—[Cost. circuit the same week in September.
Row, Iiewaso BLAKE, acknoelt'dging paisley lad come sett immediately before,
the reeeipt of 1 neoleti..n passed by the wed loon • eland su:ecss,and the athletes
Catholic Benevolent Society of Kingston, went on to Brussels to take part in the
endorsing bis Moon on the Hesse Rule games on Timidity. Everything was in
queatioa Is the Canadian Parhiemert, good fly in that village whin Tuesday
earl :—'K am wiry 14 ase the news in eMwe, and one of the srcuded bids of
today's papers of the defeat d the hill, athletes stir mgrshel`•d topstb•r :tad
THE Clinton New Ent is away off on
the candidature of W. B. McMurrich for
.Muskoka when it says : -
t1 deferent -ens lice. lioltarrich we
say this, t
hat it he euro' aueeeed in win-
iaw a east where he to bast known then be had
better remain out of Parliament"
It is • pity that the Near Ern Nen
"fresh' en the question of Mr. McMur-
rich's rlaalifiostiola, and will furnish
powder to its opponents by cavilling at
his candidature. Mr. McMurrieh has a
residence in Sfuskoka and lives there
every summer. He owns valuable pro-
perty there, and was one of the men who
ed hes oft tab t h
Tt1 LI(Et.AT1Its
and Hilliard* settled here at the close of
the '30's. Another settler soh•. pare in
"t Coufereece procwediuge uv too the hour ea,m trews, wler's h. i, 1 pope
011'4614w t.: press, it had oo tem than ten"
uncle y,tlure.
columns d este* natter descriptive of
tiederieh, and it* attractions, inclwlins ins 1111.1
th t
wen' dining a day or -dancing and
about that time, named Bullet, was a lengthy leTenhevtit+eat ty._tono of .. K. the chair,
killed in a wrestle, er from its effects, editor*. (er drench won't suffer t,. want
There was • fair u•ud road, and the "t Pruner lion en the ental/, men at the M•neen.
worlel, ad 're s S[":tAL honestly deserves '175 11L RAILWAY A itttlM•ATiel,
statute labor thereon to prevent peopleat steles fare, has been arranged for to
sinking, through, was *tealshwked upon the eniebent patrotime accorded it by all PPeeint■ between 1)vderieh and
ase jubilee. In '65 the read was grey- the residents et the town and county. )Stratf•,rd and s thin will lease
idled, and made firmer for travel. The Ih renally, we awe the coseteew• mull
thelatter plate ab ut tis o't'1.ocit
writer well •bunt that time , friendly pml.tieton a Aebt of gratitnd• ��m nn the day of lames, stopping st
goring to old Nr Hortnc'e nn an errand, (.o► f•vurs extended during 'sur stay hti si points, ani erenect'ntt at Che.koet
and there meeting a well known Oode- th" t"wn' soil l 451.. r•,tM L 14,
t B R
tel" 3ual 1
rich holiness man who at that time was Before
Lidding ►eu t" ( enc t we _pet t
alone bachelor in Grey townehip. -ye,„ ` must express oar thanks t.. SIr. Geoo. 8. I e; riAdas14 nth- t hthitn elite.'" la' .i w II
open up tb. n u ea n that byre -
h of t fromG prnvMed tvr us so sed • Memo y
v1d pioneer lost a daughter and gained a 4)oz, "1 the Brtah Exchange Hotul,wbo 1,1 met ill ahs * taiun c the reeeptton
Oen es • taverner resort. H• is knoan sou the rash the
man r�ay' during oar visit. The Itrituh a a Gast c •rotwitt•e Iota/ piper., when a ra.tMaiew
to mors men in that region that anyDuring 1866 the neighbors used lo eche K will M forwnitl whoa will proceed to the
turns bynight to watch the lake (.'r hikes b.atelryr in every respect and the �'
geo'•t' 4 'eves .sen, whore the ,:auto*
other man save, perhaps, Cockburn or gnnlo'u►ts, for fear travelling puhlie aro accorded co.wrtenm will M tr+Hsll� ,tsetse/ t. (lnlerieR
(►'Brien. He is popular, and will likely THtt rE•ttAeM treatment and are iweariab'y well oared by the llflaywr.r T1s prole.. tr1 will r•-
eanvate the take countyin hie canoe. for. The dining mem has a wide repo fottm at i9 ,,leek. doors, aced r seed to
would and open bar crels and deu.Iate lotion. The tioe'tt A.t is in fere, in p
He will made s great inn in I►leakoks. else hearths and Mmes Tete ton "f the Huron, but attbuugh the machinery in the lances* >tretnJs tames the latalae
We •n serried at the Ness Ern, gunboat Prince Albert, under Captain that eo t" ty is eery def.'ctnre, the pro- exertion d the day Till be prnessdsd
Heron •slated J. J. Wright to raise prielur d thi• hetet evidently r,haerrei with. RRottorning to Stretford ties gees
tit.TINT • Point Farm horn, shortly afterwanl, the pno•idoes of the Act very carefully
Mal Min will leave Order:eh at 8:*) n .
At the Tory demonetratinr in Deo WWI the proprietor didn't forget to glee ,sad „miaow,.„miaow,.oMslr, In tune to.Otltaltt with the L H.
ham, Ont, the other day Dr. Sproule the iw'ys in bus a .icor'• ellowelene R :. rains fur all p•duts.
bust I hope Het the fellers ie bat ten •he hgs Ise,1 "worm Mr. James dlnon orset
pat m as app•ertnea•, who) tvane ; to'd his heater” h • tnome good re
• tA.lrwie R_is*ese M,rather serve". An•tse t rovers
pwrr, and that with the help of the opea•d, and nein•d, sad the! news for Hees." He then joyfullyan here in 1987 with • ante faad ly of girls. Th. c•••naaittN has detdded M�hs1�
frlsais of the wog all the world seer It Brumeis •a+.. for 1853 were /setae/ .off. ' "named Hs &•fest of the home rafor i ad eneferred • booty upon the section From the Mal: Oar sontebipery is'• Highland 8i cadreesei'°-"--stfil
Indeed b7 thirty volae, and he , by etaverting • Number of our bachelors !heated b its to 1)�rrs enemies .4 hay- f..r girls and boys, no One the •hisses of
be XL lisdstra•'s PettJtte t" i All hands tad the open then ,farted issue, from the errors of their ware. After lag bees bait 1 and over %win by set will neat enter into the *Vim of thS
do teepee to Indeed." p tbott htrtllw ffteNed kin with el
for Luekaw weer rhe Wednesday gstnes, d •hpn God.• Pant I him erne Meow Foley, Frlfrivel and 'Key jolt nod, tot let the d•ness. Thus there will M shiny.. sThS
etissiat y the Kenya, ad in 11170 Mr. W. Mistook e is entrust Owe is no doubt that ' of donating -- mea, girls and hays, TM
but it rained harder in Lseknow than it haa��
Time weather ort • y nest w bad dose h Brussela, sad ins the first h . J. J « b the flotedien has received iia fair share btuhed prise list has been suo5lr•
will .tart moved oat tram (lvdct' IA '7g d 1111:,, fide':,, eh" holo to mak• •sswt..l in m ler t ,give the r{trl's "Fa*
ih tdl 111 Th•'- 4 Tel.' pfw.c.lo. and �M ctrl n his lot
art .. rig w i
draw the ptcspk� i � a clue Amp • tisk Pit fobs (ih � � 1
1l� I the. a � itta[s the Mp+y Tiliap �, n�� lib wwair holey tor..•skh}nr- title dames.